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S14.E05: Gunn And Heid

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Something is seriously off with Amanda's coloring. Either the hair dye, fake tan, eyebrow penciling, or frosted lipstick. It's all so "off".

Where is Candice from? She had such a particular accent that I can't place.

Swapnil is a beautiful man.

Blake is a sniveling, weak chinned little kid.

Omg they could not care less about Liddy from Sally beauty taking up precious time with nail art!!

Edited by awaken
  • Love 4

Something is seriously off with Amanda's coloring. Either the hair dye, fake tan, eyebrow penciling, or frosted lipstick. It's all so "off".

Where is Candice from? She had such a particular accent that I can't place.

Swapnil is a beautiful man.

Blake is a sniveling, weak chinned little kid.

Omg they could not care less about Liddy from Sally beauty taking up precious time with nail art!!

I just came here to ask if Ashley has some sort of liver disease? She is literally orangey-yellow. She's either eating truckloads of carrots and/or sweet potatoes or she needs to get to a doctor ASAP, because her liver is failing, seriously.

I take it back. I LOVE the fact that Blake stood up for Ashley. Very strongly, too. And so did Edmond.

I couldn't stand Blake until he did that and tonight, Blake is my man!

  • Love 18

I think Candice should have been called out because she 'took the lead' and nothing worked out, if she was going to claim to know best, to go to each designer and tell them what to do or not to do then she should have been called on that, whether or not her design was OK, which I don't think it was, that top was very poorly constructed.

On the flip side of that, Swapnil seemed to be the one to take the lead for the other team and he was totally supportive and helpful. I hope he gets the win.

I think Ashley would have looked better if she had just stood strong, pointed out the good things of her design and construction and placed some blame for the ruined fabric.

  • Love 16

Sorry designers, but a little paintball is a small price to pay, because FASHION is PAIN!  *LOL*


The Boys + Merline.   How awesome is that name for a fashion line?  


Gorgeous.  I liked every piece.  Even twee little Blake's dress didn't suck, but he needs to STFU.  And I'm still loving Swapnil over & above anybody else. 


Laurie is a gossipy little back-stabbing bitch.  Straight up.  And Ashley & her last pick status, and "I'm so done" drama was just pathetic.  She was just waiting for a chance to scream "Bullies!", and as soon as she didn't get her way and didn't have her ass kissed, the persecution complex came out and she got combative.  Yes, she won 1 challenge on her own, but SHARED the 2nd win with Candice.  You didn't get both solo, sweetie.  Step off and get a grip.  


For the ladies, their clothes all matched Kelly Osbourne's hair.  And if they didn't want Candice to lead, then they should have FREAKIN.SAID. SOMETHING.  Candice took the lead because nobody else stepped up.  


Edmond & Swapi knocked it out of the park. 

Edited by leighdear
  • Love 16

I think Candice should have been called out because she 'took the lead' and nothing worked out, if she was going to claim to know best, to go to each designer and tell them what to do or not to do then she should have been called on that, whether or not her design was OK, which I don't think it was, that top was very poorly constructed.

On the flip side of that, Swapnil seemed to be the one to take the lead for the other team and he was totally supportive and helpful. I hope he gets the win.

I think Ashley would have looked better if she had just stood strong, pointed out the good things of her design and construction and placed some blame for the ruined fabric.

I predict Swapnil for the win, as in winning this season's Project Runway.
  • Love 9

The blue splatter teams designs were pretty and classy. Blake is weinie, but he's a good artist. I wish he'd stop acting so stupid, it's not cute. Poor Swapnil loses again but Edmond did deserve the win.

I hate Kelly Osbourne but she was right. The girl team was a bitch fest. I hate schoolyard picks and I can't believe they picked Ashley last. I felt so bad for her. I thought their collection as a whole did not turn out as bad as I thought it would. In the workroom the fabric all looked like an Easter bunny puked all over everything. Not that some of those designs were good but there were some that weren't that bad either IMO.

I thought Kelly would have liked the purple collection because...well, she was sitting there with purple hair. Amanda deserved to go home, she did make the same dress twice and both were not too good.

  • Love 23

We got it all tonight. Picking my teams by playground rules, dodge/paint ball. Someone just being way to smart for the room (Candace), the "it's not my fault" loser and even.. the girl who gets along  with all the guys! 

I am glad Laurie said.. something... because that San Francisco Lady story was just a hot mess (Candace again). And seems like they were all secretly prepared to Dump Ashley under a Rickshaw. I am so tired of " thrown under the bus ".  I thought Candace and Ashley considered themselves friends of sorts after their win together. 

Kelly really should've gone, but I guess Amanda had been on the bottom too many times to ignore. 

  • Love 22

Re Ashley's color: you could tell it was makeup: tears don't leave streaks like that if it was her skin color.


Anyone else notice the very quick "oops" moment when Blake went to cuddle up to Ashley's boobs after defending her and she reached out to draw him in...had to laugh.


I agree that Candace needed the biggest ding for failure to create or foster a vision.  And I think the judges got that (I think more came out on the runway than the editors left us with).


The Boys (and Merline) did good:  Nice clothes, lovely print, and excellent use of the source overalls.

Edited by DHDancer
  • Love 8

Amanda was absolutely the correct person to go home only because anyone other than Amanda and Lindsay might have prompted Tim to use his save. We've got a lot more dead weight before Tim can bust that out. Amanda and the mean girls have no clue how odious they came across. When Amanda announced that she was auffed, her girls were upset and everyone else stood up to be polite.

I really don't get Kelly's aesthetic. I always think that's she's younger than she is because who has such nostalgia for a decade you lived through. Half the fugly shit she wears and designs looks like it would be on Shop Jeen and that always makes me think that Kelly is 24.

I think Swapnil's didn't win because it looked good from far away, but you really had to get in very close to notice all of the details. Whereas Edmond's was very good from far away and up close. It also looked like it had a certain lightness that Swapnil's lacked. I loved Swapnil's, but it looked a little overwrought until they pointed out the shirt turned into a pocket.

Edited by HunterHunted
  • Love 13

When the school-yard pick is employed, a smart leader will chose some strong members they want to work with, and a few cannon fodder folks in case things go south.  Confidence is great, but you can't assume that a group of more than 3 people will be able to work together effectively & efficiently.  


We've seen very little of the individual personalities.  If Candice didn't immediately pick Ashley, maybe it's because she didn't actually LIKE working with her last week,  Yes, they won,  But that doesn't mean Candice likes Ashley and wanted to collaborate with her again. 

  • Love 7

I can understand on some level that Ashley was hurt at getting picked last.  I mean, I'm sure it brought back school yard memories of being picked last for some sports thing or something.  But I am surprised that she didn't take a moment and figure out that personal popularity with the other contestants isn't going to win her anything on this show and she should have just seen it as a challenge to get in there and make the best garment she could.   In some ways she was perfectly positioned to come out a "winner" even if she started out feeling like a loser because she ended up on the team that she has to have known had weaker designers on it than she is.  


None of the women's outfits were appealing at all.  Amanda has zero talent and seems completely delusional about her abilities.  Candice, who I thought was pretty cool and talented, took a step back tonight with her pick of Amanda and her lack of ability to mold the team into any kind of cohesive unit after putting herself into the leadership role.  And she designed an ugly outfit.  San Francisco?  Uh...no, not even close.   More like Bakersfield maybe (not to dump on Bakersfield or anything).


Swapnil should have won.

Edited by Dodginblue
  • Love 16

Ashley seems like a nice person and a talented designer but she needs to seriously butch up. It sucks getting picked last but someone is always going to be the last picked so get over it and design something awesome.

Surprisingly, I like Merline's look the best. I also liked Swapnil and Edmonds. Blake's was pretty too. It's refreshing to see the designers get along on a team challenge.

  • Love 12

None of the women covered themselves in glory tonight. Sure, it sucks to get picked last in what amounted to a popularity contest, but the mature reaction isn't to pout and refuse to participate and sad-sack your way through, as Ashley did. I thought Candice and Amanda and Kelly's mean girl shit was ridiculous, but worse, they seemed completely tone-deaf and clueless. And Laurie's "I'm not a gossipy person" shit-stirring was classic. Without taking the clothes into account, I was fine with any of them going home. (I admit I have a soft spot for Lindsey - I think she's funny and she's always honest about her own designs.)


Cheers for Swapnil and Edmond! Jeers for Joseph the chubby misogynist and his boring designs that he's so smug about, and perpetual jeers for Blake (though I will allow it was cool of him to stand up for Ashley...though she should be standing up for herself rather than crying about how everyone's so mean to her).

  • Love 10
And Ashley & her last pick status, and "I'm so done" drama was just pathetic.  She was just waiting for a chance to scream "Bullies!", and as soon as she didn't get her way and didn't have her ass kissed, the persecution complex came out and she got combative.

I have to agree with this.  Someone is always going to be last (can't get around it) so just deal.  Would have been a perfect opportunity to act like a grownup among tween girls and she did just the opposite.


And shame on Heidi for stirring so much shit that runway must have smelled something awful.


I really liked the blue collection.  They were smart to pick a concept.  It amazed me that no one on team Easter Eggs thought to nail down even basic common bullet points or make sure the different kinds of garments were begin addressed.  

Edited by backgroundnoise
  • Love 6

I really like Ashley, but really, someone had to be picked last. What do people see in Swapnil? I don't think he's attractive at all, and his accent bugs me.

I do think he is divine to look at, no lie. And as for the accent, one of the nitpickiest, bitchiest bosses I ever had was an Indian woman (second only to the boss from Hell...er, Mexico), and I have hated hearing that accent ever since. Until Swapnil opens his mouth that is...

Edited by Marmiarmo
  • Love 3

Oh Blake, you farm fresh little fashion twit...I have to throw out a bit of love your way tonight, with your flower power and your sticking up for Ashley.   That whole team did such a great job of listening to one another, and making sure it was a true runway show collection.


Really, there's no way to count how many times the Mini Malotte and I screamed at the television 'geeeeeezzz that's awful' and it wasn't just the clothes from Team Suck - there was some sort of nasty attitude going on there, I could smell it in my living room.  It's like bickering over who gets the new crayons and not the older ones, it's not life threatening but it's oh so petty.  And true, Ashley could have a thicker skin and will need it in the fashion industry, but we know by now how the manipulations and madness of these types of shows work to set up the emotions even more.  I can tell you that being picked last...it doesn't hurt now all these years later but I can remember it being painful at the time.  Now we'll just have to see how the next few episodes go, hopefully she gets mad and shakes it off rather than wallow in the mire.


Uh, and oh Amanda - word to you.  Yeah, it is your fault you are going home, because if your design was all that you'd still be there. She's not very self aware, and I can't see her getting much further in the business.  Unless she actually gets some talent overnight.  


Oh gawd, please don't let this season turn into Gretchen Fest...cause I really couldn't take that again.   

Edited by CherryMalotte
  • Love 19


Amanda has zero talent and seems completely delusional about her abilities

Amanda and Candice were both hoping their positive attitude that "Something cohesive will come out if we all just be creative!" would somehow coast on through to brilliance. No ideas there, just "something will happen!" and it will be magical and we'll all win and sunshine and puppies and holding hands and see Amanda, you're a great person after all! 


Forced group delusion. 

  • Love 16

I thought the right person went home, and would have been v. happy for Swapnil to win but was fine with Edmond. Kind of wished they'd asked the top team who should win!

Choosing Amanda seemed very tactical: she's been on the bottom enough that she's really motivated to succeed, but if things go south she's the easy target. The whole Ashley thing: ugh. Lots of foreshadowing for this with all her previous talking heads about being insecure, and I totally get why she would shut down, but as Kelly O said, you have to have a thicker skin to succeed in fashion. Candice did go a little over the top with the "Do I have to design and sew it for you now?" TH, but besides that, was Laurie's secondhand "I heard them talking" the only evidence of the backstabbing plot? (I am not a Blake fan, but cheered when he came out with "You're mean girls!" If only they would take that to heart)

My mom asked how Kelly O came to be a fashion designer, and I said "Famous parent," but I thought she really did contribute some good feedback.

  • Love 9


I don't believe for one minute that Ashley whined her way through the challenge or failed to contribute fully.

Agreed. She even commented on the fact they were speaking over each other often. I also can't believe she didn't at least once say to them all they were lacking a cohesive plan. Just to say it. Even if she didn't follow up on it. 


She definitely shut down during the task, but I guess I feel for her, being stuck on a team who didn't pick her to begin with and wouldn't listen to her during the challenge.

  • Love 11

Yes, someone had to be picked last, but this early in the competition when someone who has won or co-won 2 challenges is picked last, they can only be left to think that it wasn't because of their abilities but because of who they are as people. That's a pretty tough pill to swallow for *anyone* let alone a young woman who has probably seen her share of bullying. Ashley does need to toughen up, though, if she wants to make a living in an industry that at best ignores women her size and at worst demonizes them.


It really did have that high school vibe to it, almost a cliche really or it should be, the skinny pretty girls ganging up on the weight challenged classmate who wears her heart on her sleeve and is easily bullied because of it.   It was so transparent i almost wondered if they'd all been told to act that way.   


I was also taken aback by Ashley and her moment of revelation about how she now realized that she was all alone and no one would have her back.  She can't really be that naive, that she hadn't already figured that out?  It's a competition, you're not all in it together, someone has to lose every episode and no one is going to feel bad that it's you.  No one is going to help you win.   

  • Love 14


I was also taken aback by Ashley and her moment of revelation about how she now realized that she was all alone and no one would have her back.  She can't really be that naive, that she hadn't already figured that out?

I wonder if it wasn't a case of everything having gone so perfectly so far in the competition lulling her into a false sense of camaraderie. Everyone has been very buddy buddy and sharing so far and having won so much I think she was getting a sugar coated experience up until now. (Didn't Edmund say something about people not seeming to realize this was a competition a few episodes ago?)



She seemed pretty betrayed by the school yard pick and not being Candice's first choice after having such a good working relationship together last time. 


She's young and took it all personally.




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