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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Carly's words had more than a tinge of hypocrisy in them but she'd be an even worse mom than she already is if she didn't say anything.

I totally agree. Even the worst parents should make an attempt to parent their kids. I don't there is anyone else that stood a chance at penetrating Morgan's skull right now. It had to be his mom or Sonny -- sad as that is.


I liked Michael and Sabrina -- my world has continued to turn upside down! Since Halloween, Michael is my favorite character on this show and by osmosis, Sabrina has turned into a viable character.


I can't believe that Sonny and Carly might go along with Morgan's idea. Judging by their responses -- especially from Carly -- both parents want Michael back in their lives however they can get him there. Hiding AJ from him would damage that horribly and they can't do it forever right? One day, they have to take her outside or to a store or restaurant. Does Morgan think that Michael will give up?


I know Morgan thinks that Sonny will win custody before they have to tell Michael but since Michael was set up, does he really think that it's likely that Michael has no shot at custody again? Even Sonny, who we have noted has reached a reasonable detente with his son for now, would not be that stupid right? Besides, everyone but Morgan has admitted that Michael was not a danger to AJ so risking the relationship (between Sonny and Carly and Michael) for no good reason just makes little sense.


Which means that this is what will happen.

  • Love 6

I am going to be so pissed when this shit is all over and in the past, and not a single damn character has said to Carly "Morgan learned this from you."  Come on, show!


I cracked up at Sonny saying to AJ "I thought I was never going to see you again!"  Because, really, "welp, Girlchild is gone...what are ya' gonna do?"  


I so want Dante to be that person! But he's just gonna be like "wow I feel so bad for you guys" to Sonny and Carly I just know it! :weeps: If he doesn't I'll be pleasantly surprised.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 1

I only caught some of today, but I got second hand embarrassment from Valerie going on and on about Dante...TO HIS WIFE.  I actually thought Lulu was pretty laid back there, considering.


Did I catch Michael and Sabrina kissing at the end there?  I missed the lead up, I was on my way home.

It was something like this:

Michael: Thanks for your help.

Sabrina: You're welcome.

Michael: Thanks for being the only one who believed in me.

Sabrina: Yep.


Michael: Thanks

Sabrina: Yeah…

(They take forty years to awkwardly move a foot.)



  • Love 7

I loved Carly's outraged "Who would do that to his brother?" to Sonny. You're looking at him, lady!


Carly's words had more than a tinge of hypocrisy in them but she'd be an even worse mom than she already is if she didn't say anything.


Yeah, just because you're a terrible person doesn't mean you shouldn't try to prevent one of your kids from becoming one, too. 


LOL that everyone keeps telling Morgan to look at them.

  • Love 7



It was something like this:

Michael: Thanks for your help.

Sabrina: You're welcome.

Michael: Thanks for being the only one who believed in me.

Sabrina: Yep.


Michael: Thanks

Sabrina: Yeah…

(They take forty years to awkwardly move a foot.)


It was nowhere near as awkward as this:


Valerie:  Dante is so dreamy, and hot and sweet, and caring and hot and sexy and hot

Lulu: .......uh......thanks?

  • Love 12

It was nowhere near as awkward as this:


Valerie:  Dante is so dreamy, and hot and sweet, and caring and hot and sexy and hot

Lulu: .......uh......thanks?


Since Valerie was also noting the physical similarities between Dante and Sonny, Lulu should just throw her in the Moobster's direction.  "Sorry, Carly, just consider this some long overdue payback for that whole Brooke Lynn thing!" 

  • Love 10

I kind of agree. I wanted someone to tear into stupid Morgan and Kiki but having it be hypocrites Carly and Sonny didn't completely work.

I liked it. I think they're the only ones who had any kind of chance to get through to Morgan, because they're the reasons he is doing any of this. Carly was right (what??? Who am I???)- Morgan wanted to hurt Michael, but I don't think Carly realized exactly why, that Morgan so desperately wants to be the favored child instead of Michael. Morgan's main motivation is to please his parents, Sonny more than Carly. I imagine he figures, hey, making Michael look ridiculous will make Dad happy because he's furious with Michael, and getting Dad's baby back will make him even happier, and Mom will totally support me because she's a big fan of destroying people's lives to get what she wants or to get revenge. Hearing their outrage at what he's done could be the only thing that makes him realize what a terrible idea all of this was. And as mentioned, it's not like they could just not say anything, and them approving of his behavior would be even worse!

Val was totally over the line. How can a grown adult not realize that talking about how hot and wonderful someone else's husband is, especially right after she's been rubbing all up against said husband just recently? I thought Lulu handled it all pretty well - I don't think I could have stopped myself from saying "Whoa, girl, slow your roll!"

Michael and Sabrina were nice. I definitely saw some chemistry, but it wasn't smoldering hot, and I think that's good for Michael. His whole life is is such a mess right now (and has been for a long time) that a nice easy relationship with someone he cares about and who supports him could be a good balance. Plus, I kind of like Sabrina now, even though I thought she had some shady looks on her face a couple of times today.

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I'm sorry, but how does that make it his fault? That might make sense to me if Silas honed in on an innocent Ava and seduced her somehow. And even that wouldn't make it primarily Silas' fault, since Ava was a grown woman. But as you just pointed out Ava took money to throw herself at Silas. She, for whatever reason, sought to sleep with a married man. Silas shouldn't have cheated on his wife and owed her fidelity. That part of it is definitely all on him. But the fact that Ava chose to sleep with a married man and then had to fend off his crazy wife is just as much Ava's fault as it is Silas'. He didn't owe her anything because Nina chose to go after her.


I hate Nina for the exact same reason I loathe Carly and really considering that they've got the identical ability to apply logic, I'm surprised they're not best friends. (Apologies to LeftPhalange, but its completely true.) Let's pretend that its totally reasonable to wake up from a coma and end up swearing revenge on a woman who had an affair with your husband twenty years ago. Why didn't she kidnap Silas instead and dip his man-bits in acid? He was the one who was married to her, swore his fidelity and then broke his promise. Instead she kidnaps Ava so that we can be "treated" to the torture porn of her forcing Ava into labor while blithering about her Goddamned horse. That's some Carly-level shit right there, and now MoRon is trying to dial up the sympathy for her? That doesn't work for me.


Carly's hypocrisy is astounding.


Another one for the T shirt collection.

  • Love 11

Carly's Mantras of Indignation:


"I cannot IMAGINE who could do something so despicable as drugging someone to make them appear incompetent... oh right I did that to AJ. But I get a pass because yeah, that's right, he was fat".


"I cannot IMAGINE what kind of person turns against his brother... oh right, Sonny, I forgot about the decade long war you've had with Rick"


"I cannot IMAGINE who would say that they love Michael and then keep silent about something that was being done to him that would crush him were he to find out.. oh, right, Sonny, Kiki, Morgan, and myself, I guess I forgot about that killing of AJ thing.. totes my bad!"

Edited by DayPlayerAtKellys
  • Love 12

Wow, Morgan has really gone under the bus. It's like Ron wants BC to quit. All so Sonny gets to come out smelling a rose. GAG. At the same time, Carly yelling at him kind of amused me. I realize she's barking up the hypocrite tree, but LW was great in these scenes.


Speaking of gagging, Michael and Sabrina. I can't imagine another couple that would bore me to death more than them. And the kissing was awkward and had no chemistry. Michael remains asexual to me.

  • Love 3


Hearing their outrage at what he's done could be the only thing that makes him realize what a terrible idea all of this was. And as mentioned, it's not like they could just not say anything, and them approving of his behavior would be even worse!


It's not that I think Sonny or Carly shouldn't have said anything. You're definitely right that it would have been worse had they said nothing or given Morgan their approval. My problem with their reaction, especially Carly's, was there was too might self-righteous indignation and pearl clutching going on. They both acted as if what Morgan did was something that was beneath either one of them, when as it's been pointed out, they've both done similar things. I think they both had a right to get pissed at Morgan, but I think coming at him more from a place of disappointment and hurt would have worked better. Like when Morgan pointed out that Carly would probably have done the same thing, instead of her getting on her high horse and talking about the mistakes she's made, but indicating that Morgan crossed a line she wouldn't, she could have been truthful and said "Yeah, I've pulled dumb shit like what you just did, but it's brought me nothing but pain and made everything worse and I don't want you repeating my mistakes." Plus, Morgan's so pig-headed that coming at him like Carly did just made him dig in his heels more and refuse to accept blame. They didn't get through to him at all.



I hate Nina for the exact same reason I loathe Carly and really considering that they've got the identical ability to apply logic, I'm surprised they're not best friends. (Apologies to LeftPhalange, but its completely true.) Let's pretend that its totally reasonable to wake up from a coma and end up swearing revenge on a woman who had an affair with your husband twenty years ago. Why didn't she kidnap Silas instead and dip his man-bits in acid? He was the one who was married to her, swore his fidelity and then broke his promise. Instead she kidnaps Ava so that we can be "treated" to the torture porn of her forcing Ava into labor while blithering about her Goddamned horse. That's some Carly-level shit right there, and now MoRon is trying to dial up the sympathy for her? That doesn't work for me.


That doesn't really go to the point I was responding to. You said Silas owed Ava this huge favor he's doing for her now because he and Ava had an affair and Nina went after her. My point was that I don't think Silas owes her anything because they both willingly went into the affair and both earned Nina's wrath. Now, that's not saying that Ava earned Nina playing womb raider, but she wasn't some doe eyed innocent either. How Nina decided to take her revenge on them both is on her - it's not his fault Ava got the worst of it.


Plus, I actually think Nina's conflicted feelings for Silas was one aspect of that storyline that worked. Yes, Silas was her husband and was the one who owed her loyalty and broke that promise. When someone you love hurts you, it hurts worse than some stranger. Yet, at the same time Silas was someone Nina loved deeply at one time and someone Nina has a lot of good memories of. With Ava she didn't have a prior loving relationship, so she just came at her from a place of pure hate. 

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My completely shallow spot of enjoyment in today's crapfest was Snarly's toothsome chomping down on Morgan and her high-decibel hypocritical loud rant.  Nobody can scream quite as loud for quite as long as Laura Wright.  How she manages to spit out so many words, so fast, at such a loud range without biting her tongue is simply inspiring.  And of course, while she's doing that, MB is holding Baby, desperately trying to remember if he has any lines to say at all in any of this.  Even if he did, there just wasn't any space.  Kudos to LW for verbally waking me up.


Of course she's a complete hypocrite, as usual.  Nobody gets to fuk over Michael unless it's her or Sonny.  Her going on at Morgan for being a BAD BROTHER is pretty ridiculous when you consider what an atrocious mother she is, and ditto for Mumbles.  She's like the XTREME version of "Do what I say, not what I do".  And all the while, poor Morgan is trying to remember exactly what this is all about and Kiki is looking as dumb as usual.


Not to steal a line from Valerie, but Thank GOD for Dante.  He was the sole, completely sane person on screen today.  (Det. Kitty is pretty sane, too, but saying he believed Nina puts him on at least temporarily shaky ground).


I have no idea what Dr. O and the slimeball said to each other because my ff finger is tip-top shape, a skill I'll be VERY happy to have with this upcoming Nurses Ball.


But at the end of the day, Show really leaves me with nothin'.

Edited by boes
  • Love 5

So I just got back from vacation and come back to these boards to discover... I really didn't miss much on GH.  Morgan getting ranked out for what he did to Michael sounds like a good thing although: 1.) This is totally a case of "right words, wrong mouths".  I mean... Sonny and Carly?  Really?, and 2.) Kiki is getting off way too easy in this.


So is the truth going to come out to everyone in Port Charles, or are they all going to believe that Michael is a drunken loser, just like his dad?

Just squeeing over the Michael/Sabrina goodness. I would have liked more longing looks and almost kisses but I will take it- damn Ron and his lack of pacing skills. It's sad that this is pretty much the only storyline I tune in for.

Back to Morgan being the town kicking boy. BC's face during these scenes make it look like he hates this storyline as much as we do. Maybe AJ was his father instead of Michael's? Carly was ridiculous with her shrieking and lack of self awareness? You've never done anything bad Carly?

You never slept with your mom's husband?

You never kept the secret of your boy toy killing your son's father?

You never slept with the serial killer who orchestrated the rape of your son?

You never laughed about your husband getting raped (or almost rape? I forget).

Just shut it, Carly. You and your cousin Frooloo can go jump off a cliff.

MS's face at the end when she caught Franco looking through her purse was some of the best acting I've seen from her.

  • Love 4
But at the end of the day, Show really leaves me with nothin'.


It's too bad that Silas' apartment didn't spontaneously combust.  JV team writers for the rest of the show.  Nina still has a secret.  The character has been on for over a year and the writers have FAILed to provide the audience any reasons as to why we should care about Nina.  Real strong (for a soap opera) actors w/ Franco, Nina and Dr. O and cute cop BUT the writers/actors haven't remotely justified why and how the audience should feel about any of them except disdain (Franco - rape/killer, Dr. O - psychopath, Nina - ripping a newborn from a womb).


The only thing mildly entertaining about the episode was hearing Carly screaming and the camera shots of the baby ignoring the screams.


Carly was ridiculous with her shrieking and lack of self awareness? You've never done anything bad Carly?

I think Carly's issue wasn't so much what Morgan did, but to who (whom??)  If it was about the bad deed itself, Carly would have wanted to know where he got the drugs (possibly getting LUcas in trouble because I vaguely remember Morgan saying something about using Lucas' hospital pass to get the drugs)


But that wasn't her concern.  Her concern was that the damage was done to Michael.  Her relationship with Michael is already broken and now this.  


I think Carly has no problems doing shit to people and being okay with people doing shit to people, depending on who the person is.  Sonny messing with Ric.  Fine.  Brother or no brother, Ric has his issues.  Jason doing something to AJ.  Fine, AJ had his issues (or she with him)  But someone doing something to Michael who really is an innocent, well that's where she draws her line in the sand.  

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 But someone doing something to Michael who really is an innocent, well that's where she draws her line in the sand.  


Michael is relatively innocent, but he did do something illegal that cause Morgan to do what he did so I disagree that he is "innocent". Not to mention he is very arrogant and smug. While what Morgan did is all kinds of wrong and his lack of insight at this point is baffling even for one with a head stuffed with fluff end of the day if Sonny would have done this to get his daughter back Carly would have been falling all over him to pat him on the back.


Carly's point of view was so off the charts terrible. This is her child and I think why she reacted like she did was more a refection on her poor parenting skills that she would raise a child that would do this to his brother. To me the Morgan and Michael stuff is kind of similar to Jason and AJ. Didn't AJ the loser brother burn down the wearhouse to get Michael from Jason and could have killed Jason? And AJ's own family berated him almost as bad. So Micheal's not AJ at all he's the Jason in this...Poor stupid Morgan is AJ...he just isn't fat instead he's balding.

Edited by Cattitude


Michael is relatively innocent, but he did do something illegal that cause Morgan to do what he did so I disagree that he is "innocent". Not to mention he is arrogant and smug.


    I respectfully disagree. If by "illegal" you mean that Michael got Judge Walters to be the judge in the custody case, while that's questionable, I don't believe it's any worse than all the times that Sonny has bribed judges, cops and possibly even juries- not to mention getting a Gubernatorial pardon (which was undeserved, to say the least)- to get away with much worse than what Michael's done. Contrary to his opinion, Morgan didn't have to do what he did and if he loved Michael or L'il AJ as much as he thinks he does, then he wouldn't have even considered doing it in the first place.  As long as Michael keeps calling Sonny, Carly, the Bimbo Twins and their defenders on all their huge piles of bullshit, he can be as "arrogant and smug" as he wants to be, as far as I'm concerned.

Edited by DollEyes
  • Love 14

    I respectfully disagree. If by "illegal" you mean that Michael got Judge Walters to be the judge in the custody case, while that's questionable, I don't believe it's any worse than all the times that Sonny has bribed judges, cops and possibly even juries- not to mention getting a Gubernatorial pardon (which was undeserved, to say the least)- to get away with much worse than what Michael's done. Contrary to his opinion, Morgan didn't have to do what he did and if he loved Michael or L'il AJ as much as he thinks he does, then he wouldn't have even considered doing it in the first place.  As long as Michael keeps calling Sonny, Carly, the Bimbo Twins and their defenders on all their huge piles of bullshit, he can be as "arrogant and smug" as he wants to be, as far as I'm concerned.


Not quite sure what to think of this. As it isn't one is bad so the other must be good. Saying what Michael did was illegal had nothing to do with Sonny's sins. Just b/c Sonny is a bad person doesn't make Michael a good person by default. What I said had nothing to do with Sonny. Doing something illegal to prove you are the better choice doesn't make you the better choice. Truth was by getting a bias judge to rule Michael won custody. If he would have let the original judge rule Sonny would have won so yes he did something illegal so he is not innocent.

Edited by Cattitude

Some jail time would serve Morgan some good, so shut up Carly. Lock Morgan and Kiki up Dante! Refuse the blackmail Michael. He can get the baby back and put those 2 idiots in jail. Michael knows where the island is, he can get the baby back legally. 

Some jail tile would serve Morgan some good, so shut up Carly. Lock Morgan and Kiki up Dante! Refuse the blackmail Michael. He can get the baby back and put those 2 idiots in jail. Michael knows where the island is, he can get the baby back legally. 

Edited by Artsda
  • Love 3

    I respectfully disagree. If by "illegal" you mean that Michael got Judge Walters to be the judge in the custody case, while that's questionable, I don't believe it's any worse than all the times that Sonny has bribed judges, cops and possibly even juries- not to mention getting a Gubernatorial pardon (which was undeserved, to say the least)- to get away with much worse than what Michael's done. Contrary to his opinion, Morgan didn't have to do what he did and if he loved Michael or L'il AJ as much as he thinks he does, then he wouldn't have even considered doing it in the first place.  As long as Michael keeps calling Sonny, Carly, the Bimbo Twins and their defenders on all their huge piles of bullshit, he can be as "arrogant and smug" as he wants to be, as far as I'm concerned.


With regard to the judge, assuming that Michael only asked his grandmother to talk to the judge and didn't bribe him, what Michael did was not illegal.  The judge violated the rules of professional conduct, but those only apply to him, not to Michael.  And as far as I'm concerned, Michael didn't *do* anything at all to Morgan - that baby was not in Morgan's custody (and, for the baby's sake, I hope she never is!).  Arguably he *did* something to Sonny, but I don't see it that way, especially because I tend to think that while the AJ murder was the catalyst for Michael to actually take action, Michael 100% meant what he said about Sonny being dangerous to his kids and Michael wanting to protect his sister. 

  • Love 10

So we're just supposed to ignore the fact that Olivia got pregnant on NYE, but is 1,000 months pregnant and near term? Sounds legit.


I really do not like Valerie and I'm not sure if it's the actress, or the writing is meant to dictate that there's something "off" about her. I think we're meant to feel sorry for her and see Lulu as mostly paranoid, but I think Valerie is shady as fuck. 

Edited by BinkyMimo88
  • Love 5


Truth was by getting a bias judge to rule Michael won custody. If he would have let the original judge rule Sonny would have won so yes he did something illegal so he is not innocent.

First off, we don't know if Sonny would have won with the original judge.  He is a criminal after all.  I've got to think someone would have thought twice.  

Secondly, we don't know exactly what Michael did.  Is he the one that pulled strings to get Walters on the bench?  Or did he say "grandma, I have a problem" and Monica pulled strings to get Walters on the bench.  Or did Monica go to Walters and say "hey honey, you know what would help right now"  and Walters pulled his own strings to get himself onto the bench.  If all Michael did was talk to Monica, then he's done nothing illegal.


Morgan on the other hand, stole drugs and deliberately put them in MIchael's bottle, thereby endangering Michael and every person that he came in contact with.  

  • Love 16

Michael doubling down on Sonny's offer was a lovely surprise.  Sure, he'll drop the charges in exchange for getting Avery back.  Oh, and Sonny will drop his complaint about the judge and not fight anymore on who retains custody of Avery. 


What's that Sonny? Are you starting to whine about fairness? About Michael asking for too much?


Too fucking BAD.  He holds the cards, he wins the game, not YOU.


Michael playing Sonny on a dime like THAT?  Beautiful.  BEAUTIFUL.


Sonny eating it? Carly mostly silent?



Edited by Vella
  • Love 20

Dante: get comfy
Morgan: yeah, be an ass about it
Dante: what did you say?!?!


oh yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah. Pretty much everything he said to Morgan and Kiki was great, but that was the best. It was just like, did you just have the fucking guts to say that to me?? Did you???


Oh Morgan. He's still pretty hot though.


Sonny was pretty funny here:


Carly: [talking about how they can't let Morgan sit in jail while Sonny gets Avery out of town]

Sonny: yeah but if Dante comes back here and sees Avery he's gonna charge us with kidnapping

Carly: it IS kidnapping!

Sonny: (sighs in exasperation) oh God


oh Sonny


Nice job Michael did negotiating with Sonny. Sonny so was questioning his decision to give up Avery to save what's-his-face lol the whole time.


Geez, what? Why does Nik have to say Rosalie is his girlfriend? Just how many vaginas is Nik going to try to juggle in the air here?

So we're just supposed to ignore the fact that Olivia got pregnant on NYE, but is 1,000 months pregnant and near term? Sounds legit.


I really do not like Valerie and I'm not sure if it's the actress, or the writing is meant to dictate that there's something "off" about her. 


I think it's both. 


 If he would have let the original judge rule Sonny would have won so yes he did something illegal so he is not innocent.


we don't know that.


Felix, just because you told Sabrina all about your non-sex-life (which, did she even want to know? DID SHE?) doesn't mean she has to tell you about hers.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 9


Not quite sure what to think of this. As it isn't one is bad so the other must be good. Saying what Michael did was illegal had nothing to do with Sonny's sins. Just b/c Sonny is a bad person doesn't make Michael a good person by default. What I said had nothing to do with Sonny. Doing something illegal to prove you are the better choice doesn't make you the better choice. Truth was by getting a bias judge to rule Michael won custody. If he would have let the original judge rule Sonny would have won so yes he did something illegal so he is not innocent.


How do you know what the original judge was going to rule? Alexis may have been pessimistic about Michael's chances, but the judge never gave any indication that Michael had no shot at custody. Given all of the testimony against Sonny, no sane judge should have given him custody. But because of Alexis' warnings, and living in that town long enough to know how Sonny skates by on everything, Michael decided he wasn't taking any chances and got a favorable judge on his side. Like Turtle pointed out, Michael didn't do anything illegal. He didn't bribe the judge in any way.



WOW what a great day for this Dante fan! DZ was super awesome and HOT! Throw in some Ned, a cutest-baby-ever sighting and a Michael/Sabrina kiss (even though premature) and it was a great day.Michael putting the screws to Sonny and Franco getting kicked out of the metro court was good too.


I enjoyed all of that. I loved Dante having none of Morgan's bullshit and attitude. Even though he didn't lose the 'tude I did appreciate that Dante tearing into Morgan at the PCPD was one of the only times Morgan hasn't looked smug and actually looked like someone was partially getting through to him. Though of course, the only person Morgan apologizes to through this whole ordeal is stupid Kiki. Because he dragged her into this kicking and screaming. Shut up, Morgan! Shut up, Kiki!


I haven't loved Michael this much since he was revealed to have gotten Judge Walters on the custody case. I loved him going for what he wanted with Sabrina and trying to assure her that he wasn't just grateful. I loved him tearing into Ned for giving Franco his shares of ELQ. And I especially loved how he handled the situation with Sonny and Carly. He's seemed to have been softening slightly lately towards Sonny, but there was non of that today. He was all business with Sonny. He knew right away that Sonny probably had baby AJ somewhere close, and while he would prefer not send Morgan to prison because he knows how tough that is, that he was prepared to do it if Sonny didn't agree to his terms. While it killed him, to drop the charges against Kiki and Morgan, I think he saw it as the best option. He was right when he told Sonny, he could just get the law involved, and he'd probably come out on top eventually. But I think he just wanted to have AJ back home as soon as possible, and it was better to get Sonny to drop the custody suit entirely than to get a win against Morgan. 


I haven't been a Nikolas fan in awhile, but I enjoyed his scenes with Lulu today. They came across as a true brother and sister, and I liked that she copped to just not being comfortable around Valerie.

  • Love 11

Another thing I liked was Sonny, Carly, and Morgan all facepalming when Dante knocked at the door and Kiki just stood there. When they're played like total asses they are like they were today, I can almost be kind of affectionate about the Corinthii family and think, "go away Kiki, you're ruining it."

Morgan and Kiki were arrested, YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I was fuming it was inexplicably just going to be Morgan and Kiki was going to skate, but Dante came through!!!!!!!!!!!


...too bad it only lasted about ten seconds.  This show can't do anything right.


yeeees, but at least everyone pretty much hates/is contemptuous of Morgan. That's more than other characters get.


Y'all, I was gonna say that I've made a policy of not commenting on the stupidity of Nina and Franco but the stupidity of their scenes today was such that I had to comment on it, but then I totally forgot. As it should be.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 4

I haven't been a Nikolas fan in awhile, but I enjoyed his scenes with Lulu today. They came across as a true brother and sister, and I liked that she copped to just not being comfortable around Valerie.


But I can totally see Lulu throwing a bitch fit if any of the numerous people Luke tried to kill dare not be comfortable around him.


Valerie is losing her luster, though.  And I hate the "innocent hug jealously misinterpreted" trope sooo much.

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