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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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I realized today that what I thought were charred walls as the result of a fire are actually the "decorated" walls in Casa de Silas. Didn't the set decorators talk to the costume people? If Silas stands by a wall, he'll disappear.

Glad that Nina's up and walking already, since we all knew she could anyway; but it does crack me up that Port Charles women always wear high-heeled boots when they want to sneak around.

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I think they lost me somewhere, or I reeaallyyyyyy haven't been paying attention to anything Siam related.  Was there a time his apartment was trashed? 


I vaguely recall that happening, mostly because Sam revealed that she had been packing a pistol under the dress she wore to Nik and Britt's engagement party at Wyndemere.


As much as a complete and utter non-shock Nina being a psycho bitch hellbent on revenge is, is it weird that I prefer that she hates Silas and wants to make him suffer to the dewey doormat who desperately wants back the asshole who had an affair and started the ball rolling towards her being comatose for 20 years?


I'm sure I'll be expected to feel just so bad for Sam and Silas during this storyline, but I'm reserving my sympathy for poor Nathan.  This is gonna crush him.

Edited by TeeVee329
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So, Neener is a nutbar who hates empty cardboard boxes. Well that's a shocker.


Why am I supposed to care if it's all over Silage anyway? Isn't she kind of doing Sam a favor by taking the dour Dr. off her hands? I wonder if she has a giant birdcage all ready for him in a basement somewhere. Hopefully she'll forget to feed him.


Also, as far as I'm concerned Nina was supposed to dance when she got out of her wheelchair, dance(!) gawdammit!!!!!!! I feel ripped off.

Edited by yuggapukka
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michelle stafford ‏@TheRealStafford  8m




*eyes starts twitching* This just isn't good for my blood pressure...the Nina is going to have to fall down a flight of stairs before the Summer is over, I am demanding that right now. A broken neck would be a bonus, but a severed spine would also do nicely.

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Isn't she kind of doing Sam a favor by taking the dour Dr. off her hands? I wonder if she has a giant birdcage all ready for him in a basement somewhere. Hopefully she'll forget to feed him.


OMG, if We Never Cared "Jan-ned" [/DOOL] Silas, I would like her for five whole seconds.  But Silas can't afford to miss any meals, he could slip through a crack in the floor at any moment.

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Lulu thinks Plywood is hot?  Did she think that months ago back when she actually had a chance to jump his bones if she wanted to?  I'm sure Plywood would've been grateful.  Looks like Levi is going to get away with his duplicity, assuming of course, he's responsible for tipping off the judge.  Nina is SheilaCarter-style psycho.  I think everything about this character is now in question.  Was she really in a coma for the past 20 years?  What was her relationship with Plywood really like back then?  People were speculating about whether or not she could actually walk, and there it was.  She stood up, sported creepy facial expressions while the creepy theme music played.  I think Nina needs to be in Ferncliff to be honest.

Edited by Syndicate
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She's looking at him and thinking, "Mama wants those genes for my baby!"


Tracy has every right to be at ELQ. She's more qualified than Michael is to be CEO, that's for sure. The problem is that FakeLuke will then be able to use her to launder his drug money through the company. Edward should have had a special codicil in his will that barred Luke Spencer from having anything to do with ELQ.


She's already got this dude for her baby, she's good to go: https://twitter.com/finolahughes/status/480039641530130432/photo/1


And he makes facial expressions and everything! (Usually I wouldn't reply a "but but but she has Dante!!" reply but Dominic looks REALLY good today :) ) (Although maybe she'd want Nathan to father her baby for extra height I guess)


Oh, great. What was that, Michelle Stafford? She unhinged her jaw, roared, and then appeared like she was trying to slither in the air standing up


I think they lost me somewhere, or I reeaallyyyyyy haven't been paying attention to anything Siam related.  Was there a time his apartment was trashed?



Yeah, in March. I forgot about it too, I thought it was a fantasy, and I was like, this is the Friday cliffhanger? Her having a fantasy about knocking around empty cardboard boxes?


Oh lord, I wish they'd just let Maxie have visitation. If I were a fan, I'd be annoyed she can't have her baby and as someone who is usually apathetic to her, I'd rather they skip martyr Maxie and just give her the damn kid and have off-screen visits.


Maybe Lulu believes that noticing the hotness of Detective Plywood will help her carry her own baby.



Maybe she's hoping it would inherit some of his height.



Poor wee Dante and Lulu. Nathan isn't even that tall, they're just that short.

Edited by ulkis
I've figured out what Levi would be perfect as, an organ donor, lets make that happen post haste.


Why you be hatin' on sick people that way? I'm totally onboard for Levi being dead, though. Totally onboard.


is it weird that I prefer that she hates Silas and wants to make him suffer to the dewey doormat who desperately wants back the asshole who had an affair and started the ball rolling towards her being comatose for 20 years?


Not at all. I hate her regardless, but I hate her with less bile when she's not a dewy doormat. I hate doormats, period.


Dominic looks REALLY good today :)


A decent haircut and the right amount of scruff work miracles on just about any dude.

Edited by dubbel zout
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The most ridiculous thing about this hearing is that it appears to be one sided.  Spinelli would have to be there too.  Real court cases have both sides in court during any proceedings.

Spinelli never applied for custody, though, did he?  He supported Maxie in her bid to get Georgie from Lulu and Dante.  It was a shock to everybody that he was just randomly assigned the baby by the judge.  (as much as it's random to pick a baby's biological father).


As recently as when Carly and Franco visited Spinelli, he and Ellie were troubled by having to give her back -- Ellie way moreso than Spinelli, frankly.  


In the real world, let alone a soap where men file lawsuits for custody in utero, it's absurd that a man who has fallen in love with the biological child he has raised for 6 months as a stay at home parent would not petition for and be granted primary physical custody based on events as they unfolded. The only thing that should be debated now is whether Maxie gets summers and every other holiday with Georgie.  They're playing it as if she's expecting to be handed full custody, though, I guess so we're floored when Spinelli shows up to fight. 


I don't mind new Joss, but the writing is so horrific, how could she possibly come off well?  "Joss walks over to Franco and stomps on his foot."  What could ANY actor of any age do with that garbage?  To the extent that she's making acting choices, I think she's doing well as a cold, calculating Bad Girl.  Imagine the female equivalent of the kid playing Spencer shrieking at Franco and stomping him - this kid didn't do that.  She's obviously going to be the Bobbie to Emma's Laura, so I hope we get to see her acting normal and likeable around her brothers or other people, as opposed to comic relief doing Ron's slapstick idea of what children storylines should be.  

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So now we are getting this Diamond character as a Julian/Fluke go between because AG is on another vacation.    I think every time we see Diamond there should be a caption that says "filling in for Fluke is Diamond". 


If AG still wants Luke Spencer to be on the front burner than he should make himself available to do the job.  If not have the powers that be back burner or kill off Luke. 

  • Love 7

They're playing it as if she's expecting to be handed full custody, though, I guess so we're floored when Spinelli shows up to fight. 


I didn't get that sense at all, that Maxie was fighting for and expecting full custody. 


Also?  It annoys me to no end that Lulu and Maxie are basically completely back to normal.  So lame.

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Poor wee Dante and Lulu. Nathan isn't even that tall, they're just that short.



They are quite bitty. It's something else when one can make Maurice look average height.


I just now have realized how close the Nina came to going full on "Hulk smash!" when she got out of the wheelchair, picking it up and throwing it across the room. Too bad druggie Rafe wasn't lumbering around, he could have been her next target. Or even better, Kiki, now there's a character, if any, the Nina can gleefully torture and I'd be cheering her on.


I'm sure I'll be expected to feel just so bad for Sam and Silas during this storyline, but I'm reserving my sympathy for poor Nathan.  This is gonna crush him.


I feel sad for me that Nathan, who is peripheral to the story, is the only one whose emotional reaction interests me. It's as much sympathy as it is simple curiosity to see whether RPae uses a new facial expression. 

  • Love 2
Nathan, who is peripheral to the story, is the only one whose emotional reaction interests me.


I know. He's the only one who's had any genuine happy reaction to Nina being back. And instead of ragging on Silas to take care of her, Nathan should help out. He needs to use some of his seemingly ample time off to take Nina outside. Park her by a bench while he takes his shirtless runs. I'm sure she'd enjoy the change of scenery.

Edited by dubbel zout
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Looks like Levi is going to get away with his duplicity, assuming of course, he's responsible for tipping off the judge.




I hope Maxie finds out it was Levi real soon.  I LOATHE the character and I just can't verbalize exactly WHY.


re: Luke's messenger.  It had been bothering me from the get-go who that guy was {the actor}.  I remembered that he was on  Law and Order SVU episode paying a murdering rapist who as sentenced to death but was clubbed into a coma by prison guards. 


Maybe he could murder Levi n Nina next week.  That would make me smile and I'm sure Anna could overlook his transgression.

Edited by Patssy Stoned
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If AG still wants Luke Spencer to be on the front burner than he should make himself available to do the job.  If not have the powers that be back burner or kill off Luke.


He does.  He's contracted to work 31 weeks a year, from his own interview. Last year he appeared on screen at least 5 times a month, every month, except July when he appeared once. 


None of these actors work more than 31 weeks a year.  Last year in addition to any vacation time they might have contractually, they all were given 23 weeks off because that's how many dark weeks they had. 


None of these actors qualify as overworked.  LOL


And message to Ron & Michelle......not surprised, not shocked, didn't even have a little gasp.  Knew it was coming, just not sure when. 


I wish Ron would learn (or accept) that he telegraphs everything in his writing, which means he is rarely able to shock or surprise.

Edited by LegalParrot81
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Today's episode did not hold my attention. I kept having random thoughts during scenes.

Lulu/Dante: Are they really not going to acknowledge that their apartment is too small for 3, let alone 4. They are really using every inch of Lante's apartment set today, aren't they.

Julian: Why is Julian still using the gallery as a front. If Ava's ruse is Julian wants to kill her, shouldn't Ava/Sonny have forced him out?

Nicky Diamond: Where do I know this actor from? I know I've seen him before. How long am I going to have to put up with this creep. Can Ron move this shit story on.

Court scenes: Oh, God, please don't let the actor playing Levi still be around in 6 months.

Sam: I really like that seersucker type dress. It really shows off the girls. I wonder where I can get one?

BSC Nina: I'm. Bored. Nina nor MSt's performance competes with the crazy of Faison, Starvos, Helena, Jerry, Dr. O, Heather et al of GH's past. Then my thought process went to....how is getting revenge on Silas, getting her life back.

Ron's writing sucks ran through my mind repeatedly.

Edited by BestestAuntEver
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So how long before Rafe catches Nina walking and Nina blackmails him with his drug use?


If Rafe finds out Nina';s secret she needs to murder him and dump his body in the ocean. While she's at it she can also dispose of her mother, Silas, Ava, Sonny, Franco, Levi, Brad, Dr. O, Britt, Sabrina, Liz, Fake Luke, Heather, and Duke. She can also shoot Jerry in the heart with a silver bullet and then decapitate him.

Edited by LeftPhalange
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I still think that Heather is Puke's boss.


I agree. They never really explained what comeuppance or treatment Heather got when she was taken away after the last rampage, and we don't know why the Miscaviage mental hospital attendants have always been at her beck and call. (We knew that she didn't have any money to bribe them, but perhaps she is involved with big drug distribution rackets and that is her currency for getting help.) The fact that some kind of exchange was made in the hospital so that Puke could take on Luke's identity makes me think that Heather is somehow involved. It's her venue. Furthermore, she hates the Quartermaines, I believe, so it makes sense that she would target their company to launder the drug profits.


Since Carly's boyfriend Franco is Heather's son, you'd think he would mention Heather once in a while. He doesn't seem to be too concerned for Carly's welfare--i.e., he seems pretty relaxed about it--so he must not have had any reason to feel threatened. Mother and son aren't close, but as next of kin he might hear news from outside agencies like police and hospitals.


TJ's mom is brave to try to get the name of the boss, but sooner or later her bravado is going to be very dangerous to her life.


Edited by P3pp3rb1rd

Nicky Diamond: Where do I know this actor from? I know I've seen him before. How long am I going to have to put up with this creep. Can Ron move this shit story on.




I recognized him from NCIS






If she murders Britt, she might make James Nathan sad, seeing she is his sister also.

Edited by jennifer6973

For a second, I thought Diamond was Joe Scully.  It was confusing.


I am usually not one to fast forward- I tend to sit through every tortuous moment of this show.  But today with the Silas and Nina crap, I just could not endure.  That actress is all kinds of terrible, the story is terrible, the writing is terrible..it's insufferable.  


They definitely over-telegraph stories, like with the whole stupid Nina situation, but my bigger problem is that there are so few original stories.  Sure, who's the daddy and murder story lines are soap staples, and I'm fine with that, but they should be able to come up with *some* new twists or angles.  Instead, we just get stories rehashed from other soaps or, even worse, rehashed from GH six months ago.  It's tiresome.

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I can't say I was totally surprised when Nina started walking around, although I will admit that I was surprised they didn't drag it out longer. She's been sending the crazy signals since she showed up, but I figured we'd simply see it bubbling just under the surface for at least a couple more weeks. I hope she starts owning it and actually starts gunning for Sam (and that comes from someone who enjoys Sam). I just want something to start happening. 

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Good lord, Silas is a dumbass. Nina is practically waving a sign that says "I'm manipulating you in the most passive-aggressive way I know," and he doesn't see it. 


Dante, send Olivia to see Avenue Q. She might learn something.


I thought Sam's dress was a little young for her. 


I can't say I was totally surprised when Nina started walking around, although I will admit that I was surprised they didn't drag it out longer. She's been sending the crazy signals since she showed up, but I figured we'd simply see it bubbling just under the surface for at least a couple more weeks. I hope she starts owning it and actually starts gunning for Sam (and that comes from someone who enjoys Sam). I just want something to start happening.


Same here. Ron can't pace anything properly. 


Didn't Madeline admit to having Silas's place trashed? Not that it can't be retconned, but I thought we did get an answer for that.


Nicky Diamond: Where do I know this actor from?


Nick Chinlund. He's a Hey! It's That Guy. He's done a ton of stuff. He played a really inept defense lawyer on L&O once and it was very amusing.

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So your benevolent moderators (me! and ) have been discussing a barge thread for a bit now, and we thought today was a great time to head down to Pier 52 to take the plunge. The thread is for those folks who have reached their limit when it comes to TFGH, its writers, and their sometimes (oftentimes?) flawed logic. If that sounds like it applies to you, head on over and have your voice heard. And, hey, you might even find love, exciting and new, on The Love Barge! 

  • Love 10

When Nina stood up, I said out loud, "Oh my GOD no way this is such a shock!" And then I imagined all of you guys doing the same thing. Such fun!


That's all I got for this ep.


Yep, that was me, soo surprised that The Nina is BSC.  Yep, you could knock me over with a giant iced gin and tonic.  And a second and third one depending on how long we have to live watching everyone in town not realize she's nutz and dangerous.


That Michelle Stafford is SUCH a great actor, right??  Who would have suspected that she had it in her to play a bizarre over-the-top manhanded twitching Crypt Keeper grinning obsessed nutcase who can only whisper in a Baby Jane Hudson voice or a screeching soprano?  Oh, yeah, only the folks who watched her eat her way through Y&R for all those years.


I hope Ron and Frank are saving money by only paying her in animal parts.

  • Love 6

So, uh, does anyone how tall DZ, ER, and RP actually are?


ER is 5 foot even. I think DZ's imdb says 5'8 but a pal of mine saw him and she said he's more 5'7 and I think that's probably true. I remember a twopper saying a couple of years ago they saw him at a supermarket in LA and said he a cutie but very short, so I wouldn't be surprised at 5'6. RP I have no idea but I'd peg him at about 5'10.

Edited by ulkis

I find Patrick's reasonings justified. Robin abandoned her family and put Jason and his child ahead of her own child. She couldn't bother to return when her child was in a car accident and when her child lost it's sibling (Patrick aside). She couldn't return because Jason is more important, Jason being there for his child is more important.


Patrick and Emma should be done with Robin.



Patrick needs to tell Robin to kick rocks whenever she comes back. They can raise Emma together without being married.


Both of these statements are very logical and defensible positions, given what the writing has shown us.


The key phrase is, "given what the writing has shown us".


Those who remember the character of John McBain from OLTL often comment that his relationships were written so that the woman always had to do the heavy lifting to make it work, likewise, RC has a habit of making the woman in a relationship do all the heavy lifting to break it up - generally by spectacularly screwing up in some way or doing something that makes the male character "justified" in breaking up with her.  The same seems to be happening here - rather than pen a story where both parties admit that too much has happened since Robin "died" and they both need to move on, he is having Robin "selfishly" ankle off to un-thaw the Borg and showing no interest in her daughter's emotional trauma.  It seems to me that RC could script something that maintains the viability of the character still a permanent fixture on the canvas without compromising the legacy character that current conditions dictate must be recurring.


(To be clear, I agree with the Robin fans that her exit was poorly conceived and poorly written, and that the plot points concerning Robin since then have also been poorly done - if breaking up Patrick and Robin was in the cards (and let's face it, the writing was on the wall for that the second Kimberly McCullough left the show and Jason Thompson stayed on as a leading man), why not do it at the end of her 6 month run, so audiences could see the poignant breakup scene?  Now yet another important, dramatic scene is going to take place off-camera.  Where I part ways with them is I don't think the character of Robin was given horrible short shrift up to that point.  Quite the opposite, in fact).


Tracy has every right to be at ELQ. She's more qualified than Michael is to be CEO, that's for sure.


Given that currently her brains are located between her legs, that's a questionable statement.


What's frustrating is that there is good story to be mined here - Tracy, always the smarter one, always the more qualified one, always forced to take the back seat to the Quartermaine scion du jour because she was born the wrong gender.  I had hoped that the Pickle Lila story might mine some of that by having Tracy go off and establish a successful company of her own, but somehow all we ended up with were vomit jokes.


I wish Ron would learn (or accept) that he telegraphs everything in his writing, which means he is rarely able to shock or surprise.


To weaksaucely defend RC here, it's a trap inherent in anything based on a twist - if you spring it on an audience out of nowhere, it seems nonsensical and dumb; if you try to prepare the ground for it, half your audience figures out what it is going to be and is completely unsurprised when it does happen.  It's kind of a no-win situation, and very few writers manage to carry it off successfully, or at all.

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