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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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For the same reason Michael is telling Rosalie her phone is bugged: Because Ron can't be arsed to write a story that works without everyone being brain-dead. "We left the bug in the phone to avoid tipping off the spy." FFS..


The fact that everyone has to be stupid for the story to "work" really doesn't reflect well on the storyteller

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I thought I heard both. Maybe BM was supposed to say "20-odd years and flubbed the line.


My closed captioning said that it was "20-odd years". I did a double take right before because I totally thought he said 29.  I was like wow, they're sure SORASing him quite a bit overnight.


Warming up to NuDillon a little more. Liked the Maxie/Dante scenes. Not wanting him to cheat as much as before, but looks like Lulu is going to beat him to the punch.


Today was pretty boring for me though. Too many "good" people, I can only handle so much saccharine.

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She would have solved this ELQ takeover if she had recognized her own cousin's voice.

I thought she did seem to recognize him, actually, but in her defense, she only heard what, two words?


I continue to like new Dillon, though he does need to work on his facial expressions. I've already said it, but I'll say it again: the fact that he can generate chemistry with pretty much everyone he's in a scene with so far, is very good, and puts him above a third of the cast. Well actually, it might put him in the top ten percent. Surely there are some that are better actors, but being able to click with just about anybody? Most of these actors cannot do that. And he's going to be learning with Jane, so. Much like I knew Nathan Parsons had something....I'm giving this guy a chance. He also seems to have a genuine warmth-very natural being "sweet" and coming across as tender hearted, and for me, that was what I loved best about SC's Dillon. I really couldn't care less about the "quirkiness". In fact, when he got on my nerves the most, was because of being too  so called "quirky". I can buy that he's matured and settled a bit. But I do detect the actor's voice coming alive when he talks about movies or his travels, much like old Dillon did.


ETA I forgot about Lizzie Boredom knowing what Nik is up to. She can get in line and get a "new one" ripped by Tracy, too. Or Sam, Monica, Sabrina, Michael, Carly, Sonny. Or Jakeson himself. I give no cares who it is, just as long as the doing gets done.

And if Lucky tries to protect her, well- he'll just have to take one for the team.

Edited by IWantCandy71
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I was just texting with my aunt about today's episode and she said she heard 25 and so did my mother, but I totally thought he said 29. I think the truth is Billy Miller flubbed after "twenty-" 



I refuse to accept Michael being suddenly older than me!

Edited by Gigi43
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My closed captioning said that it was "20-odd years". I did a double take right before because I totally thought he said 29.  I was like wow, they're sure SORASing him quite a bit overnight.



He definitely said 20 odd years, but he mumbles so much it was hard to hear.  But I played it a few times and he did say odd.


I thought she did seem to recognize him, actually, but in her defense, she only heard what, two words?


One word, he only said "hello".  


I can't believe neither of the brain trusts bothered to think about what Sam does for a living....She IS a PI....Maybe, just maybe that's why she is bugging stuff?  If Jake and Mikey get much dumber, Morgan and Kiki might NOT be the town idiots much longer.

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Surely there are some that are better actors, but being able to click with just about anybody? Most of these actors cannot do that.

YMMV. Imo, NuDillon has anti-charisma. I think he has much more acting skill than he has charisma.

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He definitely said 20 odd years, but he mumbles so much it was hard to hear.  But I played it a few times and he did say odd.



One word, he only said "hello".  


I can't believe neither of the brain trusts bothered to think about what Sam does for a living....She IS a PI....Maybe, just maybe that's why she is bugging stuff?  If Jake and Mikey get much dumber, Morgan and Kiki might NOT be the town idiots much longer.

I could have sworn Sam mouthed "Nikolas", but maybe that's just because I wanted her to? I am enjoying this ELQ storyline-just want the misunderstandings to be over as far as who is doing what-then the sting to be on!

In fact, I'm gonna be bold and call it: She did recognize his voice, and that's why she went over to Tracy.

*fingers crossed*

Edited by IWantCandy71
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Today was pretty boring for me though. Too many "good" people, I can only handle so much saccharine.


Don't worry, I'm sure Franco and Nina will be on any day now to liven things up!  <<<<< Sarcasm to the nth degree...

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God, Maxie's an annoying little shit!  My tolerance for her is limited on her best days and this wasn't one of them.  

I don't know why she's supposed to be cute because she's a vapid, shallow, shrill and selfish juvenile.  Det. Kitty could do so much better.


Dante is and remains a saint.  


Lulu's nightmare is as nonsensical as her reality is.  She knows, especially after what they just went through with Fluke, that Dante wouldn't put anyone in danger.  So her PAIN at keeping this from him is considerably less than ours is at watching this all play out.  Lulu has gotten dumber and dumber and I don't like it.  I don'l like finding Lulu so tiresome.


I'm good with NuDillon.  I think his storyline is going to be dull, since it's going to be with Lulu and about some forced decoupling of Dante and Lulu, but I'm fine with hiim.   It helps that I never liked Clifton's Dillon.  I see what some of you mean by how generic he looks, the pretty boy thing, but at least he has some acting skill and charm to go with it.  JMO.

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God, Maxie's an annoying little shit!  My tolerance for her is limited on her best days and this wasn't one of them.  

I don't know why she's supposed to be cute because she's a vapid, shallow, shrill and selfish juvenile.  Det. Kitty could do so much better.


Dante is and remains a saint.  


Lulu's nightmare is as nonsensical as her reality is.  She knows, especially after what they just went through with Fluke, that Dante wouldn't put anyone in danger.  So her PAIN at keeping this from him is considerably less than ours is at watching this all play out.  Lulu has gotten dumber and dumber and I don't like it.  I don'l like finding Lulu so tiresome.


I'm good with NuDillon.  I think his storyline is going to be dull, since it's going to be with Lulu and about some forced decoupling of Dante and Lulu, but I'm fine with hiim.   It helps that I never liked Clifton's Dillon.  I see what some of you mean by how generic he looks, the pretty boy thing, but at least he has some acting skill and charm to go with it.  JMO.



He looks just like his pretty boy TV daddy.  I posted something a short while ago how Nik needed to bring in Paul as a "ringer" for his plot to take over ELQ, and to do it right as Luke is away or after he's gone. While Tracy is most uncertain. I said it before I knew Dillon was coming back, and now that Dillon's here, I want this. For all kinds of reasons. Or, he could use Paul as leverage/revenge after Tracy destroys Nik's plans.

Either way, it must happen. And the greatest thing is, it doesn't matter whether they choose to write Paul as evil or good, because when he first came on the show, it was explained that in the beginning, he'd been with the cartel willingly, and they used his daughter for leverage later when he wanted out.

Edited by IWantCandy71
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The continuity time warp on this episode was killing me. It started off being so "early" that Liz's young kids weren't up yet and Tracy was just rising (I could buy Sabrina being up early with AJ. Babies always seem to wake up far earlier than anyone wants them to!). Shirtless Dillon had already swam laps and worked on his screenplay. But at the same time, Michael and Rosalie were both at the office, Valerie was working away at the police station while Nathan was already out on a case and Maxie was up and dressed and ready with all her accusations.. and at the same time (or very close thereto), Nik was at the Metrocourt eating steak. 

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I liked the way the abortion was brought up. Poor Lulu and Dante- they were too happy for a long time so the writers bring in someone to cheat on the other.

Maxie has two jobs? Laughable. I wish Valerie decked her smug mooching ass. I did like Maxie's dress.

Liz continues to be the worst person ever. This ELQ storyline is going to drag on forever. And the look on Patrick's face when he figured out Sabrina was over his egotistical ass was fantastic. I like that Sam and Sabrina can be civil to each other- maybe Maxie can learn a thing or two on how not to be a bitch.

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I would love the ELQ story if it made the slightest bit of sense. Michael is too young to be running the company by himself. AJ, Ned and Tracy should have been part of this story

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I don't mind the ELQ story - I mind it hinging on everyone being deeply stupid (falling for Rosalie) and Nikolas being instantly evil. If they'd set his face turn up more, not surrounded everyone with annoying dayplayers and not made everyone quite so dumb to move the plot along I'd be very happy with it. As it is it's entertaining, but it could be much smarter. And the whole Franco/Nina/Ned/Olivia angle has been unbearable.

Edited by jsbt
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I don't mind the ELQ story - I mind it hinging on everyone being deeply stupid (falling for Rosalie) and Nikolas being instantly evil. If they'd set his face turn up more, not surrounded everyone with annoying dayplayers and not made everyone quite so dumb to move the plot along I'd be very happy with it. As it is it's entertaining, but it could be much smarter. And the whole Franco/Nina/Ned/Olivia angle has been unbearable.



This is where I am as well.


I am very happy that the mob fuckery has been put to the back-burner for the time being, but this is no kind of acceptable substitute either in its' place, imho.


It's ridiculous nonsense that plays out even worse on screen when these characters are forced to spew such bollocks it causes one's brain cells to run and hide.


It;s crappy crap to me, that's the best way I can put it. 

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maybe Maxie can learn a thing or two on how not to be a bitch

I actually thought it made sense.  She wasn't being a bitch, just because she can (Carly).  She was going after someone that she knows is inserting herself in her friend's relationship.  Lulu told her that Valerie was hot and bothered for Dante and that she'd caught her several times being handsy and now here's a photo of Val being handsy.  At least Maxie was out of bed and interacting with someone other than Nathan.  

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I loved everything about Dante and Maxie. Her dress, his telling her to get a job. Their continued bluntness with each other. And apparently Maxie's been charging for her wedding planning. I hope she's working with Lucas and Brad.


I supposed Lulu and Dylan talking about the abortion had to happen. 

Edited by sacrebleu
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TJ may be an asshole (aka NuSonny-ass-kisser) but at least the kid has a job!



And he goes to school!  With all the drop outs on this show (cough Morgan and Kiki cough) TJ should get points for doing both.

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The continuity time warp on this episode was killing me. It started off being so "early" that Liz's young kids weren't up yet and Tracy was just rising (I could buy Sabrina being up early with AJ. Babies always seem to wake up far earlier than anyone wants them to!). Shirtless Dillon had already swam laps and worked on his screenplay. But at the same time, Michael and Rosalie were both at the office, Valerie was working away at the police station while Nathan was already out on a case and Maxie was up and dressed and ready with all her accusations.. and at the same time (or very close thereto), Nik was at the Metrocourt eating steak. 


LOL. I didn't even think about how ridiculous Nik eating steak was. Time in PC is something else!


I like the ELQ story. I mean, yea, it could be much better, but I still enjoy it. The fact that it's not about the mob is pretty much enough for me honestly.

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What if Nik is buying up all the ELQ shares not for himself or Helena. What if at the finally board meeting, the show down. Nik announced I really don't want ELQ and Michael I am sorry we kept you in the dark but I gathered all the ELQ shares back and handed them over to.........AJ and Alan


Oh Yeah what if this were a good soap again

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I didn't pay too much attention to the steak eating, but don't some people have it for breakfast? I guess it would depend on what else was on the plate. There's also the fact that at ELQ Michael being at the office as early as 5:30 or as late as 9 wouldn't be unheard of-I've heard over the years that owners/CEO's of large corporations have those kind of hours, sometimes even earlier than that. As far as the police station, it never stops, someone is there all the time. Newspapers typically "go to bed" and have printed the next day's edition by midnight or the wee hours of the morning.

Not disputing that there haven't been huge continuity errors on this show, but yesterday I didn't see anything all that glaring.

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Don't worry, I'm sure Franco and Nina will be on any day now to liven things up!  <<<<< Sarcasm to the nth degree...


Ugh, it's such a double edged sword, boring or vile. No Franco, Nina or Sonny wanted or needed. I'm so running out of options here lol.



I didn't pay too much attention to the steak eating, but don't some people have it for breakfast?


Yep, steak and eggs is a big thing down here in the South.

Edited by tvgoddess
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What if Nik is buying up all the ELQ shares not for himself or Helena. What if at the finally board meeting, the show down. Nik announced I really don't want ELQ and Michael I am sorry we kept you in the dark but I gathered all the ELQ shares back and handed them over to.........AJ and Alan


Oh Yeah what if this were a good soap again


I don't have a problem with Nikolas getting his Cassadine on, it's that his motivations are thin slash make no sense.

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I loved everything about Dante and Maxie. Her dress, his telling her to get a job. Their continued bluntness with each other.


Same here. They have a great friendship. I also loved this exchange:


Maxie, indignant: "What qualifications do you have to work here?" 

Valerie: "I minored in criminology."

Maxie: "Oh."





TJ may be an asshole (aka NuSonny-ass-kisser) but at least the kid has a job!

And he goes to school!


These are two reasons why I don't understand why Scott was so gung-ho to indict TJ. Ric had a decent defense anyway, so to pile on the charges was ridiculous. Of course it was so Sonny could bribe the security guard and have Jordan owe him a favor. Ugh.


I don't have a problem with Nikolas getting his Cassadine on, it's that his motivations are thin slash make no sense.


Exactly. He's working against the Qs, the family of his late, lamented (only by him) One Great Love, Emily. Why? And why is he so willing to use Lulu? Suddenly his family doesn't matter to him? There's been no decent explanation for this, especially now that Helena is chained up on Cassadine Island.

Edited by dubbel zout
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So the whole point of the TJ subplot was that cops and lawyers like Jordan, Dante, and Scotty are bad while mobsters like Sonny who sic goons to intimidate people are heroes with hearts of gold?



Wonder why I just don't watch. I come here and find out everything I might want to know. Most people feel the same way I do. Disgusted and sick of being thought of as brain dead.

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I would enjoy the ELQ story if everyone weren't so damn stupid and we have a decent explanation as to why Nikolas wants the company.  Plus, it has Rosalie all up in it and that is one useless character who should've been gone a long damn time ago.


As a writer, I look at all the nonsense that is going on this show right now and I just shake my head.

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Poor Edward's Painting, having to hang there and be subjected to AvaDenise's ranting.


And what is her problem, anyway?  Isn't it better that Avery is with Michael - who at least seems open to letting her have some kind of visitation - instead of Sonny?  And her "My daughter is my life!" bleating is ridiculous since she (awesomely) seems determined to seduce the other daughter's boyfriend.

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If any of the rest of Nik's acquisitions of shares had played out like Nik's proposal to Dillon? I'd actually enjoy the story - assuming Nik had a better motivation for lying to his cousin and hurting Umily's family than losing an inherited fortune through inattention

Because the proposal to Dillon was clever and took advantage of character history. It would actually hold up in court and didn't involve Fluke/Franco

Because even if they are bearer bonds, Luke can testify to them being fraudulently obtained. Cash is the ultimate bearer bond but you don't get to keep it if someone proves you defrauded then out of it.

If ELQ is a closely held corp, (and I think it is) they have to keep track of shares - not just for control but because the IRS would climb up their collective asses if they couldn't provide that info

Edited by Oracle42
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If Lucky is rescued and returns to PC, what will Liez do?


Beg him to have a threesome with her and Jason.


Recalling Guza's bromance between JJ's Lucky and Burton's Jason, it's possible he'd take her up on it.

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Luke: I don't regret our life together.


Only retirement could have dragged that out of Geary.


Poor Edward's Painting, having to hang there and be subjected to AvaDenise's ranting.


I was like, "calm down Cruella De Vill" during that scene.


Dillon and Nikolas already saw each other, right? Because otherwise Nikolas barely said hello to a guy he hasn't scene in years.


Poor Patrick. Not only is he just Sam's bed buddy, he's Sam's extremely stupid bed buddy.


I understand Kiki and Morgan >> Denise/Ava and Morgan for Sonny, but shouldn't he still think that's a bad idea too? That Sonny and Carly continue to like/tolerate Kiki is so out of character.




Luke: I don't regret our life together.


Only retirement could have dragged that out from Geary.

Edited by ulkis
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Poor Patrick. Not only is he just Sam's bed buddy, he's Sam's extremely stupid bed buddy.


And his alleged BFF is the worst.  I don't understand why Liz is so gung-ho to help Nikolas get ELQ.

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First Michael's couch at home gets defiled by his parents now his couch at the office gets defiled by Morgan/Ava.  Gross.


My first thought was like father, like son. 

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LOL. I didn't even think about how ridiculous Nik eating steak was. Time in PC is something else!


I like the ELQ story. I mean, yea, it could be much better, but I still enjoy it. The fact that it's not about the mob is pretty much enough for me honestly.


Only evil people eat steak in the morning.  Did you see how rare it was?   HE IS EVVVVVVIIILLLLLLL.


I only caught the last 2 segments....Fuck you Liz.  Just...fuck you.  She wasted no time, yet again to call Nikolas. 

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Because the proposal to Dillon was clever and took advantage of character history. It would actually hold up in court and didn't involve Fluke/Franco


I liked the proposal, too. In fact, I was pleased because it was very Dark Prince-like.  That one little line proves that the writers are capable of writing in character in ways that both honor history and advance the plot. The question now is, why should we (or they) settle most of the time for considerably less? (cough, Brook Lynn being blackmailed, cough)

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And his alleged BFF is the worst. I don't understand why Liz is so gung-ho to help Nikolas get ELQ.

So she can get him away from Michael/the Qs so he'll be less likely to remember he has family - because Liz is a mustache twirling villain right now.

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JFC, STFU Ava!! "Waah! Michael's being a responsible guardian to my daughter so I won't get to see her whenever the fuck I want!" Bitch, you'd be dead right now and spending ZERO time with your kid if you had your way. Have all the seats.

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