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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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I bet Brad is married to Rosalie.


If I were Rosalie, I'd want to keep THAT secret buried as well.  (I hate Brad)


I barely paid attention to anything today.  I am stuck on a Candy Crush level, and obviously THAT was more interesting/important.


I wouldn't protest teen Pat coming on as a new character, I wouldn't even need an explanation. 

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I realize this is a GH site, but I have to admit -- this is only one of two things I've read in ages here that's made me think 'Oh, I need to check that out!'* Is Scrubs on hulu, netflix, or amazon prime?


Scrubs (the series, not Patrick and Robin) is on Netflix [uS]. Although the Chris Meloni episode is not 'til Season 3, Episode 3. "My White Whale" is the name. But you can probably watch it even if you haven't watched before if you just wanted to see that one. It was funny seeing John C. McGinley and Christopher Meloni go at it, and add in Cox's ex-wife (who is still with him and has a family with him) Jordan and her bitchy snark, and yeah. Entertaining. Unlike GH.


Oddly, though it was a comedy, it had moments of drama, one notable for Brendan Fraser's guest role in the same season. He played Dr. Cox's ex brother-in-law. And that's all I'll say.


Topic? GH can't do drama or comedy well at all, anymore.

  • Love 5


I bet Brad is married to Rosalie.

Well, that would certainly kill two birds with one stone, in terms of remembering all the secrets that everyone in town seems to have.  


My guess, Brad's family is the Asian mob and they needed to merge with another rival family and in order to do that the two children needed to marry.  Or it's a green card marriage.  Or he married himself, because that'll probably make as much sense as the truth, when we hear it in November.  


I've always hated the "I have to tell you something but instead of just spitting it out, I will continue to tell you that I have something to tell you until you get called away on something that must take your attention RIGHTNOW, and/ or you die in a fiery car crash where your body is never found."

  • Love 8

Oh, and nice job, Luke's off-screen mental health facility.  Did you really think one month of treatment would cure a guy who suffered from DID...I mean, a mental break...for decades?


Heh. Yeah, he's pointing a gun at his own chest and having conversations with his dead relatives. He seems all better!


I do think Luke should have gone out as a suicide (and I like Luke) because I think it's the better story. He had a bad start in life, he made terrible choices, he couldn't hold on to happiness, and it seems fitting that he'd have a tragic end. But this last year of him being a complete monster and then suddenly on his last day announcing that he knows now that his purpose lies in leaving Port Charles to study ballet or whatever is stupid. I don't know. Everything they're doing right now feels like a missed opportunity.

  • Love 13

My guess, Brad's family is the Asian mob and they needed to merge with another rival family and in order to do that the two children needed to marry.  Or it's a green card marriage.  Or he married himself, because that'll probably make as much sense as the truth, when we hear it in November.  


It's his adopted parents that have been tied into this marriage mess, not the biological mob family.  But maybe Ron will have changed his mind by the time 2017 rolls around and the story enters its next phase.

Edited by TeeVee329
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Are we to believe that Lucas won't know who, what, how and where's of Brad's marriage?




I wouldn't protest teen Pat coming on as a new character, I wouldn't even need an explanation. 


Explanation-free GH, where nothing makes sense, nobody cares, and the head writer spends more time writing tweets than he does writing scripts.

  • Love 9

Heh. Yeah, he's pointing a gun at his own chest and having conversations with his dead relatives. He seems all better!


I do think Luke should have gone out as a suicide (and I like Luke) because I think it's the better story. He had a bad start in life, he made terrible choices, he couldn't hold on to happiness, and it seems fitting that he'd have a tragic end. But this last year of him being a complete monster and then suddenly on his last day announcing that he knows now that his purpose lies in leaving Port Charles to study ballet or whatever is stupid. I don't know. Everything they're doing right now feels like a missed opportunity.


I wouldn't've made it a suicide, but I would have killed him off. Its so anticlimactic. It just seems like every other vacation he's taken over the past 15 years. 


You know, I was actually expecting this send-off to be decent. Ron did a great job with Edward. But this . . . it's not the WORST way they could have written him off. But it's pretty mediocre.

  • Love 6

Are you kidding? There'd still be 40 characters left! ;)

40? More like 400.

Seriously lame out for Luke. "Join us to say goodbye to this iconic character as he rides off into the sunset…just as he has done every year for over a decade! Thrilling!" And what makes this time so different? That he's telling people instead of slipping away into the night?

  • Love 7

I wouldn't've made it a suicide, but I would have killed him off. Its so anticlimactic. It just seems like every other vacation he's taken over the past 15 years. 


Him sacrificing himself in the rescue of Lucky or Jake would have worked.


There haven't been any flashbacks at all, right?  That's so weird.  Maybe with Bobbie tomorrow?

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 5




::Starts to sing "The Sun will Come Out Tomorrow" while pouring myself some champagne::


At this rate I don't care if it's just wishful thinking and gossip, I'll take it while I can get it.

  • Love 3

The 'young Patricia' actress is fantastic. I'd love to have her on this show regularly, but the actress' own sake I sincerely hope she never signs a contract with show and instead moves onto bigger and better things worthy of her talent.

If Ron inexplicably isn't fired, I'm sure that after Tony's interview Luke will be given some embarrassing off-screen death that will be randomly and casually mentioned once and then he'll never be referenced again. Look, I think Luke Spencer is a vile guttersnipe and I no respect for Tony Geary, but Luke is an iconic character and Tony was on the show for 37 years. Both the character and the actor deserved a better send-off than this drivel. I'm sure that it really could have been much, much worse, but it also couldn't be any better than this? Really?!?

I can think of at least five different exits just right now off the top of my head that would have been vastly superior to what we got. That this story, and specifically the returns of Genie and Jonathan didn't do a thing for the ratings should tell the folks at ABC everything they need to know about the state of GH.

ETA: As much I'd love Sri Rao or The Labines, or some combination of Michele Val Jean, Patrick Mulchachy, and Karen Harris to takeover, I'm going to be realistic and pray for Liz Korte. She is probably the only truly realstic Ron replacement that wouldn't send a large contingent of us running in horror.

Edited by Tiger
  • Love 3

::Starts to sing "The Sun will Come Out Tomorrow" while pouring myself some champagne::


At this rate I don't care if it's just wishful thinking and gossip, I'll take it while I can get it.

I'm right there with ya singing harmony!


I feel the same, it's gotta happen sooner or later so why not sooner?


I saw someone mentioned it on Wubs so I googled it then went to Twitter, even if it's not true yet, it seems like the masses are going for it... the rating are really really bad, so they have to do something.


Today's show? I can't really remember what happened TBH, and this bothers me. When I think of all those years I used to arrange things around this show so I wouldn't miss anything it makes me sad at the mess this show has become. Between the enormous cast, the one or two scenes per character per week (I exaggerate but not by much), and the nonsensical storylines, if something doesn't change soon, I'll be joining you all on the Barge soon. Now that my drink of choice (Captain Morgan) has been ruined for life, I'm open for suggestions.


And PS: Did RoHo and AvaDenise say something about masturbation (in other words) last week or was that just a really bad dream?

  • Love 1
keeping his cheating a secret because it would wreck his kid's life.


LOL. Rocco is 2 or 3, right? Does Dante plan on telling him the gory details as a bedtime story? There's no reason for Rocco's life to be ruined unless Dante plans to keep fucking women who aren't his wife.


Oh, Lulu. Just because Valerie and Dante are telling the same story doesn't mean they're telling the truth. I'm surprised Maxie didn't suggest that they might be in cahoots.


Maxie's dress was great.


I really like LW as Luke's mom because she dials it way back, and that's nice to see. Carly is so big all the time. I didn't need to see Tim Spencer again. Young Pat is always great to see. They need to figure out a way to keep her on.


I bet Brad is married to Rosalie.

Well, that would certainly kill two birds with one stone


That seems pretty small potatoes for Helena to use as blackmail material, but I guess you work with what you've got.

Hmm...page 750 of this thread!


TG's last scenes before he disappears should be with Jackie Z/little sister Bobbie - the siblings only - so of course that won't be the case.



It would have been nice symmetry, since Luke's first scene in 1978 was alone with Bobbie :)  And Luke was supposed leave the show after 13 weeks - it just took a little longer :)  And Bobbie, Laura and Scott (with the same actors playing them!) will still be here when he leaves...at least for now.

  • Love 4

I really enjoyed seeing LW as Luke's mom. It's a nice character departure from always over-the-top Carly.


Michael and Sabrina are so, so vanilla, but I like Michael and this is the first time I've enjoyed Sabrina. I'm not sure if this storyline or acting partners are better suited for the actress or if she's had some coaching, but there's a world of difference between this Sabrina and the one that first came on the show. 


Loved Maxi's dress.

  • Love 5

I really like LW as Luke's mom because she dials it way back, and that's nice to see. Carly is so big all the time. I didn't need to see Tim Spencer again. Young Pat is always great to see. They need to figure out a way to keep her on.


I also love LW as Luke's mom and I am no big fan of Carly or LW but as Luke's Mom, I think she is fantastic. So very understated. And when I saw Young Patricia, I was thrilled. She is a great actress and I agree that she should be on full-time. Today was the first day in a long time that Luke felt human to me. Vulnerable even. Kudos to all three of them.

  • Love 3

Of course Brad is already married. How original. I hope Lucas tells him to die in a fire.

Now that's a scene involving Brad I would happily watch!  Brad was skeevy with the pursuing Felix and trying to blackmail (rape victim) Michael into sex. He got worse by turning into Britt's friend and his involvement with all her lies about baby Ben/Rocco and Spencer 'running away.' The so-called falling in love with Lucas did NOT redeem him. Lucas is way out of his league, and a legacy character who deserves so much better. Also, what kind of jackass proposes to someone in a public setting, that soon into the relationship, knowing he can't follow through because he's already married? Well, Lucas could easily get back at Brad - somewhat - by trapping him in a room and letting Shebeast sister yell at him.

  • Love 6
LOL. Rocco is 2 or 3, right? Does Dante plan on telling him the gory details as a bedtime story? There's no reason for Rocco's life to be ruined unless Dante plans to keep fucking women who aren't his wife.




So far Dante hasn't yet tried the Sonny ploy of trying to get over cheating on his wife by screw-balling someone else, so there is that to be thankful for.


And this has just been bugging me since the episode aired, what the bloody hell was on Maxie's dress? The white or grey splotches, I could not make out what they were for the life of me. I did think that it overall just wasn't a good looking design, but the mysterious patterns peaked my curiosity.

Edited by CPP83


hat this story, and specifically the returns of Genie and Jonathan didn't do a thing for the ratings should tell the folks at ABC everything they need to know about the state of GH.



It's 80% in the writing. if these people don't have anything relevant or logical or believable to say even a JJ or GF can't make it work. The show is junk. Never a huge L&L fan but it must hurt to see how distant Geary is towards GF. 

  • Love 9

I'm still holding out hope for Geary & Shriner to have one last scene together. I will be throughly pissed if RC doesn't deliver on this.

I also thought it was odd that RC hadn't been tweeting. I thought he was either on vacation or was pissed after reading Geary's exit interview. I actually thought Geary came off bad in the interview but his jab at "the writer" was on point.

Edited by ByaNose
  • Love 3

The Luke I grew up with cherished that woman. Though TG has also never really been able to underplay it onscreen IMO, even now. The dialogue, while far from good most days, is often forcing it out of him here. I don't think it's ever had to before, though.


BTW, how fucking pointless was Dante strategizing with Jordan the other day? "Me and Nathan, we'll stay on Sonny and the mob, build a case!" Really, dude? You have heart to hearts with Sonny every other week, you let him see your kids and confide in him, and he just got out of prison off a murder bid scot-free. What exactly do you and Nathan plan to do to 'build a case' this time? It's so fucking pointless, futile and nonsensical. Having Dante live his personal life cordial with Sonny and the family, hanging with the kids, while constantly hitting this one note about the futile police struggle against him at work is ridiculous. It's like no one has any memory of anything that's ever happened, like he forgets from scene to scene. Just let him go work for the WSB or something.


Also: Chad Duell in that tank top. Yes. And they really need to cast Chloe Lanier (Young Pat) as Serena or Christina Baldwin, like tomorrow.

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 9
I actually enjoyed this episode. Not much to say really, but I liked it.  And then I saw Franco in the promo and I was like yep there it is. Sigh. This show could be so good.


Just watched a bunch of episodes in a row.  The Franco/Nina/Denise/Ric/Kiki/Morgan stuff found my finger hitting the fast-forward button quickly.  It's not that the actors are any better or any worse but the Dante/Lulu and Jason reveal feels like a soap. I like Nathan. He is trying and is cute to watch.  .  But the Franco/Nina stuff feels foreign.  I really want to enjoy watching Franco/Nina but FV/RC have failed to demonstrate why this viewer should care about this character of Nina or not be weirded out by a character that is a sexual predator that is written to be snarky.   This is not to say that this soap would be great if Franco/Nina went away, but it would be a most welcome step in the improvement of the show.  And yes, I can't stand how RC is rewriting Jason into a saint and the continuation of the mob or FV's harsh editing chops but this Franco/Nina mistake really could have been preventable.


I miss Aunt Ruby.  The young actress playing Pat is top notch.  Too bad if there are going to be youngsters on the show, they can't be her caliber.

Edited by sunnyface
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I hate Luke Spencer. Nothing this show does will make him a loveable hero. Nothing.


I wonder if that makes TG happy. We hate his character right along with him. 


I realize this is a GH site, but I have to admit -- this is only one of two things I've read in ages here that's made me think 'Oh, I need to check that out!'* Is Scrubs on hulu, netflix, or amazon prime?


It's on Netflix Canada too. My kids love this "new show" : ) 


And then I saw Franco in the promo and I was like yep there it is. Sigh. This show could be so good.


Franco feels like a Wed character, not a Friday/ Monday guy. 

  • Love 3

BTW, how fucking pointless was Dante strategizing with Jordan the other day? "Me and Nathan, we'll stay on Sonny and the mob, build a case!" Really, dude? You have heart to hearts with Sonny every other week, you let him see your kids and confide in him, and he just got out of prison off a murder bid scot-free. What exactly do you and Nathan plan to do to 'build a case' this time? It's so fucking pointless, futile and nonsensical. Having Dante live his personal life cordial with Sonny and the family, hanging with the kids, while constantly hitting this one note about the futile police struggle against him at work is ridiculous. It's like no one has any memory of anything that's ever happened, like he forgets from scene to scene. Just let him go work for the WSB or something.


Or they should just stop having the police go after Sonny, because it doesn't matter who the hell is there, as long as MB is on contract, Sonny is there, no one is gonna put him in prison for more than a week. Or why don't they just take Sonny out of the mob officially? They can have him be legit but his enemies still target Sonny because I don't know why, for whatever reason they target him now cause it's not like he's dabbling in drugs and hookers, cough cough. I cannot believe they're having

Sonny call up a meeting of the fucking Five Families next week, which will be even more embarrassing I'm sure than it was under Guza


He won't be any more successful in putting Sonny away. I don't know why they even pay lip service to it at this point. If he's in jail, it's for a minute. Big whoop.


I think jsbt meant they should make Dante WSB so he doesn't look ridiculous saying "let's build a case against sonny" while asking Sonny to baby-sit when he gets home. I wouldn't care if they did, but it wouldn't render these "let's make Sonny pay!" plots any more pointless unless MB actually left or Sonny got out of the mob.

  • Love 5

Oh, God. This is Frank and Ron so I'm expecting

the "Five Families" to be even more cartoonish than usual. Like, they'll add, say, the Penguin, the Mad Hatter, Toyman, Big Boy Caprice from Dick Tracy, and Carmine Falcone, all from Batman or assorted comic books.

It's funny because pop culture!*


(* - It was funny five years ago but when your entire show is like that now, no one cares)


And yes, the better solution is for Sonny to either get out of the mob or be somehow neutralized.

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 8
Ron's dead people are so forgiving.  First Connie and now Luke's mom.



Not to mention "Live" baby Jake, who's just FINE considering he's been a Flower in the Attic for years.  He's 8 but settles down nicely in the corner if you give him a plastic motorcycle to play with.  Guess they didn't have those in the attic. 


Since everybody seems to care more about scratching their heads about how he didn't die than HOW HAS HE BEEN LIVING FOR THE LAST 5 YEARS, I entertain myself by assuming he was revived Pet Sematary style.   

Edited by kassa
  • Love 9

Not to mention "Live" baby Jake, who's just FINE considering he's been a Flower in the Attic for years. He's 8 but settles down nicely in the corner if you give him a plastic motorcycle to play with. Guess they didn't have those in the attic.

Since everybody seems to care more about scratching their heads about how he didn't die than HOW HAS HE BEEN LIVING FOR THE LAST 5 YEARS, I entertain myself by assuming he was revived Pet Sematary style.

We will never know anything about it because the writers just want the audience to accept it and move on.

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