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Welcome To The Barge! Life Away from TFGH

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I know we say this all the time but what is your breaking point?? Your...that's it, I'm done. I cannot even pretend anymore. 

I thought I would be finished after AJ's death and I still can't bring myself to watch the episode. The only thing I look forward to is LiRic. My breaking point will be:

If they write Michael finding out Sonny shot AJ in cold blood.....and forgiving him or "understanding" why he did it.... I would be done and not even LiRic would be enough to keep me watching. I would not be able to continue watching after that because I wouldn't be able to accept anything that followed from that travesty.

My longest television relationship would be over.

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I always thought id reach a breaking point, but instead I realized after yesterday's show that I have just become apathetic.

Its like with all the uproar over the HIMYM finale this week, my reaction to the finale was to shrug and turn the channel when it was over because the reality is I stopped caring about the characters years ago.

Edited by Tiger
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I always thought id reach a breaking point, but instead I realized after yesterday's show that I have just become apathetic.

Its like with all the uproar over the HIMYM finale this week, my reaction to the finale was to shrug and turn the channel when it was over because the reality is I stopped caring about the characters years ago.

See that's the thing....I've been at apathy for a while now.  MOF, with the exception of a few sls apathy has been my state for several years. Something keeps me hanging in there;familiarity, habit..I don't know. 

I know I have never felt this way before. Not much desire to even see what is coming next.


Long time lurker...but new to posting.  Love all the witty on point posts from the other board.

For me, it's the lack of good storytelling.  I've already cut back on how much GH I watch, which is very little the past month or so.  I didn't watch any of AJ's exit story once Sonny shot him while Ava cheered him on.  I'm hanging on a bit longer to see what happens for May sweeps and will Sonny finally get caught...after that?  IDK.

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I've stayed with this show out of habit for decades, but I'm rapidly inching closer to the barge than ever.

I'm not here for the wasted potential of AJ and yet another dead Q, on the anniversary show, no less, and at the hands of that pond scum, Sonny.  I'm so angry, and I'm starting to wonder exactly I am watching a show that is so poorly written that it makes me so angry.

I'm not here for Sonny the midget moobster getting away with shooting yet another unarmed man in the chest, and acting like he is superior to ANY other form of human life on the planet when he is the. lowest.

I'm not here for Roger Howarth, an actor I've always greatly admired, piling on the ham and cheese to cringeworthy levels and wasted on an aimless, useless and worthless character who, as a recast, has virtually nothing to do with the original concept of the character and just can't be salvaged no matter what changed parentage/brain tumor crap RC piles onto his story.  Add surgically attaching him to the ass of Laura Wright's horrendous Carly (just as was done with his previous incarnation, Ron's distorted version of Todd Manning), and I officially can't enjoy him on any level whatsoever.

I'm not here for hours of screen time being spent on the death of some comatose woman I've never seen before in my life, who happened to once be married to some guy who is exactly like John McBain in a lab coat, being avenged by some shirtless guy with the acting ability of a block of wood.

I think the only thing keeping me watching at this point is loyalty to those actors whose performances I do enjoy (i.e., DZ, Finola, JT, NLG).  I hated Guza, but even he never pissed me off this much.

  • Love 8

I tried getting re-engaged with this show, but after the Nurses' ball last year, I found myself not giving two rats for any of the characters.

They've destroyed most of the folks, continue to nominate Sonny and Carly for sainthood (together or apart).  I can't root for anyone because, the moment I do, they get written out of the show or, worse, get re-written to a totally unsympathetic and/or unrealistic character.  The move-in and domination of OLTL actors really just was the last straw.

If I know something specific that I'm interested is going to happen, I may watch a single episode, but it has long since left my must-see list of programs to watch.


I think now they will start to see a significant ratings drop. This thing with the Q's.. particularlySK/AJ...it is a tipping point.

There have already been a lot of 1.9s and I think GH is losing that coveted 18 to 54 demo. People are not bullshitting about tuning out and staying out. Not this time.

Edited by BetteBoo
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I'm just about getting to my breaking point.  I want to stick around for Ned (and I think he may be running into Alexis, so, as an old school Nexis fan, I want to see that.  I figure I will catch what I can, not bother with what I don't and ease myself on the barge.  The last thing I want to see before I go is the rise of Michael Alan Quartermaine.  And the cherry on top would be Morgan joining him at ELQ after Sonny marries Ava, if the spec is true.

I've stayed with this show out of habit for decades, but I'm rapidly inching closer to the barge than ever.

I'm not here for the wasted potential of AJ and yet another dead Q, on the anniversary show, no less, and at the hands of that pond scum, Sonny.  I'm so angry, and I'm starting to wonder exactly I am watching a show that is so poorly written that it makes me so angry.

I'm not here for Sonny the midget moobster getting away with shooting yet another unarmed man in the chest, and acting like he is superior to ANY other form of human life on the planet when he is the. lowest.

I'm not here for Roger Howarth, an actor I've always greatly admired, piling on the ham and cheese to cringeworthy levels and wasted on an aimless, useless and worthless character who, as a recast, has virtually nothing to do with the original concept of the character and just can't be salvaged no matter what changed parentage/brain tumor crap RC piles onto his story.  Add surgically attaching him to the ass of Laura Wright's horrendous Carly (just as was done with his previous incarnation, Ron's distorted version of Todd Manning), and I officially can't enjoy him on any level whatsoever.

I'm not here for hours of screen time being spent on the death of some comatose woman I've never seen before in my life, who happened to once be married to some guy who is exactly like John McBain in a lab coat, being avenged by some shirtless guy with the acting ability of a block of wood.

I think the only thing keeping me watching at this point is loyalty to those actors whose performances I do enjoy (i.e., DZ, Finola, JT, NLG).  I hated Guza, but even he never pissed me off this much.

This post is a thing of absolute truth and beauty.  I particularly enjoyed what you said about Roger Howarth.  Never thought the day would come when I cringe and FF every time he appears but that day came the second he showed up as Franco.  Calling him a ham is an insult to processed meats.

And speaking of processed meats, Sonny aka Orange Glow is far past his expiration date.  I can smell him from here.  Carly never had an expiration date - she was spoiled the minute she appeared.  But somehow Laura Wright makes it even worse.

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I don't know if I'll ever stop  after 27 years of watching, but I do find myself ff'ing more and more or just out right deleting the episode less than half-way through it. I did say recently I'd stop watching if they killed off Julian to prop Sonny.  I hope I don't have to test that theory.

I have been watching my entire life. Some of that as a baby, but I was watching  before Luke Spencer was a character.

I have not watched a full episode since the epsiode when Julian and Alexis ripped each other's clothes off. In fact, if Julian wasn't on an episode, it was deleted without me watching it. I watched the Julian and Sam scenes with notLuke and I watched the scenes today with Julian and the ones with Ava.

I am close to being done. I have given up for years at a time in the past. I came back for the 50th last year and stuck around when I heard Julian Jerome was coming back from the dead. If he goes, I go, especially if Sonny is walking around with everyone talking about how awesome he is.

If ABC and the TPTB at GH are stupid enough to insult viewers and allow a head writer to be so petty when they need us more than we need them,  then they are digging their own graves.  (pssst - Ron, you never know if someone who tweets you is someone from a Nielsen household, or if it is someone from an ABC focus group.) I mean if my house was a Nielsen household and a show's head writer was an ass to me on Twitter, or if I knew I was going to be taking part in a focus group, I might be tempted to critique the writing just to see what would happen.

  • Love 5

I've stayed with this show out of habit for decades, but I'm rapidly inching closer to the barge than ever.

I'm not here for the wasted potential of AJ and yet another dead Q, on the anniversary show, no less, and at the hands of that pond scum, Sonny. I'm so angry, and I'm starting to wonder exactly I am watching a show that is so poorly written that it makes me so angry.

I'm not here for Sonny the midget moobster getting away with shooting yet another unarmed man in the chest, and acting like he is superior to ANY other form of human life on the planet when he is the. lowest.

I'm not here for Roger Howarth, an actor I've always greatly admired, piling on the ham and cheese to cringeworthy levels and wasted on an aimless, useless and worthless character who, as a recast, has virtually nothing to do with the original concept of the character and just can't be salvaged no matter what changed parentage/brain tumor crap RC piles onto his story. Add surgically attaching him to the ass of Laura Wright's horrendous Carly (just as was done with his previous incarnation, Ron's distorted version of Todd Manning), and I officially can't enjoy him on any level whatsoever.

I'm not here for hours of screen time being spent on the death of some comatose woman I've never seen before in my life, who happened to once be married to some guy who is exactly like John McBain in a lab coat, being avenged by some shirtless guy with the acting ability of a block of wood.

I think the only thing keeping me watching at this point is loyalty to those actors whose performances I do enjoy (i.e., DZ, Finola, JT, NLG). I hated Guza, but even he never pissed me off this much.

In addition to this piece of truth, Cartini's GH has devolved into a celebration of the vile. Sonny, who thinks he can murder umarmed people because he hates them gets a pity party and the usual cheerleaders. Franco, who attempted to commit matricide and bury a woman (alive) when she presented no credible threat and has previous crimes he has never been charged with, wanders around wondering why noone likes him and feels sorry for himself. Carly has sex with the guy that got her son raped.

I've watched GH for a long time but killing off AJ for the anniversary coupled with Robin's horrific exit and featuring the scummiest leads on soaps, two of who presided over the huge decline in viewers under Guza, the show feels broken for me.

Edited by jazzyscreenname
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I may have reached it last summer, when they so unceremoniously blew Genie Francis out the door.  These days, I delete before watching instead of hitting play and deleting after 45 seconds.

I did watch the entirety of the horrendous anniversary show, but blew through yesterday.

I think if I'd simply remove the show from my dvr listing, I wouldn't miss it at all, which makes me a little sad after 32 years.

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I just caught up to tues epi and all I can ask is...has RC ever had a major sl like AJ's murder with this many anvils and absolutely no payoff?

I know he drops a lot of sls with no explanation right in the middle but... even RC wouldn't be that dim. Sonny has got to pay. Bigtime.

No other outcome is believable or acceptable.


I'm at that point right now, but will stick it out for any remaining episodes with Sean Kanan in them, even if it is (uhg, sigh) GhostAJ.  Once I know his last airing has happened, GH gets deleted off the DVR and I'm done for good.

I have stopped watching for bits and times over my 30 years of watching (and I'm 40, I've pretty much been a viewer my whole life). 

I stopped for a while when Jack Wagner left in late 1987. 

I came back when Frisco returned and watched the whole Decker/Dawn story and Frisco and Felicia and all.  watched again until Decker/Dawn left in 1991. 

I started watching again when the era of Karen, Jagger, JasonQ, AJ, Robin, Stone and that younger set came on.  The return of the Spencers with Lucky and BJ's death, Stone's illness, etc, that whole time in the 1990's was good stuff.

I stopped watching again sometime around when Sean Kanan was let go and Billy Warlock took over as AJ (I like BW, just not as AJ).  Then the mob stuff got heavier and heavier and I barely watched for chunks of time, but would check in and follow occasionally on SoapNet.

When I found out Jason was leaving and new writers were coming on and that Sean Kanan was coming back as AJ, I tuned back in.  I loved it for a few months there when it looked like AJ might actually win and he got to know his son, the vets came back, the Q's were together, the mob got dialed back and the Nurses Ball was kind of fun.  Then it began to unravel.  Now it's all mob, fewer vets, a bunch of dead Q's and (ugh, sigh) they killed my beloved AJ after giving SK the shaft. 

So yes, I am done.  I don't care to see this dreck with Sonny and a bunch of characters I don't know or care about.  The things that made GH what it was in it's hey-day are all but gone again.  And I'm gone with it.

I'm so upset about this AJ stuff, that I truly think I will be done for good this time.  This show makes me too upset these days, so it's just not worth it anymore.  I like to lurk on the soap boards though and read the snark, so I'll stay in the know via that way.  Sigh...

Edited by LadyJaney
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The last time they put a crippled  AJ in a hospital bed and A child under it with a pillow, plus sonny on trial for a shoot out with the PCPF, and he walkedthe judge said the cops pushed Sonny into it. I walked. Seven years. .Then JJ came back and became a druggy. before I shut it off again,we get new writers and AJ. So I stayed. Now since the anniversary show. I haven't watched. I go to the gym, come home go to two wop, read what happened and decide to just delete it. Haven't watched since then.I just wish either GL or SB were still on then I would never watch. .I don't want all those people to lose their jobs but FrankenRon don't seem to care if we watch or not Someone tell me are those two so stupid they don't know or care what they are doing? I liked BW as AJ he never quit, loved when he went after that girl to get Michael back. One thing I do know if Jason comes back I am gone for good,! I am almost there now.


I was totally done when they killed Alan. It just broke my heart. But then they brought back the Nurse's Ball for the 50th anniversary, so I figured I should give it a try...

It's been infuriating. But it's crack. I, too, will probably follow in some manner (here, if not watching) until they stop making new episodes.

Hi, my name is curlyblackeggs, and I'm an addict. It hurts me but I just keep coming back for more.

Edited by curlyblackeggs

I tuned back in for Robin and all the vets. 

But now I am just about ready to tune out until they bring Robin back.  Also if they bring Jason back I too would hope that they bring him back with his Q memories and after that little "shock" plot moment, they need to have an actual plan for him exploring his Q side again and then not completely abandon his storyline the way they did AJ's .  It really is time for them to do something different with that character especially since they have just decimated the Q family. 

I like LiRic but I don't trust the writers enough that they will give them a real shot as "Ric" is usually brought on more to elevate Sonny than anything else, but who knows..third times the charm?

Right now everything else on this show is frustrating me all over again. 

Edited by scotlore
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On the opposite end of the spectrum, I've decided that Cartini could do one that would earn by viewing forever:

Have Sonny and "Luke" get into a gunfight at Pier 52, both are critically wounded but alive and then Monica walks up and Sonny looks up at her begging her his life. She delivers an epic speech about he killed three of her children and then kicks him into the harbor where the weight of his hair gel sinks him to the bottom.

  • Love 8

I'm done as well. I had hope when Cartini took over that the mob would be at least de-emphasized in favor of families/romance/the hospital. But they went off the rails first with trying to shoehorn the Llanview trio onto the canvas, then doing the same with their horrible replacement characters. Between that, another mob family, Sobrina, and the destruction of AJ, there wasn't a reason to come back.

The only way I'd give the show another chance is when Sonny and the mob emphasis are gone.

Edited by MsChicklet
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I think I have reached my breaking point already. I love Ric and Rick Hearst but I don't trust the writers when it comes to him. He's such a sparkly, grey hat played by a marvellous actor who the people in charge seem to hate to an unnatural degree.

I love LiRic but I fear Niz will be the endgame, at least until Lucky returns from pouting in Ireland. Of course Liz would rather be with an orange douchenozzle that will leave her any time Emily/her twin/Emily as a tumor hallucination shows up. Nik and Liz had, by GH standards anyway, a good friendship so destroying that for a romance that will never work is stupid.

I learned to really like Brad and I loved Brad/Lucas. I will not watch Lucas get together with busybody Felix and them spending time talking about how awful Brad is. No thanks, I'm out.

Will probably watch Wally Kurth's return because I love Ned and Nexis is my favourite GH pairing of all time but will probably never return to watch full time. That thought saddens me since I've been a watcher since I was 5 years old. I remember coming home in a hurry so I wouldn't miss a moment of the Sonny/Brenda years. Now I can barely muster enough interested to watch clips on youtube.

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Thanks for correcting me. I do so much aggressive fast-forwarding when it comes to this show, I must have missed it. :)

No problem! I just remember Ethan or someone saying how he was doing work in Africa or something...this was like, last year. But still, it doesn't really matter because I don't believe that the douchecanoeratbastardprickofafuckwit Ron will ever bring Lucky back.

No problem! I just remember Ethan or someone saying how he was doing work in Africa or something...this was like, last year. But still, it doesn't really matter because I don't believe that the douchecanoeratbastardprickofafuckwit Ron will ever bring Lucky back.

That explains it then, anything with Teethan makes me lunge towards my FF button with post-haste.

I'd like Lucky back but only if he's not played by JJ. My preference would be GV who was marvellous in the role IMO but a decent recast would be quite nicely.

On the opposite end of the spectrum, I've decided that Cartini could do one that would earn by viewing forever:Have Sonny and "Luke" get into a gunfight at Pier 52, both are critically wounded but alive and then Monica walks up and Sonny looks up at her begging her his life. She delivers an epic speech about he killed three of her children and then kicks him into the harbor where the weight of his hair gel sinks him to the bottom.

I get Sonny being responsible for the death of AJ,Jason...but what did he have to do with Emily's death? My memory is hazy...Emily's death was during one of the periods when I was skipping a lot of episodes.


The serial killer who killed her was Diego, the son of Alcazar. He decided to kill people close to Sonny and Jason to get revenge against them for killing Alcazar. Emily was Jason's sister so she had to die. So if you really wanted to blame Sonny and/or Jason you could probably say they're indirectly responsible for her death.

Edited by LeftPhalange

I reached it well over a decade ago. It was Michael was still a baby and every scene than involved Jason, Carly or AJ was like a sledgehammer of 'AJ IS HORRIBLE! JASON IS PERFECTION! CARLY IS TOTALLY RIGHT TO PUSH MICHAEL INTO JASON'S HANDS! BECAUSE AJ IS HORRIBLE! DON'T FORGET THAT!!'

It was rage inducing then (and clearly hasn't changed over the years) to the point where I would storm through the house bellowing my outrage until... one magical day, I realized that my life would be better without GH. I stopped recording it. I stopped watching it. Granted, I would return and keep tabs over the years... like the first time Brenda returned, I watched some of that... I watched both Night Shifts (the second was infinitely better than the first which was, inexplicably, all about Jason again) and I tuned in to see the OLTL characters until I realized that they were going to torpedo Blair for in infinitely lesser character.

I DID watch Jason get rolled off the docks. That was a moment I had been waiting for for YEARS and I was pleased to watch it. Still think it's one of the highlights of the show. Yes, they're dangling Jason about as alive and that irritates me to no end since Jason (and to a lesser extent Carly and Sonny) was the reason I gave up the show but, still, the ignoble death was one of the best things ever.

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I reached it well over a decade ago. It was Michael was still a baby and every scene than involved Jason, Carly or AJ was like a sledgehammer of 'AJ IS HORRIBLE! JASON IS PERFECTION! CARLY IS TOTALLY RIGHT TO PUSH MICHAEL INTO JASON'S HANDS! BECAUSE AJ IS HORRIBLE! DON'T FORGET THAT!!'


The worst part was when they turned on audio of a baby crying every time they put Michael in AJ's arms. It was so painfully dumb. I mean, even if I had hated AJ, it would be so painfully dumb.

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The point of no-return for me? The Opie Opus/destruction of A.J. and the Saint Jason & Sonny cult.

I actually started watching GH around the time Carly was having her mental breakdown after giving birth, Tony was having his mental breakdown, Nikolas was recovering from getting shot (in front of Sonny & Luke's club-IIRC)-and I was hooked, although obsessed was probably more like it....;)


Then we had the year from hell when Jason keeps A.J. from his son AND when A.J. finally is told that he's Michael's dad, just about everyone (with the exception of Alan-RIP) acting as if JASON is the f@ing victim and A.J. is the bad guy!

Two things wrong with this: one the whole A.J. finds out the baby is his storyline took way too long to reveal, especially when the audience already knows he's the dad. Second, I absolutely hated how Monica, Emily and Lila acted as if what Jason did was somehow okay.

So, a brain-damaged mobster, KNOWINGLY lied to his brother and prevented his own nephew from knowing his dad-and this is somehow okay?


Then came the  whole A.J. character assasination plot. Seriously, did Billy Warlock run over Guza's dog? Because that was seriously messed up. The whole baby Michael always cries around A.J. pissed me off to no end. I only watched GH occassionally at this point, mostly because this storyline was so unbearable, and most of their other storylines (Jax & V, Hannah, Sonny) bored me.


I hardly watched GH during the infamous Meathook years. Not only had Guza taken one of the more complex characters on the canvas and reduced him to a cartoon villian, but I hated how not only did Sonny & Jason get away with everything, seemingly everyone in P.C. was on their side AND worst of all, the writers clearly wanted the audience to be on their side as well.

It only had the opposite effect on me, the more they tried to turn A.J. into a 'bad guy' the more I rooted for him. The more they tried to turn Sonny, Jason & Carly into the bestperfecttrioofparentsandpeopleanywhere! the more I disliked them,



I stopped watching GH completely after that point. I started watching some clips recently on youtube, mostly of Quartermaine scenes/AJ's return. I have no idea who half of the characters are on the show right now. With the latest A.J. murder, I'm probably not going to check it out again-until Sonny is either behind bars or at the bottom of the ocean.

Edited by ladybug
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I was pretty much done right before AJ was murdered, so...yeah.  They ruined KeMo and ME, they gave Robin an idiotic send off and are still trying to make me hate her, Sonny killed AJ, and the looming threat of the Nina storyline were the combination of events that made me split.  If Sonny, Carly, Franco, Sabrina, Kiki, Nina, the suddenly very large and very extended Olbrecht family all left the canvas?  I might watch.  


As it is, I'll read for now.

I may have hit that point of no return.


I've tried twice this week to get re-engaged with the show, and I couldn't get past about twenty minutes either time. I guess I'm sorry I missed Dr O doing her Cabaret turn, but having to endure even a few minutes of Lucy Coe--a character I could never stand--wasn't mitigated by seeing Kevin, whom I always enjoyed.


Not sure what might get me to start watching again right now.

This show has become a parody of a soap and it's actually a little painful to watch. We've lost so many shows - and some pretty good ones, so to see the remaining ABC soap made into a joke, to see characters made into caricatures, and to see cartoon characters hog up screen time is as sad as it is infuriating.
Whoever it is that plays Dr. O, yeah, she's got some talent, I suppose, underneath all the ham - all the ham that's written for her by Ron C. But characters like this always worked best in small doses. And she's the main course most weeks. Frankly I can't stand her. I'd take Woody the Super Detective over her, just because I can take bad acting over the parody of GH that she represents. But wait...he's her son, and she's his MUTTER. GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH.
I wonder why Ron C. is doing this. He did some bad stuff on OLTL, that's for sure - the Ford brothers - and he's always had a weakness for admiring his own humor - but what he's done on GH is so beyond anything he did on OLTL.
I'm not finding anything funny on GH anymore. It just makes me sad, and sadder still to see the show brought so low and so disrespected by a writer who I thought knew better.


What a mess. 

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I already passed the breaking point many years ago when they destroyed The Army of Hotness. I only tuned back in for the death of Edward Quartermain and the return of Sean Kanan as AJ, then gave up again.

Me too. My breaking point was when Sonny shot AJ. AJ Quartermaine played by Sean Kanan is my favourite soap character of all time. He's all I've ever cared about, him and his relationship with Michael, he is the point to which all my GH feelings reconcile.

Once I found out he died out of RC's spite I was done. They'll never get me back, Julia Barrett could come back and shoot Sonny Corinthos dead, dead, dead and they still wouldn't get me back. I won't even watch Julexis scenes on youtube.

In a year full of personal tragedies the last thing I needed was to turn on my tv and see the last grandchild of Edward Quartermaine gunned down by a slimy thug who outwore his welcome 10 fucking years ago.

I've been in Mary Mae's Parlour of Peace for about 3months now, streamlining violent shows like Arrow and Agents of Shield. It's obviously a slow process, I guess I need more tranquility tea.

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I'm afraid I am already gone.  I did tune in last week, when I was home, to watch a little of the Nurse's Ball.  Glad they brought that back, I suppose, but what they really need to do is freshen up the entire genre by bringing in a head writer that has worked on the Latin Telenovelas genre.  Tell a story that actually makes sense.  I know we have enough stories on this show that could be instantly root-able, if they just didn't always involve someone dying, typically at the hands of the mob. I'm not interested in that.  This is supposed to be a story-telling that is a respite from the world at hand.


I don't see anything on this or on TWOP that seriously convinces me that I'm wrong about this.

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I think I'm gone too. There were three weeks of episodes on my DVR and I deleted them sight unseen. Just couldn't bring myself to care. Not even enough to hate watch. TPTB have wasted or run off so many great characters and storyline potential. There are so few characters left I give two shits about, and the ones that are left are in story lines I find nauseating at best (the inevitable return of Purina) or boring (Anna and anything to do with Duke; Alexis and Sam and anything to do with the mob or Silas). Even the Nurses Ball couldn't make me watch, especially once I heard it turned into round two of Sabrina Is the Awesomest Awesome Who Ever Awesomed. Now I just scan the GH boards here to see if there's anything that I might want to catch on YouTube, and to keep up with everyone.

I haven't watched in weeks, but I've been keeping up with the developments here. I think if Ellie/Spinelli get full, permanent custody of Georgie, I'm out for the time being. I know Maxie's done terrible things, but I have a soft spot for her. She wanted the baby and she deserves a chance to be her mother. Anyone know if there are spoilers about this either way?

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