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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Overheard at the NSA:


"We just got a datadump that a police commissioner in upsate New York is going to call us concerning a data breach at the local hospital."


"Oh, fuck, that's Sonny Corinthos' territory. He's the most powerful person in the Western Hemisphere and Northern Hemisphere. Please say it's not that Jackal guy."


"Yeah, him."


"Oh fuck fuck fuck. He's too connected to be touched. Someone tell the local judges that his lawyer's going to ask for a favor. Give her anything. We'd rather deal with Assange and Snowden over him."


"Yeah, even Putin learned his lesson with that Balkan operative."

  • Love 12

I'm amazed that each of Elizabeth's sons has been seen on-screen (although not together) in about 6 months since TPTB seem to have at least one kid off-screen for years.. Aiden came downstairs to see Daddy for a few minutes when Lucky returned their back-from-the-dead son Jake to the house. We've of course seen Jake because of the Jakeson crap. Then Cameron made an appearance last week for the back-from-the-dead brother's mental health is questionable plot point. I think is the Cam's first appearance since the kiddie quad storyline (thankfully!) got squashed. I hope when this Jason/Jake secret blows up, the boys don't wind up with Sam and Jakeson due to the reasoning of 'the brothers should be together, Sam's such a good mom, the boys are so attached to Jake-Jason.' I've had enough of the propping of those two characters. It would be nice to instead hear that Laura, Audrey, and Monica are all helping to take care of them. 

  • Love 3

Man....y'all on fire today!  I'm 2 days behind but actually like reading here first (my peeps!) then watch 'cause you guys pick up on stuff I miss.  Cold from hell is coming back (damn...almost 3 wks and it won't go away, kind of like John Belushi in the classic SNL skit "The Thing That Wouldn't Leave").  Hope your area of the world hasn't got it yet.  Will kick your ass!......


Gonna have a 'wrapped in a blanket' watch tonite along with my other stories.

Today's scorecard:


+50 points for Monica being on-screen and getting the news that she's going to be a great-grandmother on-screen.


-5,000 points for Monica's response to the news being that she still misses Jason, but that this news makes it easier.  Um, wouldn't that be the place you'd mention your other dead son, the baby's grandfather?  Are we really just pretending AJ never existed?  And then she expresses her hopes that Sonny and Carly were happy about the news?  UGH.

  • Love 14

Monica was there! And she said Michael and Sabrina are having AJ's grandchild. My stars! Clearly, Uncle Frank was absent.


But Monica's happiness and her and Tracy toasting to the resurgence of the Quartermaines is all for naught because it's clear as fucking crystal that it's Carrrrrrrrlos' baby.


Speaking of Quartermaines, it hurts me to harsh on one, but I really cannot stand Dillon.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 6

So, finding out Sabrina is pregnant with Michael's baby makes Monica feel better about missing... Jason.  'Mkay, Show.


At least she mentioned A.J. at the end of the ep.


What are the chances Dillon is going to find that interesting video clip in his film and intentionally queue it up for the viewing party, come Halloween night?

  • Love 3

Wardrobe's answer to hiding how far along TeCa is in her pregnancy is to not block her well, but instead to have her entire body on camera wearing a tent-like top? Seriously?? And then she puts her hands on her bump to show she's not in the beginning of the pregnancy.


The Monica-Tracy sparring was great for Q Family fans. Monica's "it gets you every time" was fun I didn't care for the toasting of Danny, Jake's return and the anticipated 'birth of AJ's grandson,' though. I assume Sabrina's reaction to the due date question is supposed to be a confirmation this is a WTD storyline. 


Hayden is going to have a part in the Jason identity reveal. We get it. 


I'm disappointed that when Tracy had that line about "your other family" she didn't refer to Sonny as "your father's killer" or have some small dig to remind Michael he can't share this news with his dad because his adoptive father murdered him. Or did she say something and I just missed it? 

Edited by Bringonthedrama
  • Love 4

Where are Anna and Emma? Is that Anna's house?

They made a big to do about Julian getting Alexis a new house (even though they really could have "rebuilt" the old one) but no mention of Anna moving out of the hotel. I like her place though.


Today's scorecard:


+50 points for Monica being on-screen and getting the news that she's going to be a great-grandmother on-screen.


-5,000 points for Monica's response to the news being that she still misses Jason, but that this news makes it easier.  Um, wouldn't that be the place you'd mention your other dead son, the baby's grandfather?  Are we really just pretending AJ never existed?  And then she expresses her hopes that Sonny and Carly were happy about the news?  UGH.

I kind of wish that Monica would have said, instead of missing stupid Jakeson, it was the happiest news she heard since finding out Sonny was paralyzed. 


Kind of hope that Anna takes down Paul. 

  • Love 3

Reading about Monica barely mentioning AJ upon hearing about him becoming a grandfather if he was still around and hearing that she hopes Sonny and Carly are happy just shows exactly why I can't watch this show anymore. Just reading the recap makes me ragey and stabby.

Pretend all you want TPTB poo flinging monkeys. AJ still existed and your St. Sonny still killed him.

  • Love 11

I knew you couldn't quit us, jsbt.  You've been watching and snarking too damned long.  Old habits are the hardest to break* -


No, I'm not back for good unless something major changes. And I have no intention of watching full episodes or daily again until the Jason reveal and Robin's potential return - I'd only watch those, then split. I quit watching GH everyday around mid-2004 and only returned for brief intervals until the summer of 2012. I have no problem walking away again.

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 3

I'm no fan of Dante's infidelity, but Dillon really needs to take a hike.  Mind his own damn business.  I get the impression that he's not at all interested in Lulu, but he's just being wicked because he feels like he can.  Clearly, along with the change in actors came a change in character personality.  Scott Clifton's Dillon was never such a dick.

Edited by Syndicate
  • Love 3
no mention of Anna moving out of the hotel. I like her place though.


It looks like a mix of MetroCourt room sets and random leftovers from other redos.


So, finding out Sabrina is pregnant with Michael's baby makes Monica feel better about missing... Jason.


Jason, Jason, Jason. Can't we go one scene without mentioning his name? Gah. Also, Tracy was not being a bitch for not wanting Danny playing in her closet. STFU, Monica.


"I need you two to protect [Leo] from evil." Oh, FFS, Liv. Melodramatic, much? Your first baby daddy shot your unarmed son in the chest, was partly responsible for getting another son raped in prison (where he shouldn't have been in the first place), nearly blew up his daughter, has had his kids kidnapped, and JULIAN is the evil one?


And yes, going to church is the only way to know someone is a good person and has faith. FOAD, Olivia.


LOL at Alexis telling Julian how great a dad he's going to be while she's doing all the work. Leo is adorable. Does anyone else think he looks biracial? NTTAWWT, but that isn't what I'd imagine a child of Olivia and Julian would look like.


Also LOL at the NYE talk. If we were on a RL time line, Leo would be being born about now.


Today was a really long hour.

  • Love 2

I'm no fan of Dante's infidelity, but Dillon really needs to take a hike.  Mind his own damn business.  I get the impression that he's not at all interested in Lulu, but he's just being wicked because he feels like he can.  Clearly, along with the change in actors came a change in character personality.  Scott Clifton's Dillon was never such a dick.


I think he's genuinely interested in her, but he's still acting like such a creep. Dante's acted holier-than-thou before but a man walking into a room and spotting another man sitting alone in a dark corner ogling a picture of the other man's wife and getting pissed about it isn't holier-than-thou, it is what anyone would friggin be!! Dillon is a creeper. Thank God the stupidity as reached a new level. It's so stupid that Maxie can't figure out what the secret is. And Lulu too but I can at least kinda buy denial as her excuse if I'm really reaching.


Anna's house is a little too ritzy. Oh well, at least she's out of the hotel room.


And yes, going to church is the only way to know someone is a good person and has faith. FOAD, Olivia.


That line annoyed me for that reason and because they've established a couple of times that he doesn't go to church as often as she'd like. So it was contrived.

  • Love 2

When did Anna move into Rachel and Mac Cory's mansion?


I laughed when Hayden was begging Nik to take her to Liz and Jake's wedding because she wants to have some fun.  I know Windemere is a dark and dank castle and anything would seem fun compared to hanging out there but......


Hey, with the reveal coming, it'll be a free for all. That could be a blast!

  • Love 1

On today's General Hospital:


Olivia asks Lante to be Leo's god parents and lightning doesn't strike Dante where he stands.


Nik gets in Sam's face for having the nerve, THE NERVE, to not believe his lying lyingness that he doesn't know Jake.  And lightning doesn't strike Nik where he stands.  Hayden wants to go to LIz's wedding because she hasn't been in town long enough and doesn't realize that bad things happen at big events in this town.  


Sam and Lucas meet baby Leo, who's trying to beat Avery for cutest baby ever.  


Dillon promises to tell Maxie his Dante secret.  Maxie tells Lulu that there is a secret.  Dante catches Dillon looking at photos of Lulu.  Dillon decides to out Dante's secret.  Lulu passes notes in geography class.  Maxie wants to date the football quarterback.....


Monica is tossed out of the closet for the Sabrina pregnancy reveal and is allowed one mention of AJ but the writers counteract that with eleventy eleven mentions of St Jason.  Sabrina looks guilty when asked about her due date.  


Anna gets a new, giant house, so she's thankfully out of the Metrocourt.  Paul wants to know why she's being snoopy Mcsnooperson.  Anna claims she knows the body wasn't Carlos.  

  • Love 10

I assume Laura will be moving into the reserved veterans suite at the MetroCourt?  Where is she supposed to be staying?  Not with Liz or Lulu, right?


So far she's been living at Wyndemere.


I liked this episode.  A Monica sighting, a Lucas sighting, an AJ mention, Michael saying that the new baby will be a Q, Anna has a kickass house, and nary a Sonny or Carly to be seen.


I'm liking Paul vs. Anna.  That could be fun.

  • Love 7

I assume Laura will be moving into the reserved veterans suite at the MetroCourt?  Where is she supposed to be staying?  Not with Liz or Lulu, right?


Good God, I hope it's not with Lulu. It was creepy enough when cousin Valerie slept on the couch next to their bed. 



So far she's been living at Wyndemere.


I liked this episode.  A Monica sighting, a Lucas sighting, an AJ mention, Michael saying that the new baby will be a Q, Anna has a kickass house, and nary a Sonny or Carly to be seen.


I'm liking Paul vs. Anna.  That could be fun.


Yeah, I was happy with non-quivering Anna today. Of course, now we have Sabrina taking over. bleh. 

Oh yeah, this.  I dunno how Sam resisted slugging Nikolas in the face.  I THIRST for his comeuppance.


I have to think that Nikolas was trying to guilt her into revealing what she knows, because I can't believe he's genuinely affronted. And lol at "how could you? You're my cousin!" Yes, a half first cousin who you met 10 years ago. Plus he comes from a family that commits kills their own brothers, mothers, sons. Cousin betrayal is second rate!

  • Love 6

I assume Sabrina's reaction to the due date question is supposed to be a confirmation this is a WTD storyline. 


To me that felt like confirmation that the baby is actually Carlos'. But I'm still not 100% sure if they're going for WTD or Carlos is 100% the father. Either way, it's dumb and I hate it.


Anna got a house! I love Anna and Paul. They have great chem. 


Monica! Tracy and Monica!


I really liked this ep tbh. The past 2 weeks have been decent imo.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 6

STFU Nik you stupid asshole. I really hate that they've turned him into a next-level bastard. I always liked his relationship with Sam, even if we rarely saw it.


I don't trust this show so I assume Olivia and Julian will be at war before the year is over. 


It's unfortunate that they've turned Dillon into such a little bitch.

Edited by LeftPhalange
  • Love 7

Today's scorecard:


+50 points for Monica being on-screen and getting the news that she's going to be a great-grandmother on-screen.


-5,000 points for Monica's response to the news being that she still misses Jason, but that this news makes it easier.  Um, wouldn't that be the place you'd mention your other dead son, the baby's grandfather?  Are we really just pretending AJ never existed?  And then she expresses her hopes that Sonny and Carly were happy about the news?  UGH.


Why would she dampen the happiness of the news that St. Jasus is going to have a great niece or great nephew with talk of that fat loser? 

  • Love 6
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