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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Someone passed this along recently.  Here's a direct quote, allegedly, from Frank Valentini about us:


"Oh they say they will stop watching but they never do."


In light of the fact that the ratings that came out today (see the Press thread for a link) and the demos are beginning to rival my high school graduating class (granted, I went to a large school), I thought it might be fun to do a roll call in the barge thread of those of us who have been taking a little siesta from this show as of late.


Oh, and to keep this on topic:


How about that Franco?


How about that Sonny?


How about that Nina?


How about that Ava?


How about that Carly?


How about that Kiki?


Did I cover all the people getting all the airtime right now?

Edited by Francie
  • Love 5

Someone passed this along recently.  Here's a direct quote, allegedly, from Frank Valentini about us:


"Oh they say they will stop watching but they never do."


In light of the fact that the ratings that came out today (see the Press thread for a link) and the demos are beginning to rival my high school graduating class (granted, I went to a large school), I thought it might be fun to do a roll call in the barge thread of those of us who have been taking a little siesta from this show as of late.


Oh, and to keep this on topic:


How about that Franco?


How about that Sonny?


How about that Nina?


How about that Ava?


How about that Carly?


How about that Kiki?


Did I cover all the people getting all the airtime right now?


You forgot Dante and Lulu. :) In a shitty, shitty contrived story.


Oh, and you forgot Madeline. And don't forget Obrecht as Franco's fairy godmother.

  • Love 3

Someone passed this along recently.  Here's a direct quote, allegedly, from Frank Valentini about us:


"Oh they say they will stop watching but they never do."


In light of the fact that the ratings that came out today (see the Press thread for a link) and the demos are beginning to rival my high school graduating class (granted, I went to a large school), I thought it might be fun to do a roll call in the barge thread of those of us who have been taking a little siesta from this show

I haven't even bothered to record in over a week now.

To paraphrase one of my favorite songs, 'I may hate this show, and it ain't no lie GH bye, bye, bye!

:goes and finds ratings:

:laughs like the hyenas from "The Lion King":

  • Love 5

The way I watch, I don't always get to catch everything during the live airing so I used to go rewatch on on-demand if I thought it was a good episode and wanted to give it a boost/wanted to pay full attention. Not so much for the past couple of weeks.


Ditto.  I usually catch the first 20-30 minutes live, if I have nothing better to do, and, if it sounds like I'd want to catch what I missed, I'll make the effort to at least FF through to get to certain scenes.  I don't think I've seen the second half of an episode in weeks, if not longer. 

Ava may not have murdered AJ herself, but she is DIRECTLY responsible for making his last months a living hell. For that alone, I laughed when Cray Cray Nina got her revenge (Little AJ came through just like a trooper after all) and I'll laugh at every bit of Ava's suffering I'm treated to. She was a retconned sister of a de-SORASed retcon and I couldn't care less about her or anyone who's related to her. The sooner these worthless Jeromes are gone the better.

Ava is NO ONE'S victim, least of all Sonny's. She made her bed and hopefully she'll soon die in it.

  • Love 9

Someone passed this along recently.  Here's a direct quote, allegedly, from Frank Valentini about us:


"Oh they say they will stop watching but they never do."


In light of the fact that the ratings that came out today (see the Press thread for a link) and the demos are beginning to rival my high school graduating class (granted, I went to a large school), I thought it might be fun to do a roll call in the barge thread of those of us who have been taking a little siesta from this show as of late.


Oh, and to keep this on topic:


How about that Franco?


How about that Sonny?


How about that Nina?


How about that Ava?


How about that Carly?


How about that Kiki?


Did I cover all the people getting all the airtime right now?


That's always been Frankenron's line. "If people are complaining, they're watching." "If people hate stuff, that means they're tuning in." As I'm sure more than one of us can attest, I can do plenty of complaining and hating without watching a single second. They have never understood that, at a certain point, fans get tired of being angry; they get tired of being crapped on; they get tired of their faves never getting any pay off. It's supposed to be entertaining. All that hate and frustration turns into apathy; and the show gets shut off. And it takes a lot for it to get turned on again.

  • Love 22

That's always been Frankenron's line. "If people are complaining, they're watching." "If people hate stuff, that means they're tuning in." As I'm sure more than one of us can attest, I can do plenty of complaining and hating without watching a single second. They have never understood that, at a certain point, fans get tired of being angry; they get tired of being crapped on; they get tired of their faves never getting any pay off. It's supposed to be entertaining. All that hate and frustration turns into apathy; and the show gets shut off. And it takes a lot for it to get turned on again.

THIS.THIS.THIS!!! You get 3 hots and a cot.

You have said its much better than I can. The above is exactly how I feel and where I am currently.

  • Love 8

I know, I should have been more clear: she didn't conspire with, nor did she have an agency relationship with Sonny.

Right, Ava may have set to kill AJ but she's not the one who actually did it.

For example, lets say Ric brings a knife and Michael brings a gun to the Scum Wedding, both intending to kill Sonny. If Julian sets off a bomb and kills Sonny before either one of them actually kills him, then Julian is the murderer; neither Michael nor Ric is.

Can one of the lawyers weigh in? The extent of my legal knowledge comes from "Professor" Dick Wolf.

I'm no criminal law expert, but potentially the closest you might get is accessory to Sonny's act of murder, or the felony murder rule. Like, if Ava went to AJ's home to commit a felony and somehow that set the stage for his murder, she could still be held responsible.

Usually, this in the armed robbery context -- you rob the bank, your partner in robbery kills the teller but you never wanted that to happen ... well, too bad, 'cause you were part of the robbery.

Although here, didn't Ava egg Sonny on to kill AJ?

Someone passed this along recently.  Here's a direct quote, allegedly, from Frank Valentini about us:


"Oh they say they will stop watching but they never do."


In light of the fact that the ratings that came out today (see the Press thread for a link) and the demos are beginning to rival my high school graduating class (granted, I went to a large school), I thought it might be fun to do a roll call in the barge thread of those of us who have been taking a little siesta from this show as of late.


fuck Valentini. I stopped watching this show for several YEARS (from about 2004 or 2005 only returning when Ron started... 2012?) and I stopped watching in June, returning watching for the few days that Lucky was on.. but I haven't wanted to make the effort to find it online since mid July (and Dear ABC, your idea to charge people $1.99 to watch this show on You Tube is LAUGHABLE).


I think Frank Valentini should be the next one to leave the GH staff.

Edited by DayPlayerAtKellys
  • Love 7

They should have put Dillon and Maxie together. They have the most spark together out of the Stale Six.


Love how Sonny and Carly are pretending to act like they give a damn about Morgan. Nice on Ava calling him out for being a traitor. Circumstances of the conversation aside, Maura killed. She manages to take any word and make it sound sexy.


What the hell is with Franco's hair? Is it supposed to make him look stupid? I mean, it just has that part that is like falling into his face and makes him look ridiculous. Also ridiculous? Every time he called Scott his "dad". Just stop it.

  • Love 3

Yeah, I liked Ava calling out Morgan too. Uh, dear stupid Morgan, how did you think you were gonna convince your dad to back off if Ava was already dead?


Not even funny how much I've turned against Morgan. I don't think I liked him just because he was anti-Sonny when he first came on, I always knew that would not always be the case. I may have been blinded by his then-hotness. Don't judge me. Between his character since last February, his balding (don't judge meeeeeee*) and Bryan Craig and his hilarious-but-obnoxious attitude, he's kinda dead to me.


*fine, judge me. whatever.


I noticed F*****'s hair too but I'm determined to try not to talk about him. If he's ever not The Worst maybe then I will.


They should have put Dillon and Maxie together. They have the most spark together out of the Stale Six.


I actually think Dom and Kirsten/Maxie and Dante have the most chemistry but you can't really do anything with that without them looking like utter assholes, even more than Maxie usually does and more than Dante looks right now, without Lulu leaving town. :whistles:

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 6

I know, I should have been more clear: she didn't conspire with, nor did she have an agency relationship with Sonny.

Right, Ava may have set to kill AJ but she's not the one who actually did it.

For example, lets say Ric brings a knife and Michael brings a gun to the Scum Wedding, both intending to kill Sonny. If Julian sets off a bomb and kills Sonny before either one of them actually kills him, then Julian is the murderer; neither Michael nor Ric is.

Can one of the lawyers weigh in? The extent of my legal knowledge comes from "Professor" Dick Wolf.


This is like a law school exam question, so I'm going to be a bit rusty. And I didn't watch how AJ was killed, so I don't know exactly what Ava's intent was.  But, here goes.


Imagine if someone (Ava in this scenario) wants someone, AJ, dead.  It has to be her intent. But how to go about, she thinks? She could kill him herself, but then she'd have to hide out for weeks in a bad wig pretending she's someone else. There's nothing worse than that. So, what to do?


She could coerce or entice someone else to do it. If that person agrees to do the killing, then they have a conspiracy.  But let's say Ava doesn't want a co-conspirator. They can talk.  Make a deal with the DA. Blackmail you.  


Now, she could dupe someone else into killing AJ for her. Let's say she knows that Sonny would want to avenge Connie's death.  So, if she knows that by telling Sonny that AJ was the killer that she's likely signing AJ's death certificate, and Sonny reacts just as Ava thought he would, then she'd technically meet the elements of first degree homicide.  She engaged in conduct (winding up Sonny), acted with malice aforethought (the intention to kill), and someone died. 


It all hinges on Ava's intent.  If she meant for Sonny to kill him, and hoped it would happen, and it did happen, then she's on the hook.  If she just wanted to throw Sonny off her track and pin it on someone else just to get him of her scent, then she's not guilty of murder.  Even if she knows that it's a possibility that throwing blame on AJ might get him hurt or killed.  She has to actually want AJ to be dead, and this is the plan by which she's going about doing it. If it's just a matter where she's letting the chips fall where they may, then she's not guilty of murder.


If Sonny does the killing, then Sonny's also guilty of first degree homicide.  But, oddly enough, Ava and Sonny never formed a conspiracy (an agreement to do something illegal for a purpose).  Sonny's basically just the tool in that scenario.*  He's like the knife or the gun, with independent thought. But the fact he does have independent thought doesn't let Ava off the hook.


*That's certainly not the first time Sonny and tool have been used in the same sentence. And it won't be the last.

Edited by Francie
  • Love 7


If Sonny does the killing, then Sonny's also guilty of first degree homicide.  But, oddly enough, Ava and Sonny never formed a conspiracy (an agreement to do something illegal for a purpose).  Sonny's basically just the tool in that scenario.*  He's like the knife or the gun, with independent thought. But the fact he does have independent thought doesn't let Ava off the hook.


*That's certainly not the first time Sonny and tool have been used in the same sentence. And it won't be the last.


Nicely done!


Ava was in fact  trying to "wind Sonny up" so he'd shoot AJ. I believe she was trying to keep AJ from telling Sonny that she shot Connie.



So. What if these two decide after the shooting to let AJ bleed out on the floor so that he can't identify them to the police? I'm sure that's a crime but I can't figure out which one

Edited by Oracle42

I'm about to render the rest of my post not worth ready by admitting that I've enjoyed most of the last week or so worth of episodes. I watch 2 of the 4 surviving soaps to which my highly uncreative board name can attest. DOOL is actually my overall (over time, that is) favorite, but I have been barely getting through the episodes, even this week, which was the first week with DOOL's new writing regime.  Meanwhile, I kind of can't wait to see what happens next on GH.

I don't like Valerie and Dante. It felt so forced and rushed. Also, Valerie has turned out to be mopey. Maybe she's just depressed that she didn't get to slit Luke's throat. I know I am. Even though I don't like them, I do like Lulu and Dillon. This version of Dillon has such an open, sweet face. He's already won me over. (I was on a break with the show when the first Dillon was on, so I don't have to overcome the change.) I'm now also fully used to Emme Rylan's Lulu and I like her.

I am enjoying Nina and Franco. I cannot explain it. I just am. Oh, Franco was ridiculous in the courtroom scenes, but no more so (to me) than Scott, Ric, or the judge. The writing doesn't even try to fake like they might be writing a somewhat TV-plausible legal proceeding and that's insulting, but this week is the last of Ron's b.s. so I am hopeful that kind of laziness will dissipate.  I wish that both Nina and Franco interacted more with other characters.

I love Tracy sans Luke. And Paul is certainly easier on the eyes. That the actor doesn't appear medicated (or self-medicated, I don't really know what was going on with latter-day Geary, but something has been off about his performance as Luke, even before the Fluke b.s. storyline) to me, helps a lot.

I have no patience for the Ric/Madeleine story and haven't since its onset, but the end is nigh, so I can soldier on.

I always love Maxie, whether she's being good, bad, or just flaky, and I still don't think Nathan is wooden, particularly for a new soap actor. 

tl;dr: GH might not be good right now, but I do feel generally entertained by it, whereas, where DOOL is concerned, I am in total hang-on mode. 


Consciously I know the Dillon/Lulu scenes were terrible, but for some reason I really liked them. IDEK. I think it's because I was looking at ER's instagram yesterday and now find her super endearing. Plus I just like Dollar Store Dillon.


Tracy looked fantastic today. Like I was taken aback by how beautiful she was. She must do her own hair and makeup. I like her and Paul together a lot.


I watched some of the Valerie/Dante scenes, but I couldn't continue. There's no chemistry there and Valerie sucks now. Sigh, so much potential with her and they killed it.


I didn't watch anything else.


This was nice to read. It made me feel slightly less stupid for liking stuff.


Why must TPTB spend so much time on all things mobular. Julian does own a newspaper. He could hire Maxie as the style editor, Valerie as the crime reporter, Morgan can be a movie critic and Kiki can be the office girl. Valerie would still be in Dante's sphere and all the unemployed 20 somethings would have something to do and stop mooching.



Or -- here's a thought. Valerie, who took care of her disabled mother for years, could decide to go into some sort of medical training, perhaps at, I don't know, that hospital they have Port Charles. What's its name, again?  Really, the moochers should be getting jobs at GH too. Kiki could be, well, let's face it, she could just be a receptionist and Morgan could be an orderly.



I know, I should have been more clear: she didn't conspire with, nor did she have an agency relationship with Sonny.

Right, Ava may have set to kill AJ but she's not the one who actually did it.

For example, lets say Ric brings a knife and Michael brings a gun to the Scum Wedding, both intending to kill Sonny. If Julian sets off a bomb and kills Sonny before either one of them actually kills him, then Julian is the murderer; neither Michael nor Ric is.

Can one of the lawyers weigh in? The extent of my legal knowledge comes from "Professor" Dick Wolf.


I'm not a lawyer, but that doesn't matter to me, because I don't care what Ava is legally guilty of, where AJ is concerned. For me, it's about moral culpability. She framed AJ for Connie's murder, which is why Sonny wanted him dead. She wanted AJ dead to cover her own ass. She strong-armed a hit man into the job. When he failed, she manipulated Sonny into murdering him, and stood side by side with Sonny, as they watched him bleed out, they left AJ's body in the penthouse, to rot. They are both morally culpable for the death of AJ, and I don't care who is more at fault. They both suck.

I wish the show hadn't taken Ava there with either Connie or AJ, because I like Maura West. She gives great soap. Her character is now so unredeemable, that, in a good soap, she would be killed off or sent to prison. That still could happen, I guess, but probably she'll just stay around and be as morally repugnant as Sonny, and drag down any character who manages to retain a speck of sympathy for her.




This should have been in the top portion of my post, but I'm interested in seeing where the Morgan storyline goes. And I can't wait for Franco to out the Morgan/DenAva affair to Kiki.

Edited by General Days
  • Love 5

I honestly don't mind that Ava is, on many levels, irredeemable. And I don't think Sonny's horrible deeds (or Nina fisting her, which Ava did not deserve) excuse her own. But I do think that Ava, as a villain, can continue to exist on the show. I don't think her murdering Connie was a mistake. I think it was a rare example of the writers actually taking a mob character as seriously as they really should. Whether or not they intended it that way for her long-time durability is another story, but it can be done and has been done with other long-term soap villains without having to redeem them or excuse their behavior.


Ava is a cold-blooded killer who had no problem letting a woman choke to death on her own blood just to keep an advantage over a rival. She wanted A.J. silenced and dead and made sure that Sonny made that happen. I honestly believe that if her back were against the wall she'd do anything, including sacrifice her daughter. She'd also do anything to get out of this and survive. If they want to kill her off, I'm fine with it at this point, I think she's had a pretty good run marred by this recent storyline and several others (Morgan) and I think death is how Ava will have to end eventually - it's what she sells and it's what she's bought. But I also think she could go on for quite awhile.

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 8

I honestly don't mind that Ava is, on many levels, irredeemable. And I don't think Sonny's horrible deeds (or Nina fisting her, which Ava did not deserve) excuse her own. But I do think that Ava, as a villain, can continue to exist on the show. I don't think her murdering Connie was a mistake. I think it was a rare example of the writers actually taking a mob character as seriously as they really should. Whether or not they intended it that way for her long-time durability is another story, but it can be done and has been done with other long-term soap villains without having to redeem them or excuse their behavior.


Ava is a cold-blooded killer who had no problem letting a woman choke to death on her own blood just to keep an advantage over a rival. She wanted A.J. silenced and dead and made sure that Sonny made that happen. I honestly believe that if her back were against the wall she'd do anything, including sacrifice her daughter. She'd also do anything to get out of this and survive. If they want to kill her off, I'm fine with it at this point, I think she's had a pretty good run marred by this recent storyline and several others (Morgan) and I think death is how Ava will have to end eventually - it's what she sells and it's what she's bought. But I also think she could go on for quite awhile.

I don't exactly disagree with anything you say. My beef is that these mobsters do these vile things, and then "good" characters invite them to their fund raisers, weddings, Christenings, and Thanksgiving dinners. I just have such severe mob fatigue (which I realize plenty of fans do). I was hoping that when Michael won custody of Avery, Sonny would do a real moral inventory and try to go legit. Instead, he just used Duke as his puppet and blah. No need reliving it all or making you all relive it. I enjoy West so much, I'd just rather see her in a position that was less black and white. She's doing great work.

I think Frank and Ron squandered an opportunity to tell a different kind of mob story. Since Fluke turned out to be pulling the strings, and since Julian and Sonny forged an uneasy alliance at Pentonville, I would have liked to see them (and, therefore, Ava) work to legitimize their businesses and leave the mob, together. They'd each would have had their own motives. For Sonny that would be securing custody of Avery and maybe forging a new relationship with Michael. For Julian, it would be Alexis and his kids. For Ava, it would be a chance to get custody of Avery, and redeem herself somewhat in Kiki's eyes. They all have legitimate business. There's a natural out, there.

The prevalence of the mob stories could have left town with Lucas Lorenzo Spencer, the low level mob minion, con man, and scam artist who first ushered it to prominence, more than 35 years ago. I wouldn't want Sonny, Julian, and Ava white-washed. They could be morally ambiguous business people (i.e. soap villains) who aren't averse to shady dealings, power plays, blatant deception, etc. when necessary, but ENOUGH with this, "He intercepted my shipment of what is certainly not drugs. I must kill him to retain my HONOR!," b.s.  Oh, well. If wishes were horses, beggars would ride. 


I can deal with Ava as a villain. I don't mind her as a sociopath but I'm not here for a sympathy edit where she's changed by the power of Morgan's dick.

She and Sonny can be in an escalating horror show of a mob war where they destroy themselves and their families but I don't want to hear shit about their inner pain


I don't mind their inner pain, so much. I mind this idea that I have to find them sympathetic, just because they have pain, and/or because the actors who play them are fan favorites.


  • Love 5

LOL at Carly's sympathy face when Sonny was talking about Connie. Carly hated her—Kate, too. 


Are we supposed to feel sorry for Morgan that his penis was duped by Denise? I don't. Not one bit. He didn't need any encouragement to sleep with her.


If Ava were going to be written out, this is definitely the way I'd want her to end.  To go down fighting rather than sobbing over some idiot man-child, and to finally rid Port Charles of Sonny once and for all.


That sobbing is what I hate most about Ava. 


Sonny, if you don't want Morgan to struggle like you did, GET HIM TO SEE A DOCTOR. For fuck's sake. He hates that Morgan's BPD reflects back on him. Sonny could not be a bigger asshole or a worse father.

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 9

Sonny: Do you think I like taking my meds?  No, but I don't want to hurt the people I love.


Me: I'm pretty sure you were taking your meds when you shot AJ, and when you slept with Ava IN A CRYPT so cram it.


I hate that they're writing off every legit insistence of Morgan being pissed at Sonny and Carly and even Michael or doing anything they didn't like as manic behavior and ignoring all the valid contexts.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 16

Rage blackout = Sonny blaming the bipolar for being a "wrecking ball" and hurting everyone around him if he doesn't take his meds. Also, the crying inches from Morgan's face that he doesn't want Morgan to go through what he went through.  Disgusted at the addressing of BPD in this way. Morgan behaving like an asshole, and now calling Ava a disease, shows more than ever he is truly his father's son.


Alexis snarking at Ric provides a little entertainment though. Plus it's nice to see her in court rather than being all. about. Julian. 


There is nothing sweet or compelling about the two psychos in jail, looking longingly at each other and spouting...nothings.

  • Love 7


Richard Burgi/Paul is like a 500% upgrade from TG/Luke.


 And a 1000% upgrade from RoHo and 2000% from MB.



Sonny, if you don't want Morgan to struggle like you did, GET HIM TO SEE A DOCTOR. For fuck's sake. He hates that Morgan's BPD reflects back on him. Sonny could not be a bigger asshole or a worse father.


 With or without cold-blooded murder.





I think it would be quite fitting for Ava and Sonny to kill each other.


  And if they could kill Carly, Franco, Dr. O, Madeline, Rosalie and Nina too, that would be even better.

Edited by DollEyes
  • Love 3

I think Frank and Ron squandered an opportunity to tell a different kind of mob story. Since Fluke turned out to be pulling the strings, and since Julian and Sonny forged an uneasy alliance at Pentonville, I would have liked to see them (and, therefore, Ava) work to legitimize their businesses and leave the mob, together. They'd each would have had their own motives. For Sonny that would be securing custody of Avery and maybe forging a new relationship with Michael. For Julian, it would be Alexis and his kids. For Ava, it would be a chance to get custody of Avery, and redeem herself somewhat in Kiki's eyes. They all have legitimate business. There's a natural out, there.



The thing is, I think for all their mushmouthed talk none of them want out or to give up the power. Especially Ava and Sonny. This is who they are.

  • Love 2

I think Morgan is suffering from somewhat the Samson syndrome.  Samson had his strength taken from him when his hair was cut.  Morgan lost what few smarts he had when he submitted to that God awful buzz cut. Bad look Morgan, bad look.


And Jesus tap dancing Christ can we please stop with the Hollywood film story?  PLEASE I ffw'd thru all of it.  All three of them are awful.  And Commissioner?  The bad fit of your slacks was distracting.  But your weave looked good today.


Sue me, I like RoHo.  Hate Franco, but love RoHo.  I blame the Clonopin I'm taking.


Kiki?  Shit can Morgan until he grows his hair back (and maybe a few brain cells}.  And maybe get some acting lessons, ok?

  • Love 3

I can! It looks super fake.


ETA Give Heather Erica the emmy now!


I agree about Maxie's hair. Who is Heather Erica, though?


The thing is, I think for all their mushmouthed talk none of them want out or to give up the power. Especially Ava and Sonny. This is who they are.


It is who they are, but that could change with the stroke of a pen. Each character has built in motive to leave, if the writers would only write it that way. They're not going to, though. This show is going to be General Mobsters, until it fades away into obscurity.



The scenes between Sonny, Carly, and Morgan, today, kept my attention. It's not that Sonny isn't a wrecking ball when he is medicated, because he's a danger magnet and his family and friends are automatic targets when they're involved in his life. But I chalk that stuff up to Sonny's powerful inclination toward denial. He's convinced himself this bull about his "Code," and blames his illness for everything. He might have medicated his mood disorder, but he hasn't done the work to deal with his past (or his present). He doesn't have to be a reliable narrator -- not even where his own life and family is concerned. 


I tend to like family scenes the best, anyhow, though. I still love the Jake/Monica heart to heart about Jason Q. I loved the scenes a week or two ago between Michael, Sonny and Carly, and later, the scenes between just Carly and Michael. If we have to have a Kiki, I wish it was still Kristen Alderson in the role. I did enjoy the depth of feeling between her character and Roger Howarth's.


One thing that drove me crazy today though, was Morgan saying that everything goes back to the disease that is Ava. Sure, he's right about the gambling, and partnering with Julian, but "Drugging Michael? Also Ava!." WHAT? Wasn't Ava "dead" when Morgan and Kiki drugged Michael? That was during the whole Michael Without Pity (sigh) custody battle. Ava was in New York, fighting for her life. Silas hadn't even kidnapped Avery yet, when Morgan and Kiki drugged Michael. What the hell was that all about?​

Edited by General Days
  • Love 2

Nina telling the judge Franco is not a murderer had me rolling my eyes so hard.


"Well, you know, unless it's for his art...or one of his obsessions...or the weather sucks..."


When exactly did Dillon become so hung up on lulu? She's the one who wanted him so badly that she conspired with diego to break up Dillon and Georgie, and she pursued him. I don't recall him ever being so into her that would explain this current behavior.


After that whole mess, there was a period of time where Lulu was basically Carly, Jr, and everyone had to love her.  She was with Logan (I think), and Dillon, Spinelli, and Milo followed in her wake, gushing over how amazing she was and how badly they wanted her.  It was nauseating.  

  • Love 7

I will give props to BC today. He played agitated/manic quite well. 


I'm not sure someone who tossed over one brother for another really has any right to be too angry about the tossed brother sleeping around on her. Or are we supposed to forget that happened?


Dillon's movie isn't shaping up to be something I'm interested in, but if it keeps some other characters on the canvas, I'll endure. 


Finally, the Magda flashback we all knew would be coming! If this case is really going to be solved by the end of the month, it'll have to be on Monday. 

  • Love 1
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