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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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I tried to find it for you, because I'm a mean person, but here's something almost as good - Julian putting his arm around Alexis' neck like he's prom king and them inhaling each other's faces:




I take back my earlier statement of my soul dying in its tears. This did it in. You're more evil than Helena, ulkis. Then again, Pinky & The Brain are more evil than Helena these days...

  • Love 4

You forgot to include Ava and Dead Now Alive Jake.


You guys aren't killing Ava as long as I'm still around to stop it. I guess I need bodyguards now. I won't get them from Sonny, that's for sure.


I don't care, if I ignore the ridiculous Denise premise, I got to see my couple finally go at it again. In a real bed this time, they finally got an upgrade. Not sure why dime-store Denise gets a bed, but whatever. I think any of the weird editing is due to Bry Dawg being afraid to really go for it for fear of Kelly HIS FIANCEE getting all pissy again about it. But she never seemed to mind Maura the first time around. She just hated when Morgan slept with Kiki. And I probably know way more about this than I should.


There really aren't enough disgusting words to say about CarSon. Like I literally recoiled and shrank back in my chair to try and somehow get away from their hideousness. The only thing that I liked was when Carly hilariously threw the towel (obviously Sonny didn't find them) at Max to stop the bleeding. Otherwise, it was all nauseating.


Michael/Sabrina - sickeningly sweet and boring.


Julian/Alexis - painfully embarrassing. Their entire relationship is like Joss and corn, one big joke that went on for way too long.



Franco is lurking in the background staring and sneering like a rabid animal, not four feet away from them ... and they're too busy sucking face to notice.  Hee!


That was bad, but not even as bad as STUPID STUPID STUPID Nina, Ric is literally RIGHT THERE, she can't see that the baby crying is coming directly from him and his phone?! Even if I didn't despise that troll, I could never feel sorry for someone who is that clueless. And what do you know, the statement applies perfectly to Kiki as well.

Edited by tvgoddess
  • Love 4

At this point there is not a single storyline that I give a damm about.




Nina being gaslighted by Ric, who cares.


Sonny and Carley getting married for the eleventyth time, who cares.


Morgan possibly cheating on Kiki with her undead mother, who cares.


Dante cheating with his wife's cousin, who cares.


Tracy dumping Luke for the 128,421 time, who cares.


Lizl lying to Jake about who he really is, who cares.


Damm show, you have to give me a storyine that I could possible care about and you are not doing it now.


They did give me one I cared about - MichaelWOP - then they took it away again.  I just know he's gonna show up at that wedding.  Seriously, how are you supposed to invest in anything when no one suffers any lasting ramifications, not even death?


I cannot believe I sat through this episode. 


I about threw up with all the happy, we're so wonderful Sonny and Carly nonsense.  What's sad is I think we, the audience, are supposed to be thrilled things are finally going well for these two crazy, mixed-up kids, instead of sickened as I am.    Here's hoping something comes along to mess with 'em, soon.

  • Love 7

ugh the Sonny being an amazing father is the dialogue I absoutely hate I could buy Mac being one hell Robert and hell even despite his screw ups evven scotty because at least when serena was in danger as a baby he put her safety first but yet here is Sonny holding Avery bragging about being in the mob.

I wonder who is expected to take that kind of dialogue seriously. How is the guy who nearly got his children killed because of his involvement in the mob (and is personally responsible for trying to kill two of them) a good or amazing father? Perhaps they meant amazing at how horrendously awful he is at being a father, or even his multiple failures to even resemble a decent human being.

  • Love 1

But don't you understand? He's NOT FAT!!1!!

Sure he's a ridiculous preening jackass and RC never bothered to mine the character history despite having Julian, Anna and Duke for over 2 years but...LOOK ABS!!1!

You know, it wasn't enough to bring AJ back to have Sonny kill him, revive Jason, misuse Roger Howarth and Micheal Easton, mess up all of the history. ...

But fuck you Ron. Pizza is not a carb. You shut your dumb hipster wannabe face.

  • Love 3

We'll see what Monday brings.

The same shit as every Monday (and Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday) for at least the last two and a half months.

Where the hell was the director?

Updating his resume in hopes of landing a job on some network summer show that shoots in Vancouver and pays their cast and crew in gas station condoms and doggie biscuits.

  • Love 7

Alexis is a lawyer in a town filled with criminals and Julian owns a newspaper in town where crimes and scandals are happening 24/7. It's really not that hard to come up with story for them. Their scenes on Friday didn't need to happen.And if he's too lazy or creatively bankrupt to come up with something decent for them he could just let them spend time with Sam, Lucas, Molly, and Danny.

  • Love 1

Alexis is a lawyer in a town filled with criminals and Julian owns a newspaper in town where crimes and scandals are happening 24/7. It's really not that hard to come up with story for them. Their scenes on Friday didn't need to happen.And if he's too lazy or creatively bankrupt to come up with something decent for them he could just let them spend time with Sam, Lucas, Molly, and Danny.

I'm sure in his own mad mind he was totally giving the fans what they want. "Look, I'm giving the older characters fun sexy times! Why are you people so dang hard to please?!"

What a week on GH!  Not a damn thing happened.  I am FF more and more of the show. 


The writers have dipped into the Sonny-Carly well yet again.


Nina is too dumb to see what is in front of her face.


Ava/Denise has another go at her daughter's boyfriend. 


Scotty wants another go at Sonny.  Puleeze.  The most inept, ineffectual DA of all soapdom wants another shot at failure.  Geez, just down dumb can a lawyer be?


GAG!  Is all this crap being done on purpose to clear up another hour of daytime for yet another asinine non-scripted program?  Disney/ABC get your ass out of those mouse ears and give viewers what they want instead of catering to the bean counters and pencil pushers who know NOTHING about the viewers except what other beancounters want them to know.  GH could and should be raking in the daytime viewers and would be IF those in charge were more about what viewers want and less about the so-called creative genius of showrunners and head writers who have already failed on other shows. 

  • Love 5

Serious question: am I going crazy, or wasn't GH # 1 in women 18-49 and closing in on Y&R for # 1 in total viewers in the last few months of 2013?

ETA: it definitely had overtaken B&B for # 2 in total viewers.

I've said it before and Ill continue to say it, the reveal that Jason was alive sent this show into this death spiral.

Edited by Tiger
  • Love 5


Serious question: am I going crazy, or wasn't GH # 1 in women 18-49 and closing in on Y&R for # 1 in total viewers in the last few months of 2013?


Yep, mid-December they hit their highest rating in 6 years.  Just a little over a year ago they were #1 in 18-34 and 18-49.  How quickly they slid down the hill.


I just couldn't bring myself to watch yesterday.  It's painful.

Edited by LegalParrot81

Serious question: am I going crazy, or wasn't GH # 1 in women 18-49 and closing in on Y&R for # 1 in total viewers in the last few months of 2013?

ETA: it definitely had overtaken B&B for # 2 in total viewers.

I've said it before and Ill continue to say it, the reveal that Jason was alive sent this show into this death spiral.

I think the stupidity of literally trading AJ for Jason again caused the show to bomb.

  • Love 1

A lot of viewers have simply lost faith in the show.

Ratings were high at the start of this regime because viewers put up with a lot of farfetched and sometimes icky stuff (scooby doo masks, Robin being tortured in her first kidnapping, saint Sabrina, Todd switching Sams baby, poisoned water, Stavros kidnapping and freezing the daughter of the woman he raped decades ago ...) -- because they believed there'd be a payoff. And at first there really was: Robin got rescued and her family was written in character for a while, AJ and Duke resurrected, Michael bonding with AJ, etc.

All the fans lured back in by that good stuff now feel like they've been slapped in the face. The show has gone from farfetched to "we're not even going to bother explaining this to you."

As a pithy poster somewhere (I forget where) said: it's like the show is committing suicide.

  • Love 18

"And I'm going to name my baby Firework after my mom's favorite holiday."



Didn't Alexis also say sometime in the recent past (I think at the hospital) that Sonny was an amazing father or great parent or something like that. Of course, when you have FV tweeting during the show that Sonny always gets what he wants, no wonder we get soul-killing dialogue like this.

This is a joke right. Alexis has no memory. I can remember her kneeling on the hospital floor outside Kristina's room crying.Sonny wouldn't help get Sam to agree to give the stem cells to Kris , she had leukemia, and wanted Sam to enduce her labor to help. I still shake my head when Alexis doesn't allow Sonny to rot in jail. Amazing is one word for it. BAck to the barge, I watched a little ,when it was everyone I can't stand .I just shut the TV off.

  • Love 3

The only hope I have for this show is scenes like Monday, with Monica and Jason.

That was beautiful foreshadowing, history, and emotion. It got me right in the feels. And I'm Team AJ! I'd rather Monica throw a hissy and yell and scream that it's not fair Susan Moore's son gets 9 lives, but her only child gets gunned down by a thug and set up by another one.

But they got me in the feels. Dammit.

  • Love 5

Serious question: am I going crazy, or wasn't GH # 1 in women 18-49 and closing in on Y&R for # 1 in total viewers in the last few months of 2013?

ETA: it definitely had overtaken B&B for # 2 in total viewers.

I've said it before and Ill continue to say it, the reveal that Jason was alive sent this show into this death spiral.


What's it been, about 12 weeks now of lowering viewers in the main women's demo? as much as I'd love to blame Jason, I'd say it's been Nina, Franco, and Denise/Ava with the bad wig. And I wouldn't say it's Jason himself per se but the show dragging its feet on the reveal.


What a week on GH!  Not a damn thing happened.  I am FF more and more of the show. 


I liked Monday and Tuesday. Then the last three days were pretty bad.

  • Love 3

I'd have enjoyed the Jakeson/Monica scene more if we hadn't heard Jason was the heart of the Qs. Ugh.


To be fair, the Q's have never been able to keep straight who is the "heart" of the family.  It's Lila!  No, it's Emily!   No, it's Alan!   No, it's Jason!


Really, the person who died last gets deified.   


Unless you're AJ.  Then you can just go fuck yourself.  

Edited by SlovakPrincess
  • Love 11

This is a joke right. Alexis has no memory. I can remember her kneeling on the hospital floor outside Kristina's room crying.Sonny wouldn't help get Sam to agree to give the stem cells to Kris , she had leukemia, and wanted Sam to enduce her labor to help. I still shake my head when Alexis doesn't allow Sonny to rot in jail. Amazing is one word for it. BAck to the barge, I watched a little ,when it was everyone I can't stand .I just shut the TV off.


I knew I wasn't going crazy, I actually found the scene I was referencing. She actually said that he's a "very good father to Kristina". Um, yeah. Except for that whole car blowing up episode. And I noticed she didn't say he was a good father to the son who he shot in the chest, or the son who was in a coma for a year and then sent to prison and raped, or the son that he betrayed by sleeping with his girlfriend.


  • Love 2

This description (from Despair in the Afternoon) of the Sonny/Carly scene made me laugh:


CARLY: You’re arrogant. You’re ruthless. You’re vindictive. You’re violent. And when you get angry, you can be really cruel.
SONNY: [chuckles, like “yeah, I’m terrible, LOL”]
CARLY: But you’re also loyal. Courageous. An incredible father. You’re the most charming man I have ever met.

  • Love 1

This description (from Despair in the Afternoon) of the Sonny/Carly scene made me laugh:


CARLY: You’re arrogant. You’re ruthless. You’re vindictive. You’re violent. And when you get angry, you can be really cruel.

SONNY: [chuckles, like “yeah, I’m terrible, LOL”]

CARLY: But you’re also loyal. Courageous. An incredible father. You’re the most charming man I have ever met.


The post went on to describe Carly's words as being like a domestic abuse pamphlet ... "he's charming ... but violent, vindictive and cruel."  


So horrifyingly true, really ....

  • Love 10

Serious question: am I going crazy, or wasn't GH # 1 in women 18-49 and closing in on Y&R for # 1 in total viewers in the last few months of 2013?

ETA: it definitely had overtaken B&B for # 2 in total viewers.

IIRC, that was the fall of GH Espionage. It was awesome and had me racing home to see the show.

Then they lost TR because the Olds should just be happy and grateful to work when they get a call vs wanting a contract.

  • Love 9

IIRC, that was the fall of GH Espionage. It was awesome and had me racing home to see the show.

Then they lost TR because the Olds should just be happy and grateful to work when they get a call vs wanting a contract.


Much like viewers are supposed to just be grateful the show is still on at all  ... rather than electing to mock and turn off the show when it turns to crap.  


In other news, Sonny has ruined the word "dimples" for me, as well as the very idea of dimples being attractive.   

  • Love 2


JuLexis-I haven't seen anything that painful to watch since Olivia danced for Steve on a stripper pole.


  The Julexis scenes were embarrassing, but at least they didn't bore me (Morgan/Kiki, Michael/Sabrina), make me ill (Magda's seducing Ric,) infuriate me (Liz's seducing Jakeson, Dante and Valerie, Morgan/DenAva, Crypt!sex) , nor will be even remotely as painful to my eyes as Sonny/Carly and SERIAL KILLER/WE NEVER CARED.


  Speaking of Nina, I'm Team Ric all the way. I not only want Ric to take Nina for every cent she's got, if he manages to kill her & Franco too, I won't dis Ron for at least a week.

  • Love 6

I haven't seen Friday's episode yet, but after the preceding four...NLG's cleavage notwithstanding, the only interesting bits were Tracy shutting Luke down for shutting her out (and thus a mirror image to Dante and Lulu, whoopee), and the whole gonzo Morgan/DenAva "You're not my dead girlfriend's mom, but...I can't explain why I want to bang you so hard right now" thing.  The natural counterpoints were Carly tonguebathing Sonny and Monica tonguebathing Jason, which just...no.  At this point I'm more interested in whatever the hell it is that Brad's hiding about his parents and just holding on for more Valerie in a tight skirt.  If I'm going to sit through the crazy, at least give me that to dull the pain.

  • Love 1

Serious question: am I going crazy, or wasn't GH # 1 in women 18-49 and closing in on Y&R for # 1 in total viewers in the last few months of 2013?

ETA: it definitely had overtaken B&B for # 2 in total viewers.

I've said it before and Ill continue to say it, the reveal that Jason was alive sent this show into this death spiral.

GH didn't close in on Y&R in total viewers.  Y&R hovered around 5 million then. GH 3 million.  But in late 2013, GH did hit 6-year high in total viewers, and overtook Y&R in the 18-49 demo when both were doing relatively well.


The week of November 25-29 had these numbers:


Total Viewers

1. Y&R 5,165,000 (+547,000/+789,000) *

2. B&B 3,867,000 (+163,000/+587,000)

3. GH 3,299,000 (+522,000/+548,000) ** <—- 6 year high

4. DAYS 2,724,000 (+102,000/+387,000)


* New high for JFP/Altman regime

** Highest since January 21-25, 2008

** New high for Valentini/Carlivati regime

Women 18-49 Viewers

1. Y&R 855,000 (+4,000/+93,000)

2. GH 774,000 (+30,000/+133,000) *

3. B&B 653,000 (-25,000/+32,000)

4. DAYS 596,000 (-23,000/+12,000)

* Highest since August 15, 2011

* New high for Valentini/Carlivati regime


And for the week of December 2-6, GH became the sole #1 in the 18-49 demo for the first time since 2007:


Women 18-49 Viewers

1. GH 880,000 (+106,000/+271,000) * <—– 2.75 year high

2. Y&R 831,000 (-24,000/+119,000)

3/ B&B 677,000 (+24,000/+131,000)

4. DAYS 659,000 (+63,000/+155,00) ** <—- 2 year high

* New high for Valentini/Carlivati regime

* Highest since March 21-25, 2011

** New high for Tomlin/Whitesell regime

** Highest since November 21-25, 2011


The number of total viewers for that week of 12/2/2013 to 12/6/2013 were:

1. Y&R 4,987,000 (-178,000/+808,000)

2. B&B 3,828,000 (-39,000/+766,000)

3. GH 3,305,000 (+6,000/+767,000) * <—- 6 year high

4. DAYS 2,680,000 (-44,000/+401,000)

* New high for Valentini/Carlivati regime

* Highest since January 21-25, 2008

  Sadness, thoughtfuness - damn straight because she and Dante have one helluva lot to be sad and thoughtful about!!  But no tears

This leads me to ask - does Dante know Olivia is faking baby Falconeri-Jerome's death? Or does he think his baby brother really died? I know he is teary eyed that's he's been a POS with Valerie and Lulu will be devastated when she finds out. 

RC traded AJ for Avahttp://youtu.be/pQ15rJtQlK4

If you go with the scene, yes. However, I'm thinking of the Most Beautiful Times in Port Charles. Jasus got Dock and Rolled, Monica just called up her real son, AJ went about truth telling, Micheal learned many factual things. Like that Carly stole her mother's husband, Tony Jones and just didn't want AJ to be the father. And meathook! So, therefore, since Jason went into the river (thanks Faison!), and Monica pulled AJ out of a hat, it was trading Jason for AJ. Then Sonny killed AJ and magically Jason was alive somewhere.

We can blame Jason for everything. Team AJ.

  • Love 7

...did Morgan have a boner in those scenes with Ava yesterday? Or were they just bunchy underwear?

Faux Ron on Twitter posted s picture of that scene and I sure as hell hope it was bunchy underwear because otherwise it's just gross! I mean sure MW is a beautiful sexy woman, but geez kid, if you're going to get a hard on doing MAKE BELIEVE sex scenes, maybe you should pursue another line of work. Or at the very least, take a cold shower right before filming.

Pontius Pilate (@GHTweeterer)

7/18/15, 12:45 AM

Explains where all the blood that's supposed to be going to his brain is going #GH pic.twitter.com/UAHctUqB5I

Edited by Sake614
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