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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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I really liked Mac, Flea, Lucy and Kevin. And I like the idea of Flea as mayor. It would give us three vets in key positions in town and would enable some fun bits as perky Flea referees between DA Scott and Commission Anna.

I loved the Annie Logan call out and Scott's "The Virgin": Shades of Dan Aykroyd in Dragnet.

AJ is not Dead. Sorry I think it was ll in Monica's mind just like the shifting Carly's were all in Sonny's head.

I really liked Mac, Flea, Lucy and Kevin. And I like the idea of Flea as mayor. It would give us three vets in key positions in town and would enable some fun bits as perky Flea referees between DA Scott and Commission Anna.

Agreed.  It would be a nice side story for this group of vets - it'd involve Felicia, Mac, Lucy, Kevin, Scotty, Anna, maybe Duke and Bobbie.  Sounds fun to me.

So I'm guessing there's a reason I don't know about that explains why they couldn't get Stuart Damon back to usher AJ into the ether? I was waiting all episode for that scene given what went down between Alan and AJ when they were both alive.

I mean you bring back two past versions of Carly and Emily but not Alan?

Well if you watched when AJ first came back in 2012, we saw scenes with Alan and AJ. Very poignant.

In my head Stuart told them to fuck off. Very politely of course

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I've slept on it. I've worked out this morning & I'm still pissed about AJ's death & the "whoa is me" poor Sonny centic episode.

This just added more evidence to the idiocy & lack of touch to GH history & audience regarding Cartini.

I would love for the vets to have a story however Cartini will have to give them more than 5 minutes 2-3 times a month.

Ugh, Sonny ruins absolutely everything.


Thanks GHScorpiosrule for starting this thread I need my place to rant, rave, bitch and snark.


Wasn't watching back in the day so LW is the only Carly I'm familiar with.  The prior Carlys....who was who?  Black dress vs white dress.  I thought Tamara Braun was on AMC briefly as Reese (Miranda's wife) but I could not figure out who was who as she didn't register as either one.  I know  my learned colleagues out there can clarify.  As far as Carlys go the blonde in the green blouse wins my vote for emotion.  Nice job.

I am beyond pissed that they 'killed' AJ.  I think it's a fake out and Monica once again saves her boy.

*small voice*  Sonny was hot in those flashbacks.  Still couldn't act his way out of a wet paper bag but hot.

Edited by OhioSongbird
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This is disquieting because for the first time....ever...they are writing Sonny as a villain. Not dark, edgy or misunderstood and moody. There is no "Sonny's POV" and no ambiguity. There is only one right in all this and Sonny doesn't have a leg to stand on. He has become irredeemable, something I thought I'd never see.

There is no coming back from this, no sweeping it under the rug and no sugarcoating it. Sonny murdered an unarmed man, hands in the air, in cold blood.


EDITED:Posted in wrong thread.

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There is no coming back from this, no sweeping it under the rug and no sugarcoating it. Sonny murdered an unarmed man, hands in the air, in cold blood.

Well, there's definitely some way to sweep this under the rug and clear Sonny of any wrongdoing beyond pulling the trigger if the spoiler about 

Carlos putting something into AJ's IV comes true.

Edited by Superboy

I really want to see a knock-down, drag-out do debate Felicia and Mayor Lomax, and I say that as a huge Flea fan and someone who likes The Madame Mayor.

It's too bad Kannie, as the city's only "journalist" isn't still around to moderate the debate. She could switch personalities during the debate, going from asking pointed and insightful policy questions as Kate Howard, and then tmz-esque questions as Connie Falconeri.

Edited by Tiger
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Today was unbearable. Having to see Franco/Carly was UGH. And the endless bitching at the police station. Poor Diane Miller, having to explain and then RE-explain to Dante/Lulu.

I enjoyed Dr. O/Liz.

That was a hella awkward scene in the art gallery between Ava and TJ's mom.

And even though I know that AJISNOTDEAD, I'm glad various characters spoke about him.

Edited by fishsanwitt
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Wasn't watching back in the day so LW is the only Carly I'm familiar with.  The prior Carlys....who was who?  Black dress vs white dress.  I thought Tamara Braun was on AMC briefly as Reese (Miranda's wife) but I could not figure out who was who as she didn't register as either one.

She was (and also was on Days - twice, one of those times replacing Natalia Livingston in a role). I have not been watching, but the woman not LW and not TB was Carly #1, Sarah Brown. TB was #2, the forgotten Jennifer Bransford, who was blink and miss, was #3, and Laura Wright is #4.

Waaaaaaaaaaaay too many Carlys. I vote she and Sonny do a murder-suicide pact and have GH SCum free. Show of hands!

Edited by WendyR72
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Ava/Maura looked gorgeous today. Love her straight hair. But I agree about Jordan's choice of outfit, that jacket and ill-fitting skirt, just no.

I wanted the room that Sonny, Carly and Franco were in to just swallow them whole. Imagine how many problems would be solved without these three.

Liesl can stay forever if she continues to throw shade at Liz. Made me so happy. I can't remember her line, but some piece of dialogue just cracked me up. And I liked how she found herself surprised about liking the cereal. Oh, I also loved her description of Sabrina - the mousy nurse and pink dustmop.

Siambien and Detective Can't Read are going to catch Ava? They couldn't catch a cold in a room full of sick daycare kids. I can't wait for this to blow up in their face.

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In today's episode we got to verify Block of Wood's ability to read. Sweet Lord, did he have to read the ENTIRE article? I continue to be so invested in the stammering guilt of a midget mobster and Black Jason.

I saw Nathan referred to has Detective 2x4 today. That gave me more enoyment than the show.

Lillybee, get ready to have a stroke. Didn't you know Sonny has to be involved in every story & on every day.

Edited by BestestAuntEver

Lilybee: I hope that AJ  has an on screen funeral but I don't think that it will happen.  If he does, I wonder who will attend. If the greasy little shit shows up, I may have a stroke.

I think we may get an on air funeral for AJ. And that it is the day before the Nurses Ball, which is why we won't then see Monica or Tracy at the Ball.

per Jane Elliot's article via TV Guide.  

I think his killer will show up to the funeral


AJ's death has been reduced to a plot device for Sonny and Carly to have to "deal" with.  Have the barware ready. I got mine. ;) 

Edited by scotlore

How sad and pathetic is it that I can only manage to read y'all's posts about the episodes this week, but can't bring myself to watch? And I've said it before and I'll say it again: No one ever truly dies on this show and stays dead. Well, at least not in recent years. Both Robert and Anna were "dead" and appeared as ghosts after Stone died. Robin appeared as a ghost to Patrick and Robert and Jason...Hell, she told Jason she was "at peace now" right? So this bullshit about AJ being at peace???

BUT...I don't trust Ron, that douchecanoeratbastardprickofafuckwit to bring AJ back and why would SK want to come back under this fucking regime? I have no hope. I've NO desire to see my favorites who've been fucked over but good to come back while these ignorant asshats are in charge. So I'll be hopping over to Bold & Beautiful to get my Sean Kanan fix.

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Okay, I watched yesterday's show and there are no words.  The intro was great, paging Dr. Hardy, Dr. Alan Quartermine, Dr. Jeff Webber, etc. and bestest, Amy Vining, but after that, it went down hill faster than a gold medal bobsled team.  

I get it, I'm supposed to feel sorry for Sonny, too bad....I don't.  While I enjoyed seeing SJB and Tams, and I thought MB did a pretty good job (there seemed to be fewer, misplaced pregnant pauses) I want Sonny to fry.  I'm so tired of the "I didn't mean to do it" and "AJ deserved to die".  I wanted to yell at my television, "no you ignorant oil slick, he didn't".  I hate that AJ's always been the big, bad where Sonny is concerned, because he wasn't.  All AJ ever did was try and stand up to the troll.

Speaking of AJ.  I thought SK did some of his best work in those scenes yesterday.  He seemed far more relaxed and it was so good seeing him smile. Killing another Q was so unnecessary.  Killing the Q's off is not going to make me care about dead Nina or Silas' pain or fall in love with the Jerome or the Corinthos clans, if anything it makes me loathe them all even more.

I would have loved to have seen Stuart Damon there and have Alan walk AJ off, but sadly, from what I've read, I don't think Stuart's health is very good.

I also watched today's show, in under 15 minutes, Dr. O and her Fruit Loops for the win.  

Edited by LegalParrot81
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BUT...I don't trust Ron, that douchecanoeratbastardprickofafuckwit to bring AJ back and why would SK want to come back under this fucking regime? I have no hope. I've NO desire to see my favorites who've been fucked over but good to come back while these ignorant asshats are in charge. So I'll be hopping over to Bold & Beautiful to get my Sean Kanan fix.

I DO love your choice of words! That description of Ron C. is exactly what I think his teachers called him at Parent/Teacher night.

So, so true.

Haven't watched since AJ died. Notice Jason wasn't there. Guess he couldn't go up the stairs ,would have to go down. Someone tell me how Sonny can have the nerve to walk in a church, and not worry about the roof caving in. Guess he really does think he is right. guess he didn't pay attention to the 10 commandments ,Thou shalt not kill. Maybe he thought it meant everyone else.. FrankenRon can write what they want but. AJ did NOT push Carley down the stairs, and you cannot kidnap your own child. We know Scummy won't pay for this, they will find a way of Sonny didn't do it. I won't care because I am swimming to the barge as we speak.. Doesn't matter which Carley they pair Scummy with one slag beast is just like the other. I never liked any of them. FrankenRon ruin everything.!

Really, really, really, really, really looking forward to what happens when Sonny finds out it the "AJ" was "Ava Jerome."

I know it might not happen, considering how this show can be with follow-through, but until it doesn't happen I'm going to have faith that it does.

Speaking of Faith... I can't remember if we ever saw her body or anything after AJ had an assassin take her out.  I'm assuming we did but that was so-freaking-long-ago. Maybe it was during one of my GH hiatuses... but I just can't remember the end of that story.  Faith would definitely give Ava a run for her money... 

Does anyone think the show will get cancelled before 2015?

I think it's a possibilty but think it may survive to 2015 because of other ABCD turmoil. GMA is losing & shuffling hosts. I hear that the continuation of "The View" past this season is still in the air.

I wouldn't be surprised if it were cancelled within the next 2 years thou.

I liked the Brad/Britt scenes today. I guess the countdown to RC's determined Lucas/Felix pairing officially starts tomorrow.

I think it's a possibilty but think it may survive to 2015 because of other ABCD turmoil. GMA is losing & shuffling hosts. I hear that the continuation of "The View" past this season is still in the air.

I wouldn't be surprised if it were cancelled within the next 2 years thou.

I liked the Brad/Britt scenes today. I guess the countdown to RC's determined Lucas/Felix pairing officially starts tomorrow.

Neither cancellation nor continuation would surprise me, and I think are both as equally likely, unless ratings shift drastically either way.

Ugh, today.

Okay - some things I liked. Brad and Britt. I liked their conversation. Yes, I know she can afford an apartment; I still liked Brad offering.

Um, someone upthread said they liked Carly's sweater. Me too!

Everything else - nope. Especially heinous was Sonny's bullshit explanation of *why* he shot AJ. And Carly's 'justification'. I laughed my ass off when she said she would still pick Sonny over AJ. And how, thank God, Michael was *nothing* like AJ. 

A lying crock of shit all around.

Now I have to go and tweet my displeasure to the two numb nuts who run the show.

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Especially heinous was Sonny's bullshit explanation of *why* he shot AJ. And Carly's 'justification'. I laughed my ass off when she said she would still pick Sonny over AJ. And how, thank God, Michael was *nothing* like AJ. 

A lying crock of shit all around.

Now I have to go and tweet my displeasure to the two numb nuts who run the show.

Of course Carly would pick Sonny over AJ. She always goes for males who aren't of the humanoid persuasion. Jax was so lucky to get way. But who else would mate with the Slagbeast, but another slouching slug - Sonny really IS her forever guy.

Michael is "nothing" like AJ? Hey Carly, Michael has been showing us that he's a human lately. That automatically deletes him from the Carly/Sonny DNA bank.

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Okay, I watched yesterday's show and there are no words.  The intro was great, paging Dr. Hardy, Dr. Alan Quartermine, Dr. Jeff Webber, etc. and bestest, Amy Vining, but after that, it went down hill faster than a gold medal bobsled team.


First time posting on previously.tv by a vet of several TWOP boards:

I wish they hadn't placed the pictures/paging in "heaven" while at the same time using characters that were still alive (Jeff Webber, Lesley Webber and Noah Drake).

I skipped yesterday because I hate Carly no matter who plays her, because I've hated Sonny ever since he drugged Karen Wexler and turned her into a stripper, and because I couldn't bear to watch AJ sacrificed for two of the most vile characters ever.  Again.

Ron C. is a hack and Frank V. is an ass for allowing it.  They both suck.  The whole thing makes no sense.  They bring SK back in a great back from the dead story and then proceed to waste him for months.  Why?  There was so much history, potential story, and talent there.  But instead of actually doing something with him they kill him off to provide angst and screentime for Stumbles and the Slagbeast.  So, so stupid. 

AJ's gone while Kiki, Silas, Franco, Felix, Sabrina, Carlos, Sean, Olivia, Nathan, Dante, Lulu, Sonny, and Carly are still here.  It boggles my mind.

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Really, really, really, really, really looking forward to what happens when Sonny finds out it the "AJ" was "Ava Jerome."

I suspect the answer is 'absolutely nothing' since Sonny confessed to Carly that you know, he just really, really wanted to kill AJ for all the horrible things he's done over the years.

Ron is salivating over the amount of trolling he pulled with yesterday's episode.  He's reading boards and cackling.  Asshole.

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