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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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As contrived and cliched as the Maxie/Nathan scenes were



You mean that there was a major building renovation going on and that there would normally be tons of tools laying around?  


Good for Maxie,  going from Spinelli and Levi to Nathan.  Nice upgrade.


Sonny wasn't on today.  Each episode is so much better without that repulsive violent thug.

Edited by sunnyface
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I had heard that there had been some recent changes for CPR, but I would think Morgan would more likely know the old way of doing it, if he knew how at all. I don't exactly think of Ron as being the type to care so much about doings things realistically, but I guess as long as Alice survived that's all that mattered at the end of the day.


She isn't my favourite character, by far, but she's one of the few left connected directly with the Qs and that means something to me. Especially when I'm having to watch the Nina swallow whole every and any thing around her. 



On today's show, Rosalie mentioned Rafe's father escaped from a locked mental ward and hasn't been found.  Is that true?




I admit I pay no attention to what she says, she annoys the hell out of me, but Stephen was killed, supposedly. He did escape from the mental ward, sent there after the death of his wife, Livvie, before going on his serial killing spree which may have been what she was talking about.

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I'm not sure what the law is in The Commonwealth of New York, but I believe Silas could face charges criminal charges in a few states since it was his car and Rafe was a minor in his custody.


Do we have any lawyers that can weigh in on this?


Re: Rosalie's comments, I didnt hear her say anything about Stephen.  When did she say that?  


IIRC, didnt an episode end with Stephen taking some ring off someone else's body on the table and then walking out of the morgue?

Are people not liking Rosalie? I love that chick.


First off, I find the Nina revenge story to be the most interestin thing going on right now.  The actress is giving it her all even if things get "Campy". Secondly, I really love the partnership between Nina and Rosalie. These two sexy badasses plotting revenge on the unknowing husband and are paying people off to 'join their dark side' so to speak :P . Hell, Nina and Rosalie even have a couple-like chemistry about them.


Stephen was killed, but then he disappeared from where he was killed. I don't think that was supposed to be known to GH residents, just the audience, as a kinda cheesy wink-wink thing. But I guess it hit the PC rumor mill and Rosalie heard it.


Are people not liking Rosalie? I love that chick.


First off, I find the Nina revenge story to be the most interestin thing going on right now.  The actress is giving it her all even if things get "Campy". Secondly, I really love the partnership between Nina and Rosalie. These two sexy badasses plotting revenge on the unknowing husband and are paying people off to 'join their dark side' so to speak :P . Hell, Nina and Rosalie even have a couple-like chemistry about them.


I'm 100% with you. And I have been thinking there's sexual chem between Nina/Rosalie as well. I'm here for it myself!

Edited by peachmangosteen
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I'm watching Patrick have a melt down and I could care less - when Michael played Caleb on PC one of the things I always liked was that he could play not giving two shits like no one else's business, he has a knack for acting aloof and the way he's acting is closest to portraying how I feel about things.


This.  Let's face it, basically no one who works on this show is blessed with anything approaching "range."  The best of the lot have between 2 and 5 things they do really well.  Michael Easton's things are:  acting bored, acting disdainful, playing straight man to raving lunatics, telling it like it is to self-important assholes, and cracking dry jokes.  Michael Easton's things are not:  emoting, acting lovesick, having intellectual conversations, or being emotionally present.  I realize they are working around some legal restrictions here, but if we're stuck with these OLTL people can't we at least give them something to do that works?  I actually enjoyed the Patrick, Sam, Silas, etc. scenes today because people finally got to do what they're good at.  I've missed ME's FO&D face.  On a show this dumb, there's surely room for it, and it works better than having Silas schmoop around over Sam and cry over ComaWife. 


I actually liked today's show.  People interacted in groups of more than 2.  Most people ended on a different set than they started on and interacted with several different characters in a variety of different configurations, including people they don't usually interact with.  It was almost like the show I remembered!  And bonus:  NO SONNY!!!


I even thought the Nathan/Maxie stuff was cute.  Or at least, it would have been if RP hadn't been rushing the dialogue.  He really needs to work on his timing (among many, many other things).  The victory is not just getting all the words out in the right order, dude.  But in the interests of saying something nice, I will say that I like him better laughing and smiling than I like him making the constipated JusticeForNina face.


No Sonny again tomorrow.  Yay!

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I'm not sure what the law is in The Commonwealth of New York, but I believe Silas could face charges criminal charges in a few states since it was his car and Rafe was a minor in his custody



I think he might be on the hook liability speaking, but I don't believe criminal charges could be brought against him since he had nothing to do with Rafe stealing the car, though Rafe is fair game.


These two sexy badasses



I agree that they are bad asses but not in the good way. To me those two represent so much of what is wrong with Ron's so called "tactics" when creating new characters. Over the top cartoons who are so unbelievable as real human beings they may as well be from another planet, and the cherry on top of the shit sundae is that they get more screen time and attention than those who have been around for decades and made the show what it is, who helped keep the show alive for so long.

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[Rafe] is sort of a legacy character and the last of that line.​



Well, he isn't a legacy of this show,  of this alternate reality.  And I have no problem with him disappearing completely!



The man (Patrick) is a doctor right?

Is he?  When was the last time we saw him doctor anyone?  I mean, we're finally getting scenes in the hospital, but they're all about Rafe!  Maddening.  


I'm never going to warm to Nina, or to the actress that plays her.  It's like she's constantly mocking actors who overplay/ chew the scenery, but she..isn't; she's serious. And color me surprised that Nina and Rafe are now blackmailing each other.  Who could have ever guessed?  (Other than everyone, I mean.)


And Dominator - I do think it's a little funny, and I know Morgan basically met her when she broke his arm, but didn't Michael grow up calling her Alice?  Why would "Dominator" be the name he calls out when he sees her on the floor?  


I kind of liked the Nathan/ Maxie conversation today.  Some of Nathan's best work to date, I thought.  And they're playing off each other pretty well.  

Edited by Turtle

There's not  character on General Hospital these days that remotely remind me of the Quartermaine family except for Ned, and Monica. Whenever that is, she is allowed to come out of her bedroom, or wherever the hell she's at.    In fact, don't call it General Hospital anymore, just call it, Seventh Floor Psycho Ward because what is left here, is a cast of delusional peeps, I must say. Well, not everyone, but more than necessary.

Edited by godfreydaniels
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I'm never going to warm to Nina, or to the actress that plays her. It's like she's constantly mocking actors who overplay/ chew the scenery, but she..isn't; she's serious.

For me, this is a perfect description of what MSt is doing. She's sssoooo bad. It makes me wonder, if Frank is telling her to ham it up more. IIRC, PS said that when he first started, he played Brad as the creepiest parts of people he knew. He said after he completed one scene, Frank told him to be even creepier. The problem is, I think this is MSt's actual acting style & sadly the best we are going to get.

And Dominator - I do think it's a little funny, and I know Morgan basically met her when she broke his arm, but didn't Michael grow up calling her Alice? Why would "Dominator" be the name he calls out when he sees her on the floor?

For some odd reason, they made Morgan a fan of Alice's wresting persona "the Dominator". I'm not sure how old that persona is (10-15? Years) He's been calling her that ever since.

Edited by BestestAuntEver
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When TJ and Molly were having their riveting discussion about the difference between a child and adult picnic blanket(WTH?) and she talked about her mother bring Ric's things to her this morning, I was like how the heck long is ONE day in PC. I think that conversation happened like a week ago real time. At this rate a year would take like 10 yrs!


How close is ELQ to the "bad part of town"? I think Michael and Morgan walked across the street.

The new CPR recs are that chest compressions are the most important and rescue breaths aren't, so I was a bit shocked the writers knew that. Loved the Morgan/Alice/Michael stuff. Rosaleigh can die for all I care. I'm sick of her smug, bitchy face.

The rest was pretty straightforward and what we all predicted, except what a nice surprise to have some Nexis. I've missed them!


IIRC, didnt an episode end with Stephen taking some ring off someone else's body on the table and then walking out of the morgue?


The morgue attendant who looked a lot like, but not identical to, Stephen/Silas/ whoever was last seen leaving the morgue after taking the ring, leaving the ending soapily unresolved.



For some odd reason, they made Morgan a fan of Alice's wresting persona "the Dominator". I'm not sure how old that persona is (10-15? Years)


IIRC, Alice was first "identified" as "The Dominator" by Spinelli,  the first time the two of them met. She had apparently been wrestling under that name for a while, but, of course, the Q's wouldn't have known about anything as lowbrow as that; Spinelli, however did.

Thanks for the link on the CPR stuff. I didn't know they were doing it differently nowadays, but then again I have absolutely no desire to see Morgan give Alice mouth to mouth. Ick.


Maxie freaked out today by being cuffed to Nathan more than I did this morning at my MRI. Calm down or take a damn Valium. And embrace it, for god's sake. There are much worse things than being handcuffed to a hot cop.


I liked Nina's OTT-ness, the way she vaulted over the table was hysterical.

The way she vaulted the table made me understand how some people used to describe Phyllis on Y&R as a preying mantis.

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Can they just cut in with a Simpsons thing with Levi like with Poochie and just have him say he's going to his home planet and then have a cartoon drawing that notes that Levi died on the way to his home planet?  Seriously, a two person protest jackass? And citing laws and familial relationships that you didn't even bother to research? I just can't with this character and he just makes Maxie look stupid.  I really hope (probably rather ambitiously on my part considering the writing team) that he's written off soon.  Scenes with that character make me want to punch through my DVR and send him into an HBO show where he's guaranteed not to be on my screen longer than 5 minutes before a violent death awaits him.  

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I agree that they are bad asses but not in the good way. To me those two represent so much of what is wrong with Ron's so called "tactics" when creating new characters. Over the top cartoons who are so unbelievable as real human beings they may as well be from another planet


I don't know, I don't think Nina is unbelievable at all. Sadly I see a lot of my mom in her, who is a woman that wasn't even asleep in a coma for 20 years and yet still holds decades-long grudges, both real and imagined. She even mentioned "a list" tonight when I was talking to her on the phone. Now she's not hunting people down to kill them or anything, but she is a little BSC (don't tell her I told you that, she'd kill me), which I think Nina definitely is. So I absolutely see parallels and similarities between the two.

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I'm sorry, but this show is terrible.  I try, almost daily, to watch, but after 5 minutes, I delete it.  I don't care about any of the people I see every single day.


Didn't MS say she wasn't coming to GH to take over?  Well she fibbed.  Her first month, out of 21 episodes, she was in 16, factor in that her character wasn't introduced until June 3rd, do the math.  Way, way too much exposure for a new character.  

  • Love 2
As contrived and cliched as the Maxie/Nathan scenes were


You mean that there was a major building renovation going on and that there would normally be tons of tools laying around?


I made it about 10, maybe 15, minutes into the show. Was it really necessary to have Maxie behaving like a 4-year-old with the flailing? There's a difference between being lovably ditzy (GH's Lucy of the 80s and 90s and Lucielle Ball come to mind) and too stupid to live.  Said it before, say it again -- I have the plot-driven drivel on this show. The writers could have -- and should have -- worked a bit harder to actually make those scenes work. Instead, it was just "make the girl stupid!"

I loved almost everything about yesterday's episode.


I loved the Maxie and Nathan scenes.  I have to say that Ryan was great, the most relaxed I've ever seen him.  I think he has finally gotten comfortable in the role, and he and KS have lots of chemistry.


I loved having Ned back on my screen, but I need to see much more of him than once a month.  God knows if RC can cram Kiki into every scene, there is certainly room for Ned.  It IS GH, afterall.  I thoroughly enjoyed the Ned/Alexis scene and that Ned referred to Michael as a Quartermaine.  Foreshadowing?  I was also very happy to hear Alexis put the seed of doubt into Ned's mind that Tracey AND Luke are still working together.


I love any Michael and Morgan scenes, but the scenes with them and Tracey and Alice seemed disjointed.  There should have at least been a longer conversation between Michael and Tracey.  I want Michael and Ned to team up against Tracey and Fluke.


I think Rafe has gotten more interesting, but I fear he is not long for this world.  Molly is being Molly in wanting to help Rafe and to confront him about his drug use. Regarding the car accident, I feel bad for all parties involved.  Silas is upset.  Patrick is upset.  Sam is caught in the middle.  Kiki?  Still useless.  She basically told Nina EVERYTHING and she barely knows the woman.  Nina, in turn, used that information against Rafe to blackmail him.  Kiki is still an idiot.  

  • Love 4
I don't know, I don't think Nina is unbelievable at all




I feel as if Ron is making Nina more soap crazy than anything, and even pushing her beyond that point. I do agree there are parts of her that resonate in real life, lord knows I've come across a few toxic and truly mentally unbalanced persons in my time, but just as he's done with Dr. O, with Franco, with Heather especially, notLuke, etc, they just cross a line imo into cartoon territory.


I think there is a way to have a balance between a character that's nuts and a character that is so crazy and it's so obvious and yet they continually get away with it because everyone around them must be made into blind idiots to not notice something is wrong, that's what gets me. I don't want to watch a crazy-ass person taking pot shots at stupid-ass people, and that's what it seems to always boil down to.


It also doesn't help that Michelle playing nutty Phyllis on Y&R is what drove me away from that show, and now she's come on GH and it's like deja vu all over again, perhaps even worse because of the quality of writing being what it is on GH.

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I loved all the Morgan moments in this ep.



I try to give Morgan the benefit of the doubt as an actor because his character (spoiled and whiny) is stuck with Sonny and Carly as parents and his romantic interests involved a horrific actress (Kiki) and with a women way beyond his sheltered-world framework.  Michael is a boring but has progressed into an adequate soap actor and has cemented his role in the soap.  As an actor Morgan has improved by not using his hands as much and has moved from whining to stating sarcastic one-liners rather well.  His physique pales in comparison to Nathan and Milo and could use some sit-ups in his physical routine but he's still very nice to look at.  So while in this episode he was able to convey concern about an individual that he cared about that didn't provide him with anything but paid friendship - which is a step in the right direction, his character and his acting are still in the maturing phase.  I wouldn't say that I 'loved' him in the episode, but I did enjoy him finally able to 'hold his own'.  I just wished that he 'toned' down his character a bit - not by making him as boring as Michael - but not as manic as Sonny.  I am warming up to him and he has come a long way.  No doubt, other posters on this board are contributing to my perception because the character can't win - as most of his 'being' revolves around the star and pillar of Port Charles - Sonny Corinthos.

Edited by sunnyface
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Didn't MS say she wasn't coming to GH to take over?  Well she fibbed.  Her first month, out of 21 episodes, she was in 16, factor in that her character wasn't introduced until June 3rd, do the math.  Way, way too much exposure for a new character.

While I loath Nina and am not found of MS as an actress I don't think she can be blamed for this: Her eating of the show is on Ron and Frank and the fact that Ron loves the high camp that some one like Nina brings. It is also like the longer he stays on the show the worse his writing gets. This stuff is awful. I miss the Ron who gave us Jerry Jaxs and the poisoning of the town water supply and who kicked Jason into the river. It may not have been great but it was so much better than Nina and Rafe and Levi. This gets more and more unwatchable

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It all depends how you regard the Port Charles spinoff. Personally I never watched it, but we had characters like Lucy, Scott and Kevin from GH anchoring that show which was set in (and named for) the same city. Rafe Jr is perhaps the most legacy character of that show, as the only child of two major characters (Caleb and Alison), and the stepson of the other two (Livvie and Rafe Sr). Alison was tied back to the main show through her grandmother Amanda, while her cousin Mike had been adopted by Rick and Lesley, making him Laura's younger brother. Ron dished out offscreen deaths to Amanda and her sons (to say nothing of Rafe Sr and Livvie), and murdered Alison and Caleb onscreen. I'm uncertain what happened to Mike, or if anyone even knows his connection to Rafe, since he wasn't even mentioned when Rafe's custody was discussed. (Of course Silas is a closer relative anyway.) 


So Ron apparently thinks that he hasn't done enough to make Britt an unconscionable person, he now has her drawing a little boy into her web of lies and deception, even though it is Spencer. Good one.


Where the hell is Brad and Lucas? In the GH in my mind Brad is putting Lucas through some very special physical therapy...but it'd be nice to see them on screen again, sans that waste of space Felix.


Patrick, word of advice, it is usually a good idea to hold off on feeding your daughter's fears of a divorce by telling her that you "think" it may happen without even talking to or first going to Robin or actually knowing what the hell you're going to do definitely.


I mean, it isn't as if Emma's world has been continually turned upside down and as soon as things seem stable enough everything she knows or trusts is ripped or taken away from her...real good parenting that.


How about you get the kid some therapy already and figure out your shit first before hurting her worse?


So Rafe is doing to die now, right? I mean the kid can't come back from this, he was willing to risk running down Sam just so he could escape, I am not seeing how he can be redeemed at this point. He can't even blame being high as the reason he's making so many terrible decisions, he's willing to literally throw everyone in his life under the bus, or car, just because he's a coward incapable of taking responsibility for his actions, and he purposefully ran Patrick off the road after all. Good riddance to bad rubbish with stupid earrings is all I'd have to say if he is given a, too long in coming, exit.


And was he supposedly driving at 100 mph the entire time? Why was the engine sounding like they were taking laps at the Indy 500? And the kid couldn't even pretend drive the car on top of things... *sighs*


This show feels so damn disjointed all of the time now, I may as well be watching five or six different shows. The only connecting theme appears to be that they're all really shitty shows.

Edited by CPP83
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Okay, the show actually got me.  I figured the accident was Rafe just being high, I didn't think someone (Fluke?) put him up to it.


But writers, TJ pointing out that it's weird that he's having a conversation with Alexis about whether or not he and Molly have had sex doesn't actually explain why you wrote a scene where TJ has a conversation with Alexis about whether or not he and Molly have had sex.


Today may have been the Rosalie tipping point for me.


As for Britt and Spencer, meh, I didn't have a problem with it.

Edited by TeeVee329
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Nathan: stop talking. Look up.


That must have been Ryan Paevey's dream line. Yes! No talking! Getting to look up as much as his heart desired!


Somewhere out there in the internet hinterlands, a Sam and Dante fanboard is very excited about finally getting a decent screencap to use.


Oh, Jimmy Dee. Gonna miss your master class acting. (I don't know if he's dying, but I'm pretty sure he is)


I kinda wish this had happened:


Rafe: I'm not worth caring about Molly. Please forget about me.

Molly: okay. (turns around and walks away)


And then Rafe had driven into the sunset.


They're trying way too hard with Rosalie. Not every line has to be a punchline. I feel like the only snarky lines that aren't grating me nowadays aren't Morgan's, and that's because his snark is usually within the context of the story and not so meta/pop-culture focused.


I forgot to mention yesterday, TJ was very cute with his "gee if only we knew someone who was connected to a diner".

Edited by ulkis
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But writers, TJ pointing out that it's weird that he's having a conversation with Alexis about whether or not he and Molly have had sex doesn't actually explain why you wrote a scene where TJ has a conversation with Alexis about whether or not he and Molly have had sex




Whacky! Hijinks! Omg! Hashtag this! That's what I believe must be running those the minds of those clowns when they come up with such...inane nonsense.


I'm saying Rafe gets a coma. ComaRafe. He is not real Rafe. He is ComaBaby, stolen by Stephen Clay. Why else would Puke give a fuck about him? I'm just mad that I have to blame/thank Puke for this shamwow bs.

TJ and Alexis have good scene chemistry. Sam/Dante are hot. Leave Lulu and go for Sam.

Edited by stacey
Inappropriate nickname

I must have missed the part of who enlisted Rafe to run Patrick and Sabrina off the road.  Who in the hell put Rafe up to this?


People find them cutesy but Maxie and Nathan were a waste of space today.  And isn't it time that Nathan at least kissed her or something?  If he's gonna wait another six months to get laid, kissing her is the least he could do.  The sparks between them appear to be there, so act on it.


Britt enlisted a child to help her get a man back?  Move on Britt because you're looking ridiculous AGAIN!

Edited by Syndicate
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TJ and Alexis have good scene chemistry. Sam/Dante are hot. Leave Lulu and go for Sam.



I think Sam may be even blander than Lulu most of the time. But. Both KeMo and DZ don't mind getting nude for love scenes, so while obviously there wouldn't be any nude scenes, there'd be no Steve Burton fade-to-blacks. So that could be fun, at least. Not that Ron and Frank seem big on sex scenes.

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Which one of you made a sacrafice to a dark god in order to bring about the blessed event of no Sonny TWO days in a row?!?


All dogs may go to heaven, but im pretty sure bedazzled baby killing cokehead do not, especially those that intentionally try to run down their foster mom and do actually run down a doctor because a drug dealer told him to.  


Rafe is actually lucky if he dies.  He'd be awfully popular at Pentonville.  


ETA: @Grrpants09, are you speculating that Rafe is Nina & Silas' baby that she was pregnant with?

Edited by Tiger

Ron's plot point rewriting is at it again.

Today Emma tells Patrick that Mommy tells her she loves her all the time.  And Ron is on twitter saying of course Emma and Robin chat all the time! Why in the world would you think otherwise?

At least this time it is in my favor as a Robin fan.  If he had written that 4 months ago, I would have been a lot less angry about Robin's exit.  Back then, I was convinced that Sabrina would once again be playing mommy. I guess he is reacting to the blowback of the hack job that was Robin's exit.  

Edited by aw86
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I found three positive things to  say about today's show. 1) Maxie/KSt does look very pretty in that shade of blue. 2) Jason and little Brooke are absolutely believable in their roles as Daddy Patrick and Daughter Emma - great parent/child chemistry. I get the hate for him speculating about him and Robin to Emma, but "I'm not alone - I have you" made me go Awwwwww. 3) TC did a good job w/Nikolas looking very uncomfortable about putting his arm around Britt in response to Spencer's 'whispered' demands. Yep, Britt is not looking any less pathetic to me. 

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And Ron is on twitter saying of course Emma and Robin chat all the time!


Geez-us, Ron.  Everything we've seen on-screen has indicated that Robin has had NO contact with Patrick and Emma or anyone else since she's been away, and that that phone call Victor facilitated was the first time Patrick talked to Robin.


And then he gets all uppedity on Twitter.  Dude, we're not psychic.  If it's only in your head and not in the show, how are we supposed to know?

  • Love 11

Britt continues to be a useless, pathetic dumbass. What a freak.


So that worthless piece of trash motherfucker was just going to run Sam down? I have never hated Rafe more than I've hated him today. Fuck him and then fuck him again for putting Molly in danger. I hope he survives so someone can smother him to death in his hospital room.

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So, one of the reasons Patrick told Emma there may be a divorce (and why tell your child that shit before you know?!) is because Patrick didn't want Robin to go to begin with (um, she didn't have much of a CHOICE!) and...she would not come home when Shamwow got sick.




WHY should Robin be near that shit? Not her kid. Not her responsibility. And IDGAF if the spawn was Emma's brother. That's PATRICK'S mess.


So if that means a divorce, go Robin, and be free.

Edited by WendyR72
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ETA: Grrpants09, are you speculating that Rafe is Nina & Silas' baby that she was pregnant with?

That would be rich.  Would Nina get the sads then that she facilitated Rafe's potential demise?



) TC did a good job w/Nikolas looking very uncomfortable about putting his arm around Britt in response to Spencer's 'whispered' demands. Yep, Britt is not looking any less pathetic to me.

Britt is pathetic.  She could have accomplished the same picnic without actively enlisting Spencer.  And Nik is an idiot to put his arm around Britt.  It's only that cold in hell.

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