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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Sam was trying to call Alexis when Silas called. So Silas told her to go to the hospital w/ Molly and he would call Alexis.

You know Ron needed his plot point "I love you" between Silas & Sam in front of Nina. She & Silas were bonding for 30 seconds. Ron had to be a stop to that.

Fylaki, I like your thinking. If we had a good writer, the truth about Nina still having her money would come out during this storyline. It would stir up many questions about how truthful she's been since she arrived in PC. Since they are still married, a portion of Nina's wealth becomes part of the settlement award.

We write better storylines in minutes. Why can't the supposed paid writers do the same?

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Didn't we just have a a Patrick operates on someone when he shouldn't storyline when Sonny killed AJ ?



And we also had Patrick operating on someone he blamed for the death of a loved one when Sam badgered him into operating on Jason after Robin "blew up in the lab".


Well it seems Patrick's lack of compassion as a physician is well established at least. I can't imagine why there isn't another option. I sure wouldn't want someone, who just stood menacingly over me not even halfway trying to be compassionate as I a 14 y/o scared kid apologized twice and obviously looked scared and remorseful, operate on me.

It seems well established that someone forced Rafe to do this and it could be due to some kind of threat against his family not neccessarily the drug dealer. We've seen that Fluke has threatened Spencer and Julian with harm to loved ones and means it. It could very much be Rafe doing this has nothing to do with the drugs and that is a red herring to make people angry at Rafe then when he dies find out it wasn't the drugs at all. He has already said he wasn't high today nor when he ran Patrick's car off the road.

  • Love 3

I'm not sure it matters why Rafe did it, the fact is he did it. I don't think you are going to be any less devastated at the loss of a child if the driver did it intentionally while sober because a mob boss threatened him, or if the driver was impaired when he ran you off the road.


Of course you'd be devastated, but being homicidal is acting just like the person who did it to you. Seeing as how Patrick is the adult who is supposed to make his life's work saving lives, acting the way he did to a child in a serious medical situation isn't a good look on him. Someone to admire would show more compassion.

  • Love 2
We write better storylines in minutes. Why can't the supposed paid writers do the same?


We have a vested interest in the show and an attachment to the characters built up over years. We have each other to remind ourselves of past events we may have forgotten (or didn't see if we were tuned out at the time). The current writers and show runners probably don't support each other  in those ways, it's just a job for them.  


I like Nina. They could do a lot with her. (They won't, but they could.) If you ask me, they can get rid of Carly now without missing a beat.  

  • Love 2


Of course you'd be devastated, but being homicidal is acting just like the person who did it to you. Seeing as how Patrick is the adult who is supposed to make his life's work saving lives, acting the way he did to a child in a serious medical situation isn't a good look on him. Someone to admire would show more compassion.


If you are devastated, though, you aren't really in your normal frame of mind.  And while it was inappropriate for Patrick to accost Rafe in his ER bed, I don't think he was homicidal - he didn't even physically touch him.  He got in his face and yelled at him.  What Patrick knows is that Rafe, who doesn't have a license, took his uncle's car without permission, and while possibly high on drugs, caused an accident that resulted in the death of his son and the kid never stopped or even called for help.  And maybe as a doctor Patrick should know better, but Rafe was alert and speaking - he didn't appear to have life-threatening injuries.  I think plenty of parents in the same situation would get in the kid's face and yell at him.  I don't think it is that out of the norm.  

  • Love 6

In a city filled with serial killers, mob bosses, hitmen , and filled with people who have slept with their sons GF's, Mother and Daughter, Two or three brothers,  all of whom are loved and respected, Patrick yelling at Rafe does not even meet minimal standards of inappropriate.



We have a vested interest in the show and an attachment to the characters built up over years. We have each other to remind ourselves of past events we may have forgotten (or didn't see if we were tuned out at the time). The current writers and show runners probably don't support each other  in those ways, it's just a job for them

Which may be why the idea of a "Head Writer" on a Soap is passe, what is needed is a Head Historian who can over rule the writers if they step out of line on history or character behavior. Soaps unlike any other genre (except maybe comic books) are driven by continuity as much as writing.

Edited by Fylaki
  • Love 15

If Rafe was an old drunken lech that "accidentally" hit baby Gabe and didn't even remember it after, all would be forgiven in a few weeks.  After all, he only had a little coke in his system at the time, if any at all.  (I am being facetious)



ETA: Congrats to Jason T, he is engaged!  http://instagram.com/p/qMTZrggK9l/

Edited by mybabyaidan
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If the writing for Patrick is anything to go by, the pointed comments about the wedding ring are laying the groundwork for Sam to remove the ring and vow that she is getting on with her life... just in time for her dead spouse to show up.




[Kosh from Babylon 5] It has begun... [/Kosh from Babylon 5]



Oh, please.  This is Patrick Drake we are talking about.


Nice shout out to Babylon 5.  One of my top 10 shows of all times.

In a city filled with serial killers, mob bosses, hitmen , and filled with people who have slept with their sons GF's, Mother and Daughter, Two or three brothers, all of whom are loved and respected, Patrick yelling at Rafe does not even meet minimal standards of inappropriate.

Which may be why the idea of a "Head Writer" on a Soap is passe, what is needed is a Head Historian who can over rule the writers if they step out of line on history or character behavior. Soaps unlike any other genre (except maybe comic books) are driven my continuity as much as writing.

Where can I apply for THAT job?

Saint Patrick, who I usually like had his own turn with drugs, he wasn't 14,he wasn't alone he was a doctor doing operations,and had a very young child at home. GMAFB.If brain dead re-ron is going to have Patrick act like an idiot, at least make it someone who has no sins to cast the first stone. Glass houses and all. I still feel sorry for Rafe, and Molly jumped into the car he told her not to, and I missed most of it, but didn't he say he wasn't high.Silas actually took the time to call Alexis for Molly and didn't run to his nephew. You know the one he went to court to take from Sam.?? I give up. This show makes me cray-cray. I cannot, I just can't watch Phyllis no matter what they call her on GH.


Congrats to JT and his fiance!


Now hopefully this girl convinces him to ditch GH and move onto bigger and better things.


On another note, the bedazzled, baby killing cokehead should consider himself lucky that he only had to face Patrick yesterday.  If Natasha had been there she would have cut his bitch ass.


Actually she was. And she didn't get in his face and tell him she was glad. She was angry and asked what he did to Molly but she didn't go stalk Rafe later. 


Now that I think about it, she's been in a comparable situation before, when she ran over Kiefer accidentally after he had beat up Kristina. And she didn't rejoice, she felt terrible. Although maybe she had a line where she said she was relieved he was dead or something, I don't remember.

Edited by ulkis
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The mere fact that it's not entirely clear who the audience should be rooting for in the Patrick/Silas showdown makes this story already 20 times more interesting than its usual fare (yeah, I'm looking at you, Queen Nina of Batshit).


I don't see this as an "audience torn between two valid, understandable points of view" situation. I see it as a "grow up, the both of you!" situation. Silas was a shitty guardian. Patrick is a surgeon with a Hippocratic oath. Neither has much to say at this moment.


Did they explain why Patrick's the only surgeon who could work on Rafe? It used to be that soaps would go to a decent enough effort to explain that (only person who knows the newest, latest bla, blah, blah procedure, caught in a snow storm, etc). But now, everything's just a hand wave (Monica, who's in her 70s and doesn't even work here anymore is getting a bagel in the cafeteria, so we're stuck with Patrick).


If there isn't another surgeon who could operate on Rafe, then the Chief of Staff should be held responsible. But of course it's Dr. O, so we're stuck with a world where no one in their right mind would go to this hospital, but yet everyone does. And she gets to be the one to snark on everyone else.


What might have actually been a dramatic story was Sam's resentment, born out of guilt, that Silas won that custody battle for Rafe and then turned out to be such a shitty guardian that the kid is on drugs and committing vehicular homicide within a year. That could cause an honest, understandable riff to which some, if not many, in the audience could relate. Instead is all high, serious drama (people die! omg). Except it isn't. Because nobody really dies. Or the characters who do "die," like Trey, are so uninteresting that I forget they even existed a year later. The deaths of characters decades ago resonate so much more with me that the half dozen or so people who've been killed over the last year (in AJ's case, it was a second death and a very meta situation knowing the writer's animosity for the actor).


By the way, it's official. I now hate the word "soapy." It's come to mean either "campy but dramatic" or "on a scale of 1 to 10 it's an 11 in terms of high stakes!" Except because the show plays every big dramatic moment as an "11," its value become lessoned to the point of meaninglessness. Who cares if someone dies. They'll just be brought back if the writers get the whim. Who cares who sleeps with whom or who leaves whom. It call all be hand waved differently in a week or a month or a year.


Today's GH is like playing high stakes poker with fake money. Who the fuck cares?

Edited by Francie
  • Love 10

Dear show, in a car accident with a newer vehicle, there would be blown airbags.  I didn't see any, but maybe it was a GM car, which is why they didn't work.


Where exactly was the police roadblock?  There were no cops around, other than Dante chasing Rafe's car.


I'm sorry, but that JT engagement photo silhouette makes it look like the fiancee is naked.

  • Love 1

By the way, it's official. I now hate the word "soapy." It's come to mean either "campy but dramatic" or "on a scale of 1 to 10 it's an 11 in terms of high stakes!" Except because the show plays every big dramatic moment as an "11," its value become lessoned to the point of meaninglessness. Who cares if someone dies. They'll just be brought back if the writers get the whim. Who cares who sleeps with whom or who leaves whom. It call all be hand waved differently in a week or a month or a year.


Today's GH is like playing high stakes poker with fake money. Who the fuck cares?


Bravo for a perfect assessment of the state of this show - and at least one other of the remaining foursome.  Speaking just of GH, it has been reduced to little more than an overhyped cartoon.  Long gone are the subtleties of storytelling, and character development - internal conflict - gone as if it had never been the cornerstone of what kept us watching, kept us invested in characters.  You said it perfectly.

And Ron C. has said it perfectly, too, when he dissed people who complained about lack of motivation for characters, saying that there "isn't time for that anymore", and "audiences are too smart to need that".  He spelled it out, loud and clear, what he really thinks of the genre he's working it.  I agree that the audience may be smart - and in this case, a lot smarter than the writer who is currently ruining this show.  It was a mistake to think he loved the genre.  He only loves camp.  And he's not even very good at that.

Edited by boes
  • Love 6

Ha had to laugh at Sam being all, "Patrick, tell Silas how we've already done this storyline before, with me badgering you into saving somone you have reason to blame for the death of a loved one, tell him!".  And I'm sure Dr. O is going to get a lot of grief if/when Rafe dies, but hey, if Patrick is indeed the only doctor available qualified to perform this operation, what else is she supposed to do?


Are we supposed to find Sonny's repeated tauntings of the pregnant woman he's planning to murder in months funny?  Swoonworthy?   Interesting?


I feel bad for the poor souls getting a SERIAL KILLER as an art therapist.  Oh Dr. O, girl, why aren't you having him mop floors with a toothbrush!


Sorry writers, the viewers don't care enough about Alice to invest in this sorry excuse for a Q story.  She's not Clint.


Shut up forever and a day, Shawn, you hypocrite douche.

  • Love 4

Well...that happened.


Julian is back finally, that's really all I cared about, he can give comfort to Alexis and Sam before everything gets shot to hell. They still had Monica and Tracy.stuck with those two boobs so it was hard to enjoy their scenes, and where the hell is Ned?


The Franco and Carly scenes were so pointless I can't even remember what really went on there. See Ava, if you hadn't tossed Carrrrlos under the bus he would have been the better person to send into Sonny's office, at least he would have been armed and could have finally finished off Olivia.

  • Love 2

 Ugh re: every character today except for Molly, Sam, Alexis, TJ, Dante, Michael and Monica. With the way Morgan was speaking/reacting, you'd think he's the brother w/brain damage. It's nice to see Monica be a doctor, even if she does take like 3 hours to come out and say "heart transplant."


Impossible to take the Silas-Dr.O-Patrick-Sam scene even slightly seriously. Go DIAF, Dr. O.  Michael Easton really was just like 'this is lame/I don't give a shit' with his last line today. 

  • Love 2

UGh, women like VA/Jordan are what keeps me going to the gym.

I think JT's fiancee was in form fitting yoga pants & top like VA was today.

I enjoyed BC again today. He's growing on me because I typically only liked him with Ava. Just keep him away from Kaka.

Those CancoSore scenes were useless.

Can we get some Sonny free day's again. It's like if we don't have Sonny we get Nina & if we don't get Nina, we get Sonny. I won't a week with neither. I also want a porple pegasus unicorn pony

Dear Ron & fellow "writers",

In today's society, you have this wonderful invention called the internet. There are numerous search engines available to you. If properly used, the internet can allow you to research information quickly. Details & accurate information will help to improve your stories. An Art Therapist at a hospital should be properly trained & certified. Also, a physician should know not to restrain a person in an active seizure.

Prevent them from hurting themselves, yes. Restrain them, no.

You are welcome,


  • Love 8

At this point it appears that Ava has nothing to lose...Sonny is going to kill her.   On her next doctors appointment she needs to stand in front of the nurses station, Anna, Dante, Olivia, Carly, Kiki, Morgan and most importantly Monica and Micheal, and scream at the top of her lungs...


"Help me Sonny Corinthos has been holding me hostage and is planning to kill me as soon as I give birth because I killed Connie and I saw him murder AJ!! "


"Oh, Michael your mother has known about Sonny murdering your father all along and she has helped keep me hostage has been plotting my murder with Sonny. Just in case Sonny whines about how guilty he feel know that this baby was conceived in the Quatermaine crypt after AJ's funeral."  Then let the chips fall where they may.  Ava, Sonny and Carly all hauled off to jail.

Edited by movingtargetgal
  • Love 15

I just want to say that I have never forgotten Trey


I was just thinking yesterday how much better I liked Tracy with Joe Scully than with Luke.  Poor JE, being stuck in a stupid story playing a dumbed down character so Tony Geary can play "dark."  He sucks.


Also, who thought this story of Sonny holding a woman hostage and terrorizing her with threats and promises of death was a good idea?  Honestly, I can't even believe this story saw the light of day, especially given the high profile stories of women being kidnapped and held prisoner by sickos of various stripes here and in the rest of the world.  It is sickening. 

  • Love 5

Ava is an idiot for not hiring some goons to take care of Sonny's inept "security." Sonny is an idiot for not putting up Ava in a hotel or an apartment or something. Why hasn't Ava told Morgan that Sonny will kill her once the baby is born? I can't imagine he'd be okay with that, regardless of how he feels about her.


The whole story is dumb.

  • Love 2


Also, who thought this story of Sonny holding a woman hostage and terrorizing her with threats and promises of death was a good idea?  Honestly, I can't even believe this story saw the light of day, especially given the high profile stories of women being kidnapped and held prisoner by sickos of various stripes here and in the rest of the world.  It is sickening. 


My issue isn't the holding her prisoner, b/c I don't find Sonny the least bit scary or threatening. The whole thing is just stupid THAT is what annoys me. Who wants to spend even 5 mins of show time watching Sonny and Ava talk in circles and annoy each other? If Ava would just lock him in the linen closet he'd never find his way out.  She can't be very pregnant and to THINK that we have to watch this repetitive dog chase its tail for MONTHS makes me want to play in traffic.ugh


And this comes from someone who sits alone at the "I LIKE Sonny" table.

  • Love 1

Oh Leslie Leslie, Leslie.  You were such a pretty woman what on earth possessed you to mangle your face in the vain quest to appear back in your 30s/40s again.  EPIC FAIL. And those new choppers you gave yourself make you sound like you are 85 years old. Please, I beg of you, step away from the surgical procedures,PLEASE {and I'm also looking at you Jaclyn Zeeman}  {and here's a hint:  If you HAVE to go back under the knife, do something about your neck/throat because it's a dead giveaway you are, shall I say, MATURE.}


just want to say that I have never forgotten Trey


I have--I vaguely remember him dying in the hospital but who was he related to?

  • Love 3

Trey was just another standard Ron/Frank hunky, edgy, naked male - right down to the re-use of the Robert Ford reality show plot device from OLTL. He's outrageous! He's a young filmmaker! He's naked and uninhibited! Check it out, audience! But deep down he's just a lost little boy who never had a family! It's literally the same character, same blueprint.


Tying him to Connie/Kate and lisping Scully - nothing about them made me give a shit. And he was so lame on his own. I was so glad to see him dead; he was a classic Frank & Ron creation borne from the worst of their instincts. Bryan Craig's Morgan was built to be somewhat similar to a Trey or Ford initially, but for all his BS he's not nearly as annoying and pointless.


I do think Richard Steinmetz (Scully) had chemistry with Jane Elliot, but he was a wretched actor - and that lisp! Nothing could make me care about Sho Shunior. I've sooner wanted Tracy with either Duke or Thaao Penghlis's Victor Cassadine. Still do.

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 3
 On second thought, Olivia can die if Carrrlos and Robin hook up when she returns.


You don't know how awesome I think that would be.  Carlos as the over-invested, full-of-life step dad to Emma? So. freakin. awesome.  I would so play up how much of a stick in the mud Patrick can be. No matter what time of day he comes by, Robin looks disheveled. Love in the afternoon, perhaps? Or morning? Or evening?


Plus Carlos watching Spencer attempting to woo Emma? Priceless.


Carlos:  Is that the best you can do, mijo?  Hirrrrring a band to play for her? In my day, I would have composed a song -- no a symmmmmmmmmphony -- and played it to her under her window on my guitarrrrrrrrrrrrr.  Now run along and come back when you're 20. And when you're able to compose a symmmphony and play it on a guitarrr yourself. And if I see you here before that, I'll shoot you. Soy serioso. Es la verdad. On mi corozon.


Oh, today's TFGH? Yeah, muy estupido.


Trey was the son of Connie/Kate (so the poor lad was also related to Olivia) and Joe Scully Jr.


All I remember about Trey is that he walked around in a towel in Maxie's apartment before Nathan did. 

Edited by Francie
  • Love 11
Tying him to Connie/Kate and lisping Scully - nothing about them made me give a shit. And he was so lame on his own. I was so glad to see him dead; he was a classic Frank & Ron creation borne from the worst of their instincts. 



I feel like he was finally getting interesting the day Connie told him he was supposed to be an abortion. I mean if you have to have a little orphan Annie background, it's more extreme as far as those go. But it was funny, because they were mother and son and they shared probably less than 10 scenes together. Ron lost interest almost as soon as it all began.

  • Love 1

At least Carlos might be able to teach Emma a decent Tango. And get her to start rolling the "r" in Robin's name. Plus it would certainly drive Patrick into a fit for the ages to see his wife with Sabrina's old flame, who's also a mobster.


I have to assume that considering how hairy he was before, Carrrlos might very well be rocking a Rapunzel length beard which he is currently braiding into a rope while humming the tune "Let it Go".


For some reason Morgan always looks semi, or fully, confused to me. It's the kid's at rest face, I know, but it really doesn't imply that Morgan has all that much going on up top, besides maybe thinking about the fries at Kelly's or something.


I couldn't help but think that Tracy's urging for Monica to get to the damn point already was really Jane getting impatient with how long it was actually taking for the scenes to progress and Leslie looked as if she just wanted to yell ,"Yes I am very well aware that it's taking five minutes to say a whole sentence, but I'm the one who's been left off screen for the past two months, I will take as damn long as I please thank you very much! Now...Alice...she...she...she...yes...Alice..."

Edited by CPP83
  • Love 4

Just wanted to say someone appreciated the nods to Ryan's Hope on today's episodes. Between Delia's Roger/Mike confusion and her "Don't get me started on gorillas!" I found it a welcome homage on the anniversary of the airing of the first RH episode (July 7, 1975.)

Not to mention identifying herself as "Jillian Coleridge" to Olivia today. I burst out laughing on that one.

  • Love 2

I feel like he was finally getting interesting the day Connie told him he was supposed to be an abortion. I mean if you have to have a little orphan Annie background, it's more extreme as far as those go. But it was funny, because they were mother and son and they shared probably less than 10 scenes together. Ron lost interest almost as soon as it all began.


I said this over on TWoP when it aired - it's not like I was dying to see it, but there was a dramatic story to be mined there from Kate/Connie coming to know the child of rape she abandoned and trying to forge a relationship with him.  But literally, literally ten seconds after she found out Trey was her son, Kate turned into campy, crazy Connie and she wasn't herself again until Trey was long six feet under.

Edited by TeeVee329
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