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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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When we met Morgan and "Mahhh friiiiieeennddss call me Kiki" they were in college. Also, in Wisconsin, MSt played a character that sexed up many mens in many places. Two words: Dumpster. Sex.

Easily handwaved as a nightmare of...anyone. Because Kiki IS a nightmare, and I still say Morgan could barely pass middle school, let alone college. So my prior post stands. But I concede that the dumpster stuff describes these losers to a "T"!

Jakeson hates Carly and it delights me so much. Also, I guess I can add Jakeson to the list of people who Anna should fuck.


I don't remember anything else.

I forgot about how much he hated her today! Through that whole scene I couldn't stop wondering why Carly is so set on "helping" him since he so obviously does not care for her. Them I remembered, it's Carly, so of course.

  • Love 3

See, Ron screwed up majorly by having MSt play baby crazy Neener Nanner because imo he missed a prime opportunity to bring her on as a former professor /old flame of Morgan's. MSt can play sexy vamp much better than wee innocent oh gosh voice, and Bryan Craig can steam up a screen. 


I would rather set myself on fire than watch those two paired together.

  • Love 11

LOL jsbt!! I think you just wrote another T-shirt statement! 


Morgan is really being written as Sonny Jr. in some ways (thinking he's clever and badass; having relationships with a daughter and then mother) and acting like Carly in some ways. He is exactly the son Carly and Sonny deserve. Their 'parenting', or lack thereof over the years, created these insecurities in him that are now coming forth in ugly ways. 


Also, I agree with the poster who talked about the understanding between Sonny and Michael now. Michael even told Sabrina today that he and Sonny "understand" each other. I think CD is playing Michael as accepting what *IS* and has just decided to be cool, distant and civil when need be toward Sonny rather than raging at him for the rest of his life (because it won't result in Sonny going back to jail, nor will it bring AJ back). I think Carly will get the same treatment. 

  • Love 5

When we met Morgan and "Mahhh friiiiieeennddss call me Kiki" they were in college. Also, in Wisconsin, MSt played a character that sexed up many mens in many places. Two words: Dumpster. Sex.


*points at icon*


If you think I want to see anyone having Dumpster Sex after having my eyeballs scarred by it on another show, we maybe need to sit down and have a talk. ;-)

  • Love 6

*points at icon*


If you think I want to see anyone having Dumpster Sex after having my eyeballs scarred by it on another show, we maybe need to sit down and have a talk. ;-)

Well if we had to have MSt, it's a character I'd rather see. I just, in my opinion, found the fleeting idea, more entertaining for a moment and said it randomly.

  • Love 1

So do we know who kidnapped Avery and delivered her back to Kiki's crib?  Cause it is looking like it is Silas, and would he leave a baby unattended in apt?

Did Nina give her key back?  Could be Franco.


What about Rosalie?  She had a key.  And she was conspicuously absent when everyone dropped by ELQ today.


Silas was sounding shifty today.  But then he's a shifty mofo.


I too thought Hayden was going to sex up Carlos.  That scene ended weird unless I nodded off.  She tells him she saw a gun.  Then he's leaving and they're both like yea, forget it.


My neighbors might be worrying about me with all my yelling ;;;;; Just pull the trigger already!!!!!!!!  For reals.


So who gets zipped up in the coming attractions?  Mister turtle neck?  Fake Jake?  Head doc?  Or maybe that reporter that was pestering Felicia last Nurses Ball.

When a SORASed Morgan came back to GH, he seemed to have a hard-on for Michael.

1. Michael protected him from the Jerome? thugs that he owed money to. Did Morgan care?

2.Michael let Morgan and Kike live in his apartment and they took over his bedroom and had extremely loud sex there.

3.Morgan maxed out Michael's credit cards to the tune of 10s of thousands.

4.Morgan knowing the truth that Kiki wasn't a Q., kept it a secret and still married the bitch.

5.Morgan and KIki found out that Sonny killed AJ and kept it a secret.

6.The whole drugging Michael thing.


Michael has gone out of his way to be decent to Morki and they really don't care.

  • Love 5

Okay, may I just say I love that maniacally laughing baby in the Relay for Life commercial?  But, back to the show!


Jordan's relationship with Shawn has ruined her.  She started off so promising, but she's completely lost her confidence and her sass and her brains, and I blame Shawn for that.  She truly believes she and Shawn have a chance at a relationship now.  Did she not understand the purpose of the job she was performing?  When the Feds work to bust up a mob, they're working to bust up the mob, not just take down the big bad.  But it's like it never occurred to her that all this "evidence" she's acquired could put Shawn behind bars.  (It won't, but that's another story.)  What is all this "evidence" anyway, 'cause I'm coming up with nothing.


I want Jordan to be smart again.


Shawn never was.

  • Love 16

I still don't understand if Shawn can cook, teach, was in the military. .... why is he working for the mob? He seems to have employable skills. He can make a very decent living. He's also shown he can run a very successful resturant. So, why be mob? Are there really great benefits? Is there a wonderful union that apparently has a twitter account? Is there a lodge? I mean, I get Sonny's reasons- uneducated, poor, and abused kid locked in a closet in Bensonhurst. Duke wants revenge on Julian. But Shawn?

  • Love 10

Since Shawn never hits the intended target, or successfully kidnaps anyone (ava, heather) - maybe he's undercover.  What mobbing has he done successfully?  Not tossing the ballot box - they were caught.  Only thing I kinda remember him doing right was when he bust in on the hit on Michael in his apartment though Michael killed the bad guy.

  • Love 3

Assuming Silas took the baby and returned her, why would he leave her alone in the appartment.  That's not right.


I better get a good scene where Carly tears a strip off of Morgan, because I've been waiting for that.  


Silas probably figured that Avery taking care of herself was a step above Avery being cared for by Kiki and Morgan.

  • Love 18

So just caught up on this week's episodes and I see the handwriting on the wall as others have discussed.  Morgan is the fall guy, without any meaningful motivation, so that Sonny doesn't look so bad in comparison cause dude has a code.  I just listened to Michael's Friday final scene w/Sabrina, and the writing was just so worked over to show that Sonny's not so bad.  I just hope as the story progresses that he keeps his name Q and remains at the Q mansion.  Because he's going to forgive Sonny, or at least be a Dante eventually.  I don't even hate Sonny that much as a character, he can exist on the show, but why does Michael have to be polite to him even?  


Morgan simply needs better writers.  As a kid, he was good and sweet and Michael was the problem child.  I hope when Carly eventually gets in his face, the discussion of his motivation is written better than it has been.  Give me something, other than him being a "selfish, entitled idiot."  

  • Love 5

The Michael stuff has been the only interesting thing happening for me lately. I'm liking Sabrina and even enjoyed his scenes with Sonny (now I need to shower) I think  a détente of sorts is inevitable between Michael and Sonny and I'm okay with that. I would like it to continue  that their relationship has irrevocably changed but won't hold my breath. Sonny is the only one who has accepted that Michael has every right to be angry and shown remorse to Michael. Sure, it's only for breaking his promise not for the actual murder but it's more than he's gotten from his Mother or Sibs.  

  • Love 6

I'd at least like a Jax visit where Jax says that he tried to help Morgan or something because I don't get how the guy went from almost adopting him to not even caring. I'll even buy Jerry Jax intercepting calls because that's the only thing that might make sense. Or hell just blame it on Fluke. Because why not? They really don't need a scene. Just have Morgan yell "Luke Spencer told me!" Why not? It doesn't make Jax nor Morgan look like total monsters.

  • Love 1


Morgan simply needs better writers.  As a kid, he was good and sweet and Michael was the problem child.  I hope when Carly eventually gets in his face, the discussion of his motivation is written better than it has been.  Give me something, other than him being a "selfish, entitled idiot."


I don't need Morgan to be the sweet, quiet, sensitive child he was as a kid (although I loved Aaron Refvem). But I completely bought that he came back to town changed, angry that he was sent away, bitter over the Jax/Carly divorce and her role in driving Jax away, and feelings of abandonment that were never dealt with. Ever since CD became Michael, Michael became the perfect little good child that Morgan used to be. To have two of them would just be extremely boring to me. I need some conflict. I enjoyed the hell out of Morgan from September 2013 to the time that he started kissing Sonny's ass again. But now he's practically intolerable.


I agree that these writers are horrendously awful.

  • Love 7
I agree with you that it makes no sense that Morgan suddenly has no remorse for hurting Michael.  That makes no sense to me either.  I also don't like that Kiki is the one that seems to be the only one with a conscience.


If nothing else, Morgan should be privately remorseful. I don't expect him to admit it to Sonny or Michael, but he should to Lauren: "I'm sorry it came to this, but we had to do something." He's not even getting that much.


it's true that Michael can't really clear his name and set the record straight if the truth doesn't come out.  I'm guessing RC is going to just fix that with a magic DVD.


No magic DVD necessary: Johnny's guys will clear everything up.


What about Rosalie?  She had a key.  And she was conspicuously absent when everyone dropped by ELQ today.


That's only because the budget is so tight. There's no way Frank would have someone on the show who doesn't serve as plot point. I wonder if we'll see Rosalie at the NB, though. Maybe that's when we'll find out what her Big Sekrit is. (We never cared. Lowercase for its lack of importance.)

  • Love 6

I forget about everyone on the show now.


LOL but this. I forget large chucks of the episodes as soon as they're done airing.


I forgot about Rosalie. Does anyone miss her or her stupid secret?


I don't care about Rosalie's secret, but I liked her. I really liked the possibility of her and Michael, too. And I'm even down for a Sabrina/Michael/Rosalie triangle. But if she never comes back I won't really care. But at this point I wouldn't care if any character just dropped off the face of the earth.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 3

The role of Morgan Corinthos is now being played by Fredo Corleone.

"I'm smahht! Not dumb, not like everybody says! I'm smahhht and I deserve some respect! I got passed over, Mikey!"

Of course, it doesn't quite work because here Morgan is the kid brother and not Michael. But he's certainly the less favored son.

Edited by SlovakPrincess
  • Love 2

Also: This board deserves a writing credit for the Anna/Patrick scenes re: Duke on Wednesday. It's everything we've been saying about him and his character motivations for over a year, but they're only really digging into it now, and the occasional Tuesday or Wednesday every six months prior. And the whole thing about Bruce, Duke's right hand? You could've actually introduced some funny dude for the last six to eight months, had him around playing off Ian Buchanan and then used his death to amp up drama before either Duke or Jordan bought it. Instead it's, hey, look at this dayplayer a week before sweeps.


This is how Ron and co. always work now - they only really delve into character right before the big moment, usually with a character's death. He didn't always work that lazy, but he does today.


Also, I still want Shawn with Carly.

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 3

Gahh ahead! Qwit de operashun! I love you, clearly-juice-dieting Grayson McCouch! Never leave!


Bruce: I got this, boss.

Duke: I'm sure you do. Your track record is impeccable.

Me (throwing up my hands): Who are you?


I do love Ian and I am glad they are giving him some meatier material as the Reaper begins shuffling down the block with its sickle, but they should've done this long ago. Also, I'm sorry, but he still looks stiff and very uncomfortable most days. To say nothing of his Colonel Sanders wardrobe ensemble.

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 4

I forgot about Rosalie. Does anyone miss her or her stupid secret?



I like Rosalie. Especially without Nina.  I think they've changed her secret.  Probably due to Tony G being out for too long.   I don't like her as a secretary (and I don't buy that she was never a nurse, because isn't that how she met Nina?).  I also don't like Sabrina as a nanny.  For many reasons. 


Still waiting on learning what Val does for a living.  She talked about coming home from work late exhausted and having her mom cook and then the reversal of roles. 


Also still waiting for all these couch crashers and park bench residents to move into the Brownstone.

  • Love 1

Shut up Sonny. You've done much worse than Morgan so stop judging. Didn't he just put a hit out on Jordan. I think the whole storyline would have gone better if Morgan was guilted by what he did to Michael because it was more about him trying to please his dad. I hope we get a scene where he goes off on his mom and dad for always putting him second and screwing up his life. But we won't see that- it will all be about putting Sonny in a good light. No wonder BC is pissed.

  • Love 4

Sonny doesn't know about the hit on Jordan.  That was ordered by Duke.


I wish they would have Lucy & Duke dress up as the cast from CATS for the Nurses Ball.  I'd watch that.


Hey, I can't believe I had forgotten, in all this Duke is a cat talk, that Finola Hughes was a lead in the original London cast of Cats:




Somehow, now, is Anna's attraction to Duke, or vice versa, better explained?  Don't answer that.

  • Love 4

Shut up Sonny. You've done much worse than Morgan so stop judging. Didn't he just put a hit out on Jordan. I think the whole storyline would have gone better if Morgan was guilted by what he did to Michael because it was more about him trying to please his dad. I hope we get a scene where he goes off on his mom and dad for always putting him second and screwing up his life. But we won't see that- it will all be about putting Sonny in a good light. No wonder BC is pissed.

I want a scene where Morgan calls out his parents on their hypocrisy. If Carly tears into he should bring up Tony Jones and Bobbie.

  • Love 2

Morgan and Kiki say goodby to everyone as they prepare to go to some medical school near the Carribean.  Sonny tells them to expect to see him a lot because Sonny will be there supervising the expansion of his rum distallary business.

. . . On their way to the airport, Morgan & Kiki decide to take a "short cut" right through the local carnival. Their car mows down and instantly kills Franco, Nina, Jake-sus, and Spenthaw . . .

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