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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Here is the baptism.  He was baptized as Michael Corinthos, Junior:

He was given the first name Michael after Michael Corinthos Jr. That's Sonny's legal name.


Michael's last name was Morgan after Jason since they were all lying and faking him being Michael's biological father at the time. Then the Q's flipped for naming him after a gangster, my favorite part was Edward saying something about Al Capone being the name. 


When Michael got the last name Corinthos, he then became "Michael Morgan Corinthos III." Now  I guess he's Michael Morgan Quartermaine? 

Edited by Artsda
  • Love 2

He was given the first name Michael after Michael Corinthos Jr. That's Sonny's legal name.

Michael's last name was Morgan after Jason since they were all lying and faking him being Michael's biological father at the time. Then the Q's flipped for naming him after a gangster, my favorite part was Edward saying something about Al Capone being the name.

When Michael got the last name Corinthos, he then became "Michael Morgan Corinthos III." Now I guess he's Michael Morgan Quartermaine?

I believe the paperwork had his current name as Michael Corinthos III and the new name as Michael Alan Quartermaine.

  • Love 2


Eh, it's a standard soap trope, the only way I'd find it "gross" is if the body in question was gross, to me.  I don't want to see Sonny's moobs, for example.  I find Shawn loathsome, but if he wants to wander around in a towel, I'm not going to hate.  My main point was just how is it gross for Liz to admire a guy's body when he's walking around her house without a shirt?  It's not like she set up shop on the other side of the bathroom wall and drilled a hole so she could ogle him unseen while he showers. He was in her living room without a shirt on.   I think it's just gotten out of hand that Liz cannot do anything without it somehow being the worst thing ever.  Hey, a guy she's attracted to was shirtless in her presence, and she enjoyed the view. What's the harm?  As far as they both currently know, they're single.  He wasn't wearing a wedding ring when he was hit, nobody claimed him, so it's not a completely unreasonable assumption that he's single.


What difference does it make if it's a standard soap trope? There are all kinds of soap tropes that are lame or horrible or annoying. Sleeping with two siblings, who's your daddy, back from the dead stories. Your definition of what you find gross is just different than others. I personally didn't find Liz's reaction gross, just pathetic and lame. But if someone wanted to say it was gross that's their right. 


What's the harm? Nothing really. But, speaking for myself, my bar for what annoys me when it comes to Liz is very, very, very low. So the scene may not have been harmful, but I don't like her and I don't like this storyline with Liz and Jakeson. Does there have to be more of a reason than that?


I think it's just gotten out of hand that Liz cannot do anything without it somehow being the worst thing ever.


How is this any different than the reaction that Sonny gets? Or Carly? Or Franco? Or Sabrina? It's not like Liz is some special snowflake when it comes to being hated.

  • Love 4

A thought has crossed my mind since seeing Helena and Jakson together. How much more interesting might things be if they had wiped his memory, changed his face and then she convinced him that he was a Cassadine.


Then she could have sent him after his former loved ones completely disguised, and how that would have complicated matters considering Sam would believe him to be a relative even though she would feel a pull towards him, as if she knew him intimately somehow.

  • Love 4

Just a reminder: Everyone here is allowed their opinion, whether they love and/or hate a character. This isn't a courtroom and feelings don't need to be proven or justified to be valid, either way.


So let's refrain from calling out others and stick to snarking on the show and said characters, no matter what emotions they conjure up.


Thank you!

  • Love 7

HOW does Anna not have a reax about Robin KNOWING Faison is on the loose!?!??


Sorry, my broken record is broken





She's in Paris, safe and perfectly healthy and fine! If there is one person on this Earth Anna has no reason to worry about surely it's Robin...I mean Anna is just now finding out that Faison has pretty much been a free man on the loose for a whole year, whatever might he want with Robin again?


This show is really starting to feel like a very sick joke and I can't even guess what the hell is supposed to be the punchline at this point.

  • Love 3

Okay I just played catch up:


I am still not convinced it is Bill. Julian told Alexis that lots of people in witness protection get plastic surgery. Bill would not need that to look like Luke. and why would Bill be in Witness Protection? What the hell did he witness?


I still think Damian Smith makes the most sense, especially since he was burnt in a fire: But I have two other suspects one long shot that does not seem to fit and that would be transvestite hit man Sally and the other Harlan Barrett.  Harlan would tie in with all the cartel stuff that is going on, and it would explain the things he does not know about Luke, the hatred of Sonny (over Brenda) and the seeming lack of malice towards Luke (Yes he has stolen his life but he has not killed him) and if I recall Harlan pursued Tracy but failed.


As to Duke taking over Sonny's Business the only way this works is if we see him meet with Shawn, Max and a few flunkies and then when they leave the room Monica steps out of the shadows: "So you will begin dismantling Sonny's empire?"

Duke: "It will take some time but yes."

Monica: "I am sorry about you and Anna"

Duke: "We have come back from worse. How is he?"

Monica: "AJ? The Doctors say it will be years but eventually he will recover."


Only this gives the real talent that Ian Buchanan has any play at all.

  • Love 9

Catching up on Monday's episode. Well, about 10 minutes of it anyway.  God, it's just a bunch of filler masquerading as .... well, nothing.  It's just a bunch of filler.  Yap, yap, yap, yap, yap, yap, yap, yap, yap, yap. And nothing happens.  We're just supposed to be mesmerized by a split screen of Tony Geary talking to himself?


I kinda knew a new Anna arc was coming, and any mild anticipation I had for it has been replaced by utter disappointment.  


The new agent? Can't act for shit.


Anna justifying herself to Dr. O? Pu-leeze.


Anna suddenly losing the ability to defend herself?  She used to take on whole karate fighting gangs, and she has to have a man (big, strong man!) pull a middle-aged frumpy woman off of her? Oooookay.


And 6 scenes of exposition. So stupid.


And the premise? That Anna would leave Faison on an island where a family lives and never checked on him personally once?


So beyond stupid.

  • Love 9

I am still not convinced it is Bill. Julian told Alexis that lots of people in witness protection get plastic surgery. Bill would not need that to look like Luke.


See, I thought that was another bit of misdirection.  The gist of what Julian said was, "What I ASSUME is that he got plastic surgery because a lot of people in witness protection have gotten it."  So we're supposed to be thinking, "Oh, Fluke must have had surgery to look like Luke!  Or it's a mask!  Or both!".

And the premise? That Anna would leave Faison on an island where a family lives and never checked on him personally once?


At the very, very, VERY least, Anna would have personally scoped out Faison's accommodations and this guard once Robert left Port Charles.

  • Love 6

At the very, very, VERY least, Anna would have personally scoped out Faison's accommodations and this guard once Robert left Port Charles.


Ah, WE all know that, as did Awesome Writer who wrote for her, and  RobertFucking!Scorpio! last year...at this TIME, is no longer here.  There is no other 'splanation.


It's like they threw us a bone and expect us to cuddle and hoard it forever, because that SAME BADASSERY and AWESOMENESS will never be shown to us ME again. Like the raw emotion and words between Anna and Robert in the stables last year would lead to 'oh, let's just hide him HERE, in the Stables! That will definitely keep him from getting to our loved ones!'


What the fuckever.


And Ron, that douchenozzleratbastardprickofafuckwit can just FUCK OFF. And his band of sycophantic "writers" too.

  • Love 5
At the very, very, VERY least, Anna would have personally scoped out Faison's accommodations and this guard once Robert left Port Charles.


Yah I totally LOL at Ana's indignation that the agent guarding him would file false reports for a whole year. Gads if you are in the same town and THAT worried about the guy you are totally an idiot to not even personally check one time. Don't throw shade when you have no leg to stand on.


(I know you guys love her but I have a hard time b/c of ish like this)

HOW does Anna not have a reax about Robin KNOWING Faison is on the loose!?!??


It is simple. She doesn't because it is not time for Robin's return. 


I am sorry but I don't hold the characters responsible where Robin's absence is concern. It is not fair to the actors/characters IMO. 

 Liz seems, for now, to be a placeholder.


Who isn't?

  • Love 5

No. I thought he was at least going to say, "Scooby and I were too scared to tell you and Robert that we lost Faison!", but nothing.


Yeah, all that hippie dude with the scraggly beard said was that he was faking the reports from Day One, and then I lost interest and I don't recall seeing him on the screen again.


Which proves my point. The current regime refuses and just doesn't want the truly badass good guys to win. Because it's all about the camp and that fucking Dr. O and her bretheren and unrequited luuuurve for a psychotic murderer.

  • Love 4

But I feel like KeMo resorts to touching JT (she literally squeezed his cheeks like an infant today) to generate something.


KeMo is so extra in all her scenes with JT. It's embarrassing IMO. I mean, she's trying to work it and make this story not horrible, but it actually just makes it worse because it's so forced and proves how terrible the whole thing actually is.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Wait, I get Michael disowning the bitch and the Don, AND Helena calling Alexis "Natasha" AND reminding her about killing her mother?  Has someone been reading GH History 101?  (No, of course, because of the Michael "Corinthos" retcon).  Is it Christmas already?


Aw, Jason's in khakis!  Next up, Christmas sweaters!


And, like, the Port Charles area, if it is any where near Buffalo, is under nearly eight feet of snow, and Carly's walking around in a light sweater.  CAN SOMEONE PLEASE SHOW FRANK AND RON WEATHER MAPS!!!

Braindead Ron actually lives in NY. Guess he doesn't dress the characters. There is NO making sense to this show.

Apparently it's a thing that's trying to happen right now. ( I asked my daughter)

Is the agent investigating Anna (Sloane, is it?) actually Faison in disguise???? 


 It better be ,because anything else makes no sense. But this is FrankenRons version of GH sense ???

 STFU, Carly, you arrogant, judgmental, self-righteous hypocrite! My hatred of you isn't at "flames-on-the-sides-of-my-face" levels; it's full-fledged backdrafts now. Strolling in the Q mansion like you were Monica (aka The Owner) was bad enough, but your guilt-tripping Michael, trashing AJ and playing the victim for the umpteenth time has gotten even older than Helena Cassidine. Fortunately, Michael Without Pity was having none of it. He may have wavered for a moment at the end, but looking at that picture of AJ seems to have brought him back to his senses.  Carly's martyr complex seems to make about as much sense to Michael these days as Anna's putting Faison on Spoon Island without Nik's permission and not checking on him or the agent who was supposed to watch him does to me.


  As for Carly's claim that the Qs would have treated Michael like property if she had let AJ be a part of his life, while they would have made plenty of mistakes with Michael, at least none of theirs would have lead to Michael's going to prison or getting raped because of it.  Michael's signing the name change papers in front of Carly was a thing of beauty. The only things that would have made it better were AJ and Monica being there and then having Carly thrown out and telling her that if she ever trespassed again, they would throw her sorry ass back in jail and make sure that she never got out again.

Edited by stacey
Inappropriate nickname
  • Love 13

Did that damn WSB agent ever explain why he was filing false reports?


I assume the explanation is on Ron's Twitter feed.  It's like DVD extras except crappy and petulant.  


KeMo is so extra in all her scenes with JT. It's embarrassing IMO. I mean, she's trying to work it and make this story not horrible, but it actually just makes it worse because it's so forced and proves how terrible the whole thing actually is.


I had the impression that she really wanted to do Samtrick for a while, so I've been chalking it up to her really wanting this to work now that she got it.  

  • Love 2

Exactly. Carly and Sonny always treated Michael like such a trophy that I'm surprised he didn't grow thinking his name was "MySon". Which is stupid considering that AJ was present for a bit of Micheal's life and Carly/Sonny have a biological child, Morgan. I'm surprised that Michael brought up Morgan going to military school. I wish they'd bring up Jax. And poor Joss. At least she'll probably be at the Cassadines for Thanksgiving. So there's that. I just wonder where Morgan will eat. Someone has to feed Morgan. He has a giant child to eventually raise.

And no lie, everytime the door opens in Sonny's jail penthouse cell, I keep thinking it's Johnny.

  • Love 6

My question is - even if the Qs wanted Michael for ELQ does that mean that they would be incapable of loving him?  Hell, they treated AJ like shit but they acted like Jason was God.  I would imagine the first born great grandson would have probably been treated similarly (he was the first born right?).


Also re-watching the Carly/Michael scenes made it seem like Carly was a cult member and Sonny was her leader.  Its bizarre to me how hard she was pushing the whole Sonny is your father thing.  Maybe she would make some headway with Michael if first she bothered to apologize and second, focused on her own relationship with Michael (since he is HER son) and stopped pushing the Sonny angle.  That alone makes it scream that she did everything for herself and Sonny and not Michael.

  • Love 12

KeMo is so extra in all her scenes with JT. It's embarrassing IMO. I mean, she's trying to work it and make this story not horrible, but it actually just makes it worse because it's so forced and proves how terrible the whole thing actually is.

I totally give her the credit for trying because my pet peeve is actors phoning it in, but in this case, it's just distracting to me. Those couple-ly moments should be so natural that it's unnoticeable.

And WHAT was that British accent!? Lol.

It is simple. She doesn't because it is not time for Robin's return.

I am sorry but I don't hold the characters responsible where Robin's absence is concern. It is not fair to the actors/characters IMO.

Some of my friends share your view! They think I'm cray. Which I am. :/

  • Love 1


Also re-watching the Carly/Michael scenes made it seem like Carly was a cult member and Sonny was her leader.  Its bizarre to me how hard she was pushing the whole Sonny is your father thing.  Maybe she would make some headway with Michael if first she bothered to apologize and second, focused on her own relationship with Michael (since he is HER son) and stopped pushing the Sonny angle.  That alone makes it scream that she did everything for herself and Sonny and not Michael

So This. If I were Carly I would be throwing Sonny under the bus so fast to get my kid back: Hell Carly should tell Michael that Sonny threaten to kill her if she told. You know like he did when he thought she shot Olivia. Defending Sonny is the Last thing Carly needs to do here

  • Love 6
Sabrina having a wrenching miscarriage and watching her child die


Sabrina didn't miscarry; the trauma from the car accident induced early labor. Patrick was also there when Blanket died.


Did that damn WSB agent ever explain why he was filing false reports?

He seems to be the Macguffin to put Anna in the hot seat. I wouldn't be surprised if we never heard about him again.


And, like, the Port Charles area, if it is any where near Buffalo, is under nearly eight feet of snow, and Carly's walking around in a light sweater.  CAN SOMEONE PLEASE SHOW FRANK AND RON WEATHER MAPS!!!


They film weeks ahead of time. There was no way to incorporate that kind of thing. Even for Buffalo, that blizzard was early and gave them an exceptional amount of snow. Besides, weather is usually a plot point on soaps.

  • Love 1

By the way, since this is what Anna is capable of:




and this:


http://youtu.be/mEy4sCV88L8 (one of my all-time favorite fan-made Anna/Robert videos)


and this:




I'm going to choose to believe that Finola Hughes had nothing wrong with her ankle and opted to wear that ankle brace after reading the script and going, "Oh brother, I can't even fend off one 50-year-old woman without any super spy or martial arts training? How do I make that look realistic?"


Pretty soon she's going to have to start wearing a bandage around her head and tell people that she had off-screen brain surgery, and it's affecting her ability to think.

  • Love 12

I love Constance Towers and seeing Helena with her evil ways, but starting with Julian, she's running out of people to instantly be terrified of her. Someone is going to shrug off her "with just a twitch"/knife-against-the-throat and doubletap her in the head without a second thought. "Wait.... you all were scared of that old lady???"


Better yet. Someone break her hand. No longer able to handle a kni--- oh wait, she has one of those Wolvervine/Hook knife hands! It's CyberHelena! Okay *that* I could take for the next level.

  • Love 2

When Carly told Michael that Sonny has spent every moment since he killed AJ regretting it and letting it destroy him, I really wanted Michael to fire back "then why did he say on that recording that he wasn't sorry and he would do it again?"  It bugs me that Michael hasn't gotten to bring up the fact that Sonny hasn't seemed very sorry about what he did, just sorry that Michael is mad at him.

  • Love 11

When Carly told Michael that Sonny has spent every moment since he killed AJ regretting it and letting it destroy him, I really wanted Michael to fire back "then why did he say on that recording that he wasn't sorry and he would do it again?"  It bugs me that Michael hasn't gotten to bring up the fact that Sonny hasn't seemed very sorry about what he did, just sorry that Michael is mad at him.


IMO, it's because that would highlight that that's what Carly is also upset about. Carly, as we know, is thrilled that AJ is dead, and more than being thrilled she got horny when she found out about it, which....even for Carly, that's low. Much like with Franco, Carly is hurt, but she's hurt because of the wrong thing. Let's pretend that her being A) morally insane and B) hell-bent that anyone would be better as Michael's father than AJ - and whether that 'someone' was Tony or Jason or Sonny or a homeless man living under a pier - is the entire reason that this conversation is taking place. Let's even forget basic logic, since I'm pretty sure that Carly's atavistic lizard-brain doesn't know what that word means, much less know how to apply it to any given situation. She isn't even upset at herself because she's the one who kept the SERIAL KILLER  around, and that she was the one shrieking the loudest about how it was the tumah that drove Franco's actions.  Sure, she's livid with the freak, but she's livid because Freakco did something to her, not that AJ is dead or that Michael has been victimized again because of her poor choices. So to have Michael point out Sonny doesn't regret murdering AJ at all would also be to point out Carly's vile hump-fest when she heard  the news, and I'm fairly confident that no one on the writing staff wants that underlined. JMO.

Edited by Cobalt Stargazer
  • Love 9


ICGS, on 25 Nov 2014 - 8:15 PM, said:


I was wondering today if the issue with the LIz/Jake story is because we know Jake is Jason.  I mean, otherwise, would it be that awful?  I mean, just looking at the story it's rather sweet in an old-fashioned lovely soapy way.  You've got the nurse who's working extra hours because she's a single mom with 2 young kids and an overbearing COS who hates her who assigns her as many shifts as she's legally (hah!) allowed to.   Said nurse finds herself drawn/intrigued by this John Doe and takes care of him a bit more than she has to.  As he recovers, they talk, bond, etc.   Mean COS kicks him out, he has nowhere to go, nurse had literally spent hours and hours and hours with him, so she invites him to stay with her as it's Winter, the holidays are coming -- movies have been made on similar premises tons of times.   Then, of cousre, boom, later, the reveal will come, that OH WOW!, they knew each other before.    But by letting us know beforehand that THIS IS JASON!, it automatically set the Liz/Jason haters, theJason haters, the Liz haters, the Sam/Jason lovers up to have major issues with the story.     I just don't think that the story itself, or how Liz is acting with Jake, is terribly awful, OOC, or that this awful writing and un-soap-like.  This IS soap, this is rather the bedrock of soap storytelling.  The problem is that we shouldn't have known it was, at least, not from the get-go.




You make a great point. The plot as it is written is something out of a Frank Capra movie:  "Meet Jake Doe"!


Or Cherry Ames,Unknowing Mob Nurse


(pretty sure I just gave away my age with that one lol)

  • Love 6

After decades of whining about his claustrophobia and how he would just DIE if he had to go to jail, Sonny's condition being totally manageable and him being all fine and dandy behind bars?  No thanks.


Duke declaring that what he did (lie for a mobster) and what Anna did (attempted, in a really dumb way, to keep a psychopath contained) are totally the same?  No thanks.


Spencer "forgetting" that he's met Dr. Obrecht before just so they could squeeze in a Beetlejuice joke?  No thanks.


Helena and Dr. Obrecht being in the same location and STILL not interacting?  Nooooooooooooooooooooo thanks.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 3

OF COURSE Monica sees her grandson Danny off-screen for Thanksgiving. You suck, Ron!


Love Anna's reaction expressions and words for that POS Duke. I would have kicked him out the second he said he could forgive her. Also, why does Dr. O have Duke's phone number?!? His parting comment to her made him seem like a spiteful teenager. 


Love that Sonny finds out on Thanksgiving that Michael has fully embraced the Quartermaine name/family/home. "I got no ties to Michael." Happy T-Day, Sonny! Wish Morgan had heard Sonny say Michael is his heart. The audience has always known the stolen child was the most valuable one. 


Emma hugging Sam like she used to hug Sabrina made me roll my eyes. And STFU Spencer. Not even a Pilgrim costume can make him cute.  Britt, T-Day is not a holiday cocktail party. That dress is OTT. Faison in a suit for Thanksgiving, lurking outside Wydemere and talking to Helena in plain view on the other side of the glass door was just absurd.


I have to say that Luke's wink to Tracy, and Alexis being a hero in that moment, was cool.

  • Love 5

Ron has no shame, none.


A Q Pizza Thanksgiving? Really...? Another piece of precious Q history that he just had to get his grubby little paws on. And this is after he so killed AJ without necessity? After he's been writing Tracy like a brainless dunce? After he had Monica replaced at the hospital by his crazy ass pet Dr. O and barley gives her two scenes every other month? Bastard.


He doesn't want to write for the Qs, he wants to steal their old history and then use the nostalgia to get away with all his usual shit 344 days out of the year which involves them being painted as idiots, being back burned and lucky to get sloppy seconds after his little "pets".


And singing too...? He really does want to be the Ryan Murphy of soaps.


Liz's Thanksgiving looked as uncomfortable as it sounded on paper. The new Danny twins really...I just don't know.


Spencer in a Pilgrim costume...need I say more.

  • Love 3

I hope she didn't offer any lame excuses for Carson. Normally she wouldn't support Michael without judgment but knowing RC .......

No, she didn't say anything in defense of them - just told Michael she's sorry for what he's going through. I kinda think she feels like the only benefit of Jason being "dead" is that she rarely has to see/deal with Carly or Sonny.  

  • Love 6

When Carly told Michael that Sonny has spent every moment since he killed AJ regretting it and letting it destroy him, I really wanted Michael to fire back "then why did he say on that recording that he wasn't sorry and he would do it again?"  It bugs me that Michael hasn't gotten to bring up the fact that Sonny hasn't seemed very sorry about what he did, just sorry that Michael is mad at him.



Sonny and Carly are both trying to snow Michael with that remorse shit and I hope Michael never buys into it since he knows how much they hated him.


I would like the next time that Carly tells Michael she did it for him that he fires back with "did you bang Sonny for me too?"

Edited by ch1
  • Love 3

I thought Britt looked goregous for once today. Eh, I guess when one lives in a house with freaking catacombs, you dress to impress 24/7. So no one fed Morgan, yet freaking Luke got out? And in like 20 seconds got a suit and worm holed to the Q mansion? Well okay. I'm sad that Micheal is too sad to eat pizza, but at least Monica ran after him with pizza. Someone alive in his family cares about him.

Still wish we could have had one second of Johnny with a drumstick handing Sonny a dried bologna sandwich. Johnny Z eats like a king. Not you, Sonny.

Oh and just shut up Duke. Shut up you stupid zombie cat motherfucker. Ugh. I hope Shawn shoots him when he cleans his gun.

  • Love 1

The look on Spencer's face when Obrecht dumped his coat on him is the first thing he's done that's genuinely amused me in a while.


Duke walked into Anna's office extra stiffly today.


Did they have to choose a picture of poor Sean Kanan where he has a case of crazy-eye going on?


ER/Lulu looked great today. I liked her dress a lot. 


Britt's dress wasn't indecent, but not exactly what you wear for Thanksgiving dinner with the family.


Aw, thought it was kinda sweet that Tracy called Dante her son-in-law. Also, I liked that he looked more suspicious/annoyed than surprised when Luke came strolling in.


Dante: Well there's nothing we can do about Faison, Jerry, whoever, so let's just eat.


Translation: Even the writers can't keep track of how many fucking megalomaniacs they have running around.


I liked O. again for one second when she said "nice hat", but then she got back to all the freaking Faison bullshit. Shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuup.


Whoa, back up camera, back up on Michael's face. Then I can concentrate on is his lips. In a not good way.


Uh, Helena? You went to Elizabeth's house. Of course she got in the way!


previews: my poor bb Morgan let me hug you you doof


I don't have much to say about today's show but I liked it okay.

After decades of whining about his claustrophobia and how he would just DIE if he had to go to jail, Sonny's condition being totally manageable and him being all fine and dandy behind bars?  No thanks.


I think the only person who really thought claustrophobia would kill Sonny in prison is Carly and maybe Jason. Stupid Sonny.

Edited by ulkis
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