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S01.E06: The Good Man

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From her time serving in the hospital Liza probably knew she was doomed to horrible death and would then reanimate and try to eat Chris and the rest of the group.

Yes, but she also knew how much time she had and the precautions to take (remember she took down Grizelda).  There was no immediate danger from within or without.  Time to calm down and get real people!  Go back and calmly explain everything to Christopher.  This is only to create false family drama for next season  - the one thing we don't need!

  • Love 7

I don't think I can even hate watch this next season.


The only glimmer of hope I have is they didn't realize just how bad of an actor the chick that plays Madison is and have now realized it after seeing the episodes on TV and hearing how much people can not stand this character/actress.  If they make swift work of killing her off at the beginning of season 2 I might watch, but if not I think I'm out.  I like imperfect characters, but with her, I just can't.


Next season is totally going to be about pirates, I know it.

  • Love 8

3) The show didn't follow through at all on its premise. Liza got bitten, so she wants to kill herself. Okay, this is something that we have seen on the mother show (TWD), and it makes sense... there. There, where we've seen what happens when people get bitten and turn. Where we've seen the suffering. Where we've been shown and told that becoming zombified is inevitable for everyone. We were never really shown that in FTWD. Any information about the plague seems to have largely come to the characters off-screen if at all. The show seems to be relying on the audience's knowledge of zombie lore and in particular the lore of the Walking Dead-verse from the original show. But the characters in the FTWD universe don't have the benefit of that knowledge; they have even less of an understanding of what is going on than Rick and Co. and yet they were in a position to have had firsthand knowledge of it. We should have seen and more importantly seen the characters learning this information and attempting to reconcile that with what is going on.


Instead, we got a decided lack of any real breakdown of society except for a few Youtube videos, some sick days, a small riot, and then a 9 day gap in which time everything went to hell, virtually the entirety of Los Angeles- about 10 time as large as Atlanta- was vacated, with (as was noted above) very little in the way of traffic jammed highways or mass migratory movements. Worse yet, our plucky bland of adventurers remained pretty ignorant of what was going on around them and why it happened. Glenn and the gang had more knowledge about what was going on when Rick showed up than this group did. Even with a three hour time difference between the east and west coasts, that's pretty unforgivable.



Here's exactly why it's never made any sense to me for anyone to pretend the mother show doesn't exist or not make direction comparisons/draw on what it has shown us.  When TTD is inviting that in discussions to attempt to fill its hour, there's just no getting around it.  This show hasn't earned anything.  It hasn't really bothered to tell us anything except "9 days have passed and here we are inside chain link for some reason."  It's relying entirely the original recipe to fill in the blanks.  I still don't feel like I know any more about how the world fell than I did before the show started.


The death of Liza, one of the show's few halfway decently drawn characters, and all discussion around why it had to be now falls completely flat unless you have the knowledge of watching characters on the mother show come to the same decision and why.  Unless you know about

Jim or Andrea or Bob

for example, the entire scene feels like Maddie and Travis just sort of dumbly going along with "Oh you don't want to wait a bit to be absolutely sure you haven't been fed a bunch of half-true crap before one of us pulls the trigger?  It's not like any of us actually know.  OK, well, let's get this over with then because we do have this beach scene to get to."

Edited by nodorothyparker
  • Love 12

That was a nice ending shot of water. I thought to myself, they can't possibly end with us staring at water. I was wrong.

I'm interested in this whole yacht situation. I've been interested in the idea of getting out on the water for a long time. I don't know why the Atlanta crew isn't on a boat by now. But I guess it's hard to base several seasons of story on people arguing on a boat. Which is why I have no doubt that the entire next season of this show will focus on that.

Why couldn't Liza just wait a bit. No one had to shoot a living and somewhat healthy woman in the head. Why couldn't they just chill until she died? Chris is going to be insufferable next season.

Andy sucks. He should have shot Salazar. Bitch move, shooting Ofelia. Also, I call bs on that even happening. I don't care how pissed you are, no one is wading through a herd of walkers on the off chance they can run into their enemies in all the chaos. Stupid.

While a boat would offer safety from walkers, I think getting fresh water to drink would be a major challenge. Plus, you would be limited to fish as a food source. Storms could also be deadly, especially without weather forecasts. I guess you could stay near the shore and look for safe places to land for supply runs.

I think Andy may have shot Ofelia because he felt more betrayed by her and/or because he knew shooting her would hurt Daniel more than shooting Daniel would. I know if I was given the choice of being shot or seeing one of my children shot, I would much rather be shot. It will be interesting to see if Andy returns, possibly as an evil governor type.

I didn't buy wimpy Travis suddenly having the will and ability to pummel a soldier and an armed one, no less.

Liza probably understood how hopeless her situation was from her time treating walker victims and did not want to put herself and the group, especially Chris, through that.

  • Love 3

I think I saw a path on the far right of the screen.  Steep, but I guess it could be covered in a few seconds.  How sad, though, that this is their climax with a big emotional moment and...I was looking for the path to the beach.


 This show hasn't earned anything.  It hasn't really bothered to tell us anything except "9 days have passed and here we are inside chain link for some reason."  It's relying entirely the original recipe to fill in the blanks.  I still don't feel like I know any more about how the world fell than I did before the show started.


These two comments sum it up for me, perfectly.


That, and the fact the episode titles bother me. They don't seem well thought-out. 

  • Love 8

I'm quite glad this show is over. I have really been trying to give it a chance, but it's been such a let down. I was even one of those who was arguing that maybe we would still get to see the "fall" that maybe things hadn't  truly gotten all the way bad yet. But obviously I was wrong. Because now that we see them out in the world, it appears that everything is supposed to be gone. And we saw nothing. Nothing. Save a riot outside of a barber shop. Now we're likely on even footing with season one of TWD, so....yay. 


The big problem is - there is just no one to root for. By the end of the first 6 episodes of TWD, I was rooting for that group. Sure Shane was unhinged and Lori made me roll my eyes and Andrea was driving me up the wall. But I liked a lot of them and their little group. I wanted them to survive. In six episodes I felt like I had a good picture of who everyone was, and they were all so different and interesting. These people are like fucking melba toast. I. DO. NOT. CARE. 


Liza was probably the most useful person in this group and I didn't even care when she died. I was like, "Oh well". And please, take a seat with the melodramatic music and clutching each other in the waves shit. Corniest ending ever. 


The only person I mildly liked was Daniel. Even after the torture stuff I was trying to hang on with him. But letting all those walkers out of the arena? FUCK YOU. 


Look, I know they're going with the whole "the military is evil" thing, and I am pretty distrustful of government and authority myself. I could see a lot of the military going rogue, doing bad shit. But that compound was not full of 100% evil people. Not every soldier was bad, and besides that - there were doctors there. Nurses. Innocent, sick civilians. And you turn loose thousands of walkers in hopes that you'll cause a distraction and get your family back? You don't even know the layout of the place? Who's to say the walkers wouldn't get your wife first? You idiot! And what if there are innocent civilians living somewhere around there? What the hell?


Not only was it wrong, it was just colossally stupid. Daniel openly admitted he didn't know how they would get back out. That's like Otis and Shane at the school times ten. You ALWAYS have an exit plan! You don't unleash hell on an area you want to get back out of. Oh, but that's okay - because all the sudden it's morning and the walkers are all gone. Dafuq????? How did that happen?


Another big dafuq to Ofelia being shot. It looked like she got shot in the head. But she didn't, she's alive? What? 


And now they're hanging out with some rambling, rich dude with a yacht. They're going to sail off into the Pacific....and do what? Do I even care? Not really. 

I didn't buy wimpy Travis suddenly having the will and ability to pummel a soldier and an armed one, no less.


Right? That's a pretty big character jump in 6 episodes. Hell, 

it took Rick four seasons to take a chunk out of a dude's neck!

  • Love 13

Yes, but she also knew how much time she had and the precautions to take (remember she took down Grizelda).  There was no immediate danger from within or without.  Time to calm down and get real people!  Go back and calmly explain everything to Christopher.  This is only to create false family drama for next season  - the one thing we don't need!

I think I might have actually liked it better if Liza had WANTED to make it look like Maddie had put her down for no reason just as payback, since she knew she wasn't going to survive. Now that's soapy drama!


Next season is totally going to be about pirates, I know it.

Undead Pirates! Arrrrrr! (Featuring NotJohnnyDepp!)

  • Love 3


I thought this is what the whole season should have had in it.  Chaos, emotion, people trying to figure out WTF is going on, having to make hard decisions, packing in a slightly panicky manner.  I liked this episode.  There is  potential. I don't want it to be a rehash of the mother ship, walking around, hordes of zombies.  I do want to see shit hit the fan though.


I just feel that we're right where we were when Rick woke up. Sure, Rick et al are in the pine trees of Ga (now Va) and the new crew is in LA, catching the rays at Malibu (or wherever). But for a brief glimpses of society crumbling we haven't really seen it. Now with Season Two I'm afraid this show if going to be NCIS: LA to the better NCIS. (I guess in a few years, we'll have a Mardi Gras Walking Dead show, maybe featuring jazz musicians that are, in fact, Walkers.)

  • Love 2

I could very well see AMC hoping for that.  How many versions of CSI or NCIS in different cities have there been for how many years?  I don't even know.  Had they actually done this one right, they could have built up enough trust and good will to keep the franchise running indefinitely to show us how everything went to shit in various parts of the world even if or when the mother show invariably peters out.  As it is, I have my doubts about returning for season two of this one, let alone Walking Dead:  Terror in Topeka coming to you in 2018.

  • Love 5

AMC has the first of the FTWD plane crash webisodes up. It's a little over a minute long and IMO better--or at least more attention grabbing--than the actual show. http://www.amc.com/shows/fear-the-walking-dead/video-extras/fear-the-walking-dead-flight-462-part-1

A plane full of non-panicked but clearly anxious passengers are waiting for takeoff. A teen calls his mom from the plane; she tries to reassure him that she will be there to pick him up, but he hears chaos in the background. A young Asian woman seems to have an idea of what's going on but is not showing signs of infection.

Edited by The Mighty Peanut
  • Love 2

Well, THAT was underwhelming.  Dammit.  What an unlikeable cast of characters - a bunch of


.  Everyone here has echoed my sentiments.  I've already bleated ad nauseam about the colossal disappointment it was as an illustration of the early stages of the apocalypse.  OK fine, it was never going to go there (should've known).  But even if I look at this thing with severely lowered expectations it still seems simply way too derivative, and ridiculously nihilistic, and stocked with unrelentingly dull people.  WHY should I care about any of these people?  I feel like the TPTB despise their audience, essentially.  And as much as I like Strand, one of the very few who evidenced any kind of charisma or energy, he does feel like a big ol' deus ex machina, with his wealthy, secure compound and fabulous yacht.  The only reason any of these morons survived is so beyond improbable it stretched incredulity even in a frickin' zombie teevee show. 

Edited by JBody
  • Love 9

It will be interesting to see if Andy returns, possibly as an evil governor type.

I didn't buy wimpy Travis suddenly having the will and ability to pummel a soldier and an armed one, no less.

To me, the beating was all about Travis: "You gave me your word," rather than "you shot my friend" or even "you shot an unarmed young woman." And Travis & Maddie on the beach was all about them, when they both should've been thinking about Chris. These characters are all so unlikeable.

Like many upthread, I had no idea if Ofelia was alive or dead until Strand's house. And the "extra" ten minutes were filler: the river drive, rolling around in the sand, the pointless tracking shot of the ocean… We've complained all season about the shoddy production values—why spend all that money on a helicopter?

Did we see Andy Adams die? Or Dr. Exner? If not, they're both still in play. Tobias, too.

Edited by editorgrrl
  • Love 6

I have never hated a show more than this one. That scene with the family around their table was absolutely ridiculous. At this stage of the crisis, with many of their neighbours dead, who sits around all happy and heedless with the family? They can see the fires, hear the gunshots and they're still feeling secure. Did they not notice the Army exodus rolling on? And who walks a dog at night under these circumstances without so much as a stout stick for defence? I can't care about characters who are that dumb.

And yet when Travis et al left without sealing the gate I lost any remaining tolerance for this show. At least give the idiots a fighting chance, people. And then, to rescue two people, they condemned hundreds, if not thousands to death. I can't empathize with these characters. I was hoping Andy would shoot the whole lot of them. I'm done with this show.

  • Love 15

I don't know what it is with the producers of this show and their contempt for the military but it's getting tiresome. The army was shown as being corrupt and inept and it just got irritating after a while. In the world of TWD authorities don't help anyone, they steal your truck and supplies, they attempt to kidnap your women and they just aren't very good at soldiering. However, we're supposed to be sympathetic to characters who leave gates open on a defenseless neighborhood, lead a horde of walkers to a hospital and leave people trapped in cages because they aren't useful.


I guess next year we'll be treated to high seas hijinx as the navy assumes the role of Deadly Evil Authorities.

Edited by RustbeltWriter
  • Love 7

I don't think I can even hate watch this next season.


The only glimmer of hope I have is they didn't realize just how bad of an actor the chick that plays Madison is and have now realized it after seeing the episodes on TV and hearing how much people can not stand this character/actress.  If they make swift work of killing her off at the beginning of season 2 I might watch, but if not I think I'm out.  I like imperfect characters, but with her, I just can't.


Next season is totally going to be about pirates, I know it.

I agree, the only way I come back to this show is if I read on PTV that Madison has been killed.

  • Love 1


Yes, but she also knew how much time she had and the precautions to take (remember she took down Grizelda).  There was no immediate danger from within or without.  Time to calm down and get real people!  Go back and calmly explain everything to Christopher.  This is only to create false family drama for next season  - the one thing we don't need!


Agreed, Liza has plenty of time to explain a lot that they will waste a bunch of time figuring out next season.  How virus works, timing, take out the head.  Not to mention all the good intel she must have picked up regarding the military - could she have mentioned something about the safe military base with the transport helicopters?


Daryl was the only thing that kept me with WD until things picked up but there is no one here to hold on to so adios!  I'll check back in a couple seasons if it makes it that far riding on it's parent's coattails. 

  • Love 1

I agree with all the comments about how bad Madison is and all the issues with the show in general. I have never watched TWD so here are 3 questions that popped into my head. If the answers contain anything only shown in TWD, please spoiler tag, per forum rules. 


1) IF everyone is ALREADY infected, won't our band of intrepid survivors also turn into Zombies when they die? In essence, everyone WILL become a Zombie? Am I right about? I think being stuck on a boat will be problematic. Will they pass this infection onto offspring?

2) If a Zombie causes you to die by eating you (like the prison guard whose leg was being chomped), and if you are not killed with a head shot, won't you turn into a half eaten Zombie that will go on to try and eat people? How much of a corpse can you be to become a Zombie? Only a head? If you are a Zombie, when your prey turns into a Zombie, is that person no longer palatable? 

3) If the ONLY way to kill a Zombie is with a head shot, then why weren't more people reanimating? I guess that I do not understand the virus/infection component, not that the show explained it at all. 


As a side note, I cannot understand what happened to ALL the Zombies when they came out of the facility in the daylight. Are we meant to believe that they killed them all? Wouldn't there be a few here and there?

Edited by riverheightsnancy
  • Love 1

I kept thinking to myself that perhaps Salazar was the true cause of the Zombie Apocalypse. What if things would have been containable with the military killing everyone with any hint at all of disease, but then Salazar had to go let out thousands of zombies all at once to roam willy-nilly, biting and turning everyone they met?! Maybe that's too simple of an option, but that man is more evil than the more nuanced "we did what we had to" kind of guy they started him out to be. Letting loose thousands of zombies because you're pissed your crushed-foot-gangrenous wife was taken from you is a little bit of overkill when you already know what the effects of that is going to be. Plus, count me in with the others wondering how he so casually walked ahead of them all, and got them to just hang out until he needed their dramatic entrance at the military gates!


Also, someone upthread had the same idea as me: I thought it would've been awesome to end the season with every single main character dying, and then starting next season brand new somewhere else, or with different people. That would be a great idea, having each season be a case of not knowing if the cast would actually make it or not. At least with Walking Dead, we've learned that no one person is safe, but we also know that the whole cast will never be wiped out at once either.

  • Love 6

Six episodes and six hours of my life wasted and the only definitive conclusions I came to was that Travis did not upgrade with wife #2 and Strand's house is a 10 on the pantie dropper scale. Otherwise I got nothing. This show should not get to associate with TWD. I legit chortled when I saw that they scheduled a Talking Dead with Chris Hardwick. 


I am intrigued by the idea of trying to survive the zombie apocalypse on a yacht but not with these people. Nope. 



Speaking of Strand, he had more spark with Madison in 2 minutes than Travis had with her all season.


I respectfully disagree with this here. I live wire pulsing with 150,000 volts wouldn't spark with Madison. During that scene when Ofelia got shot and Travis was beating on that soldier like he was tenderizing ground round she stood there with an expression as if she was waiting for her dry cleaning. Unbelievable!

  • Love 7

Fuck this show.


I had such high hopes and it failed on every level. Such a massive betrayal with the bait-and-switch promotion of the show. It started off with such promise and the "9 days later" bullshit ruined the whole thing. 


As I said after the first episode, there was no reaction, no fear, no "what the hell is going on?!!?!" and that remained throughout. The characters all acted like they had a friggen hangnail.


This should have been the scariest show on television.  This could have been spectacular.

  • Love 12
I could very well see AMC hoping for that.  How many versions of CSI or NCIS in different cities have there been for how many years?  I don't even know.  Had they actually done this one right, they could have built up enough trust and good will to keep the franchise running indefinitely to show us how everything went to shit in various parts of the world even if or when the mother show invariably peters out.  As it is, I have my doubts about returning for season two of this one, let alone Walking Dead:  Terror in Topeka coming to you in 2018.


I would have been fine if the show was just "Zombies in Another Part of the Country". But....several problems with that:


1. That's not how they billed it. It was that, but also an earlier time period - more of a glimpse into HOW things went wrong. 


2. Could we at least leave the warmer climates? Zombies Pac NW? Zombies Detroit? Anyone? 


3. The casting, writing, acting, etc. is just subpar. If they just wanted to show us other people in another location - cool. But I want some new storylines and Darabont level storytelling here. Not two morons clutching each other in the sea like the cover of a bad romance novel. 

  • Love 7
I respectfully disagree with this here. I live wire pulsing with 150,000 volts wouldn't spark with Madison. During that scene when Ofelia got shot and Travis was beating on that soldier like he was tenderizing ground round she stood there with an expression as if she was waiting for her dry cleaning. Unbelievable!

Yeah, I watched her face when Travis was pummeling Andy and I was yelling at my TV because I couldn't believe that she still had no reaction.


Strand has more chemistry with Nick than he could ever have with her.  I'm still wondering if he has a thing for Nick, little druggie pretty boy.

  • Love 3

My dad said something kind of like this when the soldiers stole the SUV, and Liza, wounded Ofelia and Daniel were riding in the back of the pick up truck. He asked why theu hadn't just taken another car, since the world had obviously gone to shit and looting is now acceptable. My pathetic attempt at reason was that since Travis and company (except for Daniel, who was probably a bit shell shocked on not thinking about getting a new ride) are so slow to pick up on the way the world is now, the idea that stealing a car is perfectly acceptable probably didn't register for them. In the same thread, that soldier guy didn't seem new to taking bribes. He could have been just operating as usual, thinking he could trade the cufflinks for alcohol or food or something.

Or maybe he just wants to look fabulous. I've often said I would hit up the Clinique counter as soon as looting was permissible. I might go quickly, but I will be the walker with the best damn smokey eye you've ever seen.

You know Daniel knows how to hot wire a car. The man knows how to do everything.

  • Love 2

P.S. Who IS "the good man" in this episode? On this show? The junkie who steals from his neighbors? The wishy washy father who all of a sudden explodes in a fit of rage? The torturing asshole who unleashes thousands of walkers on unsuspecting people? The rambling rich dude who seems to serve no purpose? 


I guess I'd give it to Chris, but he's not technically a "man" yet. At least he seems to care about other people and was the only one really concerned with what was going on - wanting to go down to the protests, reporting back about the light from the hills, trying to defend Alicia. 

  • Love 6

So... they killed off one of the few characters I actually liked.  Actually, they killed off two, if the Doc killed herself.  Now my only hope lies with Salazar, Strand and Tobias.  And maybe Nick.  The rest could get eaten and I'd cheer.  Especially Travis and Maddy.  What a waste of good carbon.  I, too, couldn't believe they left the gate to the Safe Zone open so that zombies can get in and eat all the little kids and old people.  And what exactly, Ofelia, did you expect those people to do when the soldiers took your mom and Nick away?  Most of them had no idea that they were taken away to begin with.  The only ones who would know would be the immediate neighbors.  So you condemn little kids to be zombie snacks because soldiers took someone 5 blocks away from them to the hospital?  Great.  I hope she dies.


I think Strand needed Nick for his escape plan for the same reason you take your fat friend with you when you go out into the woods - so that if you meet a bear, you don't have to out-run the bear.  You only have to out-run your friend.  If they'd met a zombie during their escape, Strand could certainly out-run a heroin addict going through withdrawals, so the zombie would stop to eat Nick and let Strand get away.  Good choice, Strand. 


So next season is "Zombies vs the Curse of the Black Pearl", is it?  I guess the crew of the Black Pearl might technically be zombies, as they were un-dead.  Nick is totally Jack Sparrow.  Is Strand Barobossa or Will Turner?  Heh.


And we finally see a horde of zombies.  Too bad they waited till the last episode to show them.  L.A. should be teeming with them by now.  And for whoever asked - yes, if the head is still intact, it's still a zombie, no matter what the condition of the body is.  We've seen bodiless zombie heads on the mother show - Hershel and Crazy Carla's Eddie, for two examples.

  • Love 4
Cause it was very excessive to basically go straight to destroying the whole place with the hundreds of zombies instead of trying something more low key. They got a whole bunch of people killed unnecessarily, those assholes.


This was the dumbest plan in the history of... well, plans.  These people are absolute idiots; it's a wonder they can tie their own shoes.  They couldn't think of anything else to work as a distraction?  Anything at all?  What about, like, setting a car on fire and crashing it into the gates?  How about throwing a bomb, maybe?  Nope.  Has to be unleashing about a zillion infected killing machines on the entire populace.  Good going there, Einsteins.  I thought some of the moves characters made on early seasons of Walking Dead (Original Flavor) weren't so bright, but this makes those characters all look like Machiavelli. 


Not only did the Fear characters set up a plan that would inevitably backfire on them and put them all, including the people they were trying to rescue, in much more danger-- which it did-- and needlessly get a lot of innocent people killed, they also left those dead people to turn others and others and others.  If Kirkman and company's point was "society fell because of detestable selfish dim-witted middle-class morons," then good job, mission accomplished!  They should change the name of this show to Fear the Nincompoops.


So they give us aerial shots of LA as a burned out husk of its former self.  Would have been nice if the show had bothered to show us how it got that way.


Considering that was the promise of this whole prequel, it sure indeed would have been nice if they'd bothered.  Instead, pretty much all the stories are uninterestingly recycled from the original show.  Ohmigosh, we're in a community that seems safe... but is really governed by evil people up to no good! (Yeah, never seen that one before except for again and again on TWD).  Ohmigosh, we have someone captured.  Should we torture them to get information?  Totally new moral dilemma that we just got through seeing with Rick and Aaron on the TWD.   Ohmigosh, one of our people's been bitten.  Should they kill themselves?  Have somebody else kill them?  What a sad and perplexing situation that we've absolutely never seen before except for again and again on TWD.


If this show was going to be made, it's number 1 priority should have been establishing its own tone and identity that separates it at least a little from TWD. Instead, what we got was an unimaginative, repetitive slog.   This show needs major changes, or it shouldn't come back.

Edited by bobbyjoe
  • Love 12

AMC has the first of the FTWD plane crash webisodes up. It's a little over a minute long and IMO better--or at least more attention grabbing--than the actual show. http://www.amc.com/shows/fear-the-walking-dead/video-extras/fear-the-walking-dead-flight-462-part-1

A plane full of non-panicked but clearly anxious passengers are waiting for takeoff. A teen calls his mom from the plane; she tries to reassure him that she will be there to pick him up, but he hears chaos in the background. A young Asian woman seems to have an idea of what's going on but is not showing signs of infection.

Are Flight Attendants really that old now?

I'm rooting for the girl who smacked Shatner Jr!

  • Love 2

Oh my. I am so grateful for y'all and your comments here on this forum.....I was afraid I was one of the few folks who really disliked the characters and this show.

I can't stop laughing at the freakingly brilliant comments about the stupidity of the show...and the writing...and the acting....etc. etc.
Thank y'all so much!!!!!!


The comments here are sooooo much more intelligent than anything on the snooze fest that is named FTWD. Jeez.......

PS Thanks again!!!

  • Love 8

So next season is "Zombies vs the Curse of the Black Pearl", is it?  I guess the crew of the Black Pearl might technically be zombies, as they were un-dead.  Nick is totally Jack Sparrow.  Is Strand Barobossa or Will Turner?  Heh.



Nick is totally Jack Sparrow.  I would say Strand is Barbossa, because he, like Barbossa, seems like he might be a little bit evil, but he's so cool we really don't care.  Will Turner is attractive, and loves Elizabeth a lot which is sweet, but he's mostly a dumbass.  So he's Chris.  Alicia is Elizabeth Swan, because occasionally she does something helpful, but mostly gets in the way a lot.


Madison is a dead fish.

  • Love 2

P.S. Who IS "the good man" in this episode? On this show? The junkie who steals from his neighbors? The wishy washy father who all of a sudden explodes in a fit of rage? The torturing asshole who unleashes thousands of walkers on unsuspecting people? The rambling rich dude who seems to serve no purpose? 


I guess I'd give it to Chris, but he's not technically a "man" yet. At least he seems to care about other people and was the only one really concerned with what was going on - wanting to go down to the protests, reporting back about the light from the hills, trying to defend Alicia. 

I would agree that Chris is probably the best man they've got.  I think I remember Travis even calling him that during his little pep talk, after Chris snapped at Madison.  But I think what they were trying to push for is Travis, because of his inner turmoil and shit.


Speaking of Chris and Alicia, that scene with the jerk soldiers left off with Alicia giving them the keys, them start getting creepy on her (because this is the walking dead) Chris trying to protect her and getting knocked out with one punch.  But then when we saw them again, they were still hiding in that garage, seemingly fine and a few hours later they're hanging out eating popsicles together.  Don't get me wrong, I'm very happy it didn't go that way, but it seems like a huge gap in writing.  But then again, this is the walking dead.

  • Love 6

and what's up with Madison giving liza the whole RBF (well that's the only face she has) about how Travis wouldn't survive shooting her, and when Liza told her the same words back bitch just handed that gun right over to Travis. 


I. Hate. Her.  I mean seriously they must want us to hate her?  Like maybe they are setting her up to be a villian?  I mean it is the only excuse for why they would create such a horrid character.

  • Love 9

I haven't watched any episodes, and just read this season finale to see how it ended. And ... I still don't get why this show exists, or why people are watching it. All the plot points were variations of what we already saw on TWD, right down to the "I will turn, shot me now" and all the "how various people react when confronted with the end of civilization as they know it" stories. Unless you are a ZA fanatic (and granted, there are some ZA fanatics), what is the appeal of seeing it happen again, but to different people?

  • Love 1

Maybe there'll be swimming zombies?  Aw no.


Swimming zombies? Doubt it. Swimming requires coordination.

Floating zombies, on the other hand...

Frankly, that's what I was half-expecting to see on that Long Long Look Over the Ocean closing shot - a floating island/raft of zombies riding the waves, or tangled up in the kelp offshore....

Didn't Andy think Ophelia lured him to the house to get tortured?  If so, I can understand why he shot her.


Daniel told him she didn't know. I thought he tried to kill her because he knew it would be the thing that would hurt Daniel the most.

Even putting "Did she lure me to my doom?" questions aside, Andy did see his Lady Love stand aside AFTER his capture and let Daddy Dearest turn his good arm into steak tartare. So he might be a trifle miffed about THAT.


Too bad it was Madison who followed Liza to the beach. Have we seen her shoot a gun yet? It seemed like her weapon of choice was a hammer. 

Only when a fire extinguisher isn't handy.


Right? It seems like he's pretty unpopular here (and I'm not going to argue with that, he did some bad thigs before the ZA and now) but I'm having a hard time not liking a man who nonchalantly led a horde of like 2000 fresh walkers exactly where he wanted them, two weeks into the ZA like it was nothing. Most people are still scared shitless of them, but Daniel was just like, come this way, bitches, I have some tasty soldiers for you.


My favorite line of the day.


He should have shot all of them. 


But instead, a U.S. soldier could only get off one half assed shot and then is taken down and inexplicably beaten to a pulp by a fucking whiny pacifist.  BECAUSE THIS SHOW IS STUPID.


Actually, I was surprised Andy even got the single shot off - I mean, considering (a) he was shooting right-handed, and (b) that was the forearm Daniel had worked over. I was amazed his fingers still worked.

That was my thought even with soldier cufflinks. He could loot any baubles he wanted, so why was he allowing himself to be bribed by them?

Simple greed - plus, he's stuck in this hole babysitting a bunch of internees. It's not like HE can go out and loot himself a sweet bigscreen TV like some other soldiers I could mention.... ;)

  • Love 2

I really liked it when Liza told Maddie to shoot her because Travis would be destroyed by having to do it. That's a nice mirror to the early scene when Maddie was presumptuous enough to be explaining Travis to Liza and how he wouldn't be able to carry on if he ever lost her.

Yeeeaaahhhh... I think Liza might have been overstating the case there just a weeeee bit of a tad. She's Travis' EX-wife, after all.... ;>

His plan ended up saving nobody and killing Liza. Griselda was already dead, Nick was going to get out with Strand and Liza was bitten as a result of Daniel's brilliant plan.

Uh-huh - and Daniel knew this because of his Super El Salvadoran Extra-Sensory Perception Powers, right?

God, I wish *I* had SESESPP. ;)

From her time serving in the hospital Liza probably knew she was doomed to horrible death and would then reanimate and try to eat Chris and the rest of the group.

I'm still waiting to hear the downside of this set of circumstances.

Not only was it wrong, it was just colossally stupid. Daniel openly admitted he didn't know how they would get back out. That's like Otis and Shane at the school times ten. You ALWAYS have an exit plan! You don't unleash hell on an area you want to get back out of.

Tell that to George W. Bush. :D

Besides, they did have an exit plan:

  • Go back the way they came, to the parking garage where they left the kids.
  • Shoot anyone/anything that gets in their way.
Sounds like a plan to me. Hell, I'd like this plan. I'd be excited to be a part of it. ;)

Agreed, Liza has plenty of time to explain a lot that they will waste a bunch of time figuring out next season. How virus works, timing, take out the head. Not to mention all the good intel she must have picked up regarding the military - could she have mentioned something about the safe military base with the transport helicopters?

Call it a hunch, but for some reason I just don't think looking for a hookup with the nearest military installation is #1 on their priority list at this particular point in time....

P.S. Who IS "the good man" in this episode?

Travis - he did the wrong thing for the right reasons, and it came back to bite him in the ass.

Or Ofelia in the arm.

Take your pick.

ETA: Conan the Grammarian strikes again.

Edited by Nashville
  • Love 3

Andy shooting Ophelia made sense.., if you want to really torture a person, you harm that whom he loves the most. And some residual anger for betraying him was bonus

I would love if the writers would follow the American Horror Story format. Since the vast majority of viewers hate this cast anyway, each season could explore how the outbreak affected different cities and regions. And then they could fix the common complaints of not showing a big city, etc. I'd love to see how NYC and Washingyon dealt with this

P.S. Who IS "the good man" in this episode? On this show? 


There were two of them. But they weren't men and they are both dead now.


Releasing thousands of infected that will relentlessly consume every man woman and child in their path in perpetuity in order to free a couple of family members might be the most gloriously selfish act I have seen on TV.

  • Love 12

Andy shooting Ophelia made sense.., if you want to really torture a person, you harm that whom he loves the most. And some residual anger for betraying him was bonus

Everybody sing with me!

"You always shoot... The one you love..."

I would love if the writers would follow the American Horror Story format. Since the vast majority of viewers hate this cast anyway, each season could explore how the outbreak affected different cities and regions. And then they could fix the common complaints of not showing a big city, etc. I'd love to see how NYC and Washingyon dealt with this

Hell, by now Peoria would be a welcome change of pace.

So, yeah. That was a finale. THANK GOD!

I guess I can stop hate watching this turd of a show and move on to TWD. Although I do get to snark on what was an anti-climactic climax to this mini season.

Salazar wanted to kill his army hostage because he's tell his buddies and the family would get in trouble? Who's Andy going to tell? His group is a speck on the horizon watching their looted TV with no electricity and no broadcasts. If nothing else demonstrated that this "family" is a group of self-centered assholes, it had to have been leaving the compound gate wide open when they left for the medical facility. Well, that and Salazar unleashing 2000 zombies on the medical facility was pretty over the top as diversions go. I do have to say that bitten soldier running into the helicopter blades was a nice nod to the original Dawn of the Dead.

So, the group leaves the 2 youngest members behind with no weapons and minimal instruction. "If we don't come back, leave." Um, so how long should they wait? An hour, 2, 3?? Could you narrow it down a bit? Remember a big ka-boom is arriving a 0900 to blow up the facility.

Again, we get to see just how EVIL the military is. They steal the SUV so they can get the hell out of the facility before the zombies eat everyone, time is of the essence! But of course there's always time for attempted rape and a good ole 3 on 1 beatdown of a teenager. Was I the only one that found the scene of the Dr. on the walkie talkie asking when the EVIL military was going to pick her up? She's watching the copter fly away as the military guy is saying "Um, stand by, uh, we're uh reassessing, um yeah, that's it." I kept waiting for the Dr. to say back, "I'm standing RIGHT HERE motherfucker! I can see your ass flying away!"

How did junkie boy become such a proficient pickpocket that he lifted the cell key off of Strand? Why were there so many zombies in the kitchen area of the facility? Did they all die of food poisoning? Why didn't they try to convince the Dr. to come with them? She would have been a big help because these jackasses are always getting hurt somehow. Liza getting bitten sucked, but she was bitter and snarky up to the end when she asked Maddie to shoot her "because it would BREAK Travis" . *Snerk*

The ending shots of Travis & Maddie doing a bad From Here to Eternity scene, the panoramic scan of the house., the yacht and the empty ocean... just so cheezy. I had to watch the Talking Dead to see how Hardwick was gonna play up this show - he did what he could. Can't polish a turd, can ya? The guy who played Travis had a kiwi accent? I guess we now know most of his concentration went into sounding american rather than focusing on his acting. Not sure what the actress playing Madison's excuse was.

  • Love 9

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