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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Maxie's hair looks god awful. She should never ever braid her hair. It's not a good look.


I think the Show is trying to show a more sophisticated take on hairdo styles. Maxie's is the arty type that such a fashion mag as Vogue might showcase to start a trend among the young upper-class women. But since Maxie is in that sort of world and it is her job to be at the forefront of fashion at Crimson, she might choose the braided look. Emma has also been given the (partially) braided look sometimes as a device to control her long hair. Sometimes the young British royals use partial braids as a fashion statement with hats or fascinators added. Grace Kelly used the look for a sophisticated 'do, and Kate Middleton has used braids too for an air of sophistication and neatness.

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd

I didn't hate that Sam has her star necklace back or that Jason remembered giving it to her. I know, I know. Jason should still be dead, but if he isn't, I want Sam happy. And they're really kind of cute together.

The way Sam looks at him!? I don't remember her EVER looking at anyone like that since SBu's Jason yeaaaars ago. She's just downright giddy. She wants to hop on that so bad. I mean...

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I think the Show is trying to show a more sophisticated take on hairdo styles. Maxie's is the arty type that such a fashion mag as Vogue might showcase to start a trend among the young upper-class women. But since Maxie is in that sort of world and it is her job to be at the forefront of fashion at Crimson, she might choose the braided look. Emma has also been given the (partially) braided look sometimes as a device to control her long hair. Sometimes the young British royals use partial braids as a fashion statement with hats or fascinators added. Grace Kelly used the look for a sophisticated 'do, and Kate Middleton has used braids too for an air of sophistication and neatness.

Maxie is hardly an example of classiness in any form.

This bitch didn't pay (truly) for what she did to Lucky and Mac (feeding Lucky drugs while protecting herself by virtue of being a fake Scorpio) while Elizabeth never paid for taking the first opportunity to skip merrily away from her husband for a serial killer.

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I didn't hate that Sam has her star necklace back or that Jason remembered giving it to her. I know, I know. Jason should still be dead, but if he isn't, I want Sam happy. And they're really kind of cute together.

Jason brings Sam misery, hateful jealous exes(Cujo, Liz, Courtney), vengeful mob enemies, Sonny and his 99 problems, etc...

Sam has probably been happy with Jason a handful of times other than that it's been misery and constant competition for his attention while he goes and save everybody in Port Charles.

Sam is better off dead than with Jason.

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at least Robin isn't kidnapped anymore


With everything that is horrible on this show (take a huge bow each and every member of the Corinthos family - and the new Jason too), at least the new writers got one thing right.


Besides the braids, I am enjoying Maxie scenes again.  And I like Lulu without baby rabies (and this actress away from Dante).

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I didn't hate that Sam has her star necklace back or that Jason remembered giving it to her. I know, I know. Jason should still be dead, but if he isn't, I want Sam happy. And they're really kind of cute together.



In the reshoot Kelly did with Billy and the necklace it kind of struck me because she really looks pretty much exactly as she did then, imo.


But I agree that Kelly and Billy are cute together, and I never thought I'd think that, heh, especially since he is playing Jason. But they seem to spark off of each other and work well together.

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Speaking of Sam and Jason or pseudo-Jason or whatever, anyone else noticed that they clearly re-filmed the beginning of their conversation on the roof. The first part that was shown on Monday (what should have been Friday's episode) for the cliffhanger had Jason all up in Sam's space, I thought there was some major eye-sexing going on and I honestly thought for sure for a minute, they'd start going at it. When the show picked up the next day, the personal space, whispery conversation and eye-sexing was toned WAY down. I wonder if a director or someone realized that it was a bit much for where Sam and Jason supposedly are in the story. 


When the show picked up the next day, the personal space, whispery conversation and eye-sexing was toned WAY down. I wonder if a director or someone realized that it was a bit much for where Sam and Jason supposedly are in the story.


Appears that we can't escape the inevitable romance between Jason and Sam. Ugh. First Liz, then Sam, and even Carly, not to mention Monica. Who else is gonna keel over at Jason's  feet? Ugh. Let them fly off in a motorcycle together, waving like teenagers (the end of the movie Grease comes to mind).


Still laughing over the Paul/Ava reveal, I thought she might sext him some cell phone photos that Tracy would accidentally discover, but the cat is already out of the bag.


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Joss wanting to spend Christmas with Jax instead of Carly gives me life. Hated every single second of every Corinthos family scene. And I know I yelled out loud at my screen with the lovey dovey gushy Carson scenes. GROSS.


I loved Carly's pouty face that Joss would rather spend the holidays with her dad doing something fun like skiing rather than sitting around with a roomful  of Corinthii moaning about their problems.  Hell, I hate the cold and don't ski but I'd rather spend it freezing on a mountain top than with that bunch.

Edited by Cheyanne11
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Still don't understand exactly what about Liz's bitchface is enjoyable, because all it does for me me is makes me want someone to punch the unrepentant bitch Lizzie in the face with no possible reason for anyone to give her a break, since Lucky was storyline-blackmailed into because anyone OTHER than Lizzie must be the bad guy.

We all like who we like. I will never understand statements like this. Also, Liz is being portrayed as the bad guy here, so I don't really know what you are talking about. Lucky isn't even involved here, and no one is treating him like the bad guy. This show doesn't even treat him like the deadbeat that he is.

Edited by MissE
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Weird that Sam held onto the wedding bands, but left the star necklace in a basement storage area, like it was an extra toaster.


She gave it back to Jason in 07 and as far as I remember never got it back, so apparently it was with Jason's stuff.  I guess she didn't go through it all when she put it in storage.  Although according to some on twitter, the writers goofed up with this version of the necklace.  This one that Jason flashed back to was thrown into a mop bucket after Jason dumped Sam when she was shot by Manny.  So unless he followed her and dug through the bucket, that one should have been gone forever.  The 2nd one he gave her was a different version, and THAT was the one she gave back.  Although even a psycho fan like me didn't notice until it was pointed out.

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I don't know why the fans think these writers would get the history of necklace right when they couldn't even get a simple thing like Dillon being present for Georgie's funeral right. Honestly, all they had to do was go to YT and search for Georgie's funeral. It would have told them who was there and who was not. KS did some of her best work during that storyline. 

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Is it bad that I'm glad there are only three new episodes this week, because it gives us less opportunity for suckage than a full week?


<Shakes head> You clearly underestimate the suckage these hacks can do in a short time! It's still the holidays. Maybe watching in a haze of alcohol would improve things? Yeah, probably not. But it may be worth a try!

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Ugh, that reminds me how anticlimactic Sonny walking again will be. As if there had been any doubt. And as if it's really such a big deal. He swans around in that chair the way it is. "Take me here! Take me there!"

I honestly constantly forget that he can't walk. It's not like Sonny is the most energized of actors as it is.


My mom and I had Christmas kitchen clean up duty. I put on the Christmas episode of GH and forced her to watch, all because she's the reason why I'm addicted to this show ("I learned it from watching [with] you, Mom! I learned it from watching [with] you.") Her first comment about Sonny:


"I see Sonny's in jail again. Right where he belongs."


What she said about learning that Sonny was in a wheelchair was a bit too mean.

Edited by Francie
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While the Scrubs reunion was always going to be meh, considering how rushed it is, one thing that could have improved it immensely is if they cut out about 90% of Robin's apologies to Patrick and instead had both him and Anna say forcefully you have no reason to apologize.  What we have been though is nothing compared to the hell you have been through for 4 years.  Let us take care of you.

Edited by camussie
  • Love 11

While the Scrubs reunion was always going to be meh, considering how rushed it is, one thing that could have improved it immensely is if they cut out about 90% of Robin's apologies to Patrick and instead had both him and Anna say forcefully you have no reason to apologize. What we have been though is nothing compared to the hell you have been through for 4 years. Let us take care of you.

I think 2 reasons they did it this way:

First, the new writers realize Patrick and Anna were unnecessarily made to look like asses toward Robin over the last year, and they think Robin repeatedly absolving them of guilt fixes things. It doesn't - it would have been far better and more in character for Anna and Patrick to do just what you suggested.

(And we already had the "fix" of finding out they at least talked to her on the phone over the last year, and hadn't forgotten her entirely or neglected to check that supposedly "broken" Robin hadn't offed herself. So Anna and Patrick's stupidity had already been dialed back quite a bit -- they can now afford to acknowledge how they failed).

Secondly, the writers know the story - if you really think about it - was sadistic and cruel and they think they can make the audience not dwell on what Robin went through... by making Robin go on and on about what Patrick experienced.

The writers just want to be done with Ron's crap sandwich of a gross plot line. I don't entirely blame them. But I deduct many, many points for them needlessly injecting gross, sadistic Jerry back into this story.

Edited by SlovakPrincess
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I think it would have been out of character for both Anna and Patrick to say what I have been through doesn't matter.  We want to take care of you.  Both of them tend to be self-absorbed, especially when it comes to Robin (who enables it).  That is why it would have been welcome, if they indeed went that route.  It also would have done much more to rehab them than having Robin apologizing and telling them how awesome they are for the millionth time.


As far as their stupidity being dialed back, them saying they talked to Robin moves me very little especially when Anna flat out said I think she is suffering from PTSD.  If that is the case, Anna should have been all over Robin, not being satisfied with phone calls.


It's this. They don't want the audience to believe that Robin should be mad at them. So if she's not mad, the audience won't be, too.



Which is just stupid writing.  The way to address the audience's anger is to acknowledge it by having Anna and Patrick say we have been self absorbed and should have never bought you would leave Emma willingly again.  Now let us take care of you and stop worrying about us.  


Either one of them saying that would have gone a long way to redeem them in my eyes.  Much more so than a thousand Robin apologies.

Edited by camussie
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I don't want to be mad at Anna or Patrick - I like these characters when written correctly (well, her a lot more than him, but still).

I don't want Robin to be mad at them because I just want her to be happy at this point.

Robin apologizing to them repeatedly is too much, though. Well, maybe one apology for going off with Victor without letting her parents TRY to help her first. That was fucking dumb. But ONE "I'm sorry." Then they should apologize to her, a lot. Anna for losing her brain for a year, and Patrick for divorcing Robin and - let's be honest - completely giving up on her. At least Anna tried to visit her ... once. Sigh.

Then we should all try to forget this shit story ever happened.

ETA: I know everyone's like "Mac never forgot Robin!" But ... yeah, he did. Offscreen. But still. The character assassination extended to him, too.

Edited by SlovakPrincess
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I get that but after the hell she has been through it is just too much that she is the one apologizing over and over while Patrick and Anna say little to nothing to stop her and don't really apologize themselves. It always seems to be out their pain, not hers.

I know, and it's so frustrating. I don't even really need Patrick to say "I'm sorry, I should have known." I would like him to be sorry that she went through that and to ask her if she's OK physically and mentally.

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I know, and it's so frustrating. I don't even really need Patrick to say "I'm sorry, I should have known." I would like him to be sorry that she went through that and to ask her if she's OK physically and mentally.

You mean, reacting as a normal human would in this situation?

These writers are less nuts than Ron (we hope) but they still write like they don't know how actual people behave.

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That is what I want more than anything - for him to say don't worry about me - now is the time to focus on you.  He failed to do that when she returned from the dead and instead spent a month whining about how hard making a choice between her and Sabrina was on him.  With Anna adding to it by telling Robin how hard this had all been on Patrick.  Neither one of them really bothered to ask her about what she had been through or even insisted on a thorough check up.  This reunion could have worked so much better if the focus was on Robin's well being this time.

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First of all, and most importantly, those pants they had Kelly wear were hideous and I refuse to believe Sam would ever own a pair of them.


But the Sam and Patrick conversation after Robin left (after Robin THANKED Sam for raising Emma while she was gone, naturally) was vomit-inducing on many levels. There was Sam telling Patrick he didn't do anything wrong because he didn't have all the information to help Robin, which might have well have been the writers chastising the audience. And then there was Patrick saying him breaking up with Sam was the reason he went to find Robin and ending up rescuing her? And THANKING her for it? Because God knows he couldn't have done it on his own.


Why the fuck is Robin hugging Liz and not judging the crap out of her?

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Robin says to Elizabeth she won't judge her because Elizabeth is judging herself enough. This after Elizabeth flat out says that she'd absolutely do it again and lie to everyone, including Jason, about who he really was. Yes, please tell me again how poor Elizabeth is being viciously and mercilessly attacked and judged for her sins. Honestly, I swear I burst out with a "WTF" laugh when Robin said that line. Bless these writers...

  • Love 18

Aw I liked Sams pants. 


I really liked the Sam/Patrick scenes. Especially the last one. Which felt like JT/KeMo saying goodbye. Sam/Patrick always worked well as friends. 


Of course Robin coddles Liez and hugs her. No one is allowed to be mad at Liez. Even after she says shit like "I`d do it again". 


I thought that, too, that the last SamTrick scene felt more like Kelly and Jason saying goodbye to each other/Jason's time on GH, not Sam and Patrick

These writers are full of shit, putting this whole lie on Liz, and acting like Nik was some victim of her's. Nik started this whole mess, and was happy keeping Jason's identity a secret. 


The Jason/Spin scenes were disgusting, as is the Jason worshiping being back in full force.


I always love Robin/Liz scenes, and I really hope that Patrick and Liz get some goodbye scenes. They have a 10 year friendship, and it would be BS if they just ignored that.

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The show today was WTF on so many levels.  The only thing that made sense was Liz saying she would lie all over again.  Because it really doesn't seem like she's that remorseful toward the people in Jason's life that she hurt (which is fine by me, I'm just glad she was somewhat honest about it today). Patrick and Sam were licking each other's asses for the whole show (boooring!) and Robin was on her apology tour.   I am so glad JT is leaving simply because watching Patrick and Sam tell each other how great they are is mind-numbing.  I wish JT took KeMo with him to Y&R since they wanted to work together so badly that the audience was forced to sit through their awful story.  Plus Nik didn't keep the lie for Liz, he did it for his own selfish gains and he had a woman shot in the damn head!!! 


Oh, and I'm expecting Pope Francis to guest star and explain how he wishes Jason and Sam could just make it work!  I didn't realize Jason/Sam was the love story of our time, but every person in PC clearly thinks so. 


Also, frankly, the whole of PC is taking it pretty easy on Liz, I do agree (the bitchwhorehypocrite rhetoric notwithstanding), but considering the only thing Liz seems to care about is Jasus right now, losing him is really her comeuppance.  I don't need Liz slobbering all over herself to apologize to that bint Sam or jerk Carly, but there should be something more.  Also, even though this is meta, the predominate issue I have with the way this is written is that the writers are not allowing the audience to forgive Liz even if the characters do. It's superficial and shows a lack of interest in her "redemption".  I'm sure they know how much the audience reviles Liz right now as a whole.  Even fans of hers.  I didn't need or want Robin excusing her behavior even as a superfan even if I enjoy BH/KMc in scenes together.  It's weird and too pat.  Saying "Liz I love you but I can't understand what you did and hope you can realize how WRONG it is" would have been more than sufficient. I'm hoping they have something big planned since she admitted she basically feels no remorse today which, again, would have been fine with me if they are taking Liz the super villian route LOL (I'm weird that way). But it seems like the writers are contradicting themselves when it comes to Liz's emotions, and the dialogue is really not reflecting what we have seen.  But as a fan, I cannot see how mostly anyone (fans and haters alike) are happy with how the reveal has been written thus far. 

Edited by tallyrand
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I hope Patrick and Liz have some scenes as well but only if he rips her apart for her lie and her actively encouraging him to pursue things with Sam all while knowing Sam's husband was alive.  I didn't need Robin judging Liz but Patrick should because Liz's lies affected him directly.

Edited by camussie
  • Love 10

I hope Patrick and Liz have some scenes as well but only if he rips her apart for her lie and her actively encouraging him to pursue things with Sam all while knowing Sam's husband was alive.  I didn't need Robin judging Liz but Patrick should because Liz's lies affected him directly.

Well Patrick seems to love all the time he got with Sam, since him and Sam can't stop talking about how wonderful they were together. Seems Liz did him a favor. 

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Well Patrick seems to love all the time he got with Sam, since him and Sam can't stop talking about how wonderful they were together. Seems Liz did him a favor.

It continues to be funny to me how important this show is still trying to make Samtrick. On any other show, these characters would be SICK that while they were playing house, Robin was being tortured. Not lovingly going "Aw. But we were real."

Edited by HeatLifer
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I should add that today was the prime example of why I have always loathed Liz/robin scenes.  99% of the time they have been about Robin telling Liz what a good person she is even as Liz does the most messed up things.  Their "friendship" primarily consisted of Robin kissing Liz's backside.  I concede that Liz has been a decent friend of Patrick's up until Jason lie but I have never seen her as being a good friend to Robin


Even during Robin's PPD Liz was there for Patrick far more than Robin.  It still burns me that during the intervention she said I have been watching your child.  If she had an issue with that she should have taken it up with Patrick since he was the one who asked her to do it all because he refused to take off time from work to deal with the crisis at home.

Edited by camussie
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