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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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What i do have a problem with is Ron blatantly contradicting what we've seen on screen.  For example, when Patrick spoke with Robin a little more than a month ago (our time) and asked her to come home, it was made clear that this was the only communication Robin had had with her family and that it was a special arrangement by Victor.  Now today we are told via Ron's twitter that Robin and Emma talk all the time.


That is a blatant continuity error and totally contradicts what we were told on screen.


What I find so interesting is that Ron attacked one of the fans who pointed this out. She was the most courteous and respectful twitter-er I've seen -- she even contradicted someone and defended Ron when someone jumped in to attack him.  Yet, Ron talks down to her with his whole "point out the scene" routine, and then when it's proven that he's wrong, he misguidingly says, "Why the game of gotcha all the with you."


Yes, Ron, she only watches the show to play "gotcha" with the head writer. She isn't invested in it or its characters. [sarcasm] She doesn't pay attention because she cares. [sarcasm]  Sigh. The ego of that man to think that it's all about him!

Edited by Francie
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Here's a question - why wasn't Sam letting her mom know that Molly was in danger? She let Patrick know, why not Alexis?


I have to give a shout out to casting - the actresses who play Molly and Sam really do look like they could be sisters and the daughters of NLG. I find it funny because even though my brother, sister and I all have the same parents (46 years together and still going strong), we do not look a thing alike but these people who have no connection could easily pass as family.


How many jokes have there been about Joss and corn in the last year thanks to Ron scanning a handful of boards, including TWOP, which I know he used to lurk at?


If he lurked at it, then why couldn't he have seen the obvious that everyone pointed out repeatedly and written the damn show better? Grrrrr.



I have to give a shout out to casting - the actresses who play Molly and Sam really do look like they could be sisters and the daughters of NLG.


When Lexi Ainsworth was on the show as Kristina, all three of them really looked like sisters and daughters of NLG. I miss the Coven. I guess it was Molly's time to finally go into the hospital, lord knows Sam and Krissy were there enough.


Here's a nice throwback for today of the above:






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Patrick, word of advice, it is usually a good idea to hold off on feeding your daughter's fears of a divorce by telling her that you "think" it may happen without even talking to or first going to Robin or actually knowing what the hell you're going to do definitely.


I mean, it isn't as if Emma's world has been continually turned upside down and as soon as things seem stable enough everything she knows or trusts is ripped or taken away from her...


On the up side, when they finally do SORAS Emma into a tormented teen, this will provide some marvelously beefy angst for her to play.


Lordy, Spencer's real life mom is arguing with fans who think Spencer is an obnoxious character.


Did she just show up on a forum where fans where complaining or were there fans out there really crass enough to attack a kid to his mother?  Because the latter behavior is WAAAAYYYYY over the line...


I have no idea.  I really can't think of anyone who was mad enough at Patrick or Sabrina to do that, or anyone who would want to kill Emma, or even kill the baby.  Fake Luke did threaten Emma to Spencer, but Spencer never ratted him out, right?  Maybe Carlos went crazy because Sabrina was having Patrick's baby and decided to take them all out?  I just can't come up with one good reason why or how anyone would force a teenager to cause an accident with Patrick/ Sabrina/ Emma.



This is where I am too.  There's absolutely no reason for anyone in town to be going after Patrick or Sabrina, or Emma, and poor little Gabriel was no threat to anybody.  I fear that the reveal of who put Rafe up to running the car off the road is going to involve some major retconning and WTF-ery...

Did she just show up on a forum where fans where complaining or were there fans out there really crass enough to attack a kid to his mother?  Because the latter behavior is WAAAAYYYYY over the line...



She responded to tweets about how obnoxious the character is, including tweets that didn't have her (since she tweets in his name) tagged. It was very Ron like. Told someone to die or to find a grave. There seems to be a bit of a problem for her  distinguishing  criticism of the character and her kid, and she does it all in his name, which in turn will make things worse for him. I'm glad the other kids in his age range don't have parents like her.

Edited by TarHeelTeacher
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Crazily though, I seem to remember Spencer(!) threatening Luke to leave Sonny alone and then we saw Luke on the phone telling someone to "take care of" Emma Drake. But why would FauxLuke even know Rafe and why would Rafe be threatened by him?

Drug dealer.  I doubt FLuke contacted Rafe directly.  It was probably through someone else.  Unless Fluke is really Rafe's father.

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I also did not understand the detective promotion thing, since I thought he had always been "Detective West."


At first, I thought maybe he was referring to the way he became a detective in New York before he moved to Port Charles (and was wondering how that back story would link him to someone else). But then, after Maxie's comment, I wasn't so sure. So now I don't know if they've rewritten his recent history or forgotten it in order to show Maxie's more understanding and intuitive side. 


BTW, I thought Spencer looked cute in the hat. I just wish he and Britt weren't conspiring together. 

Love the photo of the Davis girls upthread. Maybe Lexi as Kristina (since I do not want the most recent one) could come back to comfort Molly in the hospital, since that's obviously where she's headed.

Alexis and TJ being awkward, but also trying really hard in the park was fun.

Where did Ned go? He and Michael need to put their heads together, talk some sense into Tracy, and bring down FauxLuke.

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As a Sam fan first I say hell no to Sam doing anything besides PI work with Dante.


The woman did give birth to his half-sister even if she did die.


Sam has slept with his father and uncle. Jerry almost made her sleep with Ric's father. Thank God we dodged that bullet.


The only reason why I have no problems with Julian and Alexis is that this is one pairing where Sam can't be blamed for things not working out cause he is her father so she can't sleep with him.


Hope Danny gets to be the ring bearer so her can wear a suit. At this point he could be the best man cause he is a tall as the rest of them though.

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What a difference this soap is without Sonny and the 'mob'.  One of the positive things about my dislike of Sonny Corinthos is that the other things about this soap that would normally irritate me don't seem as bad.  For example, Exhibit A - Nina.  I don't even mind her acting or looks but there is just no justification (in my reality) to stick a new actor onto an already bloated cast whose only tie to the show is another new actor. 


I'd rather watch a couple more minutes of Alexis scarfing down french fries or listen to more of Patrick's awesome parenting techniques than listen to some new characters fondness for fireworks. NO ONE CARES. 

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Is Ron going to rip off the Tony/Tanya storyline where Patrick must operate on the kid who was responsible for killing his family member in a car crash?


Of course this will happen, because soaps. Patrick has already operated on people he doesn't like (Jason immediately comes to mind). I'm sure this will have a similar lack of drama. Ron doesn't care about emotion; it's all plot points to him.


Crazily though, I seem to remember Spencer(!) threatening Luke to leave Sonny alone and then we saw Luke on the phone telling someone to "take care of" Emma Drake. But why would FauxLuke even know Rafe and why would Rafe be threatened by him?

Drug dealer.  I doubt FLuke contacted Rafe directly.  It was probably through someone else.


Offscreen, Rafe has been the town cokehead for months.


Drug dealer.  I doubt FLuke contacted Rafe directly.  It was probably through someone else.  Unless Fluke is really Rafe's father.




I'd suspect it was that 'travel agent" "Luke" met in the park that middleman-ed that one. 


ETA: trying to explain that away as an off screen happening made me feel dirty. I wonder if Ron feels dirty explaining things on his Twitter.

Edited by Mrs OldManBalls

I admit. I saw Silas/The Nina chemistry. ME was kinda good yesterday since he got to almost be McBain. I'd rather see him minus Samantha, who's better with dangerous, messed up men. Dr Drake kinda fits that bill, plus Sam vs Sabrina would be hilarious. Sam vs Robin? Amazing.

But I also want Johnny back, a unicorn, and Matt back. So, yeah.

  • Love 1

I have a feeling we will get defiplaying onfirmation that Ron lurks here when that Oda Mae Brown line is said on screen.  


It'll probably be said by Felix because he's sassy.  And black.


We know they've already filmed at least some stuff up to air date mid Aug, so I bet we get the line by the end of Aug or the beginning of Sep.  


ETA: Wow, Mrs. Bechtel is really playing with fire.  I'm always alarmed when some fans seem to have a hard time distinguishing between an actor and a character, but she is taking it to a new whole new scary level.  

Edited by Tiger
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I feel sorry for the kid who is his mom's meal ticket.

Yes, the fact TJ and Molly still haven't had sex when Alexis and Julian busted in on them months ago, shows Alexis was right and Molly wasn't ready. As someone brilliant on Twitter said, but maybe if they had, Molly wouldn't be such a bitch to her mother.

So anybody else wanna make a compilation video of the Julexis loves scenes and send it to Guza?

A woman over 40 getting laid and enjoying it would have never happened with him. The Sonny, Jason, and Carly hour woulda been canceled.

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what's worse is that Ron now assumes people are focused on him vs. the show,



I think that's a really good point.


I've been thinking about the Gabriel's funeral/Robin's absence.  I came to the conclusion that if I were in her place I would have put aside any anger/confusion I felt about the actual situation and would have gone to the services/hospital because my husband's need for my support {he actually called her and asked her to come home, am I correct?} would have overridden my feelings.  Sobby did not became regnant during an illicit affair, Patrick honestly thought Robin was dead and tried to move on.  So while I would be EXTREMELY upset I would have gone home if my husband indicated he needed me.



I realize MMV.

  • Love 3

She never said she was angry about it though. I think I would have been. I would have ripped his dick off and screamed I was only fake dead for less than 2 years when he moved that trollop into my bed, and less than that when he fucked Britt. It isn't like he was faithful before she "died" in the explosion. I would have thrown the phone calls he ignored in his face too.


The rumor is

she couldn't come because she is basically a prisoner in the clinic. When the scenes Kim taped last week air,  that will be perfectly clear.

  And the fact that that possibility has not entered Patrick's mind given everything, tells me he might share Rafe's crack habit.

Edited by TarHeelTeacher
  • Love 4

I think that's a really good point.


I've been thinking about the Gabriel's funeral/Robin's absence.  I came to the conclusion that if I were in her place I would have put aside any anger/confusion I felt about the actual situation and would have gone to the services/hospital because my husband's need for my support {he actually called her and asked her to come home, am I correct?} would have overridden my feelings.  Sobby did not became regnant during an illicit affair, Patrick honestly thought Robin was dead and tried to move on.  So while I would be EXTREMELY upset I would have gone home if my husband indicated he needed me.



I realize MMV.


Except for the simple fact that Robin is not in any position to just up and leave. If you saw her exit, you knew that if Robin had not agreed to leave, then Victor would have killed Patrick, Emma, her mother. Is Robin now like a Rorschach test? That people will see what they want to see?  Patrick FUCKING knows Robin had no choice. He even threatened to kill Victor if anything happened to Robin. 


Then again, this is that douchecanoeratbastardprickofafuckwit, who said Robin had three meals a day and a cot and was on vacation AFTER showing us Robin being tortured physically and mentally. So of course Robin should have been able to get away!

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Yeah Patrick needs to pull his head out of his ass; he knows Robin leaving wasn't really her choice, and it's plot point stupidity that's making him act like Robin could just leave that clinic and she doesn't want to because Jason's the most important thing to her. Bull!  His reasons for wanting her to come home are all about the mess he created while she was "dead" - this woman who idolizes him, had his baby pre-maturely and is a wreck, the baby being in ICU, and Emma being scared about the car accident, Sabrina's pain, and the baby. 


If Emma had been really hurt or traumatized, or say if Grandpa Noah or Grandpa Robert showed up in Port Charles due to a crisis and the family really needed Robin to be there, then I could understand Patrick's anger/frustration and think it made some sense that he thought she just wasn't trying hard enough to come home. But this is all about Patrick not getting what he wants, and ignoring the obvious so that Ron can make Robin look like a crappy wife and mother. Blech. 


I don't think Britt asking Spencer to help her get back together with Nikolas is okay because he doesn't know WHY Nikolas broke up with Britt. Does he even know that "Ben" is actually his cousin, Aunt Lulu and Uncle Dante's kid?! The major details would be too much for a little kid to take in, but he's old enough to be told that Britt betrayed Aunt Lulu when she was Aunt Lulu's doctor, and lied to Dad and Aunt Lulu about Ben the entire time she was living at Wyndemere. He might be less likely to help her if he knew the truth. Sure, he likes Britt based on his limited knowledge of her, but the big reason he wants to help her is because he doesn't want Liz and his cousins around because Cam "won" Emma's heart. *RME*.  


This show is way more tolerable on a day w/o Sonny, Carly, Shawn, Duke, NotTodd!Franco, Luke/Fake Luke, Ava, Sabrina, Felix, Levi, current Lulu, and Kiki, 

Does he even know that "Ben" is actually his cousin, Aunt Lulu and Uncle Dante's kid?!


I don't think he knows everything (like you said, that's a bit much for a little kid), but I feel like he knows that at least.  Wasn't there a scene where he and Nik talked in the fallout from the engagement party?  Then again, he did refer to the baby as Ben instead of Rocco.  It's kinda hard to tell since Nik hasn't had a scene with his sister in forevs.


Also?  Maybe Nikolas needs to recognize that his son doesn't want to be around Cameron at the moment and stop forcing Spencer to spend time with him just because Nik is panting after Liz again.

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I don't think Britt asking Spencer to help her get back together with Nikolas is okay because he doesn't know WHY Nikolas broke up with Britt. Does he even know that "Ben" is actually his cousin, Aunt Lulu and Uncle Dante's kid?!


It seems like Spencer would have been told about his cousin, or at the very least observed at family get-togethers that Ben/Rocco is now Lulu's baby. Maybe Ron can clear that up on Twitter. 


I am a little bothered by Britt conspiring and keeping a secret with a kid, despite that (a) it's fiction, and (b) it's Spencer. It just makes her look lame. However, for some reason I'm not at all bothered that Britt got Dr. O. to make Liz work the holiday shift. If Nik can pull strings to get Liz's job back, Britt can do the same with the Chief of Staff.

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Also?  Maybe Nikolas needs to recognize that his son doesn't want to be around Cameron at the moment and stop forcing Spencer to spend time with him just because Nik is panting after Liz again.


From what I get Nik and Liz are always close, so I don't get the feeling that Nik ever is NOT around Liz to some extent. Plus aren't Cam and Spencer like 10? Nik is male I think he probably doesn't see a love triangle as that big a deal to 10 y/o boys. Outside of this wacky OTT love fest over Emma most 10 y/o boys wouldn't let "just a girl" ruin a bond between friends. I think Nik is just as clueless as the audience as to why a kiddie love triangle is all that. 10 y/o boys SHOULD care more about their friends than a girl.

Meh.  I'm fine with Patrick divorcing Robin even if it's not her fault that she had to leave or whatever else would be the best spin on what she did.  (Though not fine with his thinking aloud about it to Emma--find a friend, Patrick!)  Robin's gone.  No one knows when she's coming back, or if she's coming back.  Patrick's now a stressed-out, emotionally overwhelmed single father to a young girl.  I understand being mad, frustrated, hurt, etc. even if it's "not Robin's fault."  Heck, it's not that uncommon for people to be angry at their spouses for dying.  Maybe it's not entirely rational, but it's hard to be rational when you're grieving/alone/scared/stressed out/confused/sad/angry.  So being angry for an abandonment that was more voluntary than dying (even if it wasn't 100% her choice) doesn't strike me as weird or indefensible.


What's Patrick supposed to do, wait forever?  That's fine if he thinks he's up to it, but I also understand if he doesn't think he can do that.  Just like I didn't have a problem with Silas moving on with a wife in a coma, I don't have a problem with Patrick moving on from a wife who is about as accessible to him as a woman in a coma.  It's a difficult and complicated situation, but I don't fault him for deciding that the current situation isn't healthy for him or the child he's been left alone to care for.


Robin is and always has been my favorite character on this show, but I don't think I have to hate Robin to understand why Patrick would want a divorce.  I loathe how the idiots decided have Robin exit, but taking the facts as given, I don't have a problem with how either party is currently acting. 

  • Love 6
If you saw her exit, you knew that if Robin had not agreed to leave, then Victor would have killed Patrick, Emma, her mother.


So, we're going on, like, year 3 of Robin basically being a prisoner and having no control over her circumstances?   That is fucking gross.  Or, our other option (if they retcon this to Robin having some agency), is that Robin will be written as purposely neglecting her kid and whiny child-man husband.  I'd almost prefer the second option, even though it makes Robin look "bad" - just because the other option is so awful!   That this is what Robin Scorpio's life turned into just depresses the hell out of me.


If Nik forgives this Britt chick for trying to keep Lulu's baby for her own, and dates her, he is a complete and utter moron.   That's your sister, man!  You'd be willing to bed down with the woman who was a-ok with stealing your sister's baby?!    Nik was never a favorite of mine, but in the mid-2000s (when Lulu was first SORAS-ed), Nik seemed to be a good big brother.


Along with Sonny's complete and utter refusal to just die already, none of this sounds entertaining.


Yep, I'll be staying on the Barge! 

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I think any claim of Nik being a "good big brother" went out the window when he started sleeping with Liz behind Lucky's back.  Also, didn't Nik take in Brook Lynn after what she did to Lulu and Dante?



Yeah, I've been on the Barge for a while, just "watching" through the delightful snark on this and the TWOP boards ... and I was a fairly inattentive viewer before that. 


So I missed most of Nik's "greatest hits" of being an a-hole sibling!


Meh. I'm fine with Patrick divorcing Robin even if it's not her fault that she had to leave or whatever else would be the best spin on what she did. (Though not fine with his thinking aloud about it to Emma--find a friend, Patrick!) Robin's gone. No one knows when she's coming back, or if she's coming back. Patrick's now a stressed-out, emotionally overwhelmed single father to a young girl. I understand being mad, frustrated, hurt, etc. even if it's "not Robin's fault." Heck, it's not that uncommon for people to be angry at their spouses for dying. Maybe it's not entirely rational, but it's hard to be rational when you're grieving/alone/scared/stressed out/confused/sad/angry. So being angry for an abandonment that was more voluntary than dying (even if it wasn't 100% her choice) doesn't strike me as weird or indefensible.

What's Patrick supposed to do, wait forever? That's fine if he thinks he's up to it, but I also understand if he doesn't think he can do that.

Then Patrick should have said he wouldn't wait for her and that fuckwit of a headwriter should have had them divorce. But Patrick did say he would wait. So no, I've no sympathy for him. None. Edited by GHScorpiosRule
  • Love 5

For being the child of Anna and Robert, one would think Robin would have taken a self defense class by now.

They wouldn't show it. They've rarely allowed her Scorpios side come out. I remember her picking a lock. Patrick was surprised, she had lock picks & that she was good at it. The other time was when they allowed her to weild a machete & she proved she had accuracy, when she threw it & killed a snake in a tree.

Rare moments. Allowing Robin to be kick ass wouldn't fit into the uptight know-it-all do gooder mold they are trying to sell. I'm not buying. I've watched her since I was a kid.

Add me to the list of, I don't care if Robin & patrick get divorced. I don't believe Patty is the love of her life anyway. I just don't like the shitty way Ron is doing it. He's the one that stated, "Robin's exit was the best they came up with". He pulled Frank & other ABC execs in on that lie.

Ron needs to spend less time on twitter & more time on story continuity & details.

Edited by BestestAuntEver
  • Love 7
Then Patrick should have said he wouldn't wait for her and that fuckwit of a headwriter should have had them divorce. But Patrick did say he would wait. So no, I've no sympathy for him. None.


People say lots of things that they may truly mean at the time they say them but that turn out to be wrong or untrue once lived experience sets in.  I don't blame Patrick for underestimating how hard it would be to maintain a marriage with his wife gone indefinitely and (possibly, depending on what day of the week it is) not even able to communicate with him. 


I think most people have had the life experience of making a promise that it turned out was just too hard/unhealthy/dangerous/damaging to keep.  As long as he's honest about it, I don't have a problem with Patrick changing his mind.  It's not like Robin left in reliance on his promise that he would wait--she made it pretty clear that she was going to go whether he waited or not.  If he's done his best and it's just not working, I don't know what else there is to do.  I feel bad for her.  I just also feel bad for him.

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Patrick & Sabrina's accident was why they showed the crypt sex episode.

YMMV, but given what the storylines for the next few weeks/months, Rafe causing the accident because someone forced him to do so, the repercussions from that, connecting it to Ava, Fluke, or Nina and their storylines, the fallout for all of the characters who have some connection to it, are all more important to more storylines falling under that umbrella than how Britt met Nik or whatever else happened in the July 4, 2013, episode.

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