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S10.E16: Suspicious Minds

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People change their minds about treatment options all the time. There is nothing weird about it. And maybe initially he was hoping it would put him in remisission, but later realized it would not, but it could still help him get healthier in general.  Sorry but none of his back and forth on treatments and options is weird to me. I've done it myself.


I also agree with the poster above me who said that it's possible that Brooks went into remision but they lied about that for a storyline.


I agree with you about medical treatments, and well, so do many Dr.s.  You don't want to become stagnant and give your body time to figure out how to back end a medication or treatment, rendering it useless. But this isn't what's going on.  Brooks is saying one thing, Vickie another.....  and round and round it goes! 

  • Love 2

Tamra will be supporting Ryan's spawn for eighteen years, not Ryan. And Eddie will have to actually make a decision if he really wants this life badly enough.

What on earth would this season be about if not for Crookes and Icky's little storyline? Maybe Heather's house was supposed to be ready, lol, but it wasn't. Maybe it was supposed to be the main character. Heather sure acts like it is the most vital thing going. Or would we have seen even more of the brain-burning, innard-twisting torture that is Shannon and David's union? Or more of the disgusting, stomach-turning result of Tamra having sex some thirty years ago?

  • Love 5

Is Brooks an orange holding housewife now? Because we are sure seeing a lot of him recently. And I am also over his storyline.

I just invented a new thing called dirting. You think Vicki will pay me a lot of money to go and throw dirt at her and Brooks. It helps you get centered with the Earth.

Heather really again with you rich people issues. You must be exhausted spending money hiring people to do hard labor on your ostentatious home!

Tamra stop trying to make excuses for Ryan there are none. Poor thing he is being set up in a beautiful home by his mommy and all he can do is gripe. Oh my goodness you have to drive, pack and then drive some more! The horror, how do you manage you self-centered man child!

  • Love 16


She did.  She was very subdued, and almost sleepy looking.  It was possible she was nervous for the confrontation she was about to have with Vicki. 


I just posted a comment about this in Vicki's thread.


I think that entire scene was staged.  Shannon was "nervous" because she hasn't been on TV as long as Vicki has and I think she was struggling to remember her "lines."

  • Love 8

You're right. One statement came from Vicki, the other from Brooks. But it still just don't make no sense. (tm Delta Dawn of TM fame) They live together, she's supposedly managing his folder. How are they that far off track from each other???

I don't think they got their stories straight before filming! LOL


Isn't it possible that they (Brooks and Vicki) were told that the results vary with the resveratrol? There are no absolutes with any cancer treatments. I can see that they were told some people experienced remission, some experienced stronger immune systems, some got no results, etc.

I also know when my husband was going through cancer treatments, each of us remembered different things doctors told us, there's a lot of info to take in and things can change depending on how the patient is reacting to the treatment.

For the record, I believe Brooks has/had cancer.

Given that Brooks told everyone what he did and the fact that Vicki did NOT go to any of his Dr. appointments, I go with what he said, not what she said. EXCEPT, very, very recently Brooks gave an interview (I posted a link to the article a few pages back) where he how claims he did the resveratrol only to bolster his system and plans to go back to the OC and resume chemo in October, despite what he told the HWs during filming. IMO, he has forgotten his own story/lies/excuses that he said ON camera during filming. JMO though

  • Love 4

Please please someone send her a "Work Will Set You Free" banner - you KNOW she would put it up at her office.  She is so stupid, she would think it was an inspiration poster. 

I love you!  You KNOW she would.  'I work hard, I work work work work, I work more than you and more than anyone, so of course work makes me free to play hard in Havasu and at Andale's!  Ew, what?  [waving hands in the delusional way she thinks is girlish, taking mincing steps like a footed ham], I don't even like Nazis!' 


It's insanity squared that anyone thinks they're entitled to medical records or proof about anyone's health but their own or that of their minor child or ward.  But!  I agree with WireWrap above and others...I think the queen of multi-level marketing insurance scams and her toofless man and fan of Hallmark-approved aphorisms are stupid fucking liars.  Originally I would've credited Crooks with a better con but I think he got lazy and thinks everyone is as slack-jawed durrr as he and Truffle Hunter.  I may not adore Heather, but honestly, I would trust her judgment in this instance.  Not suggesting that Heather knows a truth no one else knows, but if she thinks there's some hinky bullshit going on, there is.  And sorry-not-sorry, "I was on my way to meet your recommended oncologist but got flat tires on the drive in" is beyond mortifying as an obvious lie.  Just tell Mommy Shannon that it was your friend's cigarette next time, Crooks.  He got lazy, and Vicki is hella dumb is my theory on this one.


None of that makes Meghan's crusade **at all** okay.  She is embarrassing as all hell.

Edited by Midnight Cheese
  • Love 10

I'm not buying this at all, it sounds wishy-washy. Can you provide us with a doctor's note clarifying the fact that you have thyroid or pituitary problems?


okay, that was said for a cheap chuckle and a mockery of the nasty housewives of Orange county. I hope things smooth out for you soon. I've also had a problem with an endocrine disorder about 10 years ago. The hair comes back and so does the energy, keep the faith.


Thanks for the chuckle Humble Pie! Aren't these women just so ridiculous??!

How I wish my issues would go away, but my problem has been with me since I was an adolescent and I'm 48 now. Brain surgery and Proton Beam saved my life, but destroyed my Thyroid and effected the function of my pituitary gland. I'm on medication for life, have had at least 30 MRIs, several CAT scans and a life sentenced to bi-annual Endocrinology visits. It's all good though, because I actually had a good case scenario, believe it or not!! Damn thing made me go into Menopause earlier than I should have...but I'm okay, healthy otherwise and have kept my weight in check. (Not easy) I truly feel for Brianna dealing with her thyroid. It is no walk in the park.

I'm glad to hear Heather says we are certainly missing something...we had to be! But, will we actually find out?!

  • Love 8

Hi, gang!

The mod team has been getting reports and PMs about some posters here being massively annoyed by other posters. While the latter have not technically done anything wrong, they have rubbed some people the wrong way.

In the name of protecting everyone's blood pressure, I'm going to recommend that you use the "Ignore" feature.

Here's how:
1.Go to the top of your screen and click on the little head icon.
2.Click on "Manage Ignore Prefs".
3.Type in the annoying person's name.
4.Click the little boxes to the right that give you options on what to ignore.
5.Click "Save Changes."
6.Return to the forum and have fun.

Now, if someone else quotes the annoying person, you'll still see that. Also, you can't ignore the mods. And we can't ignore you. But otherwise, you should be good to go.

I hope this makes life easier for everyone. Happy posting!

  • Love 8

I don't think they got their stories straight before filming! LOL

Given that Brooks told everyone what he did and the fact that Vicki did NOT go to any of his Dr. appointments, I go with what he said, not what she said. EXCEPT, very, very recently Brooks gave an interview (I posted a link to the article a few pages back) where he how claims he did the resveratrol only to bolster his system and plans to go back to the OC and resume chemo in October, despite what he told the HWs during filming. IMO, he has forgotten his own story/lies/excuses that he said ON camera during filming. JMO though

Brooks never claimed the resveratrol would cure him. All he said was (well we don't really know all he said only what was shown) the doctor took it for X amount of months and when checked, his cancer was gone. Brooks also said he was stopping chemo, that doesn't mean that he would never do chemo again. Maybe he gave the HW the wrong impression that resveratrol was a cure all or maybe they just assumed it by his enthusiasm. Maybe his doctors changed his mind. Or maybe they just parsed the fuck out of every word he said like what happens here and declared him guilty. I don't know. You don't know. I'm not going to argue the point. I just stated my opinion and speculations on the subject.

Like the over whelming majority, I too would like to see this storyline end. It was so much more enjoyable in the early seasons when we just watched the HW go about their lives. They didn't need a storyline to keep their oranges.

Edited by Grneyedldy
  • Love 11

I always got the impression that Brooks having cancer was kind of thrown out there because he has cancer and during his course of treatment it is an excuse of why he is not working or not working a lot or available for filming a lot.  Then I read is Twitter timeline-Brooks has a pretty good life.  After declaring he had cancer return he was busy, busy man with all his trips squeezed in between his three chemo sessions.  Interesting back in October he has a picture of City of Hope and "simply amazing".  I thought the doctor Shannon referred Brooks to was at City of Hope?  Brooks traveled extensively in the late fall and early winter of this past year.  So many questions.  Brooks explains his process:  http://www.etonline.com/news/172462_brooks_ayers_slams_real_housewives_of_orange_county_castmates_who_don_t_believe_he_has_cancer/


Apparently, he and the Beadors are on the outs because he thought Shannon should not have been offended over him not consulting her "world renown" physicians.  I think Brooks takes pictures of famous cancer centers.  Maybe Shannon would not have been so offended had Brooks not said he didn't make the appointment because he had two flat tires or his medical records could not find their way to the doctor or after three chemo treatments he switched to reservatrol.  If Shannon's doc was at City of Hope and Brooks was being treated at City of Hope would the transfer of records not be pretty simple?  I hate this now I am doubting Brooks, and I don't even think he should release records but at least don't insult people's intelligence.

  • Love 5

Oh snap!!!

I felt bad for Terry at the restaurant. I guess if he can't agree with Heather, then he must shut up.

As a matter of principle, I can never feel badly for Terry but that scene was so odd. She asked his opinion and because he didn't lead off with "that is so amazing," she cut him off before he was even remotely critical. I mean if I were him I would have responded "did Coco help with the drawing?" because it looked so amateurish and concept drawing or not something I wouldn't want to spend way too much money on and have to look at every time I used my dining room. I mean I am never going to have their money or be the sort of person that would want a cheesy tree etched into my several million dollar custom mansion but I would at least think that needed several conversations and commissioning an actual artist not just my bored wife and her mother.

  • Love 10

Meghan may be convinced that Brooks is faking cancer via her twisted, invasive research, but I think Meghan is faking her uber concern for Lee Ann.  I don't believe for a second she was as close to Lee Ann as she claims.  I think it was a nice, polite relationship, and Lee Ann tolerated her because her daughters would be spending a lot of time with her.  Meghan had no clue what was going on with Lee Ann's treatment!


Someone needs to contact Lee Ann's husband to find out exactly how often Meghan was around when Lee Ann was getting chemo or feeling sick, and how often did Lee Ann hear from Meghan? I'm sure Meghan wouldn't mind since she's the spokeswoman for truth, justice, knowledge and power!


ETA - After Lee Ann passed, Meghan dyed her hair pink in honor of Lee Ann.  Pink is for breast cancer.  Did Meghan even know what kind of cancer Lee Ann had? 

Edited by cherry slushie
  • Love 18

If Brooks' cancer was "faked," then it seems like someone would have leaked some info by now, whether an ex, someone who knows his kids, whatever.


I have an autoimmune disorder along with the most poorly worded illness in history - "chronic fatigue syndrome." So it's hard for me to describe what's going on even on a daily basis. From my symptoms to my doctors to my meds ... There's no way I could or would give a bunch of work acquaintances, who already don't like me, an extensive history and explanation and timeline. Fuck off, ladies!


I stand by the above statement *regardless* of whether Brooks is sick. It's almost like two separate issues for me: his illness (whether in ironic quotes or not) and their totally unacceptable reactions to it.


ETA: One symptom of CFS is having to go back and correct your punctuation five times. Carry on.

Edited by missy jo
  • Love 7

I don't think they got their stories straight before filming! LOL


Given that Brooks told everyone what he did and the fact that Vicki did NOT go to any of his Dr. appointments, I go with what he said, not what she said. EXCEPT, very, very recently Brooks gave an interview (I posted a link to the article a few pages back) where he how claims he did the resveratrol only to bolster his system and plans to go back to the OC and resume chemo in October, despite what he told the HWs during filming. IMO, he has forgotten his own story/lies/excuses that he said ON camera during filming. JMO though

hmmmm,...so, when was this filmed? and he's still undergoing treatments?...that means, if Meghan were a bettin' woman, she'd owe us all a whole lot of cash right about now.  He didn't go off to Europe for some exotic treatment, then claim to be in remission like she predicted.  It has to have been longer than 90 days, right?  I'll be waiting by the mailbox for my check. 

  • Love 6

Meghan may be convinced that Brooks is faking cancer via her twisted, invasive research, but I think Meghan is faking her uber concern for Lee Ann.  I don't believe for a second she was as close to Lee Ann as she claims.  I think it was a nice, polite relationship, and Lee Ann tolerated her because her daughters would be spending a lot of time with her.  Meghan had no clue what was going on with Lee Ann's treatment!


Someone needs to contact Lee Ann's husband to find out exactly how often Meghan was around when Lee Ann was getting chemo or feeling sick, and how often did Lee Ann hear from Meghan? I'm sure Meghan wouldn't mind since she's the spokeswoman for truth, justice, knowledge and power!


ETA - After Lee Ann passed, Meghan dyed her hair pink in honor of Lee Ann.  Pink is for breast cancer.  Did Meghan even know what kind of cancer Lee Ann had?

I'm not a psychic, a telepath, or Meghan so I can't see into the hearts of men, but I'm pretty damn sure Meghan is exaggerating the depth and breadth of her relationship with Lee Ann.

  • Love 19
I hate this now I am doubting Brooks, and I don't even think he should release records but at least don't insult people's intelligence.


Yea, even though I don't believe Brooks, I don't think he needs to release his medical records. He doesn't owe anyone anything. But this is TV and if you're going to put yourself out there, I will pick apart your shit and form an opinion on it. I won't go to Megan levels, though, I'm not going to do any actual work myself. She looks like a damn loon. She hardly knows the guy. 

  • Love 11

It’s a good thing the OC is almost over because I can’t stand watching anymore.  I thought the Shannon/David marriage crap we saw earlier this season was in bad taste but Bravo and Vicki hit an all time low with the cancer/no cancer story line.


Carole Radziwell always says “I’m not a hugger.”  Well, I’m not much of a sharer and think they all crossed too many lines this season.   Shannon and David should have exercised better judgment when choosing what to reveal on a reality TV show if for no other reason than to protect their children.  I don’t even know what to say about Vicki and Brooks.  As if Vicki using her mother’s death for screen time wasn’t bad enough, she just had to go with the cancer story.  She makes me sick.


For those of you who shared your story about personal struggles with a serious illness, I wish you all the best and hope you overcome.


I can’t speak for anyone else but I'm tired of discussing this crap.  Didn’t watching the HWs and snarking about them used to be fun?   What the hell happened?

Edited by AnnA
  • Love 16

Brooks never claimed the resveratrol would cure him. All he said was (well we don't really know all he said only what was shown) the doctor took it for X amount of months and when checked, his cancer was gone. Brooks also said he was stopping chemo, that doesn't mean that he would never do chemo again. Maybe he gave the HW the wrong impression that resveratrol was a cure all or maybe they just assumed it by his enthusiasm. Maybe his doctors changed his mind. Or maybe they just parsed the fuck out of every word he said like what happens here and declared him guilty. I don't know. You don't know. I'm not going to argue the point. I just stated my opinion and speculations on the subject.

Like the over whelming majority, I too would like to see this storyline end. It was so much more enjoyable in the early seasons when we just watched the HW go about their lives. They didn't need a storyline to keep their oranges.

I wasn't trying to argue with you, Sorry if I came across as if I was. I was pointing out what he, Brooks, said as opposed to what Vicki said. If Brooks said more and it was edited out then what Tamra, Heather and Shannon all said was a lie, which does not make sense for Shannon OR Heather. Tamra, I can see, twisting what he said or leaving out something to make it seem otherwise but Heather and Shannon have never had any problems with Brooks or Vicki.


hmmmm,...so, when was this filmed? and he's still undergoing treatments?...that means, if Meghan were a bettin' woman, she'd owe us all a whole lot of cash right about now.  He didn't go off to Europe for some exotic treatment, then claim to be in remission like she predicted.  It has to have been longer than 90 days, right?  I'll be waiting by the mailbox for my check. 

You might want to put a comfy chair by the mailbox to wait in, I doubt that Meghan will ever admit she was wrong, any more than Brooks would admit that his current claim of cancer is a lie. I think both have dug their respective heels in and refuse to give an inch the other way. LOL

  • Love 6

During the lunch scene with Shannon, I couldn't even really focus on what they were saying (not that I really cared that much), because I kept waiting for one of Vicki's buttons to pop and hit Shannon square in the face!!  


Vicki should take a lesson from Lisa Vanderpump on how to dress.  LVP is also curvy, with nice "assets", and while a lot of her clothes are tight, they are fitted impeccably, imo.   Although, LVP has a staff of home employees, and one of them must be a seamstress/tailor.  (IIRC, LVP also has her blouses custom made.)  Vicki hasn't quite reached that level of wealth, LOL!!  


I sometimes wonder if Vicki buys a lot of her clothes at Saks Off Fifth or Nordstrom's Off the Rack, and only pays attention to the designer label, and not the little one underneath with the actual size on it.  She needs Stacy London or Clinton Kelly to tell her that when she buys clothes that actually fit her (even if it is a bigger size than she thinks), she will look slimmer.  Also, she needs to realize that her breasts, no matter what, need good support in order for clothes to fit properly, especially button down blouses.  

I had the same fear! Vicki bought her breasts, so it seems that she would be willing to also spend for well-fitting shirts. I come by mine naturally (breasts, not shirts), and I have to stay away from button-downs in general, because they're hard to fit. Ms. Vanderpump does indeed have shirts made for her, so they fit splendidly.


The rest of us poorer saps with large busts can wind up with shirts that fit up top but are so voluminous down below that it is easy to look like Spongebob Squarepants' Ugly Sister Sue (if he were to have a sister). Stay away from yellow, I guess.

I think Meghan took Hayley shopping for a dress only so she could once again regale us with the boring stories of her own prom. Talk about peaking early.


If prom was the high point of your life, I feel sorry for you. But, you are such a horrible person, Meghan, that I don't. I really don't. But puh-lease shaddup already about your prom.


If you are 30, then I would guess that your prom was a good 12 years ago. Shaddap abouddit!

Edited by jennylauren123
  • Love 11

After Lee Ann passed, Meghan dyed her hair pink in honor of Lee Ann. Pink is for breast cancer. Did Meghan even know what kind of cancer Lee Ann had?

Meghan never said it was because of her cancer she just said it was to honor her. Perhaps pink was LeeAnn s favorite color or because Lee Ann thought Meghan would look awful and dared her to do it as a final revenge. All I know is that Lee Ann not only agreed for her child to participate in this show, she participated herself twice and was shown saying that she and Meghan were friends or got along, I forget her exact quote, but she said that at Meghans wine dinner an event that no one would have thought it was weird if she didnt go to (ie not her daughter getting ready for a formal) and she agreed to be there and be filmed with Meghan.

Edited by biakbiak
  • Love 4

Vicki actually convinced Brooks to use his cancer as a storyline for the show so people could see a couple dealing with it? I have barely seen anything about Vicki and Brooks dealing with cancer besides coffee enemas and smoothies. Of course that could be editing, but who knows. Sometimes I wonder if Brooks and Vicki are purposely acting shady with the other women just to make them look horrible for questioning it at all. I watched Bill and Jen on The Little Couple deal with her cancer, but I have seen very little of Vicki and Brooks actually dealing with his cancer, besides everyone talking about whether or not he actually has it. So if Vicki thought this was going to be a great story for her this season she was wrong. 


I am not a Shannon fan at all, but I loved that she stood her ground with Vicki and did not give in. Vicki trying to manipulate Shannon by saying she was having a bad day and such. I am surprised Vicki did not add that her mother died to the list of things as to why Shannon should quit talking about it.


That's plausible -- the storyline is let's make your cancer seem shady, then redemption!


Something is definitely off because the only time I really thought Brooks had cancer was in the very beginning in which Vicki kept mentioning how lucky he was to have her because she's micromanaging him and he doesn't have to "go through it alone."  It was so typically Vicki narcissitic that it makes much more sense then the laissez faire Vicki who is content letting Brooks do Resveratrol and starve to death on juicing.


All of it seems so unbefuckingbelievable that it makes me think Bravo sat in a room with Brooks, Meghan, and Vicki and mapped out the cancer story together.  I mean who would actually go through the trouble calling Dr's offices for someone you barely know?

  • Love 7

Did anyone else catch Ryan looking at the floor of the big new rental house and saying, "I'm still not happy with these floors" or something like that?


Was I hearing things? He said it so dismissively, like he is lord of the manor. Really odd that he was acting so picky about the house that Tamra put him in! One would think that he would be thankful. His wish is Tamra's command, apparently.


Poor Ryan, having to live in a house with gleaming dark wood floors.  I mean the poor guy already has to deal with those four brats that play with their toys and then expect breakfast.  And that selfish little Ava - she actually expects to be fed and changed.  Of course, why do they care?  They don't have to drive for nine hours!

Edited by RedheadZombie
  • Love 20

I haven't had a chance to watch the whole episode yet, or read all of you witty people's comments.

So sorry, if you all have already laughed about this but, David chowing down on chips and chili while Shannon went on and on about Vicki and Brooks lol. I have the closed captions on and they actually spelled out crunch as he crunched down :)

The OC men love to eat to drown out whoever is taking to them. Eddie, now David.

I thought it was interesting that Eddie blew a kiss to one of the kids, I'm sure it was is in response to them blowing him a kiss but still seemed sweet. He also seemed concerned that they hadn't had breakfast. Just shades of Eddie I haven't seen.

Ryan is a jerk.

Edited by imjagain
  • Love 14

Isn't it possible that they (Brooks and Vicki) were told that the results vary with the resveratrol? There are no absolutes with any cancer treatments. I can see that they were told some people experienced remission, some experienced stronger immune systems, some got no results, etc.

I also know when my husband was going through cancer treatments, each of us remembered different things doctors told us, there's a lot of info to take in and things can change depending on how the patient is reacting to the treatment.

For the record, I believe Brooks has/had cancer.

This is one of the reasons why I would usually take either my fiance or my parents to see both of my oncologists and my surgeon. I wanted /needed to make sure that they were hearing snd understanding things the way I was. It's super overwhelming and confusing. Which is sorta why I've probably given Brooks/Vicky a little bit more of the benefit of the doubt than I usually would.

  • Love 8

Meghan never said it was because of her cancer she just said it was to honor her. Perhaps pink was LeeAnn s favorite color or because Lee Ann thought Meghan would look awful and dared her to do it as a final revenge. All I know is that Lee Ann not only agreed for her child to participate in this show, she participated herself twice and was shown saying that she and Meghan were friends or got along, I forget her exact quote, but she said that at Meghans wine dinner an event that no one would have thought it was weird if she didnt go to (ie not her daughter getting ready for a formal) and she agreed to be there and be filmed with Meghan.



According to what she says here it was just a fun thing to do because life is short. 

I always got the impression that Brooks having cancer was kind of thrown out there because he has cancer and during his course of treatment it is an excuse of why he is not working or not working a lot or available for filming a lot.  Then I read is Twitter timeline-Brooks has a pretty good life.  After declaring he had cancer return he was busy, busy man with all his trips squeezed in between his three chemo sessions.  Interesting back in October he has a picture of City of Hope and "simply amazing".  I thought the doctor Shannon referred Brooks to was at City of Hope?


Apparently, he and the Beadors are on the outs because he thought Shannon should not have been offended over him not consulting her "world renown" physicians.  I think Brooks takes pictures of famous cancer centers.  Maybe Shannon would not have been so offended had Brooks not said he didn't make the appointment because he had two flat tires or his medical records could not find their way to the doctor or after three chemo treatments he switched to reservatrol.  If Shannon's doc was at City of Hope and Brooks was being treated at City of Hope would the transfer of records not be pretty simple?  I hate this now I am doubting Brooks, and I don't even think he should release records but at least don't insult people's intelligence.

Just to set the record straight. Brooks actually received cancer treatment for more than 2 1/2 years at City of Hope National Medical Center which is a renowned research and treatment center for cancer. The doctor that both Shannon and Meghan were talking about was a holistic medicine doctor who practices out of Oasis of Hope, which is not affiliated in any way with City of Hope. Oasis of Hope is an alternative medicine hospital whose patient base is generally those patients with cancer that have failed traditional cancer treatment.


Editing to add some additional information about Dr. Francisco Contreras at Oasis of Hope. Dr. Francisco Contreras has been the director of Oasis of Hope for 30 years. He had been trained by his father, Dr. Ernesto Contreras who had founded Oasis of Hope which was then located in Tijuana, Mexico. His alternative cancer treatments have been controversial and at that time claimed to "treat" cancer patients with amygdalin (also called "laetrile" or, erroneously, "vitamin B17") which has been found completely ineffective. His practices have been widely condemned. I think that when a person has cancer they will do just about anything to be cured, including alternative medicine, high-load vitamins, coffee enemas or just about any experimental drug available. I'm not saying holistic medicine isn't the way to go, but initially I'd never seek any medical expertise from a holistic medicine hospital. I would possibly turn to that method of cancer treatment only if there was nothing more that conventional medicine could offer.

Edited by HumblePi
  • Love 7

Poor Ryan, having to live in a house with gleaming dark wood floors.  I mean the poor guy already has to deal with those four brats that play with their toys and then expect breakfast.  And that selfish little Ava - she actually expects to be fed and changed.  Of course, why do they care?  They don't have to drive for nine hours!

After Ryan mentioned that he had to drive 9 hours and practically started singing "Nobody Knows The Trouble I've Seen", he said some people wanted to play with their toys and either he or Eddie said " Girls".

Like if Ava had been a boy, he'd be driving by now.

  • Love 8

The traveling limitations for cancer patients are normally recommended when chemo treatments have destroyed the immune system to an extent where being around people with colds leaves the patient vulnerable to opportunistic infections that are now very serious. It was not the act of traveling so much as being exposed to germs.

If one can fly privately I imagine it would be a lot easier.


My dad was diagnosed with Lymphoma while my parents were on vacation in Europe and they were delayed in Rome for a month. They continued to travel throughout his illness - except right after he'd had a round of chemo because that's when his immune system was most vulnerable. 


Until the cancer he was an extremely vibrant and young looking man. Even though he did well on chemo - didn't get horribly sick like some people, the illness still ravaged him pretty quickly. He would temporarily lose vision in one eye, would collapse easily and be unable to get back up and his handsome looks were gone. He went from looking 20 years younger than his actual age to an ancient-looking old man - which was hard for someone so proud.


Sadly the cancer took him in less than a year and a half. And I still find it hard to fathom that he's really gone. 

  • Love 11

I doubt that Meghan will ever admit she was wrong, any more than Brooks would admit that his current claim of cancer is a lie. I think both have dug their respective heels in and refuse to give an inch the other way. LOL


Not getting a resolution to this story would really suck but you're probably right.


If that's true and the season ends that way, I'll be really pissed and probably swear off the OC forever.


Do you think Bravo has any idea how much we hate this story line?

  • Love 5

Just to set the record straight. Brooks actually received cancer treatment for more than 2 1/2 years at City of Hope National Medical Center which is a renowned research and treatment center for cancer. The doctor that both Shannon and Meghan were talking about was a holistic medicine doctor who practices out of Oasis of Hope, which is not affiliated in any way with City of Hope. Oasis of Hope is an alternative medicine hospital whose patient base is generally those patients with cancer that have failed traditional cancer treatment.


Editing to add some additional information about Dr. Francisco Contreras at Oasis of Hope. Dr. Francisco Contreras has been the director of Oasis of Hope for 30 years. He had been trained by his father, Dr. Ernesto Contreras who had founded Oasis of Hope which was then located in Tijuana, Mexico. His alternative cancer treatments have been controversial and at that time claimed to "treat" cancer patients with amygdalin (also called "laetrile" or, erroneously, "vitamin B17") which has been found completely ineffective. His practices have been widely condemned. I think that when a person has cancer they will do just about anything to be cured, including alternative medicine, high-load vitamins, coffee enemas or just about any experimental drug available. I'm not saying holistic medicine isn't the way to go, but initially I'd never seek any medical expertise from a holistic medicine hospital. I would possibly turn to that method of cancer treatment only if there was nothing more that conventional medicine could offer.


I'm so much more confused now than I was before. I could swear both Shannon and Meghan stated that the doctor Shannon referred him to was at the City of Hope. Is Oasis of Hope also a world renowned medical facility? Because seeing this information confuses me as to why Meghan was so outraged that Brooks wouldn't follow up with Shannon's doctor, after being so outraged that he chose to stop chemo. 

Edited by Rainny
  • Love 4

Just to set the record straight. Brooks actually received cancer treatment for more than 2 1/2 years at City of Hope National Medical Center which is a renowned research and treatment center for cancer. The doctor that both Shannon and Meghan were talking about was a holistic medicine doctor who practices out of Oasis of Hope, which is not affiliated in any way with City of Hope. Oasis of Hope is an alternative medicine hospital whose patient base is generally those patients with cancer that have failed traditional cancer treatment.


Editing to add some additional information about Dr. Francisco Contreras at Oasis of Hope. Dr. Francisco Contreras has been the director of Oasis of Hope for 30 years. He had been trained by his father, Dr. Ernesto Contreras who had founded Oasis of Hope which was then located in Tijuana, Mexico. His alternative cancer treatments have been controversial and at that time claimed to "treat" cancer patients with amygdalin (also called "laetrile" or, erroneously, "vitamin B17") which has been found completely ineffective. His practices have been widely condemned. I think that when a person has cancer they will do just about anything to be cured, including alternative medicine, high-load vitamins, coffee enemas or just about any experimental drug available. I'm not saying holistic medicine isn't the way to go, but initially I'd never seek any medical expertise from a holistic medicine hospital. I would possibly turn to that method of cancer treatment only if there was nothing more that conventional medicine could offer.

I thought Shannon said that 1 of the Dr.s she recommended, there were 2 different Dr.s, used both Western/traditional medicine AND Eastern/holistic medicines? The Dr. that Meghan was referring to was the actual Dr. that Brooks went with, the 1 that was going to give him Resveratrol treatments. Also, Brooks said that he was NOT responding to the traditional chemo treatments he was getting, that his Dr. wanted to use stronger chemo's/treatments and that was why he stopped chemo and decided to go the "holistic" route with Resveratrol instead. OR, have I gotten it all mixed up in this convoluted storyline? LOL

Not getting a resolution to this story would really suck but you're probably right.


If that's true and the season ends that way, I'll be really pissed and probably swear off the OC forever.


Do you think Bravo has any idea how much we hate this story line?

I don't think Bravo cares 1 way or another how much we hate this storyline as long as the ratings are still good. Good/decent ratings = advertising$$$$ = $$$$ in Bravo's bank account and, IMO, that is their bottom line..........$$$BIG$$$$$$

  • Love 6

Interesting interview with Shannon. It is at the end of the blog, she really has....changed her mind........well just watch/listen.




Just to set the record straight. Brooks actually received cancer treatment for more than 2 1/2 years at City of Hope National Medical Center which is a renowned research and treatment center for cancer. The doctor that both Shannon and Meghan were talking about was a holistic medicine doctor who practices out of Oasis of Hope, which is not affiliated in any way with City of Hope. Oasis of Hope is an alternative medicine hospital whose patient base is generally those patients with cancer that have failed traditional cancer treatment.


Editing to add some additional information about Dr. Francisco Contreras at Oasis of Hope. Dr. Francisco Contreras has been the director of Oasis of Hope for 30 years. He had been trained by his father, Dr. Ernesto Contreras who had founded Oasis of Hope which was then located in Tijuana, Mexico. His alternative cancer treatments have been controversial and at that time claimed to "treat" cancer patients with amygdalin (also called "laetrile" or, erroneously, "vitamin B17") which has been found completely ineffective. His practices have been widely condemned. I think that when a person has cancer they will do just about anything to be cured, including alternative medicine, high-load vitamins, coffee enemas or just about any experimental drug available. I'm not saying holistic medicine isn't the way to go, but initially I'd never seek any medical expertise from a holistic medicine hospital. I would possibly turn to that method of cancer treatment only if there was nothing more that conventional medicine could offer.


Thanks this is all new to me. I am confused when Brooks received treatment for 2 1/2 years at City of Hope. He claims he was diagnosed in 2009 and lived in Mississippi.  Then he said he had a reoccurrence in 2012 and of course this one in 2014.  Vicki also claimed he was treated at MD Anderson in Texas.  I am certain that the doctor Meghan and Shannon were talking about was a she, Francisco sounds like a he.  I also thought the name was Dr. Canali or something like that. 



Interesting interview with Shannon. It is at the end of the blog, she really has....changed her mind........well just watch/listen.


Wow they have taken this referral to a whole new level.  There are three episodes left so whatever happens sounds pretty serious. 

Edited by zoeysmom
  • Love 2

As a matter of principle, I can never feel badly for Terry but that scene was so odd. She asked his opinion and because he didn't lead off with "that is so amazing," she cut him off before he was even remotely critical. I mean if I were him I would have responded "did Coco help with the drawing?" because it looked so amateurish and concept drawing or not something I wouldn't want to spend way too much money on and have to look at every time I used my dining room. I mean I am never going to have their money or be the sort of person that would want a cheesy tree etched into my several million dollar custom mansion but I would at least think that needed several conversations and commissioning an actual artist not just my bored wife and her mother.

Why would you put an etching on a window that probably has million dollar views? Maybe its on the side that looks into the neighbors fence. Speaking of views, why have we never seen Shannon's? Odd all that old lady furniture in a beach house. Yolanda is the only one who honors the views.

  • Love 2

At the end of the day it's just not right to ever question someone as to whether they are lying about having cancer. In the real world (yes I know that the Real a Housewives is far from the real world), you simply wouldn't do that. Now if Brooks, with his shady past was soliciting money by way of fundraisers or something, then I could understand questions bring asked, but that has not been the case. Say what you will about Vicki, she is really into this guy, so he hardly needed cancer to get her. I don't get it, Don seemed awesome, but whatever.

It makes me uneasy that people who go thru this very personal and scary illness could be subjected to this sort of scrutiny. Tomorrow I have to enter a courtroom for the first time since my mastectomy. Other than appearing somewhat lopsided, you wouldn't know I was sick. Does this mean that my colleagues will question the legitimacy of my illness? In the Real Housewives world, it very well may, but it really bugs me that for the purpose of entertainment it is okay to question the validity of someone's illness. And what's worse is that no matter which way you spin the origins of this storyline...it's just bad. If it's producer driven, then the show itself really felt this was okay to do this story regardless of who they offended. If it's the work of Meghan or Tamara, then its evidence that two grown ass woman feel it's okay to behave in such a way. And based on the watch What Happens poll last night, the ploy to raise the question worked as viewers really believe this guy should share his private health records with the world.

  • Love 10

Thanks this is all new to me. I am confused when Brooks received treatment for 2 1/2 years at City of Hope. He claims he was diagnosed in 2009 and lived in Mississippi.  Then he said he had a reoccurrence in 2012 and of course this one in 2014.  Vicki also claimed he was treated at MD Anderson in Texas.  I am certain that the doctor Meghan and Shannon were talking about was a she, Francisco sounds like a he.  I also thought the name was Dr. Canali or something like that. 



Wow they have taken this referral to a whole new level.  There are three episodes left so whatever happens sounds pretty serious. 

Well damn. I don't think I will be able to see the last 2 while I'm in Europe. I will count on all of you for updates.

  • Love 2

Damn this thread and season of the OC is DEPRESSING.


Let's talk about the important things... like who shops for a prom dress at a high end consignment shop.   It just didnt' seem like the appropriate place.  Both of the dresses they picked looked totally BLAH.

What do you want to bet that was the only store willing to allow Production to film in? LOL I think these women and production are finding it harder and harder to find local restaurants, shops and venues that will allow them to film anymore.

  • Love 6


So if all they were doing was going up north to pack, why didn't Tamra offer to watch the baby and Sarah's girls or at least just the baby for them so they could go not have to worry about the kids and just get things done? Maybe he was hinting at it and she didn't pick up on it or more than likely was ignoring it.


Sarah may be breastfeeding and didn't have extra pumped to leave the baby. IIRC, Ryan said they wouldn't be back for several  days. I also think Tamra wanted nothing to do with babysitting kids that aren't really her grandkids. She probably didn't want to take care of an infant that long either. That whole "I want a baby" storyline from past season was just that - a storyline since she had nothing else going. Needless to say, Eddie would want a houseful of kids for several days either.

  • Love 3

This is one of the reasons why I would usually take either my fiance or my parents to see both of my oncologists and my surgeon. I wanted /needed to make sure that they were hearing snd understanding things the way I was. It's super overwhelming and confusing. Which is sorta why I've probably given Brooks/Vicky a little bit more of the benefit of the doubt than I usually would.


This is so true.  My mother or my aunt (she was a retired nurse and is a godsend) would also accompany my father to his doctor's appointments, and occasionally, I would if one of them could not be there.  He had a lot of complications on top of the chemo, so having someone else there with him just helped with understanding, and recalling what the doctors were saying, and hopefully provided him some comfort as well so he didn't have to be alone when some difficult things were being discussed.

  • Love 4

Sarah may be breastfeeding and didn't have extra pumped to leave the baby. IIRC, Ryan said they wouldn't be back for several  days. I also think Tamra wanted nothing to do with babysitting kids that aren't really her grandkids. She probably didn't want to take care of an infant that long either. That whole "I want a baby" storyline from past season was just that - a storyline since she had nothing else going. Needless to say, Eddie would want a houseful of kids for several days either.


I have a feeling that Eddie would divorce Tamra in a heartbeat if she agreed to watch all of Sarah's kids while she and Ryan drive NINE whole hours back home to pack.  Eddie has let Tamara know on numerous occasions that he doesn't like kids.  I bet he thanks his lucky stars that Simon has Tamara's other kids the majority of the time since he won't allow them to be filmed for the show.  If anything could turn Eddie against Tamra, that would I'm sure.

  • Love 5

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