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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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I loved seeing Anna and Mac today.  They are about the only thing recognizable on this soap anymore, and that's because Mac has been offscreen for months and Anna's cold-blooded-murderer status has mercifully been retconned.


Bryan Craig should advocate for his character to go straight-up homicidal to get an emmy.  Morgan could terrorize Sonny Baby Jane-style and then move on to all the other pointless characters who litter GH.  That would be so much fun.


Liz really shouldn't be anywhere near patients.  She needs a quiet stay at a mental health facility.  I don't see how else they're going to redeem her from the awful, pathetic things she's done.

Edited by Kitty Redstone
  • Love 6

I am so tired of Scummy Corruptus (I stole this from another board) always winning and being treated at the true hero of Port Charles.

I have never refered to him as anything else, but I was banned from using it. I always think it but can't say it. That and Snarly and borg for the other two. The unholy three..The barge is calling me. When the other one returns ,and saves his daughter, and finally Patrick bought a clue.
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I would like to add Anna to this: WELCOME BACK, ANNA!


And the Scorpions on screen -- I am forced to watch regularly now. I hope the ratings reflect the hordes (I hope) turning in to see the return of the Scorpios. 


I started watching again last week when Robin returned, and as soon as the last of Robert/Patrick/Robin are gone, so am I (again).  


How nice of Frank to let Jason play Patrick again.  The  characters on screen was the same guy I watched from late 2005 until th summer of 2012, and then again briefly in the fall of '13/winter of '14.  Seriously, its like Jason flipped a switch and he's acting with an entirely different energy and presence.  


Am I the only one thinking of ditching work tomorrow to watch Robert!fucking!Scorpio live?


ETA: Did Sonny really say "women act different when pregnant"?!?    it


It's funny, I just watched and don't remember seeing any Corinthii, I then I come here and read four of them were on today.  I guess my brain is protecting me again.

Edited by Tiger
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She's been barely recognizable for the past few years - just like everyone else on GH

I wouldn't say just like everyone else on GH. Sam'has been hanging onto Jason's memory these past few years, just as she was about Jason when SBu was in the role. When Danny had cancer, she was crying/praying to Jason though she leaned on Alexis and Molly for support and found out Julian was her dad after the bone marrow transplant. She developed feelings for Silas when he was Danny's doc, but would say things to Patrick like I can't date Silas because I still feel married to Jason, then told him she hadn't yet slept with Silas, then she told him she didn't trust Nina (after she appeared in Port Charles). Then her friendship with Patrick turned into more, but she was super reluctant to move out of the home she'd shared with Jason, and so on. The part of her that's barely recognizable is she hasn't really delved into her bad girl side in a while because she wasn't fighting Liz, Carly, or anyone else over Jason's emotions, choices, etc.

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It's not like Sam was much of a character herself during the SamTrick relationship. All she did was talk about Jason.


Still makes me sad how excited I was for SamTrick waaaay back when, and then they actually got together and it was a complete let down.  Sigh.  Oh what could have been.


I am glad others pointed out that glaring plot hole from when Anna went to Paris...only a few months ago, right?  So dumb.   I want Jax to come back JUST to lay into Jerry for hurting Robin (I always loved Jax and Robin's friendship) Also Emma's coat was AMAZING.  And....that's all I have for today. 

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Who is this person who didn't swallow the poppycock that French Woman was spewing and gave her the side-eye??

The one who didn't automatically think it was another lie perpetuated by Robin?

Except for that thing that passes for hair, he reminds of the Patrick Drake that loved Robin!

Please oh please, let Robert wipe the floor with Jerry!

I had to look askance at Anna for not filling Mac in about Robin-meaning he shouldn't have had to press her about it. Because we all know who raised and loved Robin the best!

This should totally be Mac/Anna/Robert/Patrick going on the search for Robin!

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
  • Love 13

I can't believe it.  I watched an entire episode of GH. Honestly don't remember the last time I did that.


The only time I got twitchy was when Sonny told Michael that he was going to give him some fatherly advice.


I get that Morgan is bipolar. But is there a pill for being a douchebag?


Knock me over with a feather - I didn't hate Kiki.  Don't get me wrong, I didn't like her or root for her. But I didn't hate her. And she was working! At a job! And doing it well!


Sabrina didn't bother me either. Can someone take my temperature?


I can easily watch a show that has Anna, Tracy, Paul, Patrick (oops), Robin (oops), Jerry Jax AS A BAD GUY AND ONLY A BAD GUY (please forgive the shouting), Emma, Carlos, and even Mac. And I'm even fine with Ava as an adversary for Tracy (WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?) (my apologies for the additional shouting -- perhaps I need to take Morgan's douchebag pills).


I credit my good mood and kind feelings to Pre-Scorpio Arrival Anticipation Excitement Syndrome.


And I'm happier than ever that RC no longer writes this show.

Edited by Francie
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Just watched the last two episodes back to back, a lot to comment on but I'm just going to hit a couple of highlights (not in order):


Having Patrick finally get a clue was a thank god, but screw you for taking so long moment. This should have happened at the most a few months after whatever kidnapping this was happened.


I'm kind of glad that Olivia interrupted Julexis' lunch. Them as a couple doesn't do it for me, so I actually thought it was kind of funny.


I'm over the entire Lante/Valerie revenge plot by Johnny. Like I just don't enjoy watching any of it. I remember when the whole custody battle between Dante and Lulu and Maxie and Spinelli happened, and I just checked out of it because I wasn't interested. This is becoming the same kind of thing for me.


Finola looked FABULOUS today. So glad she's getting to go kick some ass.


I'm having a hard time because while I like what Carly said to Liz, it's Carly. Makes me ill.


Morgan and Kiki need to die. The sooner the better.


MW's delivery of "Oh Carly, you don't need to get me anything" was fantastic.

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I'm back off the barge just for this Scorpio storyline. The rest of today wasn't bad, except for the usual ffing of Sonny. Good to see Robin, and Mac! Why can't he be involved with saving his niece?

Is Carlos seriously alive? Wtf writers. Can't anyone stay dead? And can't we have one Quartermaine baby? My poor Michael. Sabrina is being dumb once again.

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Nice of the doctor to catch on and be so protective of Sabrina's privacy. But should she keep that information to herself? Did she have to embarrass Sabrina?


LOL how Carly and Sonny gave the third degree to Morgan when he stayed out all night. If he's going to stay chez Corinthos, he ought to give them the courtesy of regular hours or a phone call so they don't worry.


Ava's new bad girl lingerie was incredibly frivolous. Will it turn up later as incriminating evidence? 



Show: How about immortality?


Suits: Mmmm.... okay.......




Can they put Sonny back with Carly while she's in shrieking "let's make Jason Jason again and bring back JaSam!" mode? It's the only time he's the Voice of Reason.


Nice going, Lulu, having Johnny do your dirty work so that he's the fall guy.


Oh, FFS, Show, if Liz is going off the rails, make her Full Metal Heather Webber.

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Just watched last Thursday and yesterday's episode.

Man outside of the Scorpios, I don't give a fuck about anyone else currently on screen. That's sad because this was my show back in the day.

I will say, JE and MW looked really good.I liked the hair of the actress that plays Valerie.

Why don't these hacks have a continuity person? Like others have said, not long ago Anna, went to Robin's house in Paris and spoke to her butler. Now there isn't a house.

Mac, not being on screen more is a crime. Robin better get scenes with him.

I'll be so happy once KMc is finally out of those damn scrubs and lab coat.

RobertFuckingScorpio is on today!!!

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Knock me over with a feather - I didn't hate Kiki.  Don't get me wrong, I didn't like her or root for her. But I didn't hate her. And she was working! At a job! And doing it well!


I don't know about doing it well. She threw a hissy fit, screamed at a customer (yes, the customer was her mother who she hates but I wouldn't call this professional behavior) and broke a dish. She spends most of her time at work talking to Morgan, not actually doing her job.


Definitely excited for Robert Scorpio today.

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MW's delivery of "Oh Carly, you don't need to get me anything" was fantastic.

I have to admit, it was a great line.  Actually, it was a mediocre line that was delivered flawlessly, which made it great. 


I could get on board with Ava if they completely exorcised her from her brother, her serial killer ex-lover, and his sociopathic woman-child girlfriend.

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I can never get behind Ava because she'll always be yet another character who got away with murder and isn't even sorry about it. Not the slightest bit.

In that sense, she and Paul are perfect for one another because they are both scummy human beings. I wanted Paul to be redeemed up until the Ava rut fest (is rut fest one or two words? Eh). Then I realized, he's too far gone, because even if the murder of Sloane got whitewashed-and why shouldn't it be, everyone else is getting free passes for blowing people away-there's still the fact that he's sleeping with one of the grossest characters on canvas.

You can't redeem bad taste. *shrug*

And I don't get the hype about Maura West. I think she's got a limited bag of tricks, and the way she plays Ava got old for me after the first few weeks.  But hey. IF she has to stay, she can stay with Paul or someone else equally heinous, and they can contain the suck.

Sorry if that sounds bitter, but I'm tired of useless, pointless characters that aren't really the slightest bit likeable, being propped as someone I'm supposed to root for or like. She is just as bad in that respect as Nina and Franco.

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And I will never understand the argument that Ava is propped. She's the most hated character in town, and every day there is at least one character telling the audience what an awful, disgusting, slutty (character's words, not mine) monster she is. If that's propped, then I can't even begin to imagine what Sonny is.


So I will ignore the what the show is telling me, which is that I should hate her and that Sonny is puppies, unicorns and rainbows. And I'll never think that Maura West is not awesome. Not just as an actress, but as  a person. Because she is.

  • Love 14

I just can't believe they F*ing KNEW JT was leaving and they still forced us to sit through months of pointless, boring Samtrick without playing any conflict or nuance


I really feel for Robin/Patrick fans on this one, even tho I'm not one myself.


This is so damn reminiscent of the shitshow EJ/Sami fans were treated to in their last year. The writers and producers KNEW the actors were leaving and still dragged out the big secret as if the reveal was the drama instead of the fallout. Do soap writers willfully ignore Drama 101. "Will they find out" is not the source of drama. Every viewer KNOWS they will find out. What will happen when the secret is revealed is the source of the drama. Showing Patrick being driven by his hurt/anger that Robin "left him" (highly debatable, yes) to go after Jason would have amped up the drama. Having Patrick act like he didn't care about Robin was a dumb choice. It didn't make anyone more ready to invest in SamTrick. It just made Patrick look like a douche.

  • Love 6

Ava's propped because there's no reason for her to be around. She doesn't serve a purpose other than sleeping with inappropriate people.

And to be yet another adversary for Sonny.

There are other characters who could better fill both those positions, that aren't half as unlikeable.

As far as Maura West, I don't have a clue what kind of person she is, but I know I'm not impressed with her, so agree to disagree she's better than average. I don' tknow if it's true or not, but I keep hearing the whole Paul/Ava thing came about specifically because she asked to work with Richard. Nothing wrong with wanting to work with someone, but I don't believe any actor should get to pick and choose who they work with and what SL's they get. Isn't that a major gripe people have always had with Geary?

I don't know that it's true, so I can't put it as a definite strike against her, but I don't know that it's NOT true. So I side eye it, especially since some insiders have said the original story was supposed to be Laura/Paul/Tracy, and was changed because of Maura.

I have no idea if it's true, and ultimately, I don't care. It doesn't really change one whit how I feel about either the actress or the character.

So. Agree to disagree.

  • Love 1

And I will never understand the argument that Ava is propped. She's the most hated character in town, and every day there is at least one character telling the audience what an awful, disgusting, slutty (character's words, not mine) monster she is. If that's propped, then I can't even begin to imagine what Sonny is.


So I will ignore the what the show is telling me, which is that I should hate her and that Sonny is puppies, unicorns and rainbows. And I'll never think that Maura West is not awesome. Not just as an actress, but as  a person. Because she is.


Every single time Ava messes with Sonny or Carly, an angel gets its wings. 

  • Love 18

My biggest problem with Ava is that the characterization is all over the place. (Shocking, I know.) She's a heartless mob boss one minute, she's appalled she has to run guns the next. She takes a hard line with Sonny over custody agreements, she's weeping over stupid Morgan. She contradicts herself all the time over the wrong things. I think MW is trying to play Ava as torn among all this stuff—she's just a single mom trying to provide for her kids, or something—but the writing and her acting consistently undercuts all of it. 


The show tries to have it all ways with her (and a lot of other characters), and it's not working.


This, however, will always be true:


Every single time Ava messes with Sonny or Carly, an angel gets its wings.
Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 8

My biggest problem with Ava is that the characterization is all over the place. (Shocking, I know.) She's a heartless mob boss one minute, she's appalled she has to run guns the next. She takes a hard line with Sonny over custody agreements, she's weeping over stupid Morgan. She contradicts herself all the time over the wrong things. I think MW is trying to play Ava as torn among all this stuff—she's just a single mom trying to provide for her kids, or something—but the writing and her acting consistently undercuts all of it. 


When Ava decided she loved her barely legal sex toy and started crying over him that's when I officially had to start wishing for her to have face melted off. Then she whined in the crypt of the man she helped kill because living with all of the bad things she's done was becoming too hard. Then she started crying because she thought Morgan and her daughter were getting back together and proceeded to have sex in said crypt, which resulted in yet another useless baby. Then the whole cancer/Denise thing happened, which was horrid. Now she's banging Paul because reasons and will probably get jealous when she finds out he's trying to date Tracy. It's just all too much. 



  • Love 5

Then the whole cancer/Denise thing happened, which was horrid. Now she's banging Paul because reasons and will probably get jealous when she finds out he's trying to date Tracy. It's just all too much. 


These two things are what made me jump off the Ava train. I still enjoy her most of the time though tbh, but at this point she's about as pointless/horrible as Franco imo. The thing with Paul is just aggressively terrible in every way.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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will probably get jealous when she finds out he's trying to date Tracy

She saw them together yesterday, I think, and you could see the wheels turning. Ugh. Tracy Angelica Quartermaine should not have to fight anyone for a man, especially Ava Jerome. And especially not for Paul Hornsby in his current state.

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 7


I don't know that it's true, so I can't put it as a definite strike against her, but I don't know that it's NOT true. So I side eye it, especially since some insiders have said the original story was supposed to be Laura/Paul/Tracy, and was changed because of Maura.


I don't follow the behind the scenes stuff so I have no idea what the story was supposed to be or who asked for what, but frankly I'm relieved Tracy and Laura aren't fighting over another man.  I had more than enough of it over Luke.  Besides, Tracy is never written as sympathetic when opposite of Laura and at least if Ava is on the other side, then maybe Tracy will be the one to root for.  Since I am not currently watching, I don't know if that is true or not.

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I just watched Wednesday. I fast-forwarded through more of this one than in the last few. Those Robin/Jerry scenes are repetitious soap writing at its worst. "I'm going to kill you."  "I need more time." 


I should have no opinion at all about Ava, because I saw nothing of her story until a week or two ago, but whenever she is on, I lose interest in the scene. I did like Kiki in the scene with Morgan. This was the character that ex-Starr played at first, right? I have a dim memory of watching a day or two where she and Morgan were doing some dumb stuff, scamming some college kids in a...card game, maybe? They had just SORAS'd him. 


Sabrina lying about her baby's paternity...it's disconcerting, because I've missed a lot in between and I still think of her as Ghoul Girl, with glasses and bad hair, getting taunted by the other kids at school. Or was that Days of Our Lives? It all runs together. Maybe she was getting taunted by prettier women at the hospital. I didn't really think she had schemes in her, anyway. She was such a goody-goody when I was watching before. She's the Liz of tomorrow! If the show goes on a few more years, she'll be rocking back and forth on the floor of Shadybrook.    


Maurice would look a lot better without that Just for Mobsters slathered all over his face. I rarely see a good beard dye job, and the hair on his head already has that fakey mono-color flatness to it, so he doesn't need more of that. He should shave. Or just go natural all over. 


Yay, Anna. Finola Hughes is one of the few soap actors who can do no wrong, in my book. Except when she was playing Anna's fairly useless twin sister. 


This Morgan bipolar disorder story could be so good, if the actor had the chops.


I don't believe any actor should get to pick and choose who they work with and what SL's they get. Isn't that a major gripe people have always had with Geary?


Oh, my, yes. Contempt for Greg Vaughn just oozed from him, on the rare occasions they had a scene. Then when Jonathan Jackson came back as Lucky, he was practically beaming, and they were on together all the time. Didn't sit well with some. 

Edited by Asp Burger
  • Love 3

When Ava decided she loved her barely legal sex toy and started crying over him that's when I officially had to start wishing for her to have face melted off.




I just want her gone. The character is completely unrootable. But then, as someone else above said, I'm not watching, so eh. However, she's part of the reason I'm not watching, so if she leaves, I could possibly be more motivated to try and keep up. Would love for Tracy to be freed from the Ava Paul mess first, though.


Oh, my, yes. Contempt for Greg Vaughn just oozed from him, on the rare occasions they had a scene. Then when Jonathan Jackson came back as Lucky, he was practically beaming, and they were on together all the time. Didn't sit well with some. 


I'm okay with actors having preferences in regards to story and co-worker. That's human. So is expressing preference. But there does come a time when you still have to do your job. For me, the biggest issue with Geary's situation with Vaughn was... it wasn't GV's fault. He auditioned for a role that JJ left. And, hell, there was another actor who portrayed the role after JJ. No one is demanding that TG have the same relationship off-screen that he had with GV... but he's playing the role of your son... act like it!

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I'm not her biggest fan, but I root for her when she's getting hypocritical shit from the likes of Sonny and Kiki. In


Honestly, I can't root for Ava for causing Sonny grief, either.

It's hilarious  in a general way, but it's unrootworthy if the person causing the problems is just as much a mess as Sonny is.

And Kiki. Meh. She's far from perfect, but she has every right, times ten, to call Ava out. Especially since, let's just be honest-Ava ain't one bit sorry for sleeping with her daughter's boyfriend.

And Kiki. Meh. She's far from perfect, but she has every right, times ten, to call Ava out. Especially since, let's just be honest-Ava ain't one bit sorry for sleeping with her daughter's boyfriend.


What's more egregious to me is that Ava was prepared to let Kiki think she was dead forever so she could avoid going to prison. 

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THAT'S IT...REALLY? Elizabeth gets to be smug and throw shots at Sam in the aftermath of her lie and continue to make SAM the bad guy? Again, WHO the hell is writing this mess? And yeah Liz is REALLY being treated badly for her actions. Sam continues to be an afterthought and the smug bitch gets the last word. Unbelievable. And I still haven't gotten my Sam backhand to her. Ugh... Why did I start watching this shit again? I knew there was a reason I quit soap operas years ago. 

  • Love 10

THAT'S IT...REALLY? Elizabeth gets to be smug and throw shots at Sam in the aftermath of her lie and continue to make SAM the bad guy? Again, WHO the hell is writing this mess? And yeah Liz is REALLY being treated badly for her actions. Sam continues to be an afterthought and the smug bitch gets the last word. Unbelievable. And I still haven't gotten my Sam backhand to her. Ugh... Why did I start watching this shit again? I knew there was a reason I quit soap operas years ago. 


I haven't watched in a few days but I've been reading the discussions, so serious question. Liz is not being piled on? 

My biggest problem with Ava is that the characterization is all over the place. (Shocking, I know.) She's a heartless mob boss one minute, she's appalled she has to run guns the next. She takes a hard line with Sonny over custody agreements, she's weeping over stupid Morgan. She contradicts herself all the time over the wrong things. I think MW is trying to play Ava as torn among all this stuff—she's just a single mom trying to provide for her kids, or something—but the writing and her acting consistently undercuts all of it. 


The show tries to have it all ways with her (and a lot of other characters), and it's not working.


I've been ranting about this exact issue for years, so obviously I agree. I think Maura is trying to keep her job, which I can certainly understand, and I imagine that's why she may or may not be pushing for new romances, more layers, etc. But Ava is a villain, plain and simple. She is a coldblooded killer and that's the only way the character works. She may have feelings, she may be torn in some ways, but her throughline should always be her ambition and lust for power dominating all of those. Trying to muddy the waters too much only tires the character out, and Ava barely survived the Denise disaster as is.


She has chemistry with Richard Burgi and they are both great villains. But I do care about a soppy Paul/Ava love story? Not in the slightest. He is a crime boss in league with terrorists. They should either be played like similar dark, kinky stories on other soaps (*koffkoff*Carlo Hesser) or not at all, and revert to scheming frenemies. Ava's romances should always be dark. I don't care about her weeping over a man. Whether it's about her daughters or something else, Ava is ultimately only ever weeping for herself.

Edited by jsbt
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