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S02.E09: Episode 9

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I can totally understand why guys aren't drooling over Ashley I's looks , yet they are over Samantha's . Samantha doesn't know whether she's coming or going and changes her mind pretty much every second , but she's not whiny , crying every other sentence and immature in an Ashley type of way . IMO if I were a guy , Ashley's personality would turn me off the second I met her . All she does is cry and not get hints and make fun of people for being "old" . She's needy and doesn't act like a woman , she acts like a child . Plus Ashley doesn't have that kind of look where everyone would be attracted to. She has a very distinct look that u either like or u don't like .

Wasn't Dan hating on Samantha last week ? Now he's under the Samantha spell . Weird .

  • Love 6
I think Justin is so brutally unattractive. Even without the sunburn. Amber being like "he's so attractive" or whatever she said a few times - I did not get it. The Joe's and Chris Bukowkski's of the world are unattractive in a "meh, whatever" type of way, but I find Justin unattractive in a "get that man's face off my screen immediately" type of way. (I know that's shallow...)

This show is based on shallow, so...

  • Love 5
The guy who went on the date with Amber - Justin? He had the weirdest sunburn ever! His face and neck looked tan, but then his upper body did but with some strange white patches


I think the white spots were from the mike pack-harness necklace contraption

Then why don't any of the other guys have it?  Man you aren't kidding that sunburn was severe!  I agree with previous posters, Justin just seems so unattractive to me.  Between the sunburns, the 90's hair, and his bizarrely over plump lips--blarf.



Tanner is coming across as a gossipy mean boy who likes to try to be sly on the side.

IKR?!  Both he and Jade seems to be a bit judgmental IMO.  I just get the feeling that because they are the most solid relationship on the island they feel the have the authority to say what's right & wrong for everyone else.  Just shut up and go back to being boring please.



  • Love 8


Even her ecstatic reaction to Dan's having a tissue...classic design to make a man feel like the knight in shining armor.

Every time I have seen anyone cry on any of the Bachelor franchise shows,  they never have a tissue.  I am convinced that the lack of any nearby tissue box is done deliberately for what I guess the producers seem to think is dramatic effect for the camera.  But it just looks extremely uncomfortable for the audience to watch. It's very irritating, and if I were Sam and a guy actually had a tissue to offer me with (albeit fake) tears streaming down my face, I would indeed consider him a knight in shining armour.



Why didn't anyone give this man some sunscreen?!

The lack of any creature comfort other than alcohol seems to be a foreign concept to the producers of this franchise.  I doubt they are even willing to supply a band-aid, a bottle of aspirin or Pepto Bismol to these hapless participants.

Edited by Dittohead
  • Love 6

You know, Ashley I is really quite lovely, and every now and then I see glimpses of something that make me think she might be an okay person (someday, after some therapy, of course.) And then she writes a letter. Oh Ashley.

Samantha just seems terrible. Sure, she's pretty. But she's terrible. And it can't all be editing, because she's pretty snotty on Twitter too, from what I've seen. Please don't ever make her the bachelorette.

I'm left wondering what show Dan was promised in exchange for feigning interest in Samantha, because that has to be the reason, right? "Dan, The Man?" That's my current working title, but I'll take suggestions.

  • Love 3

I think Dan is just bored senseless, and decided to jump on the Samantha train to amp up the drama factor. (With producer prodding, of course)  He's being paid and is getting a free vacation, so there's no downside for him at this point to be a total man-whore!  *LOL*  He's done with Ashley S and Amber, so going after Samantha makes sense.  

  • Love 6

I sure think a lot less of Dan now. He was pretty mean-spirited, too, the way he intentionally maligned Joe's character, making out he's some kind of Supervillain. When he's basically just a manipulative dick in over his head with an even more manipulative woman.

And when that happens, it is good tv.  No one to feel bad for.
I don't feel bad for either Dan or Joe (or Samantha, for that matter.) I said I think less of Dan -- no sympathy to be found.

I was impressed with Tenley's handling of the Chris B date-ask. In the face of his persistent refusal to accept her answer of NO, she remained pleasant while being increasingly direct and trying to ensure the message got through his pickled noggin. Points to Joshua for swooping in to nab that great date - the food looked incredible.

She handled that so well. She really does seem like a sweetheart. And Joshua was definitely thinking on his feet. One of the more interesting dates, shopping at the market then dining with a world-class chef. Edited by Andromeda
  • Love 2
This ep was just bizarre. I kept feeling like I missed something - why did Samantha like Joe again? Why did she stop liking him later that day?


My take on this whole bizarro mess is that she really did like him, but she's kind of a sheep and ultimately decided she'd rather not damage her "Bachelor family" status by dating him any longer. But she's a moron, so she didn't realize it was too late by then - the damage had already been done. Also, I don't think it even occurred to her that she was out of his league until Joe said so. So then she's like, well my friends hate you AND even you think I can do better, so Bye, Felicia! 


Like many of you, I am so confused by Samantha's appeal. What kind of crazy juju whammy is she putting on these guys (and gals) to make them all want to bask in her supposedly divine presence? I get that men tend to be highly visual, but at what point does that dull, namby pamby personality start to taint the whole Samantha experience? She also has a seriously crappy sense of style (the hair, the clothes), but I get that most men don't care about that either. 

  • Love 6

Jared, Jared, Jared...when a woman refuses to honor your statement that you are not in to her, and then writes a huge missive about her love for you, DON'T keep giving her hope. Make a clean break even if it means that you will have to leave "paradise." Not only are you making it harder for her, you're really going to make it harder for yourself. There is no future prize in the Bachelor world that is worth what you are going to go through. No should mean no. However, when you keep redefining what no means, it will become worthless.

Seriously. I'm at a loss as to why he keeps stringing her along, when she's clearly the sort of woman (girl) who needs a firm no followed by a clean break. I guess he really wanted that rose. I don't get what's so awesome about Jared, either, at this point. He's kind of dull and wishy-washy.

I have to laugh at Ashley sharing her letter with the Interwebz, reading it aloud, no less. I could never do that in a thousand years -- not that I'd write a moony letter to a guy who'd told he me wasn't interested. These reality TV people are a different breed.

Edited by Andromeda
  • Love 4

I know it's irrational, but I want to wrestle Carly to the ground, pull her extensions out, and lowlight and tone the crap out of that brittle nest she calls hair. Her eyebrows would work that way. As it is, she's too Bert. As for the shitty crap on Amber and Jublia's head, I just don't have the energy for it. Maybe a monkey will snatch that shit off.

Dan looks like someone's grumpy old Uncle. In fact, most of these men aren't that hit, not even with low standards. I swear Nick looks like he's in rehab, all hollow eyed and liver spotted.

I don't like the concept of pairing off. There should be contests, and the winner picks first. If you get picked you can't say no. And the contests should be somewhat humiliating. Eating icky stuff and such.

  • Love 9

Ashley I wins in my book for being the least fickle person in that group.  She liked Jared from the start and stuck with him even if he seemingly doesn't reciprocate her feelings.  It might be hopeless but she's going to give it her all.   All these other "relationships" last about a hot minute until the next person comes along.


You see 'least fickle'; I see stalking and restraining orders in the future.

  • Love 12

At last, the great mystery of Who Is Dan Cox, and Why Is He on Bachelor in Paradise? was solved last night, when Carly slipped in that Dan is a good friend of her brother Zak. Aha, I said to myself, since Zak was getting married Carly felt sorry for poor lonely Dan and got him a spot on the show.  Obviously neither Dan nor Carly attended Zak's wedding, so that must have been by design, or else what the heck kind of friends and family does Zak have that they would choose this cheezy show over his wedding?


In other news, Sam is the classic pretty girl who failed to develop any interests and hence personality. I want to see her cast photo that they sent to all the guys that made them all drool over her before they hit the beach.  Must be somethin' else, because her real life persona is a dud. 



  • Love 7
ETA: Ashley tweeted that she'll read the whole letter aloud on Periscope (username ashleyiaco) at 1 PM Eastern/10 AM Pacific.



Oh wait, she meant 1 AM/10 PM (i.e. it's already on her profile).


Could you post the link to the exact site here?  I'm too lazy to hunt it down.


In other news, Sam is the classic pretty girl who failed to develop any interests and hence personality. I want to see her cast photo that they sent to all the guys that made them all drool over her before they hit the beach.  Must be somethin' else, because her real life persona is a dud.

I'm not getting the "OMG Samantha is soooo friggin gorgeous".  Yeah she is pretty but so is every girl on the show.  What is making her stand out so much?  And I never thought I would say this but I felt bad for Joe last night.  Poor sap, yeah he was way in over his head.


  • Love 1
But did Huuliea say she was trying to warn Sam about Joe being a putz?


I think she tried to do that a few episodes ago when she had her talk with Samantha but who knows for sure; events seem to be aired out of sequence....meaning someone can say something and it appears they are saying it that night but actually it was said days ago. *shrug*


Speaking of Samantha, I liked what Nick said about her simply wanting to get more Twitter followers (or something like that) Nick seems like he is too smart for this show BUT

it's odd for him to say that since he's the one that ends up with Samantha at the end. So I guess he really isn't all that smart


I guess I like this season but I kinda agree with Claire there is more backstabbing on this season than last.  I don't really remember it being nearly this bad last year.  I can see why people wanna leave "paradise"--people just seem to be more vile and meaner this time around.

Edited by Dirtybubble
  • Love 3

I think Samantha is pretty, but not drop-dead gorgeous.  And her personality doesn't seem like much at all.   What does she say other than that she doesn't like "drama?"   I DO think that the combination of light eyes (contact lens enhanced?  probably)  and dark hair can make a woman stand out.  It's kind of an exotic look.  


I did like seeing how Joe went from 'She's the most beautiful woman in the world, and she's dating me!'   to, 'Hell, I can do way better than her!'  once she dumped him


mu shu:


I know it's irrational, but I want to wrestle Carly to the ground, pull her extensions out, and lowlight and tone the crap out of that brittle nest she calls hair. Her eyebrows would work that way. As it is, she's too Bert. As for the shitty crap on Amber and Jublia's head, I just don't have the energy for it. Maybe a monkey will snatch that shit off.

.   Not irrational at all.  I can never tell who has extensions.  I always had long hair, so I assume women just grew their hair long. I wish I knew how to tell. 


   But Carly's hair is a mess - wrong color, dry and brittle.  AND her eyebrows are way too dark for her hair color.   On her Bachelor season, she had weird eyebrows, but that was more the fact that they looked like apostrophes.  She fixed the SHAPE, sort of, but the contrast between her hair color and eyebrow color is too great.  Yeah, dark blond, kind of golden,  hair, with highlights , shorter, with some layers, would be great on her.   She's not gorgeous, but she's cute, and she needs a hairstyle that fits her personality better. 

I recall a season of the Bachelor (I have no idea which one)  where it seemed like over half the women had the exact same hair color - whatever Clairol calls "Crayola yellow".   

  • Love 3

Random notes about closed-captioning:

Until "Bachelor in Paradise," the only times I used closed captioning were for shows such as "Downton Abbey" where I might have a little difficulty understanding one or two cast members' British accents. So that makes BIP the first show for which I need closed captioning in order to understand what my fellow Americans are saying. With all the mispronounced words, slurring, wrong grammar choices, etc. I can't understand half of what is being said if I simply watch the show.

Whoever did this episode's captioning does not know the difference between "passed" and "past." That initially made me sad, but, fortunately, the feeling "past." ☺

  • Love 5

Could you post the link to the exact site here?  I'm too lazy to hunt it down.


Ashley reading her letter.


Random notes about closed-captioning:

Whoever did this episode's captioning does not know the difference between "passed" and "past." That initially made me sad, but, fortunately, the feeling "past." ☺


I'm a CC addict--I've never watched an uncaptioned second of Game of Thrones or True Detective--and TB franchise shows (not sure who exactly employs them) have exceptional captions. When Ashley S. says "I like him a lot" in a weird voice, the captions say she's imitating Jim Carrey in Dumb and Dumber. One time Justin said "detour" when he meant "deter," and the captioner italicized it to draw attention to his error. Ha! So I can forgive the passed/past thing.

  • Love 9

I was actually a little worried for Tenley and JoshUA as they randomly tasted raw fruits and vegetables at the city market in the city of love.  Everyone knows in Mexico,  you have to treat your fruits and veggies in a bath of microdyne before consuming them.  I cringed everytime she tasted something.  I would also think for a picky eater, scallop ceviche wouldn't be high on her list of favorites and could again be hard on the stomach.


Jared must have zero dating experience, the note Ashley wrote him is straight out of jr high or high school.  Why does he keep stringing her along?  Especially when he had another guaranteed rose?  Get a clue Jared!  Maybe they've made some kind of deal so they can both stay on vacation?


Oh, Samantha, yes you are pretty.  I thought what Ashley S said was what all the guys were thinking, they are struck by her beauty and don't see the manipulator underneath.  It made no sense for her to tell Joe she was keeping him and then give a rose to Dan.  Perhaps that's the only way she thought she could be rid of Joe?  Dan really is the grandpa of the show, I don't think there's anyone there he's actually interested in, he just wanted a free pass for another week.


I missed Ashley S.'s date with Nic, I'll have to see what happened, I had no idea they had sort of coupled up.  Apparently, Tanner and Jade are as boring as they seem since they're pretty much never shown.


I think Carly is pretty, her hair is fine, she can't help her dark eyebrows.  She makes a great narrator, between she and Ashley S they have everyone figured out.

  • Love 3
I think Carly is pretty, her hair is fine, she can't help her dark eyebrows.


Except she CAN help the eyebrows.  They're new.   I recall on her Bachelor season, there were some comments about her weirdly shaped eyebrows, and she responded online  that her eyebrows don't grow.   She had something done after that, because the dark, bushy eyebrows are NOT what she had on the Bachelor. 

  • Love 5

TY for the link.

My jaw dropped during the first few seconds when she was going on about how life is just like a rom-com. She should have been more to the pt and just wrote "Dear Jared, I am writing to you from my padded cell in the asylum . . . . "

And not that I am an expert but I have seen two other Periscopes from Bach alums and hers was the worst. Not only are there the usual fans like the one who wrote "You look so beautiful without any makeup" when it was obvious that she had the full spackle on (which she even talked about) but most read aloud the comments and response so as not to have so much dead air instead of just staring at the screen reading. Obviously, she learned the "do nothing and act like a dead fish" method from watching her idol - Kim K - too many times.

Edited by OnceSane
  • Love 1

I actually thought Joe and Ashley I were kind of cute together these last few episodes. Around him, she's not a spazz and around her, he's sweet, smiling and not unhinged.


When Ashley S was giving out her rose they were all giggling. Her marveling at Samantha's beauty and dead bird ramblings mean the package finally arrived from Mesa Verde.


I couldn't even see the damning text I didn't care about. Could they not focus the lens? Speaking of camera work, I wish they would've edited Justin on his date so he was all soft-focus and sparkly bc his sunburn was disgusting--it reminded me of Sex and the City when Harry had the back-waxing reaction. Ew. 


I would've loved Tenley's date, all that fresh fruit and yummy foods!

  • Love 3

Carly better not get too smug about her "old married couple" relationship with Kirk. She was very lucky to be in the original batch. If she would have been one of the women who had to come in later, she probably wouldn't have been able to hook up with somebody.

You know, I think her trying to steer that chick towards Dan came secondary to her peeing on

William Sherman (Kirk) possessively and asserting her "Queen bee" status.    Wouldn't it be a bitch if that chick (name totally escapes me) went after Kirk and got a rose?   


How does Samantha even bother her?    Does she think Sam will come after Uncle Billy,  or does she always have to have her nose in other people's business?    Now I know why she was disliked on the Bachelor.    Bad hair having yenta.     All up in people's business, and jealous of the pretty girls.  

  • Love 3

I was actually a little worried for Tenley and JoshUA as they randomly tasted raw fruits and vegetables at the city market in the city of love.  Everyone knows in Mexico,  you have to treat your fruits and veggies in a bath of microdyne before consuming them.  I cringed everytime she tasted something.  I would also think for a picky eater, scallop ceviche wouldn't be high on her list of favorites and could again be hard on the stomach.

I thought the same thing.  There's no way their stomachs were happy after chomping on those fruits and veg. 


My jaw dropped during the first few seconds when she was going on about how life is just like a rom-com. She should have been more to the pt and just wrote "Dear Jared, I am writing to you from my padded cell in the asylum . . . . "

I know a girl (I'm using the word 'girl' on purpose, because she, like Ashley I, seems to have arrested development) in real life who has also said that she thinks her life is like a rom-com.  She also makes asinine choices about men, is suffocatingly clingy when given the chance, and is no stranger to histrionics. No- life's not a rom-com...in fact, many rom-com writers seem to craft characters who need their heads examined. 

I've had a soft spot for Ashley I from her start on TB. She's the most beautiful woman I've seen on any of them so I'm glad she's still there cuz she also cracks me up

What I cannot stand and will soon drive me away is the ridiculous MUSIC that competes with every bit of dialogue Why do they do that!??!!

It's as annoying distracting and unnecessary as those ridiculous laugh tracks on many shows I no longer watch for that reason

Pleeeeeeeez stop with the pathetic attempt at drama or at least dial it back it's hard enough to hear many of the mumbled attempts at English of these folks without that overdone noise

  • Love 2

I think Carly is pretty, her hair is fine, she can't help her dark eyebrows.  She makes a great narrator, between she and Ashley S they have everyone figured out.

Carly and Ashley S's narration makes this show for me. For the record, I never noticed Carly's eyebrows or hair, this season or in Chris's, until people here mentioned it. I kind of see what they're saying about the eyebrows being darker than her hair, but better darker than too light.

  • Love 2

I don't have a problem with the dark brows light hair as that can sometimes look quite striking but the shape is very distracting. There's just something off, like they are too thick or two rounded. IDK but I notice it ever time I see her and think she's otherwise adorable.


I don't get the Ashley I. appeal at all. I just don't find her that attractive. It's probably the badly applied makeup she has on at all times. She's just a hot mess to me.


Sam reminds me of Cher 1971. Don't get her appeal either. I was actually trying to think of who I thought was the hottest and I couldn't do it.

Dan was the hottest guy until he went panting after Sam. Now it's Tanner even though he's stuck with the most bland exhibitionist of all time.

  • Love 1

I swear Nick looks like he's in rehab, all hollow eyed and liver spotted.

No kidding! He used to be so hot and he looks like he has aged 5 to 10 years! You know that expression "Rode hard & put away wet?" That's him to a T.

I swore I heard Jared still reading the letter out loud when Amber & Justin were walking around looking for a place to talk. Anyone else?

Edited by PeachyBeach


Why does he keep stringing her along?  Especially when he had another guaranteed rose?  Get a clue Jared!  Maybe they've made some kind of deal so they can both stay on vacation?

I think this makes sense, and I definitely lean in this direction.  Neither are stupid and both seem to want to get media exposure, him for his modelling career and her whatever career.  Making a deal to each play their part as established, they stick it out together.  I think in the end, neither will come out looking too badly.  

  • Love 1

I'm about to say something very controversial: I don't think most of these BIP contestants are stupid. In general, I like to give people the benefit of the doubt. Even really smart and articulate people can occasionally make a grammar error. And even though some of these contestants make numerous (rather than "occasional") errors, I still don't think they are stupid.

If we gave these contestants a test, and told them that they would get 15 minutes of screen time for each correct answer, we'd probably get some surprisingly high scores. For example:

Most of them probably do know that "I's" (as in "Jared and I's" relationship) is not a real word. And that "supposably" isn't a real word either.

A lot of them probably realize that the word "definitely" includes both of the letters "n" and "t" despite the fact that most of them pronounce the word as "DEF'illy. "

And I bet that at least one or two of them know when to use "her" versus when to use "she.," etc.

And if you gave them a list of every instance this season in which a contestant used the word "literally," some might actually be able to pick out the only time in which the word was

used correctly: when Justin informed us that the shaman had literally blown smoke up his butt.

So, I guess my big (rhetorical) question is why don't these people care? They probably know a lot more correct grammar than what they are actually using. Yet by repeatedly using words incorrectly, or using words that don't exist at all, they are making themselves look a lot less intelligent than they actually are. Do they think that looking stupid is okay?

Both the men and the women do this. But the women make themselves look even sillier when they use sing-song voices (Claire), or when they raise their voices at the end of each sentence as though they are requesting approval. (Jade)

Is making oneself look dumber, sillier, or less self-confident considered a good thing nowadays? Because it sure wasn't the case back when I was dating.

Edited by jordanpond
  • Love 1

I'm about to say something very controversial: I don't think most of these BIP contestants are stupid. In general ,I like to give people the benefit of the dpubt. Even really smart and articulate people can occasionally make a grammar error. And even though some of these contestants make numerous (rather than "occasional") errors, I still don't think they are stupid.



So, I guess my big (rhetorical) question is why don't these people care? They probably know a lot more correct grammar than what they are actually using. Yet by repeatedly using words incorrectly, or using words that don't exist at all, they are making themselves look a lot less intelligent than they actually are. Do they actually think that looking stupid is okay?

To answer your rhetorical question (despite knowing that a question asked rhetorically is for effect and not an actual inquiry) - alcohol.


Listen to any group of reasonably educated, usually articulate adults when liberally lubricated with alcohol at the Labor Day Parties and bbq that will happen this weekend and you'll probably see BiP worthy dialogue, grammar and diction.  I'd like to claim me and my drinking buddies back in the day were the picture of charm, grace, manners and English but I can't even type it with a straight face.


I agree that some of these folks are probably being seen at their worst plus being provided with a magically refilling drink every second of the day; however, I'm also guessing that some of them are probably a ditzy or dim as they appear.

  • Love 4

I have a theory on the prevalence of "Person and I's relationship" on this show (and that construction in general). People grow up saying things like, "Me and Person went to a movie." After enough correcting by teachers, they start saying "Person and I went to a movie." The problem is, they take that lesson and (mis-) apply it all over the place. Hence, "Person and I's relationship," or "There's a lot of chemistry between Person and I."

  • Love 2

I am actually an editor by profession, so while I know all of the grammar rules, I wouldn't want to be judged that one grammatical slip means I don't know proper grammar. I am quick to speak, so often I'll start out saying a sentence but halfway through my mind decides to say something else and--oops--grammatical slip! Hell, that often happens mid-word. Just last week I started saying something was "gorgeous" and then decided that was too effusive of a descriptor and changed it to "beautiful" so it ended up coming out as "gorgeful." And I'll also sometimes purposefully use improper grammar because it sounds pedantic to say, "To whom did you give the report?"

  • Love 3

Oh, I think it is nothing new for females to act a little less intelligent than the males because there is ego thing that goes on.  Many men like to feel superior and some women feed into the ego in order to gain favor so the women will tell a man how intelligent he is, how strong he is, how funny he is, and the men tell women how pretty they are (if pressed, the guys will tell the woman they like something else about them but almost always they start with looks).   If you look at how desperate the women act on Paradise Island, it's almost a given they are going to act as if they are stupid (but they are also drinking quite a bit and alcohol makes no one smart).  That voice thing of uptalk or high-rise terminals (sticking a question mark sound in the middle of a sentence) along with the vocal fry (that growling voice) is apparently some kind of plague spreading through the younger generation, going from females to the males and may attach itself permanently into vocalizations  (I'm really annoyed by it but I guess the young find it attractive).  Uptalk makes women sound more uncertain than they really are, and it is very distracting when that woman is a reporter or in a position of some responsibility.  I don't know why anyone would want to do it...I am assuming it is a habit and they don't think about it. 

This is one of the great things about Ashley S.  I know that she sometimes seems a space cadet but I never feel that she is anything but smart and I don't think that she makes any effort to dumb herself down to appeal to the men on the show.  

  • Love 2

I always wondered that about Kardashley even on Chris's season. I think it's an 'on TV vs in person' thing. They're seeing each other all day while running around in bikinis. We're seeing mainly powdered up, close-ups under interview lights. Our Kardashley stands out there. She has that big drop-dead gorgeous face and comes across as vulnerable and sweet when she's not actively laughing at Clare's pain. In person, the big face may seem a bit gross, it's much bigger than Jared's when she's in close to him. And her legs aren't the best. Way back during the bikini tractor drive I noticed that they were rather large and shapeless. Add in the constant runny nose from crying and peeing in the ocean? Not the stuff of fantasies.

Ashley S, while petite and perfect from head to toe, has a slightly flat face and determined little chin, sort of like Reese Witherspoon's. Guys either like that sort of face -- or prefer the high cheekbones look. Sam, on the other hand, has no visible faults that my critical eye can pick out, although others here think her face looks small, pinched, and botoxed. That may be a plus where everyone else is shiney with sweat.



No physical faults? Other than her coloring, which is quite striking, I find very little to like about Sam's appearance. She is all bony angles and obvious extensions. Quite honestly, she looks quite manly to me. Ashley I. is gorgeous, but men don't like any hint of desperation and she comes across as so inexperienced. I bet more guys would be into her if she didn't seem like so much work. 


Amber, Clare, Jade and Ashley I. are all quite beautiful I think and all have lovely figures (Ashley's legs are fine -- they are not stick legs, they are womanly legs). Carly is cute as well but needs to lay off the makeup or learn to apply it better. Tenley is adorable and too normal to be on this show. Let's not even talk about Juelia. 


They're really scraping the bottom of the barrel with the guys. Tanner and Dan are attractive but act like girls with the gossiping and manipulating. Jared seems like he realized he made a mistake early on going on this show and is trying to keep a low profile before he embarasses himself. Joshua seems sweet. Kirk seems like a nice guy too, and good on Carly for locking that down. Joe is a loser. 


Give me Celebrity Chef Francisco. 

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