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He looks almost like a different player this year, and is slipping down the draft charts fast.  A bust before he even gets to the NFL?  It's a shame, and I hope he gets his groove back, because he's a very good player and the kind I think could succeed as an NFL quarterback.

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11 hours ago, merylinkid said:

As for injuries, Dan Bailey hurt himself warming up to kick.   Damn.   That sucks.   

I'd given Hundley at least one more game.   He only had one week to practice with the first string.   I am sure Aaron Rodgers doesn't give up many reps in practice. 

The only thing worse than hurting yourself during warm ups is the dreaded non contact injury.  I suppose third on the list is hurting yourself playing with your kids or opening your mail, and then fourth is getting hurt on an extra point.  Hmm, maybe I need to add shooting yourself in the leg and blowing fingers off with fireworks to the list.  

I haven't given up on Hundley, just saying the first sampling was not impressive.  Although Rodgers doesn't give up reps in practice, Hundley has led the scout team each week.  He's not running the Packer offense in this role; he's pretending to be whoever the Pack's opposing QB is that week.  But he's got to use that to better his technique, improve accuracy.  Rodgers has talked about how he understood the Packers weren't benching Favre, so Aaron made sure his role leading the scout team was invaluable in his development as a QB.  

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3 hours ago, Bastet said:

He looks almost like a different player this year, and is slipping down the draft charts fast.  A bust before he even gets to the NFL?  It's a shame, and I hope he gets his groove back, because he's a very good player and the kind I think could succeed as an NFL quarterback.

He's still got a year of eligibility. If he continues to struggle he should seriously think about staying in school.

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35 minutes ago, mojoween said:

^You also should add “stabbing yourself in the leg with a motivational ax.”

Lets not forget the Gramatica: Hurting oneself while celebrating kick. 

24 minutes ago, xaxat said:

He's still got a year of eligibility. If he continues to struggle he should seriously think about staying in school.

In all honesty, he and other top QBs might want to stay in school to avoid being drafted by the Browns. I thought the Jets would be the worst possible landing place but with the Browns handling of Kizer, I'd do anything in my power to avoid Cleveland. 

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I’m pretty sure this may be the worst first offensive series I’ve ever seen.  I feel like the Eagles had some sort of bet to see how many times they could get the ref to use his mic.

And then...interception!  Criminy.

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47 minutes ago, Moose135 said:

Another Giants fan, I see.

Seriously.  I'm not a Giants fan, but 18-1, baby! I guess I kinda always will be. 


Wow. Washington is hanging in this game. Let's see what the second half brings. 

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Carson did an awesome job tonight. He made several impressive plays during this game. (Including some TD throws and escaping that sack by several players in the second half.) Him and the Eagles are doing very well this season. I am interested in seeing how far they will go this season. I think they could go far.

Edited by Jx223
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D'ante Hightower out for the season for the Pats.

Aaron Rodgers, JJ Watt, Jason Peters, Andrew Luck, Eric Berry, Odell Beckham, Julian Edelman...

Whoever's healthy at the end of the season will win the Super Bowl.

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32 minutes ago, mojoween said:

Will even fans of the Dolphins and Ravens watch this less than scintillating matchup tonight?

I’m not a fan of either,  it I might tune in to find out if Cool Joe has anything left in the tank. 

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1 hour ago, mojoween said:

Will even fans of the Dolphins and Ravens watch this less than scintillating matchup tonight?

Let's just say it's on my TV because I don't want to have anything on that I have to pay attention to.  And let's just say that the Dolphins should have to forfeit this game...dammit. (yeah, I know, I'm overreacting) 

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54 minutes ago, topanga said:

I’m not a fan of either,  it I might tune in to find out if Cool Joe has anything left in the tank. 

Cool Joe may be dead.


Apparently that is what it may take for a player to get ejected.   But breathe heavy on a ref and you are -- gone baby gone.

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7 hours ago, twoods said:

I wonder how bad Fins fans miss Cutler...

Bad enough that his broken ribs have miraculously healed.

Good god that was a blow out.   Suh showed his true colors again.   When losing he goes dirty.    Both he and Alonso are looking at some time off courtesy of the League.

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What is amazing about Suh is how he blatantly he lies about his intent - he NEVER means to do any wrong, and the idea that he is deliberately trying to hurt someone just shocks him.  He is a dirty player, through and through.  I remember when Aaron Rodgers had an injured calf, and Suh stepped on Aaron's injured leg and put all his weight onto it.  The NFL showed some balls for about 12 hours by suspending him for a game (which would have been a playoff game) but then they rescinded the suspension because Suh apparently convinced them it was just an accident, there was no way he did it on purpose.  What a bunch of chicken shits - Suh and the idiots in the league office.  Anyone who follows the NFL - fans, media, other players, coaches, management, owners - they all know Suh is dirty. 

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On 10/23/2017 at 7:19 PM, Calvada said:

The only thing worse than hurting yourself during warm ups is the dreaded non contact injury.  I suppose third on the list is hurting yourself playing with your kids or opening your mail, and then fourth is getting hurt on an extra point.  Hmm, maybe I need to add shooting yourself in the leg and blowing fingers off with fireworks to the list.  

Does anyone else remember this one?  (The alternate version of events isn't any better, FWIW.)


And yeah, Suh is filthy as hell.  He's right up there with Todd Bertuzzi.

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2 hours ago, basiltherat said:

Suh runs free to maim, but Pretty Boy Brady gets suspended.   Makes no sense -- and I hate Brady.  

Yep, this is why my interest in the NFL has dropped over the last two seasons.  Deliberately attempt to injure other players every time you step on the field?  No worries.  Beat your wife, fiancée, or girlfriend?  Meh, we'll try not to suspend you.  Rape someone?  Go win that Super Bowl!  Maybe have knowledge of air being let out of footballs?  A crime against all that is good and holy in HUMANITY!  I just...that's not right thinking.  It's just not.

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On 10/27/2017 at 10:36 AM, Ohwell said:

I have wanted to like Suh because of the Chrysler commercials he used to do, but damn is he dirty.  I mean, like, crazy dirty.

Its so crazy I was wondering the other day if Suh was still in the league.  It felt like its been forever since he was caught doing something suspect.   And like right on cue here he goes.  

14 hours ago, mojoween said:

As far as I know, the expression has ALWAYS been “the inmates are running the asylum” so yeah, I give side-eye to old ass McNair changing it to prison.

I just...I don’t GET people any more.

That was my feeling on it too.  The expression is "asylum"...so wtf was he talking about?  Never mind we know prison is exactly he meant.  That Foot-in-Mouth disease has been spreading a lot and people have been way too comfortable lately.  I'm curious to see how the Texans players handle things.  I know it's just way too much to ask for a walk-out.  But damn would that be crazy.

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9 minutes ago, mojoween said:

Washington’s uniforms...wut.

Oh, I haven't looked up at my TV yet.  Have they finally embraced the potato?


Ah... these are the throwback unis.  Or as some like to call them, the thowup unis... 

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56 minutes ago, Silver Raven said:

40 members of the Texans knelt.

CBS didn't air it.

Maybe because that was more a team-specific protest than the league wide action. The usually benign owner, Bob McNair, really stirred up a hornet's nest with his comment about 'the inmates in the prison' and the team felt it needed to respond.

Edited by Mrs. P.
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1 hour ago, Mrs. P. said:

Maybe because that was more a team-specific protest than the league wide action. The usually benign owner, Bob McNair, really stirred up a hornet's nest with his comment about 'the inmates in the prison' and the team felt it needed to respond.

But the protest (I assume) is still about social/racial injustice.  Having a white owner refer to his predominantly black employees as inmates in a prison strikes right at the heart at what this whole thing is about.  CBS and the other networks are probably just tired of talking about the anthem stuff.  But I hope they dont air ANY future anthem stuff regardless of whether people kneel or not.


Bill O'Brian lost that game for the Texans. It seems to me he always coaches scared.  He's got a hot QB and decides to run the ball on 3rd and 4?  I'm giving it to Watson all day.  But fine whatever.  Of course they dont get the 1st down and here comes Russell marching the Hawks down the field.  The Texans defense is OBVIOUSLY frazzled.  They dont know wtf is going on and I'm yelling at the tv call a timeout coach.  Call a freaking timeout to get your defense set up.  He doesnt. And Graham goes right up the middle untouched for the game winning catch.

It was a really good entertaining game. But Watson and Co. deserved to come out of there with the W.

Edited by FuriousStyles
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I thought that the Seahawks/Texans game was a very good game. Russell and DeShaun going tit for tat was entertaining. DeShaun is awesome. I am very happy he continues to perform very well and show people he is the real deal. I would have liked to have seen the Texans get the win, but DeShaun played extremely well in spite of them losing. The Texans have a good chance of doing well with him as their QB.

I was also glad to see the Panthers and Cowboys win. I had thought that the Panthers were going to lose today's game against the Bucs, but they managed to pull out the win. And the Cowboys definitely needed their win against Washington today. They are about to get into the meat of their schedule with some tough matchups against the Chiefs and Falcons. They need every win they can get, especially with Zeke's suspension looming. I think they need to get to at least 9 wins if they want to have a chance of getting into the playoffs as a wildcard. (I believe Philly will win that division).

And I was disappointed that the Jets lost again today against the Falcons in another close game. They have been surprisingly competitive and entertaining this season. I am enjoying watching them play. 

Edited by Jx223
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15 hours ago, Ohwell said:

Besides, I have a crush on Ryan Kerrigan, so there's that.

That is a well placed crush.  I live in the town where Ryan grew up.  He was 2 years ahead of my son (different HS but everyone knew of Ryan's talent).  He is a wonderful guy, very generous to the community, always willing to come home and help when something needs to be done.  He's known to be just an all around great guy.

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12 hours ago, AimingforYoko said:

If McNair (eff that guy BTW) ever wants to fire O'Brien for cause, all he has to say is, "You chose Tom Savage as the starter over Deshaun Watson."

Meh. For one half of football, right? I think there's something to be said for intra-locker room politics to let the vet QB play himself out of a job rather than to stick the rookie in  from day one like Cleveland did Kizer.

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So not only was Zach Miller’s injury horrifying, and was surprising in that it was a dislocation and not a fracture, because the artery was damaged, his surgery was to SAVE HIS LEG, not just repair the injury. I wish him all the best.

And on a not at all important note, I thought he was still a Raider.

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Knee dislocation is very serious.  I had a family member who dislocated a knee years ago.  Very easy to tear an artery and lose blood flow to the lower leg.  It has to be restored very quickly or the leg will be lost.  Tissue dies so quickly without blood flow.  It's like a heart bypass, where they take a vein elsewhere, and bypass the tear to restore blood flow.  My family member dislocated his left knee, had veins stripped from his lower right leg, then had to have incisions open down each side of his left calf for several days.  Then they took skin from his right thigh to do skin grafts to close the incisions. This was 20+ years ago, so I'm not sure if that would be the treatment now.  Anyway, he spent 3 weeks in the hospital, months in PT, and almost 10 months off work.  (It was a workplace injury; he worked construction.).  But he didn't lose his leg, just lost parts of a couple toes due to lack of blood flow.  Wasn't there a college football player who lost his leg several years ago?  I wish Miller all the best.  

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