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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Bullet of love for the post above, DollEyes.  Next on my wish list of scenes involving Michael and family is him tearing Kiki and Morgan new ones because baby AJ got kidnapped, what, 3 minutes after they got custody?


Michael: "Nice going, brain trusts!!"


Morgan: "Huh? What the hell, Mikey?" 


"Minutes after you geniuses got rights to AJ, she went missing. Why, because your eyes weren't on her. Why? Because you two are so smug thinking you know what you're doing, that you're screwing me over. Well guess -"


Kiki: "That's not true, Michael!! We love her. We are her real family, and Sonny is her father! You tried to -"


Michael: "Shut up, Kiki!! Sabrina had the pills tested; they're not what I take. And security footage at General Hospital shows Morgan stealing medication. The outside security camera shows you waiting for him. See those police officers coming in now? Those shiny handcuffs have your names on them. Enjoy being behind bars! Now I can only hope and pray that my little sister will be found safe so we can go home."

Edited by Bringonthedrama
  • Love 19

Wow, was Kiki a little self aware at the end? After drugging Michael, smug face, and blaming the CPS worker for her own negligence, she is now wondering why they took AJ out of a loving and safe home. What a worthless idiot.

Fluke- more to FF. Can this madness end?

It is so obvious Ava stole AJ. Are we going to get the big reveal by Friday?

That's standard operating procedure for Ron.  He likes to have his cake and eat it too. Kiki does all these horrible things, but then afterwards -- after the damage is done -- she has a twinge or two of regret.  Thus, Ron gets the "drama," such as it is, caused by the misconduct, but we're not supposed to hold Kiki accountable because she felt bad.


It does make her a moron of epic proportions, though, and Ron's never given us a reason to care about a moron who goes around inflicting pain on others and only then realizes the damage she has done.


It makes me truly glad the teen demos could hardly populate a couple high school gyms at this point. I get that soaps are largely escapism, but people -- especially kids and adolescents -- pick up social cues, perceptions, and even morals from any type of entertainment (like I said before about the 1970's GH taught me that women could have a career in a top profession).  And there's nothing good to be gleaned from the existence of Kiki.

  • Love 11

Bullet of love for the post above, DollEyes.  Next on my wish list of scenes involving Michael and family is him tearing Kiki and Morgan new ones because baby AJ got kidnapped, what, 3 minutes after they got custody?


Michael: "Nice going, brain trusts!!"


Morgan: "Huh? What the hell, Mikey?" 


"Minutes after you geniuses got rights to AJ, she went missing. Why, because your eyes weren't on her. Why? Because you two are so smug thinking you know what you're doing, that you're screwing me over. Well guess -"


Kiki: "That's not true, Michael!! We love her. We are her real family, and Sonny is her father! You tried to -"


Michael: "Shut up, Kiki!! Sabrina had the pills tested; they're not what I take. And security footage at General Hospital shows Morgan stealing medication. The outside security camera shows you waiting for him. See those police officers coming in now? Those shiny handcuffs have your names on them. Enjoy being behind bars! Now I can only hope and pray that my little sister will be found safe so we can go home."

Oh I dream of this scene!!

  • Love 3

Can someone please explain to me like I'm Morgan exactly why TWO wimmins want to be with Spinelli? He has no job and an awful personality. I'm very confused by how EW, who looked really cute with the shorter hair, and KSt played those scenes. It's as if Ellie & Maxie are playing some bizarre game where they pretend to be into Spin only to get the other to take him.

Oh look, there's Carly barging into someone's room/home; it must be a day that ends in the letter 'y'. I did love her threatening Freaks, her consternation to Sonny as to why Olivia is letting them stay at the hotel, and her pointing out that Michael "isn't stupid and reckless". When she said that, I said "Michael isn't, but Morgan sure is!".

I am loving Michael & Sabrina. A year ago if someone had told me I'd be loving Sabrina, I would have had them committed to Shadybrooke/Ferncliffe/Miscavige/Rose Lawn. CD was really good in his speech at the end.

TG was good in that last scene opposite JZ, but he was awful opposite himself. I couldn't believe the show actually let Laura be mentioned three times. I can't wait for Tony to take his 5-week vacation. I just hope that means Lewq will be off-screen for at least five weeks. He can take his obnoxious daughter with him for all I care.

ETA: I really wish they'd bring Ellie back, reveal her as Tracy's long-lost daughter and build the young adult scene around her, Nathan, Sabrina, and Michael.

And I loved in the previews when Dr. O said something like "get Luke Spencer out of here!" From your lips, Liesl, and with all expediency possible.

Edited by Tiger
  • Love 6

Can someone please explain to me like I'm Morgan exactly TWO wimmins want to be with Spinelli? He has no job and an awful personality. I'm very confused by how EW, who looked really cut with th shorter hair, and KSt played those scenes. It's as if Ellis & Maxie are playing some bizarre game where they pretend to be into Spin only to get the other to take him.

Oh look, there's Carly barging into someone's room/home; it must be a day that ends in the letter 'y'. I did love her threatening Freaks, her consternation to Sonny as to why Olivia is letting them stay at the hotel, and her point in out that Michael "isn't stupid and reckless". When she said that, I said "Michael isn't, but Morgan sure is!".

I am loving Michael & Sabrina. A year ago if someone had told me I'd be loving Sabrina, I would have had them committed to Shadybrooke/Ferncliffe/Miscavige/Rose Lawn. CD was really good in his speech at the end.

TG was good in that last scene opposite JZ, but he was awful opposite himself. I couldn't believe the show actually let Laura be mentioned three times. I can't wait for Tony to take his 5-week vacation. I just hope that means Lewq will be off-screen for at least five weeks. He can take his obnoxious daughter with him for all I care.

I forgot to say, BA played Spin as completely in love with Ellie. I was kinda shocked at how much so actually.

Laura was mentioned in conjuction with the 'rape', about 40 times today, that's how that was allowed to slip by.

  • Love 3

So Ellie is back? CRAP. It's like every time I think I'm out, they pull me back in. Maybe. Want to watch for her, but I doubt she'll stick around long and the other mess I'll have to wade through to get to her just isn't worth it. But, if they make her a Q, and bring back Dillon-yep. I'd be back watching and throwing my dirty socks at the screen.

  • Love 2

Okay, I"m home sick today and now I think I feel even worse.  Could Ron and Tony take any more obvious swipes at people who watched the show during the hey day of Luke and Laura?  Could Tony be any more contemptuous of the viewers that actually helped give him his career? 


I'm just so over Tony Geary and Ron Carlivati and their little petty egos.


Back to the Barge for a double.

  • Love 10

As expected, the Bobbie/Scotty scenes pissed me off.  Scotty shouldn't be begging Bobbie for another chance, Scotty did nothing wrong in persecuting her GUILTY AS SIN daughter.

At least Bobbie didn't tell Scott she'd take him back IF he helped Luke, I really thought that's where it was headed and I hate that shit.

Carly thought she could snarl WE NEVER CARED and WE NEVER WANTED YOU into a confession? Maybe Carly's powers are waning without a regular infusions of the devil's tears. I guess that's still better than Morgan trying to rally his entire family against Michael. I don't even think Morgan believes Michael is guilty; he's just pissed that Michael is STILL #1 Son, even after everything Morgan has tried to discredit Michael and suck up to Sonny.

Stop, TG, just stop. The occasional Southern accent, the smug, the eating of every piece of scenery until he's left alone on a bare stage…STOP. It all sucks.

  • Love 7


I forgot to say, BA played Spin as completely in love with Ellie. I was kinda shocked at how much so actually.


I agree. His whole face and his coloring seemed to change when he started talking to her at the door. 



Can someone please explain to me like I'm Morgan exactly why TWO wimmins want to be with Spinelli? He has no job and an awful personality. I'm very confused by how EW, who looked really cute with the shorter hair, and KSt played those scenes. It's as if Ellie & Maxie are playing some bizarre game where they pretend to be into Spin only to get the other to take him.


I like this. It's now canon for the GH in my head. Maxie and Ellie will bond and raise Georgie while Spin, rejected by both, will slink off and crawl back under the rock from which he originally came. 


Stop, TG, just stop.


All I've been able to focus on lately is his yellow hair. I keep hearing my hairdresser insisting that anyone whose silver-gray hair turns that color isn't keeping it clean.

  • Love 7

Ellie looks great.


I can see Michael's point of searching the house being a waste of time, (especially if there's only two cops on the case!) but yeah having to get a warrent and do it later is also a waste, Michael should have just let Dante take a look.


I don't like this kidnapping story. Avery needs to be on camera making faces again ASAP.


My Mom on Luke: "Oh, the double bad acting is just too much! I had to flip around."

  • Love 2

At least Dante said 'Morgan' in "I didn't have a warrant . . . Morgan' the same way you'd say 'you stupid, stupid shit.'


I loved that. I was kinda mad at Dante for a second, but that made up for it.


I liked this episode. Mind you, I fast forwarded Fluke, Nina/Franco, and some of the Spinelli/Maxie/Ellie and Sonny/Carly/Morgan/Kiki scenes.


So help me, but I really like Michael/Sabrina. Dare I say I let out a faint squee when they hugged. I truly hate myself.


Ellie is gorgeous, smart, and has a great job. Why in the fuck does she like Spinelli? Like seriously, that is legit the least believable thing on this pos show. I got so excited when they were teasing that Ellie was going to say she was there for Spnelli but then she said Georgie and I thought yay they're gonna have her as completely moved on from that rodent. But no, she still loves him. Bullshit. And don't even get me started on Maxie's dumb ass giving Ellie attitude. Butch, please!

  • Love 9

So Ferncliffe, Shadybrook, Miscavage, and an as-yet-unnamed fourth facility to send Fluke...  Just how many mental health facilities are there in PC's environs, and what does this say about its people?


So Sonny questions the appropriateness of Nathan going to investigate Nina, but is A-okay with Dante questioning Michael.  Of course he is.  It's a do as I say, not as I do... type of thing.


So when Spinelli got to PC and went in hot pursuit of Maxie, did he break it off with Ellie when he realized where his true feelings were, or did he keep her dangling on a string, just in case?  Not terribly honorable there, Spinelli.  (I've never understood Spinelli and his sense of honor.  I'm not sure he understands the definition of the word.)  Then, there's Maxie, obviously intent on keeping Ellie from poaching her territory, even though she really might want Nathan.  These two really do deserve each other.


I enjoyed the scene between Michael and Sabrina.  But, dude, why why why did you not let Dante search the house?  Do you want to be suspect number one?  I get that he wants someone to believe him when he says he didn't take A.J., but he's got to know Dante, the police detective, can't be that person at that moment.  It's working between he and Sabrina, and if this is a slow build-up to a relationship between them, I wouldn't object.  However!  Michael's lament that he didn't want his family to hate him was concerning!  Stay strong, Michael!  Feel the burn!


The Morgan-Kiki reveal can't come too soon. 

  • Love 3
So when Spinelli got to PC and went in hot pursuit of Maxie, did he break it off with Ellie when he realized where his true feelings were, or did he keep her dangling on a string, just in case?


Supposedly Ellie was the one who told Spin to go to PC and figure out what his feelings for Maxie were, because after Maxie visited on NYE, Ellie had suspicions. So he did kind of keep her dangling on a string, though she knew it, I guess.


That said, I don't think Spinelli understands the concept of "honor." 

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 1

So help me, but I really like Michael/Sabrina. Dare I say I let out a faint squee when they hugged. I truly hate myself.

Aw it's ok lol! I have always liked Sabrina and if you take a look in the Unpopular Opinions thread, I have been wishing for a Michael & Sabrina pairing for a long, LONG time. She should never ever have been paired with Patrick (Liz was the natural choice - friends to lovers), in the soap in my head she was the one who helped AJ with his panic attacks & then they opened an on site clinic at ELQ for employees and AJ asked her to work there. Because he's smart & would see she'd be a good friend/match for Michael.

It's good to see a few of you fine posters coming around to my way of thinking. :)

  • Love 9

Fuck, Ellie is back? Now I have to catch up! I actually ended up really enjoying her and Spin together at the end, thought it was a functional mature relationship, and I have no idea who Spinelli went from that guy glimpsed at the holidays and last year to this disgusting, obnoxious stalker (who Maxie totally enables, because Maxie is awful again).

  • Love 11

I loved that. I was kinda mad at Dante for a second, but that made up for it.


Eh, his other stupid brother wouldn't let him search the house for the dumb ass reason that it would be waste of time. I will be happy, if/when Dante sleeps when Valerie, he says right before: EVERYONE IN THIS TOWN IS SO GOD DAMN ANNOYING, my dumb stupid wife, my dumb stupid mother, my two brain dead brothers, my father, EVERYBODY, please let's have sex and make me forget about it!

Aw it's ok lol! I have always liked Sabrina and if you take a look in the Unpopular Opinions thread, I have been wishing for a Michael & Sabrina pairing for a long, LONG time. She should never ever have been paired with Patrick (Liz was the natural choice - friends to lovers), in the soap in my head she was the one who helped AJ with his panic attacks & then they opened an on site clinic at ELQ for employees and AJ asked her to work there. Because he's smart & would see she'd be a good friend/match for Michael.

It's good to see a few of you fine posters coming around to my way of thinking. :)


I've always said I didn't hate Sabrina! Except when she got those perfect nurse test scores.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 8

For those of you worried that Morgan won't face any consequences


tweet to Maurice Benard

are you close with your tv sons?? Michael Morgan Dante??


MB's reply

only with Michael and Dante Morgan I don't like him at all



Is he saying he's not close to Bryan Craig? 

Fuck, Ellie is back? Now I have to catch up! I actually ended up really enjoying her and Spin together at the end, thought it was a functional mature relationship, and I have no idea who Spinelli went from that guy glimpsed at the holidays and last year to this disgusting, obnoxious stalker (who Maxie totally enables, because Maxie is awful again).



  • Love 1

I enjoyed the scene between Michael and Sabrina.  But, dude, why why why did you not let Dante search the house?  Do you want to be suspect number one?  I get that he wants someone to believe him when he says he didn't take A.J., but he's got to know Dante, the police detective, can't be that person at that moment.  It's working between he and Sabrina, and if this is a slow build-up to a relationship between them, I wouldn't object.  However!  Michael's lament that he didn't want his family to hate him was concerning!  Stay strong, Michael!  Feel the burn!


The Morgan-Kiki reveal can't come too soon. 


At least it was only after his one normalish family member  (on his adoptive father's side) visited him though.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 2

Maxie used to have career options and aspirations? 'Pears now she has caught the fabled baby rabies. Strange that when the actress is working with her own child, she flips Harper around like a sack of potatoes and always seems frowny and out of sorts when handling her. Other people are the ones who coo and smile at the baby. I've noticed that in several scenes now.

I realized that Dante and Rocco were together yesterday so I watched that bit. aaaaaaaaaaaw Rocco turned cute, not surprisingly, around Dante. Poor little fellow, when DZ was leaving the room his face was like WHERE ARE YOU GOING. 


also this was amusing:


Maxie: I'm still gonna see you around?


Why'd you leave out "naked" at the end of that sentence Maxie

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 6

So the news that Avery has been kidnapped races through town in seconds, yet people still can't figure out that AJ means Ava Jerome? Heavy sigh.


Cute as she is, I'm not sure Harper is the right baby to play Georgie.


She works for me. I like that we have a real mother-and-child combo. There's a comfort level that can't be faked.


Luke vs. Fake!Luke was dumb, but at least someone mocked Luke's "It was an accident!" re: running over Jake.


With Luke going to some mental hospital, we have TG's exit story. It's better than it has been in the past.


Nina and Franco's fight was so stupid. Yes, Nina, it's outrageous that you're suspected of snatching Avery. It's not like you have a history or anything. UGH.


Oh, Ellie, you're so much better off without Spinelli. SO MUCH BETTER. Go hook up with Nathan.

Edited by dubbel zout
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