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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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They made a big point of Alexis crushing the cup Paul gave her and throwing it into the seat so Sam has to remember even tho she might have not seen Paul hand it to her..  Alexis should get it, too, when she straightens up.  It had to be a mickey or she would have tasted alcohol.  And I agree NLG was on her game.  Brava!

STFU Sonny, Nina & Carly. 

Loved JE & LC.  If JE leaves I will have the sadz......

I don't read spoilers so I was genuinely surprised to see Sabrina killed.

I recognized the Judge, too.  I think she was on a sitcom a long time ago with Jay Thomas.  That's all I got.

Edited by OhioSongbird
...answering a question....
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Sonny to Jordan:  "It's not often we're on the same side."  Nothing like some lighthearted bantering vaguely referencing the time you tried to have her killed, assface.  

I'm not sure that's what it was about since that happened before yesterday, which is the only time the writers remember anything.  I think it had to do with the fact that he's that oh so lovable "coffee importer" and she's mean old cop who wants to arrest him for being a "coffee importer".  


I think she was on a sitcom a long time ago with Jay Thomas

My hubby just finished showing my daugher episodes of Mork and Mindy and sure enough, that's where the judge was from, she was Jay thomas's sister and M&M's neighbours.  

Kudos to the makeup people for making Sabrina look so pale and death like.  And was anyone else squeeked out when Michael kissed her on the lips?  

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Sometimes I think they're setting up a pretty good line and then they ruin it. In a recent episode, Tracy said to Dillon, "The worst choice you can make in life is..." and I'm thinking the elegant conclusion is going to be "...no choice at all." But she ends it with "...to do nothing." Which means the same thing, but it just doesn't have the same epigrammatic punch.  

More recently, they showed the Sabrina flashback montage. I was on a viewing hiatus for most of that stuff, and I don't know which writing regime it was, but in one scene she asked Felix to be her person of honor, and he said something like, "Isn't that something you're supposed to ask your family?" For God's sack (tm old-time MightyBigTV). Whatever you think of Sabrina and Felix, whether you loved or hated them, wouldn't the affecting response have been for her to say, "I just did"? Or "Felix. You are my family"? Or not say anything at all, but just smile at him in a way that conveys what we're supposed to get out of it, and then he returns the look and is moved? It boggled my mind that they totally killed it by having her blather about how he was such a great friend and she wanted him there as she walked down the aisle.  

I got through the most recent eight (eight!) episodes in about an hour and a half. I don't have much to say, as you can imagine. I watched all the Morgan-on-placebo stuff for the laughs, and I did watch the Hayden/Elizabeth scenes. I'm surprised the sister reveal came out on a Tuesday show in September. I was totally expecting dumbass Franco to pull it back and say "Well, I mean...you're sisters, you both understand what women have to go through today," so they could vamp on it until sweeps.  

Edited by Asp Burger
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1 hour ago, Chairperson Meow said:

Lulu Spencer, who aborted Dillion's baby

Lulu was in no way ready or able to care for a baby at that point. Without starting an argument about abortion, she was right not to have the baby. (And they made a point later of noting abortion wasn't why she was having problems later on.)

55 minutes ago, SoTheresThat said:

Does anyone know the name of the actress who's playing the judge at Julien's trial?  She looks so familiar but I can't place her.

It's Gina Hecht, who played George's therapist in "The Pick" episode of Seinfeld. (They got sidetracked when George couldn't work the zipper on his jacket.)

Ugh, of course it's Jason talking about a baby that awakens Monica. Spare me.

I liked how NLG played her scenes, too. I just wish we didn't have to see people clucking that Alexis is losing it. Jordan haranguing her was gross. Maybe if the PCPD wasn't completely inept, the case would be stronger.

"It wasn't Ned or Dillon or the staff who wore the cologne, but it was someone in the house." Gee, I wonder who's left.

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4 hours ago, WendyCR72 said:

Ava is as nasty as Paul, Sonny, Jason, the whole lot. They all need to GTFO. (I know Sonny and Jason will be the cockroaches that last, but I still have my delusions there.) But Ava? Julian? Paul? BYE!

And where Paul is concerned, as said, Richard Burgi is better off leaving this shitshow. I know Maura West is considered a soap superstar, but...I don't get it. And with no Nik to tease Ava/Nik (just as well there) and being gross with her own brother, I don't see what's left for her. Unless it's to fight about her rugrat with Sonny. And no. Been there, done that. Just kill the kid. Even if the toddler playing Avery is cute. But this kid serves no purpose.

Frankly, this show could still easily stand to lose another 10 to 15 people. And I nominate Ava, Julian, Franco, and Nina, for starters. Maybe Wallpaper Dillon, too. Maybe knowing Daddy was a killer and a nut will make him leave town. (This show has zero idea what to do with this version of Dillon.)

Everything in this post is 100% factual. 

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I feel like it should've been obvious to the judge that something was wrong with Alexis, something more than just being drunk/high.

This hospital serial killer/Julian's murder trail is so stupid and unnecessary. Just kill Paul/Julian/Ava/Sonny and stop this.

I really wish they would have Jordan go to work for the WSB or Sam or something and give the commissioner job back to Mac. It's a thankless role so they might as well give it to someone who is never on screen anyway.

Are Carly and Nina supposed to be friends now? Am I supposed to believe this? Stop the fucking madness, Jelly. Also, I'm ready for Nelly to go.

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7 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

When Nelle was all, "She is a force of nature," I was rolling with laughter. They have got to be kidding me with this shit.

Me in the writer's room:


I had a really hard time dealing with that.

I'm pretty sure Matt killed Lisa (I think that's her name) in self-defense-ish circumstances and he's still in prison. Basically killing in self-defense is the only thing you do jail time for in PC.

I love that scene!

I actually don't think it was self defense. He was drunk and he just hit her. The worst part is he had no memory of it.  

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8 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:




I'm pretty sure Matt killed Lisa (I think that's her name) in self-defense-ish circumstances and he's still in prison. Basically killing in self-defense is the only thing you do jail time for in PC.


I never paid any attention to Lisa because she was in Robin's story.  But you have a point, and Tracy going to jail and still being there when the show ends is alright by me. It would be a sad, but in character, satisfying ending for her. Speaking of women Patrick flirted/cheated with:Layla. I totally forgot to give Nazanin Boniandi props for her role as Esther in the new Ben Hur movie. I always thought she was beautiful, but never gave Layla a second thought because again....Robin. But Esther is actually a well rounded, strong, intelligent female who is not afraid to kick her man to the curb. 

Not bad for ancient Jerusalem. She is a great actress, and I hope this role gets her better recognition. I wish her great success.

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14 hours ago, Fellaway said:

Has it occurred to Lulu or Dante yet that perhaps Helena made sure that embryo has already been born?  I mean, it was her precious Stavros' child!  Was she really going to just leave it chillin' in a thermos?


Rumor hath it that a 5-yr-old was cast for Athena Cassadine, but if so we don't know if she is the developed kid. I think the casting was some months ago. The hiring could be a red herring by the show, or if it does eventually appear in the sl, the character might be someone else whom Helena developed independently from the embryo.

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd
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I am not going to miss Sabrina however I thought the montage was a nice way to show a lot of the highlights of Sabrina's time on General Hospital and to showcase her friendship with Felix. I always liked Felix for I feel bad for his loss. Whatever else, those two characters were written as close friends and we could actually believe that watching the show.

Whereas with Michael, I don't think they could ever build a montage of him and Sabrina because barely anything happened during their relationship except Sabrina supporting Michael in between the time that she was choosing Carlos over him.

There shouldn't be a custody issue regarding Teddy. Both of his parents were murdered and his blood relatives are Joe, his parents and Sabrina's family. Unless Sabrina left instructions for Michael to raise her son, he had nights to the child. In fact, it would make more sense for her to leave her son to Felix than it would be to Michael.

Never going to believe that Michael and Sabrina were madly in love. Maybe tepidly in like with one in another.

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16 hours ago, Oracle42 said:

Up until she became a wig on a stick Laura survived everything that Michael had and more - and she was the ultimate ingenue. It didn't mean that she was weak, just a particular character type. CD's Michael is the same type. DG? not so much

Michael is not an ingenue and neither is Genie Francis.  Ingenue's are usually female, and is a term used when these female characters are first introduced as innocent, uncomplicated "good girls," and Laura certainly fit the bill way back in the 70s, but that titled has long since been retired, and Michael never had it.  When has Michael ever been innocent or uncomplicated?  The kid was shooting people (accidentally) and having bombs delivered to his birthday parties.  We'll have to agree to disagree on this one. 

16 hours ago, ulkis said:

Are we sure that wasn't just a Billy Miller "oops forgot I'm on camera,  and accidentally showed my loathing for this show" face?

My problem with BM is his complete lack of anything.  I don't see him as this great actor that I've heard so much about, and I think it may be because he just doesn't put any effort into his scenes.  The other problem, which isn't his fault completely, is that his character is tied to so many characters on GH, but because BM has no history with these actors, that relationship is completely absent.  I mean I felt nothing watching Jason and Monica, but SBu and LC would have made that scene affecting.   The other problem with new Jason (and there are many) is that he is aimless.  I mean what does Jason do all day?  He has no job.  No purpose.  He just lives off  his money it seems.  The old Jason would never have lived his life that way.   SBu's Jason was Jason Morgan, love him or loathe him.  I have no idea who this other guy is that BM is playing.

16 hours ago, aw86 said:

I almost felt bad about Sabrina dying and then they showed that montage.  

I think the Felix/Sabrina montage showed exactly why the Sabrina character didn't work out.  The writers could not do a montage of Sabrina with any other character on GH because she has had no relationships on GH beyond Felix.  Her relationship with Patrick was always doomed and ended tragically, and she hasn't had a relationship with Michael long enough to even call it a real relationship.  She has no family.  So the only person to have her montage with was her BFF Felix.  That's a problem.  Nina is in even worse shape.  I have no idea why she's still on the show.

12 hours ago, stlbf said:

Eh, at least Ava isn't paraded around as some esteemed member of good society.  Unlike the town kingpin, Sonny. So she has that going for her in my view.

I agree.  Ava is a complete villain with some layers.  I don't know why some people want all the bad guys to be good too.  I like that Ava is basically a sociopath.  I agree that the writers need to tone down Sonny's hero status.  I'll be mad if it's Sonny or Jason that finds out about Paul.  Let Michael or even Dante do some of the hero stuff for gripes sakes.  I am actually enjoying GH.  So I don't have the hate for the show that I'm reading here, but that doesn't mean that some things can't be improved.  I like Sonny/MB, but it's time to let the younger actors/characters start to take the lead.

Edited by Bishop
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I have no doubt the writers see Michael as an ingenue and that's how CD plays it most of the time. It's pure stupidity, but it's what the writers have chosen for Michael/CD. I actually think CD is better at playing a Michael who's jaded and pissed. I look forward to him being pissed at Carly now that Sabrina's been murdered. But at the same time it will be rage inducing considering he literally doesn't give one shit that Sonny murdered AJ/Carly covered it up.

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But at the same time it will be rage inducing considering he literally doesn't give one shit that Sonny murdered AJ/Carly covered it up.

The best way to make up for Michael forgiving Sonny/Carly too easily, is for him to realize it now.  It would be a great story and a kind of obvious turn for him considering he forgave them, in large part, due to Sabrina's ridiculous influence.  They'll probably just have him be pissed at Carly, not Sonny, for a few weeks and move on though.  But, that scene when he was begging the Hosp Staff to save Sabrina was the exact positioning he was in for when AJ died.  PTSD people.  Play it.  They should have him kidnap Teddy?, who he is sure to lose when Uncle Joe gets custody.  

I mean, what does it take for Michael to finally, really, fucking crack?  This is one of those times, when I really miss SB's Jason who has the history with CD.  

Edited by sunflower
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Felix's goodbye speech to Sabrina actually had me teary--especially him telling her she was the longest relationship in his life, as long-lasting friendships are just as important as romances...but then they ruined it with an over-long montage of the two of them doing basically nothing. 

NLG was good yesterday, as was Venessa in her scenes with her outside the courtroom, but Sam is always so low energy that someone might want to check her for a pulse. 

Sonny wants to testify.  Jesus save me, he probably wants to pontificate about Julian's BIG BAD and then get self-righteous when Scott cross-examines his lying, criminal ass.

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1 hour ago, sunflower said:

They should have him kidnap Teddy?,

Ugh, no. Let Dr. Carrrlos take Teddy back to Puerto Rico and we never have to hear from either of them again. If Michael is going to have PTSD, have him direct it toward the people who gave it to him: Sonny and Carly. Let Michael start messing up Sonny's business, and have Michael do a secret takeover of the MetroCourt and fire Carly. Anything other than more dumb baby drama.

1 hour ago, Cheyanne11 said:

Sonny wants to testify.  Jesus save me, he probably wants to pontificate about Julian's BIG BAD

Paul: What is your relationship to the defendant?

Sonny: He's been really mean to me ever since he came to town. He's a liar and kills people.

Paul: Don't you do that?

Sonny: Uh... [long pause] Julian is a really, really bad man!

Edited by dubbel zout
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2 hours ago, sunflower said:

The best way to make up for Michael forgiving Sonny/Carly too easily, is for him to realize it now.  It would be a great story and a kind of obvious turn for him considering he forgave them, in large part, due to Sabrina's ridiculous influence.  They'll probably just have him be pissed at Carly, not Sonny, for a few weeks and move on though.  But, that scene when he was begging the Hosp Staff to save Sabrina was the exact positioning he was in for when AJ died.  PTSD people.  Play it.  They should have him kidnap Teddy?, who he is sure to lose when Uncle Joe gets custody.  

I mean, what does it take for Michael to finally, really, fucking crack?  This is one of those times, when I really miss SB's Jason who has the history with CD.  

I actually agree with this.  If BM would be playing Jason Q or Jason who is disgusted by the Jason Morgan actions so much so that he hates Sonny/Carly and goes on a revenge spree and wants to atone for his sins, then yes.  BM could play that very well.  Jason Morgan, the sainted robot murderer for hire with the golden penis, is not a good character or even a character.  It's a parody of a character.  I'd rather suspend my belief and have BM play AJ or a long lost AJ son (as they'll never bring Lucky back for some reason because Liz can't have more than one child on camera).  Michael having PTSD and kidnapping Teddy would be kinda awesome.  Hell, kidnap all the children.  I'd believe it.  He can say none of their parents were watching them and he was sick of it.  I would totally buy that.  And when will Carly crack, like really crack?  She's chilling with Nina.  That is so weird. 

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Bishop, I mostly agree with your post, except for the comments about Laura. She was sleeping with her mother's boyfriend at the age of what, fifteen? Hardly sweet and innocent. That is one problem I always had with that character. The things she's done over the years, compared with how I think the show wants us to see her, just don't add up. Unpopular opinion here I am sure. Laura and Liz are a lot alike that way-we're supposed to see them as good girls, when in actuality a lot of their words and deeds over the years have been outright selfish and mean spirited. But you are right-ingenues are female. 

Edited by IWantCandy71
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And when will Carly crack, like really crack?  She's chilling with Nina.  That is so weird. 

Color me surprised, but I am kind of enjoying the vibes between the two actresses (notwithstanding any dialogue containing baby rabies and/or the Sonny/Jason enabling).   Both characters had have weeks/months of interacting with boyfriend Franco - so the actresses do deserve some slack.  And my favorite new young actor - Nelle - is not dragging down the vibe too much between these two established actresses.   YMMV.

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5 hours ago, Bishop said:


My problem with BM is his complete lack of anything.  I don't see him as this great actor that I've heard so much about, and I think it may be because he just doesn't put any effort into his scenes.  The other problem, which isn't his fault completely, is that his character is tied to so many characters on GH, but because BM has no history with these actors, that relationship is completely absent.  I mean I felt nothing watching Jason and Monica, but SBu and LC would have made that scene affecting.   T

I think the Felix/Sabrina montage showed exactly why the Sabrina character didn't work out.  The writers could not do a montage of Sabrina with any other character on GH because she has had no relationships on GH beyond Felix.  Her relationship with Patrick was always doomed and ended tragically, and she hasn't had a relationship with Michael long enough to even call it a real relationship.  She has no family.  So the only person to have her montage with was her BFF Felix.  That's a problem.  Nina is in even worse shape.  I have no idea why she's still on the show.


I don't think it's about BM being a great actor - more like he smiles at people/seems to engage, speaks in sentences, and doesn't do that silent blink-and-glare thing SBu did. I think BM hit the mark in the Monica scenes in that the character came across as caring about his mother and wanting her to survive esp. for the sake of the grandchildren, but not feeling an emotional bond with her (after now having lost a couple  years of his life) and because (IMO) Jason was never a warm ' I love my Mom' guy in all the years SBu played him as Jason Morgan.  He understood that she was his mother, and her well-being meant something to him, but not in a normal mom-son relationship type way. He was mostly lukewarm, distant. I believe they had maybe one personal/emotional scene, when Jason told her that Franco had raped Sam. Hell, when Alan died, Jason was just like "I feel sad" and verbalized identifying with Alan's sense of loss re: him because Jason and Elizabeth had agreed he would not be in the role of father to Jake. 

The problem with Sabrina having a montage is due mostly to the show's casting changes. Sabrina had scenes over the years with Robin's husband, daughter (gone) and mother (off-screen right now), her own personal cheerleader Epiphany (rarely seen), Britt (gone), Carlos (dead), Lucy, Felix, Elizabeth (in a hospital bed at the moment), and Michael and Tracy ... Monica sometimes too I guess. GH has all but abandoned great friendships on this show, so Elizabeth and Sabrina were friends but not tight like the days of Liz, Robin, Emily, etc. GNOs.  I agree with you in the sense that Sabrina was not an independent character having relationships of substance with current characters, so a montage with anyone other than Felix strains credibility.

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6 hours ago, Bishop said:

The other problem, which isn't his fault completely, is that his character is tied to so many characters on GH, but because BM has no history with these actors, that relationship is completely absent.  I mean I felt nothing watching Jason and Monica, but SBu and LC would have made that scene affecting.

I agree with this. It's an unfortunate consequence of a recast, especially if the previous actor had been playing that role for DECADES.

6 hours ago, Bishop said:

I mean what does Jason do all day?  

THIS. It's like they've made him into a traveling crime solver. First with Nik and now I'm sure they'll have him involved with trying to nab Paul.

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6 hours ago, Bishop said:

I agree.  Ava is a complete villain with some layers.  I don't know why some people want all the bad guys to be good too.

I don't want Ava to be good. But I do expect her to pay for killing someone. And just generally the crimes she does. Yeah, I know. Sonny and Jason don't. But I separate them because they are sadly the show's center and I guess the show putting Sonny in jail for 2 seconds was supposed to be paying. Ava? Not so much. And since - IMO - she doesn't have the history to back her up as Sonny and Jason regrettably do, I have no interest in watching a new generation of criminals skate.

Fair? No. But it is what it is. And really, the character has no direction, and I just think losing her would be no great tragedy.

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So I saw 9/14 episode. What does Carly know about "creating a love that sustains"? Nothing, less than nothing. Even when the man is decent or completely understands her,she will set out to destroy him if she thinks he is a threat. I am glad that Tracy got in a dig. I think it would be smart of the show to have Carly think that she is a woman of class, but to have people remind her that she is a gold digging gutter rat who got all of her power on her back. If she throws around to whoever is judging that it is because she grew up in a trailer park, how the person site they work with a woman that grew up in a trailer, inner city to a crackhead, but earned their success. 

These writers are the most unimaginative bunch around. Of course Michael would be on the verge on proposing when Sabrina is murdered. So damn predictable. What Michael needed is a positive ending to a relationship. I think Sabrina should have been more conflicted over her attraction to Joe, her not being over what happened to Carlos and Michael seeing this and both deciding to end the relationship (all shown on screen) with Sabrina moving back to Puerto Rico with Teddy.  

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7 hours ago, Bishop said:

I don't know why some people want all the bad guys to be good too.  I like that Ava is basically a sociopath.  I agree that the writers need to tone down Sonny's hero status.  I'll be mad if it's Sonny or Jason that finds out about Paul.  Let Michael or even Dante do some of the hero stuff for gripes sakes. ... I like Sonny/MB, but it's time to let the younger actors/characters start to take the lead.

And please please ....that DOESN'T mean Jason is the new "younger" leading man of GH! IMO, doing that would be tantamount to having Sonny run everything again. Silly Jordan, AKA Vogue model, clothes horse, and hair products specialist should hang it up in favor of thoughtful, intuitive Dante. And Michael can play a similar role of gravitas for the civilian population. (Mac should be brought back in a special role to train and upgrade the PCPD skills.)

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5 hours ago, Cheyanne11 said:

Sonny wants to testify.  Jesus save me, he probably wants to pontificate about Julian's BIG BAD and then get self-righteous when Scott cross-examines his lying, criminal ass.

I wish we would see Sonny grab the witness stand and then get hopelessly tangled in his own web of lies and hypocrisy. Embarrassing and illegal information could come out during his witnessing so that he would have to stand a trial he never anticipated. His marriage would be shaken or he could collapse.

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On ‎9‎/‎16‎/‎2016 at 1:08 PM, Lillybee said:

For some reason, the only gf that Michael had that Snarly liked was Kiki.

Actually, she liked Sabrina, too, initially.  Although maybe I'm confusing her gratitude over her figuring out that Morgan and Kiki had drugged him with Carly actually liking her.

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8 hours ago, nilyank said:

I am not going to miss Sabrina however I thought the montage was a nice way to show a lot of the highlights of Sabrina's time on General Hospital and to showcase her friendship with Felix. I always liked Felix for I feel bad for his loss. Whatever else, those two characters were written as close friends and we could actually believe that watching the show.

Whereas with Michael, I don't think they could ever build a montage of him and Sabrina because barely anything happened during their relationship except Sabrina supporting Michael in between the time that she was choosing Carlos over him.

There shouldn't be a custody issue regarding Teddy. Both of his parents were murdered and his blood relatives are Joe, his parents and Sabrina's family. Unless Sabrina left instructions for Michael to raise her son, he had nights to the child. In fact, it would make more sense for her to leave her son to Felix than it would be to Michael.

Never going to believe that Michael and Sabrina were madly in love. Maybe tepidly in like with one in another.

In fairness, much of their romance was overshadowed to feature fucking Franco and Nina, as well as other abominations.  Teresa's second maternity leave certainly didn't help, either.

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I agree Ava is largely a sociopath who, in the end, cares only about herself and power. I think her supposed love for her children is only about their being reflections of herself and her perception of them as her saving graces. The problem, though, is that they've tried to soften Ava, especially over the last year, because Passanante and co. are so enamored of Maura West from playing heroine Carly on ATWT. Ava should not be shocked that Paul is running guns. Ava should not be waiting for her prince to come. Ava should not be moping over her baby and struggling to get out of the mob. It doesn't work and it's not who she is. I'm not saying Maura can't and shouldn't be allowed to play dimension and layers to the character, but I think in the end Ava's core - whatever she may delude herself about, or not - is that she's only out for her. She'll do anything. She proved that years ago the day she left Connie to die on the floor like a dog.

I do think Michael is basically a male ingenue. I think it's come from Chad and what he is comfortable playing, and what he projects onscreen - a kind of unspoiled if damaged innocence who grew up in a dark world but was sometimes a fish out of water in both his families (as he grew up, that is - Dylan Cash's was just a spoiled little troll), battered by tragedy and trauma, not unlike Genie's Laura in a way. He has a kind of doe-eyed softness and nerves. He can play dark stuff and he deserves much better material than what he's been given, but even when the daily writing was better I don't think he was ever comfortable with or fit Guza and Wolf's hamhanded attempts to make him into a young Michael Corleone from The Godfather - I think CD even said a few years ago that Michael going to work with the Q's and moving more into their world vs. the mob was what he was more comfortable with and felt was right for the character. Have they blanded Michael out a lot since 2012? Sure. But I also think his becoming much more of a white-hat (with darker undertones) suits the character and his roundabout family history.

I've already been over this with NuJason but suffice to say I like his easy closeness with people, including Monica, but they've never written any explanation for it. They need to take a stance on Jason and his reinvigorated emotions and memories - as well as find a purpose for him beyond just being Jason - and stick with it. That is the only thing that can really re-define Jason and potentially make the character Miller's own, until Steve inevitably comes crawling back. But they won't.

Can anyone explain to me how the fuck Julian got off?

Edited by jsbt
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I don't want Michael or Tracy stuck raising Teddy. His little ass is not needed. Especially since he is the result of Carlos's sperm and not even a damn Q. They can send him back to Sabrina's family with Uncle Joe, another character not needed.

This frees up more budget money that can be spent on an actual child related to the Q's. Maybe then Danny can be seen more than 2 times a year. I won't be greedy and ask for a fucking scene of him spending quality alone time with his damn father. You know the man that missed his birth so John McBain could be all up Sam's vagina and then promptly missed the next 3 years of his life. I think we can make an actual video of all the time Danny has spent with both Jason's and it still wouldn't add up to 5 minutes.

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6 hours ago, dr. gailey said:

Maybe then Danny can be seen more than 2 times a year. I won't be greedy and ask for a fucking scene of him spending quality alone time with his damn father. You know the man that missed his birth so John McBain could be all up Sam's vagina and then promptly missed the next 3 years of his life. I think we can make an actual video of all the time Danny has spent with both Jason's and it still wouldn't add up to 5 minutes.

Freako doesn't have any interest in Danny so he doesn't matter. Danny isn't #blessed enough to share scenes with Soap Superstar RoHo so he doesn't matter.

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BTW: Finn and Tracy still have serious, serious chemistry, especially now that she's not dying in a hospital bed. I'd put them together in a heartbeat. I think both Frank and the network would be mortified, though. But fuck it, this show is on Michael Easton Character #4. I'd go for unconventional, since the character definitely is.

Another amusing thing about NuJason: How he just ambles into otherwise serious scenes blown by his own superchill winds, doing whatever and pretty Casual Friday about it all. "Hey, I just came from playing some No Man's Sky with the kids. It's in outer space. Like, you can go to like a billion planets and each one's different. Crazy! You know what I liked? Rock Band. What happened to that thing? I could jam on some Springsteen right now in Rock Band. Whoa, what's goin' on, why the long faces, somebody die?" I don't blame this all on Billy Miller, but I actually enjoy it immensely and blame the both bizarre and intriguing thawing in the character on Jason's umpteenth round of brain damage.

Edited by jsbt
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12 hours ago, jsbt said:

Can anyone explain to me how the fuck Julian got off?

He hasn't yet, but I assume it will happen on Monday or Tuesday, given the show can't spring for extras in the jury box.

23 minutes ago, jsbt said:

Another amusing thing about NuJason: How he just ambles into otherwise serious scenes blown by his own superchill winds, doing whatever and pretty Casual Friday about it all.

He really does. Ugh, this fakakta show hasn't the faintest idea what to do with anyone.

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1 hour ago, jsbt said:

BTW: Finn and Tracy still have serious, serious chemistry, especially now that she's not dying in a hospital bed. I'd put them together in a heartbeat. I think both Frank and the network would be mortified, though. But fuck it, this show is on Michael Easton Character #4. I'd go for unconventional, since the character definitely is.

Another amusing thing about NuJason: How he just ambles into otherwise serious scenes blown by his own superchill winds, doing whatever and pretty Casual Friday about it all. "Hey, I just came from playing some No Man's Sky with the kids. It's in outer space. Like, you can go to like a billion planets and each one's different. Crazy! You know what I liked? Rock Band. What happened to that thing? I could jam on some Springsteen right now in Rock Band. Whoa, what's goin' on, why the long faces, somebody die?" I don't blame this all on Billy Miller, but I actually enjoy it immensely and blame the both bizarre and intriguing thawing in the character on Jason's umpteenth round of brain damage.

I BLAME IT ALL ON HIM. At one point he gave this little groan in the same tone of voice you'd say, "aw darn it" instead of "oh shit Michael's girlfriend was killed."

Oh, fine, I'll give 5% of the blame to the writers, since the notes probably say, "we're afraid to write for Jason! Just do whatever! He has amnesia! We think!"

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The Giggle Sisters Carly and Nina are really disturbing.  Horrible.

I so don't like Alexis that I could barely stand to watch her courtroom scenes.

I watch the episodes in backwards order, so it jumped out that Monica said she had smelled the cologne somewhere before, and she said at the mansion.  But wait, she and Tracy were having breakfast or lunch with Paul at the MC just before he attempted to kill her.

Also, Sabrina had a busy last day of her life.  She came back to work, chatted with Liz, reached out to Freako, went to Liz's house to get the diamonds, took the diamonds to the police station, went back to work at GH, found Monica and resuscitated her, realized that Paul must have attacked Monica, and then, instead of running as fast as she could, meandered away from him so he could grab her from behind and drag into a room and kill her.  And she got proposed to but that was post mortem.  Phew, busy day.

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On 9/16/2016 at 9:20 PM, KerleyQ said:

Sonny to Jordan:  "It's not often we're on the same side."  Nothing like some lighthearted bantering vaguely referencing the time you tried to have her killed, assface.  

Once again, Sonny needs to have a seat-preferably in the nearest electric chair. 

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1 hour ago, bannana said:

Also, Sabrina had a busy last day of her life.  She came back to work, chatted with Liz, reached out to Freako, went to Liz's house to get the diamonds, took the diamonds to the police station, went back to work at GH, found Monica and resuscitated her, realized that Paul must have attacked Monica, and then, instead of running as fast as she could, meandered away from him so he could grab her from behind and drag into a room and kill her.  And she got proposed to but that was post mortem.  Phew, busy day.

This makes me wonder if we're going to have suspicion pointed back at Hayden.  Obviously, they know that a man was actually committing at least some of these killings/attacks, but I'd imagine that the connection between Hayden and the diamonds might arouse some suspicions that she had something to do with Sabrina's death because she took them to the PCPD.  At minimum, Liz will probably raise hell about it so the show has a reason to keep the newly discovered sisters at each other's throats for a while.  Then, Liz will, of course, have to kiss Hayden's ass once it's discovered that she had nothing to do with Sabrina's death.  

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2 hours ago, ulkis said:

I BLAME IT ALL ON HIM. At one point he gave this little groan in the same tone of voice you'd say, "aw darn it" instead of "oh shit Michael's girlfriend was killed."

Oh, fine, I'll give 5% of the blame to the writers, since the notes probably say, "we're afraid to write for Jason! Just do whatever! He has amnesia! We think!"

He was awful this past week. Sigh.

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One of my hang ups is how Curtis came on the scene and is now a PI (or something like that). Sam is also a PI though she doesn't do any kind of PI work, or barely. Jason has all this free time on his hands, why not get those 3 together, and let them work together? 

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8 minutes ago, YaddaYadda said:

One of my hang ups is how Curtis came on the scene and is now a PI (or something like that). Sam is also a PI though she doesn't do any kind of PI work, or barely. Jason has all this free time on his hands, why not get those 3 together, and let them work together? 

Because it doesn't involve Freako, Ava or Nina.

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Wardrobe is certainly doing a craptacular job.  Alexis' jacket is clearly too small for her, as is Jordan's.  Nelle's makeover dress was also ill-fitting.  How hard is it to find clothing that fits?

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I would  think Rebecca Budig character was slightly less worthless if she'd react to Liz/Franco like it's the flaming shitshow that it actually is. Why is Liz dating a sad murder hobo?

Edited by Oracle42
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3 hours ago, HeatLifer said:

He was awful this past week. Sigh.

Steve was an emotionless mannequin for a good decade plus, and I hated it. That said, Billy Miller is not Jason. And I hate Jason. Opening up a bit, I could get behind. But he plays this as a frat boy goofball. And no.

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51 minutes ago, WendyCR72 said:

Steve was an emotionless mannequin for a good decade plus, and I hated it. That said, Billy Miller is not Jason. And I hate Jason. Opening up a bit, I could get behind. But he plays this as a frat boy goofball. And no.

I get why some people feel this way. My problem from last week has more to do with him not being present enough, though. He phoned it in.

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