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S06.E09: Run Away

Tara Ariano
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Maybe my timing is off then but Vee clearly did not want to move away from her family and will likely need them a lot throughout her pregnancy but Jo was all about moving now, rather than coming up with a plan that made things better for everyone, Vee and his new baby included.

I understand what you're trying to say and I agree. If a situation arose where Vee wanted to move back home and gave Jo an ultimatum, I think Jo would choose to stay with Isaac. In a weird way he seems more attached to Kail, Javi and the two boys than he does to Vee.

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I just watched this episode last night...

• Chelsea & Cole are adorable. She deserves someone like him. I just wish she'd stop talking to him in that baby voice. Chelsea is a great mother- but Aubree is spoiled. She needs discipline. I don't like that Aubree is talking about Adam being in jail. She shouldn't even know about that! I know that Adam's made mistakes & that he's a douche bag. But he is Aubree's father. He cares about her and he wants to be in her life and he should be.

•• Was anyone else waiting for Kail to start flipping out on Jo while they were talking? I was surprised that it didn't happen- even though Jo agreed with everything Kail said. I usually agree with Javi- but wow. He was being a total butt. If he doesn't trust her alone with Jo, that's a problem.

••• Oh my- Jenelle. She said she had to take care of HER OWN son for a whole month! Wow. I laughed at her when she was talking to Nathan on the phone. That is until she started trying to guilt Nathan into coming home by saying that she wanted Kaiser to wake up to both of his parents. She's more worried about HER waking up to Nathan. She also said something like she hasn't touched another man's skin for 2 years. WTF?

What happened to Nathan? He suddenly got some sense. I never thought I'd say this but I agree with him.. She & Nathan shouldn't be together. He should have custody of Kaiser too. This is going to make it harder for Jenelle to get custody of Jace & that's great.

•••• Last but not least-- Leah. Why would her Mom do that?? It takes a lot of strength to be vulnerable and admit that you have a problem. It took a lot of strength for her to leave those girls to go get help too. I'm so glad that she decided to go back. I hope she does. I don't think that she should talk to her Mom while she's there- but I know she will. I just hope she gets better & focuses on herself and the girls. I hope that Corey doesn't use the divorce against her to get the girls.

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I have a question about the private school. Is Isaac really in private school? Where is this info? If he is in private school, is it because he has not been vaccinated? Are private schools exempt from having to enforce that students be vaccinated? 


Private schools are not exempt.  I don't know about Delaware, but here in California, you can't even send your kid to an unlicensed in-home daycare without them being vaccinated (thank god.) 

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I understand what you're trying to say and I agree. If a situation arose where Vee wanted to move back home and gave Jo an ultimatum, I think Jo would choose to stay with Isaac. In a weird way he seems more attached to Kail, Javi and the two boys than he does to Vee.

Thank you for understanding. No matter what I entered, I felt like I was not being clear. The vibe that I got was that Jo would have been perfectly willing to move and leave Vee behind pregnant or not because being involved with this child is just that important. But, by doing that, he'd be creating a repeat of the situation by being far away from the new baby. If we are to believe that his flippant "Whatever" attitude conversation took place before they knew she was expecting, then it's a moot point but I still get this vibe that Vee takes a backseat to everything. 

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Thank you for understanding. No matter what I entered, I felt like I was not being clear. The vibe that I got was that Jo would have been perfectly willing to move and leave Vee behind pregnant or not because being involved with this child is just that important. But, by doing that, he'd be creating a repeat of the situation by being far away from the new baby. If we are to believe that his flippant "Whatever" attitude conversation took place before they knew she was expecting, then it's a moot point but I still get this vibe that Vee takes a backseat to everything.

I agree that Jo would stay with Isaac over Vee and their baby girl, if Vee chose to come home to NJ. I've thought for a long time that Vee wanted to have a baby so bad in hopes that she would have equal status with Kail and Isaac, and Jo might pick her first for a change.

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Private schools are not exempt.  I don't know about Delaware, but here in California, you can't even send your kid to an unlicensed in-home daycare without them being vaccinated (thank god.)


CA is very different. They just had that new law passed. In WV and LA, you can only get a medical exemption. Every other state allows for a philosophical and/or religious exemption. Now, I suppose a private school could make their own rules since they are not state funded, but I don't know how often that happens.

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I don't believe for a second that it was aubrees idea to call cole dad. And even though marriage is not a guarantee Chelsea has said that she does want to be married and she wants to be married before she has other kids. So she does not have the commitment that she wants but is firmly placing cole as a father figure in aubrees life. That sounds like a bad idea to me



I don't think Chelsea explicitly told Aubree to call Cole "dad" but she's definitely been obvious about replacing Adam with Cole. For what it's worth, I don't think she's a horrible person for wanting a good father for her child. I just wish she'd held off on moving him in until they were engaged or married.



I agree with these, especially "she's definitely been obvious about replacing Adam with Cole."


All these girls are so in love with the idea of playing house. They don't necessarily need a marriage license but they need to be mature adults whose time together is measured in years and not mere months. They are only in their early 20s - the chance they're with their life partner is very slim.


Calling Chelsea's boyfriend "Dad" is totally inappropriate and I'm sure it was encouraged. Why in the world would Aubree start calling her Mom's friend/boyfriend "Dad." She knows she has a Dad and she's always delighted to see him. Hopefully Aubree won't have to go through as many "new daddies" as the other Teen Mom kids!

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CA is very different. They just had that new law passed. In WV and LA, you can only get a medical exemption. Every other state allows for a philosophical and/or religious exemption. Now, I suppose a private school could make their own rules since they are not state funded, but I don't know how often that happens.


Private schools still have to comply with state guidelines.  They're typically on par with rules for public schools with respect to vaccination and other health issues.  I know this is totally off topic, but I wonder if Kail is anti-vax.  It wouldn't surprise me.  She's not too bright and crosses me as the type to jump on that particular bandwagon because it's trendy and selfish, which is totally in her wheelhouse.

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Yes, Kail has NOT had her boys vaccinated. This was a topic on the old board. I won't get into the whole vaccination debate because some have valid reasons for doing it and others, like Kail, just seem to jump on the bandwagon, just because it is the thing to do. Kail also had her placenta dried up into pill form after she had Lincoln.


I know here in California, with the new law that was passed, it makes it very hard for kids who are not vaccinated, to enter school. Since Kail is in Pennsylvania, I am not aware of how the law works there.


ETA: Here is Pennsylvania requirements:



Children need not be immunized if the parent, guardian or emancipated child objects in writing to the immunization on religious grounds or on the basis of a strong moral or ethical conviction similar to a religious belief.  Medical exemptions are also allowed.

Edited by GreatKazu
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This show is becoming monotonous and nothing resembling a teen mom show. It's like a bad z list celebrity shitshow that is milking it's last gasps. It's not even a good soap opera because they lie and hide the true stories. The rest is boring. It's time to pull the plug after this season because it's run its course, imo.

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I actually believe Chelsea when she says the Aubree came up with it by herself.  Aubree probably looks at other families with one "Mum", one "Dad" and one kid and projects it onto her own house, Chelsea specifically said that Aubree wants to call Cole "Dad" when he moves in.  I think that it is more symptomatic of Aubree wanting a dad at home rather than anything else.  

For all the criticism of Chelsea about this, she hasn't actually given Aubree the green light.  I thought that Chelsea sounded a bit torn.  Clearly she does want Cole to be Aubree's father figure but I don't think that she consciously pushed Aubree towards the "Dad" thing, unlike Kail and Leah.  

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This show is becoming monotonous and nothing resembling a teen mom show. It's like a bad z list celebrity shitshow that is milking it's last gasps. It's not even a good soap opera because they lie and hide the true stories. The rest is boring. It's time to pull the plug after this season because it's run its course, imo.


But what will become of our Thursday nights and Friday morning forum episode analysis?

I guess I will have to do something more constructive -sigh-

Lol, I agree, it has run its course and time for these moms to live life like every other hard working person *eh hem* 9-5 job.

I just want Kailyn to come to terms that she is not a "Hollywood housewife" and just a normal mom that needs to raise her kids. Forget the expensive purses and endless supply of scarves and back to Payless for the bogo sales that I'm happy to partake in on my day off from my JOB. :-)

Edited by Calm81
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I actually believe Chelsea when she says the Aubree came up with it by herself.  Aubree probably looks at other families with one "Mum", one "Dad" and one kid and projects it onto her own house,


Aubrey only has to look at her own family to know that homes are often split.  Her grandfather doesn't live with her grandmother.  I would bet there are other divorced family members and single parents in the school she goes to. 


At one point Chelsea thought it was super adorable that Aubrey called Cole her boyfriend.  Hopefully Randy will give her sensible advice, meaning to wait on this. 

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I thought the moving for Isaac talk with Vee came before they knew she was pregnant? Plus, I definitely assumed that was a convo just for the show and they had already had plenty of convos about how Jo felt and was thinking about moving. I've seen nothing to indicate Jo won't care just as much about his 2nd child and be a great father to that child. And I don't even like Jo generally.

I think people were saying it was an editing trick and that Vee looked pregnant in the clip even though, on the show, the pregnancy had not been announced.


Lots of couples end up having to leave home and family to be together and still survive. At least she's only a drive away. They have a choice where to live. Isaac doesn't so I see nothing wrong with Jo choosing to live close to Isaac.

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At one point Chelsea thought it was super adorable that Aubrey called Cole her boyfriend.

Yep. I thought that was odd.

I'm also willing to bet that Chelsea was all "awwwwwww" and clearly happy thinking it was adorbs when Aubree called Cole dad the first time(s) so even if Chelsea isn't verbally encouraging it I'm sure she has with her behavior and reactions. I wonder what Cole thinks about it.. Chelsea has always seemed obsessed with the idea of having a "family" - remember all the drama over her supposedly having to chose between "her family" (aka Adam) and her ACTUAL family (aka her dad, mom and every one else that strongly objected to her repeatedly getting back with Adam)?

Edit: oh god, please no at the drama over Kail vaccinating or not! It doesn't even pertain to the episode at all...

Edited by Rebecca
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Yes, Kail has NOT had her boys vaccinated. This was a topic on the old board. I won't get into the whole vaccination debate because some have valid reasons for doing it and others, like Kail, just seem to jump on the bandwagon, just because it is the thing to do. Kail also had her placenta dried up into pill form after she had Lincoln.

Oh holy hell, vaccinating is one of my hot buttons. 


I can totally see Kailyn not doing it for non-medical reasons.


Ey yi yi,

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I think the whole calling other adults Mom or Dad is tricky especially when young children are involved. My mother passed away and when my Dad remarried I was really eager to call her Mom. I think a lot of it had to do with wanting a Mom and wanting her to treat me like her own child (she had a daughter from a previous relationship and we were never treated the same). My father didn't encourage or discourage it. But when they separated less than a year later I felt very angry. I get Aubree calling Cole Dad because she wants a dad like Cole. However as the parent I think Chelsea should discourage it.

I don't think 10 months is long enough to decide to live together. I feel like with my husband we knew pretty quickly that our relationship was going to last. I also am not going to complain about them not being engaged perhaps he's saving for a ring or they want to wait X amount of time first. I don't feel like Chelsea is rushing things especially compared to the other girls.

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Question: when one parent has primary custody and they other pays support, is the child support paying parent ever able to say "I'm sorry but I just can't afford these activities"? Like a married couple might say "hmm okay we can afford private school" or "we can't afford karate and soccer and piano lessons and hockey so we have to pick just one" but is Kail able to basically enroll Isaac in any school and sign him up for whatever activity he wants and then Jo just has to pay for half of it, or whatever percentage it is? That seems a little unfair if that's how it goes. I guess the same goes for anything related to the child, like maybe Jo would decide to buy isaacs clothes at target but Kail decides to get them at j crew for kids and then Jo just has to pay for whatever Kail decides? I don't know how it works so maybe this is a dumb question.

I don't know. Remember, Kail won't allow him to take Isaac to get a hair cut. Clothes might make her explode.

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You know, I am not sure. All this moving around business. I can't keep up either. lol


I'm sure he is. It's very well known she lives in Dover, Delaware. Here in Texas you have to live in the district to attend that school. I'm not sure about private schools or other states but She wouldn't be able to enroll him on Pennsylvaina without living in that schools district.

With Jo living so close what is Kail going to do when Isaac asks to go to dads on non visitation days? Is she going to stomp and tell him no, it's her day?! I could see that.

Edited by Mkay
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I'm sure he is. It's very well know she lives in Dover, Delaware. Here in Texas you have to live in the district to attend that school. I'm not sure about private schools or other states but She wouldn't be able to enroll him on Pennsylvaina without living in that schools district.

With Jo living so close what is Kail going to do when Isaac asks to go to dads on non visitation days? Is she going to stomp and tell him no, it's her day?! I could see that.

I know in private schools, at least in my state, they admit children from out of state. I went to a private school and we had at least 3 families that drove from a neighboring state each day. And it was like an hour and a fifteen minute drive!

I view a lot of scenarios involving Kailyn being the ultimate petty jerk as not all that likely but that one I could sadly see. If not outright tell him not to go to Jo's I could see her guilt tripping him hard to stay at her house or even bribing him.

Edited by Rebecca
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Yes, Kail has NOT had her boys vaccinated. This was a topic on the old board. I won't get into the whole vaccination debate because some have valid reasons for doing it and others, like Kail, just seem to jump on the bandwagon, just because it is the thing to do. Kail also had her placenta dried up into pill form after she had Lincoln.


I know here in California, with the new law that was passed, it makes it very hard for kids who are not vaccinated, to enter school. Since Kail is in Pennsylvania, I am not aware of how the law works there.


ETA: Here is Pennsylvania requirements:



Children need not be immunized if the parent, guardian or emancipated child objects in writing to the immunization on religious grounds or on the basis of a strong moral or ethical conviction similar to a religious belief.  Medical exemptions are also allowed.

 Ugggh of COURSE she's an anti-vaxxer!!!  I hate her even more now.

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I'm sure he is. It's very well know she lives in Dover, Delaware. Here in Texas you have to live in the district to attend that school. I'm not sure about private schools or other states but She wouldn't be able to enroll him on Pennsylvaina without living in that schools district.

With Jo living so close what is Kail going to do when Isaac asks to go to dads on non visitation days? Is she going to stomp and tell him no, it's her day?! I could see that.


Oh yeah she's already said she didn't want him going over there on HER days.  She's so ridiculously petty.

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Yes, Kail has NOT had her boys vaccinated. This was a topic on the old board. I won't get into the whole vaccination debate because some have valid reasons for doing it and others, like Kail, just seem to jump on the bandwagon, just because it is the thing to do. Kail also had her placenta dried up into pill form after she had Lincoln.

I know here in California, with the new law that was passed, it makes it very hard for kids who are not vaccinated, to enter school. Since Kail is in Pennsylvania, I am not aware of how the law works there.

ETA: Here is Pennsylvania requirements:


Children need not be immunized if the parent, guardian or emancipated child objects in writing to the immunization on religious grounds or on the basis of a strong moral or ethical conviction similar to a religious belief. Medical exemptions are also allowed.

Eww. Who does that. I never ever heard of that. And isn't Kali an atheist?

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Don't want to steer too far off topic, but am guessing Kail is an anti-vaxxer due to the terribly flawed and now discredited study that vaccinations cause autism. As a teacher, I have had several parents over the years opt out of vaccines for kids for more "granola" reasons. These parents tend to be very health conscious and concerned about toxins and the environment. Unlike Kail, they don't drive huge gas guzzlers, wear fugly scarves, punch their boyfriends or act like idiot soccer moms. I think just like the hate thing, she is desperately trying to be cool.

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That said, my first impressions of Cole are way better than my opinion of Javi. Cole seems to shy away from the spotlight a little whereas Javi is way too Big Papi on Twitter and loving all of the attention.



I do take his reluctance to appear on camera as a positive sign though. He isn't a famewhore trying to use Chelsea for his fifteen minutes, which is rare for a Teen Mom boyfriend.


'Eh, I think Cole is settling into this Teen Mom thing like a champ. Not exactly reluctant to appear anymore, and using his relationship with Chelsea to hawk shit on Instagram just like the rest. His sister in law is getting in on the act too. And before anyone assumes otherwise, no I'm not knocking their hustle. Hashtag it up with #teenmom2 and #chelseahouska to their hearts content. It just makes it look an awful lot like he's taking advantage of an opportunity to use her celebrity. 


Re: Chelsea vs the rest of this bunch - she lucked out. Even with Randy doing everything but wiping her ass, it STILL took the girl forever to stop bouncing in A-D-A-M's bed and get her damned GED and license. Kail is a beast but she did at least get her GED and AA, and got married. She also managed to raise Issac for a good while without a Daddy to whine to every 10 seconds. She then got married and had a second child and bought a home. If she wasn't such an unpleasant being, Chelsea wouldn't look like the winner in this race to the bottom.


The only reason she DOESN'T have a Lincoln, Keiser or Addy isn't because she was smarter or more together than the others - it's because HER "oops" resulted in a late period, not a baby. She'd be getting SLAMMED for being stupid enough to have another baby with Adam. And she was stupid enough, all right - she just got lucky ... this time.  I fully expect a baby announcement if she's still with Cole in a year. She hasn't changed her little "I wanted to make a family soooo bad and it didn't work with A-D-A-M, and now I have that with Cole." 

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Yay, Labor Day. I can watch last weeks episode. Quick question, if Leah flew to treatment in another state, and Mama Dawn is planning on driving three kids under the age of 6 to same place, rehab can't be too far away. How far is the rehab, is there really rehab? I can drive to Dallas in 4 hours, and it's a 45 minute flight. Why didn't Leah drive to rehab if it was so close? Agree with previous posters, she never was going to rehab, she was going to hole up in a hotel for awhile.

Mama Dawn is an idiot. And, I am disgusted with Chelsea talking about "real school." I teach preK in a public school. I have a Master's Degree and work just as long and hard as my elementary school teacher peers. Every year I run into parents of former students who thank me for establishing a solid language, literacy and math foundation for their child. Trust me Chelsea, preK is real school.

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 And, I am disgusted with Chelsea talking about "real school." I teach preK in a public school. I have a Master's Degree and work just as long and hard as my elementary school teacher peers. Every year I run into parents of former students who thank me for establishing a solid language, literacy and math foundation for their child. Trust me Chelsea, preK is real school.


That's why that whole "graduation" with caps and gowns at the age of 5 is so stupid.  What were the requirements for this graduation?  None?  Then it's not a graduation.  It's going from pre-school to kindergarten. 

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I've never understood the deal with preschool graduations either. Same thing with 8th grade graduations being a big deal, you're just continuing on to high school.

I hope Chelsea will make school a priority in Aubree's life since it didn't seem to be one in Chelsea's.

Edited by Rebecca
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Preschool graduations are just for the parents.  I used to think they were stupid until I was dropping off my daughter at her daycare (which goes up to pre-k) and they were preparing for their little "graduation" with the caps and gowns and stuff.  I almost started bawling just seeing it and my daughter is only 8 months old.  I'm going to be certifiable at both her and her brother's preschool "graduations"


Also, I know what Chelsea meant about the "real school" thing.  She just meant elementary school, as opposed to pre-school.  I really didn't read much into it. 

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'Eh, I think Cole is settling into this Teen Mom thing like a champ. Not exactly reluctant to appear anymore, and using his relationship with Chelsea to hawk shit on Instagram just like the rest.

It's so funny because after I wrote that comment about Cole not being a famewhore, I checked out his Instagram and saw that he's shilling workout supplements. I gave a big eye roll, I definitely gave him the benefit of the doubt way too soon:)

Regarding preschool graduations, I think they're absurd. I can see doing an end of year party and giving the kids a small certificate, but caps and gowns? Give me a break.

Edited by BitterApple
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Sweet Jesus, Kail is crazy. "KICK THE BALLLLL!!!! ISAAC, RUUUUUNN!!!!" Um, chillax, bitch. He's five years old, and he just learned like 5 minutes ago that he was supposed to kick the ball towards the other team's goal. Jo and Vee were cute and funny. Javi seemed engaged and supportive, but also patient. It was only Karl being crazy, once again.

I know it was a typo, but I love "Karl" ...Kail is so burly, that it fits her perfectly, at least in my childish mind.

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Corey is my hero. Did Dawn really think she could tell not ask, but tell Corey she is taking the girls to see their mother but can't disclose where she is taking them. Dawn, a blind person can see your daughter is addicted to drugs, that whole town probably knows, so stop thinking you are protecting Leah from the world knowing she has gone to rehab. Dawn looked pretty jacked up to me. Then she c alls Leah and interjects her opinion about what is going to go down as opposed to what Corey actually said. I don't think Dawn wanted Leah to go to rehab in the first place so why not do what you can to get her to leave. So sad.

YES!!! He has every right to know where his kids are at all times, especially when they are going to be traveling. It's not like the REHAB is ten miles away, that bitch had to get on a plane to get there, which means the girlses would also.

Dawn said she had been upset all day, by what Corey said, really? No, I t just took you all day to think of a way to twist his words around, so you could rattle Leah. Disgusting!

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I finished nursery school in 1974? And we had a graduation then - I think we might have had construction paper hats, but it's not a new thing is my point.


I also had an 8th grade graduation ceremony, which I think is associated with more rural areas, where in the past, that might have been the last promotion ceremony people got.


I did think it was ABSURD for Adam to claim that he remembered his nursery school graduation and that he got nothing out of it. First of all, I don't believe that he remembers it and secondly I think it may have been the first in a long line of events that he's "gotten nothing out of." 

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Without being offensive, Javi and Vee are Puerto Rican.  PR's greet each other hello, goodbye and everything in between w cheek kisses.  I say this as the wife of a Puerto Rican who spends 45min just saying good night at Thanksgiving  because each and every damn relative in the room expects that cheek kiss. A wave good bye just wont do.

Yep! Exactly what I was thinking, Latins do the cheek kiss hello and goodbye.

Of course Karl (snicker) will not like that at all, she will have issue with them being too ethnic in front of Issaac, as she did when Jo dressed him and cut his hair in a non-Caucasian manner, according to her.

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I don't know. Remember, Kail won't allow him to take Isaac to get a hair cut. Clothes might make her explode.

I hope Jo takes Isaac shopping for a boatload of clothes. I'd love to finally see Karl blow his head off.


Karl is not a typing error. It started out as an error due to auto-correct. It stuck since Karl suits Kail Lowry much better.


Does anyone else remember when the camera caught a painting by Isaac on Karl's refrigerator and it read "Isaac Lowry"?



I finished nursery school in 1974? And we had a graduation then - I think we might have had construction paper hats, but it's not a new thing is my point.


I also had an 8th grade graduation ceremony, which I think is associated with more rural areas, where in the past, that might have been the last promotion ceremony people got.


No, they are definitely not a new thing. I recall pre-school and kindergarten graduations back in the 70s.


Eighth grade graduations are not a rural thing. They happen all over. Big city, small towns, they happen all over.

Edited by SPLAIN
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Does anyone else remember when the camera caught a painting by Isaac on Karl's refrigerator and it read "Isaac Lowry"?

I didn't catch that, but it doesn't surprise me. What point in the episode was it? I'd like to be on the lookout for it if I watch it again.

I would be supremely shocked if Isaac's legal name was Lowry. I would bet significant amounts of money against it. I'm as sure as I could possibly be that his surname was Rivera at birth, and in order to change it, wouldn't it require the consent of both parents? Jo was always around, on the birth certificate, etc. If Kail has him go by her last name just because, she's a fucking bitch. It's not fair to him to make him go by the wrong surname, just because it feeds her ego. I'm not really into the whole patriarchal tradition, but let the kid have his name.

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I didn't catch that, but it doesn't surprise me. What point in the episode was it? I'd like to be on the lookout for it if I watch it again.

I would be supremely shocked if Isaac's legal name was Lowry. I would bet significant amounts of money against it. I'm as sure as I could possibly be that his surname was Rivera at birth, and in order to change it, wouldn't it require the consent of both parents? Jo was always around, on the birth certificate, etc. If Kail has him go by her last name just because, she's a fucking bitch. It's not fair to him to make him go by the wrong surname, just because it feeds her ego. I'm not really into the whole patriarchal tradition, but let the kid have his name.

I have no idea, hon. I wish I could pin-point the episode. I just recall some posters catching that painting on the refrigerator (me included). I do know the conversation took place on the old message board. I know, that doesn't help much. :-)  I would guess Isaac was in daycare or pre-k. I can't say for sure. I am certain "Rivera" is his last name. I think someone did some checking to confirm he has Jo's last name. I agree, if Kail could have, she would have omitted Jo's last name from her child's life.


Jenelle certainly has mental problems, Leah is an addict. Karl is just vile.

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I have no idea, hon. I wish I could pin-point the episode. I just recall some posters catching that painting on the refrigerator (me included). I do know the conversation took place on the old message board. I know, that doesn't help much. :-) I would guess Isaac was in daycare or pre-k. I can't say for sure. I am certain "Rivera" is his last name. I think someone did some checking to confirm he has Jo's last name. I agree, if Kail could have, she would have omitted Jo's last name from her child's life.

Jenelle certainly has mental problems, Leah is an addict. Karl is just vile.

Oh, I thought it was from like the last episode or something! That makes sense, I used to lurk some, but not much so this is the first I'm hearing of it. I was absolutely certain that Isaac had the name Rivera, and I'm certain that Lincoln's last name is Marroquin. Jo seems like a pretty family oriented guy, as does Javi. I think for both of them, the idea that their sons wouldn't have the family name would be unheard of. I'm sure Kail would love nothing more than for both of her sons to be Lowrys (and this is in NO WAY meant to be a dig at women who hyphenated their kids names or gave them their own surnames. Just a dig at Kailyn) just because that makes them more "hers." I think Kail hates that her kids have a family and life outside of her, and would like to be their only family, because they are her only family. I think she's jealous of her sons, and their big, loving extended families.

This is so random, but I can see Kailyn having another child in like 10-12 years when her kids are teens (and Javi is long gone) via a sperm donor, so that she wouldn't have any competition. As much as she loves her child support checks, if she was in a financially solid place, I could see her valuing having someone that was solely hers more than the check. There are other people to grift off of, anyway.

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This is so random, but I can see Kailyn having another child in like 10-12 years when her kids are teens (and Javi is long gone) via a sperm donor, so that she wouldn't have any competition. As much as she loves her child support checks, if she was in a financially solid place, I could see her valuing having someone that was solely hers more than the check. There are other people to grift off of, anyway.

To the bolded part, I just wonder how long he is going to tolerate Karl? I think for the most part, Javi is there because he knows if he divorces Karl, he is going to be in the exact same boat as Jo. Javi is there more for Lincoln than he is for Karl.

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Many of my Puerto Rican clients have birth certificates that list their given name and two surnames( fathers last name first and then mother's). maybe the Rivera's practice this and Isaac's legal name is Isaac Rivera-Lowry. Of course Kail would take advantage and just cut the Rivera part out!

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Yay, Labor Day. I can watch last weeks episode. Quick question, if Leah flew to treatment in another state, and Mama Dawn is planning on driving three kids under the age of 6 to same place, rehab can't be too far away. How far is the rehab, is there really rehab? I can drive to Dallas in 4 hours, and it's a 45 minute flight. Why didn't Leah drive to rehab if it was so close? Agree with previous posters, she never was going to rehab, she was going to hole up in a hotel for awhile.

Are you in San Antonio?

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To the bolded part, I just wonder how long he is going to tolerate Karl? I think for the most part, Javi is there because he knows if he divorces Karl, he is going to be in the exact same boat as Jo. Javi is there more for Lincoln than he is for Karl.

To kind of paraphrase Corey, how much can a man really take? He was cheated on repeatedly, criticized for working, criticized for not having enough money, and more. He really stuck around as long as he did because he knew that Leah would get more time with the girls (and probably because he had the sneaking suspicion that her skank ass would have another jerk boyfriend around them within ten minutes. Aaaaand she did) and he wouldn't be able to be around them as much. But Corey had a breaking point and I'm sure Javi will to. There's only so much shit anyone is willing to take.

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