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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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I want to live in a land where stock certificates can just be handed around like money, and whoever has physical custody of them owns them.

You already do! Although they're pretty rare these days, there are bearer certificates, and whoever has physical possession of them is the presumptive owner of the stocks. They let shareholders remain anonymous. But again, they're not issued very often anymore.

I am not enjoying any of this engagement stuff, in large part because I grew to really hate Luke during the last year and can't get over it, and I'm not enjoying any of the Sonny stuff (although the latter is not new). I am, however, kind of enjoying some of the Nina and Franco stuff, and I can't even articulate why. Maybe because so much else of the show annoying?

Michael can Get It, tiny fish mouth and all.

  • Love 4

You already do! Although they're pretty rare these days, there are bearer certificates, and whoever has physical possession of them is the presumptive owner of the stocks. They let shareholders remain anonymous. But again, they're not issued very often anymore.


Some years ago, I was working as a temp for a financial adviser firm.  At one point, I was asked to take a stock certificate out of the file, Xerox it, and return it to the file.  As I was walking back from the copier, I bumped into one of the owners of the firm.  The minute he saw what I held in my hands, he ordered me to give it him THAT INSTANT.  I did so, somewhat confused.  He then asked me who told me to get the document out of the file, I did so.  He said, "You're not in trouble, but he is.  He knows damn well you shouldn't be allowed to touch this."  It turned out that what I had been asked to copy was a bearer certificate, and, if it had gone missing, I could have been in big trouble!  So yes, this aspect of GH does not strike me as unrealistic at all.


Jane Eliot (She who has for months been toting that heavy load trying to play opposite the Gasbag during his egotistical crapfest) has to take a few steps back and make way for the Queen. 


Given that GH built it's golden age on Genie Francis's back, she damn well better be the Queen.  And after the shabby way this show has treated her previously, it's the least they can do.

  • Love 15

This is believable because (thanks to Tracy) he never grew up knowing Paul. Tracy raised him as a Q. 


I know Tracy left town in early 93 after paul wanted full custody.I wasn't sure if dillion ever kn ew his father though.He does have a sister and Brother on his fathers side though.

Yeah, Dillon's always gone by Quartermaine, not Hornsby.  I was told by my mother that Paul actually never wanted Dillon.  He wanted Jenny Eckert, so that meant getting rid of all traces of his life with Tracy, one of which was Dillon.

Yeah, Dillon's always gone by Quartermaine, not Hornsby.  I was told by my mother that Paul actually never wanted Dillon.  He wanted Jenny Eckert, 

That's accurate; I remember that Paul was pining for Jenny - Ned's wife at the time - while Tracy was pregnant with Dillon and after Dillon's birth as well. I can't recall if he ever actually said, "I don't want this kid" or  "I don't want to have children with Tracy." His behavior showed that he didn't want to be married to Tracy and that he was not happy or excited about becoming a father. Perhaps he wanted to be a father at some point, but was unenthusiastic about parenthood in the context of Tracy being his child's mother. 

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I've always wanted to love Tracy but she's made it impossible to see any smack down as anything but karma.  Right now I'm frustrated because she has become such a patsy and enabler to Luke, with no apparent sense of self-preservation.  In addition to being nasty and dismissive to anyone who questions her choices or loyalties, she's often just downright mean for the fun of it. 

She reminds me of those BDSM dominatrixes in bad novels that answer to a master herself (a "switch").  She is queen bitch to anyone with the misfortune (or fortune, different strokes after all) to be under her power but in the end has to bow her own head.  Luke holds the whip over her and points her towards victims he wants attacked.  It would  be funny if it weren't so pathetic and repetively boring


I don't usually quote at such length, but this whole post is golden, IMO. That Jane E can act this part so believably just underlines her talent and professionalism.  


It's true that Genie carried the show a lot of years, and deserves her chance to come back. What I've always found so irksome about Laura, however, is her victim, teary persona that draws mean-spirited male characters to hurt her. And then the breakdowns! I haven't seen some of Laura's history on GH, but from others' comments it appears that Laura is usually easily manipulated and intimidated, especially by Luke. So dressing like Lulu in black leathers and stompy boots while her face quivers and her eyes struggle to look out with confidence is comical, not impressive. Putting Jane/Tracy in the Mother Hubbard-like skirt in the background to emphasize her character's age and maturity adds a superfluous level of nuance and absurdity.

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd
  • Love 1

Laura evidently is showing up out of sorts because of a story development - possibly

some sort of family emergency.


And no, I would not characterize her as easily manipulated or intimidated.


I also very much doubt they dressed Jane like that to make her look old. They did it to make her look like queen bee Tracy, but I think the outfit could've been taken down a notch or two (her hair is finally back on point, though).

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 6

I also very much doubt they dressed Jane like that to make her look old. They did it to make her look like queen bee Tracy, but I think the outfit could've been taken down a notch or two (her hair is finally back on point, though).


I'll sit at the table by myself and duck barware, but I thought Jane/Tracy looked absolutely wonderful. Red Carpet great. (so I will concede that perhaps she was dressed a little too well for PC and the Haunted Star) It was exactly the kind of dress someone with her family and money should be wearing to a party in her honor. And she wore it well -- in the long shots she looks great. The only problem was the person she was getting engaged to. 

  • Love 5

I know about his sister, Susan, but who was his brother? 

He was born when I guess the hospital got ned and paul mixed up lol and assumed ned was Jenny husband I think it was just one of those random vists characters have anyways it was around the time lois was pregnant with brooklhynn and i think ned helped Jenny deliver the baby.It wasn't a big story arc or anything more of a random scene lol maybe thats why paul never seemed interested in finding dillion lol.


Yeah, Dillon's always gone by Quartermaine, not Hornsby.  I was told by my mother that Paul actually never wanted Dillon.  He wanted Jenny Eckert, so that meant getting rid of all traces of his life with Tracy, one of which was Dillon.


Wow, that is in complete contrast to the Paul that was next to Tracy as she gave birth to Dillon in the clips I posted in the History thread. He sounded like he really wanted Dillon. What a dick move to take out his distaste for Tracy on his baby son. 

Edited by UYI

Wow, that is in complete contrast to the Paul that was next to Tracy as she gave birth to Dillon in the clips 

Yes; I wonder if Dillon will push Tracy to reject Luke, when he sees how Luke reacts (as always) to seeing Laura. Dillon was a baby and so he didn't actually see the way Paul used to look at Jenny - but I would think he must know some things about the past. I'll assume Paul never admitted to Dillon that he insisted on Jenny being Dillon's godmother, that he kissed Jenny, declared his love to her ... while married to Tracy.  A few years back, Luke kissed Laura before she got on that plane to France (the time Scott stowed away).  It would be a cool - and shocking - use of history if someone actually said to Tracy, "You're being just as foolish and blind about love regarding Luke as when you were with Paul.  Don't put yourself through that kind of pain yet again."


On a semi-related note, the casting for nuDillon was well done in terms of looks and build.  He is believable as both a Q and the son of Paul. I would buy that he's related to Michael and the late AJ, for example. 

  • Love 3

My issue with Laura is that I don't think any character should ride on the coattails of their glory days. Especially when you are a big fat bore, but even bores have their place IF they can justify their existence. At any other job, if the most relevant thing you can say about why you are needed begins with 'thirty years ago', you'd likely be fired. There's also the fact that talent wise, GF is average on her best day. Jane E should be the 'queen' here, GF should sit and take notes. At any rate, GF is just as much a diva as TG is a divo. I think we've traded one ego for another. Not that it really matters. GF will be wasted, and she'll leave again soon. The sooner the better.


Michael can Get It, tiny fish mouth and all.


LOL. It's so inexplicable to me why I find him so attractive. It shouldn't be! And when he's shirtless he still doesn't do it for me. But when he's suited up, oh boy.



I'll sit at the table by myself and duck barware, but I thought Jane/Tracy looked absolutely wonderful.


I agree. I mean, the bottom of the dress was weird, but I still thought she looked amazing.


I thought Laura looked terrible. I'm excited to see what she brings though. The only time I've ever seen Laura was the last time she came back.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 2


But when he's suited up, oh boy.

AND holding Avery, just too much.  it's a damn good look for him.


I've watched all the eps but can't even remember if anyone has bothered to let Michael know about "Denise." 


Hey, I just tried on the dress Lucy was wearing!  It's Calvin Klein.  She looked way better in it than I did. 


I feel like it's been forever since I've seen Liz and Jake's epic love.  That makes for a banner week. 


But when he's suited up, oh boy.


See, and when he's suited up, I think that he looks like a weenie, for lack of a better term. He looks better in casual clothes. When he's in a suit, he looks like he's pretending to be older than he really is because he still looks 12 to me.



I feel like it's been forever since I've seen Liz and Jake's epic love.  That makes for a banner week.


I'm dreading it coming back. Just say no to all things Jiz.

  • Love 3

At any rate, GF is just as much a diva as TG is a divo. I think we've traded one ego for another.


Surely GH  and Tony are hoping that the addition of Genie will slide public opinion in a positive direction and revive fond memories. Together they think they are invincible; Tony especially may be feeling vulnerable after all the candid criticism he's received for his embarrassing and uneven performance, and Genie is projecting a certain nervousness at returning to the public eye. It looks like Tony may be leaning on her or on their combination professionally.


The best part about seeing Laura walk in was that it shut Luke up. Unless he is orchestrating the whole effect with her...are they planning something together? Surely she wouldn't go along with evil Fluke games.  But I just can't take Laura seriously; she's been the victim too many times...deja vu all over again. I don't think she has strong character, and I detest any influence or power that Luke exercises over her or with her.



How does Nik think this is going to work? He's going to spring fraudulently acquired stock on the Qs and legally gain control of the company? He's expecting to get the support of other Q family members while using shares provably acquired through fraud and extortion in a takeover attempt? Am I missing something?

I would actually be fine with him trying to acquire the company because he inherited Emilys shares and he thinks it's heading in the wrong direction - but then he still has to get the shares legally. The story that's being told just seems dumb

  • Love 5

I am so sick of Sloane.  Am I really supposed to be charmed that he stalked Anna to the airport, that he's using her grief and guilt as leverage to get with her?  Go the fuck away.


Oh fuck yes, Ava...I mean, Denise...is already making moves on Morgan!  Hilarious!  


As jsbt predicted, the draaaggging out of the Laura stuff was very silly.


Shut up, Nina.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 5

It's sad, or maybe horrifying, when Sonny of all people makes a correct point about Tracy (re: Laura). Also, that eye makeup on Tracy did indeed make her come off extra harsh.  PS - STFU, Carly! You didn't give a damn about Luke and you don't get to say one word against Laura. Their kiss/behaving like they're oh-so-in-love was gross, too. 


I have no use for Luke, but I acknowledge it's good writing that he told Tracy if the positions were reversed, he feels Laura would do him the courtesy so he's going to talk to her. Of course Tracy gives him appalled eyes for allowing Laura to speak to him. I rolled my eyes that she's all "I'm going to give Luke a chance to keep his word." Side note: Dillon really looked and sounded like his father today. Tracy, I doubt Laura thinks enough of you/about you to hope you'll lose it and act out. The look on Luke's face made me think he was going to say he and Laura needed to leave immediately due to Lucky's life being in danger, or something similar. I was genuinely surprised he called off their engagement in front of everyone. 


Loved Scott saying "Laura never could stay away from trouble" in response to Bobbie's bitchy comment about Laura. STFU Bobbie. Your brother is NO prize.


I like Michael, but he is dumb (today, anyway). I liked baby AJ squealing for/reaching toward Michael (in protest??) when Ava was holding her and he stepped out of the room. So disappointed that Michael wasn't suspicious about Ava's "I Love yous" and tears. Now, Morgan being a dumbass is totally believable. However, him initiating a kiss shocked me. Kiki walking in at the moment would have been perfect - so of course she's out looking for Denise. 


Sloane acting like he and Anna are or should be in a relationship is creepy...Ewewewewew. Begging to be her friend and sheepishly giving up the idea that they'd be together just makes him look pathetic. 

  • Love 3

I watched today live and one, constant, thought just continually kept rolling around in my head: what manner of fuckery is this?.


That's all I got out of the scenes, and Maura, imo, is really struggling with that godawful accent. She loses it pretty much every other word spoken, and I think she looks pained most of the time when she's forced to try and "adjust" her speech from her normal patterns.


What the hell are they doing with Brad and Lucas? Unless Vincent is coming on to play his Padre I am not interested in Brad's "family" causing problems for their future. I certainly don't need more bloody useless bastards being added to this show to do nothing but waste space and time and serve no real purpose.


And Anna had an extended goodbye with Sloane but there wasn't even a phone call between Emma and her? Seriously? This show is shit, just shit.


Laura should have told terrorLuke that she's pregnant, that would have probably given the old fart a heart-attack.

  • Love 7

I missed the first segment, but am I to assume Laura propositioned Luke in the scene I missed? Because jfc everyone was acting ridiculous about a CONVERSATION. Tracy stayed true to form and acted like a jealous insecure witch, I would expect no less.

Also, the engagement party was last minute, I doubt Laura heard about it and had time to jump on a plane to interrupt a party. Everyone was acting like she did it on purpose.

Everyone in PC is stupid. That's the only explanation for michael not picking up that this chick is Ava.

I actually forgot Silas and Nina were married. I was like, hmm why are they chatting? Than I realized I don't give a crap and played candy crush.

Let me know when my girl is back. I know she was on for like 2 straight weeks but I miss her. Pffft.

  • Love 7
I would actually be fine with him trying to acquire the company because he inherited Emilys shares and he thinks it's heading in the wrong direction - but then he still has to get the shares legally. The story that's being told just seems dumb


I don't think there's ever been a reason for Nik to be involved in this. Didn't Helena originally threaten to hurt Sam/Lulu if Nik didn't play ball? It was Helena's idea to do this, or at least hers as part of the Legion of Doom. But now Nik suddenly has signed on, but we've never been told why except that he haz a sadz that his penis is lonely.

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 4

Why was Bobbie acting like it was 1978 today lol.Speaking of vets do lucy leave the party wasn't she there on Friday and of course luke and luras conversation happens offscreen lol.


Luke and Laura's conversation happened off-screen so Ron could inject some needless "suspense" into her return and we will be expected to be just SHOCKED that some family emergency and not petty jealousy is at play here.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 7

Luke and Laura's conversation happened off-screen so Ron could inject some needless "suspense" into her return and we will be expected to be just SHOCKED that some family emergency and not petty jealousy is at play here.


How utterly lame. Not that I didn't expect Laura's returned to be bungled, but I had hoped that it wouldn't happen right out of the gate.

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Lucas' and Brad's quick conversation today must have been foreshadowing, yes?  They spoke of Brad's family and which one of their exes will pop up.  I don't know that I'm interested in seeing anyone in Brad's family though, since I think they'll probably be mob-connected in some way.


Brad's biological family is part of the Asian Quarter mob, we found that out back when Brad and Lucas met.


As for exes, Ron can feel free to use my idea about Lucas having a paramedic ex with bad boy-ish tendencies.  And I still want to see Lucas' med school pal Lyle and his cop boyfriend Trout at the wedding, Ron! #showinmyhead #lawsuitbedamned

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 4

Glenn Close in Fatal Attraction to Kyle Sloane:  Geez, you seem a bit too intense. Ease up, there, fella.


Two weeks ago, I thought Sloane was gross. Last week I thought Anna and Sloane were hot. If the show wanted me to ship Kyle and Anna, they should have left it at last week’s shows. Today, I 180’d back to thinking Sloane is creepy.  In fact, it was so fast, I think I have whiplash.  Sloane’s behavior today also reinforced my highly speculative theory.


Today’s Anna and Sloane scenes were also superfluous and unnecessary.  I would have much, much rather have seen Anna with Emma and Patrick and mention trying to stop in on Robin after visiting Scotland.  Then receive the flowers with a card and just read the card or have a quick telephone conversation. 


So they had Laura pussyfoot around before telling Luke why she was there?   I couldn’t even be bothered to read the tweets about that, it was all FF material for me.  But it sounds like yet another show where there was a single plot point to hit, and 36 minutes of airtime and 23 minutes of commercials were spent before getting to that point.  Such a waste of an episode.


Well, the official word is that Finola will be gone 3 months.  However, I’ve also seen that she won’t be back taping until October.  So, I’ve book a 5-month cruise on the barge.  See y’all in November!

I love how Anna said goodbye to Patrick and Emma off screen.

Your sarcasm button is working just fine!

Edited by Francie
  • Love 4

Brad's biological family is part of the Asian Quarter mob, we found that out back when Brad and Lucas met.


As for exes, Ron can feel free to use my idea about Lucas having a paramedic ex with bad boy-ish tendencies.  Or how about Lyle, a fling from his med school days now involved with Ellie's cop cousin Trout #showinmyhead #lawsuitbedamned

Yes, I remember Brad having been established as a family member to the Asian Quarter mob.  That's why I'm leery of any of his family members showing up.  More mob shit that this show could do without.

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