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S06.E12: Face Off

Tara Ariano

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So, Jo does nothing for income other than MTV money? No excuse then for missing all Isaac's things. Do Jo and Vee just sit around all day? I know she's pregnant but you can still do something to generate some income if Jo's lazy ass won't. Geez. Making me side with Kail and Javi and shit...

I agree with Cory and Miranda about raising the girlses and that falls on Miranda too however, I agree with Leah that she shouldn't have been there if they're trying to work issues out. Cory should've known that too. They got nowhere the last time they all sat down together.

Jenelle makes the most sense when she's not in a relationship. The end.

  • Love 7

Yeah. Made no sense. Isaac will be in school from 8-3 soon so a 9-5 won't interfere with that much. Not sure what his hours were like prior but a 9-5 would be ideal for Jo. If he worked nights he would see very little of Isaac.

But the timeline is from May, the end of school. Isaac is in school now but, back during the filming of this season and going by what is going on in the show, school was over for Isaac. Jo may be referring to the summer months that he will be spending with Isaac. I am not clear but, I thought Kail and Jo were going to forego the six week visitation and be flexible for the summer months as far as Isaac spending time with Jo.

  • Love 4

Javi, shut the hell up with your Jo bashing! You can't even stand up to your wife and she's only half the man Jo is.


 No excuse then for missing all Isaac's things.

He was late for a game due to an error about the time, and missed a "moving on" ceremony. That is not missing a lot of things IMO. If he was like Adam, I would agree.

  • Love 14


He was late for a game due to an error about the time, and missed a "moving on" ceremony. That is not missing a lot of things IMO. If he was like Adam, I would agree.

Is moving on ceremony some sort of northern term thing? I don't think someone would know wtf that is and back when Jo was a kid they didn't have graduations for every little thing so he wouldn't have even thought about it.

  • Love 15

But the timeline is from May, the end of school. Isaac is in school now but, back during the filming of this season and going by what is going on in the show, school was over for Isaac. Jo may be referring to the summer months that he will be spending with Isaac. I am not clear but, I thought Kail and Jo were going to forego the six week visitation and be flexible for the summer months as far as Isaac spending time with Jo.

That makes more sense. Jo's still stupid and making me side with Kail about court. Vee whining about having a baby pushed me over the edge.
  • Love 7

Is moving on ceremony some sort of northern term thing? I don't think someone would know wtf that is and back when Jo was a kid they didn't have graduations for every little thing so he wouldn't have even thought about it.

That's what I'm thinking as well. I think Jo figured it was like a little class party or something, not an actual event where parents are expected to attend. Either way I think it's a situation where both he and Kail could have communicated better, but it doesn't sound like he blew it off because he didn't care or had something better to do.

  • Love 10


Jo's still stupid

He is. I can't wrap my mind around what he ever saw in Kail. When I see her, I see her as the husband and Javi as the wife.



Is moving on ceremony some sort of northern term thing? I don't think someone would know wtf that is and back when Jo was a kid they didn't have graduations for every little thing so he wouldn't have even thought about it.

I have no damn clue what that term is. I never heard of such a term. Being a first time father and with a young kid, I don't know that Jo, or any parent would have known what the hell that was all about. The thing is, Jo said he never saw the sign.

  • Love 7

I'm pretty mad at Jo for making me side with Karl. I agree that they should go through the courts to determine child support. And it didn't sound like he exactly denied that he was jobless and not looking for one.

Yes, he showed his ass there, not his best moment. It came across as "yeah, I could get a retail job tonight if I wanted to, but I'm a teevee star and that kind of work is beneath me, especially since I'm going to be the next Eminem." At a glance, it looks as though unemployment is below the national average in Delaware right now.

Edited by cheatincheetos
  • Love 7

Kail doesn't work, Leah doesn't work, I very seriously doubt Javi works, jenelle doesn't work, Nathan doesn't work, vee doesn't work, Miranda no longer works, Adam says he is a personal trainer. But the moms also claim their job is the show. Maybe Jo says his job is the show. Maybe he saved his money. I don't see him blowing it on new cars, tattoos, scarves, lip injections, two houses, redecorating, multiple vacations, concerts, tuition for two schools. Didn't they claim at one point have enrolled in school. Guess he quit. Jo may have saved and had a very good deposit on his home. But that is a whole lot of people who also do not have a job.

  • Love 17

Kail doesn't work, Leah doesn't work, I very seriously doubt Javi works, jenelle doesn't work, Nathan doesn't work, vee doesn't work, Miranda no longer works, Adam says he is a personal trainer. But the moms also claim their job is the show. Maybe Jo says his job is the show. Maybe he saved his money. I don't see him blowing it on new cars, tattoos, scarves, lip injections, two houses, redecorating, multiple vacations, concerts, tuition for two schools. Didn't they claim at one point have enrolled in school. Guess he quit. Jo may have saved and had a very good deposit on his home. But that is a whole lot of people who also do not have a job.

You beat me to it. God forbid Jo not have a job RIGHT NOW. How many years has Kail sat on her ass? I don't see Kail saving money. Sure Jo has a BMW, but how many seasons did we see him driving an old car before that BMW made a scene? Javi was barely with Kail one year before he showed up with his new BMW courtesy of Kail no doubt. He is now on his second NEW car. Kail has bought how many gas guzzlers to date? Is Jo sporting countless tattoos? Is he getting lip injections like Kail? In all these years did he ever go on a vacation? How many vacations did Kail go on this season alone? Jo lived in an apartment for what? Four years? It is likely the guy saves his money from all of these seasons and is now just dipping into it temporarily. My spouse inherited over $100 grand from his parents' estate. He won't touch it. A major part of It has been sitting there for five years in the bank and another part of it is invested. Jo's parents own a business. They have likely taught him how to save money and invest. Randy did it for Chelsea. Not everyone is like Kail...spend, spend, spend!

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 18

Jo is slipping out of my good graces, I wanted to give him the benefit of a doubt, but his logic about not getting a job to spend time with Isaac lost me. If you have the income/savings whatever to allow that, then more power to you, but generally somebody in a home needs to be working, I'm sure I good majority of the people here would also love to/had stayed home with their children, but the reality is that I would venture that 98% of the people here had to work to pay bills, and that doesn't mean they love their children any less or are any less devoted, but we have to adult sometimes. He can't have it both ways, staying with Isaac (who he doesn't even have full time) and complaining that is why he doesn't have money.

But FWIW, I also feel Kail is being a little hypocritical in this because she is shrieking for Jo to get a job, so he can pay child support, to supplement her income so that she does not need to get a job.

Another thing kinda bugged me, I hope this is the right episode to post this, but my head is kinda swimming with the marathon, so the episodes are running together... But when Kail and Javi were talking about Jo and saying Javi needed to have an input in Isaacs life because he is the step father, which is fine, but you know full well if Vee ever tried to pull that (if her and Jo were to marry, and she was Isaac step mom) Kail would explode. (As I typed that I was starting to doubt that that exchange happened with Kail and Javi... I mean I know Miranda and Corey had a similar conversation, so I'm not confusing them, but I may be making stuff up... Please disregard if that is the case)

  • Love 8


You beat me to it. God forbid Jo not have a job RIGHT NOW. How many years has Kail sat on her ass? I don't see Kail saving money. Sure Jo has a BMW, but how many seasons did we see him driving an old car before that BMW made a scene? Javi was barely with Kail one year before he showed up with his new BMW courtesy of Kail no doubt. He is now on his second NEW car. Kail has bought how many gas guzzlers to date? Is Jo sporting countless tattoos? Is he getting lip injections like Kail? In all these years did he ever go on a vacation? How many vacations did Kail go on this season alone? Jo lived in an apartment for what? Four years? It is likely the guy saves his money from all of these seasons and is now just dipping into it temporarily. My spouse inherited over $100 grand from his parents' estate. He won't touch it. A major part of It has been sitting there for five years in the bank and another part of it is invested. Jo's parents own a business. They have likely taught him how to save money and invest. Randy did it for Chelsea. Not everyone is like Kail...spend, spend, spend!


About Jo's BMW:

Jo's dad either owns or runs a used car lot. He probably has a dealer's license,which means he could have gotten that car for Jo at a nice price.




I remember Jo saying something to Vee last season about buying a food truck. maybe Jo is trying to get a business off the ground. maybe he doesn't want a 9 to 5 because he wants to be self-employed? Who knows.

Edited by FlowerofCarnage
  • Love 10

The way Karl throws around money on stuff for herself, it was sad to see the low-rent birthday she threw for Isaac at Grotto Pizza.

You mean his dinner, complete with a cake with a picture of him in his cap and gown, for preschool graduation? Because that wasn't his birthday and I thought it was pretty cute for preschool a graduation.

I think Jo doesn't feel the need to get a job because he's still trying to have a 'music career' and rap. He should go to court and pay what they determine and if that means he has to go back to a "9-5 job" then that's what he has to do, as a father. It doesn't matter that it's not "fair" that Kail gets to live off MTV money. It doesn't matter if Kail and Javi don't "need" the money. It is Jo's obligation as a father. Most of us don't have the luxury of quitting our jobs to pursue our "dream" full time, let alone those with two kids.

Strangers' babies have been more excited to see me than Kaiser was to see Jenelle. Jenelle was a different person with Barb this episode, I have noticed she generally is much nicer to Barb when she looses her loser of the month and "has no one" to turn to.

Chelsea bugs the shit out of me. All her, and by extension, Aubree's, "forever" stuff scared me so it has to get to Cole if they keep it up!

I understand Miranda's feelings but she should have waited outside or at least not 3 feet away, sitting that close would make it more awkward than if she'd just sat next to Corey at the table. Leah should've sucked it up and went in anyway. "Chasity" sounds like Delta, in dialect, grammar and stupidity.

  • Love 17
njmama, on 24 Sept 2015 - 10:51 PM, said:njmama, on 24 Sept 2015 - 10:51 PM, said:njmama, on 24 Sept 2015 - 10:51 PM, said:njmama, on 24 Sept 2015 - 10:51 PM, said:

So, Jo does nothing for income other than MTV money? No excuse then for missing all Isaac's things. Do Jo and Vee just sit around all day? I know she's pregnant but you can still do something to generate some income if Jo's lazy ass won't. Geez. Making me side with Kail and Javi and shit...

I agree with Cory and Miranda about raising the girlses and that falls on Miranda too however, I agree with Leah that she shouldn't have been there if they're trying to work issues out. Cory should've known that too. They got nowhere the last time they all sat down together.

Jenelle makes the most sense when she's not in a relationship. The end.


I think there's a specific reason why Jo's purposely not finding work (I'm not excusing the behavior).  I think Jo's backing off until the child support increase gets sorted out either in or out of court.  Jo wants his income on paper to be as low as possible right now because he's paranoid the courts are going to make him pay an astronomical amount in child support per month (which probably won't be the case).


It wouldn't surprise me if Jo's working for cash under the table somewhere for the time being.  As to Miranda thinking she's got a say-so in Leah/Cory's issues regarding the "girlses", um, that's a big fat NO.  My ex tried to pull that with me and the judge shot that shit down right quick saying that my child has 2 biological parents that will be making the decisions regarding my child and any outside people - significant others, step parents, fiancés/fiancées must butt out 100% and not get into the decision-making mix.  Its just not their place.  Not a Leah fan by any stretch but I am so glad she high-tailed it out of that restaurant parking lot.  Ambush indeed.

Edited by beesknees
  • Love 5

I actually believe Jo when he said he had no idea about the graduation and the "Moving on Ceremony" and what that entailed.  Heck, I'm a mom and although my daughter never had a pre-K graduation ceremony at her school I even had to sit and think a minute as to what a "Moving On" Ceremony was.  Why couldn't the school just say something simple and precise like "4K Graduation Ceremony" (and the date/time).  "Moving On" is a stupid, innocuous phrase IMO. 


Jo wouldn't miss Issac's ceremony, why would he?  The guy just quit his job and moved 3 hours away to live close to his son so he could be a full-time, more involved parent.  It doesn't matter if Jo doesn't have a job right now.  That's ZERO of Kail's and Javi's greedy, mo' money entitled business.  Jo does not owe Kail an explanation as long as his child support payments are up to date.


WHO CARES if Jo isn't working at present (or is living off savings, MTV money, etc.) as long as he's keeping current with Issac's monthly child support payments?  Karl's getting her check on the regular so what's the problem?  She wants Jo to make as much coin per month per possible so she can petition for a larger monthly check when court time rolls around.


I believe Jo pays his child support faithfully every month because you know if he was in arrears Karl and Javi would be screeching from the highest mountain top.

Edited by beesknees
  • Love 16

To be fair, we dump on these girls all the time for not having jobs, Jo shouldn't be any different. I found it kind of dumb that they invited Isaac down to eat and when he does come down, they shoo him away cause they're adulting. And then they're bawling cause Kail's ruining their lives. Maybe Vee should have considered all of this before she got knocked up by a dude that already had a kid and a shitty relationship with the kid's ex.

Of course Kail should go through the court. It would be dumb not to. No offense to those that had they're stuff arranged outside of court, but with her and Jo's relationship, or lack there of, it would be better this way. Sorry if Jo can't afford it or has other things to worry about (girlfriend and a baby coming) but that's not really the Hulk's problem, nor is it Isaac's. If court says she should get more, then she should get more. If they say she should get less and have 50/50 custody, then do that. It's honestly a crap shoot.

Miranda shouldn't have shown, but Leah bringing a posse wasn't right either. Guarantee those girls would have went in with her and listened to the whole thing and maybe would have jumped in at points. And didn't Jeremy tag along with Leah sometimes when Miranda wasn't there? Like, c'mon. And for her to say that Miranda is controlling Corey into thinking the meetings aren't okay is hilarious. We know what you're alluding to, Leah, and Miranda is not at all intimidated by you. Dumbass junkie. And then one of the heffers was like "Shes not their mother!" No shit, but she is their Miranda and they obviously love her and the fact that she comes to these things at least shows that she's interested in their well being and trying to co parent. I feel for Jeremy and Cory cause I'm sure co parenting with a pill and dick addicted moron who will obviously let any man that is still with her after a week move in with THEIR kids is a fucking headache. Good grief, my distaste for this woman.

Jenelle needs an attitude adjustment, but I just feel bad for her sometimes. She needs some good counseling, and I don't mean from a lawyer. I hope there's a good person and parent in there somewhere.

Chelsea is so boring. "My daddy is 14" made me lol though. Probably heard Chelsea say something like "he acts 14".

  • Love 13

Jo needs to get a job, and Vee can quit her crying and get a job, too. Her comment about how it's not just affecting his life but her life too? Umm, oh well! You don't depend on a child support arrangement to supplement your wishes for a baby.

It's not wrong or evil of Kail to go through th courts just like I or most people I know would advise anyone to do, as is her legal right and his responsibility.

That being said, I think Kail did want to work it out outside of court, then Javi talked her out of it (I truly believe her emotions on that were genuine), then she used the game and ceremony as "excuses" to move forward in court. Not that she needs an excuse...but the two kind of have nothing to do with one another.


She seemed fine when she got out, though it's all still Corey's fault for always attacking her. STFU, Leah. But later in the episode, the camera showed her profile when she was on her phone, and she had her mouth set in that way she always did when she was suspected to be high, her husky drug voice seemed to be back and her eyes looked pinned. Granted, I could be wrong. She just had that look, and she didn't sound as clear and animated as she did when it was obvious she was sober.

Chelsea :

I like Cole and hope it works out. I love that she and Aubree are excited and happy, because they deserve it. She does need to be careful not to lead Aubree with the "Daddy" stuff, and chill with the passive Adam bashing. He may deserve it, but it's not fair to Aubree. That being said, I do understand and will give her a pass, only because I believe she is truly torn, and her reasons are not evil, hateful ones--she wants her daughter to feel loved, wanted, happy, etc.

Adam straight up lied about Father's Day.

***arghhh! My iPad is leaving off letters! So annoying !

Edited by Scorpiosunshine
  • Love 8

That didn't seem like a finale. Nothing was resolved other than Aubree thinks she has a new Daddy "forever."


If I didn't know otherwise, and just happened to change the channel and saw Chelsea and Cole, I would think it is a show about intellectually challenged and developmentally delayed adults moving out of their group home to live independently and I would be very happy for them. Cole is super attractive but that is erased by his high-pitched baby talk.


Chelsea's "woe is me" story to her friend about Aubree and Cole was an exact re-hashing of her parental alienation scene with Aubree last week. That Aubree called Adam a couple of times and also that "she wished her Dad was more like Cole." That was only because Chelsea asked Aubree, "Do you wish your Dad was more like Cole?" And now Aubree's sitting on Cole's lap and saying he'll be around forever. It's gross.


Moving on, LOL, I'm still #TeamJo after tonight. I think it was made clear he didn't miss the stupid graduation on purpose, despite whatever text or reason he might have given after the fact, and he got the time of the soccer game wrong. So now he is punished with court.


I still don't get his fear of court; if anything, I think his payments would be reduced. And I think he doesn't have a job at that moment because he just moved. For the sake of his child. I don't believe that he intends to fund that house on a permanent life of leisure the way the Teen Moms do.


Leah looked like she'd gained a decent amount of weight in the 30 days (which is a good thing, it's healthy), but other than spouting stock rehab platitudes, I don't see any change happening there. She insisted it was "anxiety and depression" right up to the very end. And as soon as she was back, unfortunately she sounded congested again and when she was talking with her friends on the patio, her eyes were barely open. Sigh ...


Jenelle ... nothing will change.


Lastly, they need to give up already with the "how to prevent pregnancy" PSAs. The idiots on both franchises have nearly all pumped out more kids since their teen pregnancies and it's a bad joke by now.

Edited by missy jo
  • Love 13

Strangers' babies have been more excited to see me than Kaiser was to see Jenelle. Jenelle was a different person with Barb this episode, I have noticed she generally is much nicer to Barb when she looses her loser of the month and "has no one" to turn to.

Heartbreaking to hear Barb the least bit hopeful that Jenelle really has gotten a loser out of her life and is ready to work on her  future and being a mother instead of hurrying on to the next bedmate.

  • Love 7

I'm so happy for Chelsea. When she and Cole were hanging his clothes in the closet he seemed as excited as she is to be moving in. He seems as into "forever" as she is. I think he just hates the cameras and is awkward around them.

They were together for a year before he moved in, he didn't even meet Aubree until 6 months into the relationship. As far as I know they're still together today.

I think they're doing pretty damn good.

Cole's smile was as big and genuine as Chelsea and Aubree's were when he was moving in.

I think they're adorable.

I didn't pay much attention to the rest. I'd rather watch somebody who has happy, positive things happening in their lives

  • Love 13

I'm so happy for Chelsea. When she and Cole were hanging his clothes in the closet he seemed as excited as she is to be moving in. He seems as into "forever" as she is. I think he just hates the cameras and is awkward around them.

They were together for a year before he moved in, he didn't even meet Aubree until 6 months into the relationship. As far as I know they're still together today.

I think they're doing pretty damn good.

Cole's smile was as big and genuine as Chelsea and Aubree's were when he was moving in.

I think they're adorable.

I didn't pay much attention to the rest. I'd rather watch somebody who has happy, positive things happening in their lives

I agree , except I wish I had taken a clue from you and hadn't watched the rest, LOL!

  • Love 4

The editing on this episode was dreadful. Because I had read here first, I was watching for a few things. In one scene, Leah was talking to her cousins and then the camera cut away and her voice changed as she said something else. It was obviously added in, and I just watched it, but don't remember what it was now. I'm blaming insomnia :) It was during the discussion about how she never took care of herself first, and she looked and sounded high.


Then, the scene with Jo and Vee goes from them talking fine about his conversation with Kail to a shot where Vee had obviously been crying. She's saying something about having a baby and why was Kail bringing it up now, or something, (again it was a whole 5 mins ago and I can't remember exactly) but it didn't quite fit into the earlier discussion of Kail being mad that Jo missed graduation and wanting to go to court for child support. It was edited to look like she was crying because Kail wanted a child support increase, but was quite blocky. Again with the Kail and Jo scenes, it is like we are missing something that is being talked around and edited out and I don't like being treated like I'm dumb. We know Jo is also paid by TM, so if that is what they were trying to work around editing wise, they need to stop; it's just insulting to the viewers. It also doesn't seem like a reason to cry. It's like ignoring deercam gate in Leah. Something just feels like it is being avoided.


Jo may have found that moving into a fixer upper is costing him more then he expected, and taking him longer to get everything fixed up. Vee made a comment about Kail wanting him to pull it out of his ass (or something), which didn't sound like it was recorded at the time they were talking about child support. It was edited poorly. Jo absolutely should pull his child support obligation out of his ass, if that is where he keeps it, but it really didn't sound like that was what they were talking about at that moment. It was too cut and pasted. I'm sure it isn't easy to cut down a 30 minute conversation to 2 minutes of viewer time, but I feel that info is being withheld, because the editing is so poor.


I would have been very happy if they had edited out Corey spitting in the bottle. Gross. Didn't need to see it. Blech. Ewwww. Speaking of Corey, an episode of Judge Judy, Dr. Phil, or any of the divorce court type shows will clearly state that the step-parent should not be there for those meetings. Judge Judy has a pretty mean way of explaining why, but if they went through mediation, Miranda would not be allowed to attend. There is no doubt that she is a parental figure to those kids but she does not have the right to make decisions as long as both parents are involved.


I have several other thoughts that I'm having trouble getting down because I'm tired. So, I'll have to continue my tirade tomorrow. I was annoyed by Chelsea's voice and the weird editing and should have waited to watch when I was more awake. :P Was happy it was over until I realized there was one more next week. I need a break from these trainwrecks. I found myself talking about them earlier today at a doc appt.

  • Love 4

You mean his dinner, complete with a cake with a picture of him in his cap and gown, for preschool graduation? Because that wasn't his birthday and I thought it was pretty cute for preschool a graduation.

My mistake.

I was winding down for bed when I watched the episode last night. But more than that, I saw a cake and balloon and party for a kid and assumed it was a birthday. Geesh, do kids really get that kind of fanfare for something as small as finishing preschool these days? That's crazy to me.

  • Love 4

My mistake.

I was winding down for bed when I watched the episode last night. But more than that, I saw a cake and balloon and party for a kid and assumed it was a birthday. Geesh, do kids really get that kind of fanfare for something as small as finishing preschool these days? That's crazy to me.

   I thought so too. We had a little ceremony for ninth grade graduation and I thought that was pointless when the real thing was just three more years away. Does he get a cake next year for kindergarten? I always thought finishing kindergarten was more of a step because then the kid started full-day school.

  • Love 3

I would have been very happy if they had edited out Corey spitting in the bottle. Gross. Didn't need to see it. Blech. Ewwww.

You beat me to it. I despise spitting and seeing that chewing tobacco spit made me scream out in horror. In fairness, I made the same sound when Adam's friend, Lurch showed up on my tv too.

Adam looked like a bloated mess sitting there grunting out one word answers from his script.

I think the scene from the prior episode where Barb and Jenelle let Jace go to the bathroom by himself, was actually filmed right after Jenelle's graduation. She was wearing the same dress and classy wedge heels.

Lincoln is really cute and Kaiser is actually cute too, despite the creatures who made him. But all good things must come to an end, and I know Kaiser will grow up to look just like Nathan. Like how baby hyenas start of as adorable little fur balls and then...

I've noticed that whenever Chelsea starts in on the stupid Daddy shit with Cole, he never really seems all that comfortable. He always answers with, "Aww jeez that's so sweet dontcha know." (Cole sounds like Chelsea's mom) But in Chelsea's head, it's like she hears Cole saying, "I will raise this child as my very own!" whilst she and Cole kick Adam by the face off a mountain top.

Edited by charmed1
  • Love 6

I am still on Jo's.side. I'm certain he sat down, looked at what he had in savings, then made is plan to move closer to Isaac  His child support would have been factored in to that. he bought a fixer upper wants to work on that as well as transition Isaac without a lot of disruption. He has never shown himself to be irresponsible the way the succubus has,


I am sure he planned for this major life change: new home, new baby, a more integral part in his son's life as he begins to have more of a life outside the home, and had a financial plan that would allow him to put things in order. That she hag wants more child support now because she cannot stand Jo building a life. No matter what he does she will not tolerate him doing well. He will strive to move up and she will be hell bent on taking every red cent and forcing him to live at poverty level. 


Javi can just STFU. Kail;s TM money is funding his life style, plain and simple.

  • Love 12

Ok, both Corey and Leah were wrong for bringing people with them to their meeting. That said, oh, the irony of Leah getting her panties in a wad about Miranda being there for her 1 on 1 with Corey whilst two of her holler buddies are in the car with her. Alrighty then. And she is back to denying that she was in rehab, she just needed a little me time and a schedule. 


Janelle is reaping what she sowed. She hooks up with losers. Who is surprised when the loser bails. Yet with 2 kids sitting in front of her, she continues to obsess about a guy. Typical. I did love that the closing shot of Nathan was him in the gym. 


Has anyone else noticed that Nips and Adam are starting to look alike? All those roids must have that effect. 


I am now taking bets that the second Kail graduates from college, she gets pregnant again, thus preventing her from getting a job. As far as CS, Jo needs to get get a job. Even if he has ambitions to do something else, kids need to be fed. But of course, Kail thinks she is in control. If I was Jo, I'd want the court to mediate it, so 1) I didn't have to deal with Kail, and 2) because CS allows Jo to have a larger say on some expenditures. Kail says that Jo's CS doesn't make a dent in Isaac's tuition. Well, I hope someone explained to her that if she gets an CS order, that will mean that Jo has to agree with large expenditures. She doesn't get to make a unilateral decision about Isaac and Jo just has to pay. So what if Jo said, hey, the public schools around here are Isaac doesn't need to be in private school. What would Kail do then?


I FFed through Chelsea. Between the baby voice and trying to make Cole into Aubree's daddy, I just can't. 


ETA: I agree with the poster upthread who said that there are too many people without jobs on this show. The only ones who seem to consistently work are Corey and Germy and Javi. At least Kail seems to actually be on the verge of getting a degree. Leah will never work, she will probably end up on assistance at some point. Janelle's schooling is a joke, no healthcare organization or professional will hire her. Nips and Adumb are losers and say they work when they don't Chelsea works, kind of, it doesn't seem to be FT. Yet these fools run around and blow money and buy cars and houses. If Jo thinks it's gonna get easier when Isaac is older, he is a fol. It's gonna her more expensive. Just wait until the kids get ready for college. With the exception of Chelsea because of her dad's influence, I doubt that any of them have even thought about using the MTV money to secure their children's future, like putting it into a college fund. Kail probably thinks that buying a Mercedes is a good investment. What a fool. 

Edited by poeticlicensed
  • Love 5

Okay, let me preface this by saying I am clearly obsessed with this show. Either that, or obsessed with talking about with you guys. Because I was watching live last night and forgot to DVR it as well. And I ended up falling asleep, which NEVER happens. But I thought, "It's okay, I'll just watch the rest in the morning". But no, it wasn't on the DVR!!! And MTV doesn't upload new episodes right away. So I freaking BOUGHT it from Amazon Prime. Only $2, but still. I'm a freak. Anyhow.....



I don't really have much to say about Chelsea. She's coming off a bit OTT, with her "You're going to live her FOR-EV-UH!" but whatever. They're a sweet couple, I wish them all the best. 


Adumb on the other hand, he seems completely over his attempts at coming across like an involved father. When his meth-faced buddy is forced to ask him all these questions about Aubree and Father's Day, his face says he'd rather be talking about steroids or chicken wings. I like how deflected from the fact that he didn't even SEE his daughter on Father's Day. Oh, and Aubree thinks his job is "working out". How pathetic is that???? Look, I have nothing against working out. I do so every morning. But these dudes like Adumb and Nathan who live at the gym are just pathetic. It's clearly all about vanity for them. If you're having toddler tantrums because you didn't get abs in, or your own kid thinks the gym is your office - you know you have a problem. 




So speaking of Nathan - he and Jenelle continue to be the most dysfunctional couple ever. "I just need a no contact order so I don't end up back with my ex". "I only wanted a restraining order until you calmed down". That's not how this works. That's not how ANY of this works. No communication skills. None. Hell, Nathan thought telling your ex that your rebound girl is "an awesome person" would be appropriate during a "let's get back together conversation". What in the actual fuck? If there weren't kids involved this would be the most hilarious shit ever. 


And Jenelle has no self awareness, takes no responsibility. She's mad at Nathan for having her arrested??? How about being mad at yourself for throwing a glass? And didn't YOU just have HIM arrested a few weeks ago? For crying out loud. But, of course, the charges are dropped. That's why this girl never learns. She needs to do some HARD time. 


But I was mildly impressed that Jenelle kind of half assed acknowledged everything Barb has done for Jace. I almost fell over during that little speech. 




I will say this about Leah, she did look super happy to see Addy at the airport. She clearly loves her kids, so I do think she's a better mom than Jenelle. That's not saying much, but Jenelle has never looked that excited about anything except a boyfriend getting out of jail or a Ke$ha concert. Leah also looked fuller in the face, so I would wager she's good and clean. Let's just hope she stays that way. 


But her "therapy" can lose me with all this crap about Leah needs "me time" and to put herself first for a change. When HASN'T she put herself first? Who was she putting first when she cheated on both of her husbands? Who was she putting first when she blew all of Germy's paycheck on Mary Kay? Who was she putting first when she got hooked on drugs and couldn't even get her kids to therapy or school on time? And don't even get me started on "me time". That girl has been out without her kids more this season than I have in the entire 7 years I've been a mother. 


I don't know what to think about the Miranda situation. She is their step-mother, and she does a hell of a lot for them. I can understand why Corey wants her there. And didn't Leah used to bring Germy to every damn meeting they had? I mean, it's time to be a big girl, Leah. No one's going to gang up on you. Did those two really hook up in his early marriage to Miranda? Maybe that's why Miranda doesn't want them meeting up alone. I hate to think that about Corey, but the reunion doesn't look promising. 




Ugh, this pre-k graduation shit is getting out of control. Now Isaac gets a fancy restaurant and a cake??? Good Lord. He learned to tie his shoes, let's alert the media.


I'm still not sure what to think about Jo missing it. He says he saw the sign, but had no idea what it meant. I tend to believe him. There are signs of one kind or another all over school walls. If I saw something that said "Moving On", I might think it was just something for the kids. Jo is new to this, and I doubt he's getting the emails or letters sent home. Hopefully he'll be more on the ball next year. I bet lots of working parents miss it, so I think Kail needs to just let it go. 


But speaking of working, so Jo really doesn't have a job. And his reasoning seems kind of odd. He didn't say anything like, "I just moved and haven't found anything yet". He said something about spending all his time with Isaac. Um, okay. But you don't have him ALL of the time. And he's in school. So.....where is he getting his money? I don't know. He talked about getting a 9-5 in a really condescending way. I hope he's not still hoping his rap career will take off. I hate to sound like Kail, but he's got a kid on the way. 


And that's the other thing. Jo and Vee both need to stop with using their impending child as an excuse. Do I think Kail should try and squeeze more money out of Jo? Probably not. She seems to have enough for bi-monthly vacations and two houses, so....but your second kid isn't Kail's responsibility and she doesn't have to factor it in. 


I don't know, both sides are rubbing me wrong in all this. I'd rather just hang out with Lincoln and Isaac in their cool new bedroom. 

  • Love 15
Strangers' babies have been more excited to see me than Kaiser was to see Jenelle.


He kept staring, longingly, at the door as Nathan walked out. He was all, "Please don't leave me with her!" You know it's bad when you'd rather be sliding around in the back of that raging maniac's truck than with Jenelle. 


To be fair, we dump on these girls all the time for not having jobs, Jo shouldn't be any different.


I honestly think they should ALL have jobs. This gravy train ain't going to last forever. It would be wise to have something to fall back on. Plus, I think half of them act like the asshats they do because they have too much freaking time on their hands. There is no reason why both parents in a 2-parent household should be out of work (Jenelle and Nathan, I'm looking at you!) As for Javi, I know it seems odd that we always see him, but I really doubt he would be lying about being in the military. I'm sure someone would call him out on that. Can't you get in big trouble for that anyhow?


I'm so happy for Chelsea. When she and Cole were hanging his clothes in the closet he seemed as excited as she is to be moving in. He seems as into "forever" as she is. I think he just hates the cameras and is awkward around them.

They were together for a year before he moved in, he didn't even meet Aubree until 6 months into the relationship. As far as I know they're still together today.
I think they're doing pretty damn good.


I do think Cole is super awkward around the cameras. Chelsea is used to them, but he seems hyper aware. Any time she says something to him, it's like he's thinking of the response he wants to say because they're there. It comes across as stand-offish, but I bet when the cameras aren't there, it's not like that. 

  • Love 10

I've asked before but what do Javi actually DO in the Air Force?

When I think military I think folks away from their family but he is always there.


Javi has said he's in the Air Force. As the wife of a now retired Air Force recruiter, I can tell you that *most* AF personnel don't spend that much time deployed. A few career fields will be gone a decent amount of time, but for the most part, being at their home base is often par for the course. (We once knew someone who had spent his entire career, which was 15.5 yrs at that point, at one base, which was absolutely unheard of. Like they just dropped him there & clean forgot him!) We moved on average every 4 to 6 years, occasionally more often but that was at our request, with our shortest time on station being slightly under 2 yrs. So its entirely possible that Javi is in a career field where he works 7-430 and never deploys. What's very strange to me is that none of his fellow airman or even anyone who is on the same base have seemed to pop up on social media saying they know him, work with him, have seen them around, etc. He's not a ghost, so perhaps the Base Commander has issued an order that no one is to reference TM2/Javi & Kail, but I find that really weird, & furthermore there's always someone who is willing to be the bigmouth. 



As for Javi, I know it seems odd that we always see him, but I really doubt he would be lying about being in the military. I'm sure someone would call him out on that. Can't you get in big trouble for that anyhow?


You can't wear the uniform and impersonate, but I'm not sure what happens if you just go around saying you're military. However, Javi has freely stated what base he is assigned to & I'm sure there would be consequences if that were not true, so he really must be or have been during the timeframe we are being shown. I've tried looking thru the military things I know just out of curiosity, to see if I can find his name & or info on his current duty station/career field, but haven't turned anything up. It's been 6 yrs since we got out, though, and my skills aren't up to snuff anymore unfortunately! 

  • Love 7

A few seasons ago, we caught glimpses of Javi in uniform coming home from work. My guess is that Javi has been told not to appear on TV in uniform, and not to make reference to his military career on TV. He could be doing a multitude of things, from logistics to mechanics to IT. After basic, I remember he went for training somewhere, but I don't remember any specifics. They certainly don't act like a family for whom a deployment is around the corner. 

  • Love 5

Janelle and Barbara at the end of the episode was amazing.  I know Janelle will screw up again, but that was really nice to see.  I am glad she admitted he would have been in a foster home by now if he had been under her care.  I am starting to side with her more on the Nathan thing as well...he does seem to just want to come in and push her buttons more than anything.


I agree with the others about still being confused about Jo.  I honestly sided with Kail in that conversation a bit because he looked like he does not have it all together.   He didn't appear to know how he was going to handle helping with Isaac or his new baby.  And he acted like getting a job would just get in the way of his time with Isaac.  I don't love Kail, but I will give her a little bit of credit for going to school to have plans other than MTV in the future, so her not working now at least makes sense to me--she is using her MTV money time to get the education.

  • Love 5

Jo lost me with the fact that he's not working. Driving a bmw and just bought a house, but he's not working... huh?? Even if he bought the house outright, home repairs can get expensive. If something happens to the bmw, repairs are expensive. And when he talked to Vee about the convo he had with Kail, he's all "I'm worried about our future" and she's all crying, "I'm having a baby!" Ummmm.... He didn't have a job when you got pregnant, and instead of getting a job when you did get pregnant, he's sitting there absolutely stumped as to how to improve their financial situation. A job can do that easily, Jo. And correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't it harder to get a job after a gap in employment? I guess he could say he was a sahp. But why not use this time to go to school if he's so against working?

And the bs he was giving kail about the fact that he wouldn't have time to spend with Isaac if he was working. What about all of the responsible husbands who work to take care of their families. They spend time with their kids. That's one thing I appreciate and love about my husband. I'd be so turned off of he wanted to sit around all day and not work, especially if it was leaving us in financial hardship. And on top of it, he doesn't even have Isaac full time. Reality is going to hit hard when there's no more mtv money and your roof is leaking and you can't afford a new transmission for your car, and you can't get a decent job because of instead of getting an education during your hiatus from work you sat around crying about not having the access to the wizardry that you don't understand that magically gives people money and financial stability.

Re Corey and Miranda... I get her being miffed that Leah doesn't seem to respect her, and I get that she is the wife and not just some girlfriend, but I really think she should have let Corey and Leah have the convo alone. If you'd presence is obstructing a peaceful co-parenting relationship, step back a tiny bit. Not all the way back, but let them have their conversations without you. Give boundaries like in a public place or whatever. If she wasnt so mouthy last time, I'd feel different. But even though she was right, they were attacking Leah a bit, and I thought she was out of line. But if its fidelity you're worrued about, you have other problems.

  • Love 6

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