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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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I love jsbt's idea for TG having done a voice over of the letter to Tracy with FV dubbing over any Tracy mentions with Laura mentions. LOL. As soon as I saw the letter I did figure that in today's ep they'd have Laura read the letter and it'd be Luke saying Laura was the love of his life. I really do hope that happens. Just a nice little fuck you to TG!


I do like to imagine that RC did add the letter w/o Geary knowing. I also have the feeling that now that Luke's gone there won't be any more mentions of him on the show for the rest of the week at the very least.  And because of that, I don't think we'll ever know what's in the letter. I think we might see Laura folding the letter up after reading it, but not discussing it with anyone. 


But I've been wrong before. 

  • Love 3

 Bullshit. I've never been a huge Luke & Laura fan, but that at least one of TG's final scenes wasn't with her, Bobbie or even Scotty was bullshit.  Luke's giving Sonny his blessing to "run" Port Charles was more bullshit. That's like putting Dracula in charge of a blood bank.


  Buh-bye TG & RC, for that matter. Please let the door hit you in your sorry asses on the way out.

  • Love 20

That is the day the S&P officially start as HWs.  Their material will first air sometime late Sept/early Oct.  Definitely for the Nov sweeps.

So they at shooting Ron-penned material until Aug 10, or is the studio dark until then?

I thought the show was usually about three weeks ahead, so even if they don't start writing until that date shouldn't we have their material on screen my early Sep?

  • Love 1

I do like to imagine that RC did add the letter w/o Geary knowing. I also have the feeling that now that Luke's gone there won't be any more mentions of him on the show for the rest of the week at the very least.  And because of that, I don't think we'll ever know what's in the letter. I think we might see Laura folding the letter up after reading it, but not discussing it with anyone. 


But I've been wrong before. 


I'm wondering if that letter is what takes Laura off screen for the month Genie is going to be gone.  

  • Love 1


Hey! You callin' me foolish?! I loved that movie (Xanadu)  when I watched it when it came out, when I was...wee.

I say anyone (like me) who paid money to see it was foolish.  The soundtrack was great; mine was on vinyl.  The movie was major suckage.


I should have put up a side by side of Lulu and ONJ, but I was too lazy to do a screencap.


eta:  I still think Dillon's "movies" are gay porn -- producing and starring.

Edited by ciarra

I guess I would have made a bad writer / director / producer because, letter or no letter, I would have spliced in one last shot.  When Luke turns to look back I would have put in one camera shot of Laura standing farther back on the dock. It's an unplanned encounter.  No lines, she just gives a small smile, a look.  Then a cut back to Luke, his salute and wry smile.  The walk into the fog and ... end scene.


It's plausible. Laura does have to catch the launch back to Windemere.


You wouldn't have needed Geary, it could have been shot after he was gone.  And, yes, perhaps Tony's head would have exploded.  Don't care.


Leaving the well-being of Port Charles in Sonny's oh so capable mob hands?  Yeah, right. What could go wrong with that?

  • Love 19

The one line that redeemed him a lil bit for me was telling Lucky that past decisions in his life that made him happiest had to do with loving Laura and raising him.  Sooo, I am really, really hoping the letter to Laura says thank you for the gift of your love, thank you for your forgiveness, thank you for our kids - loving Lucky and Lulu made me a better man .... and so on. 


It's strange because when I saw that line in recaps it made me wonder if the same writer was the one who did the stuff when Todd and Blair were first in Port Charles. Todd has this line: Everything good in my life, I have because I loved you.


He says it to Blair but the tone is different because he wants her as well. Even the good things that he has because he loved her don't mean as much if he doesn't have her in his life, too. But Howarth and Geary have different attitudes about their premier characters and the loves of their lives. Still... it was soooo similar. Was Sickles responsible for both?


There are a lot of parallels between the characters... including the thought of many that the male was responsible for the incendiary chemistry and the female was just along for the ride. Soap writers, show runners, "journalists" have got to get off that patriarchal bullshit bandwagon and give credit where it's due. A pairing doesn't not live and die on one half alone. You can tell when the parts of the equation are changed.

  • Love 8

So they at shooting Ron-penned material until Aug 10, or is the studio dark until then?

I thought the show was usually about three weeks ahead, so even if they don't start writing until that date shouldn't we have their material on screen my early Sep?

I hope they are making some serious changes to Ron's crap. I pray they started already but definitely since Friday. This shit is awful and repetitive. There might not be a show, if this shit continues to the end of October/first of November.

Frank needs to let the 30 second scenes go as well.

Edited by BestestAuntEver
  • Love 7

Dandesun - According to Geary in an interview, he and JJ took the scripts given them and re-wrote them to do Luke and Laura's history/Triple L's history justice. I think, more likely, Geary felt that the writer(s) didn't properly acknowledge Luke and Lucky's relationship, so he and JJ did so as a team (over two nights in Geary's dressing room). I'll guess that JJ made sure Genie/Laura was respected in those script changes. 


Even aside from the B.S. last day of Luke, the characters on this show are just so poorly written. Dillon returns after what, 10(?) years and is inexplicably all about Lulu (shades of Ric's return and wanting Liz). Maxie with Nathan's pointless mother and then going off on Valerie was just annoying; I kind of wanted Brooklyn Ashton or Ghost Georgie or someone who knew Maxie in the past to say, "This from the girl who slept with Lulu's boyfriend and her married brother, and mostly recently let her think your own newborn child was hers? Shut your hole, Maxie."  NotTodd!Franco, Nina, DeniseAva, Kiki etc. don't even register for me as real GH characters, so I don't care about their terrible writing. 

  • Love 3

Michelle Stafford and RoHo have GOT to go.  Immediately.  Followed very quickly by Kiki, Magda, and Dr. O.  Nathan is harmless, and the guy who plays him seems like a real sweetheart, but I don't care whether he stays or goes. 


I hope there is a way to save Maura West from this mess, because I love her and think she could be part of a great female core of characters (along with Genie Francis, Finola Hughes, Vinessa Antoine, Jane Elliot, Becky Herbst, Nancy Lee Grahn, Kelly Monaco, Haley Pullos, Kirsten Storms, and Kristina Wagner).  But leaving her as Denise, especially having her being Nina's "friend" after Nina drugged her, terrorized her, and ripped her baby out of her is just .... so fucking disturbing and wrong.

  • Love 16

And there's your romantic hero, ladies and gentleman.  Franco, the SERIAL KILLER who promises to kill Morgan tumor or no tumor (but but but I thought the tumor made him be a SERIAL KILLER, Ron!) and whines that the rest of his shoes have blood on them.  Get OUT!


Man oh man, Kiki has been leaving for this trip with her alleged friiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiends forever.  Just GO!

  • Love 3

Heads up all - Genie wasn't on today and Laura wasn't even mentioned. No letter in sight. The aftermath = Laura has obviously left the HS and Lulu is crying to Dillon about her dad, he hugs her and then holds her hand briefly, and gets disappointed that she didn't object at all/was enthusiastic about him dating Valerie.


The only amusement is Dillon being displeased with Lulu's encouragement, and Valerie looking crushed that Dante said no worries about her dating Dillon, that it doesn't affect their friendship. I think Lulu is genuinely pleased, and Dante has maybe a teeny shred of jealousy. 

Edited by Bringonthedrama

Man oh man, Kiki has been leaving for this trip with her alleged friiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiends forever.  Just GO!


But not as long as Lulu has been going on and on and on about (what she thinks to be) one kiss, or as long as Dante and Val have talked about how no one must ever know about their night of forbidden love, or as long as Sam has been talking about Jason and/or Jake while she's in bed with Patrick.  Let's speed things up show!


OTOH, who knew that Kiki was cooking for Silas? Who knew that she knew how to cook? And why does she leave Morgan in her dad's apartment? 


And, finally, no matter how hard I try to see it as something else, that apartment to me looks like it was ravaged by fire and Silas just moved in anyway and never bothered to clean anything up. 

  • Love 4

Heads up all - Genie wasn't on today and Laura wasn't even mentioned. No letter in sight. The aftermath = Laura has obviously left the HS and Lulu is crying to Dillon about her dad, he hugs her and then holds her hand briefly, and gets disappointed that she didn't object at all/was enthusiastic about him dating Valerie.


She is on tomorrow, snarking at Sonny and Carly though, at least.

  • Love 1

I guess I would have made a bad writer / director / producer because, letter or no letter, I would have spliced in one last shot. When Luke turns to look back I would have put in one camera shot of Laura standing farther back on the dock. It's an unplanned encounter. No lines, she just gives a small smile, a look. Then a cut back to Luke, his salute and wry smile. The walk into the fog and ... end scene.

It's plausible. Laura does have to catch the launch back to Windemere.

You wouldn't have needed Geary, it could have been shot after he was gone. And, yes, perhaps Tony's head would have exploded. Don't care.

No, that would have made sense, so it wouldn't have been applicable for RC's GH.

It's almost astonishing at how bad this exit was handled. Distrusting Dante for Plot Point Reasons, rape played for laughs, 500 year old Frank Smith, sacrificing Lucky at the altar of Jasus. Did RC really think people wanted to see this mangled mess?

Leaving the well-being of Port Charles in Sonny's oh so capable mob hands? Yeah, right. What could go wrong with that?

Yeah, choosing the man who has ruined a myriad of lives and nearly killed his children - I can't imagine what Luke was thinking. Was it meant to be farcical?

This is almost as asinine as when Luke said that Sonny was a pillar of the community. I guess mob wars, shoot outs, "protection" for businesses, and innocents getting caught in the crossfire of mob violence make Sonny a pillar of the community, and the one who should be entrusted with keeping Port Charles safe?

  • Love 6

Ulkis - I'm glad Laura will be getting more screen time but I feel like S&C don't deserve a moment of her attention, unless they seek her or her family out (which is not the case in that preview) and she responds by telling them to get lost - that they've been a cancer to Bobbie and Luke's lives (a mention of Tony Jones, RIP would be great).

  • Love 2

Ulkis - I'm glad Laura will be getting more screen time but I feel like S&C don't deserve a moment of her attention, unless they seek her or her family out (which is not the case in that preview) and she responds by telling them to get lost - that they've been a cancer to Bobbie and Luke's lives (a mention of Tony Jones, RIP would be great).


I'm fine with Laura shading on them.  She's never liked them, yes?

  • Love 3

I'm fine with Laura shading on them.  She's never liked them, yes?


She used to like Sonny, kind of, but then the fire with Lucky happened and that was that, even when he was proven innocent. Carly she never cared for but she was indifferent until the whole deception battle. I think her Sonny hate was also cemented a bit more. I remember Carly locked her out on the roof to stop her from modeling Elizabeth and when Sonny heard he was like "whatever".


Douglas Marland would be turning over in his grave if he saw this episode.


Newbies, newbies, everywhere, and not a river to drown them all in. UGH. Aren't you supposed to SLOWLY introduce new people over the course of a year and build up their connections with the already established cast so we, you know, give a damn about them as people and they become part of the soap family and we can look and listen to them without revulsion and resentment? I have never seen so many new people who were introduced just within the last year or two, run amok on a soap the way RC's abominations have. SMH

Edited by admiralrodcocker
  • Love 6

She is on tomorrow, snarking at Sonny and Carly though, at least.


Ulkis - I'm glad Laura will be getting more screen time but I feel like S&C don't deserve a moment of her attention, unless they seek her or her family out (which is not the case in that preview) and she responds by telling them to get lost - that they've been a cancer to Bobbie and Luke's lives (a mention of Tony Jones, RIP would be great).


I'm fine with Laura shading on them.  She's never liked them, yes?

So Laura really hates them both?  That's surprising to know.

Because, you know, she has absolutely no interest in Dante at all.

A part of me can't blame her when you have Dante on the verge of tears that she's going on a date with Dillon. It's absolutely ridic that I'm supposed to believe this man who was completely devoted to Lulu 2 seconds ago! is behaving like this. But this is Ron's GH. Twisting characters for the dramatics.

  • Love 3

Because, you know, she has absolutely no interest in Dante at all.


What can she do to get everyone not to think she's trying to get between Lulu and Dante?? It's not like she went down to the docks to deliver him coffee and donuts!*


*Yeah yeah I'm aware no one this show uses a damn phone or text** 97% of the time. Let me have my fun!


**Now I'm trying to imagine the text. "Hey I'm dating someone just thought you would wanna know!"


Dillon is annoying too. Why does it always seem like he's grinning, even when he's not. 

  • Love 3

Hey, don't we all prefer to have refreshments to accompany conversations meant to test/manipulate us? Clearly Val understands this. She learned it from hearing her mother talk about how Grandpa Tim once behaved. But now her mother's dead. Oh, you didn't know? Yeah, that's why she's sad. Bringing donuts and coffee for a conversation makes her think of her mother. 

  • Love 12

How many more meetings are Dante/Val going to have to discuss their boinking? The fact that Jordan knows should have been discussed the last time they met. Isn't there a no fraternization policy in place? Jordan should have fired her stupid ass after she told her. Val is the Police Commissioner's personal assistant yet she's taking messages that she has to personally deliver to the other detectives/cops (Dante).  That's what voicemail is for.  Such contrived bullshit.


Franco knocks on the door 2 seconds after Lauren leaves. She couldn't be bothered to let him in? Cause you know they passed each other in the hallway. Why is Denise always adjusting her wig yet it stays put during making out/sex with Morgan? I'm embarrassed watching this stupid shit.

  • Love 7

How many more meetings are Dante/Val going to have to discuss their boinking? The fact that Jordan knows should have been discussed the last time they met. Isn't there a no fraternization policy in place? Jordan should have fired her stupid ass after she told her. Val is the Police Commissioner's personal assistant yet she's taking messages that she has to personally deliver to the other detectives/cops (Dante).  That's what voicemail is for.  Such contrived bullshit.


Valerie isn't the commissioner's assistant. She's . . . something . . . but definitely not her personal assistant. I don't remember the job title but I remember that wasn't it.


Valerie and Dante will discuss their boinking as often as Lulu will say "it was just one kiss!"


It's ree-freaking-diciulous that Dante is fine and dandy with Valerie having spilled to their boss. And sadly that is some of the least character twisting stuff happening lately.


Morgan needs to kill Franco.

  • Love 3

And there's your romantic hero, ladies and gentleman. Franco, the SERIAL KILLER who promises to kill Morgan tumor or no tumor (but but but I thought the tumor made him be a SERIAL KILLER, Ron!) and whines that the rest of his shoes have blood on them. Get OUT!

Man oh man, Kiki has been leaving for this trip with her alleged friiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiends forever. Just GO!

I blame Jasus for making killers en vogue in Port Charles.

Speaking of Franco, it's strange that Guza's stand-in (particularly with the dialogue that made it seem Franco had a huge crush on Jason) eventually gave way to faux Todd. With RC gone, I wonder if the new headwriters will get rid of Franco, or at least make him a villain instead of a "hero" (if he's here to stay).

That is the day the S&P officially start as HWs.  Their material will first air sometime late Sept/early Oct.  Definitely for the Nov sweeps.

Hopefully they decide to can the latter scripts and Frank pulls all nighters filming the new scripts.  


Where did you get this info?   I was under the impression that Ron probably didn't stick around after he was canned....Maybe it works differently in tv but at a normal job if you get fired, that's it...you're dunzo that day.  And it lines up with the 3 week ahead shooting.  If Ron was canned last week, that is 3 weeks to Aug 10.  That's just all my spec, so feel free to correct me.  I just REALLY want it sooner than later.  I don't know if I can deal with another month of this mess.


I completely skipped today.  I missed out on commenting yesterday, but everyone pretty much covered it.  I'll just quote the fabulous Tristan Rogers.  "Hmmmmm....."

  • Love 3

This entire episode was ridiculous. I've never been a fan of Sickles, but this was so far below even his usual mediocrity. That said, I can't blame him for how flat Tony was opposite Emme, nor for whatever Rob Watkins and Bry-dog were going for in their scenes. I think Sickles was going for comedy, and the actors were going for something I can't even classify. That said, Sickles has got go. The other script writers have cranked out great episodes in spite of plot on many occasions, IMHO, but Sickles has proven time and time again that he is incapable of elevating bad material.

Anyway, I at least got to do NSync's "Bye Bye Bye" dance twice: first when Ron's name appeared in the credits, and then when Luke walked into the fog. Thank Jasus we only have 9 more episodes of Ron's GH.


wow, really, is that all? I don't think so. the new writers don't start until August 9...but their shows won't air for some weeks.. or did I misunderstand the timeline?

Douglas Marland would be turning over in his grave if he saw this episode.


Newbies, newbies, everywhere, and not a river to drown them all in. UGH. Aren't you supposed to SLOWLY introduce new people over the course of a year and build up their connections with the already established cast so we, you know, give a damn about them as people and they become part of the soap family and we can look and listen to them without revulsion and resentment? I have never seen so many new people who were introduced just within the last year or two, run amok on a soap the way RC's abominations have. SMH

well, our nightmares are almost over. We just have to get through the next few weeks. Wonder how many characters Ron can kill between now and the end of his reign? I suppose it's too much to ask that he'd clean up the stinky mess  he made before he left. But I am not holding my breath lol

I guess I would have made a bad writer / director / producer because, letter or no letter, I would have spliced in one last shot.  When Luke turns to look back I would have put in one camera shot of Laura standing farther back on the dock. It's an unplanned encounter.  No lines, she just gives a small smile, a look.  Then a cut back to Luke, his salute and wry smile.  The walk into the fog and ... end scene.


It's plausible. Laura does have to catch the launch back to Windemere.


You wouldn't have needed Geary, it could have been shot after he was gone.  And, yes, perhaps Tony's head would have exploded.  Don't care.


Yes. This. That would have been the way to go. Just a silent understanding of what the past 37 years had meant to both of them. No romance, no promise of re-marriage. Just a smile. Everyone watching would have swooned and Ron would have left on a high note. But nope, we got Sonny.


Luke Spencer has made me sneer more than a few times in the past several decades, but - dammit - I started watching this soap when I was three years old (while my grandmother did her daily ironing)....and I have been there for all of Luke's hijinks, wild international capers, dangerous escapades. I wanted a better swan-song for this soap opera staple!  Even if IRL, Tony Geary is an egotistical bitchy bitch, I wanted a goodbye that made me stare at the TV screen, made me feel my age (old), and made me remember that it hasn't all been bad. Instead, I feel cheated. Both the writers and the actor clearly said, "Eh, fuck it," ordered a farewell cake, and called it a day. Believe me, I thoroughly enjoyed seeing Jonathan Jackson visit (he really is a fantastic actor, IMO), and it's good to see Genie Francis full of life and style (not in a rocking chair and frightful wig). Don't get me started on the resuscitation of Frank Smith and Lil' Jake -- total bullshit. 


Anyway, I don't like feeling cheated by a soap that I've stuck with for nearly four decades. GH was dinner table talk with my grandmother, aunt, cousin, and me. For Pete's sake, in grade school, my cousin and I would do pretend "cocktail" parties in which we would dramatically say, "A toast! To Luke and Laura!" and clink our plastic Tupperware cups. (We also toasted Robert and Holly, fyi.) Shit, we even toasted them at the dinner table sometimes (my family has a goofy sense of humor). So, this long overdue goodbye needed to pack more gusto. 


So, I plan to fix myself a nice shandy and a piece of chocolate cake and search for my own compilation of YouTube GH flashback scenes:

  • The L&L wedding
  • Scenes with young Lucky
  • Scenes with Ruby
  • The Weather Machine
  • Scenes with Bobbie and her original face
  • Bromance with Sean Donely (plus Tiffany)
  • Bromance with Robert Scorpio
  • Romance with Holly
  • Romance with Anna
  • The really well-acted scenes with Tracy
  • Warm scenes with Lila Quartermaine
  • Hatred for Scotty (80's only)
  • The shit with Heather Webber from long ago
  • Sinister scenes with the old Mikkos and Stavros
  • His old friendship with Alexis
  • When Carly was new in PC, and they realized they were related


My favorite Luke scene is a Luke/Bobbie scene when she finds out that Luke kept the information from her that Carly was her daughter... she said something like "I will never forgive you for this - and when some time has passed and we're sitting at Thanksgiving and you're looking across the table at me, I want you to know that I may smile, but I will still hate you". It was an incredible scene and showed off both Luke and Bobbie at their best.

  • Love 5

I don't understand why they surrounded the Luke goodbye with the Francs and Neens Variety Hour.


It was a transparent attempt to prop the story and the characters.  TIIC figured that all the new viewers tuning in to see Luke leave the show would see all of RC's creations and sign on to watch them, thus muscling out the out the long term fans.  (Think of what Guza did with the Sonny/Carly/Jason Worship Hour).


I'm pretty certain it didn't work.

  • Love 4
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