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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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I want to say how STOOPID it is that Jason has proposed to Liz, not knowing who he his. And that Liz is just so gone off the deep end that she doesn't realize that if they make it to the altar, the marriage will not be legal.


I think I'll go and re-re-re-re-read that Linda Howard Classic White Lies, which sort of has a similar scenario (amnesiac spy thinking the heroine is his ex-wife, because his bosses, to keep him safe, thought they convinced the ex he was her ex, but she learned shortly after he wasn't, but she's fallen in love with him. And only goes along with his bosses, because she made sure that he didn't have a wife or children waiting for him. Well, he had a family, but...thing is, the story is SO MUCH better. Heroine refuses to "remarry" the hero until he regains his memory, and THEN if he still wants to marry her, she will. And though it sounds like it's the same thing, it's not. She realized that her "ex" must be the agent, and if she pretends to be his ex, she's helping to keep his cover.


The falling in love, the fallout, was some GOOD STUFF.




Sorry. Back to this show.  I just don't know how Liz can come back from this. I really don't.

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Patrick proposing has nothing on Jakeson proposing, and Patrick proposing would be pretty dumb. Jason is an amnesiac who has known Liz for less than a year and probably can barely support himself financially, let alone Liz and her three kids.

The contrivance burns. It buuuuurns!

You know I see the Patrick storyline different from the majority, lol. Patrick may have a job and financial stability, but he would be proposing to Sam after about six or seven months of dating. This after divorcing Robin two seconds before that and after almost marrying another woman two seconds before THAT. Add on to the fact that he has STILL never told Sam WHY he divorced Robin and has NO IDEA where the mother of his child is, even though he knows all about Victor, Helena, Faison, etc. I could go on.

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Maybe Liz will have an over the top hysterical breakdown at her engagement party and start yelling "He's Jason! He's Jason, ok?! I feel so guilty!! I can't lie anymore! Ask Nikolas -- he knows everything!!"

Then Nik turns pale, soils himself and runs away as everyone turns to stare at him while crazy lady Liz points.

I will accept almost anything to wrap up this idiocy.

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Considering Liz's borderline freakout reaction to Nik's confession, having her be the one to out this in the name of a turn back towards the light and clearing her conscience actually makes sense.  Maybe not in a public gathering, but definitely to someone who in turn will spill the beans; Carly, perhaps, for maximum oh-fuck-here-we-go screamitude.  (Though I'll be surprised if she outs Nik specifically WRT Hayden.  Keeping Jakeson's secret, yes...but he needs a covert attempted murder on his dance card--for now--if he's really going to replace the White Queen.  And I can't see TPTB having Three Kids blab about this and then get carted off to jail.)

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Having Olivia randomly decide to confide in RAPIST SERIAL KILLER FRANCO (friend of WE NEVER (-2) CARED) that she was pregnant with Julian Jerome's baby just to have him turn around and blackmail her ranks right up there.


Argh, I feel the beginnings of a rage blackout. Thanks a lot, Francie. Though I suppose LiLoC's return will trigger all of that anyway.


I love how even in the Morgan-is-Silas's-killer version, Carly has Silas being snarky toward Morgan. Hee. Morgan really should have thrown Michael's cover-up in Carly and Sonny's face when they mentioned needing to know what happened so they could bury the truth.


Silas's memorial service will be in the hospital chapel? I guess it's big enough for the four people who will turn up, but sheesh.


"Franco is a SERIAL KILLER."


Mayor Lomax finally says something that isn't bluster and/or mustache-twirling. I loved her give-no-fucks to Scott's threat about going after her. She scoffed in his face, hee.


Johnny's guys will spill the beans about Jakeson.

  • Love 4

Oh, these mean black ladies railroading white serial killer Franco!


what the fuck.


I don't necessarily think they're trying to present Jordan in a bad light (although Lomax is iffier) but Franco is supposed to be the poor poor martyr here, for sure. the hell.

Mayor Lorax is plus-sized so she is super duper evil, and Franco is skinny so he is saintly. That's pretty much all my can write about today's show without resorting to violence.

  • Love 3

Every time Denise and the wig appear onscreen, this blares across my brain.



I can't do this anymore. Take me now, goat-headed devilgods

Mayor Lorax is plus-sized so she is super duper evil, and Franco is skinny so he is saintly. That's pretty much all my can write about today's show without resorting to violence.


I have no time for Lomax and I am almost as disinterested in Jordan (especially with her in Anna's spot, as the ten thousandth person to "take Sonny Corinthos down" weeks after fucking his right hand man), but yeah, uh, two 'mean' black women against a saintly white serial killer is a terrible look in 2015. Or 1915.

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 12

I am not going to even bother talking about today's show since you all pretty much covered it.  I just have some random things:


Since we were discussing Kelly's wardrobe a while back, I thought I'd throw it out there that she did bring that up at her event yesterday.  She said Sam has been wearing the same thing for 5 years and she asked wardrobe to step it up.  She said since Sam is a PI and dating a doctor she should be dressing more sophisticated.   I really hope they make this happen.  She does need a updated "older" wardrobe badly.


Also, it's nice that Liz thinks it would be too much for Jake to meet his brother because she doesn't want to overwhelm him with news faces, yet she is perfectly ok with him going to fucking camp with a SHIT TON of other kids.  It's ok for him to meet new kids, just not his own brother??   Please, her keeping Danny and Jake from meeting is 100% about her lie. 


Jakeson is an idiot.


Ok, that's all.  For now.

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Why must Michelle Stafford repeat all of her lines?  She was even worse today than the last time I was able to sit through one of her scenes.  She's just horrible.  It must be depressing for all the good soap actors who are still out of work see her on land a cushy gig with the protection of its tone deaf, head-up-his-ass EP. 


I'm hoping the whole re-centering the show around the whirling, twirling mobster and his idiot family is just a trial balloon.  More Sonny and Carly is the second to last thing GH needs (the last thing is Franco and Nina, of course).

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I love how even in the Morgan-is-Silas's-killer version, Carly has Silas being snarky toward Morgan. Hee. Morgan really should have thrown Michael's cover-up in Carly and Sonny's face when they mentioned needing to know what happened so they could bury the truth.


I swear to god, BC had another good day with the CarSon scenes. I'm sure he won't be able to pull off the trifecta, but I was pleasantly surprised. I'm giving full credit to Laura, of course. None to the three foot tall, show-eating troll.


This is Jake and Liz to me: "blah blah blah Nikolas blah blah blah keeping something blah blah you wanna marry me?"




Heh, Sam made Kiki feel worse when she accidentally suggested that Franco killed Silas because of her. I love it. Shut up, Kiki.

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I do have to say one thing, HE was much better today.  I think she does ok with the more quiet, sad stuff.  The screeching was way too OTT.



Lawd.  Jason just loves proposing to Liz... 1) Jason proposed twice while he was with Sam and Liz was pregnant with Jake.  2) The third time Jason proposes to Liz is when Michael was shot in the head.  3) Jake aka Jason just proposed to Liz out of the blue!


I think he loves proposing in general.  He proposed to SWSNBN (I think, they got married so I assume there was a proposal).  He proposed to Sam a TON of times.  At least 4 that I can remember right now.   So yeah, dude loves to propose.  I guess he really IS Jason Morgan.  LOL.

Edited by mybabyaidan
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Silas suddenly has a kitchenette appear in his living room?  Check.  Conveniently located knife block?  Check. 

Did Silas ever eat? 

A butcher knife is so passe.  Mellonballer?



That was a feature of his luxury condo, I guess.


For Sonny, the way to prove your love for your children is to cover up their murders, what a great father.

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I love how even in the Morgan-is-Silas's-killer version, Carly has Silas being snarky toward Morgan. Hee. Morgan really should have thrown Michael's cover-up in Carly and Sonny's face when they mentioned needing to know what happened so they could bury the truth.


I loved that Silas's voice sounded like he was air quoting when he mentioned Denise because Morgan is stupid to realize that she is Ava.



I think he loves proposing in general.  He proposed to SWSNBN (I think, they got married so I assume there was a proposal).  He proposed to Sam a TON of times.  At least 4 that I can remember right now.   So yeah, dude loves to propose.  I guess he really IS Jason Morgan.  LOL.


I don't think Jason and Courtney were ever legally married because she was still legally married to AJ either because he faked his death or because of shenanigans.


I see Kiki is making herself comfortable at her next place of mooching in Carly's house. Sure she doesn't want to stay in Silas's apartment after he was murdered there but luckily her cheating boyfriend's mother lives in a huge house.


I see Kiki is making herself comfortable at her next place of mooching in Carly's house. Sure she doesn't want to stay in Silas's apartment after he was murdered there but luckily her cheating boyfriend's mother lives in a huge house.

Yet Carly never thought to offer her cousin a room in her huge house and said cousin had to live with Lante in a 1 bedroom apartment, because.....Reasons

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I don't think Jason and Courtney were ever legally married because she was still legally married to AJ either because he faked his death or because of shenanigans.


Yeah, they were never legally married, but Jason still must have proposed to her. I wasn't watching at the time, so I have no idea. Did he ever propose to robin? Or is his proposal Tourette's a 21st century development?

  • Love 1
I want to say how STOOPID it is that Jason has proposed to Liz




Stopping there is good enough for me. They had their first "real date" just a few months ago, now it's August and he's asking for her hand to wed? Of course yet again Ron would rather skip 100 steps to a logical conclusion just so he can "hype up" the so called angst and drama he believes he's concocted with this worthless mess.


The only way things could get any better, and by better I mean brain numbingly dumb as frak, would be if Patrick asked Sam to marry him and they planned to have a double wedding.

At this point I just have my fingers crossed that the new show runner shoves most of this down the memory hole and moves on.


The show survived Anna having sex with Casey the Space Alien's earth twin, but that was back before women could watch shows on their Iphones at work in 15 minute chunks. An ad came on for JC Penny during today's episode, and all I could think of was "One dying institution supporting another, both killed by stupid top level managers"


Lulu's forgiving sex scene was gag worthy, but at least it was a soap scene, as was Jordan and Val's love life recap meeting as silly as it was.


Honestly, why are Jakeson and Sam roaming the hospital halls still?



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No, Elizabeth, turning Jakeson down would not redeem you - but it would be a start. And it seems there's no clearer "sign" than coming face-to-face with his wife, her falling over herself to apologize to you for her and Jakeson keeping a secret, talking about honoring those love and lost, and telling you to give the Jakeson the answer that brings joy and peace. Elizabeth knows she's not feeling any true joy or peace right now. She's constantly terrified of being exposed. Also, does it not occur to her you can't marry someone who doesn't know who he is?


That bus just ran over Liz again, with her saying yes and kissing him and promising to never let go while Sam cries in the chapel and talks to her 'departed husband Jason.' Jakeson looks like a jackass too. Who proposes while someone is on duty at work, without any planning beforehand, no identity, and no reliable source of income???!!


Patrick and Jakeson's talk was lame and un-insightful. I had to laugh at Patrick saying Elizabeth and Jason broke up for "whatever reason" before Jason and Sam were together and got married.  He looks like such an utter dumbass. AGAIN.

Edited by Bringonthedrama
  • Love 3

Patrick and Jakeson's talk was lame and un-insightful. I had to laugh at Patrick saying Elizabeth and Jason broke up for "whatever reason" before Jason and Sam were together and got married. He looks like such an utter dumbass. AGAIN.

Patrick's version of events were just as delusional as I thought they'd be. He does NOT know the history of Sam and Liz. Clearly he just knows Sam's story which is "Jason picked me not Liz!"

Edited by HeatLifer
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Patrick's version of events were just as delusional as I thought they'd be. He does NOT know the history of Sam and Liz. Clearly he just knows Sam's story which is "Jason picked me not Liz!"


He knows what he witnessed. Jason and Liz didn't work out, they never even committed to one another. Jason moved on and got back with Sam and married her. I don't get why Jason is seen as some prize that Liz has a right to her own say in how it happened. I never see that for any other character on this show. Jason rejected Liz when she begged for "their time" in 2012. Jason died married to Sam and wanting a life with her. What else needs to be said? 

  • Love 5

eeew, Dante.


uh also I'm ashamed that I know this but that was not the longest they went without sex. Before they got married he spent a couple of months recovering from his gunshot wound and before that they were broken up over him lying about Lucky's drug use. How dare u not know that scriptwriter how dare u.


I really liked Lulu's necklace and shirt.


Two questions of the rhetorical sort: Why was Sam so distressed when Liz said she wasn't sure if she would accept the proposal, and Is Liz insane?


Speaking of Liz, I skipped it when I realized her prayer was turning into a monologue. Did it actually seem sympathetic?


Nikolas: we had amazing chemistry


me: eh.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 4

He knows what he witnessed. Jason and Liz didn't work out, they never even committed to one another. Jason moved on and got back with Sam and married her. I don't get why Jason is seen as some prize that Liz has a right to her own say in how it happened. I never see that for any other character on this show. Jason rejected Liz when she begged for "their time" in 2012. Jason died married to Sam and wanting a life with her. What else needs to be said?

Patrick is not an authority to tell anyone a story he knows nothing about. He didn't witness anything in my eyes because he didn't pay attention to the Jason/Sam/Liz saga in the slightest. He obviously knows that Jason ended up marrying Sam but that's not the whole story. Every person has their own side of what happened. Sam's is not the only important one. That's just just my opinion on the whole thing, and I'm not a Sam or Liz fan first.

Patrick is not an authority to tell anyone a story he knows nothing about. He didn't witness anything in my eyes because he didn't pay attention to the Jason/Sam/Liz saga in the slightest. He obviously knows that Jason ended up marrying Sam but that's not the whole story. Every person has their own side of what happened. Sam's is not the only important one. That's just just my opinion on the whole thing, and I'm not a Sam or Liz fan first.


What is this "whole story" that Patrick must tell? He said they didn't work out. Liz is lying because she knows where JASON wanted to be. I'd say Patrick isn't far off in his "story". Sam was the important one when it came to Jason. I don't know why characters around to witness it must speak for Liz's deluded history with Jason. 

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He knows what he witnessed. Jason and Liz didn't work out, they never even committed to one another.  Jason rejected Liz when she begged for "their time" in 2012. Jason died married to Sam and wanting a life with her. What else needs to be said? 

They both pulled reprehensible stunts to hold onto him. Their history isn't simply one of "tension" - the bitterness and pain brought out the worst in them.  But of course Patrick isn't going to recall the ugly truth because Sam can pretty much do no wrong and Liz is his bestie/ "a prize of a woman." 

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And really, Jason talked a good game with Liz. She was good to sex up as long as he could treat her as last in a list of priorities. He used DANGER DANGER as an out, and he took it. I am a fan of neither JaSam nor Liason, but the SHOW wrote it as Jason loving Sam with Liz as a pitstop. Maybe not when he asked Liz to go away with him in the early 2000s, but later on? Yeah. He even chose Courtney over her. Liz was the "love the one you're with" woman.


So yeah, I see no revisionist history.

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