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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Tracy smiling when she found out Rafe was brain dead was cold-hearted even for her. 


Brad is creepy and pathetic. How many times does Lucas have to tell him he doesn't want him before he goes away. I know Brad is repulsive but surely there's another guy out there who would be into him without him having to beg. 


Sam's last words to Rafe were nice. He's finally dead so I'm not even going to complain about Silas and Kiki acting like they actually knew him. 

  • Love 5
Brad is creepy and pathetic. How many times does Lucas have to tell him he doesn't want him before he goes away. I know Brad is repulsive but surely there's another guy out there who would be into him without him having to beg.



To be fair, wasn't Lucas just as creepy for awhile when Brad insisted to him their hookup was just that, a hookup? And he kept coming onto Brad to the point that Brad had to snap at him like Lucas did to him today?

Edited by truthaboutluv
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Maxie experienced so little real and present father love that she shrugs it off like beaded water when Mac tries so hard to give it to her.


Mac was absolutely there for Maxie when she was growing up. One of the main reasons was precisely because Felicia and Frisco weren't. He definitely gave and gives Maxie real and present father love. She considers him her father more than she does Frisco. I'd say Maxie has abandonment issues more than she has daddy issues (though she probably has a few of those, as well).

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 7


To be fair, wasn't Lucas just as a creepy for awhile when Brad insisted to him their hookup was just that and he kept coming onto Brad to the point that Brad had to snap at him like Lucas did to him today?


Yes, and I didn't find that appealing either. Brad's behavior is much more irritating to me since we've already seen him harass Felix and try to blackmail Michael into having sex with him. 

  • Love 1

One Clay down, three to go.


I have zero fucks to give when it comes to Silas and Keeks mourning Rafe.  And Silas vowing revenge against Patrick?  Bitch, please.  Silas has only himself to blame.


And i dont know who is dumber, Lucas or Maxie.  Who in their right mind would want to be with either Felix or Levi; they are both such vile creatures literally scraping the bottom barrel of humanity.  If Franco's tumor grew back and he savagely murdered both of them, I would love Franco for life.

Edited by Tiger
  • Love 8

Please let Alice get something out about Tracy to Michael so he begins to get a clue.  Where is Alexis on checking on Tracy's annulment?


I've only been watching since April/May so I don't have any Rafe hate.  His bad acting doesn't even bother me.  I'm not sure how long Silas has known him but since Rafe is supposed to be 14/15, I can totally get into being upset that he died.  I don't think Kiki's reaction was over the top either - it's always a shame when a kid dies.


Speaking of dead kids... Rafe admitted to running Patrick's car off the road.  He didn't admit to trying to kill an unborn child.  Who was the target?  What was the intention?  And I don't think Patrick found out (yet) that it was deliberate.  I get that his towel baby died, a baby he didn't want with a woman he didn't want so there's probably some guilt grief there.  But for all his outrage, he still carried that towel baby from the scene of the accident to the NICU even stopping to chat with coworkers along the way.  No sense of urgency there (or while Rafe bled out).  So Rafe didn't call for help or stay.  Yes, normally that's what you do when you cause an accident so of course, he should have.  (And he shouldn't have intentionally caused the accident in the first place.)  But towel baby didn't die because Rafe didn't stay or call it in.  Towel baby died because he was too premature (and more likely than a non-phone call, that he didn't get expedient medical treatment due to Patrick swadding him and clutching him against his chest versus turning him over to the EMTs or rushing him to the ER or NICU).


I bet Levi called ICE on himself so he can marry Maxie now that he can see she's starting to like Nathan.

  • Love 2

Mac and Felicia were not at the hearing because it was unexpectedly moved up and they were not informed. They expressed disappointment that they were not able to go. I never said that Maxie liked and encouraged the helicopter aspect--she does fight it and ignores their good advice, especially Mac's. Mac talks himself blue in the face trying to reason with Maxie; Flea is often concerned when she remembers she has a daughter. (My theory is that Felicia went on numerous 'shroom and LSD trips with Frisco in the 70's and 80's, and her mind has big patches of blank in it.) Then after they wear themselves out trying to reason with her, Maxie eagerly accepts any and all financial support from them for herself and even her strange boyfriend.

I think Mac gets so over-involved because he loves Flea and feels he must act like a substitute father for Maxie. Unfortunately, Maxie experienced so little real and present father love that she shrugs it off like beaded water when Mac tries so hard to give it to her. I see the two in a constant struggle: Mac offers father love and advice out of guilt; Maxie can't recognize or believe that a father-man would be present and committed to her (because in the past, Flea constantly railed at Frisco for deserting her and the two daughters.) I think all this dynamic underlies why Maxie makes such poor choices in men.

I 100% disagree on the Reason Mac is so over involved is simply because he loves Flea & "feels like a subsitute father to Maxie" he so over involved because he loves those girl & he is there father pure & unconditionally. Even though they're not his kids, he doesn't treat them any differently then a biological father would treat them with the concern, over protectiveness, support & being deeply involved in there life's. He has been there through hell & back, thick & thin, good & bad with those girls. That's not a mark of a man/father doing it simply out of guilt or for a women esp after that women screwed him over. He also recognizes that Maxie is a damaged person through forces beyond her control & through forces within her control(of her own making).

In the case of not having a father if you're talking about Frisco yes but Mac no that isn't true. He has been the one thing consistent & present in her life as a parental figure besides her sister. She always had his love & support.

Maxie should've gotten therapy decade ago when the issues came to a forefront when she was a teen. She been through too much for her not to be in some sorta psychological therapy.

Its really sad because Ron doesn't give 2 ishs about Maxie as a character, the Frisco return proved that. He had a literal goldmine in Maxie/Mac/Felicia/Frisco that could've driven stories for years. Maxie setting it off by railing against the father who abandoned her nearly a decade ago, giving him the treatment he so richly deserves. But as a Maxie fan I can't have nice things at all.

Edited by NiqueAlexis
  • Love 3

Maxie talking about the time she covered for Michael sounds more like the writers telling me, "see, we know details of GH history!" instead of something she would organically remember. I mean, yes, nice of her to remember but he went to prison anyway soooo can't really blame Michael for not remembering.


Dante and Nathan should record some books on tape. They both have attractive voices. Although watching Nathan kinda makes me feel like I wish I was watching Lucky instead being buddies with Dante and falling for Maxie. Oh well.


No Dante, Maxie isn't smarter than people think. She's exactly that smart/dumb. Points for calling Levi a doof though.


Thank God Michael is out of that suit. He looks good today.

  • Love 2

Maxie talking about the time she covered for Michael sounds more like the writers telling me, "see, we know details of GH history!" instead of something she would organically remember. I mean, yes, nice of her to remember but he went to prison anyway soooo can't really blame Michael for not remembering.


Dante and Nathan should record some books on tape. They both have attractive voices. Although watching Nathan kinda makes me feel like I wish I was watching Lucky instead being buddies with Dante and falling for Maxie. Oh well.


No Dante, Maxie isn't smarter than people think. She's exactly that smart/dumb. Points for calling Levi a doof though.


Thank God Michael is out of that suit. He looks good today.



I have dreamt of a Maxie/Lucky pairing for SO LONG.  I think the writers flirted with the idea for a while after Lucky found out about Niz.  Maxie and Lucky suddenly started hanging out and all was beautiful and the Liz/Maxie/Lucky dynamic would have driven story for years.  They could have been the new Lucy/Kevin, and we could have watched Maxie really have to redeem herself to the Spencers after Pilloweena.  

But Siobhan came on the scene, all feisty of spirit and fake of accent, and that was that.

Of all the missed opportunities of General Hospital (and I have seen many), this has always seemed one of the most tragic.

  • Love 1

I don't know, I enjoyed this episode. It actually gave me a lot of feelings. I think there's something wrong with me.


I skipped all the Silas stuff, all the Patrick stuff, and most of the Felix/Lucas stuff.


I loved the Nathan/Dante scenes. They gave me Nathan/Dante besties feelings, Maxie/Nathan feelings, Dante/Maxie feelings, and even Dante/Anna and Nathan/Anna feelings. You know they both call her "The Commissioner" in bed!


Morgan, please, baby, just say no to Kiki! I know that you have no actual friends and the worst family imaginable, but this won't make it any better!

  • Love 4

So Patrick killed Rafe.  From now on, he should get along swimmingly with Sonny and Jason since they now have something in common.


I know Rafe is a twerp but it just comes across like a grown man bullying a kid.


Not just a grown man bullying a kid, but a grown man bullying a kid who is in the hospital in need of medical care.  Gotta give it to the dude - he makes certain the people he goes after can't fight back.

  • Love 3

I 100% disagree on the Reason Mac is so over involved is simply because he loves Flea & "feels like a subsitute father to Maxie" he so over involved because he loves those girl & he is there father pure & unconditionally. Even though they're not his kids, he doesn't treat them any differently then a biological father would treat them with the concern, overprotectiveness, support & deeply involved in there life's. He been there through hell & back, thick & thin, good & bad with those girls. That's not a mark of a man/father doing it simply out of guilt or for a women esp after that women screwed him over. He also recognizes that Maxie is a damaged person through forces beyond her control & through forces within her control of her own making.


In the case of not having s father if y are talking about Frisco yes but Mac no that isn't true. He has been the one thing consistent & present in her life as a parental figure besides her sister. She always had his love & support.


Maxie should've gotten therapy decade ago when the issues came to a forefront when she was a teen. She been through too much for her not to be in some sorta psychological therapy or help. Its really sad because Ron doesn't give 2 ishs about Maxie as a character, the Frisco return proved that. He had a literal goldmine in Maxie/Mac/Felicia/Frisco that could've driven stories for years. Maxie setting it off by railing against the father who abandoned her nearly a decade ago, giving him the treatment he so richly deserves. But as a Maxie fan I can't have nice things at all.




 Thank you NiqueAlexis for putting into words my feelings about Mac and Maxie.  Whenever Mac refers to Georgie(sr), Robin and Maxie as "my girls" my heart melts.  These young women are his heart and soul.  He has had the patience of Job when it comes to Maxie and has been a source of unconditional love and acceptance without enabling or excusing her behavior.  I think Mac is the best father in soaps.

  • Love 9

As far as I'm concerned, Rafe signed his own death warrant when he drove a car while high. Patrick's issues or not, he clearly chose to operate and not let the kid croak, but Rafe's drug use sealed it, anyway.


And Silas is just focused on the aftermath and not everything else. Sure, he blames Patrick, but maybe if Silas wasn't so busy playing hide the salami (in the most boring way possible) with Sam and was a parent to the kid, he wouldn't have shit to blame Patrick FOR. Because a fact is, Silas could barely be bothered himself where Rafe was concerned, which is rich, considering how "I, me, mine" he was when fighting for custody.


I get Silas is reeling, but yeah. Have several seats, yourself, there, Silas. And get a caffeine jolt and wake the hell up, already.

Edited by WendyR72
  • Love 7

Oh Noes!! Poor Alice needs a new heart! What if they don't find a donor in time? It's so nerve-wracking I can't watch. Someone PM me if they manage to find her a new heart.

Geez how hard is to play brain dead? All that eye twitching I though we were going to have a vampire on our hands and Sam would have to stake his ass. Stay in school kid. You're gonna need a good education.

My goodness Lucas is so tiny I could put him in my pocket. His little chest is so puffed out I wonder how he keeps from falling over.

  • Love 3

IF Patrick killed Rafe (which I don't think he did), I don't think the fact that Silas was a crappy parent makes it okay.  I think Silas is giving himself a hard enough time for being a crappy parent.  And let's face it--Silas was a crappy parent largely because it turned out that the kid playing TJ was a much better actor than the kid playing Rafe, which wasn't exactly Silas's fault. 


It's amazing how much better an actor ME is when he's playing suspicious and pissed off than when he's playing saccharine schmaltz.  I'm looking forward to the Silas/Patrick showdown.  Especially if Nina stays the hell out of it. 

  • Love 1
Rafe signed his own death warrant when he drove a car while high.

Rafe wasn't high when he was driving the car that hit Patrick's or when he was with Molly.


I don't know why Maxie and Nathan couldn't drive home. Maxie could have shifted while Nathan worked the clutch. It's not as if they were going across the country. But I'm not surprised Nathan couldn't figure that out.


Silas sobbing over Rafe was pretty self-indulgent. I don't doubt he's sad about Rafe, but he's sadder that he was a terrible guardian. I wonder if JD fell asleep during those scenes. Apparently that happens pretty often.


Maxie acts like Nathan strangles puppies all day. Just when she thinks she finds a few shreds of humanity he does something to contradict it? Please. Levi's the one who's evil incarnate.


Ugh, the horrible nickname for Morgan came back.


LOL at Monica telling Alice she's first on the list when a heart becomes available and we get the pan to brain-dead Rafe. Subtle, Ron. Does that mean Rafe will be the donor? I have no idea.


Patrick, TELL SABRINA. As much as I can't stand her, she deserves to know. Gabriel was her son, too. Stop being a patriarchal douche.


Tracy didn't smile when she heard Rafe was brain-dead; it was more an expression of "Aha..."

  • Love 3

I forgot to say earlier--I actually liked almost all of today's show.  Only the Morgan/Kiki stuff was blah to me, and even that was made better by the return of Morgan's normal hair. 


Loved Lucas calling Brad out for being the one who'd engage in revenge sex and loved Brad owning up to it.  I wish more of their relationship had happened on-screen because all I remember seeing was a couple of drunk hookups, so the stuff about how good they were together is ringing a bit shallow.  Loved Dante talking to Nathan.  Loved Lulu not talking about babiez.  And yay, another day without Sonny! 


However, open note to show:  It's "ice," not "eye-cee-eee."  Calling it "eye-cee-eee" is like calling Greenwich Village "Green-witch"--it's so far from normal that it almost makes it hard to understand what's being talked about.  Levi did it yesterday, and Nathan did it again today.  I hope someone passes up a note before whatever stupid immigration story is about to happen takes off. 

Edited by Rancide
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Okay I love Lante and Naxie together. They would make great couple friends. I think Lante are going to play matchmaker for Naxie and awwww it is super cute kittens rainbows and unicorn tears.


Dante soooo ratted that Dunklemonkey out. Too bad that will backfire gah! Maxie just let him go for the love of mercy. Ain't NOBODY got time for THAT!

  • Love 2
As far as I'm concerned, Rafe signed his own death warrant when he drove a car while high. Patrick's issues or not, he clearly chose to operate and not let the kid croak, but Rafe's drug use sealed it, anyway.


Thought the death warrant was signed when he walked in on Nina twirling around the apartment, since RC wants to continue with Nina's over complicated revenge plan.  I can guess that RC is making this shit up as he goes along and didn't decide on Rafe until he started writing dialogue for him again and I don't mean when Rafe ratted out Molly and TJ, but after . I know that asshat just loved it that he had to write in Teresa Castillo's pregnancy, except he really didn't. I should have known something was up when Patrick started acting like he gave a shit about Sabrina and her pregnancy after Robin left. This whole storyline has shades of Logan Hayes murder: they both get on the wrong side of the girl they "love", we don't see them for months, then all of a sudden they are both are involved in drugs, one selling the other using and both do horrendous things (Logan attacking Maxie and Lulu, Rafe side swiping a car) so the audience can be convinced  that they "deserved" to die, because even though they were both dinks, they both had sympathetic backstories. 


It might be high "drama", in the end it is extremely predictable and safe, err, what Guza and RC do is considered storytelling, right? For all the talk about Guza being dark and edgy and the vast amount of people RC likes to kill off, I think both became balless writers.  I know that Lily Riveria wasn't everybody favorite, but I will give Guza one thing when he was first head writer: he didn't vilify her. I didn't like and agree she was passive aggressive, but they didn't turn her into someone that killed children and puppies, or even have her go after Brenda. It wasn't just Liliy dying when Brenda married Jax. Even if you were a Brenda/Sonny shipper, Lily did give Sonny peace and truly loved him and in the end, I think that is partly why her death meant something even if you hated the character. But people like RC and Guza think the reason why something is memorable is for the flash and dazzle, and not for the emotional component behind it.

  • Love 1

I so wanted Silas to throat punch Patrick when he was just standing there not even trying to deny he purposely killed Rafe. I don't think he really did do it on purpose, but he did take too long arguing with Dartrick that is what I do believe caused Rafe to die.

I'm down with Silas vs Patrick b/c they are both adults and even matches. Patrick looks so bad in all this b/c Rafe was a child. I mean if Patrick has a drug problem as an adult and made poor choices to work while high, he has zero legs to stand on not having any compassion for a child in this situation. Not like he took a gun and shot a baby. He just caused an accident meant to scare <fill in the blank> and the baby dying was an accident of the accident. Rafe seemed totally wreaked about the outcome and was very sorry and punishing himself, so not like Rafe is some evil baby killer Patrick is acting like he is. I also want to see Silas punish Patrick within the law. That is how Patrick should have felt about Rafe save him so he can face the law. Silas seems to want Patrick to pay for what he did to his child with legal punishment not death.


I liked all the goodbye scenes for Rafe. It is very realistic to me that people close to someone they let down would feel so sad at the loss and their regret they didn't do things better when the person was alive. So of course they'd be upset.

Glad Sam questioned Patrick at the end.

  • Love 3


Patrick's issues or not, he clearly chose to operate and not let the kid croak, but Rafe's drug use sealed it, anyway.

Patrick hesitated for a quite a while after the blood vessel burst (or was nicked).  Epiphany called out to him at least 2x.  That delay, intentional or not, could very well be why Rafe is brain dead.  All of Patrick's daydreaming while operating was dangerous.  What if he did that while operating on Molly?  All OK then if Molly bled out?  A lot of doctors have a god complex, but they are not god, they do not get to decide who lives or dies.



I don't know why Maxie and Nathan couldn't drive home. Maxie could have shifted while Nathan worked the clutch. It's not as if they were going across the country. But I'm not surprised Nathan couldn't figure that out.

If Maxie's right hand was cuffed to Nathan's left hand, Maxie would need to be in the driver's seat.  The clutch is most likely on the left.  It would be like a game of Twister for Nathan to depress the clutch.

  • Love 2
I wish more of their relationship had happened on-screen because all I remember seeing was a couple of drunk hookups



Same here, their so called "relationship" was really nothing more than fluff, considering they barely knew each other and Brad had just barely, finally, given up on Felix to give it a go with Lucas, but for me what worked is that it was fluff which involved two hot men making the sexy together and it wasn't under the cover of darkness where one remained fully clothed and the other barely got to touch his ankle before the cameras cut away to them having breakfast the next morning.



However, open note to show:  It's "ice," not "eye-cee-eee."




Maybe they're thinking ice in PC is pronounced differently, makes it more special and unique.


I am 99.9999% sure Rafe's heart is going to Alice, but I just thought of another warm body that I'd be more than happy to see serve as an organ donor, the Nina's buddy in crime, Rosie. I'd actually be willing to leave Rafe in an indefinite coma, the show won't last long enough for him to wake up most likely, if it meant she kicked the bucket instead. I'd rather it be the Nina first and foremost but she's not going anywhere, she hasn't even met Ava or Sonny yet.

I'm a bit stunned.....I liked something today.  Oh, not much, and not really any part of any story.  But it's been so long since I liked something that lasted more than a second I'm gobsmacked.


I liked Lulu and Maxie - and especially Emme Rylan, today.  There was a natural ease in their conversation that they made it believable that these two have been friends for ages.  Since we mostly see Emme playing Lulu in baby rabies mode, so that alone was nice.  Their scenes were lowkey, their conversation natural......it's been a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG time!


I even thought that Lil' Dutch Boy Dante and the Wooden Soldier weren't bad in their locker room talkathon, either.  And I think RP is improving, and he's not bad with Maxie.


Now I'm going to take my temperature and/or call my therapist.  This is too wierd.

  • Love 4
Dante soooo ratted that Dunklemonkey out. 



I have to watch again, but I don't think so. Maybe if he had known that Nathan had feelings for Maxie prior to this, but I don't think he would have bothered/known about Levi.


I loved the Nathan/Dante scenes. They gave me Nathan/Dante besties feelings, Maxie/Nathan feelings, Dante/Maxie feelings, and even Dante/Anna and Nathan/Anna feelings. You know they both call her "The Commissioner" in bed!



Yeees lol. I don't really care about Maxie Nathan but yes to everything else. I'm just glad Dante finally has some sort of friend again. Of course being Dante's partner is kinda the kiss of death/departing. So far he's gone through Ronnie, Lucky, Padilla, and McBain.


Morgan, please, baby, just say no to Kiki! I know that you have no actual friends and the worst family imaginable, but this won't make it any better!



Someone has to save her ass/give her a story after the writers revealed only two people care about Michael and Kiki, sigh. 

Dante soooo ratted that Dunklemonkey out. Too bad that will backfire gah! Maxie just let him go for the love of mercy. Ain't NOBODY got time for THAT!


I'm assuming there's a speculation thread, and if there is, I'll be taking my answer to this there.


But the anvils, oh Ron and your lack of familiarity with the word 'subtle,' have been crashing hard around this, IMHO.

I have to watch again, but I don't think so. Maybe if he had known that Nathan had feelings for Maxie prior to this, but I don't think he would have bothered/known about Levi.




Nathan told Dante about Levi's ICE issue. They talked and Dante clearly likes Nathan and caught on how Nathan feels about Maxie. It was hard to see in the last scene, but Dante had left the room and came back b/c Nathan said what are you still doing here? He made up some story about looking for his keys then told Nathan not to worry about Levi he won't be around much longer b/c Maxie will figure it out. Then the ICE agent showed up at Maxie apt. I think Dante called ICE then came back on purpose to calm Nathan's fears.

Well, at least Kaka acknowledged that she didn't know him very well. What was hard for me to believe were all the wonderful things that Silas told us Rafe did for him. It sure would have been nice if some of that had happened onscreen.


Well, at least they were friends.  You know how I know that?  Because Kiki's frrrrrriennnnnnds call her "Kiki."


God Lord, that is seared unto my brain forever.

  • Love 6

I do think Patrick did what he could to save Rafe for at least one reason - ego. This has been a consistent character trait for Patrick, he wants to be the best in any situation in the OR. It kills him to lose a patient - period.


Sorry, could care less about Silas right now. He didn't care when Rafe was alive and what he feels now is more guilt than anything.


I want a Sam and Patrick adventure - doesn't have to be romantic, would be nice to just have a male/female friendship.

Edited by cmahorror

Why was Patrick daydreaming during a surgery? Is he insane? I don't think he intentionally made Rafe brain dead but that hesitation during the bleed could have done it.

Oh Silas, it was brain surgery which is very risky. Now you want revenge? I'm sure it's more guilt about him being a crappy guardian but I hops he figures it out before he becomes Silas douch bag all over again.

Just no with Morgan/Kiki. I really hope they don't go there, after all the drama before. Morgan and Michael are close again and I really missed that . They can't be broken apart by idiot Kiki again.

  • Love 2

Things to like about the episode are as follows:

1. No Sonny.

2. Expanded use of the hospital.

3. The 'younger' set held their own.  Is it too late to have Lucas become a Doctor?

4.  Reinforcement that ME and Kiki and haven't gelled with the rest of the cast.

5.  Lulu came out of her rabies coma for a bit.

6.  Felix really does have anti-chemistry with everyone.

7.  Nathan's abs and eyes are real nice to look at.

8. Last but not least.  Tracy.

  • Love 5

What kind of Visa is Levi on?  Student?  Visitor?   If he applied for one, and let it lapse, then yea he should get deported.  Maybe he's not really an Australian citizen which is why he had to get the Visa.  Who knows.  I just want him deported off the show.





I believe he's on the "I met this American chick who was out trying to 'find herself,' and she invited me back to freeload in her apartment for a while" Visa. Although, really, someone should have side-eyed that application after 10 seconds of talking to him, looking at Maxie and saying "This guy? Really? Come on! Honey, give me 30 seconds, and I'll find you someone better."  


Freeloading isn't a fair criticism in that Levi would not be legally allowed to work.  He'd have to be rich enough to have the funds for his stay in the US.  He doesn't need a visa to enter for a visit, as he is from a visa waiver country.  But, if he had a visitor's visa, asking for an extension would mean they wouldn't bother to deport him while they decide.  An ordinary cop would have very little influence.  It's hard to find an ICE agent, let alone get one to pay attention long enough to deport someone you are reporting just out of spite.


All I see here is soap opera immigration law, which means Maxie will marry him so he can stay in the country.  

  • Love 1

Freeloading isn't a fair criticism in that Levi would not be legally allowed to work.  He'd have to be rich enough to have the funds for his stay in the US.  He doesn't need a visa to enter for a visit, as he is from a visa waiver country.  But, if he had a visitor's visa, asking for an extension would mean they wouldn't bother to deport him while they decide.  An ordinary cop would have very little influence.  It's hard to find an ICE agent, let alone get one to pay attention long enough to deport someone you are reporting just out of spite.


All I see here is soap opera immigration law, which means Maxie will marry him so he can stay in the country.  

Is this ReRon's way of staying "current" with the craziness that's going on at the borderless-border?

Yes Ron, 1 brainless bad-wig-wearing douche who makes me scrub my eyeballs with a cheese grater really brings attention to real life border problems. ICE can't do their real life job because they're all after Levi. The stupid hurts so bad.

And of course this will be alllllll Nathan's fault and Maxi will marry wig-man while she's really in love with Nathan and wacky hijinks will ensue. RME so hard they're about to fall out. 

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