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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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I feel HP/Molly did a great job with the material she was given today. Unless Alexis is lobotomized, I don't see how Julexis survives after this. It's always the fact that the wronged party was lied to that breaks up the relationship.

Are the trying to make me not like Lucas? I know this is Ron but damn I have no clue as to what they are going for with the character. Lucas is coming off as an arrogant ass. Why are they pushing Fecas? It was like they had Felix repeating Brad's transgressions, so the audience would remember why Lucas is being such a dick. Does every relationship have to be a triangle or quad.

Enjoyed Brad/Britt's interaction. I'm surprised by how much I enjoy the Britt/Nathan sibling bonding.

I don't care about Purina or SiAmbien.

Wow, Sam's girls were really out and bouncing today. Girl needs to invest in a better bra.

As a fellow well endowed woman, I am going to stand up for KeMo. The bras that give you more visabilty over a lot less support yet sometimes you want the visibility. Trying on Tankini tops yestersday was a trial in patience for that reason

I swear I'm a nice person. I love my daughter, my nieces & nephews. I'm a caring nurse. But if these asshats don't stop trolling me & send baby shamwow to heaven I'm going to scream.

I have a funny feeling baby shammy will survive & the Ava & Sonny/Morgan baby will be the tock.

Edited by BestestAuntEver
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I liked this episode. Keep in mind I ffwd most of Sam/Silas and Liz/Nik.


I really love the Britt/Brad friendship and the Britt/Nathan sibling bond. They're both really cute and the actors have chem.


I liked Molly a lot today and I usually ffwd her. She looked really cute in the first few scenes. I hope she continues to believe in Ric and not drop him in a sec like Liz did. I mean, Liz probably shouldn't really even believe Ric, but she was so gung ho about it and then Nik comes in and is like "Well, his fingerprints were on the gun," and she's immediately crying and baby voiced and not believing Ric. Like OK there Liz.

Edited by peachmangosteen


I hope she continues to believe in Ric and not drop him in a sec like Liz did. I mean, Liz probably shouldn't really even believe Ric, but she was so gung ho about it and then Nik comes in and is like "Well, his fingerprints were on the gun," and she's immediately crying and baby voiced and not believing Ric. Like OK there Liz.


Liz has shown real restraint by not immediately taking a ride on Nik's magic stick.

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Anyone else find it interesting that Patrick had no interest in the baby taking his name?


 Patrick made it clear he would support the baby in every way he could; why does it matter what the baby's last name is? Drake is the baby's middle name, so it's not as if there's no acknowledgement. 


I have a funny feeling baby shammy will survive

I don't know; there were an awful lot of remarks on how well the baby was doing. That's usually what happens before things go south.


Brad's rant about the wedding he was at.


Three different chocolate fountains sounds AWESOME. Brad is a cranky old crab.


Nina, Nina, Nina! [/Jan Brady] All we hear about is Nina. WE NEVER CARED.


I like Britt and Nathan, too. They have a nice sibling vibe. I also like that she seems to have learned from her experiences. I'm sure it won't last, given that Ron is anti-development, but I'll enjoy it while I can.

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I feel awful for wanting the baby dead, I really do.  But, well, you could hear the doom coming as they cheered the little kick.

I am with you.  But I fear that all this "he's doing so well" talk is just a set up for a major setback, during which Patrick and Sabrina will bond and grow closer and fall in love again, and then the baby will recover and they'll all move in together.  Not interested.  Wait - where is Carlos?  Have we seen him lately?

Is Julian getting hotter?  I was all about him today.  May need a few more pants-less scenes to confirm, though.  Viva Julian's Briefs!


On that note, I like Julian and Ric.  Well, I like them more than I like most other people on this show, at least.  I want this story wrapped up quickly, with both of them coming out unscathed and Julian taking off his pants again.  Luke can die, Julian can say he *thought* Ric was the big bad boss because he never met him or something, and we can all move on.  To Julian's Briefs.

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I have lurked on TWOP GH for years.  Never said a word.  


I have been a GH fan since summer of '80-'86; came back '91-'94, came back again but not until '05-'07 for the return of Noah Drake; again for L&L's 25th anniversary in '08; and finally back in '13 for the 50th anniversary and have been loyal since.


I also was an intern in the casting office at GH for a short stint in '94.  That was an amazing experience.


I can't stand the way Sam dresses.  If only she wore a blazer over those low-cut tanks.  Way too much boob exposure.  And I really don't care too see her bra straps so often.

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Of course we never cared about Nina. Until the hiring of Michelle the Mouth Stafford, she was...not even a character, but just a REFERENCE. How the HELL is the audience supposed to give a shit about someone who was basically words from others?


A sad thing indeed when sitcoms (MASH - nonexistent Captain Tuttle; Frasier - Maris Crane; Cheers - Vera Peterson) do a better job of fleshing out nonentities. Ron needs to go clean toilets with his scripts. They're made for each other.

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Even with Felix's rep for kissing up to people, I couldn't believe his fawning over the venerable Bobbie Spencer

In the GH in my head,  since there are only one or two patients in the hospital on any given day, the older nurses and doctors at General Hospital probably sit in the hospital cafeteria and chat about when they first worked there --  when they had patients to treat, problems to solve, and linen closets to make out in. Inevitably names get mentioned as stories are told, so the younger staff has learned the names, probably because Epiphany forced them to do so. 


Enjoyable sibling bonding scenes with Britt and Nathan today.  I particularly liked that she was supportive of him still thinking of Nina as a sister.  And their casually tossing off/accepting a lunch date invitation was cute.  Stupid Nina's arrival better not screw this up.


Lucas has clearly gotten splashed with some of the eau de smug Felix is wearing because both he and Nurse DuBois bugged big time today.  Poor Brad (...how the hell did that happen?!?!). 


Sam and Silas were disgusting.  Was this big outpouring of love supposed to be a "See, he's totally not John McBain, he can say 'I love you' no problem!" moment from Ron?


Previews...ugh, Franco/Kiki.  And how heartwarming that the SERIAL KILLER wanted to tell Kiki in person that her mother had most likely been murdered, thanks to his efforts.

Edited by TeeVee329
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Ugh, I was so disappointed today, although I don't know why I ever got my hopes up. I have ridiculous levels of love for Liz and Ric and I have always been angry at the way they were discarded the first go around. I was so happy when Rick Hearst announced he was coming back, even though I knew enough to keep my expectations low. I figured he would just be a short blockade on the way to the nauseating Niz. So imagine my surprise and delight when Liz actually stood by and believed Ric, and went off on Alexis and Julian. Now imagine my disappointment when Nik gives her one new piece of "evidence" and it all disappeared! I mean seriously Liz, you can believe that the evidence was faked and that the gun was a plant, but not that someone could get Ric's prints on the gun? Come on now!


And tomorrow I get punished for 25 years of viewer ship with Michelle Stafford showing up, ugh! I truly think that she may be my least favorite soap actress of all time, and that's saying something!

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I finally figured out who "Luke" is: it's Larry Bird!


Seriouely, I was at the gym tonight, looked up at the tv and ESPN was on and they were showing Larry Bird's press conference, and I actually said out-loud, "why is Tony Geary having a press conference on ESPN?".  


It now makes sense why the Pacers fell apart at the end of the season: their GM was in Port Charles trying to bring down Sonny.  


On another note, I must be sick in the head becsuse I am very tempted to watch this new show premiering at 2pm on ABC tomorrow called "The Michelle Stafford Show".

Edited by Tiger
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Lucas has clearly gotten splashed with some of the eau de smug Felix is wearing because both he and Nurse DuBois bugged big time today.  Poor Brad (...how the hell did that happen?!?!). 


Sam and Silas were disgusting.  Was this big outpouring of love supposed to be a "See, he's totally not John McBain, he can say 'I love you' no problem!" moment from Ron?


I was never far from a gag reflex today.  That picture of The NIna at the end would have done it - my feelings on that in the Nina thread.


But seriously, SOMEBODY KILL FELIX.  Or at least cut the smug out, although there'd be little left except the priss.  CanNOT stand the man.  Ron C. did a good job with Fish and Kyle - so on GH he reverts to ridiculous stereotypes????  Huh?  Damn, his abilities have ALL disappeared.


But the two schmoopies were the worst.  THE worst.  Having to watch those two declare their love was as embarrassing as it was boring.  Silas McBain whateverthehellhisnameis and Sam are about as dull a couple as Felix and anyone.

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I liked Molly a lot today and I usually ffwd her. She looked really cute in the first few scenes. I hope she continues to believe in Ric and not drop him in a sec like Liz did.


I loved Molly today. Now I want a scene of her visiting Ric in his cell. Which means it'll probably happen off screen. It's funny, because I usually am indifferent to both Ric and Molly but I'm interested in them together. I don't know why. Maybe because for so long he was on and then right after he left, she got SORASed and it was weird that they never interacted, so now I like/want to see the relationship?


I can understand why Alexis doesn't have faith in Ric. But I'd feel more sympathy if her chemistry with Julian wasn't lukewarm (imo).


But the two schmoopies were the worst.  THE worst.  Having to watch those two declare their love was as embarrassing as it was boring.  Silas McBain whateverthehellhisnameis and Sam are about as dull a couple as Felix and anyone.


Yes! Why was it so embarrassing? Silas agog over Sam's loving him was awkward.


Nik looks better, except the side of his hair has some sort of poof going on.

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I came back today after a two-month Sonny/AJ rage-induced hiatus and already wondering why I bothered. 


Yes, "embarrassing" is exactly the word for Silas and Sam.  I think it's a combination of Michael Easton's inability to play emotional material (I actually like the guy, but he doesn't have much of a range, and schmoopy stuff is definitely not in his wheelhouse) and the ongoing issue plaguing not just Silas/Sam but every couple on this show, which is that we've been given no reason to understand why these people even like each other and no reason to care. 


On the plus side, Nikolas appears to have de-puffed a bit.  Detective Woods still hasn't learned to move his face, but he was looking really good. 


Brad was hilarious and remains my favorite thing about this show.

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I can understand why Alexis doesn't have faith in Ric.

I can't, not completely. Alexis has never totally trusted Ric, I get that. But Molly was right today: All of the proof that allowed Anna to arrest him was from Julian. And the way Alexis totally discounted Ric swearing on Molly's life was disappointing.


I don't think Molly was too hard on Alexis. She cuts Sonny way more slack than she does Ric. Why she hasn't cut Sonny loose now that Kristina is out of the picture is beyond me. I was also surprised Molly wasn't as shrieky as I expected. Heh.

  • Love 2

I can't, not completely. Alexis has never totally trusted Ric, I get that. But Molly was right today: All of the proof that allowed Anna to arrest him was from Julian. And the way Alexis totally discounted Ric swearing on Molly's life was disappointing.


I don't think Molly was too hard on Alexis. She cuts Sonny way more slack than she does Ric. Why she hasn't cut Sonny loose now that Kristina is out of the picture is beyond me. I was also surprised Molly wasn't as shrieky as I expected. Heh.


Sonny didn't have Alexis thrown in jail when she was battling cancer. While Sonny fucked Sam, he didn't know she was Alexis's daughter and wasn't married to Alexis at the time and didn't fuck Sam on her mother's floor. Molly doesn't know about Ric's past. Anybody who does would be a damn fool to give him the benefit of the doubt. And I HATE Sonny and like Ric. Alexis has plenty of good reasons to not trust one word out of Ric's mouth. Hell, in her place I wouldn't throw water on Ric if flames were coming out of every orifice of his body.


I really want Molly to hear every one of Ric misdeeds.

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I don't think Molly was too hard on Alexis. She cuts Sonny way more slack than she does Ric.


I love Alexis, but she made me ill today.  I'm sure it's because the audience knows the truth and that Molly is right on, but she seemed so blank and brain dead to me.  Julian isn't the be all and end all, he's a career criminal like Sonny, while Ric is an attorney like you and the only one you married.  He's done horrible, even criminal things, but Ric is, not an insult, but a lesser compared to Sonny and Julian.  He's more of a regular person, even with the panic room.  I feel this is a plot point turn for Alexis, because, character wise, I'd expect her to at least show at the PCPD with Diane in tow.  

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Yes! Why was it so embarrassing? Silas agog over Sam's loving him was awkward.



Michael Easton looks like he's actually embarrassed by his lines.  Not that he doesn't have every right to be - to steal a great line, the dialogue ran the gamut of emotions from A to B.  Or maybe he was just distracted by Sam's boobs.  Putting 'em out there, Sam!

  • Love 1

I was really dreading the Molly scenes today, but Haley Pullos has finally outgrown that high-pitched screech. I'm hoping I haven't jinxed it, but I think now Sonny is back to being the only threat to the barware of Port Charles.  I hate Ric, but I loved watching him because Rick Hearst is sooo good. The scene where he and NLG have it out over Sam? He deserved all the Emmys that year. But now? He just makes goo goo eyes at Liz and helps Cameron with his origami. My Julexis loving heart can handle this storyline as long as they UNLEASH THE HEARST.


Fake Luke? He's Scott Baldwin. Hates Luke, hates Sonny for turning his daughter into a stripper/drug addict. So the real question is Who is Fake Scott? It's Victor Jerome. He's always wanted Lucy, only an old man who knew he probably needed to show anger but was too tired to give a crap because "dammit-it's-5:00-pm-and-my-blood-sugar-is-low-can-we-just-do-dinner-already-I-need-to-take-my-pill" would throw a chair as feebly as he did in the interrogation room scene, and he wears sunglasses inside because the light hurts his corneas. True, Victor found Julian disappointing at times, but he could just be cutting Jules a break now because Julian has FINALLY given him some grandchildren. 

  • Love 4

Love the Britt/Nate sibling friendship. I was so worried that it would be swept under the rug like Dante and his brothers, but I've been surprised.

Molly going off on Alexis was great, especially her pointing out that Alexis would prefer all the other fathers over her own. Yeah, Ric was an asshat way back when but he seems to make amends. And how does Alexis think that he has the money to bankroll the mob? She's an idiot, like Tracy has become.

Ff through the Niz- of course it's all about them now.

I didn't mind the ILY with Sam and Silas- they look happy for the time being.


There is about as much chemistry between Patrick/Sabrina and Sam/Silas as there is between the chemical reaction in my brain that tells my index finger to press the Fast Forward button on the remote when the couples appear on the screen. 


It's been over a year since there has been ONE extra as a patient at General Hospital.  How much does it cost for a doll to be placed in a crib in NICU?  Since Patrick looked like he just rolled out of bed and onto the set, couldn't someone have taken his bathrobe and drape it on one of the medical professional extras walking in the background?


At least Sonny and none of his spawn (or Carly or Olivia) appeared - so the episode wasn't as bad as it could have been.

Edited by sunnyface

I've never seen M Stafford before so my curiosity is up to see if she's as bad as y'all say.


Sam/Silas were FF for me.  Loved Britt/Nathan's easy sib talk.  Felix and Lucas were really douchey to Brad.  There's a character I hated at first but I like him now.  Was that OOC for Lucas to act that way?  Felix I get being a bitch.


Team Molly!  HP has grown into a really good actress as well as a beautiful young lady.

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Alexis is a lawyer. Yet when she was telling Molly about Ric's arrest, not once did I hear her say "alleged"; she kept saying Ric was "guilty" and that the police had "proof". Say what? That planted gun was totally circumstantial! I was disappointed w/Alexis--her bias for Joolian is really showing. I realize that Ric has given her some bad times but still--where's her training in justice, law, etc?


I thought Brad's rant about the gay wedding that he had attended was hilarious. Three chocolate fountains and a carriage for the couple that was modeled on Princess Diana's! He was the only single guy there! He's so darned cute.


I'm liking Molly more...hope she does not revert to being a typical teenager in a power struggle with Mum.

I don't understand how the Purina baby made it alive to the hospital, what with Patrick carrying it there like a newborn puppy on his chest. But it seems to be going downhill now, and if it dies maybe Patrick and Sabrina will bond over that, get married, and produce an exact copy of the little tyke.

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd
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Was that OOC for Lucas to act that way? Felix I get being a bitch.

I missed part of his teen run but I don't remember him being such a douche. I'm not sure what direction TPTB are going with the character or what direction Frank is giving to RyCa. If this is the way Lucas will behave, than let him stay with Felix & they can be asses together which makes them easier to FF.

I know that won't happen thou. Ron can't write for shit & he'll probably use these Brad encounters as well as their hate/dislike of Brad to build a relationship on. The problem is - that's not a real relationship. They will have nothing once you take Brad out of the equation.

I don't see any changes being made in management or writing with supposedly the best sweeps rating in 7 years.

Maybe I should start drinking while watching the show.

I thought Molly was awesome and had some valid points but I also knew Julian was lying so that helped. I usually just want Molly to STFU and it was a nice change. I know Ric is the new AJ but hasn't he been considered as smart? Why would he have the gun in the room where he was sexing up Liz?  Oh, yeah, they are all plot point maroons.

I was okay with Lucas and Felix hooking up but dang, they were assholes. I guess the view was shitty from their high, high horses.

I was not really paying much attention to the dialog in the Sam/Silas scene, I never do but I was so distracted by her boobs whacking me in the face. And Silas's nostrils as he depletes the oxygen level of any room he is in. He and Nooner (Nina)  together will be a danger to any scene mates.

I enjoyed Britt and Nathan and thought Brad's wedding Hell was actually funny.



  • Love 1


I was actually surprised by the Felix/Lucas/Brad triangle.  I didn't expect Lucas' gleeful reactions to being fought over.  It just seemed kinda douchey of him and it made him look as if he didn't really care anything about Felix or Brad.  He was just enjoying the attention.   I'm not sure where they're taking Lucas now.


Lucas and Felix were acting like assholes I guess but I don't think I'm ever not going to be amused by Brad's pain and suffering. Can you tell that I don't like Brad?

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I'll be the lone voice who was totally annoyed by Brad's gay wedding being TOO gay rant. ugh

Plus I don't care much for Britt and her bugs bunny teeth, All I can think about is carrots when she talks.


Why did I ever think I liked Liz, OMG her whiney voice and razor sharp shoulderblades slice right through my ear drums!

I do still like Nik so now I'm at a loss on a love interst for him.


Molly was great and when your baby daddies are all criminals I don't think one can be judged harsher than the other, so WORD to you Molly!

Still love Julexis though


Bobbie trying to rant at Julian with her frozen face and popping eyes was like watching one of those Chuckie Cheese animatron puppets, it was frighteningly hilarious!


Please no to Silas as Nina's love interst. He and boring Sam can't handle my Jazzy hands!

  • Love 2

So Alexis has gotten Tracy's disease where they nearly blindly believe the men in their lives while their children try to talk sense to them. RC is writing the women stupider than Guza did.

Sonny didn't have Alexis thrown in jail when she was battling cancer. While Sonny fucked Sam, he didn't know she was Alexis's daughter and wasn't married to Alexis at the time and didn't fuck Sam on her mother's floor.


True. He did however, berate her for not telling him the truth about him being Kristina's father outside their daughter's hospital, acted like a little bitch when Alexis requested the medical waste of Sam's still born daughter to save Kristina's life, nearly blew up Kristina in a botched hit on Johnny's life.


I always resented Ric/Sam affair because I knew it was done to facilitate Liaison for Jason's benefit, since I know Liz was never a character that the show had an interest in protecting. 


I actually loved the scene when Bobbie shooed out Felix and Brad. Promptly turned around and exclaimed "You're Welcome!" in that sweet mom way. Lucas did this sign thing and she mimicked it, thereafter Lucas went into a snort laugh thing. 

  • Love 2
I'm not sure where they're taking Lucas now.


It would have made sense to have made him a Doctor.  TFGH.



Sam/Silas were FF for me.


Sabrina and Patrick were also FF.  All four of them appear to use as much energy as it takes my index finger to hit the FF button. 

I enjoyed Britt and Nathan


Nathan would have been good enough just to have on screen to look at but it is nice to see that he does have chemistry with other actors and is making an effort at this gig.  The cutest scene (so far) of Nathan, was when he was trying to take notes and recite his dialogue at the same time.


Does anyone remember the last time that there was an extra actor used as a patient?  The last time that I remember there was an extra at the hospital was when some random patient pulled over Dr. Patrick and told him what an awesome nurse that Sabrina was.  That was well over one year ago.


It is always a better episode when Sonny and his spawn (and Carly and Olivia) are away from my screen.

Edited by sunnyface

I agree that Ric has been a total asshat over the years, in general and toward Alexis specifically, but I can't say that he's worse than Sonny.  In fact, to me, Sonny has done so much worse and is overall such a terrible person that I find myself agreeing with Molly on this one - Alexis defended Sonny for years, even when she knew he was guilty; surely she could help Ric out here.  In fact, didn't Alexis used to cite Sonny being Kristina's dad as a reason why she needed to keep Sonny out of jail?  


Although, to be fair to Alexis, the Julian sex has got to be influencing her judgment.  Which I understand. 


I could have my Samtrick.  Hell, id be down for a Patrick/Sam/Nik triangle as long as it kept Patrick away from Sobby and Nik away from Liz.


Hell, lets throw in Maxie and make it a quad.  Nathan can go rescue Lucas from douche 1 and douche 2.


On another note, when it comes to Sonny and Ric were Alexis is concerned, Ric may have fucked one of her daughters but Sonny almost killed another.  #TeamRic

Edited by Tiger
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The last time that I remember there was an extra at the hospital was when some random patient pulled over Dr. Patrick and told him what an awesome nurse that Sabrina was.

If that's the sort of thing they're going to use extras for, I can deal with never seeing any other patients. Ugh, that was awful.


On another note, when it comes to Sonny and Ric were Alexis is concerned, Ric may have fucked one of her daughters but Sonny almost killed another.  #TeamRic


Not to mention, being Sonny's kid has brought physical harm to each and every one of them. Even the unborn ones. At least the Ric/Sam horror was consensual.


I would like Alexis to keep a little more of an open mind when it comes to Ric being named the BIg Bad. She has every reason not to trust him, but think it through for one second. It's all way too convenient.

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Felix needs to die yesterday. I don't think he can get more insufferable.

Even though Brad started out in full asshat mode, I really like the energy Parry Shen is bringing. I like Brad and Lucas together.

Towel Drake, I can't muster up any energy to care. There's too many babies as it is and his mother sucks any energy out of her scenes.

Go Molly. Call your mother out on her hypocrisy. I usually like Alexis, but Molly is dead on.

I think Ryan Peavey's Nathan is having some good scenes and showing improvement lately. I really enjoy the relationship between he and Britt.

Ric should be swinging through PC taking no prisoners. I love that he isn't focused on Sonny.

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