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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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JFC Ryan almost punched Greenlee in the face and she still considered him the love of her life. *forever bitter about Leo/Greenlee*

She never would have been with him if Leo didn't die!! /I'm ok.

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Morgan is what?! (That'll teach me for clicking the spoiler button!) No. Had enough of that shit with his daddy. I do not need the sequel. DO NOT WANT.


Sigh. Hope that is just a rumor.


At this point, that's all it is. And I agree, I hope it stays that way. The less Morgan has in common with Sonny, the better.

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Wow. Y'all were not overselling the suck. Just... yikes.


Also, why did Lulu stick around on someone else's date? Especially Valerie's date? That just makes sense that is not.


And once again , the PC time warp is in effect, Franco was talking about getting dinner with Kiki, Lulu wanted to pick up dinner from the Floating Rib for her and Dante, but Lucas is going to bed and Brad is talking about bugging Lucas in the middle of the night. What time is it in Port Charles?

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How did Valerie have time to become a pool shark when she was so busy celebrating the Fourth of July and all holidays Pat so loved?


Dillon was very douchey to Dante during the date.


When did Carly's house get redecorated? I like it, but it doesn't look like anything she'd do. 


EA was terrible. Wow. I guess better late than never that the scales have finally fallen from Lauren's eyes about Franco, but ugh that it took something that directly affected her.


I really wanted Carly to snatch off Denise's terrible, terrible wig. 

Edited by dubbel zout
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Between Kiki's awful wailing, to poor Michael Easton laying on the floor for the millionth day in a row, to Howarth and Stafford chewing more scenery, to Woodpile STILL unable to do anything but look pretty, to this Ava as Denise garbage, to Bryan Craig also trying to act but looking nothing but constipated ... sigh. What an awful show. Poor Ryan Carnes stuck with Bryan Craig. Craig was just awful. Those scenes were just awkward when you have family members who never interact. And hell, even I forgot Morgan was living at Carly's. Just how many bedrooms does this woman have?
I actually would have liked to have SEEN Josslyn. I get the kiddie quad was mercifully squashed by the suits but the kids still exist, you CAN show them interacting with their parents and, you know, being kids. I bet Ron had a [!@#$%^&*] fit when he couldn't write for his little mini-me Spencer.

I wish I could care about Carly in Ava's face but I don't. She was non-existent for most of the original Ava/Morgan sex-fest and now she gives a damn? No thanks. And I wanted to really like them going at it. I can't take Ava at all seriously anymore and I laughed when she was threatening Carly at the door. Bitch, have a seat.

Such an awful show. Felix and Brad were surprisingly the better part.

And then you had the waste of time that is the Lulu/Dante/Valerie/Dillon quad. Another Woodpile trying to act who's really not all that attractive, and IDK why the girl playing Valerie is so ... off. Does she bug anyone else? I'm not sure what she's trying to play but I just want her to stop looking so uncomfortable.

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In defense of HE's performance today, I offer two weak defenses:


1.  At least she's trying, which is more than can be said for say, Jason thompson; and

2.  Anybody remember Kelley Missal from OLTL?  (She played Todd'sother daughter, Dani.  Given similar material via Ron's writing, she did the same thing - shrieked like a banshee, was OTT and terrible, etc.  But then she moved over to PPOLTL, got out from under ron's terrible writing, and lo and behold - kid could actually act.  While I think the character of Kiki Jerome is absolutely useless, I say cut the actress some slack.  She's stuck with Ron's dreadful writing just like everybody else.

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In defense of HE's performance today, I offer two weak defenses:


1.  At least she's trying, which is more than can be said for say, Jason thompson; and

2.  Anybody remember Kelley Missal from OLTL?  (She played Todd'sother daughter, Dani.  Given similar material via Ron's writing, she did the same thing - shrieked like a banshee, was OTT and terrible, etc.  But then she moved over to PPOLTL, got out from under ron's terrible writing, and lo and behold - kid could actually act.  While I think the character of Kiki Jerome is absolutely useless, I say cut the actress some slack.  She's stuck with Ron's dreadful writing just like everybody else.

I agree. I could only take a couple of scenes, but at least HE was trying to emote; RoHo looked like he just rolled out of bed and was in a rehearsal. (HAHA, I know like GH has rehearsals!)

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At least she's trying, which is more than can be said for say, Jason thompson


Why should he try right now? The character of Patrick has absolutely no purpose in life but to bed Sam. Doesn't take much effort to know how that goes.

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Franco Baldwin?!? WTF! I thought his name is James Frank with Franco as a nickname...

His name was Robert Frank, nickname Franco. I guess finding out his true parentage (still think that's a big, fat lie but whatever), made him decide to change it.

In defense of HE's performance today, I offer two weak defenses:

I only have one. Two words. Charity. Rahmer.

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Also, it took me five minutes to remember that Dante was comforting her because she's his brother's girlfriend. This show is terrible at remembering those familial connections that I forget too.

I think he did it cause that's his job. Dollars to donuts he doesn't even remember which brother she might be dating at the moment, heh.

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They should just play it all out like those casual games you find online. It would make just as much sense for people to stumble upon the scene and then have to go on a scavenger hunt in that room for various useless items (a teapot! a fork! a yo-yo! an oscillating fan!) in order to come up with one or two useful items (a hand print! a torn up letter!) before moving onto the next scene and having to do it all again perhaps with some token dialog first.


Who Killed Silas? (A Casual Murder Mystery Game)


This is a thing of beauty.


Will you marry me for the fifth time?

We can take turns shooting each other in the head while giving birth before, after, or during a Masked Wedding on the Haunted Star where we can serve fondue to the lovely sounds of Kiki screaming while watching Valerie's camera phone video of her night of passion with Dante, her One!True!Love! and (soon-to-be-retconned) Virginity-Stealer.

I'm still expecting the virginity shoe to drop - there was no evidence left behind because she fell on a bottle rocket one Fourth Of July watching fireworks with her Mother who, by the way, is dead. There is, however, one drop of Valerie's virgin-blood in Silas's apartment (because, reasons) which must be found before moving on to another room and solving the hottest hidden object game around, Who Killed Silas - A Casual Murder Mystery Game.

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Yeah, Kiki would you please STFU! Wow! The floor people behind the camera ears must have been bleeding after those scenes. I'm almost sure RH was looking & thinking is anyone going to say CUT here?! She kept going on and on and on. It was so over the top that I thought it was a dream sequence. Simply bizarre!!!!

Edited by ByaNose
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Yeah, Kiki would you please STFU! Wow! The floor people behind the camera ears must have been bleeding after those scenes. I'm almost sure RH was looking & thinking is anyone going to say CUT here?! She kept going on and on and on. It was so over the top that I thought it was a dream sequence. Simply bizarre!!!!




"no one cares enough to make you do a second take!"

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Looking at that clip, I realized how far TG's hairline has apparently receded. Now I understand why he was sporting the tousled Q-tip look for the last few years. (But it beats a pitiful combover, so kudo to him for that.)

Edited by rur
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Did someone say hallway flail!



This is still the single greatest thing I have ever watched and I thank God everyday that it happened.


I haven't watched Friday or Monday's eps, but I watched yesterday's because I had some free time. NGL I was pretty entertained by it.


I weirdly and inexplicably love Lulu currently. 

Edited by peachmangosteen
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I think his long lost sister Calliope Clay is coming to town.  She's supposed to be a ukele-playing sword swallower in the Circus who had Sonny's baby years and years ago, before he became a mob kingpin, when he was still playing the organ grinder's monkey.  It's supposed to be a very touching, emotional tour de force, showing Sonny emotional carny side.  But Easton can't play the part yet.

He has to wait until Ava is done using the Wig.  


Show's budget only allows for one.  


But it should be worth waiting for.  Calliope Clay, coming to Port Charles with a vengence - and a ukele.

While I laughed out loud at this, I hope the writers don't troll this board.  They may think it is a good idea

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Holy Stereotypes.


Why didn't Ron include a DeSean Washington from Baltimore and Jesus DeHoya from Fairfax at the crime summit, and insult every single racial group at one go?




ETA as the show goes on: Who is the actor playing the chairman of the crime summit? The new show runner needs to get him on contract, he is a damn good actor

Edited by Happyshooter
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Did Kiki really get all outraged that Franco lied to her?  She's known he's a lying SERIAL KILLER since day one!


Did Sam really get all wistful about Rafe?  She barely remembered who he was when he was alive!


Did Carly really tell Morgan to put Kiki's feelings ahead of his own?  She is a horrible mother!

Edited by TeeVee329
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Did Kiki really get all outraged that Franco lied to her?  She's known he's a lying SERIAL KILLER since day one!


But that was back when she had played his daughter on a different show!  They had a special bond back then!

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But that was back when she had played his daughter on a different show!  They had a special bond back then!

He was a rapist on the other show.


He is a serial killer on this show. 

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I don't get why Patrick is grateful to Silas for him being with Sam. Shouldn't he be grateful that Robin was threatened/chose to save Jason's life, and then was threatened not to contact her family via Shamwow's death, and then chained to a wall, and then held prisoner by Helena? He should thank Faison and Helena. It was really a team effort.

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Man, there was really no oasis from the Francs and Neens Variety Hour in this episode.  The only set of scenes not connected to their story was the ridiculous Five Families meeting. 


If you think that's going to save you, Show, having Sonny acting all "badass cool mobster", you are sadly mistaken.

Edited by TeeVee329
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I can't believe they made poor Easton come in just to pour Ava's martini.

Oh, poor Franco! He's so romantic, taking the rap for Nina even though she's a danger to society! He told Jordan to go to hell for no reason and threatened to kill a 22 year old last week, but he's taking the rap for crazy eyes.

I turned away from the Sonny scenes. I couldn't watch that even if I wanted to. Severe second-hand embarrassment. However, blond guy looked like he was good for some unintentional comedy.

I snorted as Silas' hair in Sam's flashbacks. Wow, I forgot how bad it was.

Oh Carly. You can't throw Ava sleeping with Sonny as a crime against her. You just can't, not when you're sleeping with said father.

My reaction to Sonny being called the Don of the Northern Seafront:

I refuse to believe this was uttered. I refuse!

ETA as the show goes on: Who is the actor playing the chairman of the crime summit? The new show runner needs to get him on contract, he is a damn good actor

Was he the blond dude?

Edited by ulkis
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I can't believe they made poor Easton come in just to poorAva's martini.

I'm sorry, but this just made me snort! Good thing I wasn't drinking anything, ulkis!


Unless you were going for the Scots brogue, aye?

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
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Today's locations in Who Killed Silas: A Casual Murder Mystery are The Police Station and The Psych Ward.


Objects to be found at the police station: a tattered script, handcuffs, a badminton racket, a horseshoe, three birds, a ball of yarn, an abacus, a coffee pot, a hair ribbon, a fingerprint and a mini tape recorder.


Objects to be found at the Psych ward: a crowbar, a dictionary, a plush unicorn, a pair of dice, a roll of masking tape, a pair of rubber gloves, a doily, a postage stamp and a wallet.

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I snorted as Silas' hair in Sam's flashbacks. Wow, I forgot how bad it was.

I snorted that they showed Sam/Silas flashbacks to begin with. Like, I get that she's the female lead, but I didn't need a reminder that she has/had THREE men in her rotation.

And how.many.times do they have to show Sam talking to Patrick about one of her relationships? I mean, seriously. Has he ever told a nostalgic Robin story? Or a story about ANY relationship? Brother, father, mother, hell, Lisa. That's a rhetorical question.

Edited by HeatLifer
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I snorted that they showed Sam/Silas flashbacks to begin with. Like, I get that she's the female lead, but I didn't need a reminder that she has/had THREE men in her rotation.


Her describing it as a transitional relationship made me laugh, though.  That must have been a knife to the heart for those...enthusiastic...Sam/Silas fans.

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Her describing it as a transitional relationship made me laugh, though. That must have been a knife to the heart for those...enthusiastic...Sam/Silas fans.

Every ship will go down in the name of JaSam. I completely expect Patrick to get the same label.

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Julian has way more chemistry with Ava than he has with Alexis. Kind of sucks they're related.


The way Sam and Jakeson were badgering Patrick to see Hayden and then questioning Hayden was annoying. Not that I don't think Hayden wasn't faking, that's the way it came off at least. I'm somewhat disappointed that she didn't wake up like my favorite coma patient ever, Slayer Faith: "You tried to gut me, Blondie, what did you think I'd wake up and we'd go for tea?"


Shut the hell up, Scummy, trying to lecture Morgan The Wonder Schlong. 


I wish I could give you all the up-votes in the world, there is nothing that makes me happier than a BTVS reference, especially a Faith mention, she truly is the best coma patient ever and Buffy's real OTP. (Satsu who?)


On topic, I will never again look at Morgan without snickering about his Wonder Schlong.


Also, really Sam? Can you stop talking about men you've boinked in the past to the man you're boinking now?

I know, she has reasons, but how many times do we (and Patrick) have to be reminded? It's like everyone has the attention span of Ron. His reign of terror can't end soon enough for me.

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I'm sorry, but this just made me snort! Good thing I wasn't drinking anything, ulkis!

Unless you were going for the Scots brogue, aye?

Oops! I was so focused on pity for Silas I misspelled it. Yes.

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Her describing it as a transitional relationship made me laugh, though. That must have been a knife to the heart for those...enthusiastic...Sam/Silas fans.

It was! So bummed. Oh well, back to bed warmer #2 to keep her busy until the Jakeson reveal.

I didn't think HAiley was that bad yesterday- she toned it down after the initial hysterics. She loses her mother (so she thinks) and now her dad- no one to mooch off of anymore. No wonder she was going nuts.

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I snorted that they showed Sam/Silas flashbacks to begin with. Like, I get that she's the female lead, but I didn't need a reminder that she has/had THREE men in her rotation.

She spent many a year with St. Borg and only had a brief respite with Lucky in the hot but. She's paid her dues. ;)

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