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S06.E12: Face Off

Tara Ariano

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Count me in as to wondering what Jo does for money. Supposedly, the dads make very little for doing the show (although I would've held out for more money, because they do add the " drama" ). Jo has to have income-- bills need to be paid.

That said, perhaps Jo wanted to spend time with Isaac in the summer when Isaac wasn't in school-- remember, Isaac just "graduated. "

At any rate, I actually think it would be wiser in the long run for Jo to have the court/ mediation decide CS and deal with it. i think it's better than having Kail hold it over his head, and the uncertainty of the situation.

  • Love 2

I thought this episode was pretty boring. It just keeps going in the same circle. Chelsea's scenes were just a slice of normal life with a sick kid. Leah is a walking cliche. Jennelle continues her quest for a loser boyfriend. Kail and Javi continue to bug me and Jo really showed that either he is back to being a dick or always was one but hid it from the camera. He does not get a pass from me because he chooses to have another child mixed in with all these problems he seems to be having. Vee is really stupid for choosing to have a baby with Jo at this time. Just a mess for them and they are old enough to have thought this through.

Ew, I saw Kaiser Roll's filthy sheet and Corey spitting into a bottle. Ugh, gross! Like I said last week, can you not chew for the five minutes you're on tv? Corey's beard was going from full to shaved off a bit to full, lol.

Can any of these people cook? It's always take out food. None of them seem to work so why can't they ever take a moment to cook a real meal? Not frozen nuggets but real food.

I have to see next Wednesday so I can see the stupid Dr. Drew interviews but if they have another season of this shit, they can count me out.

  • Love 4


She seemed fine when she got out, though it's all still Corey's fault for always attacking her. STFU, Leah. But later in the episode, the camera showed her profile when she was on her phone, and she had her mouth set in that way she always did when she was suspected to be high, her husky drug voice seemed to be back and her eyes looked pinned. Granted, I could be wrong. She just had that look, and she didn't sound as clear and animated as she did when it was obvious she was sober.



She was higher than a kite when she was on her way to the meeting with Corey. Her eyes and grovely voice gave it away. I didn't see the other scene but I'm sure you're right.



If I didn't know otherwise, and just happened to change the channel and saw Chelsea and Cole, I would think it is a show about intellectually challenged and developmentally delayed adults moving out of their group home to live independently and I would be very happy for them. Cole is super attractive but that is erased by his high-pitched baby talk.


I was watching with someone who has never seen Cole before. First thing he says is "What's wrong with him, is he autistic?" No offense, I have a son who has it. At first I thought it might be because of the cameras and shyness but as time goes on I'm wondering. I'm very happy for Chelsea, Cole and Aubrey. I hope they have a long and happy life together.

  • Love 5
Oh, and Aubree thinks his job is "working out". How pathetic is that???? Look, I have nothing against working out. I do so every morning. But these dudes like Adumb and Nathan who live at the gym are just pathetic. It's clearly all about vanity for them. If you're having toddler tantrums because you didn't get abs in, or your own kid thinks the gym is your office - you know you have a problem. 

Adam claims that he works as a personal trainer on his Instagram. I can't bring myself to search LinkedIn for him.

The end montages of the episodes always show Nathan at the gym, like he doesn't have a home of his own.

Corey spitting into a bottle. Ugh, gross! Like I said last week, can you not chew for the five minutes you're on tv? Corey's beard was going from full to shaved off a bit to full, lol.

Some of those guys in West Virginia egg each other on in Facebook threads to grow their beards as long as they can. I could see Corey falling in with that.

  • Love 2

Based on this last episode, I would have hope for Jennelle. Unfortunately, social media tells another story. Her latest boo has three kids, two baby mamas, and no job. But he's cute, that's the important thing. I was hoping she'd be without a guy long enough to move back to Oak Island to be closer to Jace. Obviously not...

Leah was sober in the first scenes in which she met her kids and everything beyond that was blotto. I can't see her pulling herself together. Hope I'm wrong. She should have thanked Miranda for taking care of her children for thirty days and then asked if she could talk to Cory privately. It was really immature to just leave. As someone smarter than me pointed out, there were work schedules and childcare to coordinate to make that meeting happen. An opportunity missed.

What were all of those pills on Jeremy's refrigerator? Hmmm....

I also loved the shot of Nathan working out during the child raising montage. He's a self-absorbed ass who is on disability while spending his days at the gym. I know, I know... he has PTSD.

Jo is the new Gary. Getting unshaven, another baby mama, no job... I thought he was a better person than that. I know I'm old school, but I think all of Kail's ink looks horrendous. It's too much. I'm also dubious about Javi being on active duty.

  • Love 9
Can any of these people cook? It's always take out food. None of them seem to work so why can't they ever take a moment to cook a real meal? Not frozen nuggets but real food.


Well, we know Leah can cook canned ravioli. Errr...I mean, burn it. 


Pretty sure Chelsea and Cole were making something this episode, but it looked like a baking project? You'd think with as much time Karl spends on PInterest, she'd be whipping up some fancy salads in mason jars or something. 

Adam claims that he works as a personal trainer on his Instagram. I can't bring myself to search LinkedIn for him.

The end montages of the episodes always show Nathan at the gym, like he doesn't have a home of his own.


That dude is not a personal trainer. Leering at a chick and telling her to try one more rep doesn't count. I will seriously call every gym in their town to try and see where he supposedly works. 

  • Love 6

I am beyond confused with the Kail/Jo situation. If Jo has no job, why isn't he the one sprinting to family court? Why does he think he will be paying thousands of dollars in child support per month? Is his unemployment the reason Kail hasn't dragged him to court yet? I feel like there is a huge amount of info that is missing and both parties are hiding something.

  • Love 12

I am beyond confused with the Kail/Jo situation. If Jo has no job, why isn't he the one sprinting to family court? Why does he think he will be paying thousands of dollars in child support per month? Is his unemployment the reason Kail hasn't dragged him to court yet? I feel like there is a huge amount of info that is missing and both parties are hiding something.

That's why I'm confused, too. Why wouldn't Jo want to go to court if he is unemployed and have his CS calculated at that amount, and conversely, why would Kail want it that way? Something doesn't add up.

  • Love 6

Can any of these people cook?

Well the girlses can. But yeah I thought the same thing. Between Javi and Kail sitting down to a hearty meal of Chik Fil-a, and Vee and Jo with their take out tacos, I hope Isaac is getting a home cooked meal in there somewhere. Maybe from Javi's mom. Jenelle was cooking some sort of breakfast concoction for Barb one day, but that may have been laced with poison.

Speaking of the girlses, just when I was going to stop calling the blonde twin evil, she goes and ruins it. I don't remember if it was this episode or the last, but the brown haired twin asked for the hula hoop and the piece of fudge twin threw the thing up the hill and said, "Ha! Now watch 'er go git it." Holy shit. That was eeevil. That was beyond, "she's got some behavioral issues." I've worked with kids who have behavioral issues. Jace has behavioral issues. He still exhibits compassion and sympathy. Grace/Aleiwhatever the hell her name is, is what I'd classify as one mean ass little girl.

Edited by charmed1
  • Love 11

WRT to Jo, I totally get that he wanted to move to Delaware to be closer to Isaac and that drive was horrible. So the first thing  NORMAL GROWN UP people do before packing up their shit and moving is to start looking for a job in the area where they are planning to move. So when they move, they have income. These idiots do everything so ass backwards, it's infuriating. Like Janelle who enrolls in school and decides it a great time to have a baby. Yes,, having a baby when you are starting school is a great idea. About as good as moving and buying a house when you have no job. And then your gf and you decide to have a baby and neither one of you works. WTF is up with that? What does Jo do  for a job anyway? I seem to remember him trying to do something in the music industry (along with eleventy million other 20 somethings), but what was his job that actually brought home money?

  • Love 10

Regarding Vee, I think it would have made more sense for her to remain in NJ for the course of her pregnancy and then move after the baby was born. She could have kept her job, saved up some money and had family support. As it stands now, she's unemployed, miserable and living in a state where she doesn't know anyone except Jo and Kail. These people just don't think things through before they make drastic decisions.

  • Love 3

Regarding Vee, I think it would have made more sense for her to remain in NJ for the course of her pregnancy and then move after the baby was born. She could have kept her job, saved up some money and had family support. As it stands now, she's unemployed, miserable and living in a state where she doesn't know anyone except Jo and Kail. These people just don't think things through before they make drastic decisions.

Excuse me, I think you mean dramastic.


Speaking of these awesome portmanteaus, did anyone else catch Leah's description of Germy as "compliable"?

  • Love 11

That's why I'm confused, too. Why wouldn't Jo want to go to court if he is unemployed and have his CS calculated at that amount, and conversely, why would Kail want it that way? Something doesn't add up.

Yeah, Kail's actions are confusing me too. If she knew Jo didn't have a job, why on earth would she threaten to take him to court for a child support increase??? That don't make no sense.

  • Love 7

I'm so confused by the Jo/Kail/Child Support issue. He's mentioned a few times that they are going to assign him to pay $3,000 a month. I know virtually nothing about the process of calculating child support, but doesn't it stand to reason that it would be based off your current income or your net worth? I feel like he must have money from something. I was always pretty impressed with his parents' house, so maybe there is family money at play.

Regardless, I need Kail to shut about about how what Jo's paying now doesn't even begin to cover Isaac's school and activity costs. Learn to live within your means Kailyn! If you've decided your child needs to go to some posh private school, then that is on you. From what we've seen, it doesn't look like Isaac has any special learning needs or any special medical needs.

  • Love 9

I was disappointed to hear that Jo isn't working.

He is paying child support,nasty ole Kail just wants him to pay more. So if he gets a job, he would be required to pay more, so of course Kail is pushing him to get a job. For that reason alone, I hope he doesn't get a job on the books.

So the big mystery is how is Jo paying for everything? This Teen Mom gig is not enough to get a mortgage. No bank would lend to someone with only that for income. It's too unstable. If he paid 300,000 in cash, was that the money he earned? how does he support himself?

  • Love 4

He is paying child support,nasty ole Kail just wants him to pay more. So if he gets a job, he would be required to pay more, so of course Kail is pushing him to get a job. For that reason alone, I hope he doesn't get a job on the books.

So the big mystery is how is Jo paying for everything? This Teen Mom gig is not enough to get a mortgage. No bank would lend to someone with only that for income. It's too unstable. If he paid 300,000 in cash, was that the money he earned? how does he support himself?

Mystery to me as well. Here's the thing-- if there is a dramatic change in income, for more or less, CS can be recalculated as such. And, if Jo just doesn't have the money, he may OWE more, but not necessarily have the means to pay it --therefore, Kail would still be out money (?)

So my question to Kailyn would be, " Why now, Kail?" What has changed that you feel the need to go to court and incur the costs and time required? What, in effect, is the endgame? If Jo has the means to pay court- ordered increased CS and pays it, great. What if he doesn't?

Kail should remember that Jo has the ability to mess with her life as well, if he wants a tit- for- tat situation and decides to be a d*ck about it. He can refuse to film and even try to stop Isaac from being filmed ( although I doubt he would).

  • Love 6

I'm also thinking the reason Leah wanted to meet Corey alone is because she thought she could bat those raccoon eyes, flip her Dollar Store extensions and convince him that Miranda is the cause of them not being able to agree that she's the most awesome mom to ever have children. In her twisted mind, she believes Miranda is the only reason Corey called her out for being a dope fiend and endangering the lives of the girlses.


I'm also really confused by the Jo thing. It just don't make no damn sense.


It's nice to see Jenelle and Nipples abusing the legal system. Doesn't everyone get a restraining order every time they have a fight? Mr Lovesnark and me have been married for 30 years and have minor disagreements a couple times a year. Next time he says something I don't agree with, I'll trot down to the courthouse and get a protective order so he won't be able to bother me for a few days. Jenelle never disappoints, does she? The way she told Nipples to just drop the Roll inside the door, you would have thought she was talking about a UPS delivery. She couldn't even drag her ass off the couch to greet the little guy.

  • Love 11

Mystery to me as well. Here's the thing-- if there is a dramatic change in income, for more or less, CS can be recalculated as such. And, if Jo just doesn't have the money, he may OWE more, but not necessarily have the means to pay it --therefore, Kail would still be out money (?)

So my question to Kailyn would be, " Why now, Kail?" What has changed that you feel the need to go to court and incur the costs and time required? What, in effect, is the endgame? If Jo has the means to pay court- ordered increased CS and pays it, great. What if he doesn't?

Kail should remember that Jo has the ability to mess with her life as well, if he wants a tit- for- tat situation and decides to be a d*ck about it. He can refuse to film and even try to stop Isaac from being filmed ( although I doubt he would).

It is my understanding that his child support would be calculated from his income from the prior year BUT if he shows that he is no longer employed, then the judge could either: 1) reduce his child support payments, or 2) defer his payments for a few months until he gets a job and then he would have a percentage taken out of his check for back payments in addition to his regular child support payments. Either way, Kail risks getting less money in the short term and maybe even the long term if the payments are reduced. This is why the situation is so confusing. If anybody should be gung ho about going to court, it should be Jo. As many times as they have gone to family court, they should have this down by now. Weird situation.
  • Love 8

That didn't seem like a finale. Nothing was resolved other than Aubree thinks she has a new Daddy "forever."


If I didn't know otherwise, and just happened to change the channel and saw Chelsea and Cole, I would think it is a show about intellectually challenged and developmentally delayed adults moving out of their group home to live independently and I would be very happy for them. Cole is super attractive but that is erased by his high-pitched baby talk.


Chelsea's "woe is me" story to her friend about Aubree and Cole was an exact re-hashing of her parental alienation scene with Aubree last week. That Aubree called Adam a couple of times and also that "she wished her Dad was more like Cole." That was only because Chelsea asked Aubree, "Do you wish your Dad was more like Cole?" And now Aubree's sitting on Cole's lap and saying he'll be around forever. It's gross.


Moving on, LOL, I'm still #TeamJo after tonight. I think it was made clear he didn't miss the stupid graduation on purpose, despite whatever text or reason he might have given after the fact, and he got the time of the soccer game wrong. So now he is punished with court.


I still don't get his fear of court; if anything, I think his payments would be reduced. And I think he doesn't have a job at that moment because he just moved. For the sake of his child. I don't believe that he intends to fund that house on a permanent life of leisure the way the Teen Moms do.


Leah looked like she'd gained a decent amount of weight in the 30 days (which is a good thing, it's healthy), but other than spouting stock rehab platitudes, I don't see any change happening there. She insisted it was "anxiety and depression" right up to the very end. And as soon as she was back, unfortunately she sounded congested again and when she was talking with her friends on the patio, her eyes were barely open. Sigh


Funniest post of the week. Oh, to be as simple as Chelsea and Cole.

I'm sure I'm the only one, but I feel bad for Adam. He looked so depressed. Like no matter how hard he tries to change, he won't get any credit. I think, unlike Jenelle and Nathan, that Adam is able to improve his lot in life. He has goals which is a huge start. He has taken a strong interest in his children.

And as for poor Paisley, she has that thin stringy hair that Aubrey also has, but unlike Aubrey, she doesn't have anyone who knows how to make it look good. Hopefully she will grow into her looks.

I am rooting for Adam. He will always be aubreys dad.

  • Love 5

What I don't understand about the Kail/Javi/Jo situation is all the talk about buying their "forever" home if he's in the AF! Yes, you can be stationed at a base for a number of years but there's NEVER a guarantee. I assume maybe Javi is planning to get out after he's met his initial commitment and they intend to stay in the Dover area. His family is always around, do they live in Delaware? So many questions.

  • Love 2

Jenelle's complaints to Nathan never have anything to do with Kaiser himself. It's always about in what ways Kaiser relates to their relationship or lack thereof. "Kaiser needs to wake up to both his parents smiling and laughing at him." (I think Kaiser would find this terrifying) Were you with that girl when you had Kaiser? Nathan's mother and the daycare workers probably know more about that baby than his own parents do.

Kaiser is just the minutiae in the the Snapped: Killer Couple saga of Nathan and Jenelle.

  • Love 14

Leah: Leah is a big baby. Why shouldn’t Miranda be involved in discussions involving her stepchildren? I feel like rehab did noting for Leah.  She always thinks that Corey is out to get here. He’s doing nothing but doing things in the best interests of his daughters. Nothing wrong with that.

Jenelle: Jenelle is never going to get Jace back. It’s all for show, and a storyline on MTV. She’s going to get back together with Nate, and continue to be a screw up.

Kail: Kail needs to grow up. Jo could get a job, but so could she. Kail wants everything her way. I’m surprised she and Javi have made it this long.

Chelsea: Chelsea and Cole are adorable.  Adam is a douche and always will be. Glad she has Cole now.

  • Love 1

Funniest post of the week. Oh, to be as simple as Chelsea and Cole.

I'm sure I'm the only one, but I feel bad for Adam. He looked so depressed. Like no matter how hard he tries to change, he won't get any credit. I think, unlike Jenelle and Nathan, that Adam is able to improve his lot in life. He has goals which is a huge start. He has taken a strong interest in his children.

I am rooting for Adam. He will always be aubreys dad.

I see such a different Adam than you do. I don't see depressed, I see lazy and selfish. It's not a matter of how hard he tries, he won't get credit. He doesn't get respect because he doesn't give any. I have never seen him speak about Chelsea or Randy with the slightest bit of respect or gratitude for raising his child while he was absent. I think every time we have seen him with his weirdo friend, all he is doing is bashing Chelsea. Granted, Chelsea does the same thing, but she has been raising Aubree alone. We know even as recently as a few months ago Adam had not paid child support.

His attitude is just the worst. He needs to come down off the pedestal he's put himself on as personal trainer and Dad extraordinaire, and do things for genuine reasons (vs. I did this and I don't get credit; I can't do this because Chelsea will bxtch about it - that's how an immature child thinks).

I'd love to see some screentime of the parents that created him, and obviously still enable him to behave so selfishly.

We all see different things when we watch these people. I am rooting for him too, but his personality appears to be cemented, sadly. There's no getting along with anyone that approaches the world with his attitude.

Edited by Shelby
  • Love 10

So I can't speak for the entire Northeast but I know at my kid's elementary school (central NJ) we were not allowed to have a "Graduation" ceremony and had to have a "Moving Up" ceremony. We were told it was because "not everyone graduates and we can't make the ones that don't feel bad"
Blahhhh… child coddling at it's best. Gotta love life in the Dirty Jerz.
No one else has to call it a moving up ceremony? Just us? We are so weird in this area.

  • Love 4

So I can't speak for the entire Northeast but I know at my kid's elementary school (central NJ) we were not allowed to have a "Graduation" ceremony and had to have a "Moving Up" ceremony. We were told it was because "not everyone graduates and we can't make the ones that don't feel bad"

Blahhhh… child coddling at it's best. Gotta love life in the Dirty Jerz.

No one else has to call it a moving up ceremony? Just us? We are so weird in this area.

I've never heard of a Moving Up ceremony. But then I never heard of a celebration for completing a year of school before this show.

But come on, doesn't one simply complete or finish preschool, kindergarten, etc? It's not graduation. No degree or diploma has been earned or conferred. How special will high school and college graduation be when a kid gets a cake and cap every few years?

  • Love 8



Leah was sober in the first scenes in which she met her kids and everything beyond that was blotto.  I can't see her pulling herself together. Hope I'm wrong.  She should have thanked Miranda for taking care of her children for thirty days and then asked if she could talk to Cory privately.  It was really immature to just leave. As someone smarter than me pointed out, there were work schedules and childcare to coordinate to make that meeting happen.  An opportunity missed. 




I just came here to post the same thing.  I would think that after being gone for a month Leah would want to talk to the woman who had been taking care of her girlses.  A normal mother would want to know if Ali had made progress in therapy, how Gracie's cheerleading was going, etc but apparently Leah's been to busy loving herself by buying new, dangly earrings to think of such things.  I sure wouldn't trust her to put my oxygen mask on me. 


I don't know what to think about Jo.  I hope the reunion answers my question although I should know better than that by now.


With Jenelle it's just the same old stuff, different day.  Poor Kaiser sleeping on that filthy sheet.  I'd probably think he was really cute if I'd never seen Nathan.


I enjoy Chelsea and Cole.  It's a nice change to see a couple that's happy and a home where the pets aren't cringing in terror.  

  • Love 8

I noticed that Leah was doing that strange thing with her mouth when she was on the phone too. I have no doubt that she was high as hell in that scene. Anyway, I think it was kind of weird for Miranda to sit a few feet away at another table. I get why she wanted to be there but I think she should have just let Leah talk to Corey alone this time.

All of these people are so annoying. So now Joe can't work because it will interfere with the two weekends a month he has his son? That don't make no sense! I guess he's too good to work in retail now. These kids are going to be in for a rude awakening when the MTV money train comes to an end. At least Kali will have a lucrative career as a news anchor woman.

  • Love 8

The only thing I can mention is Adam's friend reading Aubree's fathers day card- which was super sad, btw because I watch this show and I know that what she wrote down is kind of sad- and being all , "how does that make you feel when you read that?" like he's channeling his inner Dr. Panda right now and WE DO NOT NEED ANOTHER ONE, Adam's friend.

I don't know how I feel about the Miranda/Leah/Corey situation because I feel like had the situations been reversed, Leah wouldn't give Corey any sort of respect.

Aubree is adorable.

The Jo situation is odd. Jo doesn't work? I just assumed he had a job. Ugh. That makes me dislike Jo a bit.

I have nothing left to say on this episode right now.

  • Love 1

So I can't speak for the entire Northeast but I know at my kid's elementary school (central NJ) we were not allowed to have a "Graduation" ceremony and had to have a "Moving Up" ceremony. We were told it was because "not everyone graduates and we can't make the ones that don't feel bad"

Blahhhh… child coddling at it's best. Gotta love life in the Dirty Jerz.

No one else has to call it a moving up ceremony? Just us? We are so weird in this area.


I've heard the "moving up" or "moving on" ceremony too. (northeast).  It makes more sense because no one says, oh you graduated from 3rd grade?  You graduated from Kindergarten?  No.  You are moving on to the next grade and you graduation after the 12th grade. 

I see such a different Adam than you do. I don't see depressed, I see lazy and selfish. It's not a matter of how hard he tries, he won't get credit. He doesn't get respect because he doesn't give any. I have never seen him speak about Chelsea or Randy with the slightest bit of respect or gratitude for raising his child while he was absent. I think every time we have seen him with his weirdo friend, all he is doing is bashing Chelsea. Granted, Chelsea does the same thing, but she has been raising Aubree alone. We know even as recently as a few months ago Adam had not paid child support.

His attitude is just the worst. He needs to come down off the pedestal he's put himself on as personal trainer and Dad extraordinaire, and do things for genuine reasons (vs. I did this and I don't get credit; I can't do this because Chelsea will bxtch about it - that's how an immature child thinks).

I'd love to see some screentime of the parents that created him, and obviously still enable him to behave so selfishly.

We all see different things when we watch these people. I am rooting for him too, but his personality appears to be cemented, sadly. There's no getting along with anyone that approaches the world with his attitude.


This is the first time I've seen him look sad, depressed, dejected.  Regarding Chelsea and Randy, I think that's kind of a circular thing where Randy/Chelsea are insulting to him (for reason).  He gets hurt, it comes out as anger, he is rude to them etc etc.   Vicious cycle.  Everyone needs to step back and re-evaluate.  Situations change.  He says he is changing and he's hurt that he doesn't get credit for it.  We certainly don't know if he is truly changing, but Chelsea should be encouraging this for Aubrey's sake. 

 And no, Chelsea, it's not your choice to replace Aubrey's biological dad with the Wisconsin Grandpa. 

  • Love 4


I think there's a specific reason why Jo's purposely not finding work (I'm not excusing the behavior).  I think Jo's backing off until the child support increase gets sorted out either in or out of court.  Jo wants his income on paper to be as low as possible right now because he's paranoid the courts are going to make him pay an astronomical amount in child support per month (which probably won't be the case).


It wouldn't surprise me if Jo's working for cash under the table somewhere for the time being.  As to Miranda thinking she's got a say-so in Leah/Cory's issues regarding the "girlses", um, that's a big fat NO.  My ex tried to pull that with me and the judge shot that shit down right quick saying that my child has 2 biological parents that will be making the decisions regarding my child and any outside people - significant others, step parents, fiancés/fiancées must butt out 100% and not get into the decision-making mix.  Its just not their place.  Not a Leah fan by any stretch but I am so glad she high-tailed it out of that restaurant parking lot.  Ambush indeed.


 than Kaiser was to see Jenelle. Jenelle was a different person with Barb this episode, I have noticed she generally is much nicer to Barb when she looses her loser of the month and "has no one" to turn to.

Chelsea bugs the shit out of me. All her, and by extension, Aubree's, "forever" stuff scared me so it has to get to Cole if they keep it up!

I understand Miranda's feelings but she should have waited outside or at least not 3 feet away, sitting that close would make it more awkward than if she'd just sat next to Corey at the table. Leah should've sucked it up and went in anyway. "Chasity" sounds like Delta, in dialect, grammar and stupidity.

And if the roles were reversed and Kail was the one not working/working under the table? She would be crucified by some on this board. It is inexcusable behavior on either of their parts. They have kids, they need to support them. Doesn't matter if Kail has MTV money right now, that doesn't excuse Jo from paying his fair share, which doesn't include trying to manipulate the system by not working for a while to lower his payment. 

  • Love 7

And if the roles were reversed and Kail was the one not working/working under the table? She would be crucified by some on this board. It is inexcusable behavior on either of their parts. They have kids, they need to support them. Doesn't matter if Kail has MTV money right now, that doesn't excuse Jo from paying his fair share, which doesn't include trying to manipulate the system by not working for a while to lower his payment. 

I think several people have called Kail out for not having a job.  Also, hasn't Jo been paying child support regardless of his employment status?  He doesn't even want to go to court so how exactly is he manipulating the system to get lower child support payments?  The whole reason this situation is fishy is because dead beat dads would run to court in his situation.

  • Love 2
t's nice to see Jenelle and Nipples abusing the legal system. Doesn't everyone get a restraining order every time they have a fight? Mr Lovesnark and me have been married for 30 years and have minor disagreements a couple times a year. Next time he says something I don't agree with, I'll trot down to the courthouse and get a protective order so he won't be able to bother me for a few days. Jenelle never disappoints, does she? The way she told Nipples to just drop the Roll inside the door, you would have thought she was talking about a UPS delivery. She couldn't even drag her ass off the couch to greet the little guy.


Exactly! Sleeping on the couch is soooo 5 years ago. Now we just get restraining orders until we calm down.


So I can't speak for the entire Northeast but I know at my kid's elementary school (central NJ) we were not allowed to have a "Graduation" ceremony and had to have a "Moving Up" ceremony. We were told it was because "not everyone graduates and we can't make the ones that don't feel bad"

Blahhhh… child coddling at it's best. Gotta love life in the Dirty Jerz.
No one else has to call it a moving up ceremony? Just us? We are so weird in this area.


How is - "You're moving up, but others aren't" any better than "You're graduating, but others aren't". Also, who doesn't move up from pre-school????


That being said, "Moving Up" does make more sense for a preschooler moving on to elementary school. 

  • Love 4

Kail is in school (a real university) full time (I think) and she makes money from Teen Mom. She has 2 small children. If I were her, I'd be using this time to finish my education and get a degree, too. She is terrible in many ways, but I can't fault her for this. She did work several retail jobs in the past. Hint, hint VEE.

  • Love 7

Let's say for the sake of argument that the reality show is a job, therefore everyone works. If Jo is unable to support himself and his children off MTV money then he needs to find an additional source of income. Now, if Kail wants Isaac wearing Dolce Kids and attending a 25k a year private school, then it's on her to come up with the money. However Jo should expect to have child support adjusted as Isaac gets older and his expenses increase. It doesn't mean he should live in a cardboard box while Kail enjoys her McMansion, but he doesn't get to skate on his responsibilities just because he doesn't want to work a 9 to 5. It's just the eight millionth billionth reason why these two need to hash it out in court and end the drama.

Edited by BitterApple
  • Love 8

Let's say for the sake of argument that the reality show is a job, therefore everyone works. If Jo is unable to support himself and his children off MTV money then he needs to find an additional source of income. Now, if Kail wants Isaac wearing Dolce Kids and attending a 25k a year private school, then it's on her to come up with the money. However Jo should expect to have child support adjusted as Isaac gets older and his expenses increase. It doesn't mean he should live in a cardboard box while Kail enjoys her McMansion, but he doesn't get to skate on his responsibilities just because he doesn't want to work a 9 to 5. It's just the eight millionth billionth reason why these two need to hash it out in court and end the drama.

But this is why it is so bizarre.  He has been paying.  Kai wants an increase even though his only "job" (like herself) is the Mtv money I guess?  So why does she think she would get an increase?  Why does he think his payments will go up exorbitantly?  If Mtv is handing out raises, it is going to be Kail over Jo.  Why hasn't either party gone to court?  At this point, I think both are pulling some kind of scam.

  • Love 4
DangerousMinds, on 25 Sept 2015 - 1:37 PM, said:DangerousMinds, on 25 Sept 2015 - 1:37 PM, said:DangerousMinds, on 25 Sept 2015 - 1:37 PM, said:DangerousMinds, on 25 Sept 2015 - 1:37 PM, said:

And if the roles were reversed and Kail was the one not working/working under the table? She would be crucified by some on this board. It is inexcusable behavior on either of their parts. They have kids, they need to support them. Doesn't matter if Kail has MTV money right now, that doesn't excuse Jo from paying his fair share, which doesn't include trying to manipulate the system by not working for a while to lower his payment. 


Yeah, but I feel Jo is paying his fair share.  Jo is supporting Issac.  If Jo was not making consistent monthly payments Karl/Javi would be crucifying Jo on social media all over the place.  They are not doing that though (so Jo must be current).  Kail/Javi are saying that Jo does not have a job right now.  So what.  As long as Jo pays his monthly CS, Jo having a job at the moment is a non-factor, a moot point.  


Jo is fulfilling his monthly obligation to pay CS for his son, payments determined by the state.  Didn't Kail/Jo go to court to get a visitation schedule and CS set up (or am I wrong on this?  I just assumed when Jo/Kail had a visitation schedule set up monthly CS payments were set up as well).  It is none of Karl/Javi's business why Jo is not employed at the moment.  HE DOES NOT OWE THEM AN EXPLAINATION, PERIOD.  When Kail hires an attorney, that attorney will tell her as much.  If Jo is in arrears RE:  child support then he has to answer as to why he's not employed and show proof as to what he's currently doing to gain employment.  If Jo is current on CS then he has the right to tell Kail/Javi to fuck straight off.  It is none of their business.


IMHO once Karl drags Jo back to court she won't have to worry one little bit about Jo paying his *fair share* or *manipulating the system by not working for awhile to lower his payment* because any competent attorney's gonna advise Jo to go for 50-50% physical placement therefore lowering Karl's monthly CS check down to VERY LITTLE or next to nothing.  I pray Kailyn's greedy ass takes Jo back to court.  I cannot see her getting a child support increase.  Nope.


Kail could be in for a very rude awakening.  She could find herself without a monthly *CASH* child support check and instead the judge ordering something like each parent pays for whatever (clothes, food, toys, etc. for Isaac when he stays with that particular parent) because Jo lives in the same city and having Jo/Kail split medical/dental expenses, extra curricular activities, school tuition 50-50 down the middle.  Kailyn could shoot herself in the foot and wind up without that sweet monthly chunk of cash to buy cars, tattoos, scarves, and bullshit.  I hope it happens.  Kail/Javi are so damned stupid.  Now that Jo lives locally those two morons don't know how good they have it.  Keep rocking the boat, Karl.  Just wait.  Jo's attorney's gonna put the hammer down.

Edited by beesknees
  • Love 7

As a family law attorney (albeit licensed to practice in CA), I am guessing that Jo voluntarily left his job and is scared of being held to the same earning ability that child support was initially based on.  You can't just quit and then say I can't afford child support; otherwise, every deadbeat dad would do that. 


Also, while I am almost always on Corey's side when it comes to Leah and the girlses, Miranda should have stayed at home if that's what Leah requested.  Miranda is not a bio parent and to echo what other posters said, a Court would tell her to stay out of the actual parenting decisions.


I love this show so much!  We had too many things recording at the same time last night and my husband threatened to delete Teen Mom 2 because I'm too old to watch this crap, but truly it is the gift that keeps on giving.  I just cannot wait until Thursday nights.  These girls just baffle the mind.  It's like watching a freak show.

  • Love 15

I love this show so much! We had too many things recording at the same time last night and my husband threatened to delete Teen Mom 2 because I'm too old to watch this crap, but truly it is the gift that keeps on giving. I just cannot wait until Thursday nights. These girls just baffle the mind. It's like watching a freak show.

Delete. Teen. Mom. 2? Has he lost his mind?! I'm having a panic attack just thinking about it. I'm way too old to be watching it as well, but I'm emotionally invested, I can't quit now:)

  • Love 6

I wonder if Kail wakes up every morning and thinks about how she can make the people around her miserable? What does Javi actually do in the Air Force? Good on Jo for asking Isaac to go elsewhere when they were talking about Kail. That's very lacking with the others.

Adam looks like he lives in some shed.

Adam needs to talk to Nathan's stakeholders and investors about his career in exercise.

  • Love 5

As a family law attorney (albeit licensed to practice in CA), I am guessing that Jo voluntarily left his job and is scared of being held to the same earning ability that child support was initially based on.  You can't just quit and then say I can't afford child support; otherwise, every deadbeat dad would do that. 


I love this show so much!  We had too many things recording at the same time last night and my husband threatened to delete Teen Mom 2 because I'm too old to watch this crap, but truly it is the gift that keeps on giving.  I just cannot wait until Thursday nights.  These girls just baffle the mind.  It's like watching a freak show.

If he did have a job that he left, his child support wasn't decreased and he wasn't asking the court to decrease his support. We all can only guess what the real story is. I would guess that his expenses are far greater than his income. Won't the court require him to account for how he is paying his expenses?

  • Love 1
I love this show so much!  We had too many things recording at the same time last night and my husband threatened to delete Teen Mom 2 because I'm too old to watch this crap, but truly it is the gift that keeps on giving.  I just cannot wait until Thursday nights.  These girls just baffle the mind.  It's like watching a freak show.


LOL, does my husband have a wife in another state. He's said almost the exact same thing! 


Do we know for a fact Jo doesn't have a job or is this just speculation? Also, did he previously work for a business owned by his parents fixing something on copy machines or something? Maybe he still does.


I don't know about real time, but he admitted on the show last night that he wasn't working. 

  • Love 1

So I can't speak for the entire Northeast but I know at my kid's elementary school (central NJ) we were not allowed to have a "Graduation" ceremony and had to have a "Moving Up" ceremony. We were told it was because "not everyone graduates and we can't make the ones that don't feel bad"

Blahhhh… child coddling at it's best. Gotta love life in the Dirty Jerz.

No one else has to call it a moving up ceremony? Just us? We are so weird in this area.

I'm from NJ as well (now in Cali of course). I have never heard of a "moving up" ceremony. Granted I am from North Jersey(about 20 minutes from NYC) so it is probably different. I remember having a preschool graduation, 8th grade graduation and then of course high school. Maybe moving up ceremony is a semi new thing?

Leah: If Miranda wasn't taking care of her kids while she was away, I would give her a pass for acting the way she did at the meeting. However, she took care of them and very well at that. I feel like she was high and knew Miranda would notice and call her out on her bullcrap. Who knows..but very immature.

Jenelle: Change that poor baby's sheets! Ew. I feel like she will be in an endless cycle of losers for the rest of her life..that is unless she gets into therapy and realizes.."hey I don't always need a man!"

Kail: I wanted to slap Javi in this episode. Just shut up. He acts all big and bad but he is such a woose it seems. As far as Jo not having a job..what about you Kail? And Vee can't get a pass here either. I'd love to see what happens on the reunion show..maybe some things will get cleared up.

Chelsea: Kind of boring but in this show..being boring is a good thing. She's got it together. Adam acts all surprised with how he gets treated..I think he forgot what kind of jerk he was to Chelsea for the longest time. He can redeem himself but that means he would have to cut the act and actually want to be a dad. As well as show some respect to your daughter's mother.

  • Love 2

If Adam wants to turn himself into a reliable father, it's very simple. Get a stable job, pay your child support, spend your scheduled weekends with your daughter instead of dumping her on your parents. Chelsea and her Cole bullshit are annoying, but she's not doing anything to prevent Adam from being fully engaged when Aubree's in his care. If Adam can't manage to be a good parent the six days out of the month he has his kid, why should Chelsea give him more time?

Edited by BitterApple
  • Love 5

Here's my take on the job situation, your children are only really little once and if you have the opportunity to be home more and take care of them I have nothing but respect for that. I think all the moms should be in school and preparing themselves for post Teen Mom 2. I think it would be better if they were prepared to get professional jobs that pay well, have ladder of success and come with benefits-then for them to take minimum wage jobs just to have a job. They get the MTV money and a good education is a great investment. I think this is what Chelsea has done and I think it makes sense to work part time now and be able to increase her hours as needed. Leah on the other hand has done nothing to prepare herself. Speaking of Leah, she was absolutely high through most of the episode. The scene on her deck she was nearly nodding off.

As for Jo and his freaking out about money right before having a baby...well my husband did that too and we both have really good jobs but it's a game changer and its scary. In fact I would be lying if I said it doesn't happen every once in while when I think about paying for college. Having the occasional OMG moment about finances especially before a big milestone is pretty normal.

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