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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Other possible Ron-isms:


In other words, you wish we saw them falling in love before they fell in love?


In other words, you wish to see the marriage disintegrate before it is already disintegrated?


In other words, you wish to see them become friends before they are friends?


And, my personal one, in other words, you wished to see Anna and Robert trying to escape the cell before they escaped, instead of being off screen for 3 weeks after their capture?


I'll give the answers to each, in order:








And hell to the yes.


It's called unfolding, Ron. Or developing.  Or building.  A story unfolds. It develops. It builds. It doesn't jump, leap frog, or slingshot into the future. At least, not the good ones.


And, no, it's not the same as retreading the same plot point over and over again.

  • Love 7

It's called unfolding, Ron. Or developing.  Or building.  A story unfolds. It develops. It builds. It doesn't jump, leap frog, or slingshot into the future. At least, not the good ones.


And, no, it's not the same as retreading the same plot point over and over again.


Now now @Francie, be fair, they don't have time for that with 30 contract characters and 30 recurring. They NEED Olivia shouting into a baby stroller, dammit.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 1

Ron's so lazy he's writing the show like a "pick your own adventure" tale, it's whatever you want it to be because he sure as hell isn't writing out very much on screen. Plus when you add in his shifting timelines and really anything goes. I mean it's just so much more fun this way!


Take for example Shawn turning into the pit bull guard dog regarding Jordan's "date". He suddenly sees Jordan strutting her stuff and he remembers a "wild and crazy night" from way back then, one step away from giving his lips a LL Cool J lick as the memories flooded his mind and probably other regions as well.


Last we saw with them they were having their hundredth argument over TJ's father and Jordan's "work" and now he wants to protect her from herself, after he's the one who was willing to let her go down during the drug bust that set all of this off anyway.


Ron's lazy ass seems determined to make us, the viewers, do all the work when it comes to making heads or tails of this show and it's insulting, downright insulting to me.

  • Love 3


Ron's so lazy he's writing the show like a "pick your own adventure" tale, it's whatever you want it to be because he sure as hell isn't writing out very much on screen. Plus when you add in his shifting timelines and really anything goes. I mean it's just so much more fun this way!


That analogy is perfect.  Unfortunately, it's never the direction I'd pick for the way the story should go.

  • Love 1
i just can't with this Levi & Maxie shit.  I could understand her doubting Nathan and even Dante, but Mac?!?  The ONE person who has always been there for her, raised her, is still paying her bills!  I just can't.


I know![/Monica Gellar] Maxie was a major schemer for years, so she should be onto Levi. I was so hoping that it would have ended up being Felicia that called immigration, but I guess that would have been a more challenging story to write. 


Shawn just pisses me off to no end.

He's such a caveman, I'm surprised his knuckles don't bleed when he walks. He truly has no concept of what is and is not his business. And Showrunners? I won't  ever drink your shitty fucking kool-aid. This behaviour is not how a man shows affection or concern. Shawn is emotionally abusive.

If I were Jordan I would have ridden Mickey Diamond into the sunset right there on the goddamn table.   

  • Love 5

Maxie is so insufferable now. It didn't have to be this way. I can think of so many other ways the Maxie/Lulu surrogate story could've went that would've lead to something far better than what we're being subjected to now. 


It pained me because I really enjoy Jordan and she looked hot today, but I had to fast forward any and all Shawn related scenes. I just can't.

  • Love 2
I don't think that it was a good idea to have Levi wear pants that matched his skin tone. They made him look naked below the waist. Not a good look on anyone.​

Agreed.  And what was up with his makeup?  He had no skin tone!  His lips and cheeks and eyelids and every inch of his face was all that weird pancake makeup color, with no shadows or hues or even pinkish lips.  So weird.  And not at all attractive - more like a seriously creepy, poorly-made doll.  


I know I complain about Sonny a lot, but he is just so exasperating, and everyone else becomes that much more annoying when he's around.  I almost punched my television while watching that crap today.  Carly said something like "Sonny wants to kill you because you hurt his son!  And because [some other reason]!!  Oh, and maybe a little bit because you know a secret that could bring him down."  Surely she doesn't believe that.  The ONLY reason Sonny wants to kill Franco is to shut him up - Sonny himself said so 2 minutes before.  After all, if hurting Michael was a reason to kill someone, Sonny would need to shoot himself (although that would require Sonny getting his hands dirty...).  God, I hate him so much.  And when Franco is being a smartass and mouthing off to Sonny, I find myself hating Franco just a little bit less.  


And, for pete's sake - how in the world does Carly defend anyone who is hellbent on killing the man she loves?  Even with her history with Sonny, shouldn't that really piss her off?  Carly's no doormat, and I hate seeing her beg Sonny for anything, especially after Sonny hurt Michael by killing AJ!!  Okay, I'll shut about Sonny.  For now. :-)


I'm sort of getting tired of Levi's schtick with Maxie working.  I was willing to believe that she would believe him and follow him for a bit, after how messed up she was (and after how badly she messed up), but it's really gotten ridiculous.  Time for her to get a damned clue.  

  • Love 1
I hate seeing her beg Sonny for anything, especially after Sonny hurt Michael by killing AJ!!


Carly didn't have to tell Franco about Sonny killing AJ, but she did. The more people who know a secret, the less chance it will stay one. Murder threats are par for the course when you hang out with murderers. No sympathy from me.


"Whenever you point a finger, there are three more pointing back at you." How old is Levi? Mac and Dante are my heroes for wanting Levi deported and being unashamed—nay, gleeful—about it.


I wonder if that ginormous wine bottle on Carly's coffee table was from LW's winery.

  • Love 1

As much as I like seeing Jew-lee-ehn interacting with his kids, can this show please  stop having a parent & child discussing each others sex life?  It was creepy with Sonny/Dante, Luke/Lulu, and it's creepy here.  


Lucas should have had that conversation with Lulu or Maxie, hell even Morgan since I believe they are both living at Carly's.   He and Julian could have talked about Lucas finding a jov, Tony, Cheryl, really so many topics.  


Anyway, i really need a hellmouth to open up in Port Charles and swallow up Levi, Sean, Freakco, and Sonny.  

  • Love 3

Ron has totally lost sight of building relationships except the ones he is immediately interested in. And even that's subject to the moment.


I think RH was mostly very good on both OLTL and GH on ABC in the last couple of years, as well as on the online OLTL. I think he probably gave Franco his best shot early on, but the writing has been just dreadful from start to finish, mostly catering to what they see as his selling points, wacky hijinks, and I think that he gave up the ghost many months ago. It's just awful. And if he absolutely could not return as McBain (which he should have), then Michael Easton should have played a Cassadine or a similar type, and Roger Howarth - well, they had many options. But this shit just does not work.


Right now I'm honestly wondering if all three of the OLTL transplants are on the chopping block down the line throughout the year, except maybe Kiki, who seems to be getting aimed back towards Morgan. I mean, let's look at this: Dr. Silas is being played as the dupe and the initial focus for Nina, who is obviously the priority character and star get from CBS who will be broadened outward across the canvas. Silas is also the blinded-by-anger heavy, opposite of the closer-and-closer Sam and Patrick while Robin is off with Jason. I've seen Ron and Frank do this shit to many characters like this before, but I've never seen any of them being played by Michael Easton.


I can't call deuces on Franco yet though, because I've predicted his exit several times and been wrong. Sometimes RC just downshifts characters because of his inability to pace story across the canvas, and then brings them back with a vengeance. I don't know what to think.

Oh, hey, look!  An entire episode devoted almost exclusively to stories I don't give a crap about.  How nice of them to organize it for me this way.  Made ffing much more efficient.  I watched Brad/Felix/Lucas/Julian and nothing else.  This plot is being written with about the depth of the Lucy/Kevin/Scott one.  Brad and Lucas have great chemistry.  I don't know why this is being treated as a C-plot gag.


I don't think any of the OLTL3 is going anywhere unless the actors want out.  Ron is clearly more into addition than subtraction where actors are concerned.  Has anyone left the show involuntarily except floundering nobody actors?  Right or wrong, I think Ron thinks that crowding the show with vets (and the OLTL3 are all vets, even if not vets of THIS show) is a way to keep up ratings--surely SOMEONE is watching just to catch a glimpse of Anna twice a month, right?  I think if Ron grows tired of any of the three or of their characters, he's more likely to write them into the background than to write them off.


Yay, previews!  I'd almost forgotten Nikolas was on this show.

I agree that there is some part of Carly that knows her being with him is sick.  She knows all the damage he has done to her, her family and her friends.  This makes it even worse for Carly.  Again, she has never been a stupid character.  So why does she insist on staying with the gigolo?  Because, I do think at one point, she did have an inkling he was only with her so she could support him.


I wonder all of this with regards to Carly's enthrallment with Sonny.


My gawd we were elbows deep in assholes today. I think that was the single biggest cluster of characters I loathe in one episode. All that was missing was Patrick.

Levi, BRAD, Franco, Shawn shut up yous!<best Archie Bunker voice>


Brad and Levi are trying my last nerve and I don't know which one I loathe the most. I need a getaway car volunteer and I'll go to PC and throw them off a parapet myself. They are both a couple of manipulative bitches!


WdV was just excellent as the uncomfortable father trying to be supportive.

And sorry I love Olivia, but why did Lante leave her in charge of Rocco. She was clearly drunk. LOL.

Carly and Sonny just need to be together in their big dysfuntional mess. I mean aren't their children grown? Is she really still pulling I'll always be tied to him b/c of the children card? I never laughed so hard as watching them.

Double sorry but I still like Sonny. MB flubbing his lines for some reason just charms me<ducking tomatoes>

Edited by Cattitude
  • Love 1
Brad and Levi are trying my last nerve and I don't know which one I loathe the most. I need a getaway car volunteer and I'll go to PC and throw them off a parapet myself. They are both a couple of manipulative bitches!


I agree with you that the character of Brad is kind of sleazy (down from extremely sleazy when he was first introduced).  But I find the actor talented, charming and hard-working, and I think he has good chemistry with his castmates, so if the show would just write a couple of conversations where he apologizes for being an ass and attributes it to childhood trauma from growing up gay (or really just about anything else), I'll agree to politely look the other way.


This show is running way short on people who know how to act and bother to try, so I'm willing to overlook A LOT for characters portrayed by actors who manage to stay awake and pronounce their lines in something approaching a recognizable human speech pattern.

  • Love 7
I agree with you that the character of Brad is kind of sleazy (down from extremely sleazy when he was first introduced).  But I find the actor talented, charming and hard-working, and I think he has good chemistry with his castmates, so if the show would just write a couple of conversations where he apologizes for being an ass and attributes it to childhood trauma from growing up gay (or really just about anything else), I'll agree to politely look the other way.




Couldn't agree with you more, that's exactly how I view both the actor, Parry, and character, Brad. On a show where Sonny and Shawn and Franco and notLuke are getting pimped and fluffed and presented as the "stars", just to name a few, the hell if I can't pick a character whose evils I will gladly forgive because the actor actually is decent and the character could be redeemed and could have a great story line going if just given the opportunity or attention.

  • Love 10

Utterly pointless episode. Full of awful, hateful, stupid people. Can't be less enthused if I tried.


And this was a GOOD day.


So, you telling me you weren't entertained by listening to Orange Glow tell his ex-wife, the Velociraptor, that he wanted to kill her serial killer jokester boyfriend because he's threatened to spill it that moobster Orange Glow murdered AJ in cold blood, which means Michael would know even more that Orange Glow and Dino-Mom are even more utterly devoid of any human feeling than he already thought?  That wasn't FUN??


Or not entertained by having to see the Australian Pillsbury Dough Boy half naked and speaking unintelligibly while Maxie acts like a bigger moron than usual?  And you didn't get a warm and fuzzy feeling when Felix did his best Elvira Gulch impression?  (Seriously, that guy has absolutely NO human sex appeal).


Now, at the very least, it must have made you feel good to see Olivia throw shade at Julian because, with her high moral standards, she just can't approve of MOBSTERS.  Oh.... well, unless said moobster is currently filling her cannoli.


Yep, this show was both utterly pointless AND offensive.   


And for Ron C., that's a HOME RUN.

  • Love 4


Now, at the very least, it must have made you feel good to see Olivia throw shade at Julian because, with her high moral standards, she just can't approve of MOBSTERS.  Oh.... well, unless said moobster is currently filling her cannoli.


Well I guess some good came of it, because this made me laugh. At least Liv has the good sense to prefer Nathan to Levi, but what breathing human wouldn't? Levi's eyes are freaky. They're so big in his face. He looks like Joey on Friends when he does his big eyes thing, only all the time. Relax your corneas, for god's sake.


I agree with you that the character of Brad is kind of sleazy (down from extremely sleazy when he was first introduced).  But I find the actor talented, charming and hard-working, and I think he has good chemistry with his castmates, so if the show would just write a couple of conversations where he apologizes for being an ass and attributes it to childhood trauma from growing up gay (or really just about anything else), I'll agree to politely look the other way.


I love Parry Shen. He does the best work possible with the crap writing he's handed, so I can always find an excuse to overlook anything sketchy that Brad does. Even kissing Felix.


I blame Felix* for everything bad about the gay storyline, because Marc Samuel has zero charisma - he plays Felix like that annoying kid in fourth grade who used to tattle on everyone.  


I'm meh on Lucas. He's spent too much time with Felix lately, picking up all those whiny characteristics.  


*well, and Ron

  • Love 2
And sorry I love Olivia, but why did Lante leave her in charge of Rocco. She was clearly drunk. LOL.



I don't think she was even tipsy. That's just Olivia.


Right now I'm honestly wondering if all three of the OLTL transplants are on the chopping block down the line throughout the year, except maybe Kiki, who seems to be getting aimed back towards Morgan.



What happens to Michael though in that event? I can't imagine that they'll leave Michael single for long or that they'll go full on Morgan/Kiki while Chad and Kristen are still together unless they plan to ping-pong endlessly a la Nik/Liz/Britt. That's taken a huge hit on the Liz character and she's a popular 17 year vet, they have to realize there's no way Kristen Alderson/Kiki will be even remotely liked if she keeps going back and forth between brothers. Well, maybe I'm wrong and they don't give a shit about Kristen and Chad dating. 


I mean, let's look at this: Dr. Silas is being played as the dupe and the initial focus for Nina, who is obviously the priority character and star get from CBS who will be broadened outward across the canvas. Silas is also the blinded-by-anger heavy, opposite of the closer-and-closer Sam and Patrick while Robin is off with Jason. I've seen Ron and Frank do this shit to many characters like this before, but I've never seen any of them being played by Michael Easton.



I think we'll get a better feel on what they plan with Easton when Jason finally debuts. 

  • Love 2

The guy who plays Levi is Spencer Pratt-level repulsive.  A better haircut would not help, either.  He's fundamentally unattractive.


Of all the people who appeared on today's show, I only care about two of them - Mac and Julian.  I could care about Nathan, Jordan, and Lucas if they were in better stories and paired with better characters.  But everyone else - Olivia, Sonny, Franco, Carly, Shawn, Levi, Maxi, Felix, Brad, Dante, Lulu, and Puke in absentia - could be shot and kicked in the harbor and I would not care.


That's a whopping number of characters to not give a shit about, and that's not even all of them who make the list.  There's still Nina, her nurse, Silas, Kiki, Sabrina, and a number of recurring characters who are a total waste of time.


Ron C. needs to go.

  • Love 7

But at least with Sonny they do share children and a past...happy times. With Franco, it just makes no sense.


Yes, happy times, indeed, when Michael was in a coma.  I definitely don't see her in thrall to Franco, though, nor should she be.  Nor should she be with Sonny, who is every bit as worthless a human being, at least.  And sharing one child (I don't count Michael.) doesn't explain it, otherwise she'd be just as enthralled with Jax, the other baby father she acknowledges.  Carly has always been selfish and self-centered and done whatever it took to get what she wanted.  Contrary to what she said today about her children making her a better person, she's still the same person.  She's just extended her circle of "Me me me" to include those kids and, inexplicably, Sonny.  I think she'd cut Franco's throat, without  a shred of guilt, to protect herself or her kids or Sonny.  I don't think she'd do the same to Sonny to protect Franco.


As to Maxie, good glory.  She's never been a favorite of mine, but I've never disliked her.  I'm one hairsbreadth away from that, though, if they don't start turning this storyline around.  She can't be any stupider than this, can she?  Not one person in that group couldn't have suggested that someone (We all know who.) could've used Nathan's phone when it was unattended?  (I'm presuming he doesn't take it in the shower with him, but this is PC, so who knows.)  Please, Show, let's get Levi's evil scheme in gear here, because of course he has one.  If you don't, soon, any goodwill I have left for Maxie will evaporate in the face of her stupidity, and it will all be because you sacrificed her on the Altar of Plot Points.


Edited because spelling and grammar count for 25% of your grade.

Edited by Fellaway
  • Love 3

You know, it's weird, but Maxie's stupidity really doesn't bother me.  At least she's supposed to be a ditz.  I'd argue that Carly (dating a serial killer who got her son raped!), Tracy (sleeping with a man who is really bad at faking being Luke and thinks Kiki would hit on notLuke!), Sonny (everything about him), and many, many others act at least as dumb as Maxie acts on a regular basis. 


Except those other people are presented as serious people who are meant to be taken seriously.  At least with Maxie we're supposed to think she's an idiot when she's doing stupid crap.  This makes it more palatable to me.

  • Love 2
And [sonny and Carly] sharing one child (I don't count Michael.) doesn't explain it



You might as well say zero children then, because Sonny and Carly don't count Morgan at all, heh. But that just proves that what connects Sonny and Carly is Carly's desire to still derive some sort of power from Sonny's mob, and I think what connects Sonny to Carly is he still pretty much sees her as trash and someone on his level, and he can make himself feel better by saying, "well at least Carly can't get on her high horse in regards to me".

  • Love 3

And this was a GOOD day.


So, you telling me you weren't entertained by listening to Orange Glow tell his ex-wife, the Velociraptor,


 the Australian Pillsbury Dough Boy half naked and speaking unintelligibly while Maxie acts like a bigger moron than usual?  And you didn't get a warm and fuzzy feeling when Felix did his best Elvira Gulch impression?  (Seriously, that guy has absolutely NO human sex appeal).


Now, at the very least, it must have made you feel good to see Olivia throw shade at Julian because, with her high moral standards, she just can't approve of MOBSTERS.  Oh.... well, unless said moobster is currently filling her cannoli.


Yep, this show was both utterly pointless AND offensive.   


And for Ron C., that's a HOME RUN.

I'm so glad I skipped this episode and read this post by boes instead ... so very entertaining. :) I shall think of her as Velociraptor from now on.

I hate seeing her beg Sonny for anything, especially after Sonny hurt Michael by killing AJ!!

Carly didn't have to tell Franco about Sonny killing AJ, but she did. The more people who know a secret, the less chance it will stay one. Murder threats are par for the course when you hang out with murderers. No sympathy from me.​


Oh, I totally agree - no sympathy!  Didn't mean to suggest otherwise.  I just hate the ridiculous nonsensical hypocrisy of it all. 


Contrary to what she said today about her children making her a better person, she's still the same person.

This made me so mad that I forgot all about it.  Yeah, her whole "I used to be selfish and mean but then I had kids and now I'm wonderful" speech was not at all based in reality/ history.  When, exactly, did Carly become better?  When she lied to her son about his adoptive dad killing his bio dad in cold blood after promising not to?  And that's just one of the most recent examples.  Ridiculous.  


Maxie has always been ditzy, but I always thought of her as having a pretty good read on people.  She usually made some crazy plllaaaan in response to what she what she picked up on, or acted impulsively, but I never thought her a fool.  

  • Love 1

You might as well say zero children then, because Sonny and Carly don't count Morgan at all, heh.


Ain't that the truth.  I might not consider Michael to be Sonny's son - It galls me whenever anyone says he is. - but they sure count him as such, and their favoritism is no kinds of subtle.  With that and Michael now being with his ex-wife, I give Morgan all kinds of credit for being any kind of a decent brother to Michael.


I just hate the ridiculous nonsensical hypocrisy of it all.


The number of inveterate hypocrites on this show boggles the mind.


Maxie has always been ditzy, but I always thought of her as having a pretty good read on people.  She usually made some crazy plllaaaan in response to what she what she picked up on, or acted impulsively, but I never thought her a fool.


I never did, either, before, but if something doesn't happen soon, she's gonna be just that fool.  And for Levi, for pity's sake!  ICE.

  • Love 1

Both Maxie and Tracy are borderline mentally challenged at this point, and both are too old and smart for this shit.


Ron got away with a lot of this with characters like Dorian on OLTL because he started her out shrewd during his early run (much like his early Tracy, IMO, telling off Luke, etc.) and because Robin Strasser had turned Dorian up to eleven long before he took over as HW - she had a lot of high camp in her for years running at that point, and her semi-comic relationship with her consort David Vickers was well-established. Tracy is another story.

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 2

I'm mostly new to GH. The last time I watched, Carly was a fairly new character and Maura Tierney was leaving ATWT for the first time (which I found a little confusing because MT was such a great Carly I had a hard time accepting another soap having a Carly). But any time anyone does something shady, it just doesn't feel that bad when I consider that Sonny's a hero. When someone told me that Ava's a villain, I have them a perplexed look because I can't see anyone as a villain with Sonny around.


I don't usually skip through shows I watch on Hulu but the presence of Sonny, Carly, Shawn and Maxie was good incentive.

  • Love 1

I can see why Franco is irked at competing with Sonny for Carly's affections: Before the tumor/source of creativity was gone he had a real flair for stalking/murder. He was good at it and he was hands on with it. There was a lot of passion and meaning in it for him.  Sonny on the other hand puts no thought or planning into it, and usually delegates to a hit man sorely in need of an eye exam and some anger management counselling. 

I'd be insulted too if I were Franco!

  • Love 7


I think she'd cut Franco's throat, without  a shred of guilt, to protect herself or her kids or Sonny.  I don't think she'd do the same to Sonny to protect Franco.


This is why the relationship just fundamentally doesn't work. This is why Jax didn't work. Carly doesn't get that the fault lies with her not that the guy just can't accept Sonny in her life, he can't accept her putting Sonny first and he shouldn't.  Jax finally had enough and Franco will too.

Sonny ruins everything.

  • Love 5
Is she really still pulling I'll always be tied to him b/c of the children card?


Your kids are always your kids, no matter how old they are, so playing that card is legit, IMO. Annoying, and in Carly's case, something of a cop-out so she doesn't have to make any compromises, but legit.


her serial killer jokester boyfriend


Hee. This really is Franco these days.


Because it can't be said enough, Mac was love today (er, Tuesday).

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 2

Your kids are always your kids, no matter how old they are, so playing that card is legit, IMO. Annoying, and in Carly's case, something of a cop-out so she doesn't have to make any compromises, but legit.



That's not what I meant. Of course your kids are always your kids but once they are adults you don't have to be tied to your ex. You and your adult children are perfectly capable of having a relationship without involving the ex. And in this case Carly is actually hurting Michael more by protecting Sonny. It was a lame copout on her part.

  • Love 5

I blame Felix* for everything bad about the gay storyline,



I blame Levi.


The guy who plays Levi is Spencer Pratt-level repulsive.  A better haircut would not help, either.  He's fundamentally unattractive.


I know I sound so superficial but honestly he activates my gag reflex.


I don't like the character who is playing the new drug kingpin, hate Levi, Sonny, Carly, Lulu...the only thing remotely connected to this show I like is this board.

  • Love 5

What I find funny about Carly and Sonny is where was Sonny when Carly was kidnapped?  One of the reasons why I hate Sonny is he treats the women folk like crap (I'll kill you if Olivia dies) but the women fall all over themselves for him.  Its nauseating.


If the writers wanted to play on the Sonny/Carly history then they should have had Sonny act like he could give a crap about her when she disappeared.

  • Love 6
Of course your kids are always your kids but once they are adults you don't have to be tied to your ex. You and your adult children are perfectly capable of having a relationship without involving the ex.


The ex will (should) be involved when it comes to family stuff: weddings, illness, etc. That's more what I meant. Your ex isn't completely out of your life just because the marriage is over.


But as someone upthread mentioned, Carly hangs on to her connection to Sonny for the power she thinks it gives her. Which, LOL, because Sonny hasn't show any real power for decades, and Franco couldn't care less. In fact, Franco is the one with the power these days, since he knows Sonny killed AJ.

Edited by dubbel zout
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