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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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There were four patient in the hospital today. Five, if Lucas hasn't been discharged yet. There hasn't been this many inpatients since the last outbreak or Event that will change everything.

I got tickled when KeMo took off in her stiletto boots. You could tell she's use to wearing them.

HP outacted several members of the cast just playing injured & unconscious.

I really enjoyed BC today. I bought he's concern for Alice & Molly.

Sonny is an idiot & wouldn't be a mob boss in the real world. Your current office was Julian's office, therefore Ava & Julian would know where the safe is.

By Rafe, good riddance. Tell shamwow, hello.

Edited by BestestAuntEver
  • Love 4

Lord, no.  If Sonny & Keeks hang out, they'll have to bang & then they may procreate.  & the awful acting of said child would destroy the known universe.

Or it could be like physics where two negatives connect and a positive is created like Michael finds them kills them both and then Carly covers it up and goes to jail for him off screen and a devastated Franco commits suicide over it.

  Sigh I also want a rainbow pony please soap gods

Edited by hcs
  • Love 7
Just die Rafe. No one loves or wants you. Just die you stupid waste of space.


I say that about Carly every time her life is in peril. At least Rafe has ruined/killed less people (Carly did cause the accident that lead to the miscarriage of Jax's first child) and when Rafe complains about his childhood/life, it comes across as less stupid than when Carly does it. 


Rafe is precisely the reason why RC/FV should not have any access to any characters that are largely thought off as belonging to another soap, and I am including Christina and Serena in that. It is bad enough that they have access to characters within GH. I know that some were grasping at straws to justify Rafe as a legacy character, but what it comes down to people that were fond of Port Charles the soap and were fans of Allison Barrington and dislike that she, Rafe Sr., and Livvie were killed off for pretty much mediocre stories. The only thing that needed to be addressed was what Livvie is to Kevin, but everything else, should been left to the fantasies of the Port Charles fans and the show should have focused on its own history. Jimmy Deschler isn't a good actor, but Frank and Ron are the ones that screwed up the character and instead of just having Rafe quietly depart with an unseen family member  because  it isn't easy living with guy that shares the face of the man that killed your mother we now get this story. 


I would prefer that Christina and Serena living awesome lives off screen somewhere with Lucy,Kevin and Scotty visiting them than be subservant to Cassadine/Corinthios/Davis/Spencer families which will happen.

Edited by Ambrosefolly
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What's really a shame is that if Rafe and baby Gabriel were characters we cared about, this could have been some compelling drama.  But Ron just wants to rush story from plot point to plot point without getting us to invest in who these things are happening to.  I mean, they literally dragged Rafe out of mothballs to kill him and the baby.  Why should we care?

  • Love 5

I could buy Patrick spiraling if Emma were the one hurt, etc. But this is so plot pointy. Who GAF about a plot point spawn that was never invested in to begin with?!


Even PATRICK was all "THAT baby" not long ago. So I can only surmise that Patrick is a Sobby proxy and we MUST feel pain over the demise of the holy spawn. Which, nope. STILL don't give a shit, Ron.

Right now Patrick needs someone who is guilty to be a target for his pain and anger from the time of the lab explosion until Gabriel's death, and for the moment he can't yell at Dr. O, Victor Cassadine or anyone else who's screwed w/his life and family. This kid is absolutely guilty of running Patrick's car off the road. I still remember his anger at Noah for Matt's expressed feeling of being an unwanted son (I guess in part because Noah didn't love the mother), and that Patrick told someone - maybe it was Elizabeth - that he would not take after his dad in that regard. So I think his rage at Rafe is also 'penance' for not wanting Gabriel because of timing and the fact that he would have that baby w/Sabrina the distant second choice instead of Robin.  I guess seeing Sabrina re-living the day before their wedding, and then the cardboard box..er..baby casket made Patrick's rational side go out the window in favor of ensuring that the driver get severely punished this very second. Patrick's not the type of guy to just react like "whatever" to a friend's teenage sister coming into the ER with potential head trauma. Even regardless of his friendship w/Sam, Patrick and Robin have known Alexis pretty well for years. 

  • Love 4

Every time I turn on this show it's worse than the last wasted hour.  Anyone who watched or read about OLTL under this regime already knows how the heart transplant  story is going to play out.  ReRon may just possibly be the most fitting epithet in the history of epithets. 


GH desperately needs a head writer not named Ron Carliavati, Bob Gaza, or Megan McTavish.

  • Love 4


Every time I turn on this show it's worse than the last wasted hour.


Compared to the rest of post-AJ GH, I actually thought this was a decent episode.  There was a smart cross-cut of characters in GH that made sense and even the Sonny scenes were slightly interesting.  While the writing is far from good, I liked Patrick because it was real that he was a dick and Silas grabbed him.  I liked the Morgan/Michael turnaround to Molly.


 Also, I don't know if anyone else noticed, but did Michael seem more Qesque today that we've ever seen him?  He sounded like Ned a little when they were in with Alice and the way he spoke to Tracy.  It was more like he was another Q bitching with his family in a tense situation.  I find that interesting going forward and hope it wasn't a one-off of CD deciding to be Qish for a day.  

Edited by sunflower
  • Love 2

Right now Patrick needs someone who is guilty to be a target for his pain and anger from the time of the lab explosion until Gabriel's death, and for the moment he can't yell at Dr. O, Victor Cassadine or anyone else who's screwed w/his life and family. This kid is absolutely guilty of running Patrick's car off the road. I still remember his anger at Noah for Matt's expressed feeling of being an unwanted son (I guess in part because Noah didn't love the mother), and that Patrick told someone - maybe it was Elizabeth - that he would not take after his dad in that regard. So I think his rage at Rafe is also 'penance' for not wanting Gabriel because of timing and the fact that he would have that baby w/Sabrina the distant second choice instead of Robin.  I guess seeing Sabrina re-living the day before their wedding, and then the cardboard box..er..baby casket made Patrick's rational side go out the window in favor of ensuring that the driver get severely punished this very second. Patrick's not the type of guy to just react like "whatever" to a friend's teenage sister coming into the ER with potential head trauma. Even regardless of his friendship w/Sam, Patrick and Robin have known Alexis pretty well for years. 


Good points. I can buy Patrick being a total dick, on a second thought it's not like anyone on the show today acted like it was okay for Patrick to get in Rafe's face, Dante was dragging him back. I think my disgust at Patrick is just that I'm kinda sick of him and his woe right now and I resent the show trying to make me keep caring about Blanket.

  • Love 3
doesn't feel like Carlos is ever coming back. Even when AJ was in a jail cell for 13 months people still mentioned his name a few times



Carlos is busy perfecting his interpretive dance....


I blame  Levi for EVERYTHNG that ha happened in PC in the last three months and I hereby offer his heart to save Alice.


I broke a nail earlier today.  I blame Levi.

  • Love 8

it cracks me up how hard Ron is working to make Gabriel someone we should care about.


It is Ron's constant reminder that while Sobrina is offscreen with her new little one in real life, we must never, never, ever forget that SHE IS COMING BACK, YESSIR!  This whole second accident is to remind us constantly of the first accident, and how Sobrina was lying there unconscious but Patrick woke up and got out of the car. And Sobrina had blood on her, like Molly did. Even poor Alice's heart attack and Rafe's death are there to point again to the long, long mourning of Baby Shamwow, who never said a word but who had a more elaborate funeral than legacy characters. For Ron and his gang, this accident and its aftermath are still within the grand arc of Sobrina's capture of Patrick and their tragic love story.


<sarcasm>If we aren't thinking of Sobrina's teary face and TeCa's ethereal beauty and acting prowess during every step of this current GH crisis, we aren't appreciating Ron's art. Shame, shame on us.</sarcasm>


Sometimes, watching this show, I feel like we've stumbled on Ron wanking off with a picture of his beloved. Ew; Ew; Ew! Get me out of here!


Edited by P3pp3rb1rd
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I liked this episode. I didn't fast forward much. I think I just skipped the Lulu/Olivia scenes.


The Ava/Sonny/Roxy, I mean Delia scenes were fun. Sonny's reactions while Ava/Delia were fighting at the door were hilarious. I feel dirty.


Morgan looks fine as fuck again. Thank you to whoever had him cut his hair/grow out his beard.


The Patrick/Silas/Rafe stuff falls so flat because Patrick barely ever acted liked he cared about Gabriel and Silas barely ever acted like he cared about Rafe.

  • Love 3

Wow I really thought Patrick was going to take a pillow and smother Rafe. I know they call him Dr. Drake, but I find it hard to believe someone so cold and a giant dick makes it his life's work to save people. Silas may be a cold fish, but I do get a compassionate vibe from him that is totally missing in Big Daddy Shammy.


Dante is kinda cutie as a security guard, is it his life's mission to catch bad guys or keep vistors out of patient rooms? No wonder the PCPD seems so inept their star detective moonlights as hospital security.


Whomever gets the short straw as Alice's heart donor, can we all just band together and nominate Levi as tribute? I mean if he REALLY wants to make the world a better place.......

  • Love 3
I know they call him Dr. Drake, but I find it hard to believe someone so cold and a giant dick makes it his life's work to save people.


Off the episode topic, but I think it was Dr. Oz that said to be a surgeon you have to be a bit of a sociopath to think you can cut someone open and believe you can fix them.


Silas is a oncologist, so he has to deal with the actual person, Patrick is a surgeon, so he isn't doing that as much. 

Edited by Ambrosefolly
Silas may be a cold fish, but I do get a compassionate vibe from him that is totally missing in Big Daddy Shammy.


Eh, neither of them is going to win a warm-heart award, AFAIC. They're both feeling guilty—Patrick for not being so interested in Gabriel, and Silas for not being so interested in Rafe. I don't think either of them are coming from a place of unconflicted emotion.

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 5

Off the episode topic, but I think it was Dr. Oz that said to be a surgeon you have to be a bit of a sociopath to think you can cut someone open and believe you can fix them.


Silas is a oncologist, so he has to deal with the actual person, Patrick is a surgeon, so he isn't doing that as much. 


And as someone in the medical field Dr. Oz is a Dr. like Dr. Phil is a therapist. I wouldn't trust Dr. Oz to treat a goldfish.


I didn't even feel any compassion in Patrick when he was in the ICU with Sobby. So I don't buy Patrick even as a surgeon.

Edited by Cattitude
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I liked this episode. I didn't fast forward much. I think I just skipped the Lulu/Olivia scenes.



Agreed, and same. I am all for random quiet scenes all about just displaying people's relationships, but the only point of the Lulu/Olivia scenes seemed to be making sure ER and LLC got their minimum days in and to drop the "Dante will cheat" anvil, which, wouldn't that be a better twist if we weren't being bumped on the head by anvils?


The Ava/Sonny/Roxy, I mean Delia scenes were fun. Sonny's reactions while Ava/Delia were fighting at the door were hilarious. I feel dirty.



I thought Roxy and Ava fighting was annoying, even if it was fake, but I thought Sonny's reactions were funny.

  • Love 1

And as someone in the medical field Dr. Oz is a Dr. like Dr. Phil is a therapist. I wouldn't trust Dr. Oz to treat a goldfish.

Actually, unlike Dr.Phil, if anything every happens to your heart, Dr.Oz is absolutely the person you want cutting you open and fixing it. 


Yes, Silas, you should have paid more attention to Rafe.  I don't care what all the women petting your dick tell you, that's the truth right there.


FUCK NO, he shouldn't have paid more attention to Rafe.  If he had, I'd have had to put up with a full year of JD's "acting."  I give Silas a pass on his piss-poor parenting because his level of interest in his nephew conveniently matched my own.


Patrick is a dick. I feel like this is the most despicable I have ever seen Patrick. Like, what Rafe did sucks. But doesn't know even know Rafe did it on purpose yet. He doesn't have to like or help Rafe. But to go and gloat over the possibly dying body of a 14 year old is gross. And it doesn't help, for me, that this is all over the holy blanket. I DON'T CARE ABOUT SABRINA AND PATRICK'S PLOT POINT BABY.


I think we're supposed to think he's a dick?  I could be wrong, but I think we're supposed to view all this as Patrick losing it--I don't think the show is condoning his behavior.  Eh.  I still like Patrick and think JT is one of the best actors on the show. 


The best part of the episode was ME finally coming to work this year to Hulk Smash Patrick into reality.


I was startled when Silas burst into the room.  I'd forgotten that ME could look alive.  I've never accused actors of "tanking" because I don't presume to know what's going on in anyone's head, but--whatever the reason--ME is definitely among those who seems to struggle the most to remain upright and alert when his story is particularly dumb.  I hope we get at least a few days of him telling off Patrick.  Anything is better than effing Nina.

  • Love 4

Wait, Monica's still on staff at the hospital?


Har har, Ron, at the Roger/Mike twin thing.  So glad we have Roxy here [/sarcasm]


I did like Morgan/Michael worried about Alice and Molly.  So glad to see Ron remembered Morgan (and Michael, kinda) are her cousins.  He does tend to have issues with none sibling family members.  And, I admit, I like the Alexis/Sam bonding over worrying over Molly.  The only time I can deal with Sam Cassadine is with her mother and sisters.

  • Love 1

It's not rumors, it's speculation. And it's because it's about the third or fourth time someone has said recently "Dante/I will never ever  EVER be like my/dad"


And remind us of Lulu's baby rabies, which is the only thing keeping Lulu onscreen. Ugh.



Lord, "I'll be here dreaming of giving Rocco a little brother or sister", that was a bad line. They've ruined a lot of characters in a lot of different ways so it's not any worse than most of the other characters, but I hate how cheeseball it was.

Edited by ulkis
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Dante is kinda cutie as a security guard, is it his life's mission to catch bad guys or keep vistors out of patient rooms? No wonder the PCPD seems so inept their star detective moonlights as hospital security.


Whomever gets the short straw as Alice's heart donor, can we all just band together and nominate Levi as tribute? I mean if he REALLY wants to make the world a better place.......


Unfortunately, PCPD's other detective Nathan is handcuffed to a brat who looks like she got into her mother's eye makeup. So he's out of commission to help Dante or hospital security or the accidents and crises.


But the idea of using Levi's thumper as the needed heart replacement is tickety-boo! Maxie would protest, but she's part of the handcuffed pair and couldn't stop them. Anna is nowhere to be found, probably giving Duke sexy times to unfreeze his face.


Edited by P3pp3rb1rd

JT man-nipple-lated me into caring about Gabriel.  He is way too good for this show; he should be doing primetime and more.   I understand why an actor approaching 40 wouldnt want to give up a steady paycheck, but he needs to at least try before he is too old to do so.


Today was easily the best episode in months, not that the bar is set very high, but still at the end of the 38 or so minutes i didnt feel the need to throw barware for the first time in months.


I guess im the only one not getting these 'Dante is going to cheat' anvils.  There's not anyone around for him to cheat with.


I can't find the post since there's so many daily and some are similar but a person posed Lulu will have to get pregnant soon if Ava is going to be able to steal her baby.

I think it's Lulu who will steal Ava's baby not the other way around.

Also Nina will commit some crime that a paralyzed person couldn't commit and skate for that since they think she can't walk. Like

Shoot someone and the angle will be too high for a seated person.

Edited by Petunia13
Today was easily the best episode in months, not that the bar is set very high, but still at the end of the 38 or so minutes i didnt feel the need to throw barware for the first time in months.


I agree.  Between the last two Sonny-free episodes and today, which was only minimally Sonny, my blood pressure has returned almost to normal.  Even with effing Nina.  I assume it won't last, but I've watched more than 50% of three straight episodes, which probably hadn't happened since ~2012.


ETA:  And I forgot my very favorite part of today's episode!  Between Silas's FO&D face at Patrick last week and Silas throwing Patrick out of Rafe's room this week, I'm beginning to have hope that we may get an actual Silas/Patrick showdown arc, which a) would be so much more interesting than anything effing Nina, and b) bodes well for our chances of getting my much longed-for Samtrick!

Edited by Rancide
  • Love 2

I can't find the post since there's so many daily and some are similar but a person posed Lulu will have to get pregnant soon if Ava is going to be able to steal her baby.

I think it's Lulu who will steal Ava's baby not the other way around.

Also Nina will commit some crime that a paralyzed person couldn't commit and skate for that since they think she can't walk. Like

Shoot someone and the angle will be too high for a seated person.


That would actually be interesting. Or it should be Morgan's and Lulu and Sonny collude together to give to take it from Ava and give to Lulu and Dante (because Sonny would never give away his own kid).

  • Love 1

Well my list is even shorter, it only has one name on it. And hey it is even right up his ally b/c it would be recycling and good for the enviornment b/c then he could stop wasting oxygen by breathing.


My list begins and ends with one name - Sonny Corinthos.


The best part of the episode was ME finally coming to work this year to Hulk Smash Patrick into reality. Yes, it was over Rafe, but God I've wanted someone to manhandle that douche for years.


Yes, that was enjoyable.  There were so many more things Patrick should have gotten called for, but sometimes ya gotta take what you can get.


Patrick is a dick. I feel like this is the most despicable I have ever seen Patrick. Like, what Rafe did sucks. But doesn't know even know Rafe did it on purpose yet. He doesn't have to like or help Rafe. But to go and gloat over the possibly dying body of a 14 year old is gross.


I laughed and rolled my eyes at "I had a son, his name was Gabriel. He was perfect." Dude whatever. He was an inconvenience to you and a reminder to practice safe sex. 


Shut the fuck up Patrick. You didn't even care about that stupid baby until five minutes before it died. 


I would give 100 upvotes to each of these posts if I had them!  Preach it, ladies and gentlemen!  So glad to see that Patrick Drake-hate is contagious...


And why was Patrick so whatevs about Molly being in the car with Rafe to her mom and her TJ?


Because he was busy pretending to care about Gabriel so people could see how [not]devestated he was over his death.  Anytime Patrick acts like he cares about anyone besides himself, that's all it is - an act.  A lie.  It's what he does.


Why does the hospital keep letting Patrick operate on patients when there's a clear conflict of interest. Someone needs to sue his ass.


Maybe Silas will sue Patrick for wrongful death... or Anna arrests him for manslaughter.

  • Love 3

I want to see Monica again.


Well, damn if it's that easy to make what you want to happen appear on screen:


I want my AMor back, damn it. *clicks heels three times*



Morgan looks fine as fuck again. Thank you to whoever had him cut his hair/grow out his beard.


And just seeing Morgan and the word fuck in the same sentence takes my mind to a dirty place. Thank you very much, peachmangosteen. And I sincerely mean that. I agree, he was looking yummy.


I side with the people who enjoyed this episode, I found a lot to like about it: Ava/Delia, Ava's facial expression like she wanted to throw up when Sonny said, "Alone at last" (no one does reaction shots like MW), Sam with Molly at the crash site, Sam with Alexis at the hospital, FINALLY a Corinthos brothers scene with all three brothers! [And two of them are damn good looking. Sorry, Frosted Tips, not you.], Morgan and Michael being concerned about Molly. I guess I like the family relationships better than I thought I did.


What do you know, ME can actually emote if we're to buy his "get away from him, you bitch!" to Patrick. His "I'm worried about Rafe" line earlier on was the equivalent of "I'm having Cheerios for breakfast". And sorry, in Silas vs. Patrick, I side with Patrick. No, I don't give a flying flip about Shamwow, but I sure as hell don't give a fuck about Rafe either. Or Alice, but for Morgan I'll make an exception.


I thought KeMo did a really nice job in the scenes where she was trying to get Molly to wake up. They just work so well as sisters. I liked TJ at Molly's bedside too.


Nina, please do the one thing you're capable of that would make every single one of us sing for joy and take Kiki OUT.

  • Love 8

This might be an unpopular opinion, but I actually miss Guza. Yes, during his regime, the mob ate up a lot of the show, but at the very least, Guza knew how to keep things exciting and flowing in a way that didn't make things feel choppy. There was never a time where every.single.storyline bored me, but now I only really enjoy one storyline (Nina Clay stuff) and even that isn't as exciting as it should be.


As for today's episode, I really liked how Hospital-heavy it was, even if the particular drama there didn't really interest me. The Alice stuff isn't catching my attention, Rafe's life being on the line doesn't make me feel anything since I'm not invested in his story, and while I do hope Molly makes it through, my love for her still doesn't save the sucktastic storyline.


By the way, anyone else think that Rafe's actor has gotten worse? Back when he was getting more screen time (not counting the Taylor stuff back in the fall), he didn't seem that bad an actor to me, but now he's just way too wooden and going-through-the-motions like. I guess he's not really trying since he knows he's getting the boot.

Edited by teenj12
  • Love 2


I guess im the only one not getting these 'Dante is going to cheat' anvils.  There's not anyone around for him to cheat with.


Well,now I'm worried that Monica showed up.  With Ron C. writing this show, Dante may very well be in for a May/December romance.  Unless Tracy is up for cheating on Fluke.



I would give 100 upvotes to each of these posts if I had them!  Preach it, ladies and gentlemen!  So glad to see that Patrick Drake-hate is contagious....


I never cared much about Patrick much one way or another up to now.  I like Robin, more for her history with the show than these past few years, but never got caught up in the Patrick/Robin romance.  But ever since Robin left - under duress - and with that stupid relationship with Sabrina, I've grown to dislike Patrick.  More and more.  I blame this current crop of crap on Ron C.s horrible writing and character destruction, but nonetheless, this Patrick is bad.  Any time I prefer Silas -  SILAS! - to anyone else is a bad day.


Nina, please do the one thing you're capable of that would make every single one of us sing for joy and take Kiki OUT.


I'd love this too, but instead I'm afraid that we're in for a Kiki Saves The World From Nina storyline instead.  Because, you know, Kiki is just so freakin' brilliant and smart.  She should be with that giant potato head, I guess.

As Ron C.'s favorite hobbit, we are guaranteed to have to see her in a lot of scenes with his new favorite nutcase.


I guess considering the recent past, this wasn't a bad episode.  But considering the show as it was for so long, this episode stunk.  They could animate the whole thing, throw in the RoadRunner and Kermit the Frog and just get rid of actors all together and it would not be worse.

  • Love 1

What I got from the blech Nina-Kiki scene was that Kiki doesn't necessarily believe Nina is being totally honest about not resenting her existence ... but more than that thinks Nina is just odd/not 'all there' after a 20-year coma. Seems like Nina will try to get rid of Kiki and get caught, or Nina will hurt Kiki to the point of her being rushed to GH so Sonny, Ava, Morgan, Michael, and Silas can all be at the hospital together fighting each other (no idea it was Nina's doing), with Sam trying to calm them all down. (They all respond okay to Sam, except for Ava w/her jealousy.) Cheap melodrama over a worthless and annoying character-sounds about accurate for GH to me.

  • Love 1
It's not rumors, it's speculation. And it's because it's about the third or fourth time someone has said recently "Dante/I will never ever  EVER be like my/dad"


The anvils have fallen so often and so hard that they're falling on each other at this point.


Edited to add that this particular TFGH episode was unwatchable. So much show, I didn't even try to watch it.

Edited by Francie

I was thrilled to see Monica onscreen again. Let her take control, get a new heart for Alice and win kudos and her place back at the hospital as  Chief of Staff! Let Monica and Ned team up together and put Tracy in her place about taking over ELQ! Let's see Monica support Michael's effort to learn and  make ELQ profitable, and cast off Sonny's influence!


Now there's a Quartermaine who's a heroine and a leader. Fluke could never flummox Monica!

  • Love 5

What a shocker to see an episode watchable that revolves around the hospital for a change. I only ff the Lulu/Olivia nonsense.

All the family stuff with the car accident was great, especially Sam/Alexis/TJ and Michael and Morgan caring about their cousin (even the writers remembering that Molly is Dante's cousin,too).

Patrick yelling at Rafe was out of line. How is this asshole still practicing medicine? If he has to operate on Rafe and he dies, I hope he's suspended. You know that's coming up with the inevitable seizure= subdural vs cerebral bleed. I just don't understand how Monica is suspended just because her son was on trial for murder. Does any of this crap make sense?

MSt has her good crazy days, then she has horrible days like today with the crazy hands/slow speech. What is up with her?

I thought KeMo did a really nice job in the scenes where she was trying to get Molly to wake up.


Couldn't they have positioned the camera or Sam in an angle where Molly didn't have to strain her neck and look behind her to see who was yelling at her.  At the beginning of the eye roll, I thought that she was trying to see who was yelling at her?



MSt has her good crazy days, then she has horrible days like today with the crazy hands/slow speech. What is up with her?



Sharing scenes with Kiki must be trying or maybe MSt just realized that most of the actors on the show mail in their performances, so why not join them for the next two years. No one cares (including MSt).

Edited by sunnyface
  • Love 2

I thought it was horrible that the writing had Sam call Silas about the accident and then had Silas call Alexis. Took me out of the whole episode because it made me want to beat Sam in the head with a shovel.

I was on Patrick's side. I would have ripped Rafe's heart out of his chest with my bare hands, and shoved it down Silas's throat. But I have a wee bit of a temper so.....

I find Silas so boring that I don't think I will ever be on his side about anything.

  • Love 4


Patrick yelling at Rafe was out of line


I was on Patrick's side. I would have ripped Rafe's heart out of his chest with my bare hands, and shoved it down Silas's throat.

I am in the ripping his heart out camp. How Patrick did or did not feel about or treat his baby is not the issue. That was still his son and Rafe is still a Junkie. It may sound mean but Rafe woke up every day and choose to be a drug addict, he choose to run Patrick and Sabrina and EMMA!!! off the road. Now it is time to pay the Piper. I wish that Patrick would have decked Silas, it is also time that parents/guardians of minors start to pay for the crimes that the people they are suppose to be in charge of commit.


I know Ron is going to go for the easy plot point of Patrick operating on Rafe but I would like to see him go for the much harder one of Rafe dying and Patrick/Sabrina suing Silas for civil penalties over Gabriell's death. I am not sure it would legally stand up but it would be a much better soap story then the same old same old. 

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