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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Sonny fears that Ava will get her drink on while preggo to get back at him but has to wait until tomorrow when Max is on shift to pour out the booze because .... why?  Can he not find the sink? Is it too hard to lift  all them heavy bottles or is it because he doesn't know which way is up.


Maybe the sink is next to the towels.  And when Max has already carried his girlfriend up the stairs, what's a few bottles?  Maybe Sonny is the one who is pregnant & can't lift anything heavy.

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So this episode we had Sam's breasts in a starring role and we ended with Rosalie's butt giving us J-Lo action on the wheel out.  I'd have appreciated some Julian briefs or Nathan shirtless to balance things out.

No sorry after several years of Magic Milo and his stripper crew we are not even close to even. Maxie and Lulu on a sleep over in nighties, with Felicia and Anna dropping by in bra and panties and we may be getting close to even

  • Love 2

Huh. Looks like ulkis got it wrong, then. I'm pretty sure she posted that


would be on today. No worries! Back to the Barge for me where Sangrias and Mimosas await!


No I said

she would start filming today

. Or at least, I thought I did. But whatever I wrote is in the spoiler thread and I don't feel like checking it right now cause I'm lazy :)

Sonny already picked up the pizza yesterday, y'all expect him to throw all the booze away too? Geez, how much do you want Sonny to bear?

Edited by stacey
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The show was so bad today I almost wanted to laugh, but that required far too much energy.


What I would have given to have seen Julian pop out from behind a bush in the park, as that's his new residence, and rush up to Sam and throw his jacket over her to protect her modesty, having her protest while he carts her off, talking about what a slaggard boyfriend Silas is to just abandon her half nekkid in the woods.


Levi might just be the most abusive male on the show right now, imo. The way he is trying to isolate Maxie, keeping her away from her friends and family and even little girl, trapping her in his mind games, it's turned into a completely revolting match up in my eyes. He is utterly nonredeemable and not just because of his hair, and face, and body. He is filth to the highest power.


Ava and Sonny really sink to so many trashy lows together.

  • Love 2

No I said

she would start filming today

. Or at least, I thought I did. But whatever I wrote is in the spoiler thread and I don't feel like checking it right now cause I'm lazy :)


Okay, I misunderstood. What you wrote was that

Kim was "back today", which I took to mean that we'd see Robin today, when you probably meant Kimberly was back today to start filming

. Sowwy, my bad!

Edited by stacey
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Okay, someone here needs to take me to get my head exam because, I actually liked Franco today.  I'm trying another tacit here, that it's not RH playing the role, but some other actor.  Maybe it was the trouble in paradise vibe that was going on as he was speaking the truth about Carly.  But I did like his "Morgan is just lashing out and wrong, but Ava's saying the same thing and right" comparison.  And I do love who the Slagbeast settled down with a glass of wine and commiserated with Sonny on the phone at the end.  I do feel bad for Mac, though, that he had to interact with the toxic waste dump today.  However, he's sayin' the same things everyone else is saying about the moobster and the slagbeast.


Sonny Corinthos:  Slayer of the Twuest Wuv To Evah Twu?

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What I would have given to have seen Julian pop out from behind a bush in the park, as that's his new residence, and rush up to Sam and throw his jacket over her to protect her modesty, having her protest while he carts her off, talking about what a slaggard boyfriend Silas is to just abandon her half nekkid in the woods.

You guys are going to give me a complex. I like Sam's dress. It's cute. People can't help it, if they are vertically challenge & well endowed. In my book, the girls make up some for the height impairment.

I can't begrudge the guys getting eye candy lately.

SamTrick is where TPTB should have gone with Sam & Patrick. They have believeable chemistry & I would be truly torn with the announced & rumored returns.

Has Maxie every been this dumb when it came to a guy? They way she's written now is hard to believe she ever pulled off Pillowena or stole drugs for Lucky.

RoHo is starting to look good to me again. Still don't like Franco thou. I simply put the Canco(sore) scenes on mute & enjoyed the pretty.

Ulkis, add me to the list that misread your post about

KMc. I was too excited to see my girl on screen


Edited by stacey
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You guys are going to give me a complex. I like Sam's dress. It's cute. People can't help it, if they are vertically challenge & well endowed. In my book, the girls make up some for the height impairment



I couldn't help myself, I just envisioned Julian playing the overprotective father with Sam's chest pillows. But I like the dress too, I'll certainly take it over the white tee and jeans look she used to live in.


Although Michael responded well to the look I thought, heh, I couldn't help but think of what Greg, as Lucky, would have done if he'd seen Kelly in that dress. Now that man seemed to...appreciate Kelly's form greatly, every single inch, and he wasn't afraid to show it.


I never knew Carly really has 5 children! Michael, Morgan, Joss, Franco AND Sonny. That phonecall at the end was so mother/child. What a bunch of whiners she has to deal with. She should have had the bottle of wine instead of Samtrick.


I don't care much for Sam but she is 1000X better with Patrick, though they finished a bottle of wine and Patrick was going to DRIVE her home? After what happened to his baby I'd think they wouldn't have written the dialogue like that.


I really liked Mac today, he and Nathan make a good team, so good I was having a great time thinking of ways they could get away with offing the Dunklemonkey.  I despise him with the heat of 10,000 suns!


Ava and Sonny scenes were a total waste, all that alcohol back and forth and she CHUGS a giant glass of milk at the end. Who did she call to town?(ETA:oops I didn't read back far enough, got it now)

Edited by Cattitude
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If Franco's brain tumor grows back and he murders Sonny and Carly in a jealous rage then I will stan him. RC ARE YOU LISTENING?!


Rosalie is super great and she works a pair of jeans. What was with the Nathan scene though? Chem test? LOL at her taking the drink because he said he was a cop.


I loved what Mac said about Sonny. It was spot on. He should've mentioned what a baby he is too though.

Aside: In the GH in my head Spinelli was always the grandson of Slick, Luke's cab driver friend.



That?  Would be awesome.  Loved Slick, back in the day.


TeeVee329, I had an idea that might be who it was.  I like her, but I'm suffering severe character fatigue and would just as soon they held off on that development.


My local affiliate said there was going to be three big surprises at the end of the show.  What were they?


Three?  My guess would be they were it being revealed in flashback that Levi did rat out Nathan to the judge, that Nina still has money, and Ava calling a mysterious someone she'd like to reconnect with.  I could be misremembering, though, as eps run together in my head.


You guys are going to give me a complex. I like Sam's dress. It's cute.


I liked the dress!  Though I don't think it was flattering to Sam's body shape.  Seriously, Silas just up and left Sam in the park, alone and at night, with all the stuff and no ride home?  What a gentleman.  He should've just called 911 for Nina.  That would've frosted her cookies.


Has Maxie every been this dumb when it came to a guy?


Truly.  If she would just fire up two brain cells, max, she'd realize he has to be the lead suspect, even if she doesn't want to believe it.


Count me amongst those not taking to MS's style of acting.  She's too OTT for my tastes.  If it comes to a choice between her and MW for the show, I hope they opt for MW.  Do we know how long her contract is?  Can't stand the character, but I've got to admit I find her entertaining.  As to RP, I really think he's making good strides in developing his acting ability.  I just hope he doesn't take any lessons from MS.

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Just give her a tumor and *poof* all is forgiven.  


"See, I was just kidding!" DVDs first, THEN the brain tumor.  And she's already got the psycho mother.

Rosalie is super great and she works a pair of jeans. What was with the Nathan scene though? Chem test?


I could see that.  It achieves two plot purposes.  Maxie can get all jealous about Nurse Rosalie.  And Nurse Rosalie can get all conflicted because of what she's hiding about Nathan's sister.

Edited by TeeVee329
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Question from Mr. Moving.  Does Sonny knocking the martini out of Ava's hand count as thrown barware?  He is newly retired and has slowly but surely picked up on my GH habit.  He is obsessed at the amount of barware throwing Sonny does and likes to keep track.  Before every show he asks me "Do you think Sonny with throw any barware today?".  I really need to find him another hobby.

  • Love 11

Watched the Nathan/Maxie/Levi scene and I think KSt did a great job of showing that Maxie knows Nathan must be right about Levi being the source to snitch to the judge. The tears and the "I don't want to hear this/just want the day to be over" speaks to her denial and wanting so badly for Nathan to be wrong when she knows it couldn't have been anyone else. Levi was the one who didn't want her to see her daughter, and wanted Nathan out of Maxie's life/apartment. She knew that. She just doesn't want to believe that after this period of "growth," she chose and brought home a lying, manipulative freeloader who doesn't respect her.


Also, Sam must be annoyed (deep down) that Nina is the new Carly in her life. Jason was constantly running off to help/save Carly while he was w/Sam because of Michael and his long history w/Carly. Now Silas is having Nina live w/him,and running to her when she calls to say "Help." Nina hates Sam now like Carly hated Robin when she found out Jason was in love w/Robin. 

Edited by Bringonthedrama
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I only caught a portion of today's episode, but in the reveal that it was Levi who phoned the judge, did he lose his accent?


I noticed that too, Stinger97. I was trying to decide if he was adopting an American accent to disguise his voice (since an Aussie accent would be too distinctive) or if it was a reveal to the audience that he wasn't really who he said he was. I'm leaning more toward the former than the latter, though.

Sam took her ring off.... insert Borg, stage left?


Apparently wedding rings in Port Charles have magical properties where if you take one off it acts as a Summon Dead Spouse spell.


Levi might just be the most abusive male on the show right now, imo. The way he is trying to isolate Maxie, keeping her away from her friends and family and even little girl, trapping her in his mind games...


If only this was being written to be that way and was actually leading somewhere.  It could be a fascinating story about how Maxie falls under a bad man's spell and then later learns how to break free.  As it is, it seems like any implications that Levi is anything less than a Zen master leading Maxie to enlightenment are purely unintentional.

  • Love 1

This whole Sonny/ Ava thing just gets creepier and creepier.  Sonny's abusive and controlling personality is really shining through.  That's going to make it so much worse when he and Ava eventually fall in love. (gag)  Also, Sonny?  Ava isn't holding the baby hostage.  You are.  The baby and its mother.  Literally. 


Hold the phone- is Sam about to be the center of a Silas/ Patrick/ NotDeadJason pinwheel??  I find myself a little intrigued by the idea.  There's a lot they could do with that, I think.  Maybe she and Patrick are just going to be friends, but they were both giving off some more-than-friends vibes in the park today.


I totally forgot that Patrick knows Jason is alive, but has to pretend that Jason is dead when talking to Sam!  Or, more accurately, I don't think I ever even made the connection.  I blame the show, even though I'm not sure how it's their fault.


To me, wanting to have *a* drink while pregnant is not at all the same thing as "trying to hurt the baby."  So STFU, Sonny.  Stop being so melodramatic.  Having broken glass flying all over the place seems more like trying to hurt the baby, but maybe that's just me.  


I'd have appreciated some Julian briefs or Nathan shirtless to balance things out.

Viva Julian's Briefs!


I think Maxie just knee-jerked defended Levi, in large part because she doesn't want to believe it could be him.  I bet she's singing a different tune after Mac talks to her.  I hope, anyway.  

Edited by Turtle
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Rosalie is receiving much love and acceptance from internet posters.  All over the place, I see nothing but approval for her, myself included.  She kinda looks and reminds me of a character from All My Children years ago.  The character was named Cecily Davidson.  I think Rosalie has the same look and spunky vibe that Cecily had.  I don't know what that was in the scene with her and Nathan, but I liked it.  Maxie the air-head can leave anytime.  It's easy to blame Levi for what's happening but Maxie isn't even using common sense.  NONE!

Edited by Syndicate


The character was named Cecily Davidson.


Cecily of (I think it was) Nico and Cecily? I was rooting for them one summer. That was a time when MB was pretty cute and his dimples actually worked for him. Having Sonny fall for Rosalie could be an interesting twist. We know she schemes -- would she scheme with or against Sonny? (You know they're going to meet soon . . . she's been in town for two days and hasn't met him yet, and, considering what Mac said about him today  . . . ) 

I'm only half-joking with this  . . . I think the other half might be paralyzed with fear that it could happen.

Edited by rur

There was a lot to like in this ep:


Rosalie's ass, Mac & Nathan bromancing, Samtrick bonding, Maxie finally buying a clue, and Sonny's dumbassery on full display. After today, I am convinced the writers are writing Sonny as a complete and utter maroon on purpose.  At this point  I'm pretty sure toddlers Danny & Georgie would kick his ass on Wheel of Fortune.

  • Love 1

There was a lot to like in this ep:


Rosalie's ass, Mac & Nathan bromancing, Samtrick bonding, Maxie finally buying a clue, and Sonny's dumbassery on full display. After today, I am convinced the writers are writing Sonny as a complete and utter maroon on purpose.  At this point  I'm pretty sure toddlers Danny & Georgie would kick his ass on Wheel of Fortune.

Maxie didn't buy a clue.  She accused Nathan of "falsely" accusing Levi.



This whole Sonny/ Ava thing just gets creepier and creepier.  Sonny's abusive and controlling personality is really shining through.  That's going to make it so much worse when he and Ava eventually fall in love. (gag)  Also, Sonny?  Ava isn't holding the baby hostage.  You are.  The baby and its mother.  Literally



Oh, another thing Sonny, since it is not good for the baby if it's mother is put under excessive stress, maybe you should not be telling the mother you are going to murder her between the time the baby is born and the placenta being delivered.

Edited by movingtargetgal
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Way to throw Rosalie under the bus, Nina. I'm glad Rosalie called her out on that. I also liked Rosalie going a little rogue on Nina by haranguing Silas.


Nina's list is hilarious. She can't remember the names of the six people she wants revenge on?


Welcome to life with Carly, Franco. You will never be number one in her life.



Mac & Nathan bromancing


I loved their joint eye roll when Mac noted that Nathan wasn't a member of the fan club.


Of course Sonny thinks Ava is carrying a boy. I'm sure if he found out it was a girl, he'd get rid of Ava that day. He's such a dumbass. Here's an idea, Sonny: You don't want Ava to irritate you? Put her in an apartment with 24-hour guards. 

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 3

That?  Would be awesome.  Loved Slick, back in the day.


TeeVee329, I had an idea that might be who it was.  I like her, but I'm suffering severe character fatigue and would just as soon they held off on that development.



Three?  My guess would be they were it being revealed in flashback that Levi did rat out Nathan to the judge, that Nina still has money, and Ava calling a mysterious someone she'd like to reconnect with.  I could be misremembering, though, as eps run together in my head.



I liked the dress!  Though I don't think it was flattering to Sam's body shape.  Seriously, Silas just up and left Sam in the park, alone and at night, with all the stuff and no ride home?  What a gentleman.  He should've just called 911 for Nina.  That would've frosted her cookies.



Truly.  If she would just fire up two brain cells, max, she'd realize he has to be the lead suspect, even if she doesn't want to believe it.


Count me amongst those not taking to MS's style of acting.  She's too OTT for my tastes.  If it comes to a choice between her and MW for the show, I hope they opt for MW.  Do we know how long her contract is?  Can't stand the character, but I've got to admit I find her entertaining.  As to RP, I really think he's making good strides in developing his acting ability.  I just hope he doesn't take any lessons from MS.



Or MB or ME.


Okay, someone here needs to take me to get my head exam because, I actually liked Franco today.  I'm trying another tacit here, that it's not RH playing the role, but some other actor.  Maybe it was the trouble in paradise vibe that was going on as he was speaking the truth about Carly.  But I did like his "Morgan is just lashing out and wrong, but Ava's saying the same thing and right" comparison.


I had to do a double take, because I thought the same thing. Literally, I kept saying to myself, "what the hell is wrong with me?" But I will always like someone who calls out the Slagbeast on her behavior. And what a liar. Really. Anyway, if they were smart, they'd put Franco and Ava in scenes together to scheme. But Ron has his mind made up no matter what.


I'll go a step further, I actually kind of liked almost the whole show today. Obviously, I'm feeling very generous. But Samtrick, impending Naxie, Rosalie calling out Silas, Franco finally being anything but unwatchable, Mac and Nathan bonding, and the best part, my girl trolling the hell out of Sonny. She's so far ahead of him it's not even funny. Of course, this is Sonny so a dog would probably be smarter. But I loved watching her tricks play out just to get under his skin. The milk was a nice touch, but ewww, milk. Disgusting.


Can Nina add Levi to the list? And Sonny too while we're at it.

  • Love 1

Can there be anything more horrific than dinner at Sonny's?


First you have the actual meal.  Pizza from Dominoes, served with a side of tanning lotion via Sonny, a heapin' helpin' of gloat and bloat from Carly and martinis by Ava. 


And as has been said, if Sonny is so worried about Ava having a drink then HE SHOULD GET RID OF THE LIQUOR instead of waiting a day for his boob to do it.  I guess he doesn't want to take a chance on getting his polyester pants dirty.


And meanwhile, back at the cave, Grendel and the Slagbeast are having a disagreement about the fidelity of her heart.  Nothing says pathos like a heart to heart between a serial killer and a psychopath.

Any chance Joss might take both of them out in their sleep?

  • Love 3

Add me to The List of people that are enjoying Rosalie.  Please don't ruin her writers!


And y'all know, Rosalie is not necessarily a nurse just 'cause Nina says so. Anyone can push a wheelchair around; it doesn't take a nursing degree. Rosalie is about the right age to have been written as Nina's coma baby too (mother and daughter in league plotting together), but when Nina had to pay her I figured they probably weren't related. If Rosalie gets fired by Sighless or Nina, and if she is a nurse, she can go to GH and be besties with Felix and Sobrina. Her hip, swinging salsa walk was diverting.


I wondered too why Levi had no Aussie accent when he called the judge. I figured he was hiding his identity from the judge but also revealing to us that he is a con man, and no Australian. I hope Mac does get mad enough to check out Levi with the immigration authorities, as he mentioned to Nathan today.


And we were reminded today why Mac and Flea weren't at the hearing to give Maxie support...Judge had moved it up a day. I am just waiting for Mac to clean Levi's clock.

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd
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Ah, Slick, of the ugly plaid jackets.  I loved him and I loved his friendship with Luke.  So sad that can't seem to write real friendships like that anymore.

It is sad that Eddie Ryder the actor who played Slick has passed on. A scene with an old man in a Hospital Bed, who hears Fluke out in the hall and turns to Elizabeth (or some hospital staff) and says "You know that ain't Luke, right?" would be awesome

  • Love 2
 Levi might just be the most abusive male on the show right now, imo.


He still has a way to go to beat Sonny. By Lila's Wheelchair, can't Nina just club him over the head with a bottle? She's a dead woman walking. Kill him and see him in hell on the next express.


With Rosalie's DAT ASS and Nina's "Who Knew She Had an Ass?" added to Sam's Dirty Pillows, this has been a high-water mark for female eyecandy.

  • Love 1
Count me amongst those not taking to MS's style of acting.  She's too OTT for my tastes.



She still isn't making watching Silas scenes anything more than a big zzzzz.  ME has to be one of the most boring persons on the show since Dr. Tony Jones.  But his character gets a huge pass because he is a doctor and not a mobster.


Another day with Sonny filler.  RC/FV still can't get enough of the Corinthos family hour.  Tagging characters like Franco to Carly and Kiki to Michael perpetuates this fascination.

Edited by sunnyface

Nina's line "Can I cook or can't I?" is straight out of Star Trek II "The Wrath of Khan".  The blonde scientist that Kirk has a son with invented the Genesis machine to re-vitalize dead planets.  When Kirk and company step into the world she has made she says that same line.  Heee....made me smile as I love that movie.


Franco was good today for a change.  RoHo was bringing back Todd.


Levi did lose his accent when calling the judge.  I'm leaning towards to disguise his voice.  Haven't gotten to the end yet but glad to hear some of you say Maxie gets a clue finally.


Nice ass Rosalie!  I showed Sam's impressive boobage and Rosalie's sashay out of the room to Mr. Songbird and he approved.  Two thumbs up.


Silas should have called 911.  Nina's story makes no sense if Silas stops to think about it.  She says she fell in front of the bookcase but her wheelchair was by the door.  And nice quick grab of the phone off the coffee table.


Patrick/Sam do have a vibe.  I'd rather see her with him than Silas.


Mac/Nathan are good together.  Between the two of them having Maxie's back I hope they rout out Levi soon.  After they kick his ass and cut his hair.  Maybe force feed him a rib or two for good measure.

  • Love 3

Kelly was using her chest pillows and akimbo legs to toy with the actor Jason (Patrick). Sometimes she used a breathy voice too. He was down with it, you could tell...and of course the character Patrick was too. As I've opined before, poor Patrick is so sexually frustrated these days that he probably howls at the moon when no one is around.  (Hmmm I wonder if that's what he was doing so near the town cemetery that is next to the picnic area?) I did notice his tongue hanging out a bit, and he was slugging back the wine while he stared at her chest. Then he drove her home instead of calling for a cab! If a cop had stopped him (Nathan? where are you?), Patrick probably would've been arrested for DUI, scandalizing the hospital community and adding a few more years to the toll of therapy that Emma is going to need.


Slutty Sam was grooving on his attention too. Sex and Danny are her two favorite and main interests these days (besides digging out private feelings and details from any conflicted men around her) . I wonder what she tells Danny's babysitter re: after-date plans? Sigh-less has his wife, a daughter, and a doper living with him, so privacy comes at a premium there.  Maybe Sam invites Sigh-less or whoever back to her place and gets rid of the babysitter, hoping that Danny won't wake up during the "afters".





Maybe Levi really isn't an Aussie...he must have studied stoopid Maxie's family situation and heard that she was brought up by an Aussie. So he pretended to be Australian to win her trust.

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