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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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The only way I can make sense of this Liz crap (which is actually in character for her now, as sad as it is) is if TIIC were axing BH, and I really doubt it after the outcry last time when BH was fired and then rehired. But I think sending Liz to the looney bin would be the only logical conclusion as of now, since this regime is pushing Liz further over a cliff more than Guza ever did.

BH said it was Jill Phelps who saved her job ultimately, not the fans, so I can see them being unafraid to fire her/lowball her.

That said, they will just shove her into Shadybrook for a month and they'll consider that character rehabilitation.


Some of the fans seem to like it for the airtime and acting she gets to do. I can get it from that perspective but personally I would hate it.


I don't understand the swooning I've seen from some fans of the Liz/Jason pairing since this story seems designed to sever their romantic connection once and for all.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 10

Hayden, less explaining and asking him to trust you, and more just telling him, for the love of wine. Why not just say Jason Morgan before dying instead of telling Sam someone else knows?? I'm all for suspense, but this is just fucking ridiculous.

Sonny's drink cart seems to be missing. Do they not have an intern that could have picked one up over the weekend?

I think TC has done a great job for these live shows. Nik has had all kinds of facial expressions and personality!!

I wonder why certain characters were nowhere to be seen for these live shows...Shawn should have been one of them.

Other than, it's exactly what we all predicted.

  • Love 3

3 pm got Tyler and Finola with him at the end.

Oh, duh, the other taping!

Also, to respond to your earlier post, I guess I understand why Becky fans wouldn't really care about the story because she gets to do her thing, but Liason fans? The show already has Sam and Jason all up in each other, Jason throwing his body over hers to protect her from freaking gunfire, Sam defending Jase and saying Patrick is out of line, Jason saying he doesn't like people lying about his life....I mean, this couldn't be any more clear. Liz is crazy for NO good reason. She will not win.

Edited by HeatLifer
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Also, shut up, Nikolas.  The situations with Britt and Rebecca Budig are completely different.  For example, Rebecca Budig has been able to blackmail you because you have been committing the same crimes Britt did (keeping a parent from their child, scheming with a villainous female relative) and worse and now you're a murderer by proxy.


He's not even a murderer by proxy. He's a murderer - that was conspiracy to commit murder and he's just as liable as his hitman. Speaking of, WTF does Nik have a hitman on his payroll. Who even is this? 

Edited by Oracle42
  • Love 5

Oh, and I wanted to say, Sloane's character makes zero fucking sense. I mean, is he still working for Nikolas? What the hell is going oooooooooon


He came to town to punish Anna for killing a prisoner in her custody and disposing of the body, but now, he's all set to cover up Anna killing a prisoner in her custody by disposing of the body?


Sloane makes no sense and is, also, the worst. 

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 11

What the hell did I just watch?

So Shawn shot Hayden by mistake because he's such a bad shot but actually Nicholas (???) had a hit out on Hayden already in place? Huh? Where did Shawn's bullet go? Did Hayden get shot twice?

Are we going to have to sit through "will she or won't she" when Elizabeth is Hayden's nurse 'holding her life in her hands'?

Since when does Nicholas put out hits on people?

Rick and The Nina got married because????


Why am I watching a show that requires me to end each sentence with a question mark?

  • Love 10

I don't even understand why Nik would care so much about this secret that he would hire a hit man. That's a big problem with this story construction -- we see Nik scheming to take over ELQ but we don't know why and we really don't see any urgency on his part about the entire situation. He finds out about Jason and there seems to be some motivation attached to ELQ for keeping the secret but still not enough. He then hires a hit man to kill Hayden to keep the secret so he can continue to go after ELQ (I guess -- I don't think Liz played that large of a role in his decision-making).


But why? Why? This is totally out of character -- if Nik is hiring hit men now, why didn't he have a hit man kill Helena? She was threatening him in a bigger way than Hayden was. Send Hayden to the same island with Helena -- Helena would have killed Hayden after a sort period of time for bugging her. The first Britt lie was nothing compared to killing someone -- the second was more personal since it was Nik's son -- but Britt was evil incarnate for that stuff. 


Is Nik supposed to be embracing his inner Cassadine? That could be a story if we could actually spend some time on it.


Why does Jordan have to apologize for being a cop? If the question had been worded differently, it would have taken on a different connotation. But as it stands, Jordan is the betrayer -- not for lying -- but for being law enforcement. This coming from the man who "supposedly" shot a woman in the head.


I was a bit frightened today because I was agreeing with Carly today. Shooting Jake the day after a mob hit is bad business, Sonny. How has he held on to that territory for all these years?

  • Love 10

I'm honestly shocked, while also not being shocked, by how they're portraying Liz. She is never, ever, ever, ever, going to end up with any version of Jason. This writing makes it super clear and that's what sad. They are purposely not even caring about destroying her and Nik just to prolong this nonsense. I, once again, feel bad for some fans.

I think they're holding on to a rumor that Jake is going to remember who he is but will lie and stay with Liz.

I'm not seeing it t - but I've decided to believe that Dr. O is still COS because she has AJ in a coma somewhere and is holding his survival over Monica's head.

You do what you have to do to get through TFGH

Edited by Oracle42
  • Love 6

I think they're holding on to a rumor that Jake is going to remember who he is but will lie and stay with Liz.

I'm not seeing it but - I've decided to believe that Dr. O is still COS because she has AJ in a coma somewhere and is holding his survival over Monica's head.

You do what you have to do to get through TFGH

Hold up, there's a rumor Jason is going to remember all, but stay with Liz? I can't even. But I guess he would join everyone else who is OOC.


Hold up, there's a rumor Jason is going to remember all, but stay with Liz? I can't even. But I guess he would join everyone else who is OOC.

I think it's probably a Liaison fanfic that gained a life of its own cause it's not only wildly OOC, it doesn't make any sense. 


I gotta say, if your happy ending involves both parties lying like that? There's something wrong with your fairy tale.

Edited by Oracle42
  • Love 5

I was able to watch the 2PM and 3PM shows back to back today--since I have DirecTV, I was able to watch the 2PM show on the WJLA (ABC's DC affiliate--I'm in Maryland, so that's my home station) and then the 3PM show on WABC (the NYC affiliate). Knowing that the cast and crew was getting ready in the time that it basically took for me to change the channel and wait for the 3PM broadcast to come on was actually pretty cool.


Honestly, I'd say both shows were pretty tight today, but if I had to pick which one had a few more mistakes, it was the one at 3PM. There were a few more instances where I thought the cast were struggling with their lines, but it wasn't too bad (and I missed LW saying "fuck", if that actually happened). I seem to remember the 2PM show having a few weird camera angles, though.


Becky is doing such a great job at playing crazy; I'm not really a Liz fan (and it seems like her either being late for/leaving her shifts at GH early is officially a running gag; ditto Shawn missing his targets), but she is definitely giving it her all. Side note: Her 38th birthday was on May 12th; she looks so good! (If a bit tiny.)


Was that the director dancing with NB in the 2PM tag? I did like Fin appearing at the end of the 3PM show.


And of course NB did the credits today. Of course he did. Bleh.


Did anyone else think that split screen during the shootout was weird or unintentionally hilarious? I know they had to use it since it was live, but it was still funny.

Edited by UYI
  • Love 5

Shawn could not hit the side wall of a barn if it stretched from the Canadian border all the way to bloody Mexico.


I have to think that it has become a big joke on the show now that he would ever really be trusted to complete an actual hit. Who would take that kind of shot without being both blind and brain dead otherwise? Even if Jordan hadn't gotten the jump on him it was still an incredibly shitty angle and there was no reason for him not to just wait them out and let the ladies leave first.




So Nik is a would be murderer as well...I give up. 


What amused about Shawn's miss, today, is that Jason was close to him, and is a broad as a barn (Billy Miller's got some great shoulders), and the shot somehow misses Jason and hits a regular sized woman who was partially blocked by Jason's broad frame. 

Am I remembering wrong, or did Shawn seemed surprised there were any women in the shop? When Jason came out with the crowbar and said Shawn hit a woman, it seemed to me that Shawn was all, "There was a woman in there," even though he was outside the door, looking in as Jason talked to not one but two women.

I think it will turn out that Shawn's bullet went into the ceiling or a wall or the street and Nik's hit man ended up shooting Hayden. How long is Budig supposed to be on the show?

Edited by General Days
  • Love 2

You know, when I saw the rumor of Ric and Nina getting married I assumed it was just bullshit. Why would two people who had never met get married? I should have known better. 


STFU Liez talking about you'll never forgive Nik. He didn't force you to keep this secret, you willing chose to collude with him to keep Jason in the dark because you're a sad, pathetic, crazy, desperate, freak. 


I glad Patrick didn't let Liez work on Greenlee. That freak has taken a trip to crazy town so I wouldn't put anything past her to do something to Greenlee to keep her quiet. 


STFU Shawn you bitch. Can Jordan PLEASE get a better love interest. 


So now Nik is ordering hits on people? WTF??? Since when does Nik have hitman on the payroll? This shit is crazy. 

  • Love 12

Did show do anything to explain why Ric is so gung-ho to marry the Nina.


Rick and The Nina got married because????


What I told myself was that TPTB knew RH had enough talent to be able to go live, so they wrote him into a stupid story because viewers like the actor and  they could rely on his acting chops, not because it made any sense. Otherwise, the wedding would have been a more ridiculous waste of viewing time than it actually was. The only way I could have possibly enjoyed a Franco/Nina wedding would have been with the promise of a honeymoon offscreen that would last forever. 


And, ailing baby or not, since Julian knows the baby is his, if I were Olivia, I would have already called the hotel and had the two moochers summarily evicted. Hell, I'd've called Carly and explained the situation to her. We know that Carly would have loved to invade the room and kick the two of them out. 

Did anyone else think that split screen during the shootout was weird or unintentionally hilarious? I know they had to use it since it was live, but it was still funny.


I thought the split screen was an intentional attempt to use/show off their technical skills.


I watched the 2 p.m. show and thought maybe it ran a little short. They spent an awful lot of time on the credits. 


Overall, I thought it went well. The only mistake I caught was RoHo's, and it was something he covered well enough that I didn't realize it was a mistake at first.

  • Love 4

I glad Patrick didn't let Liez work on Greenlee.

Is this the same Patrick who worked on and nearly killed the kid who ran over him, Perfect Pony Princess, Tiny Robot Minion, and Blanket?

Is this also the same Patrick who yelled at Jason for standing next to Sam, while Sam's own father is a mobster?

Is Patrick's middle name officially "Hypocrite" or no?

Edited by HeatLifer
  • Love 2

Is this the same Patrick who worked on and nearly killed the kid who ran over him, Perfect Pony Princess, Tiny Robot Minion, and Blanket?

Is this also the same Patrick who yelled at Jason for standing next to Sam, while Sam's own father is a mobster?

Is Patrick's middle name officially "Hypocrite" or no?


Recall that, per Dr. O, there was no other surgeon available and that if he didn't operate,  Rafe would have been toast anyway.

  • Love 2

Nik ordering hits, Ric randomly marrying Nina, huh? Its not a complete bazaaro world since Shawn still can't hit a target and is an idiot and Sonny's the little mobster that can't.

I wish Chad Duell was a part of the live episodes. As awful as Sonny was, Congrats to MB for actually stumbling/stuttering less live.

What did Billy Miller do at the end of the 2pm episode?

  • Love 2

I'm sort of delighted by how stupid today's show was. That the actors, knowing it was live, didn't stop following the script, look directly into the camera and say, "can you believe this bullshit?" is testament to ... something.


The whole Nina/Ric/Franco thing made me long for the relative sophistication of an Emma/Cameron/Spencer scene. I especially failed to enjoy Franco Ralph Wigguming an "I choo choo choose you, Nina."


Anna was also channeling The Simpsons. Sloane tells her she's killed the person who can finally implicate Julian for murder, and her response is basically, "D'oh!"


Nik, I don't know what Nik's doing. Liz is moving into "love to hate" territory for me; before, she was just boring. Hayden needs to learn to get to the damn point. Shawn, heh. How did he ever manage to successfully kill T.J.'s father? He must have been shooting at a bird or something.


Favorite dialogue:

Carly: Sonny, you've made a terrible mistake!


Edited by fishcakes
  • Love 23

Forgive me for posting this here, but I immediately thought of jsbt when I heard this on the radio this morning,and I've never seen him post in Small Talk...so....


jsbt was right.  Twin Peaks reboot is a go, after the "budget issues" were resolved.  I mention it here, because I recall y'all sort of talking about it here? or was it in the media thread? I can't remember. But I wanted y'all to know he was right, and I'm thinking that jsbt is psychic.

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
  • Love 6

I'm sort of delighted by how stupid today's show was. That the actors, knowing it was live, didn't stop following the script, look directly into the camera and say, "can you believe this bullshit?" is testament to ... something.


The whole Nina/Ric/Franco thing made me long for the relative sophistication of an Emma/Cameron/Spencer scene. I especially failed to enjoy Franco Ralph Wigguming an "I choo choo choose you, Nina."


Anna was also channeling The Simpsons. Sloane tells her she's killed the person who can finally implicate Julian for murder, and her response is basically, "D'oh!"


Nik, I don't know what Nik's doing. Liz is moving into "love to hate" territory for me; before, she was just boring. Hayden needs to learn to get to the damn point. Shawn, heh. How did he ever manage to successfully kill T.J.'s father? He must have been shooting at a bird or something.


Favorite dialogue:

Carly: Sonny, you've made a terrible mistake!





I noticed that, too and had quite a giggle over it.

  • Love 1

Franco was muffing his lines constantly, or pretending to. The Nina/Franco/Ric wedding was supposed to be the ham-handed comic relief to cleanse our palates from the Anna-shoots-to-kill and Nik-hires-a-hit scenes I guess. It was too jarring.


Amusing how Jordan acts so bad-assed sexy when being taped but shrinks to a terrified kid caught in the headlights when acting live.


This show is completely off the rails.

  • Love 1


And why did he suddenly change into a suit, does Shawn think he needs to dress up to commit murder?

I'm pretty sure this day is still the same day as Duke's memorial, because Carly and Anna are still in their funeral outfits.  Sonny wanted Shawn to kill Jake RIGHTNOW, so Shawn didn't have time to change.  


As much as I hate Franco with the heat of a thousand suns, I have to give RoHo credit for today.  He had a boatload of dialogue to throw at Nina and it came across pretty seamlessly.  


I thought for sure the Ric/Nina wedding was a fake out, to make Franco admit that he loves her and wants to marry her.  Colour me shocked that they actually went through with the wedding.  Unless we find out the preacher wasn't legit.  Otherwise it's ridiculous that Ric, a reasonably intelligent man, met Nina 3 days ago in PC time and agreed to marry her.  


Kudos also to GMc for not acting like a complete wackadoo today.  I also thought VA did a better job than on Friday.  

  • Love 2

LOL that Nik is all "Why hasn't anyone figured out that Jake is Jason?!" Like he would have thought about it if he weren't connected somehow. I loved Liz wanting to know if Nik saying she'd always have him was a way to get back together, and Nik getting all indignant. Because he's never done anything like that. 


FFS, Hayden. JUST SAY SOMETHING. I hate that stupid trope. It's annoying and not suspenseful in any way.


If only Anna had fatally shot Sloane instead of Carrrlos.


Poor Rick Hearst. He's always being wasted and never more so than today.


I didn't hear LW say "fuck," and I went back to the beginning of all the Carly/Sonny scenes.

  • Love 7

So now Nikolas is a murderer?  Since when?  So RC is just rewriting all the characters now, huh?  So he changed Luke's entire past story.  He's changed all of Jakeson into a character that is not even remotely Jason Morgan.  Now Nikolas is a murderer.  Anna is one too.  Robin is still locked up somewhere, but who the hell cares. 


I don't mind when writers of soaps take liberties, but what RC is doing to the GH vets is infuriating.  What is he doing?  I can believe that Nikolas went dark and could keep Jake a secret and steal ELQ simply for power.  I can believe it.  But on what planet would Prince Nikolas, who has never murdered before, would kill a woman he hardly knows because she might spill a secret?  It makes no sense to me. 


Elizabeth is SO full of herself who believes that any motive Nikolas has ever had is always about her.  I love Nikolas shutting her down today and having her walk off in a huff.  That was the only saving grace as to what RC is now doing to Nikolas.

Edited by Bishop
  • Love 4

What awful crime did a Rick Hearst commit to get paired with Michelle Stafford? Did he sleep with Bob Iger's wife? Run over Paul Lee's dog? Call Diane Sawyer fat?

All that, and more, said if Ron & Uncle Frank we'd to recast Nina with Tamara Braun and keep her paired with Ric/Rick, I wouldn't criticize the show for a whole month. Hell, I'd probably start a Nina/Ric fan site, and re-join Twitter in an effort to get them trending. Yup, I thought Tamara & Rick had such amazing chemistry that I wanted Carly & Ric to hook-up even after he locked in a panic room in a plan to steal her baby and then kill her.

What? Stop looking at me like that . . .

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