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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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She doesn't use the baby-voice and big eyes as much to try to overcome her surgical alterations, like she's been doing for five or six years now.




Nah - that was always her acting "style," even when she was 25 and on version 1.0 of her face.  Baby voice and reverse duck face (tuck the chin and bat the eyes).  


I will always love her, and credit where it's due, she was very emotional on Wednesday's show, in tears even in just those exposition scenes with Dee Wallace.



I agree she did a great job in that scene -- easily the best acting job I've seen from her in 30 years (I missed the Tony/BJ death years).  She was really in the moment and held her own with some pretty strong actors.  

Morgan and NuKiki are hot people, if huge tools. There, I said it. Too bad the actress is so awkward. Actually if they let them be an actual couple I could maybe like them for an evil scheming couple. Instead they just scheme together chastely.


Rebecca Budig still has the charisma of toast, imo. I try to pay attention to her scenes but all I end up doing is zoning her out and focusing on her amazing hair.


Oh God, how did Spencer know Nik's code to the flimsy ass safe? He did seem a little more understandable today though, so there's that.


Wyndemere's new furniture is so . . . suburban.

Suburban? You mean like a "townie" would have?

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What happens when Sam dumps Patrick and wants her home back? Are they going to claim squatters' rights?


Julian would do it!


I can't find NuKiki "hot" in any way. She just looks like a slightly different model Bratz doll. And she's actually a worse actress than Kristen, which is saying something for KA as an adult.

Edited by jsbt
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I can't find NuKiki "hot" in any way. She just looks like a slightly different model Bratz doll. And she's actually a worse actress than Kristen, which is saying something for KA as an adult.


I'll give you the bratz doll, but worse than KA, nevah. Of course, the way I feel about KA is pretty much the way Spencer feels about Cam, heh. Feel free to picture me at my computer mumbling about "that townie".

  • Love 7

Pat dying to escape ever having to talk to Carly is actually some logic I can get behind.


Hey, the scenario I mentioned that you responded to here may only be the more entertaining version of GH in my head, but I am totally fanwanking that the sound of Carly's voice caused her Aunt Pat's weakened heart to fail. Pat's alive and having a tear-filled hug with her siblings, then Carly arrives and Pat slumps over in her wheechair, dead.  My next vision of GH:


Michael looking at Carly, shaking his head: "Geez, even an old woman in a wheelchair isn't safe around you." 

Carly "Excuse me?!"

Michael: "My Great Aunt Pat survived the abuse of her father, the deaths of her parents, many years of separation from Grandma and Luke, years of battling MS -but you enter her life and her heart gives out. Well, I gotta give her credit for sparing herself from more suffering. Rest in peace, Aunt Pat." 

  • Love 20

Wait, Patrick loves Sam? Since when? I must have missed that ramp on the plot point expressway. Though I feel like I've asked this before, so maybe?

Wow, Hayden is really bad at "casual girl talk". Awkward and uncomfortable does not cover it.

And I guess our hopes of a Jason who hates his old life have been dashed. "I need money, got anyone you need killed, Jules?" Yeesh. Way to think out of the box, Ron!

  • Love 5

Don't get me wrong. Dead/gone Kiki > any other flavor. But if I have to deal with her I'm trying to think up scenarios where she would be more tolerable.


Even if I found her homely, though, I seriously don't get why they haven't had Morgan and Kiki hook up already, even if just to give Morgan another excuse to show his chest. Before, I understood - KA was in the role - but what's the hold up now? They kissed, they expressed attraction, both have zero impulse control. If Ron gave BC something to do (and gave CD a romance as well) maybe they'd get some rise in the women's demos again. 


I don't understand the logic behind giving the two young twentysomething guys no romance. I mean, no, no one gets romance really but they are supposed to be in prime territory for it.

  • Love 5

Wait, Patrick loves Sam? Since when? I must have missed that ramp on the plot point expressway. Though I feel like I've asked this before, so maybe?

Since now, I guess? I may have missed something since I'm often busy rolling my eyes through a lot of their scenes. Or missing dialogue because I'm laughing at the idea of Patrick being the new Sabrina.
  • Love 5

Spencer is out of control. I have some sympathy for him because of his burns but somebody really needs to come get this motherfucker before he grows up to be like Franco. It would be nice if Nik could take a bigger interest in Spencer's life instead of trying to get Liz or scheming over raggedy ELQ. Nik should be ashamed that Sonny of all people is the one giving his son sensible advice.


So Patrick loves Sam now? K.


Someone tell Alexis that she's a rich lawyer who can afford to buy her own place instead of taking over Sam's penthouse.


The ABC Family mob on this show continues to be a joke.

Edited by LeftPhalange
  • Love 5

Oh Patrick, it's days like today where it's hard to defend you. I honestly can't believe he STILL didn't tell Emma until 1 hour before Sam was already moved in. Way to put her first there dude. What would he have done if Emma said no way? Disregarded her feelings and told her to suck it up since it was too late?

So now that Jake is having all these flashes of Sam, will he talk to her about them? I say no, since if he got TOO specific she would know right away he was Jason.

Hayden is really amusing to me. I know she is a con woman and a liar, but anyone that makes Liz miserable is aces in my book. The bitch face was out in FULL force today, but for once it was appropriate.

  • Love 9

I don't think he was deliberately lying to Emma exactly, but he seemed like he said yes (to her point blank question) and nodded/smiled somewhat enthusiastically so Emma would be cool with it. JT played it like Patrick hadn't acknowledged to himself that he's in love with Sam, or that maybe he's falling in love.  Emma clearly did not think it was okay/no big deal for Sam to sleep in "Mommy's bed."  Emma's protest about the two sharing the bedroom he used to share with her mother would have shut down a responsible father immediately.

Edited by Bringonthedrama
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Do we really need the Windermere staff propping Spencer? Can't they just be glad he's well enough to return home? Do we have to hear that he's never boring? He's a spoiled, entitled little shit. Ugh. And this constant drama queen attitude about his face. Nik barely shuts it down. Sonny has to be the voice of reason? *slips into rage blackout*


The new furnishings at Windermere are terrible. They don't fit in at all.


I enjoyed Ric and Cameron. Their conversation seemed fairly realistic.


I was REALLY uncomfortable with the juxtaposition of Spencer saying he has to lock Emma down and Patrick telling Emma that when adults love each other, they share their lives and their beds.


"Spencer's capable of a lot of shenanigans, but not while I'm here to keep him in check." Keep telling yourself that, Nik. Good lord.


The "flashbacks" Jakeson is having are hilarious.

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 7

Ha! Liz's bitch face was epic.

I love Liric- why is the show trying to make me hate them? Why can't I have one nice thing?




I've been saying that since their first go around. LiRic could have been epic. The two hae such amazing chemistry, but the show has to always put Sonny and Jason first.


Besides, hasn't Ric learned that the fastest way to get to Liz is to be completely disinterested and unobtainable? She's usually all over that shit.

  • Love 6

So our little Phantom of Wyndemere is worried that Cameron will steal Emma back after Emma dumped him.  And Cameron is bemoaning his chances of getting Emma back.  Funny, I know it's been all of a month or so, but I remember it as Cameron dumping Emma to get with Joss.  I must be misremembering.  Oh, wait.  No, it's the writers who can't remember what they wrote only a month or so ago.


Again, they count far too much on the stupidity of the audience.  It's really the other way around, though.


Of course, Spencer knows the combination to the safe.  Of course, Nicholas has no idea Spencer knows the combination to the safe.  Who is parenting this child?  Also?  He's in awfully bouncy shape for someone who had major burns down the right side of his body.  Oh, well.  It was a month or so ago they wrote that, so...  Can't be expected to remember that far back, can they?!  Obviously, I'm asking too much.

  • Love 3

Agreed.  Wouldn't it be a nice change of pace for Ron to introduce a female character who isn't a scheming bitch for once?


Ron doesn't believe that women exist who aren't scheming bitches. 


Yeah, this won't annoy/offend anyone Ron. Jesus. https://twitter.com/carlivatiron/status/584077554472062976


I made the mistake of reading the responses to that, and came across this gem: 


 5h5 hours ago

@carlivatiron Spencer is the most interesting new character other than Ava Jerome. They should date. It's not that unrealistic.



I've lost a little hope for humanity. 

  • Love 4


5h5 hours ago

@carlivatiron Spencer is the most interesting new character other than Ava Jerome. They should date. It's not that unrealistic.





I think that was a joke.


I'd like to think so too, ulkis, but considering that Uncle Ron seems to be influencing young Nicholas to ask grown women about their bewbs, I'm not positive that it is.

  • Love 1

After watching today's episode, I have to say I think I've been way too hard on Show.  I didnt' think I'd be able to tune into GH without mainlining some Tagamet or Prilosec after watching that walking Hambone Geary and the crapfest that was Fluke this week, but leave it to Show to wipe all those horrid memories RIGHT out of my head.  At least temporarily....


After all, what is better at getting rid of bad memories than replacing them with WORSE ONES?  Show begins with that minature bridge troll strolling back into Wyndemere and having issues with the.....decorating??  Oh really, Ron?  (Would Ron C. cry if he ever accepted that no-one but himself is fascinated with the HILARIOUS way he melds his memories of the precocious dust mite he thinks he once was?).  "Oh Fathuuu, it's okay ecthept foww the fwoooa tweatmenths".  

The child is just.....darling.  So darling that I really think Nickolas should have him dipped in bronze so he can keep these Precious Moments forever.  

I know I would.  And please, will someone NOT contradict him when he says "I'm hideous".  Yes, Spenthaw, yes indeed you are.


Then we have Greenlee - sorry, I mean HAYDEN, being just about as tacky talking to Ric as Carly is when she's making Luv to Sonny.  Nothin' says "class" like bitching to Ric that she didn't get laid by Elmer Fudd.  About as classy - and as smart - as Ric thinking Greenlee - I mean Hayden - can help him get Elizabeth back and that's a GOOD PLAN.


Silly me, thinking things couldn't get worse, then we have Patrick telling Emma that Mommy sleeps in her bed in Paris and Sam will sleep in his bed at home.  Guy is freakin' father of the year.  I'm hoping Emma watches "The Bad Seed" and decides to emulate Rhoda and push Patrick off the dock.  Full admission - I never liked Patrick, and I always thought he had all the sex appeal and good looks of the creature from those awful Leprecaun movies.  And now we get to see him getting worse and worse.  When Robin does return, I vote to donate him to Helena for medical testing.  


If all that didn't have you rolling in the aisles laughing, then we had the obligatory Alexis talks about Patrick seeing her breasts again.  Because that's so funny - right?  Because Sam isn't put off AT ALL by a guy who can't stop making jokes about seeing her mom naked.  Cuz that's ....normal.....


Oh!  OH!!  I almost forgot!  Moobs stopped over to talk to Spenthaw, and give him some shit advice.  Cuz Sonny is soooooo good with children.  Right?  Why do roofs NEVER fall in at the right time?


What a shock it was for Shawn to get the drop on Julian, right??  I mean, if Julian hadn't been momentarily distracted by admiring how good his butt looks in the reflection off that cabinet, Shawn would NEVER had been able to.  Then we had the stare-off, with Julian not even taking Shawn seriously - which makes perfect sense.  But THIS TIME, Shawn has two of his crack - I mean, ON crack, assistants, and THEY get the drop on Julian.  Until, of course, Elmer Fudd comes in the back door, hunting that wascally wabbit and disarms them.  Funny, he looked just as agile and physically threatening while doing that as Fluke did in all of his threatening hambonery.


And that takes us back to Square One. 

Edited by boes
  • Love 6

Dammit, I just lost what, if I may so, was a remarkably good post. It was all about how I like Spencer but also really enjoy y'all snarking on him, I quoted several of you, I talked about the Ron Twitter joke (I am sure it was a joke), I mentioned that Spencer's speech seems to be clearer, there was something about Lulu and Dante, and I was incredibly insightful and funny .. It was good stuff, and trust me when I say that you would have loved it, one and all.

And then I opened a new tab to read a linked article, and it all fell apart.

  • Love 7

This dialogue today, I just can't.


Paraphrasing, because who can listen to Spencer and stay sane, let alone the atrocities that come out of his mouth (16, adults, my ass) -


Spencer: That pyro...caused the fire.

Sonny: That's some harsh name-calling.


Well, it's no bitchtrampslutwhore, so he's got you there.


Then this:


Spencer: This hideous face blah blah blah

Sonny: You are very handsome, not as handsome as me, but close.

Me: ...


Are these writers on drugs? And who the hell wrote today?


This however, I couldn't help laughing.


Cameron: So you'll do it? You'll help me?

Ric: Sure, I just need a retainer.

Cameron: Mine's at home, I only wear it at night.


Hee. That was really pretty adorable.


Today was pure shlock, as it is whenever men are driving the story, which unfortunately is pretty much always. Too much Jakeson and talk about him. And Hayden is making me be on Liz' side, damn it. How rude of Hayden to show up at Liz' workplace, unannounced, flaunt her lies of non-sex in her face and then butt in to try and get her to go back to Ric while telling her to stay away from her fake husband. All over Jake, UGH!


And while I was happy to see Johnny's garage used again, that motorcycle brought back all sorts of unpleasant memories. I remembered that fake flashback scene though, because I remember coveting Sam's jacket.


What else? Oh yeah, Patrick? Shut up, you sound utterly ridiculous.


Sonny, Spencer, Shawn. The three S's of SUCK. Pretty much every male character on this show sends me into a blind rage. How are they all so horrible? Dante is the only one who comes off relatively sane and unscathed by the pure awfulness of the rest. Plus, he's good-looking, just way too short. He beats the rest by a mile though as far as likeability.


Positives for today? That retainer line, because otherwise I got nothing. And the Monday previews look awful as well.

  • Love 5

Dammit, I just lost what, if I may so, was a remarkably good post. It was all about how I like Spencer but also really enjoy y'all snarking on him, I quoted several of you, I talked about the Ron Twitter joke (I am sure it was a joke), I mentioned that Spencer's speech seems to be clearer, there was something about Lulu and Dante, and I was incredibly insightful and funny .. It was good stuff, and trust me when I say that you would have loved it, one and all.

And then I opened a new tab to read a linked article, and it all fell apart.


Turtle, that happened to me the other day and it's MADDENING.  

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