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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Liz honey, I like you and you have fantastic hair that I covet and I don't like Hayden but lying liars who lie probably shouldn't call out other lying liars who lie.  Just saying.  And Hayden, shut up.



It was swell seeing Liz dig into some other alpha female besides Sam.   RH was en fuego in her penultimate scene. I actually enjoy watching both actresses (and hold my nose with the Liz and Hayden characters). Tracy and Laura were fun to watch today. The lizard is way more entertaining to watch than Sonny or watching one of his spawn pretend to write in a diary. If ME had to come back, I am glad that returned as a Doctor. 

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Today is a prime example of why I can't stand Liez. Bitch, your lying, desperate, pathetic, needy ass spent almost a year lying to the latest love of your life because you were afraid he would leave you and go back to his wife and son. And lets not even mention how you lied to, manipulated, and ignored your back-from-the-dead obviously troubled son in your efforts to hang on to a married man. Oh, and you know that your precious BFF tried to have Hayden MURDERED and you did nothing. HOW DARE you have the audacity to confront ANYONE about lying and keeping secrets. HOW DARE you act like Nik needs protecting from big bad meanie Hayden. Ugh why did this loser have to be the one to find out Hayden's secret.


I was going to do a post about the odious wonder that is Liz but this is pretty much perfection. 


It's not even just the ridiculousness of Liz (and Laura) who know that Nik tried to have Hayden murdered (Liz even had to talk him out of finishing the job) acting like Nik needs to be protected from Hayden! Or Liz trifling, lying ass getting up a high horse about anyone being anyone being a serial liar. But as Hayden pointed out, Liz has three children whose lives were just thrown into upheaval, thanks no small part due to Liz's lies. Their home was burned to the ground. One of them had been trapped on an island with a sociopath and has severe emotional problems, and Liz still takes it upon herself to get into the middle of something that isn't her business. And, honestly, while I think the Hayden/Nik relationship is ridiculous given what HE did to HER, I would have still loved to have seen Hayden put Liz's theory to the test. Knowing how Nik is lead around by his dick, I have no doubt he would have tossed Liz and her brood out quicker than her hypocritical, lying ass' head could spin.


There's not a vast difference, but I do think that Easton is doing a good job of trying to differentiate Finn from Silas. I thought he and Laura Wright had okay chemistry together, but I thought the scenes were mostly pointless. The albatross of suck that is Sonny and Carly aren't breaking up any time soon, and I don't need another male friend in Carly's orbit.

  • Love 10

There are days when watching GH has been such a chore that I haven't been able to make myself do it.  Having missed some eps, so sorry for the stupid question, but did they ever actually air the CarSon "Sonny can walk again" sex scene?  I mean, when S/C met on the pier when Carly was throwing the guns into the water, Sonny stepped into her like telegraphing it, hey, baby, I can, ahem, make love to you again, but was that it?  I mean, I've read the complaints about Carly and shirtless Dr. Griffin Munro and now I'm seeing the came kind of complaints about Carly and Dr. Michael Easton, so I'm just wondering did my girl's husband actually take care of her in that department?  Thanks in advance.  


The stuff you guys write -- the rabid raccoons carnage -- is so much funnier than the ep about the shirtless women in court that was intended to be funny and fell flatter than a AAA cup.  

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I have never had this reaction before, but watching the Rebeccas (Herbst and Budig) tear into each other today, and looking at how physically similar they are, Budig being just a few years older, I thought: Rebecca Budig should have been the new Sarah Webber. It would have been third time the charm for the casting of that character. They should have brought Sarah back to town as a darker character with secrets, rekindled her first love with Nikolas, had Liz suspicious of her, had Sarah putting Liz on the defensive about her suspicions ("My God, Liz, I'm your sister! You should be happy for me and Nikolas! Stop trying to 'expose' me")...that would have written itself. Everything good in this story (like Curtis's involvement) would still have worked, but Budig would have been playing a character with history and connections that didn't have to be contrived.  

Edited by Asp Burger
  • Love 8

Service animals also include emotional support animals these days (as long as there is a note from a doctor saying the person needs his/her emotional support animal). I've heard of lizards, cats and even ferrets being used for such purposes.

Tracy and Monica continue to be THE BEST. I loved them threatening Dr. O and her walking away with her tail between her legs as well as Monica admitting she was scared for Tracy.

  • Love 5

Service animals also include emotional support animals these days (as long as there is a note from a doctor saying the person needs his/her emotional support animal). I've heard of lizards, cats and even ferrets being used for such purposes.

Disney part of the ABC network, right? Everytime Lizard and Finn come on GH should use The jungle book or the lion king soundtrack in the background of their scenes.

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Brandon Barash is actually getting primetime work. He comes back to spend time with the Mrs.

NLG's hair is damaged, overprocessed, and needs a new cut.

Anna has Adam Chandler's last house. She's a Special Investigator of Things and Stuff with Connections in the Reasons Department for DA Paul Hornsby.

FrancoTodd is drifting back into GH into the hospital part as a part of Liz/Jason/Sam story. Nina is in a Business story. Besides, if anyone gets a spinoff, it's Micheal and his inner thoughts of taking care of every incompetent adult in his life.


Heh? What?  and many thanks for the responses

BB has said they've offered him a contract several times but it's him who doesn't want to stay long-term.


Anna has a home, and had a job,  but that seems to be in limbo right now. Apparently she didn't want Anna to be commissioner anymore but that one I don't know for sure.

Thank you.  It's good Barash enjoys his mini visits.  It really is better for his career.  In a way I could never understand why an actor would want to play the same part for 100 years.  It's like a steady paycheck and working for the man.  I get it, but then I don't.

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The lizard has had more screentime already than Patrick had in his last 2 years. I cut Mo some slack.

Yet, Lizard puts more effort into his scenes than JT put into any scene not involving KMc since 2012. Lizard is there to work, guys!

Y'all are missing the obvious service pet for our Brydog....SQUIRREL!!!

Actually, I was thinking Squirrel for the Big Bad that finally takes Nina out.

Service animals also include emotional support animals these days (as long as there is a note from a doctor saying the person needs his/her emotional support animal). I've heard of lizards, cats and even ferrets being used for such purposes.

Tracy and Monica continue to be THE BEST. I loved them threatening Dr. O and her walking away with her tail between her legs as well as Monica admitting she was scared for Tracy.

Dammit. We could have had a ferret! Michael still needs a pet..... No one really actually loves Michael.
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Everyone lies on this show, so Elizabeth is not unique.


Here we go with Elizabeth Webber being used to spice up another boring ass couple (JaSam, Haydick and Frina) and Nik the ungrateful ass will be yelling at her with spit running down his face.  


Yes, ReBu should have played Dr. Sarah Webber and there would have been no need for her to be a con artist looking to sleep with every man with a pulse.  Sarah could have busted Ric's con from the start and she could have played mattress tag with Nick.

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Maybe it is a minor point, but shouldn't an ancient key that may date from the late Victorian period and Russian revolution actually LOOK old? The key looked like BLACK PLASTIC or spray-painted metal as all get-out when gullible Laura was turning it this way and that in the light. The outline of its mechanism looked modern too. Did someone in props paint a Target file cabinet key with black paint?


Today the lizard got its heat lamp, stones, and larger cave, I was glad to see.


Doesn't the doc have to have some kind of mental or physical disability to be granted a "service animal"?


Is Liz addicted to triangles? We just endured months in the special triangle from hell with Liz-Sam-Jake; now will it be the triangle of Liz-Hayden-Nik?


How did Fin get Tracy's medicine prescribed by using Monica's "pharmaceutial access point" (pharma password) without Monica's knowledge?


I loved Hayden's snarkey request that Liez leave Windemere with her sons ("each by a different father"). What a polite and effective way to cast shade on Liez.

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd
  • Love 1

Today is a prime example of why I can't stand Liez. Bitch, your lying, desperate, pathetic, needy ass spent almost a year lying to the latest love of your life because you were afraid he would leave you and go back to his wife and son. And lets not even mention how you lied to, manipulated, and ignored your back-from-the-dead obviously troubled son in your efforts to hang on to a married man. Oh, and you know that your precious BFF tried to have Hayden MURDERED and you did nothing. HOW DARE you have the audacity to confront ANYONE about lying and keeping secrets. HOW DARE you act like Nik needs protecting from big bad meanie Hayden. Ugh why did this loser have to be the one to find out Hayden's secret. 


I forgot who Parker is.


STFU terrorist doctor. 


Is a service lizard a real thing?

I am not an expert, but I know a bit from personal experience, family and friends who are on the autism spectrum, also I have met military personnel with PTSD. A service lizard is I think a real thing.  Also birds, like parrots.  There are other examples.  Also for people with anxiety disorders who cannot go out alone, these would be considered service animals.  It seems ridiculous but it is a real thing.  They are I guess setting it up to be funny, but maybe they will actually delve into this actual topic with some knowledge...Nah.

  • Love 6

I am not an expert, but I know a bit from personal experience, family and friends who are on the autism spectrum, also I have met military personnel with PTSD. A service lizard is I think a real thing.  Also birds, like parrots.  There are other examples.  Also for people with anxiety disorders who cannot go out alone, these would be considered service animals.  It seems ridiculous but it is a real thing.  They are I guess setting it up to be funny, but maybe they will actually delve into this actual topic with some knowledge...Nah.

These people can't even figure out that a magazine could sue publishers for sending out green magazines or give them the magazine unbound, why would they  research about service animals?

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I actually liked (on the sliding scale of shit-awful to ok) the Liz/Hayden scenes.  Just like you don't con a con and expect to get away with it, you don't lie to a liar.  And while I wasn't as sure as Liz that Nikolas would pick her in the short term over Hayden, I don't think she's wrong that she'll be the one left standing next to Nik at the end--though that's a bit of a booby prize.


Also on that sliding scale?  Finn and Roxy.  If I have to watch Dr. Michael Easton, at least I can get into the absurdity of conversations with a service lizard. 


On the other end of the scale, hated the Kristina journaling scenes.  Show could've had me if she had voice-overed "my teen angst has a body count," but I rarely get what I want, so...

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I'm sure we're in for at least four more - Sam, Nina, Kiki, Franco.  Gawd, I'm already dreading whatever muppet arms thing Michelle Stafford comes up with to express Nina's shock.


And Ava. But I am hoping the two never ever ever share scenes, so we can leave her off the list.


Can Rebecca Budig stop calling Liz's kids "brats"? And shut up about Lucky, she doesn't know him! 


I'm enjoying the Morgan/Kiki break. It's been a whole month without Kiki speaking!


I had no problem with it. *shrugs* What?  And I will greatly miss Kiki not speaking.


So, this Kristina/Parker thing. I wanted to be excited about it, and I still think although it hasn't gotten the screen time it deserves, it has been done pretty well. My drawback is Lexi's youthful looking face. You'd think that after a few years away we wouldn't still be dealing with the same issues but I'm sorry, she looks so young that it completely takes me out of the scene when they're together. Molly looks older than she does now.

And Ava. But I am hoping the two never ever ever share scenes, so we can leave her off the list.



I had no problem with it. *shrugs* What?  And I will greatly miss Kiki not speaking.


So, this Kristina/Parker thing. I wanted to be excited about it, and I still think although it hasn't gotten the screen time it deserves, it has been done pretty well. My drawback is Lexi's youthful looking face. You'd think that after a few years away we wouldn't still be dealing with the same issues but I'm sorry, she looks so young that it completely takes me out of the scene when they're together. Molly looks older than she does now.


KMc had the same issue and she had several romantic pairings and love scenes. TIIC need to just get over it 

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Oh, I have no moral problem with it, I just think it makes her sound a bit pathetic, like, really Hayden, that's the best you got?

I have a problem with it. Hayden, who knows nothing about Liz, her kids, her past, her men, is reading her? Um, no. Hayden is still a newbie who knows jack shit. Insert Sam in that scene? Cool. But Hayden Rachel Suzie Nancy? Stop.

  • Love 10

Seriously, could Lizard the Service Animal be a karmic afterlife manifestation of Duke? I know that we all thought he occasionally manifested as a cat, but this lizard creature's fixed stare reminds me of the basilisk reptile in medieval bestiaries whose breath and stare were said to kill. As the cat is supposed to be a witch's familiar, could the lizard be a warlock's familiar, thus making Dr Fin a wizard/necromancer?

And is it coincidence that "Fin" in French means "the End," frequently said of a film or play [and General Hospital]?


I'm just sayin'. I hope that Helena hasn't given me brain lesions via her will.




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Why are Hayden and Liz even bothering to fight over Dikolas when they clearly belong together? If Parker and Kristina is going to be some lame Taylor Swift song, and I'm not getting enough Lizard scenes, I'll need something to watch. Dikolas smugging his smug face all over town isn't doing it for me while Sonny polishes his tarnished halo in Anna's presence. I'm going to need them to capitalize on this RB/RH chemistry because I see beautiful hair and sparks. Just let Jason babysit the kids, as he and Sam are baking cookies and knitting scarves.

At least once for the look on Prince Dikolas's face..

Is it an issue for them? I thought it was just me.


Part of the reason Jason Q and Robin weren't paired up in 1992/1993 was because KMc was only 14-15 years old (and honestly, looked around 9 or 10--and she was the only REAL teenager in the teen scene back then! Funny how that works.), and I guess they thought SBu, eight years her senior, looked too creepy as a romantic lead next to her. Of course, Michael Sutton (Stone) was even older than SBu was, but I guess he looked young enough that that didn't matter.


Poor Keesha when J&R finally did happen, though, LOL. #IRememberKeesha 

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But Liz is right that Hayden is lying.  And Liz is right that Hayden wouldn't like the answer if she asked Nik to choose.  Because even if Nik chose Hayden, it wouldn't work out for Hayden anyway because Nik would resent having to make that choice.   Plus who is Hayden to call someone else a freeloader lol?  One of the things I like about Liz is that she has always worked for and supported herself and her children (even when she first came on the show, she always worked). Unlike 97% of the characters on this show.  And it's not Liz's kids fault that they (1) are Liz's kids and (2) have different dads.  So Hayden is just being unpleasant to be unpleasant even toward children.  


When Carly called out Liz for the whole Jason lie (and back when Carly told Liz anyone in heat can make a baby back in 2008), everyone was cheering even though who the hell was Carly to say something like that to someone else after what she's pulled?  Hypocrisy is the bread and butter of soaps.  Liz is just one of many.  Just because Liz is the queen bee of lying doesn't mean she's wrong in this situation.  

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I think if Liz is gonna come at Hayden every damn time she sees her with her bitchface and smugness then Hayden can call Liz a liar all she wants. As for calling her kids brats, eh. The only problem I have with it is that she appears to love Spencer, who is actually a brat. Liz's kids (minus DNAJ) are adorable, so Hayden's wrong, but meh I don't care if she calls them brats to Liz. I guess maybe if we were shown her being a bitch to the actual kids then that'd be gross, but she's just bitching to Liz because Liz bitches to her. Neither of them come off well in those scenes, but I hate Liz more because I've had to deal with her shit for so much longer.

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We will never see the face of whoever Rachel is afraid of and who Liz discovered. I'm resigned to that.


I do want to see that, despite Monica's assurance that meeting Dr. Finn at a conference and raving accolades, as well as Tracey & Monica throwing around the Q weight (and thank you, Show, for showing that), Dr. O is actually right that Dr. Finn is a fraud, and he's got Cassadine connections. We'll never hear "you were right, Liesl", but I'm resigned to that.


NutmegsMom noted the last time we had a teen writing in her journal about a social issue was Robin and her HIV status. Since Show is using all the correct current buzzwords like "fluid", we may see Kristina's diary show up on bookshelves. However, this being Show, I'm afraid Show is just fuck this up royally.


Too bad Max didn't meet any professors who were ex-MI5.


With all the Easton clones, from McBain to the Clays, I wondered if they were all Cassadine clones, and then my subconscious hit me with Tatiana Maslany's Emmy over and over.

  • Love 3

Seriously, could Lizard the Service Animal be a karmic afterlife manifestation of Duke? I know that we all thought he occasionally manifested as a cat, but this lizard creature's fixed stare reminds me of the basilisk reptile in medieval bestiaries whose breath and stare were said to kill. As the cat is supposed to be a witch's familiar, could the lizard be a warlock's familiar, thus making Dr Fin a wizard/necromancer?

And is it coincidence that "Fin" in French means "the End," frequently said of a film or play [and General Hospital]?

I'm just sayin'. I hope that Helena hasn't given me brain lesions via her will.

Now this is PASSIONS material for sure!

So we are in for how many more people going the "you look like..." route with Soap Superstar Michael Easton? I wish it would all be in the same episode to get it out of the way. 


I don't really know whose side I am supposed to choose in a Liz/Hayden showdown. I wish Hayden would continue with her plan with Tracy and take back ELQ for the Quartermaines but that is probably not going to happen. I just don't care about Nik at all. 

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