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"The View": Week of 09/14/15


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I'm so incredibly tired of people getting irrationally offended by the smallest jokes. I'm a lawyer. I worked hard for my law license, and I think I'm a pretty good, ethical, honest lawyer. My job is to help people who need it, and I try to do that job the best I can. People tell lawyer jokes every day. If I can't shrug that off, I'm probably not tough enough to do my job. And frankly, that's how all this nurse anger strikes me. If you can't shrug it off, and know you're good enough at your job that a comedian's words don't matter, then it's time to toughen up.

Edited by marny
  • Love 20

The new conservative sure got up in arms today when Whoopi was critisizing Ronald Reagan.  She said something about not talking bad about people not there.  Sorry, don't know her name. Don't watch regular.  Whoopi didn't back down though.  Why is it that republicans seem to see Reagan as a saint.  I lived through the Reagan era.  Not a good time for the US.

  • Love 12

I'm so incredibly tired of people getting irrationally offended by the smallest jokes.


I, on the other hand, am incredibly tired of people telling other people what they're allowed to be upset over.  This isn't a big deal in the grand scheme of things but clearly a nerve was touched.  If The VIew was Saturday Night Live I might feel a bit differently about the "joke". Or maybe not.   One commentator thought it was hilarious that a woman would talk about nursing Alzheimer's patients another woman who couldn't be bothered to actually pay any attention to what was happening still thought it was ok to make a comment that ended up being ignorant and made  her look like a fool.  They both got called out on it.  Loudly and publically.  Considering this show doesn't hesitate to call out others for speaking out of turn I'm not feeling the sympathy with their plight much.

  • Love 4

Maybe it's just me, but it looks like Whoopi and Joy are getting along the way they used to. Maybe it's because Joy moderating Friday's actually means Whoopi has to do less work now  (always a good thing for her, I'd guess). The first segment about the GOP debate and the interview with one of the candidates was a bloodbath. Poor Paula looked scared to say anything, but you can't be intimidated on The View or you'll never say anything.


It's a shame about sponsors, but maybe they'll eventually return once the controversy settles. I'm sure looking at the tapes, executives don't think Joy did anything wrong. Maybe Michelle, but even she was just mocking the pageants (why aren't they outraged instead?). TPTB always did want sparks.

  • Love 4

I am a nurse. Whom ever said it looks like nurses wear their stethoscopes around their neck for looks, I disagree.  Nurses wear them  because  they are their tools.  I have many times said I needed a tool belt to keep handy all of the things I use on the job.  I carry tape, scissors, hemostats , alcohol swabs and any other things I might need in the patient's room.  After all, if you suddenly faint, do you want me to have to go back to the nurses station to get my stethoscope to check your vital signs?   And to the other person, sorry but the days of nurses all in white with hats have been gone for over 25 years.  Scrubs are the best uniform to clean all the blood and guts off  of me.  If you want to know if someone is a nurse, read their name tag.  At the hospital I work at,  almost every job has a different color scrubs to differentiate their position.  Even clerical, office workers are branded with a slacks/shirt look.  We also have our position embroideried on our shirts.  Not hard to tell who is who.  


Nurses are mad because Joy called it a doctor's stethoscope.  They felt she meant that the nurse was playing doctor in her costume.    The problem with this show, is the preparation.  If Joy and Michelle had bothered to actually watched the clip, maybe they could have come up with more appropriate comment.  Most of the time, it seems like the really have no idea what they are talking about.  It seems like it is all about the easy joke instead of informing the audience.


Regarding Raven wanting to be entertained by candidates. I can't even with her.  Maybe she wants the debates to have a talent contest.  No wonder so many are jumping on the Trump Train.  They have no idea what is going on, just want to be entertained.

Thank you for this response. I am also a nurse. Regarding the stethoscope, it absolutely is a tool of our trade and needs to be close at hand. I sometimes wish there was a easier place to keep It because I have actually gotten a sore neck from having to wear it in this manner. This is after a 12 hour shift mind you but yes we need it handy.

It is a grueling job but I love it and care greatly for the people I have cared for over the years. Peoples lives truly are in our hands and I take that fact very seriously, no matter what Joy may think about our tools of the trade. She obviously doesn't have a clue what we actually do on our jobs.

  • Love 3

See, when people say that I feel like it's therapy speak. Sure, nobody can make me feel something if I choose not to, and in theory that's correct. But in reality, when someone says something shitty to you (the generic you), it's pretty much going to make you feel a certain way about it. How you choose to act on those feelings or allow them to fester vs blowing them off and moving on is up to you. But the idea that something external is only a catalyst for your feelings if you allow it is not reality, in my opinion. If we could truly control our emotional responses to perceived hurts, there wouldn't ever be any hurt feelings at all. Who would choose to be upset if they could choose otherwise, 100 percent of the time?

Point taken. However, if masses of nurses and others are going to excoriate Joy Behar for saying something shitty to them or about them, it would help if she actually said something...you know...shitty. (And yes, I realize I don't decide who will be offended by what, but I think the "reasonable man" standard is as fair as the playing field will ever be when trying to square perceived offenses with "reality"). I must say, though, this hullabaloo resulting in boycotts over a throwaway remark concerning a friggin' beauty pageant contestant strikes me as frankly bizarre.
  • Love 21

Holy shit. I was just out with a friend who works in an emergency room. She's not a nurse but works with many. She starts with " You won't believe what Joy Behar said on the View, she totally trashed nurses". I said I had seen it and Joy did not trash nurses and I told her about the "doctors stethoscope" comment and my friend said there was no way her coworkers would be so upset with her for saying just that. There had to be more to the story. The whole thing is beginning to sound like a game of telephone where Joy's comment becomes more egregious with each re-telling.

  • Love 20

The new conservative sure got up in arms today when Whoopi was critisizing Ronald Reagan.  She said something about not talking bad about people not there.  Sorry, don't know her name. Don't watch regular.  Whoopi didn't back down though.  Why is it that republicans seem to see Reagan as a saint.  I lived through the Reagan era.  Not a good time for the US.

Don't talk bad about people who aren't there? LOL. I guess St. Ronald and Adolf (yay! Godwin's law!) can both breathe a sigh of relief out there in the great beyond, to hell with politics and history. ;)

  • Love 8

The new conservative sure got up in arms today when Whoopi was critisizing Ronald Reagan.  She said something about not talking bad about people not there.  Sorry, don't know her name. Don't watch regular.  Whoopi didn't back down though.  Why is it that republicans seem to see Reagan as a saint.  I lived through the Reagan era.  Not a good time for the US.



Don't talk bad about people who aren't there? LOL. I guess St. Ronald and Adolf (yay! Godwin's law!) can both breathe a sigh of relief out there in the great beyond, to hell with politics and history. ;)


No, no. What she said was it isn't fair to talk about what someone did when "they're not here to defend themselves."


Me: Gobsmacked.


Because for the second day in a row, I found myself aligning with Whoopi!  Because she was right. These were not rumors or allegations. President Reagan did threaten to fire the Air Traffic Controllers, and followed through and did Fire them.  And that's what Whoopi said--it's FACT. It happened; she didn't make it up.


Jeebus Cripes.

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
  • Love 15

I think the whole thing would have died down if they hadn't decided to apologize by basically telling anyone who was mad that they were not listening properly.  I agree the initial comments were just dumb and not worth the outcry but it did get an outcry and the way to deal with that isn't to pull the "we're sorry you're too dumb to understand what we were trying to say" line!  Yeah that went over well.

Edited by CherryAmes
  • Love 10

 think the whole thing would have died down if they hadn't decided to apologize by basically telling anyone who was mad that they were not listening properly.  I agree the initial comments were just dumb and not worth the outcry but it did get an outcry and the way to deal with that isn't to pull the "we're sorry you're too dumb to understand what we were trying to say" line!  Yeah that went over well.


that  is not what was said nor implied by Joy.

  • Love 11

That might be a valid criticism of people telling the nurses to calm down if the nurses were not twisting what was said in order to create a platform to express their frustration and outrage about their profession not being respected enough in general.  Because that is really what this is about in my opinion. What Joy said is just being seized upon as a tool to bring attention to the issue.  But things are being read into her comment that I personally don't think she meant, and that is unfair. 


Joy did not launch a wholesale attack on the profession of nursing in general.  She was attempting to make fun of one woman's performance, and she mentioned the confusing (to her) presence of a "doctor's stethoscope" around the woman's neck.  Was Joy showing her ignorance? Yes.  The woman was a real nurse, not an aspiring thespian assuming the character of one.  Is Joy guilty of some outdated thinking? Yes.  Anyone who has been around a nurse in the last several decades ought to know nurses use stethoscopes all the time.  But was Joy really being hostile to nurses in general?  C'mon! 


But she sure is being treated like she was.  Both J&J and Eggland have made statements about how they "disagree with the comments made about the nursing profession."  Excuse me, WHAT comments about the nursing profession?   I didn't hear any.  But this is being turned into a huge cause as if Joy had said nurses were good for nothing but emptying bedpans. She said nothing of the sort.


I realize we live in a world where members of certain professions have gained the status of near sainthood.  Nurses.  Teachers.  Cops.  Soldiers.  Certainly those are important jobs, difficult and sometimes quite dangerous to do, and they are often under payed.  But have we really got to the point where it is pure blasphemy to even think of making a joke about a person wearing a nursing uniform, lest we be crushed by an organized backlash designed to smite all criticism and humor (however weak) because that profession is sacrosanct? 


Look.  A lot of people may not like what I am about to say, but I am going to throw it out there anyway .... We are talking about a woman who showed up at the Miss America pageant in bright purple scrubs and recited a painfully predictable eighth grade level monologue about her work with Alzheimer's patients.  Is she supposed to be beyond all criticism simply because she is a nurse?  Or because she provides a particular kind of care?  I don't happen to think so.  She did something stupid on the stage of the Miss America pageant, and she got mocked over it.  SHE got mocked over it.  Not all nurses.  The way Joy did it was foolish, but it was not what some people are trying to make it into.  Making fun of one nurse's act is not making fun of all nurses.  And no matter how hard certain people may try to characterize what Joy said as such, it doesn't make it the truth.  


I have no problem if the nurses of the world and the sponsors who love them want to make a huge issue out of someone actually saying something insulting to nurses as a group, but to the facebook posters and J&J and Eggland who are trying to make hay out of this, I say ... have a seat.  Have several seats.  Save up your indignation for a deserving target and stop sacrificing your credibility trying to get mileage out of this.  You're starting to look like a nutty mob in search of something to be enraged about.  You are not doing a very valid cause any good.

Kiss, kiss, hug, hug -- well said!!!

  • Love 8

Yeah, Joy really fell on her sword.  But Raven was really emphasizing the "you didn't understand" point.    It would have been better if she had stayed out of it.  


People sometimes lump them into a group (probably because they all talk at the same time and you can't even tell who is speaking half the time), and I think that is why the non-apology is being attributed to them as a group.  


But I agree with you all, Joy was very contrite and did not suggest the nurses had misheard her or weren't listening.  She owned her mistake.

  • Love 10



Look.  A lot of people may not like what I am about to say, but I am going to throw it out there anyway .... We are talking about a woman who showed up at the Miss America pageant in bright purple scrubs and recited a painfully predictable eighth grade level monologue about her work with Alzheimer's patients.  Is she supposed to be beyond all criticism simply because she is a nurse?  Or because she provides a particular kind of care?  I don't happen to think so.  She did something stupid on the stage of the Miss America pageant, and she got mocked over it.  SHE got mocked over it.  Not all nurses.  The way Joy did it was foolish, but it was not what some people are trying to make it into.  Making fun of one nurse's act is not making fun of all nurses.  And no matter how hard certain people may try to characterize what Joy said as such, it doesn't make it the truth. 

I LOVE this, and I agree 100%.  I thought the monolog was self-serving, trite, mawkish, and actually, didn't ring true.  (Alzheimers bad enough to be in a hospital, but able to call the nurse by the right name?)   I don't think it showed much "talent", as far as story-telling, she spoke too fast in parts, and the story didn't hold my interest.  It was like someone doing a reading from "Chicken Soup for the Soul".  PLUS, in the story, she kept describing HERSELF as "just a nurse"  until a patient corrected her.  I've known a lot of nurses, and there's just no way any of them would call themselves "just" a nurse, unless they were being sarcastic..

So, if Joy, or anyone else wants to make fun of this PARTICULAR nurse, not nurses in general, it's OK with me.  She brought it on herself.   She's in a freakin' BEAUTY PAGEANT and her talent is telling a nurse story?  And it's not even a good nurse  story, she didn't save anyone's life, she had conversations with a man who was senile.  Mock away, Joy!

  • Love 13

Can anyone help me out? I can't find a video of Miss Colorado's talent presentation on google that works for me. I didn't see that show as I don't care for pageants, but been reading she said "I'm just a nurse...." and want to verify.

Like Joy, I was confused by the image of a Miss USA contestant in scrubs - certainly not usual - but creative in any event.

The pageant sure is getting controversial when they are discussing defunding PP.

Edited by maggiemae
  • Love 1

Thank you so much Rick! It was very good.

And I remember the people, nurses and dr that helped my father - the only one of 3 children to be by his side through this. And so many others.

OTOH it was jarring and confusing if one is not into pageants....which, of course, I don't mean you.

Her talent portion was valuable and I am glad she did realize she "is just not a nurse."

And I give Joy the same forgiveness I give myself.

OTOH - Michelle never says anything relevant and makes EVERYTHING into a stupid, unfunny joke.

Thank you again for enlightening me.

  • Love 4

Point taken. However, if masses of nurses and others are going to excoriate Joy Behar for saying something shitty to them or about them, it would help if she actually said something...you know...shitty. (And yes, I realize I don't decide who will be offended by what, but I think the "reasonable man" standard is as fair as the playing field will ever be when trying to square perceived offenses with "reality"). I must say, though, this hullabaloo resulting in boycotts over a throwaway remark concerning a friggin' beauty pageant contestant strikes me as frankly bizarre.

Agreed. It really has escalated beyond reason.

Joy really is getting unfairly vilified. At this point, it's the others who are the assholes for their defense of the situation. Joy has apologized and in my opinion, sincerely didn't realize that what she said was a huge mistake.

Edited by Pixel
  • Love 9

Joy explained her mistake..... She took ownership of what she said and why she said it.


She has posted on twitter her apologies..... there really is nothing more she can do


Im sure that is not enough for those who found a reason to be offended to be satisfied..... I guess some kind of blood letting might help  *shrug*



that link has the video of the apology as well as copies of the tweets she put out.

Carry on

  • Love 6

I'm not sure what else you can do but apologize. Maybe if she was fired or if she groveled and cut open her veins they might be satisfied?


But seriously, screw these nurses. They're in an uproar over something that didn't even happen. I respect nurses fine, but any of them who's offended over this "incident" is nonsensical.


Thankfully I'm not a celebrity so they won't waste time attacking me--would they...? lol

  • Love 13

I'm not sure what else you can do but apologize. Maybe if she was fired or if she groveled and cut open her veins they might be satisfied?


But seriously, screw these nurses. They're in an uproar over something that didn't even happen. I respect nurses fine, but any of them who's offended over this "incident" is nonsensical.


Thankfully I'm not a celebrity so they won't waste time attacking me--would they...? lol

It depends on how loud your outrage about being attacked by them would be...... if you could get a cable TV channel to take your side against being bullied it might make some "sparks"

I wonder if that is how it works behind the scenes

Even the small mistake Joy made didn't require an apology.  Joy was shown a picture of Miss Colorado and told that she did a monologue for her talent.  Of course Joy would think the uniform and stethoscope were part of a costume.  A monologue is a reading from a play or a stage act. In Miss America's past it's usually been Scarlet O'Hara's,  "As God is my witness..." scene and the girl is in costume to read it.  It would appear that, although a talent is requirement of the pageant,  Miss Colorado can neither sing, dance, do comedy nor act, but nobody wanted to admit that so  she called  talking about her job a "monologue," and set Joy up for the mistake.

Edited by JudyObscure
  • Love 8

I personally don't think Joy's comment or question rather is that big a deal really, especially in comparison to all the other things said on this show.  I think a large part of the problem is that people are reacting to 'Joy Behar said something disparaging about nurses' rather than the actual question she asked.  From there it morphed into a nurses are underappreciated fight having little or nothing to do with the original question.

But I do enjoy Joy getting some flak as she is smug, self-righteous, self-satisfied, sure of her own correctness, and kind of mean.  Am I right?  Am I right?  Of course I am right (said with affirmative head nodding, full-of-herself body language and a smug, condescending sneer).  That is why I don't like Joy and why I like her getting hammered a bit as she is usually considered the good one, which I personally don't think she is.  I also like that her own laziness is part of the problem.  Joy and the rest should put effort into knowing about Hot Topics, current events, what they are planning on discussing on the show, about guests, etc.  They don't and as a result of a show being done on the fly, with little to no prep and blue index cards, stupid misguided things are said.  They are paid very well and put almost no effort into the product they produce and it shows in the quality of the show.  


And, what about Monica Lewinsky...

Edited by Bazinga
  • Love 3

The hosts' lack of preparedness falls squarely on the Powers that Be.  These women have been unprepared FOR YEARS! Whoopi can't be bothered to read her teleprompter script in advance; they all look at their blue cards as if they have never even heard any of the info listed on them before; they've regularly called guests by the wrong name, or referred to people in news stories by the wrong name; and so on and so on.  And yet, no one in charge has demanded improvement in work ethic! The sole prepared host (Rosie O) was made to think she was being too demanding in wanting to be able to have educated conversations, and the others acted like she was the annoying school nerd who was trying to make everyone work harder-- until she left.  The fact that the execs allow these women to show up an hour before show time to get their hair and makeup done and then appear live on the air is unbelievable to me.  If any of them prided themselves on being informed about issues, it could work.  But they don't, and it shows.  But if no one is telling them that their ignorance is unacceptable, why would they do more than the minimum? The employers aren't making their employees work.

  • Love 11

My profession is vilified on a regular basis so all this outrage over not being given proper ownership over a stethoscope is baffling to me. If I was Joy I'd be reevaluating my decision to come out of retirement to now be of focus of this manufactured shit storm. I'm not sure how nurses want to see this resolved, but, my impression of nurses, which has always been high, has certainly dropped a notch.

  • Love 12

:shrug:  These women are making a career out of talking nasty about anyone and everyone.  Frankly, if someone in the political arena had done what they did (mocked someone for talking about nursing Alzheimer's patients, and ignorantly assumed a woman in scrubs had no right to use a "doctor's" stethoscope) they'd have been castigated from here to next Tuesday.  If you make your living criticising others sometimes that's going to get turned back on you.

  • Love 2

If you make your living criticising others sometimes that's going to get turned back on you.




Ok, but I think they have been criticized enough.  Far worse things have been said at that table.  They commented on one person not the entire nursing profession.  At this point IMO it is starting to look like something more than just being offended by what a couple of talk show hosts said.  They apologized.  Accept the apology and move on.

Edited by susieq147
  • Love 6

It seems to me the nurses can rally to other issues - alzeimer's for example -Rather than the "we deserve respect!" position - which is, imo, a given.Joy didn't understand but I am sure she does now.IMO the outrage is out of control and is grumbling about it now.

Yes, indeed, harness their powers and use their voices and nursing expertise for something substantive (like derailing The Donald's comfy ride on the Vaccines Cause Autism train). Die on a hill that matters. At this point Joy has done all she could to calm this manufactured storm and it would be nice if the aggrieved nurses, along with Johnson & Johnson and Eggland, acknowledged that and refocused their energies on...whatever they were focused on before the beauty pageant.

  • Love 12

Now I'm afraid the emphasis on nurses on today's show is going to be taken as pandering. Can't win. 

While not every Trump supporter is a racist, he does indeed have a huge (uuuuge) racist following. I don't see those people supporting anybody but him. 


ETA: NY Daily News piece: http://www.nydailynews.com/entertainment/tv/view-loses-national-advertisers-mocking-nurses-article-1.2364943

Edited by merriebreeze
  • Love 4


If you make your living criticising others sometimes that's going to get turned back on you.

To me, Joy's question really was a criticism.  More like "Eww, why is she wearing that?", said with her stinkface masking judgment of something she didn't understand or care to learn about and, eventually, a derogatory comment.  They all sit on high judging and criticizing with limited facts or understanding, with smug, I am better than you all, attitudes.  That attitude is why I don't like Joy Behar.

  • Love 2

:shrug:  These women are making a career out of talking nasty about anyone and everyone.  Frankly, if someone in the political arena had done what they did (mocked someone for talking about nursing Alzheimer's patients, and ignorantly assumed a woman in scrubs had no right to use a "doctor's" stethoscope) they'd have been castigated from here to next Tuesday.  If you make your living criticising others sometimes that's going to get turned back on you.

Except that is not what was said or implied.... and that is the problem with this "outrage" people are not outraged about what was actually said..... but by the idea that is being made up.

Joy owned her mistake..... she explained why it was made... and she apologized..... you keep posting a "non apology" and making up what was said.... Joy NEVER said "hey you just didn't listen right".... YOU said that.... why dont you own your words like Joy does??

  • Love 17

Joy NEVER said "hey you just didn't listen right".... YOU said that.... why dont you own your words like Joy does??


I didn't say Joy specifically said that.  As a matter of fact I'm pretty sure I gave Joy a pass as being genuinely contrite.  It was a few of the other ladies who seemed to go overboard with the "you weren't listening right" excuse. 

  • Love 2

She was not criticizing nurses...... She was confused why a BEAUTY PAGEANT contestant would be dressed in scrubs..... at least get the outrage correct


She was confused by why a woman in scrubs would be presuming to have a "doctor's stethoscope".  If she isn't paying attention she should maybe just not say anything at all -  blurting out something like that did open her up to justifiable criticism IMO.  Perhaps not on the scale it went to but it was a pretty boneheaded thing to say. 

Edited by CherryAmes
  • Love 3

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