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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Dante and Lulu admit that they still love each other, admit that they both made mistakes. admit that they don't know how to get over it.  Wouldn't a normal couple, that has a child together, say "hey finally we are on the same page,let's get some counselling"  instead of whipping out the separation papers!!!!!!!  stupid writers


The Kris story is some what interesting, everything else  booooooooooring

Edited by Blackie
  • Love 11

So you still are in love but can't get through your issues? Maybe because you never TRIED Dante and Lulu. And watching Lulu practically beg for a chance was sad. No thanks.

So the worst babysitter ever hadn't seen Jake in an hour? Really?! They should have fired her right then. This is all very contrived of course but she also didn't mention she knew he was in the basement.

With Kristina and Parker, I'm inclined to believe that Parker was giving off vibes and then grades came out, Kristina offered and she went to the Dean afterwards. I'm definitely interested in seeing where this is going. FYI, Krissy you can't look like a badass using your Daddy as a threatening tool.

  • Love 4

The conversation between Kristina and Parker was also confusing. The show needs to stop being coy and actually explain what happened between these two. Also, Kristina can DIAF for basically threatening Parker with Sonny.

So Kristina's previously established dislike of the mob (the reason behind some of her arguments with Michael when he wanted to join the mob, and requesting Johnny to fire Ethan) has completely evaporated? I miss the days when Kristina and Dante were allowed to be critical of and dislike the mob. Is everyone a pod person for the mob now?

  • Love 7
Dante and Lulu give up very easily. They didn't even try to fix their trust issues or anything else.


Seriously, that was so stupid. They didn't consider any other options besides (a) go to Poundtown right this second in the defiled marriage bed or (b) sign the divorce papers. How about trying to live as a couple and holding off on sex? Or moving into a new place? Buying a new bed? Marriage counseling. Something. Idiots.


What I understand of the Kristina/Parker thing:  Parker was coming on strong thruout the semester.  Kris thinks there's something being offered, so when she's losing grades she offers what she thinks Parker once in exchange for the grade.   Parker turns her down and alerts the school, who suspend Kris.  Kris threatens to tell Parker's wife, which if you believe Kris today, she never actually did.  Parker finds negative teaching comments about herself on the school website, which finds its way into the wife sights.  Parker accuses Kris of putting the comments up and demands she take them down.  Kris denies doing that.  When Parker keeps getting into her face then Kris says the line about dear old dad not being happy with someone messing with his princess.


That was how I understood it too, especially since Kristina said Parker had her over at her house when her wife was at work and was giving her drinks, which Parker didn't deny. I don't even like Kristina but I'm on her side here. Parker is being completely inappropriate and weirdly sexual and threatening with her. Even if Kristina did post negative comments on some faculty rating site about her, it sounds as if they were all true, so if Parker's marriage is in trouble because of that, it's her own fault. For her to come to Kristina's house to threaten her with expulsion and to expose her to her parents is already beyond the pale, but the fact that this would also out Kristina as gay or bi to her parents makes it worse, since if she is, it should be up to her to decide when and how to tell them that.

  • Love 10

I guess we're supposed to believe Kristina about not calling the wife or putting up those comments, but I think the way she was acting could have made a case for either way.  At the very least they stayed true to character as this is exactly the way Krissy would act every time Ethan would shoot her down (minus the 'mob father' threat,... that's new). When Kristina is set on someone, she has this tendency to only see the relationship how she wants to see it, in her favor. She acted this way with Ethan, even Trey to an extent, and now Parker. 


I did think that Ashley Jones and Lexi had some screen chemistry, so as long as that keeps up, this story line won't be too hard to power through. Also, if they can stop being so vague and give us clear insight, that'd be great. 

  • Love 4

I don't know who is right in the Parker vs. Kristina debate, but any sympathy I may have had for Kristina went out the window when she used the "My father will end you." gambit.  Of course, I haven't had any sympathy for her, thus far.  She's really annoying, you know?  Was she this annoying when she was on before?

 Yes. She was this annoying, and more.  Cannot,  will not, ever be able to stand this character. Perhaps if she were played by someone who could actually emote. That might help. A huge part of the reason I just want someone to come in and blow her away is Lexi. She can smirk and look hateful, and that's ALL she's good at, and when that's all you are good at-you better be playing a horrible person, because that's what you are projecting.

But with a recast, I think she might still be a ridiculous, spoiled, entitled waste of space.  So yeah. She's always been annoying, she'll always be annoying. Especially because Sam, Sonny and Alexis will always be around to defend her and prop her, no matter what she does.

When Kristina is set on someone, she has this tendency to only see the relationship how she wants to see it, in her favor. She acted this way with Ethan, even Trey to an extent, and now Parker.


I agree, but she shouldn't have a personal relationship with Parker in the first place and the onus is on Parker, as the professor and the one with all the power in the situation, to ensure that. It's the responsibility of the faculty member to keep the relationship purely student-teacher, regardless of what the student wants. Alexis's antenna should have gone up the instant she realized that her daughter considered a professor her "friend," but because Alexis is insipid, her only response is, "oh I was great friends with my law school professor."

  • Love 9

Until the show gives me something pithier, I'm stuck thinking of Kristina's story as a Lifetime movie gone awry (Trapped By My Teacher, as I put it elsewhere earlier).  But it does have Ashley Jones giving off a surprising amount of smarm, so I'm down with it...provided it does clear up exactly how far Kristina and Parker went; my assumption is that they only got as far as the proposition, but I suspect there's going to be some sort of flashback to a makeout session or something in the intermediate future.  Whether Kristina is gay or simply curious remains to be seen.


As for the rest of the episode: I kindasorta want to give it an inch for not having Lante glom back together, but as many of y'all have already said: damn, people, you just cleared the air about your feelings for each other and your relationship.  This is where you try to fix it.


Oh--and, jumping on the ditto train: Liz's babysitter should be so fired.

  • Love 3

That was how I understood it too, especially since Kristina said Parker had her over at her house when her wife was at work and was giving her drinks, which Parker didn't deny. I don't even like Kristina but I'm on her side here. Parker is being completely inappropriate and weirdly sexual and threatening with her. Even if Kristina did post negative comments on some faculty rating site about her, it sounds as if they were all true, so if Parker's marriage is in trouble because of that, it's her own fault. For her to come to Kristina's house to threaten her with expulsion and to expose her to her parents is already beyond the pale, but the fact that this would also out Kristina as gay or bi to her parents makes it worse, since if she is, it should be up to her to decide when and how to tell them that.


This is how's it's coming across to me too and I'm really disappointed by the direction they seem to be taking. I should've known it'd be horrible, but for some unknown reason I got my hopes up.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 1

Seriously, that was so stupid. They didn't consider any other options besides (a) go to Poundtown right this second in the defiled marriage bed or (b) sign the divorce papers. How about trying to live as a couple and holding off on sex? Or moving into a new place? Buying a new bed? Marriage counseling. Something. Idiots.



That was how I understood it too, especially since Kristina said Parker had her over at her house when her wife was at work and was giving her drinks, which Parker didn't deny. I don't even like Kristina but I'm on her side here. Parker is being completely inappropriate and weirdly sexual and threatening with her. Even if Kristina did post negative comments on some faculty rating site about her, it sounds as if they were all true, so if Parker's marriage is in trouble because of that, it's her own fault. For her to come to Kristina's house to threaten her with expulsion and to expose her to her parents is already beyond the pale, but the fact that this would also out Kristina as gay or bi to her parents makes it worse, since if she is, it should be up to her to decide when and how to tell them that.


But Kristina hasn't denied that she tried to barter for a better grade with sex, right?  They were both acting inappropriate, but Kristina seems to be putting all the blame on Parker reporting her and none on herself for trying to sex up her GPA.

  • Love 4

I think obviously it's wrong that Kristina tried to proposition sex, but if everything else she's saying is true (and Parker didn't deny it) I feel like Parker is much more in the wrong and quite frankly really gross. I hope they're just still being coy about the whole thing though for 'suspense' and it'll turn around because like I said I hate the direction they appear to be going with it.

  • Love 4

Kristina, especially as played by Lexi, has always been a spoiled, manipulative brat, so I feel like her using Don Daddy Dearest to threaten Parker is par for the course.  And if the story is only about an obsessed lesbian preying on poor, misunderstood Krissy I won't be surprised.  Blech.


Sadly, it says a lot about the state of the show that the above was actually the most interesting plot played out today.  Sam and her tragic glitter eyeshadow squeaking out 'help?'  Jake potentially gertting 'not again'd in the street?  Lulu and Dante putting less thought into ending their marriage than they do as to what to eat for dinner?  Man, I remember when this show was good and all this is a major, major bummer.

  • Love 2

I think obviously it's wrong that Kristina tried to proposition sex, but if everything else she's saying is true (and Parker didn't deny it) I feel like Parker is much more in the wrong and quite frankly really gross. I hope they're just still being coy about the whole thing though for 'suspense' and it'll turn around because like I said I hate the direction they appear to be going with it.

At the very least, Parker reported Kristina. It doesn't excuse her encouraging it, I agree. If that's exactly what happened.


I think things are still really unclear, so I'm reserving judgement until they better explain.

Edited by teenj12
  • Love 2

I think things are still really unclear, so I'm reserving judgement until they better explain.


Yea you're right. It seems pretty obvious they're still playing around with what exactly happened, whether for suspense or because they don't even know what they wanna do. Considering this team it's probably the latter.


LA wasn't really playing it like she's questioning things or has any real feelings for Parker though, which I was surprised by. Basically it's coming off like Parker was/Kristina believed she was giving off vibes like she wanted Kristina so Kristina propositioned her solely because she wanted a better grade and not at all because she was maybe sharing those feelings.

  • Love 6

I don't think Kristina was ever geninely anti-mob, it was just another reason to rail against her dad. I think she is like Lulu about it where she doesn't care unless it hurts her or someone she knows.

Dante is still anti-mob, he made some half hearted attempt to try to get Sonny to reasses his priorities a couple of weeks ago. He just knows it's useless and is (shamefully) turning a blind eye.

Professor Parker is a decent actress.

Julian's haircut is good.

Don't care about Franco's angst.

Did they have to make the blood on Sam's face look like cat whiskers? Between that and the piled on sparkly eye shadow she looked like she was auditioning for Cats.

Didn't watch Lante. After his weeks of not giving a shit I knew his emotion today would just feel fake to me and that would bum me out.

  • Love 6

But Kristina hasn't denied that she tried to barter for a better grade with sex, right?  They were both acting inappropriate, but Kristina seems to be putting all the blame on Parker reporting her and none on herself for trying to sex up her GPA.


Kristina did the wrong thing, but it sounds like Parker had been encouraging that behavior all semester. And considering that she was all up in Krissy's face and seemed thisclose to kissing her at the house, I can see where she got the idea that it might work. I think this would have been a better story if Kristina had not been open to it because then it would be a clear-cut case of sexual harassment. As it stands, it's still harassment because of the power imbalance, but the fact that Kristina was willing to go along with it makes it easier for people to excuse what Parker did.


This is how's it's coming across to me too and I'm really disappointed by the direction they seem to be taking. I should've known it'd be horrible, but for some unknown reason I got my hopes up.


Hope will kill you with this show. For example, the previews give me hope that Jake got run over again, which means it probably didn't happen. Incidentally, why is everyone criticizing Jake's babysitter? Because of her ignoring him for an hour, he's gone missing. Who has done more for us lately than Hearing-Impaired Babysitter?

  • Love 11

I think this would have been a better story if Kristina had not been open to it because then it would be a clear-cut case of sexual harassment.


I dunno how I feel about this show's first lesbian character being clear-cut guilty of sexual harassment.  She's already looking inappropriate and predatory as is.


Didn't JP do a semi-similar story on ATWT, with Noah or Luke and Nash from OLTL?

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 1

I dunno how I feel about this show's first lesbian character being clear-cut guilty of sexual harassment.  She's already looking inappropriate and predatory as is.


Yeah, there's that too. Once they brought Lucas back and made Brad less of a dirtbag, it seemed like the portrayal of gay characters had evolved, but based on what we've seen so far with this story, maybe not so much. I don't think they're even doing it intentionally, just thoughtlessly.

  • Love 5
it sounds like Parker had been encouraging that behavior all semester.


Isn't it still she said, she said? Adding to the confusion, Parker teaches a course about sex and power, so she might argue that Kristina misread her actions during class.


I don't think they're even doing it intentionally, just thoughtlessly.


I agree. They're trying to make it ambivalent right now so we continue to be interested (ha!), but this is a story that should be written much more clearly. I have no illusions it will become clearer later.

  • Love 3

I don't think Kristina was ever geninely anti-mob, it was just another reason to rail against her dad. I think she is like Lulu about it where she doesn't care unless it hurts her or someone she knows.

Kristina tried to talk Michael out of joining the mob during Wolf's run, and she asked Johnny to fire Etham due to the dangers of the mob, so I felt she was previously anti-mob. Even when she was on good terms with Sonny, she never really endorsed the mob.

I was hoping she might have provided a more balanced look at the mob (a view that doesn't ridiculously whitewash the mob), but it seems like everyone but Anna and Robert are "Team Pocket Mobster".

Dante is still anti-mob, he made some half hearted attempt to try to get Sonny to reasses his priorities a couple of weeks ago. He just knows it's useless and is (shamefully) turning a blind eye.

At least there's that. More than can be said about Michael, at least.

Professor Parker is a decent actress.

Julian's haircut is good.

Don't care about Franco's angst.

Did they have to make the blood on Sam's face look like cat whiskers? Between that and the piled on sparkly eye shadow she looked like she was auditioning for Cats.

Didn't watch Lante. After his weeks of not giving a shit I knew his emotion today would just feel fake to me and that would bum me out.

It's a complete mess. I'm half tempted to think the babysitter ran away because she realized she was on GH and needed to escape.

  • Love 4

If Parker believes in Kristina and thinks she has so much potential why did she report her to the dean, which could have potentially led to her being expelled? Why not just tell Kristina to stop propositioning her? I think Parker intentionally said and did things that made Kristina think she was interested but when Kristina made a move she backed down for whatever reason and then preemptively reported her to the dean before Kristina could report her. Now if Kristina tries to make allegations against Parker the administration will be less inclined to believe her. Whatever. I'm already ready for Parker to go away.


Dante and Lulu are ridiculous. 


Julian is being ridiculous. Leo might be embarrassed one day when he finds out there's a publicly available pic of his mother breastfeeding him but I doubt he would be ashamed. There's a difference.


There's no way these people would have DNAJ get hit by a car again. Stop teasing me.

  • Love 10

Kristina, especially as played by Lexi, has always been a spoiled, manipulative brat, so I feel like her using Don Daddy Dearest to threaten Parker is par for the course.  And if the story is only about an obsessed lesbian preying on poor, misunderstood Krissy I won't be surprised.  Blech.


I think things are still really unclear, so I'm reserving judgement until they better explain.


The first time she came back, she was very determined to get a picture of herself and Sonny, and once she did, she had a bit of a smirk on her face. It could be that she was trying to get her grade raised then by threatening the wrath of Sonny, or that she was already trying to extricate herself from the Parker mess at that point. Regardless, it needs to be cleared up. 

At least the Dante/Lulu, Liz/Jason/Sam, and Kristina parts of the show today are things I care about a little. This left-field breastfeeding thing is just terrible. It's like they looked around and identified some characters who don't have much going on right now and generated an "issue" storyline by computer for them. 


What climax would be cheesy enough? Women who aren't actors brought in to breastfeed at a Mayor Lomax fundraising shindig? Each one of them stepping forward and saying, "I'm a mother. And I breastfeed." Then hard-as-nails Mayor Lomax with tears in her eyes?

Edited by Asp Burger
  • Love 5

I swear, at one point in the episode, Dom's hair was growing right before my eyes.

LOL!!!! I thought of you because of the preview of Anna and Robert, with her head on his shoulder. I guess they're in a jail cell?  Did he hear Paul mention Robin to Anna, on her end of the phone call last week?

This left-field breastfeeding thing is just terrible. It's like they looked around and identified some characters who don't have much going on right now and generated an "issue" storyline by computer for them. 

Also so Nina could bring up that she *still* wants to have a baby/be a mother and so Franco's reaction could be wide-eyed horror. 

  • Love 1
It's like they looked around and identified some characters who don't have much going on right now and generated an "issue" storyline by computer for them.


I would be not at all shocked if this is how the entire year gets planned out.


Also so Nina could bring up that she *still* wants to have a baby/be a mother and so Franco's reaction could be wide-eyed horror.

Can you blame him? 

  • Love 4



(Anyone else having problems doing quotes with windows 10  errrr)


I wanted to respond to Ulkis saying she didn't watch Lante.  By the way the show was edited today, I think TPTB realize the  last fans of Lante there may be are fed up and so they are just trying to get this over with as soon as possible.  They had 30 second scenes of Dante and Lulu reconnecting inbetween the great Boob drama of 1016 and those other boobs Franco/Nina, Liz/Jason/Sam

  • Love 1

If they just wanted to end Lante, they could have had Dante not being able to forgive Lulu for colluding with Johnny, and Lulu unable to forgive Dante for getting their marriage into this mess in the first place.  And they could have discussed custody matters.  But having Lulu wear the stupid red dress and sort of try to seduce him, and he seemed game, was all kinds of awkward and wrong.  Of course she is not going to be able to block from her mind that he did the nasty with Val right there on her bed, twice!  So then they should have discussed counselling and getting a new apt.  But they jump to divorce.  The whole scenario made no sense.  Just what was the point of the seduction scene then?


Having said that, I am glad I don't have to listen to the two of them talk about this ever again.

  • Love 5

Haven't commented on the show for a while. Had been casually watching it and skimming over storylines. Hadn't had need to comment but the last few weeks I have had a few things that I wanted to comment on.


Lulu and Dante and that whole mess just seems more trouble than it is worth. Maybe if it was still JMB playing Lulu I might care more but haven't really cared about ER's Lulu with Dante. Haven't cared about Valerie and Dante sleeping with her was just aggravating. None of the characters have really had me invested even though I did pay more attention when Johnny was involved. He was at least entertaining.


Jason/Liz/Sam needs to end. I like Sam and Liz mainly when they are in their own stories. However, whenever they are in the same story along with Jason I can't stand them. I have even liked BM's Jason. They just need to go their separate ways and Jake needs to go to therapy.


The breastfeeding storyline is just mindnumbingly bad. Granted I did sort of perk up when they mentioned Olivia topless but then they kept talking and my mind went numb again.


Kristina and Parker were kind of interesting. So Kristina has been using Parker's first name this whole time as she introduced herself to Alexis as Parker Forsyte. So that does seem like they did have a relationship where they were close enough that Kristina was comfortable using her professor's first name. So the wife is a doctor, who wants to bet if this becomes a bigger story the wife will get a job at GH? Surprised Parker automatically assumed it was Kristina who sent those bad reviews because as  a guy, I think those reviews sounded like they were done by a guy. I don't think Kristina was actually trying to threaten Parker but trying to get her to slow down with the threats Parker were making about expelling her and let Parker realize that she didn't do those reviews. I also thought it was odd of Parker to be asking about the date of the wedding. I have some further thoughts on this story but I do need to see how this continues to play out.

  • Love 4

Kristina, especially as played by Lexi, has always been a spoiled, manipulative brat, so I feel like her using Don Daddy Dearest to threaten Parker is par for the course.  And if the story is only about an obsessed lesbian preying on poor, misunderstood Krissy I won't be surprised.  Blech.


This is the same character who bragged on the phone about getting away with killing her unborn sibling in an accident and then getting shopping money from daddy.

But Kristina hasn't denied that she tried to barter for a better grade with sex, right?  They were both acting inappropriate, but Kristina seems to be putting all the blame on Parker reporting her and none on herself for trying to sex up her GPA.


I could have sworn she took the blame in her conversation with Sam.


I don't expect her to be all respectful and nice to a teacher like that. Kristina's actions is not excused but the professor holds the bulk of the responsibility in this case.

  • Love 3

Isn't it still she said, she said? Adding to the confusion, Parker teaches a course about sex and power, so she might argue that Kristina misread her actions during class.





I agree. They're trying to make it ambivalent right now so we continue to be interested (ha!), but this is a story that should be written much more clearly. I have no illusions it will become clearer later.


Watch, the resolution to this will be that it was an extended extra credit test for Kristina, and she failed.  And then we'll just all never speak of it again. 

  • Love 4

How very puzzling that Lante seduction scene turned out to be. Lulu was so gung ho, thinking sex would overcome all, and magically heal the marriage without having messy discussion or rational analysis or therapy. All systems seemed Go until they fell on the bed together.


Something cued Lulu that it wasn't working. Did Dante fail to get an erection, and she realized it? Or did her own mind keep painting the picture of Val and Dante in flagrante delicto in that very bed, twice?


Why didn't Lulu realize that a seduction plan should have taken place AWAY from that bed--perhaps in a hotel room? Of course, she  could have been punishing Dante, teasing him but abruptly denying him satisfaction.I sensed that she was sincere, however. Seems like Lulu could have explained why she called a halt.

  • Love 2

How very puzzling that Lante seduction scene turned out to be. Lulu was so gung ho, thinking sex would overcome all, and magically heal the marriage without having messy discussion or rational analysis or therapy. All systems seemed Go until they fell on the bed together.


Something cued Lulu that it wasn't working. Did Dante fail to get an erection, and she realized it? Or did her own mind keep painting the picture of Val and Dante in flagrante delicto in that very bed, twice?


Why didn't Lulu realize that a seduction plan should have taken place AWAY from that bed--perhaps in a hotel room? Of course, she  could have been punishing Dante, teasing him but abruptly denying him satisfaction.I sensed that she was sincere, however. Seems like Lulu could have explained why she called a halt.


Do you hate me, pepperbird?

  • Love 7
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