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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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He is already 10 times the cop Dante is.  Unlike Dante, who was shot in the chest by his mobster father and then  let him get away with it, Nathan eagerly threw his mother's sorry ass in jail when he found out she "killed" Nina.



His mother was a recurring character on for 12 episodes. Dante's father was/is the star of the show that all of the cast has been letting get away with murder for 15 years. 

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 7

Sob's story is so cheesy and bad I got a case of the giggles. Why they had to do the wedding dress krazy when they could have gone for and probably missed but what the hey an authentic moment ot parental grief leading to her exit is beyond me.

I'm starting to dig Nathan. The actor is improving and he's developing an onscreen rapport with Britt and Maxie.

To Quetzacoatl with Levi.

Ric won't be written as a hero. If anything, he'll be the new AJ.

  • Love 3


I thought I was going to have prepare for some screeching from Hayley Pullos, but she did quite well.


Agreed, I thought she was pretty great. As someone that lost their own father around the same time as Molly's age, I really felt for her.


Today wasn't as boring as yesterday. Nina, I honestly can't decide what I think. I haven't commented much on her because I'm still trying to see how I feel about her. I do kind of like her sarcasm, she needs to use that more. But the greater point on much of this story is that neither Sam nor Nina or even Ava should be panting after Silas like he's Pavlov's dogs. He's NOT worth it. He's still rude, he's passive-aggressive, he's boring, and he's not even good-looking. If they were all chasing after Johnny, then maybe I could believe it.


Incidentally about Nina, Ron tweeted that there was a line about her finding out about 9/11, but it was cut for time. Yes, Nina, you are "stuck in the 90's!", but think about the benefits. All that Britney and Spice Girls to catch up on, since that was late 90's. Still trying to figure out if she knows about OJ. She should watch all the specials that are airing for the 20th anniversary.


Ugh, don't shoot me, but I didn't think TeCa sucked today. I have no idea what to do with that, so I'll just chalk it up to a complete aberration.


Maxie should have punched Levi for what he said about the baby.

  • Love 5

Crazy Sabrina is much more enjoyable to watch than princess Sabrina.


If it weren't that Port Charles is already full-to-overflowing with insane females, I wouldn't mind seeing GH doing an Annie-Parisse-as-Julia-on-ATWT with Sabrina.  Especially if she spends all her time giving Patrick the torment he so richly deserves but hasn't gotten.


Sorry Ron, I still don't hate Robin. Call me cold but I wouldn't show up to a funeral of the preemie my husband had with another woman either. Just stop putting her in your shit writing


I don't belong to the Cult of Kimberly McCullough, but I don't see why Robin should attend the funeral either.  Surely a card and maybe some flowers would suffice.


See, I wanted TJ to be the long lost son of AJ and Keesha so badly. Monica would get a biological grandchild who would appreciate her all the time, and TR is an awesome actor. If SK were still there, the scenes would be great. But instead, the character who does have historical connections is an interloper.


Seems like another case of Ron building up a newbie and tossing a legacy character aside.


They need to pull the plug on this Nina story ASAP! I Originally I did want them to cast Nina and wanted to care about this story line but the utter lack of chemistry between MS and ME and the ridiculousness of the story (shes been in a coma people, get her some counselling!) has got to be one of RC's more serious missteps.


You know, back in the day when a new character was brought on they were chem-tested with many other actors on a show, not just shoved off into a bubble with only 1 or 2 other characters to interact with.


I haven't watched yet but I'm pissed by this fake death story because it should have been what they did with AJ.  If they wanted to do a fake out death story why not do it with the character that was smack in the middle of one when they brought back Ric?  This could have been a continuation of AJ's story instead of a do over with another character.   


So. Much. This.  I knew Ric was going to be A.J. 2.0 the second he came on, I didn't realize it would extend to him doing the story that A.J. should have had.


Jasus take the wheel!  I hate Levi so much that I want Spinbitch to come back and kick his ass.  Yes, that Spinbitch, the passive aggressive little shit that I hated for 8 years and have wanted dead from the jump.  


Levi is so awful that I am begging for Spinelli to come back.  Maybe this is Ron's covert plan: make Levi and Nina so awful that other characters we hate look great in comparison?  If that is his plan, it's working on this viewer.


I read somewhere that Spinelli is coming back, so be careful what you wish for.


Anyway, maybe its the tay-keeey-yaaah talking but i thought both TCa and RP were good today.


Yes, I thought they were quite good as well.

Edited by yowsah1

Why Levi doesn't work is sort of confusing to me. I don't have a problem with his hair length on men but his is just the worst. I love me an Australian accent (see Jacks, Jasper and/or R!F!S!), but again, his voice is nauseating and awful. And he is is relatively decent shape, but seeing him shirtless today made me cringe. And he has inspired these same feelings in a lot of us! There is also his general tendency towards emotional abuse and control and attitude of superiority. If he had been introduced as a more likeable guy would we not be so grossed out by him physically?

  • Love 1

I hate the fake Ric death mostly because it is just so unnecessary, and obviously something these shitty writers came up with because either it's easier, or they are devoid of any original thought, or possibly both.  Ric could have been injured and taken to the hospital, where he would be kept under guard and not allowed visitors but still, to the public, under arrest.  Or he could have "escaped", with Anna or Nathan's help.  Or he could have agreed to stay in jail pending (a not-going-happen) trial, while the cops chased down the real bad guy.  Or Diane could have pulled some magical lawyer stuff to get him out on bail.  Any of those options would have not only generated real, possibly interesting, story lines, but would not have caused the needless garment-rending by Molly and Liz.  Making them mourn for dead Ric when there's no real reason to is just cheap and lazy, and it pisses me off.  For god's sake, Ron et al. can take any possibly riveting or captivating story line and turn it in to the most mundane and rehashed pile of steaming crap. It's maddening.  


And Levi?  A) Who thought this character would be interesting in any way?  B) Who thought this actor was the one to make the character interesting?  


So Sabrina was crazy for about an hour?  Is that right?  Why even bother?  


I'm cranky, and thinking about this show is not helping my mood!


Edited by Turtle
  • Love 1

If it weren't that Port Charles is already full-to-overflowing with insane females, I wouldn't mind seeing GH doing an Annie-Parisse-as-Julia-on-ATWT with Sabrina.  Especially if she spends all her time giving Patrick the torment he so richly deserves but hasn't gotten.


Given that part of the torment Julia dished out involved drug raping Jack, I would be terrified to see that story in Ron Carlivati's hands. It was disgusting enough on ATWT.


And Levi?  A) Who thought this character would be interesting in any way?  B) Who thought this actor was the one to make the character interesting?  


We're supposed to hate Levi so we can love Nathan and Nathan/Maxie. 


Personally, unless Paevey and Kristen Storms find some chemistry, Levi isn't going to make any difference to me.

  • Love 2

I HOPE they aren't related, but since Julexis is sure to implode, could Nina get a chance with him.


Oh, please, no.  Besides, I have Nina penciled in for Sonny.  The scenery chewing, spastic eyes, and jazz hands will be epic. 


I'm all for friendships between the opposite sex, but the above made me realize that Patrick doesn't have one guy friend.


It's for the best. Patrick's past taste in guy friends was fucking awful. 


HP has improved, but I still cringed when she shrieked "dadddddyyyyy"


I actually thought it was a pretty solid performance.  That shriek reminded me way too much of witnessing my then teenaged cousin react to her mother's sudden death. 


Faking Ric's death was a new low for incompetent, desperate Anna and her keystone kops. "Killing" Ric introduces so many complications and needless suffering for the family. Ric should have been allowed to escape and disappear.The escape would have reflected badly on Anna's office, but the community shock is going to be off the charts when Ric comes back from the dead eventually.


If Ric escapes, he's alive and well and out there to potentially blow Fluke's whole deal.  I'm sure his immediate concern is the safety of his loved ones.  If he's alive and on the run, the bad guys may decide to go after Molly and/or Liz to draw him out. If he's dead, he's no longer a threat, so, theoretically, the bad guys would move along.  


Because I still want to be able to have nice things, I think this can still be swung as Julian being undercover.  I know watching Ron's "work" causes hope to die at an alarming rate, but I'm still holding on to this one. 


Can Rafe please go on a bender and run over Levi?  Please? 

  • Love 4

It's just all kinds of ugly to have Ric "killed". Do we know of any instances in real life where the cops did that? No I thought not.


I agree with Diane that someone is gonna be sued in this mess. Anna must lose her job too. She is making innocent relatives and friends of Ric suffer in an unconscionable way. P.C.'s Bobbsey twins Carly and Franco will kvell over this new mystery to solve.


When I saw cray-cray Sobby in her wedding gown today, I immediately thought of Dickens and his Miss Havisham, who goes mad and wears her tattered bridal gown for the rest of her life. Random thoughts of the over-educated.

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd
  • Love 3

Why couldn't Ric just have stayed in jail for a while and been on trial instead of the fake death? Poor Molly. At least this gives Rick Hearst some good material but I hope this doesn't mean he's offscreen for a while! He makes this show somewhat tolerable.

Surprised they didn't drag out the Sam reveal, or Sabrina being crazy. However, I think the Sabrina/ wedding bit could have gone for a few more days to make it more realistic. I thought her breaking down in the end was so sad. Brought back bad memories of parents grieving for ther babies in the nicu.

Levi needs to go now. Even if he was hot, he is a jackass and I would have hated him.

made me realize that Patrick doesn't have one guy friend.



His brother Matt should be out of prison pretty soon.  But since his last name isn't Corinthos or Cassadine and doesn't wield a gun, the chances of him coming back aren't too good.  Especially since there is currently only one patient staying overnight at General Hospital, I guess there is no need for more than three regular cast members who are DOCTORs on this show.

  • Love 2

He fucked up back then, treated Nina horribly, was a terrible husband and he knows it.  And he's called himself on it numerous times.



Well, if that's true, and indeed you have made a good case for it, then Sam had better be packing up all her lowcut blouses, platform shoes, and blackety-black eyeliner right now. Like shy teens, Silo and Sam have barely said ILY to each other; Nina and Silo have an intense history with a past fetus, coma-times, and murderous MIL to work through.


But never fear that Sam will mind letting this fish get away. "Sam-pler" Sam is always ready for new tastes. She's already been leaning 'way over and shaking her boobs in a minor's face (Rafe), and she made a slut-icitous and breathy visit to Patrick's house for some gratuitous touching, bonding, and support. Like Liz, Sam always has multiple hooks and bait out. It's fun to watch her go over and test the traps (like we used to test the crab nets on the Gulf coast): jiggle jiggle...any bites here?

  • Love 1
His brother Matt should be out of prison pretty soon.


It really pisses me off they sent Matt to prison for killing someone that was in the process of killing and hurting others. Matt simply couldn't leave because he wanted to out of Patrick's shadow and got some amazing opportunity. And why, so that asshat  Spinelli could scream about never appreciating him

  • Love 1


But never fear that Sam will mind letting this fish get away. "Sam-pler" Sam is always ready for new tastes. She's already been leaning 'way over and shaking her boobs in a minor's face (Rafe), and she made a slut-icitous and breathy visit to Patrick's house for some gratuitous touching, bonding, and support.


If Sam were trying to seduce a minor I doubt she would waste her time on Rafe. And what was "sluticitous" about her conversation with Patrick?

  • Love 4

I think the problem everyone has had with Nathan was that Maxie was on her way out of town the night they met.  He was then bogged down with the lame did Silas kill Nina story.  I love his relationship with Maxie.  Nathan is supportive of Maxie, challenges her when she is wrong, yet does not judge her.  The only worry I have with Nathan is that Maxie has had two boyfriends, Jesse and Coop, who were cops and they were both murdered.  I don't want Maxie to go through that again.


I like his relationship with Britt, his new sister.  It's fun watching them bond over how f'ed up their mother is.


He is already 10 times the cop Dante is.  Unlike Dante, who was shot in the chest by his mobster father and then  let him get away with it, Nathan eagerly threw his mother's sorry ass in jail when he found out she "killed" Nina. 


Oh, please.  They're not going to kill him off.  With as much screen time he's been getting since day damn one, he's one of the pets.  He won't be going anywhere.  Unfortunately.

  • Love 2
Incidentally about Nina, Ron tweeted that there was a line about her finding out about 9/11, but it was cut for time.


An edit I agree with.  I don't need to see Nina get caught up with everything that's happened since she's been in a coma. In the GH universe, 9/11 isn't something that needs to be mentioned in that context.


As much as I dislike Nina, I did crack up when she was flailing around trying to find a phone with a cord, and then helplessly slapping Silas's cell phone. That was kind of fun. That's the sort of stuff I want to see her deal with. There's no need to force-feed her history.

  • Love 1
As much as I dislike Nina, I did crack up when she was flailing around trying to find a phone with a cord, and then helplessly slapping Silas's cell phone



I got a chuckle out of that too, and her line about "wheeling in all wifey" as if Silas was just as stuck in time as she was and hadn't moved on with his life amused me as well.


If there is one thing positive I will say about Michelle is that she can play kooky fairly well, she can do silly, she can pull off a little off center, and they sort of played into that strength, imo, with Nina's reactions to finding out about Sam.


And I'm just glad the truth is out, for now Silas has no secrets hovering over his head he's trying to keep from Nina so maybe there'll be a little grace period before the Nina goes on a rampage of rage.


And what was "sluticitous" about her conversation with Patrick?


I don't want to speak for someone else but some people see the worst in characters they don't particularly care for. It's like me with Mac. I think he's a useless douchecanoe 100% of the time even when he's probably not actually being a useless douchecanoe. With that said, I didn't see Sam being overly flirty with Patrick at all. She's always talking in a breathy voice and always wears low cut tops that show off the girls. *shrugs*

I can't stand Sam, I think she sucks the life out of any scene. Her sitting in the park with I'VEGOTASECRET so MANY secrets Rafe was like watching baby sea turtles try to crawl to the ocean.


Her scenes with Patrick were like watching paint dry. She sounds like one of Marge Simpsons sisters, I think her name should be Shirley. "Oh, Patrick I will SAVE the day I AM a PI I'll solve the crime PCPD could NEVER do!" jiggle jiggle....hello anything?


I always give Sam a pass on how she talks (volume-wise) since KeMo's partially deaf.  As for the girls...if I had that body, I'd dress like that too.


Exactly. Same here. I was pointing out that nothing she did yesterday was any different than every other day. 


(Jesus, does that sentence even make sense? I need a nap.)

Edited by Box305

Haven't had a chance to see yesterday yet but if Levi is on the way out I will be doing the happy dance all weekend.  Free Maxie to go to Nathan.


ITA Anna could come up with a better idea than faking Ric's death.  Molly, Alexis, Liz & Sam are devastated....and of course Sonny's just gonna shrug "eh, whateves".  Hell, put him in a coma.  Ron loves that shit.

  • Love 1

Someone hold Lucas down and shave him, please. I am not a fan of the wild growths on Ryan's face at the moment; and his hair could use a trim, put a shape back into.


I am also not a fan of Felix and Lucas "connecting", especially when the Felix actor is not very good and can't cry worth a damn, he's as bad as the Sabrina actress, my god can no one cry anymore? Oh Brad...how I miss the days of he and Lucas in bed and/or making out.


Ric's an idiot, and of course Anna yet again comes up with a terrible idea that has no chance of working out, fantastic.


Sonny and Duke both need to be tossed into a tank of man eating sharks. And how nice of the little moobster that he is determined to keep the truth about AJ's death covered up, allowing a dead man's innocence go unrevealed to his family, and son, so he doesn't have to face any consequences.


Alexis really brought Molly to see Ric's dead body? Oh come on, Ron, can't a little ounce of logic seep into your ideas sometimes?


The only thing I can think of as being a total positive about today, and this week in general, is that there were no kids!


No sleazy Spencer, no clueless Cameron, no empty Emma, nothing, not even a mention of them. *sighs* So blissful, peaceful...of course the kid apocalypse is on its way I'm sure so I'll just enjoy this time before the end.

  • Love 2

So Duke is going to have zero reaction to hearing an innocent man was murdered?  The man who said before that he had nothing against AJ and gave him a job when he needed it now doesn't even blink to hearing he was killed for something he didn't do.  


And hearing how Sonny sacrifices for his children - how my head didn't pop off my neck... This show.  

  • Love 8

Is Eli's not around anymore? I thought that was the place for ribs.


When Ric clawed his way out of the body bag, I laughed imagining Sonny in that situation. His fabled claustrophobia would never allow it. I'm surprised it didn't rear up in the Q crypt, but I guess the gravitational pull of Ava's vagina trumped any fears.


STFU, Brad. Britt is right to consider Nik a lost cause.


I'm a Liz fan, but man, what a dumbass to dare Dr. O to fire her. Of course Liesl will do it!


RiH did a great job with Molly crying in the other room.


Ooooooh, Sonny hates Ava more than he hates Deke. That's some prime feeling right there. Heh. And of course Sonny "protecting" his sons is really about covering his own ass.

  • Love 4

Tell me I did not just see Sonny in the previews in Anna's office demanding details about what happened to "my brother." Do fuck off, Sonny.  


Asshat. I hope Anna returns that volley with why should I when there's bad blood between you, and blah, blah, blah, and lists all the sins and transgressions Sonny has laid at Ric's feet, and promptly shows him the door.


And I also want a horsie.

  • Love 2
Ooooooh, Sonny hates Ava more than he hates Deke. That's some prime feeling right there. Heh. And of course Sonny "protecting" his sons is really about covering his own ass.



Oh, so that's what he said. Really? More than Deke? I would think Claudia still gets that sticker, since she put Michael in a coma and all.


I rolled my eyes at Duke saying if only Sonny's sons knew what he was sacrificing for them. I'm going to fanwank that he was just placating Sonny. Because he wouldn't be in this mess if he had sacrificed his need to kill and have sex for 5 minutes.


Lucas' hair is disgusting. GH needs to put away the gel already for the guys.


Marc Samuels is . . . not good.


Hayley Pullos was though, once again. This stuff makes me much sadder than the Gabriel stuff, and Ric isn't even dead.


I'm so sick of Ric not being allowed to mention Molly without Elizabeth. He needs to get over it, Liz doesn't like him THAT much. 

  • Love 3

MS was horrible in his emotional crying scene. I actually cringed. I'm not a fan of Fecas, so the less I say about them the better.

I'm tired of Lucas giving Brad attitude about Rocco. He needs to be giving Lulu attitude for naming that poor baby Rocco. Also, Lulu is more concerned with embryo baby than Rocco. I miss CoJones without the plot point Fecas shit.

Kudos to HP. She made my eyes mist twice today. RHe reaction to Molly's breakdown was well acted also.

  • Love 4

I love how Lucas is still hospitalized like he's on death's doorstep, while Liz, who had the same type of GSW was out of the hospital the next day and back at work shortly after acting like nothing ever happened.  Wimmen are so weak.


Your recovery time from a GSW clearly depends entirely on what would make for more run ins with an ex or future love interest.  I'm sure they teach that in med school. 

  • Love 2

Poor, stupid writers.  What's the point of having Homeland Security if you can't use it as an excuse to move your innocent man who has to look guilty for the sake of your govt agency investigation out of the picture without sticking him in a fake body bag to break his daughter's heart?  I mean, taking him to some unknown place somewhere would be bad enough, but he could write reassuring notes to his daughter reminding her that at least he's still ALIVE.


I don't see the need to rename Detective Plywood.  Plywood is extremely versatile, and he may turn out to be.  It's not like we were calling him Detective Particleboard.


Anyway, what would it take for the writers to address the fact that both Ava and Julian's problems are easily solved with a bullet?  It's not like they're not both MOBSTERS!  At least throw us a bone of Fluke and Sonny threatening that "if anything happens to me everybody you love is going to find out x, y and z!"  SOMEthing to explain why they don't just eliminate the threat.

  • Love 2
Anyway, what would it take for the writers to address the fact that both Ava and Julian's problems are easily solved with a bullet?  It's not like they're not both MOBSTERS!


Be gone with your tiresome logic! Ron has no use for it. Ever!


Hayley Pullos was though, once again. This stuff makes me much sadder than the Gabriel stuff, and Ric isn't even dead.


In all seriousness, I think it's because - even though Ric really has not been around forever - we saw Ric and Molly when she was small. They do, even if limited, have history, which is something to draw from. None of that existed with Sobby or her kid. A dead baby is sad, but absolutely nothing was put into the pregnancy before the kid died. Therein lies the difference, to me.

Edited by WendyR72

HP, NLG, and RHe were all excellent today, as was FH when Ric brought up the death of a loved on.  You saw Anna thinking about the entire Robin story right there on her face.


On the other hand, MSa and MB were awful, awful, awful today.  MSa continues to have zero chemistry with RCa and his attempt at crying had me laughing my ass off.  And then MB, dude cannot enunciate one fucking work.  I have no idea what he was saying, it looked like IB didnt either, and neither did the closed captioned because all of lines said "Sonny: [inaudible]".


Sonny, Rafe, and Levi in the previews for Monday.  I guess ill be buying more taaay-keeey-yaaah and barware this weekend.

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