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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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I dread to think who the mystery husband is. Yet another new character, a Y&R steal they managed to keep quiet? Or someone super random already on canvas (Ric? TJ? Fake!Jake? The ghost of Duke?)?


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Completely unrelated to today, did you guy see this deleted Brad/Britt scene?  I enjoyed them talking shit about stupid Ivy.




I did! It was sweet. 


I caught up with a bunch of the anniversary show/NB/Duke's death clips on Hulu last night before watching today's show, because I'm lazy and just wanted to cut to the chase, heh. 

Edited by UYI
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BH did a good job, too, I thought. I'm liking this Liz-unhinged thing that's going on. As long as they don't have be the usual "wimmins going crazy because of the menz" crap, it can continue.


I figure since it's unlikely they ever won't shit on Liz in some way, it's better for Becky to get something she can sink her teeth into like this than being on screen once a week carrying patient charts. 


I dunno, they did have Sam give Emma that speech about death before she commented on how she looks, so I just took it as a throwaway scene to show more of their ~bonding~

As far as Sam's past, she's more "street smart" than "book smart." I really wouldn't want the show to turn her into a Robin-type, especially now. It would just be too creepy considering she's already living in Robin's home, with her ex, and playing house with her daughter.


I think the original poster meant that Sam saying that stuff to Emma was going to turn Emma into a Maxie type instead of a Robin type, not commenting on whether Sam would be either type. 

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She said she had something to tell them that would affect both of them (Sam and Jake).  That's where the scene ended.




Well it ended after a super extended long pause which left them all looking as if they weren't sure when the scene was supposed to end and were feeling tempted to kind of glance to the side as if to be given a cue on what to do next.


It does not appear that the soap pause works in real time, heh, because the true awkwardness of it becomes all the more obvious when you have people just stop talking and then stare at each other as if they have suddenly had a brain frat and can't remember what they were about to say next. 


I would like someone to explain this to me like I'm Morgan, why did Maurice seem as steady and focused as I've seen him in maybe a decade during the live show but yet when he's taping he's all over the place? Maybe he gets too easily distracted when they're taping but he knew he only had one shot doing his scenes live.


But there were so many other characters I would have preferred watching act live than 95% of the group that was on today, starting with Ryan/Lucas and Parry/Brad together in bed...something tells me that they might have just gotten a right bit naughty with each other, heh.


And I will say this, for me, watching Anna shoot an unarmed man is just more of Ron's twisted bs with having people commit heinous acts like they're going out of style.


Even if the target/s might be worthless wet sacks of human flesh, but still they aren't armed or showing themselves to be an immediate threat so there is no reason to take a kill shot in that situation. Anna was already put in this position as well when she going to gun down Jakson while handcuffed to the table,


I just...to me it is unnecessary and it makes her seem far too much like a Sonny, shooting and killing someone based solely on her emotions and committing a serious crime without just letting the law get involved.


Anna is good enough and smart enough to take someone down without murdering them, whatever her personal feelings. She could have just stuffed Carrrrrrrrlos in another hole for instance... 

Edited by CPP83
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The Nina hasn't even met Rik, TJ, or Jake unless it happened off camera. My money is on Rik because they may have met in the MC's elevator, maybe?

As a fan of the character Ric Lansing and the actor Rick Hearst, let me simply say:


I swear I will throw barware and stutterbark that Ron is a "bitchslutwhoretramp" so loud that Helen Keller will hear it if he has Ric & WENEVERCARED get married.

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Hayden is really such a useless, badly written character. We still know nothing about her except that she loves having sex with Nik. She took advantage of Jason for money, but is now on some moral high horse because she "didn't know him." And recently, Ron has this character insulting Liz as if she's known her for decades.


That's because she has, in that she's basically a carbon copy of a million other female characters who have had the exact same lines (Britt, Emily's twin, Sam and Carly back in the day, and others I'm forgetting). 


I guess this is supposed to be more exciting because she's The Real Haylee. 


Maybe if I hated Liz I'd be more excited, but as I'm pretty apathetic toward her these days, I just can't get worked up. I wish she'd just yawn through these scenes like Vamp Willow used to do.

Edited by Pete Martell
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And really I must ask, why  does everyone on this show always attempt an escape from the law by bloody boat?


It is one of the slowest methods of transportation but hey, when you're in a rush to skip town after committing murder, who wouldn't want to go by tug boat?


I assumed it was because they figured they could make it to international water and thus outside US jurisdiction quickly.


And I will say this, for me, watching Anna shoot an unarmed man is just more of Ron's twisted bs with having people commit heinous acts like they're going out of style


I suspect it's yet another round of Rc protecting sonny by playing the old "But So-and-So is no better, s/he did the same thing" game.

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What about to faux-Jake?  The actor that was hired to be Jake Barnes in the photo.  Maybe that's Nina's fiance.  Though my money is still on the horse.


PP83, on 15 May 2015 - 3:21 PM, said:

    And really I must ask, why  does everyone on this show always attempt an escape from the law by bloody boat?


    It is one of the slowest methods of transportation but hey, when you're in a rush to skip town after committing murder, who wouldn't want to go by tug boat?

I assumed it was because they figured they could make it to international water and thus outside US jurisdiction quickly.

That and there's no passenger manifest for a private charter boat.

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Maybe if I hated Liz I'd be more excited, but as I'm pretty apathetic toward her these days, I just can't get worked up. I wish she'd just yawn through these scenes like Dark Willow used to do.


That is who you meant, isn't it, Pete? 'Cause Vamp Willow would have at least eaten someone by now. ;-)

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I assumed it was because they figured they could make it to international water and thus outside US jurisdiction quickly.




I do get that, it's just that I'd see these types of criminals using their private or personal jet or helicopter as their first method of transportation in such situations.


Julian could have had Carrrrrrrrrlos flown out ages ago compared to waiting on a dock for a boat.


But of course then Anna never would have gotten a chance to confront/shoot him.             

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That is who you meant, isn't it, Pete? 'Cause Vamp Willow would have at least eaten someone by now. ;-)


I was thinking of the "Bored Now" scenes. 


Of course she likely would have just had sex with Liz...and she would have been Liz's best love interest in about 10-15 years.

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I watched yesterday's show and had a ton of comments.


I just finished watching today's live show.  Umm, so, yeah, anyway. Have a great weekend everyone!

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I thought the acting was pretty good. I wouldn't have thought this was a live episode because didn't see any mess ups. MB was pretty good- I was expecting him to stutter a lot.

When did Julian find out about Jake being a snitch? Liz will probably break up the hit with revealing who Jakeson is- please let this madness end.

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For some reason, I'm OK with Anna shooting Carlos because honestly, it's what she should have done with Faison, Dr. O, etc. But I"m in that kind of mood these days. But you know, if Sonny can get off shooting a more or less innocent AJ, then Anna should be able to get away with killing scum of the Earth Carlos.


On the other hand, I'll miss Carlos, the actor was always turning this shit into something watchable.

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I liked Greenlee telling Liz to take a seat. I've been waiting for a NikBed Warmer to get fiesty and throw his ugly vases, too. Aim for the head next time, Greens. You learned better than that. Not gonna lie, but if Hayden says Liz reminds her of a crazy girl named Laura, I'll squee. Then, she'd break more vases and get an important call from a "Leo" and leave.

I call Sam getting shot because Sonny shooting Julian's MyDaughter would cause a mob war, plus Alexis would totes be onboard for the lobotomy. Then somehow Morgan will get blamed for all this. Why? Eh why not?

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I wonder if Anna is going to "own" shooting Carlos.  If not, I hope she at least was smart enough not to use her government issued gun.  Of course, it may not matter.  It seems the PCPD has given up doing autopsies, if the speediness of Duke's funeral is any indication.




When did Julian find out about Jake being a snitch?


I don't think he has, since he set it up for Sloane to save him and hopefully catch Sonny's gang in the act of trying to kill him.  Julian is trying to have his cake and eat it too, by backing up both Carlos and Jakeson.

Edited by Fellaway
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Liz and her "Sam isn't even grieving!" POV makes her look so bad, considering the fact that Sam cries over her Box Of Pain every other episode. The writing, man. So heavy-handed.

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Thanks Fellaway. I made that comment before I saw Julian's scene with Sloane.

Thanks to everyone for stating how horrible the rest of the week was, I deleted Mon-Wed and just watched Duke/Anna flashback scenes at his funeral which made me bawl. They screwed over his character by being team Sonny, but I will miss Duke. That picture of him and Emma made me cry, too, as did the two second bonding moment between Felicia,Mac and Felicia. So much history.

Liz is really pathetic, pleading with Nik and Hayden not to tell Jake the truth so they can be together. Why can't she let him make that decision for himself? Maybe after he finds out he's the Borg he doesn't want to be with Sam.

Edited by twoods
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Not only that, but that she's totally forgotten all of his mobular connections overnight kind of burns, too. I agree with whoever it was upthread who said this is someone in an Anna mask. (Ava! is that you?)



I thought it would be out of character for Anna to specifically deprive someone of their trial - that was simply murder, showing no care for the law at all.  


BH did a good job, too, I thought. I'm liking this Liz-unhinged thing that's going on. As long as they don't have be the usual "wimmins going crazy because of the menz" crap, it can continue.


I hope Monday's show has something going on that makes it worth being live. If all they're doing is shooting in the studio, that's not much different from regular taping. And given the actors don't often get more than one take anyway, the gimmick isn't even very gimmicky.


I didn't detect much difference and wonder why they bothered too.  Another thing is how did they do it?  They went from set to set which you'd think would be hard to do live.  They must have more than one set of cameras and whatever else they need, and able to move them into place in time.  


Sonny had a line about Julian never taking responsibility for anything.  His head should have exploded.

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I can't wait to find out who Shawn will hit by mistake because we all know he can't hit his target. Worst hit man ever.

I'd sooner hire Rose Nylund as my hitman than Shawn Butler.

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I would like someone to explain this to me like I'm Morgan, why did Maurice seem as steady and focused as I've seen him in maybe a decade during the live show but yet when he's taping he's all over the place?

My guess? He actually prepared for and made an effort in this one. I suspect that he thinks he's a better actor than most of this cast, and he's not wrong, and so he doesn't really have to bring it every day; it's not like anyone is out-acting him in scenes. Plus, he knows that Sonny has a huge fan base (WHY??), and the stuttering and mumbling isn't going to change that. For the live episodes, everyone else is probably working their butts off, and so he's putting in the work too.

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I will say that doing a soap LIVE has come a long way. I've been watching the Dark Shadows marathon this week on the DECACDE channel and its hysterical. Although, the show was (really) LIVE to tape people are forgetting their lines left and right. And, the sets are falling down left and right. LOL!! So, in the scheme of things GH did awesome. They should be commended on a job well done. I'm looking forward to Mondays show.

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I will say that doing a soap LIVE has come a long way. I've been watching the Dark Shadows marathon this week on the DECACDE channel and its hysterical. Although, the show was (really) LIVE to tape people are forgetting their lines left and right. And, the sets are falling down left and right. LOL!! So, in the scheme of things GH did awesome. They should be commended on a job well done. I'm looking forward to Mondays show.

I didn't detect much difference and wonder why they bothered too.  Another thing is how did they do it?  They went from set to set which you'd think would be hard to do live.  They must have more than one set of cameras and whatever else they need, and able to move them into place in time. 


I couldn't help but think along the same lines - there must have been multiple sets of cameras as the changes from scene to scene were flawless... I wonder if they are toying with going live all the time. Wonder if that would cost less? You have to assemble the whole cast on a particular day of course (rather than bulk tape with one story) but might make the continuity better as one scene flows into another and that may help the show feel less disjointed..

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I couldn't help but think along the same lines - there must have been multiple sets of cameras as the changes from scene to scene were flawless... I wonder if they are toying with going live all the time. Wonder if that would cost less? You have to assemble the whole cast on a particular day of course (rather than bulk tape with one story) but might make the continuity better as one scene flows into another and that may help the show feel less disjointed..

Given that it was Paul Lee's idea, and that NBC just renewed one of its shows because it was able to cut costs by airing live on Fri nights, I wouldn't be surprised if we saw them do frequently more live days and then weeks before making the switch to live full time.

Mrs. Lee is reportedly a fan of the show, so I think he and Uncle Frank will continue to genuinely find ways to keep the show on the air as they continue to cut osts.

And I personally think Tony leaving is at least partially tied to him refusing to take a pay cut.

If Paul & Frank need to find additional ways to cut costs, may I suggest a few folks named Roger, Michelle, Billy, Grayson, Rebecca, Haley, and Bryan all be shown the door?

Edited by Tiger
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Now, if little Spencer can do this show LIVE. I will totally impressed. LOL!! That kid is awesome. It will be interesting to see if the actual set of General Hospital is shown on Monday? You know this show has a title referring to a Hosptial. I know it's shocking but back in the day the nurses station (and, the cafeteria) is where all the action happened. Now, it's the docks. LOL!!!

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Has Peyton List worked since TheCW cancelled The Tomorrow People? Maybe he'd be Bette opposite her again?


She's been in a couple eps of The Flash. I would assume she might be in that new spin-off since she's Cold's sister. But anyway man I loved Dusty/Lucy!

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Given that it was Paul Lee's idea, and that NBC just renewed one of its shows because it was able to cut costs by airing live on Fri nights, I wouldn't be surprised if we saw them do frequently more live days and then weeks before making the switch to live full time.

Mrs. Lee is reportedly a fan of the show, so I think he and Uncle Frank will continue to genuinely find ways to keep the show on the air as they continue to cut osts.

And I personally think Tony leaving is at least partially tied to him refusing to take a pay cut.

If Paul & Frank need to find additional ways to cut costs, may I suggest a few folks named Roger, Michelle, Billy, Grayson, Rebecca, Haley, and Bryan all be shown the door?


What do you have against Haley Pullos? :'( Switch her for ME and I'm good. :) 

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I watched what my DVR picked up. I have no idea which showing it was, but it had Lilly with the "It's a bomb" thing and Mo hugging her. I didn't think it was that bad, but I do think MSt went rogue. I could tell a huge difference in her acting and Roger's during those scenes. He was actually really good and was trying to redirect her a bit. At one point, I was shocked he didn't grab her and feed her lines to her. TeCa was actually quite good. My standouts would clearly be Rebecca Budig, Billy Miller, and KeMo. KeMo flubbed a line, but the chemistry more than made up for it. She played it like it was Jason, not Jake, so it just came off better imo. Mo was actually good too. He didn't play Sonny as watered down. He just played him very dark imo. It wasn't bad at all.

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Now, if little Spencer can do this show LIVE.


Why did you have to put that out in the universe?!?! 

I watched what my DVR picked up. I have no idea which showing it was, but it had Lilly with the "It's a bomb" thing and Mo hugging her. 


That was the 2PM airing then. At 3PM, she still screamed, but Mo just came on and thanked her and then it was cut off. I have heard that Billy appeared onscreen at the end with them, though. 

Edited by UYI
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You know if all it takes to a be a "soap" writer is scatterbrained thoughts and random events with no meaning then hell sign me up I'll get my 3 yr old to help.


Having said that, eager to watch the "live" show, didn't seem to be up on hulu yet when I went to watch.

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What do you have against Haley Pullos? :'( Switch her for ME and I'm good. :)

I was referring to Haley Erin who plays NuMooch. I think Haley Pullos is great. Her chemistry and off-screen friendship with Rick Hearst is adorable.

I had to look up who ME is; I totally forget about him and his boring character. I wish they'd just Judy Winslow him.

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I was referring to Haley Erin who plays NuMooch. I think Haley Pullos is great. Her chemistry and off-screen friendship with Rick Hearst is adorable.


Ah, that makes much more sense. I was going to have to fight you on getting rid of Haley P. The other one, let me help throwing her stuff out the door.

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I was referring to Haley Erin who plays NuMooch. I think Haley Pullos is great. Her chemistry and off-screen friendship with Rick Hearst is adorable.

I had to look up who ME is; I totally forget about him and his boring character. I wish they'd just Judy Winslow him.


I completely forgot that NuKiki's real name is Haley. By all means, she can go any time now.

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Ah, that makes much more sense. I was going to have to fight you on getting rid of Haley P. The other one, let me help throwing her stuff out the door.

I'll help you throw Haley E's stuff out the door right after I post a video on instagram of me dropping Bryan's fake Emmy into a vat of nuclear waste.

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I liked that Julian ratted out Jake to Sonny, then called Sloan and told him that he ratted Jake out and that Sonny and Shawn were going after him.


I don't care that Julian is trying to have it both ways. A mob boss is actually using his brain. That's new.


And I personally think Tony leaving is at least partially tied to him refusing to take a pay cut.


He's taken a few pay cuts already. I think his leaving is mostly tied to his medical issues and to a lesser degree being dissatisfied with Luke's stories over the past few years. 

Edited by dubbel zout
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I remember reading once that the reason that Tony was given those long vacations to go to Amsterdam was a result of the show no longer being able to afford to raise his salary. When did that begin, the late 90's? Later on? But yeah, his health issues probably had more to do with this final decision than anything. 

I'll help you throw Haley E's stuff out the door right after I post a video on instagram of me dropping Bryan's fake Emmy into a vat of nuclear waste.


Is the Corvette next? ;) 

Edited by UYI
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I liked Greenlee telling Liz to take a seat. I've been waiting for a NikBed Warmer to get fiesty and throw his ugly vases, too. Aim for the head next time, Greens. You learned better than that. Not gonna lie, but if Hayden says Liz reminds her of a crazy girl named Laura, I'll squee. Then, she'd break more vases and get an important call from a "Leo" and leave.



God, Laura English was the WORST.  I am still appalled she got Gillian's heart.  What a waste.  As much as I hate Liz, nobody can steal the crazy pathetic psycho crown from Laura.  I don't even think Lily could.   At least with Liz, Jason did love her once.  Leo NEVER loved Laura's crazy ass.  Ok, back on topic:


I managed to find the Jake/Sam scenes from the 3pm showing, and there are definitely a ton of differences in the dialogue and delivery.   Kelly missed a cue/line in the 2pm show when Hayden showed up.  It's hard to spot since Rebecca covered it well, but Kelly hesitates and kind of just goes..."uh..." and in the 3pm show she says "why would you think that?" 


Still trying to find the full show.

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I will say that doing a soap LIVE has come a long way. I've been watching the Dark Shadows marathon this week on the DECACDE channel and its hysterical. Although, the show was (really) LIVE to tape people are forgetting their lines left and right. And, the sets are falling down left and right. LOL!! So, in the scheme of things GH did awesome. They should be commended on a job well done. I'm looking forward to Mondays show.


It was more difficult for the Dark Shadows cast because of all the special effects they had to deal with in blocking and such. If you get Retro TV you may want to check out The Doctors, which was live on tape at the point the episodes are up to, and was often smooth.

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My guess? He actually prepared for and made an effort in this one. I suspect that he thinks he's a better actor than most of this cast, and he's not wrong, and so he doesn't really have to bring it every day; it's not like anyone is out-acting him in scenes. Plus, he knows that Sonny has a huge fan base (WHY??), and the stuttering and mumbling isn't going to change that. For the live episodes, everyone else is probably working their butts off, and so he's putting in the work too.


I think actually they got to rehearse a lot for the live shows, a lot of the actors have had instagram pictures for weeks of them rehearsing. Regular taping, they get no rehearsals and one take. Some of the actors rehearse on their own time apparently sometimes but otherwise? there's no rehearsal.

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They had to rehearse for the live shows to time out the scenes, probably, though there were still some awkward long pauses. I can't get too snarky about that, given that the actors and the crew don't do this sort of thing on a regular basis.

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