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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Actually, Julian offered to help Ava and she was about to tell him what was going on when Alexis came back home and interrupted. Guess she was still pissed about being cockblocked.


But he didn't buy into her woe's me. He is her brother but the way he finally agreed to help her was for her to bow down to his smug ass not him feeling sorry for her. I'm good with that.

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Yeah, fuck that guy.

In a contest between Robert and Duke, I will choose Robert every single time. But I'm still bitter they brought Duke back (the original left-mob-for-love guy), ruined him, killed him off right when he was about to fix his life ... and Julian gets to get away with everything. Fuck that noise.

Also not forgiving Ava for her role in Connie and AJ's deaths. So what she loves her kids. AJ loved his kid, too. Fuck both of these jerks.

Yes!! * 1 million

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Bishop, I think you are the first person I've ever heard day that they thought SBu showed passion and emotion. 

LOL, nah, only for his haters.  Watching BM play Jason Morgan only confirms that SBu ran circles around him, and also, it's RH, LW, and KeMo who carry all the scenes with Jakeson, and I'm reading that on a number of sites.  I have no idea what the deal is with him, but he is really bad in this role.  I say kill off the character and move on.  Leave Jason dead.  Then the haters will be happy, and I'll be happy too.  Watching this dreck for the last year and a half has been painful.


I have seen BM in many things and he has never been this stilted. I have to think it is a choice by the directors or him to make him seem traumatized.

No.  Directors don't tell an actor to act lifeless for a year and a half, and it's been a year and a half with Jake Doe and now Jakeson.  That's a choice on BM's part for whatever reason.  I've read a lot of hype about this guy, but I haven't seen any evidence of the great acting.  I don't need Emmy worthy performances right now.  I just need SOMETHING.  I honestly think that BM likes being more goofy, man-child like, and it's what he did on Y&R for years.  Acting more serious I think is difficult for him, and so he goes to the extreme of being emotionless.  That's all I can figure out as to why he's doing what he's doing.  It can't be blamed on the fact that Jake doesn't have his memories of Jason back because he DOES have memories of being Jake and loving Elizabeth and finding out he has sons and family and making friends, etc.  He should have SOME emotional connection to these people after a year and a half - and he gives nothing in his scenes.  So far, I've seen MB, LW, BH, and Kemo do all the heavy-lifting in scenes with him.  That's a problem.


Jason being a complete asshole to pregnant Sam happened long before ME appeared on the show as any character. And Jason was a complete asshole to pregnant Sam because he thought the baby might not be his.


Sam confiding everything to McBain, though, was totally because of KeMo and ME working together on PC. But that came long after the Franco stuff.



That's because RC knew ME was coming.  There's a reason why Sam got pregnant, and like I said, since when would Jason Morgan who raised Michael and was willing to raise baby Lila - both kids that were not his - suddenly NOT want to raise Sam's kid of all people?  It was BS.  Just because McBain hadn't arrived yet didn't mean that RC wasn't making way for him in the writing by driving a wedge between Jason and Sam, a wedge that was written so ridiculously out of character for both of them.  Since when would Sam spill her guts to a cop about Jason - ever?  Since when would Jason not raise a kid that wasn't his for someone he loved?  It was dumb, plot-point writing.

Scotty and Julian definitely have taken his side recently. It made me sick. Mac has been so sporadic that he really doesn't count, sorry.


Anna/Jordan/Ava = my dream team to pair up, take Sonny down and rule PC.

Lol, Scotty HATES Sonny Corinthos.  Every line he has spews his hatred.  Your post said name one person, and I named a few, and I still stand by all of them.  

Edited by Bishop
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Lol, Scotty HATES Sonny Corinthos.  Every line he has spews his hatred.  Your post said name one person, and I named a few, and I still stand by all of them.


And my post asked who had taken his side recently? That was Scotty. He may hate him, but he still sided with him. It's gross. But whatever.

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I will never understand why they dropped the new brownstone. The set was already there anyway why not use it to give some of these people real homes geez! 


Maybe no one wants it because of Morgan and Kiki cooties? It's valid!

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I agree about the drama falling flat though. Liz is literally homeless, and no one seems to care. Like where is Laura in all this? Where is Nik? Why can't they have anyone be there for Liz, and care about what's happened to her house and Jake.


Liz's house blowing up doesn't have anything to do with his royal peen so Nikolas wouldn't care.


There was Monica nicely offering her a place to stay.

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So is the show building towards something with Maxie and Dillon?  The cut from Nathan enthusing about trusting her completely to her modeling for Dillon pinged my suspicions.  And boy do I not trust the show to go there.


After Dr. Griffin mentioned going to med school with Lucas again, I daydreamed about a Kish-esque storyline for them and didn't listen to whatever drivel Sonny was saying.


It was nice to see Michael with Tracy talking ELQ.  I was also wondering about the conflict of interest re: Alexis being their attorney so I'm glad he brought that up.


Olivia is such a shrew.  She was accusing Julian of acting like a jealous boyfriend, but she's the one sounding all bitter about his getting married.


Oh Laura, Nikolas doesn't feel guilty about having Rebecca Budig shot, like, at all.

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Nathan, you are a cop, yes? So why are you encouraging your sister to want to raise a baby with FRANCO?


Fine time for Nik to do a background check on his wife, AFTER they are married. It's so very stupid. And what about his secrets that he tried to have Hayden murdered? Hm? Why doesn't Laura care about that?

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Can tomorrow be the last time that Jake asks if Liz and Jason are going to be a family again. Its such overkill at this point, and I love the kid, but its annoying. He's been told over and over again that they aren't. I don't understand why they keep beating a dead horse.

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Nathan, you are a cop, yes? So why are you encouraging your sister to want to raise a baby with FRANCO?


Fine time for Nik to do a background check on his wife, AFTER they are married. It's so very stupid. And what about his secrets that he tried to have Hayden murdered? Hm? Why doesn't Laura care about that?


Nathan having no reservations about Nina and Franco raising a kid given both their histories made him look like more of a lunkhead than usual.


And Nikolas googling Rebecca Budig just made me laugh.  What a moron, but then the show seems to think we're all morons if they're trying to sell us on Rebecca Budig's deceit being worse than Nikolas trying to have her killed.

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That's because RC knew ME was coming.  There's a reason why Sam got pregnant, and like I said, since when would Jason Morgan who raised Michael and was willing to raise baby Lila - both kids that were not his - suddenly NOT want to raise Sam's kid of all people?  It was BS.  

The difference is that Jason did not hate AJ at the time Carly was pregnant with Michael, nor Sonny when Sam was pregnant.  He said he thought whenever he'd look at the baby, he'd see Franco. He radiated hatred for Franco for everything he'd done in the name of being obsessed with Jason, including the mind games and not-rape.

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Jason being a complete asshole to pregnant Sam happened long before ME appeared on the show as any character. And Jason was a complete asshole to pregnant Sam because he thought the baby might not be his.

To be fair, he was one long before Sam was pregnant.

Are they really back together? He said that he wanted to get to know her—glad all it took was her nearly blowing up, asshole—but that doesn't mean they'll start dating or anything. It sounded to me like he might actually take a more active part in trying to remember stuff.

It's too bad he won't remember being Jason Quartermaine, given the possibilities you could explore in Quartermaine dealing with that Morgan did, and how his enablers allowed him to thrive and get away with murder. I get the feeling they are trying to make him more into SB's Jason, given the clothes and the 'stoic' Borg-like expression at times.

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Do the writers remember that Nik tried to have Hayden murdered? Based on the way they have Nik and Laura act and talk about her, it doesn't seem like they do.


Instead of Hayden using Tracy's obvious upcoming health problems to her advantage, I'd like for her to be genuinely concerned. Maybe they can bond and Hayden will come to her senses about Nik. 

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Scotty and Julian definitely have taken his side recently. It made me sick. Mac has been so sporadic that he really doesn't count, sorry.

Are TIIC really under the impression that characters disliking Sonny or Jason is a problem? The way some characters act, it's like they think viewers want to see Sonny and Jason hailed as heroes and gods.

And considering how Mac was chastised when he expressed anger at the mob for Georgie's death, I don't blame him.

Anna/Jordan/Ava = my dream team to pair up, take Sonny down and rule PC.

Good guys being heroes and the moral center of the show would be great.

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That new doctor is so frikking hot. I could kiss his lips all day and not get tired, lol. Sorry for that thirsty-ness, but I think this is the only way I'm gonna be powering through these Sonny-recovery scenes :P .

Edited by teenj12
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Anna/Jordan/Ava = my dream team to pair up, take Sonny down and rule PC.



Good guys being heroes and the moral center of the show would be great.

Two of three isn't bad. Kind of like when Churchill and Roosevelt had to align with Stalin.

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So is the show building towards something with Maxie and Dillon?  The cut from Nathan enthusing about trusting her completely to her modeling for Dillon pinged my suspicions.


​Jar of Mayo needs a story, and Nathan and Maxie need some drama. UGH.


Yes, it's hilarious that Sonny is an asshole to doctors who are trying to help him. Ugh. He's not a "difficult patient," Pip. He's a jerk and an infant.


That is one ugly engagement ring Rebecca Budig is wearing. 


Anna/Jordan/Ava = my dream team to pair up, take Sonny down and rule PC.


There's no way the show would ever allow one women, let alone three, take Sonny down. Alas.


LOL that Carly wasn't considered for the "real women" issue of Crimson. Or is she just too good for that?

Edited by dubbel zout
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​Jar of Mayo needs a story, and Nathan and Maxie need some drama. UGH.


I'm sure it will proceed as thus...


Maxie: We can't do this, Dillon.


Me: Word, he was the love of your dead sister's life!


Maxie: I'm with Nathan now.


Me: ...I mean, yeah, that too.  But Georgie!


Maxie: And then there's your romantic history.  You were in love with...


Me: Georgie!


Maxie: My best friend Lulu.  I could never cross that line.


Me: .....

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LOL that Carly wasn't considered for the "real women" issue of Crimson. Or is she just too good for that?


She's too busy constantly petting Sonny, literally. I'm about to tear off her fingers.


Oh shut up Rebecca Budig. If you were going to use the shooting against Nik you would have already done it.


Shut up, Laura. Unless saying she hopes Nikolas is loved the way he deserves to me is secret wordplay on her part to mean that Nik deserved to be loved shittily.


Shut up, Nina. No one thinks you should have a baby and they're just being nice for some reason!


I still like Michael and Tracy scenes, although was Michael eating a bowl of ice cream?? At a business meeting? Okay then.

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I still like Michael and Tracy scenes, although was Michael eating a bowl of ice cream?? At a business meeting? Okay then.


Hee. I think it was yogurt, which is odd outside of a breakfast meeting, which I don't think that was supposed to be. Maybe that's when they filmed it and Chad hadn't eaten yet.

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So is the show building towards something with Maxie and Dillon?  The cut from Nathan enthusing about trusting her completely to her modeling for Dillon pinged my suspicions.


Lather, rinse, repeat. The whole show today was like watching paint dry. The Dillon/Maxie modeling sequence was so laughable and unprofessional...real photogs of models always use many powerful lights and mostly neutral backdrops where the model poses. The club was relatively dark and unsuitable for photography. How many times have Laura and Nik had the same one-sided conversation (Laura warning; Nik's thoughts wandering elsewhere)? Also deja vu on the Hayden/Tracy snarl sessions. Even the new doctor decided to repeat all the tests that Sonny's last doctor (Patrick?) had performed.


I thought the "modeling" session was simply drummed up as his seductive flattery to Maxie. Having failed to break up Lulu and Dante, Dillon is working on Nathan and Maxie. The modeling also served neatly as time-filler for the lazy writers, who didn't have to write dialogue. And the actors didn't have to memorize any dialogue either. Cheap, cheap.


The only nuance of possible change was Tracy's momentary blackout while talking to Hayden. Wouldn't it be interesting if Tracy has been developing a drinking or drug habit from the ELQ troubles and lovers leaving that is now undermining her health.


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Hee. I think it was yogurt, which is odd outside of a breakfast meeting, which I don't think that was supposed to be. Maybe that's when they filmed it and Chad hadn't eaten yet.

Actually, I think Tracy or Michael did mention it was a breakfast meeting. And I thought it was ice cream too, and thought that an odd choice for a morning meeting.

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What was up with Tracy at the end?  I thought she was going to keel over from a heart attack or brain aneurism, but then she snapped of it.  I'm spoiler free, but feel free to tell me what that was.  



She's too busy constantly petting Sonny, literally

Is it weird to anyone else that she kisses him on the forehead when she leaves, like he's a child (which he is, but you know what I mean!).  I've been with my husband for 21 years, and I don't remember ever kissing him on the forehead.  


Also, has anyone noticed that 90% of the time that Sonny's in a conversation with someone, his wheelchair back is to the person and he has to half turn in the char to talk to them.  What is that?  Mo being dismissive of the other character?  


Also weird, I know these things are often taped out of sequence, but you have Laura and Nik in the same room and no one brings up the fact that Liz' house blew up "yesterday".  

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It was also weird to me how little Jason cared that Liz's house blew up. Whatever issues he has with Liz, that's his son's home, and he acted like it was no big deal. I guess now that he's back with Sam, Jake means nothing to him anymore.

I don't get this whole lack of shock by the show that SAM BLEW UP LIZ'S DAMN HOUSE! This isn't a little smoke damage, Sam accidentally BLEW UP THE HOUSE! And yet Jason was completely meh about it. Liz and 3 young kids have now lost EVERYTHING. Pictures, toys, clothes.. ..you know, EVERYTHING!

And it seems like Laura and Nik are still in the dark as of today too. Because a house EXPLOSION isn't newsworthy in little PC, NY.

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 Tracy's momentary blackout while talking to Hayden.

She could have had a  TIA or mini stroke (symptom of blockage in blood flow to the brain) - It could give Patrick's replacement something non-Sonny-centric to do.


I only thought of it because my dad had a few of those. He would be in the middle of conversation then just drift away for a minute, he got check out, then he had the surgery (carotid-endarterectomy: repairs damaged veins). 



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She could have had a  TIA or mini stroke (symptom of blockage in blood flow to the brain) - It could give Patrick's replacement something non-Sonny-centric to do.



Why ever would this show think to give a character something non-Sonny-centric to do?  He's the sun around which all of Port Charles orbits.  


I'm so much less invested in seeing Michael and Tracy scenes now that he's back to full Sonny's son status.  Oh what could have been...  

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Can tomorrow be the last time that Jake asks if Liz and Jason are going to be a family again. Its such overkill at this point, and I love the kid, but its annoying. He's been told over and over again that they aren't. I don't understand why they keep beating a dead horse.


I mean she did say something like, "Anything can happen," or whatever to him at one point, which I think would make even a normal child confused, let alone Jake, who is borderline insane. But I'm with you, I hope they end that shit tomorrow.


It really does boggle my mind that it's not more of a big deal that Liz/Jake/Cameron/Aiden lost their home and all their possessions. Although since that one picture remains unharmed maybe somehow the explosion left many of their belongings totally in tact. It's like how only the basement blew up.


The Maxie/Dillon stuff was so hard to get through. Him going on and on about her beauty and shit was weird as hell imo. Still, I'd rather watch that for an entire hour than ever have to witness Sonny again so.


I can not stand when Carly smiles or laughs. It makes me want to stab myself. LW is so insufferable to me when she plays Carly happy.


I can't even remember what else happened.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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I can not stand when Carly smiles or laughs. It makes me want to stab myself. LW is so insufferable to me when she plays Carly happy.



Carly standing there smiling while the new doctor talked to Sonny made me irrationally angry.  I can't even put my finger on why, it just did.  

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Nina. Nope, still don't care.

So we are going with Maxie and Dillon? Her and Nate do need a shakeup but I would think falling for your dead sisters love would be awkward. Maybe.

I'm glad to see Michael is still doing his part with ELQ. His and Tracy's scenes were nice. Alexis got to have an opinion on Nikolas taking ELQ? I'm pretty sure they haven't interacted ONCE since he turned into the Dark Prince, right? That would be great to see. But as usual who cares about follow up to that?

Speaking of Nik and Hayden, I just can't take any of this seriously. You get married in Vegas. She was blackmailing you and you tried to have her killed. Lovely. Now Laura comes in not caring at all her son hired a hitman judging Hayden. She can I guess but it's so crazy. Check on the background AFTER the marriage Nik! Good job. He was much smarter when he was smarming around taking other people's ELQ stock. At least the brain in his head was working.

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The Maxie/Dillon stuff was so hard to get through. Him going on and on about her beauty and shit was weird as hell imo. Still, I'd rather watch that for an entire hour than ever have to witness Sonny again so.


it's weird because imo Kirsten Storms is not this classic beauty. Super cute, yes but not what Dillon was describing. Especially with that hair she's got going on now.

Edited by ulkis
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I mean she did say something like, "Anything can happen," or whatever to him at one point, which I think would make even a normal child confused, let alone Jake, who is borderline insane. But I'm with you, I hope they end that shit tomorrow.

It really does boggle my mind that it's not more of a big deal that Liz/Jake/Cameron/Aiden lost their home and all their possessions. Although since that one picture remains unharmed maybe somehow the explosion left many of their belongings totally in tact. It's like how only the basement blew up.

The Maxie/Dillon stuff was so hard to get through. Him going on and on about her beauty and shit was weird as hell imo. Still, I'd rather watch that for an entire hour than ever have to witness Sonny again so.

I can not stand when Carly smiles or laughs. It makes me want to stab myself. LW is so insufferable to me when she plays Carly happy.

I can't even remember what else happened.

I understood Liz's "anything can happen" phrase. She still was clinging to hope that everything would settle down and go back. She didn't want to even entertain the thought that everything was over.

The house may look fine, but the whole foundation is probably unstable and the house would be listed as condemned. It probably would have to be torn down and be completely rebuilt.

Perhaps the show is looking at a Lulu/Nathan/Maxie/Dillon quad. Give a shake up to Maxie/Lulu friendship and perhaps give Nathan something to actually do.

And screw Scummy. Why is Ava the E.V.I.L.E.S.T. evil ever? But Scummy is a god damn hero in town? Fucking writers.

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it's weird because imo Kirsten Storms is this classic beauty. Super cute, yes but not what Dillon was describing. Especially with that hair she's got going on now.

I used to love maxie but ever since Kirsten storms came back shes got on my nerves lol.I don't mind dillion but they have no clue what to do with him.

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Random thoughts:


Olivia my be a PIA but I think she is beautiful.{How  soon til we have the Olivia/Alexis/Julian triangle?}


Jane Elliot looks just fab.  I wish the other "mature" actors on the show would take a good long look in the mirror and swear off surgeries/procedures, etc.  Tracy's face is lovely--and she can actually move her eyebrows when she speaks.  Growing her hair out was a good idea--she just needs to lighten it a little. I'm happy she appears to actually have a story line.


Lulu? get a clue move out and get your own place.


I am fascinated by the oncoming Liz/Franco pairing, but not in a good way.


My friends had  catastrophic house fire 18 months ago and the wife is still in what I believe is PTSD. Even tho I loathe Liz, I feel awful about her situation.


Sonny? don't care.


And that's all

Edited by One More Time
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I agree about the drama falling flat though. Liz is literally homeless, and no one seems to care. Like where is Laura in all this? Where is Nik? Why can't they have anyone be there for Liz, and care about what's happened to her house and Jake.


Laura and Nik are busy having their eleventy-eleven conversation about how probably Hayden is so bad and Laura doesn't want Nik to get hurt, yadda yadda. Like he has scraped his knee when Hayden pushed him down on the playground at recess.


For what it's worth, I think the breastfeeding issue of Crimson is going to backfire. Stupid Neener and Maxie are trying to mix a glamor mag with a parenting mag. Two separate audiences, IMO. And I hear what Julian is saying when he wants to protect Leo's future privacy so the boy will not be exposed to the ridicule of his peers. (Alexis and Olivia think it is just jealousy on Julian's part.)

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd
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Jane Elliot looks just fab.


Yes, she looks great.  Poor gal.  She has been saddled recently with Sabrina and Dillon and now Michael.  At least Hayden has some marketable acting chops.


Sonny, Carley and Michael make the Crimson story more watchable.  They had better not change the wallpaper in Maxie's apartment - it helps detract my mind from wondering why Nathan/Nina/Franco/Julian/Olivia are still on this soap.  It does seem that Olivia/Michelle/Maxie and Dylan are putting an effort in their story.  It'd be nice if there were more than one in ten episodes that Sonny doesn't mangle his lines.  Even if I want to put away what a vile scum the character is, Maurice usually mangles his lines in the first scene that he has. 

Michelle Stafford's contract is up in May/June.  Fingers are crossed.

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And I hear what Julian is saying when he wants to protect Leo's future privacy so the boy will not be exposed to the ridicule of his peers.


Leo is a baby. How is being photographed breast-feeding invading his privacy? He's getting nourishment in the most natural way possible. If he were 5 years old, that would be a different story. But he's not.


Michelle Stafford's contract is up in May/June.  Fingers are crossed.


She's got a decent story (I'm grading on a scale), so unless they lowball her on salary, she'll probably stay. And if BH leaves, that frees up more airtime for her.

Edited by dubbel zout
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Dillon needs to go back from whence he came until he can be recast again. Not like he has anything worthwhile going on, be it romantically or with his mother.


So much this. What WAS that cheesie thing with Maxie. It made Maxie look so shallow with zero self esteem. yuck!


I've tried to contain my det. Special Kitty love b/c I have enough UO around here, BUT just NO to him having to fight for Maxie AGAIN. The orangutan was ENOUGH!


If my cute baby is a talking tree Dillion is a dish rag.


Nathan is just pretty to look at and so dang cute! MEOW!

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So much this. What WAS that cheesie thing with Maxie. It made Maxie look so shallow with zero self esteem. yuck!


I've tried to contain my det. Special Kitty love b/c I have enough UO around here, BUT just NO to him having to fight for Maxie AGAIN. The orangutan was ENOUGH!


If my cute baby is a talking tree Dillion is a dish rag.


Nathan is just pretty to look at and so dang cute! MEOW!


Well, no one has ever denied he is a pretty talking tree. ;) Well, most people haven't.

Edited by ulkis
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It is funny that when Carly laughs I think it's Laura Wrigt laughing. I know that is weird but that is the only time she takes me out of Carly's world. I guess it's because Wright has been on talk shows and stuff and that's her real smile & laugh. That said, I don't think any actor or actress can change their laugh, right?

I'm still trying to figure out who Griffin will be paired with. He isn't that tall so he might end up in LuLu or Maxie's orbit. He has dark hair just like Dante & Nathan which would be just their type. LOL!!

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I was going to say that maybe the other characters just haven't heard about Liz's house blowing up. Then I remembered that her house was on Lexington, and we established way back when that it is impossible to get anywhere in Port Charles without going down Lexington and passing Liz's house. Hence, every single person on the show was a suspect when her kid got run over the first time.  

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I was going to say that maybe the other characters just haven't heard about Liz's house blowing up. Then I remembered that her house was on Lexington, and we established way back when that it is impossible to get anywhere in Port Charles without going down Lexington and passing Liz's house. Hence, every single person on the show was a suspect when her kid got run over the first time.  


And Patrick/Robin were said to live right next door. So, in reality, that house would likely be damaged, too. Yet I bet there's not a scratch.

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Yeah, fuck that guy.

In a contest between Robert and Duke, I will choose Robert every single time. But I'm still bitter they brought Duke back (the original left-mob-for-love guy), ruined him, killed him off right when he was about to fix his life ... and Julian gets to get away with everything. Fuck that noise.

Also not forgiving Ava for her role in Connie and AJ's deaths. So what she loves her kids. AJ loved his kid, too. Fuck both of these jerks.

I wanna stick this post in a tree, shoot it in the head while it gives birth, then gasp in shock and awe while it breastfeeds it's mobster baby out of wedlock.

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For what it's worth, I think the breastfeeding issue of Crimson is going to backfire.



I think just the opposite--it will be an unexpected hit with he "Real Women" issue, make a huge amount of money and make Nina a new force in publishing and thwart Julian's plan to shut it down and take the write-off.


No saying it's realistic, but I can see it happening.

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