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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Monica was always slobbering over Jason.

Except for in the early 80s, when she resented him because he was a product of Alan's affair with Susan and constantly called him "that brat." (She did grow to love him as her own, though).

My hatred of Jason is such that I watch those old episodes now ... and I cheer on Monica being mean to a baby.

  • Love 7

Except for in the early 80s, when she resented him because he was a product of Alan's affair with Susan and constantly called him "that brat." (She did grow to love him as her own, though).

My hatred of Jason is such that I watch those old episodes now ... and I cheer on Monica being mean to a baby.

Heeee. Every time I found myself liking Jason for whatever reason, I'd turn to clips from 1999. That POS.

Oh, also, Franco made some joke about Julian exercising (which I only know about from the previews yesterday, I skipped their scenes) and in the previews Alexis gasps that he ate carbs??? Writers, inside jokes are only fun if you're writing a plot as well. And second of all, it makes me wonder if they're pulling a Shawn Kanan on William deVry, except in a less mean way.


It's like the opposite of their Kanan fat shaming. It's like they're holding out treats and saying, "Who's been a good boy?! Who's been a good boy?! Who's been working out?! You have!! You have!!"


I swear, some days I don't know for whom I have more disdain:  DeVry or Carlivati.

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I  hope Sonny and Snarly go for a big wedding, flower girls and all because it is so appropiate for a fifth wedding.


They never had a big wedding for any of their previous four marriages to each other. The only guest they had was Jason who gave her away in the first wedding. They have usually had a private ceremony. Of course, if they just decided to invite family and friends that would be more than half the GH cast.




Or that Carly somehow changed Avery's paternity test.  Sonny had some line today that he can always count on/trust Carly and that seemed like a big old anvil.


Considering how the show wants to make Nikolas EVIL, he is probably behind the paternity switch. For reasons.


At least maybe now Carly will finally relinquish her talons off the name "Jax".


Actually it would be Jacks. I cannot wait to hear Jax’s reaction to Joss’ new stepfather.

Edited by nilyank
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Whoops, you're right. My mistake!


I don't think Jax would be phased. He probably figures they've been sleeping together this whole time, even when she was with Todd.

It's like the opposite of their Kanan fat shaming. It's like they're holding out treats and saying, "Who's been a good boy?! Who's been a good boy?! Who's been working out?! You have!! You have!!"


I swear, some days I don't know for whom I have more disdain:  DeVry or Carlivati.


I dunno, it kinda feels like they're making fun of him.


As for that choice, Carlivati still "wins" with me.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 5
Monica was always slobbering over Jason.

Except for in the early 80s, when she resented him because he was a product of Alan's affair with Susan and constantly called him "that brat." (She did grow to love him as her own, though).


When I originally wrote that, I was thinking of SBu's Jason, not any of his predecessors or baby/kid Jason.


Considering how the show wants to make Nikolas EVIL, he is probably behind the paternity switch. For reasons.

Reasons = Helena.


I think with deVry they must just roll their eyes and be like, 'whatever', because they have no investment in him and can cut him at any time.


As I have said on many occasions, I do enjoy Julian's unique presence on the canvas as a sneering, pompous metrosexual crime boss, fully embodied by a performer who seems to, shall we say, deeply identify with the role. It's so different from Sonny, more versatile* and in a backwards way, has kind of evolved Alexis to where she can mostly admit what she wants. That being said, would I cry tears if Julian was killed tomorrow? No. I do think his obnoxious character fills an intriguing place on the show, though.


(* - Julian Jerome is clearly versatile in many areas of his life)

Edited by jsbt
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Before they used to acknowledge it (like when Faison pointed out to Robin Jason was a killer too) and now it's getting lost again.


Still one of my favorite scenes. Anders Hove was so dry and matter of fact, because Faison and Jason were in the same business and they knew the rules. He had no malice, he just felt how he felt.


How exactly does one gaslight Michelle Stafford/Nina? It seems kind of redundant.

  • Love 10
How exactly does one gaslight Michelle Stafford/Nina? It seems kind of redundant.


I wish they'd decide if Nina is a fragile flower or a mad schemer, because this bouncing back and forth doesn't work for me, and MSt is terrible at both. And then they give Nina bullshit lines like her life was stolen because she can't have kids. Ugh. It's so gross. 

Edited by dubbel zout
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I want Ghost!Connie to shimmer into view and be all, "Um, hello, we're still ghost!married!"


I think with deVry they must just roll their eyes and be like, 'whatever', because they have no investment in him and can cut him at any time.


As I have said on many occasions, I do enjoy Julian's unique presence on the canvas as a sneering, pompous metrosexual crime boss, fully embodied by a performer who seems to, shall we say, deeply identify with the role. It's so different from Sonny, more versatile* and in a backwards way, has kind of evolved Alexis to where she can mostly admit what she wants. That being said, would I cry tears if Julian was killed tomorrow? No. I do think his obnoxious character fills an intriguing place on the show, though.


(* - Julian Jerome is clearly versatile in many areas of his life)



Sonny is old-fashioned dammit! You know what's also old-fashioned, Sonny? Keeping mistresses, so don't worry, you're still being old-fashioned if you don't marry Carly.


I want a montage of people groaning/sighing/rolling their eyes when they get their invite in the mail.



Are we on Carly and Sonny's 685677556 engagement now or?

All that's missing is Jason standing in the corner with a blank look on his face.



Sonny: "You're the best mother in the world." That's some A+ delusion right there.


I wonder if Carly and Sonny will ask Michael if they can borrow the Q crypt to have their wedding in.



The wedding or the honeymoon?






Poor Avery. Carly is going to love her like she is her own child.


Avery's internal monologue "Shit!  Which one?  Which one????"


And all of the above are examples or WHY I CAN'T QUIT YOU, damn Show.  Or to be more accurate, this board.  You make me smile, you make me laugh, you make me realize that wonderful snark not only lives, but thrives. 

I fell in head first today, off the barge, drink in hand and took a look at...shudder....today's show.

You all covered the most ridiculously silly, stupid dumbass crap Ron C. put together and called a show, so just a couple to add...

So somebody decided that Howarth's Franco is now the SUPA DUUDE of Port Charles, is that it?  He walks around in skanky clothes, doing everything but scratching his ass, ALWAYS eating something now, slouching and ready for his LOOK-AT-ME, I'm so damn FUNNY snark.  He does everything except break up at his own jokes. 

Howarth is too old to pull off the look, or the attitude.  He's not looking like a DUUDE, he's looking like a major asshole.  Show has ruined him completely for me.  In the unlikely event that Todd Manning was ever resurrected, anywhere, anytime, I couldn't watch him do the role anymore.  Man has been RUINED IMO.  So, FU, Ron C., for that, too.

Show spends months on Michael taking Avery to keep her safe - and a little payback for all the crap Sonny did, like KILLING HIS DAD, and now, Sonny is back in the mob and it's just A-OK.  No prob.  Snarly accepting him the way he is, that old bullshit, and now Michael will be just fine with it all.  I don't want to bang MY head, I want to bang Ron C.'s head.  And hard.

Show should just stop even pretending to give DeVry's character any storyline, and just let him run through scenes in his compression shorts, tossing hand weights from hand to hand.  He doesn't have to have an dialogue, doesn't have to have any part in the scene, just make him a literal running joke.

Thanks, y'all, for keeping the humor and snark level so high!

Edited by boes
  • Love 6
I don't know you might want to check Brooke or Liam over at B&B


According to this, Liam has had seven weddings but only two legal marriages, with two different women. His weddings keep getting interrupted.


According to this, Brooke has been married 13 times to 6 men. She's married Ridge 6 times.


Erica Kane was married 11 times to 8 different men. Three of them she married twice. She might win for most number of different husbands.

  • Love 3

William DeVry is having more screen time with his kettle bells than anyone else. Seriously, we know he's built and he's built like a brick house but who has he pissed off on the writing team? He hasn't been on for months and I swear the last time I saw him he was working out with the kettle bells in his apartment with his shirt off. Again, he looks awesome but is Jullian on his way out or what?

  • Love 1

Is Ric really sitting here with a crying baby app on his phone?? Are you fucking with me right now?!


How exciting - Jordan, the woman who spent months fucking a hitman and is now Commish because fuck it who cares, has teamed up with Professional Failure Scott to "take down Sonny Corinthos"! Didn't she and Anna spend the last, what, eighteen months trying to do this with no results except the muscle in lock-up and one dead old man? What exactly will be the exciting upshot of this iteration of the exact same story, only now with Jordan and her gross new hair instead of Finola Hughes?!

  • Love 5

Maybe we've already talked about this, but why is Liz so desperate for Jason's jock when he doesn't look or act anything like the man she climbed 16 flights of stairs in the dark for?

He effectively isn't even really "Jason" anymore. Was his magical dick the only part that wasn't damaged in the accident? If so, Liz would be better off taking a mold and having a toy made.

The only way to save this story and the show at this point would be for BM Jason to get all of his memories back both Q and Morgan, and be absolutely horrified and disgusted that Sam and Liz were in love with someone who killed for money and wanted to have kids with him. He should also express disgust at Carly, Michael, Monica, etc for acting like a hit man was a saint.

Edited by Tiger
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I really think self-righteous Jason might make me angrier than the honorable hitman because fuck him - he doesn't get to blame anyone else for his choices

What's he going to say? How dare you love me enough to tolerate my horrifying choices?

I applauded that attitude the first time he lost his memory but since he promptly went back to it last time, this time he can accept responsibility and make different job choices

Edited by Oracle42
  • Love 4



Maybe we've already talked about this, but why is Liz so desperate for Jason's jock when he doesn't look or act anything like the man she climbed 16 flights of stairs in the dark for?

He effectively isn't even really "Jason" anymore. Was his magical dick the only part that wasn't damaged in the accident? If so, Liz would be better off taking a mold and having a toy made.


To be fair, Liz had feelings for Jakeson long before she knew he was Jason.  Since she was already in love with the new version before she found out who he was, I think she is happy to think she gets the new improved version of Jason who doesn't kill people for a living as a mob flunky.  


I can't defend LIz's choices regarding Jason but like to believe that if she hadn't gotten so invested in "Jake" before she found out the truth that she would have immediately told people who he was.  

  • Love 3

I wish would could do a livestream so I could hear these comments when I do my weekly marathon.

Omg! I got a $100 wine voucher from a company I do reviews for.

This month will be interesting. I'm getting a case of wine!!!!

Heh. I feel like I need a case of wine whenever I'm dumb enough to sit down and watch an episode.


Enjoy your reward!

  • Love 2

Carly's engagement ring is so tacky—it's perfect for her.


...I like ostentatious rings too...

But not from Sonny! 


Avery's internal monologue "Shit!  Which one?  Which one????"


If she's lucky, it'll be Joss. 


The same horrible inevitable thing that happens whenever a young woman tries to take Sonny down


Ugh. Here comes another baby. 

  • Love 1

To be fair, Liz had feelings for Jakeson long before she knew he was Jason.  Since she was already in love with the new version before she found out who he was, I think she is happy to think she gets the new improved version of Jason who doesn't kill people for a living as a mob flunky.  


I can't defend LIz's choices regarding Jason but like to believe that if she hadn't gotten so invested in "Jake" before she found out the truth that she would have immediately told people who he was.

I disagree. I think she still would have kept the secret.

Sonny's going to need a baby to replace Morgan's useless girlchild

Silly Oracle42, girlchilden don't get replaced, just ignored!

  • Love 3

I disagree. I think she still would have kept the secret.

Silly Oracle42, girlchilden don't get replaced, just ignored!

Oh no! He'll have a boy with Jordan. Kristina was a one time fluke caused by Alexis' inability to "be cool" about things

I agree with you re: Liz/Jake. Liz was willing to let Jake go when his wife showed up. I think she was starting to have feelings for him but I don't think she was in love.

She isn't keeping the secret because of Jake, she's repeatedly talked to Nik about how it's "her time" with Jason.

And up until recently she had no idea he wasn't still murdering people for money. She believed he killed Duke and assured him that she'd sent the boys away so he couldn't use her/their safety as an excuse to leave her again

Edited by Oracle42
  • Love 4

He effectively isn't even really "Jason" anymore. Was his magical dick the only part that wasn't damaged in the accident? If so, Liz would be better off taking a mold and having a toy made.


This is cold and hilarious at the same time. What she has said, either alone and/or to Nikolas, is this Jason made it clear he wants to be with her, and is not devoted to Sonny, Carly...and Sam (as priority #4 after those two and Michael). He's not Sonny's right hand man, always a target for violence (esp. since he is not working for Julian or Sonny at this time). Lucky made a correct statement, that essentially Jason is now the man she always wanted him to be. He's all hers.

  • Love 2

Is Ric really sitting here with a crying baby app on his phone?? Are you fucking with me right now?!


How exciting - Jordan, the woman who spent months fucking a hitman and is now Commish because fuck it who cares, has teamed up with Professional Failure Scott to "take down Sonny Corinthos"! Didn't she and Anna spend the last, what, eighteen months trying to do this with no results except the muscle in lock-up and one dead old man? What exactly will be the exciting upshot of this iteration of the exact same story, only now with Jordan and her gross new hair instead of Finola Hughes?!


I was so painfully embarrassed for Kin in those scenes. "Grrr! Corinthos!"


Unless the point of the scene was to illustrate that Scott was pathetic and Jordan delusional, I have no I idea why they are trying to sell a "uh-oh these guys are gonna go after Sonny!" plot, after Sonny just went to prison and got ludicrously pardoned 4 months later. Hell, even if he died, he'll just come back because of Helena and because the bomb only blew up in the basement.

  • Love 9

I was so painfully embarrassed for Kin in those scenes. "Grrr! Corinthos!"


Unless the point of the scene was to illustrate that Scott was pathetic and Jordan delusional, I have no I idea why they are trying to sell a "uh-oh these guys are gonna go after Sonny!" plot, after Sonny just went to prison and got ludicrously pardoned 4 months later. Hell, even if he died, he'll just come back because of Helena and because the bomb only blew up in the basement.


Poor Scotty, another bite at the "Take Sonny down!" apple and then being set up to be made a fool by Franco.


I wonder if Scotty will be a stop on the Luke Farewell Tour.

Can someone explain to me like I'm Morgan, why Scotty has evidence in his desk drawer? Shouldn't it be, oh I don't know, in the evidence locker at the PCPD? At least then Franco wouldn't have ready access to it...


I'm going to go with 'dark magic' again. Why? Because it not only explains the Cassadine nonsense but it also explains why people inexplicably confide in Franco and why things are just within easy reach for him to take advantage of.


Also, when Valerie winds up either pregnant or starting to lose it over this Dante mess, I feel reasonably certain that she will tell all to Franco because he's clearly some sort of chaos wizard.



  • Love 10

Can someone explain to me like I'm Morgan, why Scotty has evidence in his desk drawer? Shouldn't it be, oh I don't know, in the evidence locker at the PCPD? At least then Franco wouldn't have ready access to it...




And also...wouldn't the police have made backup copies by now?


ETA...was Ava actually tried and convicted for Connie's murder or was she being held for trial when she broke out of prison?

Edited by TeeVee329
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