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S06.E08: What Makes You Happy

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Leah was a hot mess tonight. Did you see her holding that baby??? Who was that? I was texting during the first part and missed any labels on who that guy and his baby were. Her brother?

  The young man was her brother Isaac and since the caption mentioned that she was visiting at his house, the unidentified woman who picked up baby Bailey was likely Isaac's fiancée, Maddy. Inqisitr mentioned that they were engaged at the time of the birth but I don't know if they married yet.



Edited by cheatincheetos
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Kail, Jo will not be dropping by unannounced (I am sure you wouldn't be home anyway with all your vacations and hanging out with your girlfriends) because it's quite obvious he doesn't want to be around you anymore than he has to be.

Edited by FlowerofCarnage
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For once in a long while, I actually watched the episode the night it aired.


Kail and Javi - Javi does things that make me smile and see him for the nice guy that he can be and then, I am reminded of how much he was a part of what Kail was doing not that long ago when it came to moving around like gypsies. It was nice of him to go help Jo and his brother. Too bad the previews seem to show something happening there.


Love the pig, although what happens to it when it gets bigger? Did I miss the answer to that?


My heart goes out to Barb, as usual. She has really had it hard in life. Being the victim of DV, and having to deal with Jenelle? Props to her. She could have easily gone off the deep end and hit the bottle or drugs. Bless her. It is no wonder she can smell a rat a mile away.


Obviously, Jenelle will pick Nathan over Jace. No brainer there.


Chelsea is perfectly capable of caring for her child and pets. She is not an addict. She is not unstable. She is not in a domestic violence relationship. She has a stable and caring environment. What's the big deal?

Unless, you are living on a farm, I find raising a pig incredibly dumb. I also don't like animals, so watching people stock pile animals on these shows will never do anything for me. Furthermore, I will never understand the desire to be young and trying to raise child and adding more responsibility onto yourself. Like, I can't imagine a real teen mom struggling to raise her daughter with a deadbeat dad like Adam just up and buying pig one day...because. It's just things like this that makes the whole ordeal funny to me. Obviously, at this point, I don't take these people too seriously. But, every once a while, I see things that makes it even sillier. Chelsea is great but it wasn't too long ago where it took her ages to finish school or just concentrate on one thing. So, who knows what will happen. I'm sure the pig will be fine. I'm not worried about that. I just think it's silly. That's my thing. My opinion.

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Moments of unintentional humor:


1.  Leah's suitcase wasn't zipped.  Ooops!  Details.

2.  Jenelle eating her biscuits and gravy like a cow chews its cud.

3.  Jenelle slathering on lip balm for about 5 minutes straight.

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Kail, Jo will not be dropping by announced (I am sure you wouldn't be home anyway with al your vacations and hanging out with your girlfriends) because it's quite obvious he doesn't want to be around you anymore than he has to be.

I wonder how Joe feels that he has to deal with this chick forever. See kids, people aren't the same person at 16. Don't get pregnant or else you could end up with a person like Adam or Kaliyn.

I hope the custody agreement changes, just to pass Kali off. Issac deserves to spend time with his dad.

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Chelsea’s baby voice makes her really unlikable.  She and Cole are so cute together.   I can’t believe they got a pig.  Aubree is so cute. My heart broke for her when she fell. Cole is great with her. I wasn’t surprised when she said she has two dads. Cole is probably more of a father figure than Adam has ever been.

Kail was less of a bitch this week. She should take some lessons from Javi on how to be nice to people.  Especially Jo. Javi was nice enough to help Jo move, Kail wanted nothing to do with it. Kai seems so put off that Jo wants to be closer to Isaac, and that Vee will live with him.  Kai cannot put others before herself.

Jenelle: The only person stopping Jenelle from getting custody of Jace, is Jenelle!   She seemed so unsympathetic when Babs was pouring her heart to her, and telling her about her past. Babs deserves so many brownie points for putting up with all of the bullshit that she does.  Why is Jenelle still trolling for Nathan? Enough is enough! Why can’t she see that she and Nathan are terrible for each other? She said that she’s not staying with Nathan because of Kai. Well, then why are you? It can’t be because of the fabulous way he treats you. Jenelle cannot stand being alone.

Leah:  Leah continues to be a hot mess.  Strung out on God knows what. Corey and Miranda are the only ones who have the girlses best interests at heart. I hope she turns it around, but I’m not anticipating any miracle story, like we allegedly got with Jenelle.

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Of course Leah has a zebra suitcase. She is one big trainwreck. And I realize that Leah has 3 kids and a drug problem, but Leah's kids always look like they fell out of bed. Their hair is always a mess, mismatched clothes, no shoes, ever present juice box or snacks.   By contrast Aubree always looks super cute, as do Isaac and Lincoln. 

Edited by poeticlicensed
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Jesus, I have to work over 50 hours to week just to get by loading, driving and unloading trucks. Chelsea gets to make money while spending a whole episode buying a fucking pig. There is no justice in this world.


This show is also great for showing the plight of teen mom.


All of this is bullshit. There is drama and interesting stories to be told about teen moms really struggling, trying to earn a living and learning to be a parents. This is bullshit. Women with huge salaries wasting their time buying shit they don't need, barely working, having family support them all over the place.


Just...whatever. This show exhausts me sometimes. Somehow watching Chelsea buying a damn pig set me off the most and I don't know why.

The After Show hardly mentioned the kids.  It was all about the men in their lives and Chelsea's pig, followed by a WWHL game of "Who said this quote."  The only thing missing was a drunk Andy Cohen.  MTV should dump the "Teen  Mom" facade and just rename the show "White Trash With Money."  They're simply Z-List reality show celebrities at this point. 

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I feel sorry for Leah because I get that addiction SUCKS and she clearly had other stuff going on that led her to make these really bad decisions that led to the pill popping.

HOWEVER, I can see Corey's complete frustration with her. Those are his girls. She can't even show up for a meeting without being high as fuck. She's driving them around in her hoarder-mobile, texting, talking, getting served divorce papers, high as a damn kite, NODDING OFF, and his girls are in there. I'd be worried and an asshole too. Yes, I feel sympathy for your disease, but those are his KIDS. 

I think Miranda has reached the stage of pregnancy where she has zero tolerance for other people's bullshit. Not to mention she's a former law enforcement officer, right?  Call a spade and spade. It's rehab. Make plans, set goals (like be a better mother). But agree that it would be hard for anyone to admit that shit on TV. But it is rehab. And Leah does have a drug problem.

Not to mention, holy shit on the painkiller cocktail. I mean, she has headaches, ok.  But those drugs she rattled off are not for anxiety. So are they throwing xanax on top of that? So, morphine in the hospital. I assume they sent her home with T-3 or Vicodin and then where did the percocet come in?  Because the vicodin wasn't working?


She is not the same girl she was when this show started. She was never a rocket scientist, but she did have it together more.  However, I think her quick fixes just dragged her down.  One night stand, twins, cheating, 1st marriage, cheating, 2nd marriage, 3rd baby, cheating. It's too much for her. Whatever she's trying to fix isn't being fixed by making all these crap decisions. It's sad but her endangering those girls could end up tragic.

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Cheatincheetos, I read your posting in the same way Clark Griswold describes the St. Louis Arch in Vacation.


Hey kids Big Ben!

This may have been answered already, I'm still reading comments.

I'm on some heavy duty painkillers and they wire me up. If I wasn't so injured I'd be able to paint my house all by myself while on these things. I can't take my afternoon dose because if I did I would be awake all night.

The above poster is very incorrect that only addicts feel energy from pain medicine. The very first time I took it I was bouncing off the walls.


I do somewhat correct myself.  I should have said that most people taking these pills for the first time (or if they are not used to them), they get sleepy from them.  Some people can have that effect the first time too.  It is usually people who are used to taking them, the body kind of switches over and it is a euphoric feeling rather than a sleepy feeling. 


Of course, every body is different and these drugs effect people differently.


Also, I guess I should clarify - rather than addict, I should say "drug dependant."  One can be dependant but not an addict.

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Kail definitely had herself dolled up to go storm through Jo's house. She so desperately wants to believe Jo has the hots for her. And the way she just walked in and toured the place would make me more concerned that she would be the one just popping over; not Jo. It was a little frightening how Javi's reply that he was sore, when Kail asked how the moving-in went, was met with a growl of, "Not that!! Was it awkward?!" She clearing does not give a shit about her husband.

Nipples' whole argument that he wants Janelle to get out there an meet someone who makes her happy cause he doesn't make her happy anymore, was just like my argument when I was an immature 18 year old trying to break up with my boyfriend. Its a shame they made a baby together so quick into their relationship, cause sometimes it takes a year for you never really know whether you can stand somebody. Nips finally figured out that he can't stand her.

The only thing I have to add about Leah is that I cannot stand how lax she is in properly securing her kids in the car. At a minimum the girlses should be on booster seats, and neither were, on their trip to the airport. For some reason one seat, just for Ali, magically appeared after they dropped Leah off. There was no reason why her sensible punk-haired friend (who came along for some reason) couldn't have just driven her to her airport, and avoided the whole drama with leaving the girlses. There's too much chlorine in the Messer family gene pool...they are all lacking brain cells.

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My gosh, I cringed when I saw Aubree run into the corner of that counter. I gasped before it even happened because she just got so close and then BAM! That is why I didn't have those kinds of counter tops in my kitchen. I had my husband rip them out and put in different ones because anything that is sticking out like that counter, can be a hazard. I actually thought for a split second she had hit her face.

You and me both.  In the scene right before the injury, I said, "Wow, that is a sharp corner sticking WAY out on that countertop."  Then poor Aubree rammed her throat right into it.  I thought she had done some serious damage.

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Regarding Mama Dawn and Leah, I feel like there's some sort of weird, psychological Munchausen by proxy thing going on. On the previous week's episode Leah was clearly considering giving Cory more time with the girls until Dawn told her it was a bad idea. On this episode Dawn claims Leah isn't an addict when she clearly is and on next week's preview we see Dawn calling Leah at rehab and telling her Cory is scheming to take the girls away.

I find it odd that every time Leah takes a small step in the right direction, Dawn immediately comes in and blows it all to shit. Maybe Dawn is one of those people who thrives on chaos, but she seems to prefer her daughter be a strung-out mess rather than a functioning human being.

I agree-- Dawn is not the best person to counsel Leah. This is also why Leah had ( some) empathy from me. She needs real help-- not enabling-- and not bullying, either (calling her a bad mom, etc.).

I do think that Leah equates the term " bad mom" with not loving her kids-- which Is not true, imo. I think she does love her kids, but is not doing the best job of parenting them right now. She is a mess. Corey and Jeremy have every right to be concerned over the girls' welfare and to take steps to ensure that the children are safe and cared for.

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The only thing I have to add about Leah is that I cannot stand how lax she is in properly securing her kids in the car. At a minimum the girlses should be on booster seats, and neither were, on their trip to the airport. For some reason one seat, just for Ali, magically appeared after they dropped Leah off. There was no reason why her sensible punk-haired friend (who came along for some reason) couldn't have just driven her to her airport, and avoided the whole drama with leaving the girlses. There's too much chlorine in the Messer family gene pool...they are all lacking brain cells.

This drove me crazy too! There were two adults (in addition to Leah). One could have stayed home with the kids while the other drove Leah to the airport.

Maybe MTV wanted to amp up the drama by having the kids do their crying "mama don't leave!" thing with Leah, in which case, shame on them. That was just so sad and pointless and made Leah look like even more of an insensitive jerk!

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I laughed so hard that Jo moved in right down the street. You go, Jo! I also find it hilarious that the day he moves in Kail and Javi are suddenly, "Our house is too cramped, we need to look for a bigger place". Cramped? That place looks plenty big for 4 people. Shit, my house is just under 1000 sq ft and we have five people living here. One story, one bathroom, boys share a bedroom. Also, "It was a nice little starter home". How long have you been there? A year? Get over yourself. 



Starter home?  STFU, Kail.  You're talking like you're some kind of successful Junior Executive moving up the ladder in corporate America who wants a house more befitting your status.  You haven't actually worked for a living since your Subway days.  Hold on to that superior attitude and delusional idea that being on a reality show is an actual career, and it will come back to bite you in the ass in a few years.

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Nipples' whole argument that he wants Janelle to get out there an meet someone who makes her happy cause he doesn't make her happy anymore, was just like my argument when I was an immature 18 year old trying to break up with my boyfriend. Its a shame they made a baby together so quick into their relationship, cause sometimes it takes a year for you never really know whether you can stand somebody. Nips finally figured out that he can't stand her.

This new gf of Nipples' must be paying his way, or some sugar mama/daddy is, for him to act that willing to leave her. I don't think he has much income from part-part-part-time underwear modeling.

Edited by cheatincheetos
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First time poster..long time lurker (back to TWOP days)


Leah: Where to begin! Alright well I am going to say she is clearly an addict (like we all don't know this). This is coming from someone who is a recovering addict. She may have got her first pain pills after the birth..I remember I did with my daughter. If you have any addictive tendencies..it is easy to get hooked. As far as the euphoria and energy some have mentioned, that is true. I got hooked on Oxycodone for that reason. I would take one and have energy and be super happy about everything, If I took too much then I would be nodding off like Leah. I do feel sorry for her in a way, I remember her from the very beginning and it seemed like she had her crap semi together..now she is a mess. In her defense she has been through a lot but some things could have been avoided (hello, cheating and then getting married!!). Point is, she has a lot of emotional problems. She is not using those pills for fun..it is to numb some type of pain. For me it was post partum depression and once I realized that I had a problem (took a lot to get there) then I was able to seek help. My thought is she needs to admit there is an issue and it may take her a long time if ever to do that. I just hope she doesn't learn the hard way.


Jenelle: Stop looking for a man all the time. Take care of yourself, get your crap together and set a good example for your two sons for once. Her need for a man in her life all the time drives me up the wall.


Kail: Wah, wah sourpuss. I cant stand her anymore. Just always so negative about everything and she treats that husband of hers like crap. Well, she treats everyone who helps her like crap. The thing is, I used to like her back when she was humble. Some of her actions back then I did side eye, but for the most part it seemed like she was just trying to raise her son. Now the money and benefits got to her head and she acts so self entitled. One day that bubble over her head will burst and she will be left with no one.


Chelsea: Nothing much to say. Cute boyfriend, Aubree is a cute, sassy one has usual. Though I didnt understand the pig as a pet deal..whatever makes her happy.

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I don't really get Leah's statements that these drugs made her go go go. I always though that over the counter pain meds might make you feel good enough to go go go but the drugs she said she was on are the kind that only make you go go go to bed. Pain may be gone but so is your ability to function as normal - am I wrong on that? Also doesn't make any sense because what we saw on camera was her slurring speach, eyes rolling back, unable to lift head, sleeping all day, etc. Was everything she said in that convo about the drugs effects total BS spin on why she took them or do they actually work that way?

Opiates give me energy unless I take a shit ton of them. It's the benzos that knock me out. Pain killers effect everyone differently. I can take three percocets and function perfectly fine but if my mom takes one she's out cold for the entire day.

Anyway, so now Leah's claiming that she was just taking the medication that was left over from the baby she had two years ago. What happened to the migraine excuse? Listening to her bullshit lies made my blood pressure rise.

How can she still deny that she's abusing pills when she's falling asleep mid conversation. I was terrified that she was going to drop the baby in that scene with her brother.

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I also think it's rational for Leah not to confess too much to the camera - it's not necessary and might have consequences that she hasn't had a chance to fully consider. If she weren't on this show, nobody would be filming things that could be used against her later on, either in court or in her community.

  Not considering the consequences of her actions doesn't appear to have stopped her from actually taking those actions before.She isn't saying things on camera because she is high and can't accurately formulate coherent thoughts, not because she is Clarence Darrow.

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I think the horror that Corey and Miranda live through every day wondering if Leah is gonna run off those mountain roads with the girlses in the car must be unbearable. If she was my ex, I'd probably be in jail for refusing to let the girls go with her. Seriously, Leah can make whatever choices she wants about HER life, but those twins are Corey's daughters and he loves them with all of his heart. And if Leah wasn't high as a kite, she would not want someone putting her girls in danger either. And Miranda is Corey's wife and takes part in raising those girls, like it or not. Her questions about Bad/good mom might have been a lil bit on the fighting words side, but I appreciate her frustration with the situation. If I ever heard someone put my nieces or nephews (not my children but ones I care about, similar to how a step mom cares about her step kids) into their car when they couldn't even stay awake mid-sentence, I would probably cut a b#%*$. If we are talking MY kids, yeah, I'd be in jail. And if she ever does drive off the road or something horrible, her mom and MTV should both take some heat for enabling her denial.

The mom, Dawn, is so tied up with Leah being a Z-level celebrity in their hick town that she doesn't care about the safety of her granddaughters. Which is not really surprising since she doesn't even put them in booster seats in the car.

And if anyone doubts that she is an opiate popper, I have a bridge to sell ya. Anxiety my ass. Labor complications my ass. Migraines my ass. And the revolving stories are a big give away.

The pig in the house is not my cup of tea. Plus, in my experience, pigs can be aggressive. Maybe farm pigs are different then the house variety? But whatevs, she's taking good care of her always clean and dressed and fed daughter and has her own home so do what you want. Cole is a cutie and she must just laugh when she sees Adam. Dodged that bullet (except for coparenting with that a-hole till Aubs is 18, and college too probably.

Kail is just so negative, nasty, with a horrible personality. She just barged thru Jo's door like a linebacker, lol. Then her comment about his house being a fixer-upper was just low. For his age it's a fine house and I bet him and Vee will make it a beautiful home in time. Sometimes doing yourself means more, you moron. I bought all my houses that way and my husband and I took great pride in each one. Of course, I don't hate my husband so working on the house together was fun for us. I am sure Kail would stab Javi with a sawblade if she had to interact with him that much.

I really don't like Javi but I give him props for going to help Jo and his bro move in. That's a class move. I will guess he was raised well.

Janelle, I barely paid attention to her scenes. It's always the same storyline, just change out one loser for another. Hearing Barb had an abusive bF in the house with Janelle growing up explains a lot. But that said, at some point in your life you start making choices for yourself and Janelle is the root of her problems. Dumb girl, dumb boys, dumb choices. Poor Kaiser Roll, I feel like he is screwed.

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Regarding Mama Dawn and Leah, I feel like there's some sort of weird, psychological Munchausen by proxy thing going on. On the previous week's episode Leah was clearly considering giving Cory more time with the girls until Dawn told her it was a bad idea. On this episode Dawn claims Leah isn't an addict when she clearly is and on next week's preview we see Dawn calling Leah at rehab and telling her Cory is scheming to take the girls away.

I find it odd that every time Leah takes a small step in the right direction, Dawn immediately comes in and blows it all to shit. Maybe Dawn is one of those people who thrives on chaos, but she seems to prefer her daughter be a strung-out mess rather than a functioning human being.

I've always thought Leah was her favorite. Her first born, skinny daughter that she named after herself. Since Dawn never emotionally matured past the age of 16, I'm sure she valued Leah's looks and popularity far more over stupid crap like education. So imagine how ecstatic she must have been when Leah went from being the belle of the holler to a d-list celebrity, just for doing what their clan has done for generations: recklessly procreating in their teens! Victoria always seemed a little bit more level headed, and I think that was the result of her having to shoulder more responsibility while Dawn let Princess Leah do what she wanted.

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What the hell was blonde twin doing at the airport? Playing under the car? Jesus, Leah. She was zooted out of her mind even on the way to the airport. Blonde twin was complaining of being tired and Leah slurred about being tired too. I'm sure the kids didn't get much sleep the night before. I see why they do their own hair. If left up to Leah, they look like little street urchins. And she can't blame that on being a single mother. She has so much help compared to Barb who is a senior citizen, working at Walmart, and raising a child on her own with little to no help, yet Jace is always well groomed.

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I don't blame Corey and Miranda for being harsh with Leah AT ALL.  I'm trying to imagine my kids being with someone displaying the behaviors she was in the episode and my blood boils. There would be no way I'd be able to sit there and let my children go with someone who is obviously endangering them.  Hell, she's driving under the influence every goddamn day!  That's an automatic child endangerment charge if she's got her kids in the car with her.  I'd be on the phone with CPS every other day as well as calling the cops if the kids are there and I know she's under the influence.  Fuck Leah.  I understand addiction, but you can't endanger, as well as neglect someone's kids on a regular basis without expecting them to fight back.  They tried to be nice and it got them nowhere. They tried to deal with it in the courts and got nowhere (which is still appalling to me.  Just because she has a prescription doesn't mean she's not abusing said prescription.)  Hire a private investigator to follow her ass around and get proof of what everyone else sees.  Go to court and get an emergency hearing.  This shit is out of control. 


And don't even get me started on Mama Dawn.  That woman is a big part of the problem.  Who in their right mind calls an addict on their second day of rehab to get them all worked up and freaked out that their ex is trying to steal the kids?  I'd like to jump through the TV and punch her in her inbred looking face.

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Not considering the consequences of her actions doesn't appear to have stopped her from actually taking those actions before.She isn't saying things on camera because she is high and can't accurately formulate coherent thoughts, not because she is Clarence Darrow.

I didn't mean to suggest she was making some sort of deep calculated analysis about this. But probably some combination of instinct that it would be really dangerous to admit this stuff on camera, and perhaps some advice from friends or possibly a lawyer, is just making her wary of saying anything that could get her in trouble.


The defensiveness about the serenity prayer and such is not a great sign (although it's a perfectly good mantra for a nonbeliever, including one who's not an addict), nor was the leaving the first time (but it's great she went back, and she may have been unable to keep her promise to call the kids every day and worried about that, or the stuff with her Mom about possibly losing custody made her feel she needed to come address something straight away - but she went back). The boyfriend or whatever from straight after - well, it didn't last. False starts in early recovery are par for the course and opportunities to learn from mistakes, if you look at them that way instead of blowing it all out of proportion. Bad move, recognize it as such, move on. Am I optimistic that she's done? Not really. But I hope for the sake of everyone involved that she is. She may just be deeply uncomfortable with being public about any of it.

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It was heartbreaking to see Jenelle not pick Jace, AGAIN, over some loser boyyyfriend.


And did you see her holding that little furry dog? (Was that her friend's? Did she get a new one to abuse?) She held that thing longer in one scene than I've seen her hold Kaiser all scenes combined!

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I wonder if now that she has been to "this more intensive therapy thing like in a facility or something" she is watching these episodes now and realizing oh wow hey I was a lunatic. She can't think it's normal to fall asleep in the middle of a sentence while holding a baby?

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I do think that Leah equates the term " bad mom" with not loving her kids-- which Is not true, imo. I think she does love her kids, but is not doing the best job of parenting them right now. She is a mess. Corey and Jeremy have every right to be concerned over the girls' welfare and to take steps to ensure that the children are safe and cared for.

There was a great episode of Intervention where the grandmother of a 21-year-old meth addict and alcoholic (the grandmother had had a successful intervention herself six months before) told the cops that the addict wasn't a good mother. The addict piped up "I'm a VERY GOOD MOTHER, you can't say that about me!" Grandma looked her square in the eye and said calmly, "You love your son but you're not a good mother, baby." And it was true: she clearly loved the boy - played with him, cuddled him, etc. But she was living in a closet in her mother's house, had no job, spent her government assistance on drugs and booze, and routinely left her son for days at a time to go get high. I loved that moment.


Of the MANY come to Jesus talks that someone has to have with Leah, one of them is exactly this. I have no doubt that she loves her kids, but she's not a good mother to them right now. They even look like they're not cared for - they always look unkempt, her house and car are filthy (both messy and dirty), and she's not doing the basics of getting them on a routine. To say nothing of the actual, tangible danger she is putting them in by driving around with them while she's high, probably taking them with her to score, and being the sole adult around them when she's high.


I've said before that I don't follow these girls on social media and hadn't seen the show in years, but it was immediately clear to me that Leah is on drugs. She's appeared pale and sweaty; withdrawing. She straight-up nodded off while holding her niece - she was high as a fucking kite in that scene. I'm going to need MTV to stop insulting my intelligence by letting her spout this "overwhelmed" bullshit. It's like when real celebrities go away for "exhaustion" or "dehydration." They're not fooling me and neither is Leah.


Jo doesn't give a fuck about Kailyn, she knows it, and it drives her crazy.


I don't understand why you'd keep a pig indoors but whatever, not my house. Aubrey was very cute petting Pete the Pig.


Did I see Jenelle in cutoffs and a tank top in her attorney's office? Girl, what? Just another of her shitty choices.

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Hope Jo has a spare room for Javi so next time Kail shakes his head he has a safe place to run to


I would love to see those two buddy up, likewise with Corey and Germy. It gives me so much pleasure to think of how infuriated Kail would become. 



I don't blame Corey and Miranda for being harsh with Leah AT ALL.  I'm trying to imagine my kids being with someone displaying the behaviors she was in the episode and my blood boils. There would be no way I'd be able to sit there and let my children go with someone who is obviously endangering them.  Hell, she's driving under the influence every goddamn day!


That's how I feel about it. It's sad that Leah has ended up like she has and I know addiction is not an easy thing to overcome. However, she has children and those children come first. Corey is their father and his obligation is to make sure those kids are safe. If Leah was childless, I'd feel completely different about the situation. But someone needs to be hard on her ass so she doesn't end up seriously hurting or killing one of her kids when she's running around high. 

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Did I see Jenelle in cutoffs and a tank top in her attorney's office? Girl, what? Just another of her shitty choices.


It was a fringed, belly-baring tank top no less. I wonder if it would look nice with her court heels. 

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Empress1, I have an addict cousin who has five kids by three different men, four of whom were dumped on relatives as babies. The only reason she hasn't ditched her latest kid is because no baby means no gub'mint bennies. I shit you not, she describes herself as a "Full-time Supermom" on her Facebook page. The level of delusion amongst these people is off the charts.

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Leah needs to hear the fucking truth. She's a drug addict. Period. Her family needs to stop coddling her. Corey and Miranda are right. She's a bad mom. How many addict parents are considered "good parents"? She let's her girlses stay up til fucking midnight, the house is a shithole, she feeds them garbage, and she let's them make their own breakfast without any goddamn supervision. The icing on the cake is that she doesn't even get her kids to school half the time. So no, she's not a good mom. She's a shitty parent who needs her kids taken away until she can prove she's sober and willing to be a responsible parent.

I suffer from anxiety and depression. I take Ativan. Every single time I get my script, I must show my driver's license to the pharmacist. The same goes for certian allergy/sinus medications. My medication is monitored by my psych doctor every 3 months. She's either doctor/pharmacy shopping or she's buying them from a dealer. OR her enabling mother is getting the pain pills in her name and giving them to Leah.

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Miranda needs to take a backseat on this issue for now. While I know she's angry that the twins aren't getting the care they need, why was it necessary to try to have a come to Jesus moment at that particular time? It impresses no one and Leah does not give a single fuck about what Miranda has to say. Please just take a seat and grow your baby.


Corey on the other hand...you go girl. I have a feeling there is so much more he would love to say.

Edited by AmyFarrahFowler
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Corey and Miranda were a lot nicer to Leah than I would have been.  Not only do they have to worry about the girlses getting killed in a car accident, getting electrocuted, or burning Leah's house down, but I can't imagine what they must deal with every time the girlses come to their house.  Their hair is always a mess, their clothes look dirty, and they have no schedule.  Corey and Miranda get him cleaned up and settled down while they have them, then they have to return them to Leah. She has them for a few days and then gives them back dirty and wild again.  Lather, rinse, repeat.  (Pun intended.)  It's got to be frustrating and it's not fair to Corey and Miranda or the girlses.   The back of Gracie's hair looks matted in the airport scene.   Leah was obviously stoned, but couldn't Mama Dawn have at least cleaned her granddaughters up a little.  I only hope that Addie has someone in Jeremy's family who looks out for her when they have her.  The only time I recall seeing Addie look animated or happy was when Leah was taking her to Jeremy.  Maybe there's more to him than what we've been shown.  I hope so.


How may times must we be subjected to watching Jenelle have a meltdown in her car?   At least we only had a glimpse of Nathan.  That was more than enough.


"It was too far to drive and too close to walk."  Oh Javi, you're a fresh of breath air. It was nice of him to help Jo and Junior.  Kail was so miffed that Javi and Jo didn't challenge each to a duel over her.  I think it's great that Jo is close by and can attend Isaac's soccer games, school programs, etc. Kail needs to get over herself and realize that she has a lot to be happy about.  Sadly, I don't think she ever will. 


I do enjoy Chelsea and Cole  it's nice to see one of these girls happy and having fun.  Cole is great with Aubrey and I think Pete is cute.  It was great to have an episode with no Adum but I missed Randy.

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I think Chelsea and Cole are just being Chelsea and Cole. it is not like we follow around everyone in their daily lives to know if their normal way of being might annoy someone. Honestly I can't pick on them because they have it together--they are happy, Chelsea has a decent life and is a good mother, and she is not Kail, Jenelle, or Leah--so she is doing great in my book!!

I think they're adorable. If her voice is the only thing people can find about her to criticize, she's doing pretty damn good.

And did you notice when they talked about him moving in he said he couldn't move in for 5 months until "his lease was up", is this the first boyfriend on the show that has a career and his own place?

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Confession time: sometimes...I use a baby voice. Sometimes I use accents. Sometimes I use a hulk smash voice. All of these are used in front of my family and friends. Why? Because I like being silly. Chelsea's baby voice might grate, but I haven't noticed her use it when speaking to a lawyer or at school or work.

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Okay. So Cole has a voice that doesn't match his face, but he seems like a nice person. I hope, especially for Aubrey's sake, that it works out between he and Chelsea. I can imagine Randilicious is breathing a sigh of relief. I did catch Mary's comment about Chelsea's getting the pig, and wondering if the pig has removed Chelsea's desire for another baby. SMH. Well, the important thing is that Chelsea got the pig instead.

Her mom asked if the pig put an end to Chelsea's baby fever, Chelsea responded that she does NOT have baby fever.

If she did want a baby, so what? She is a great mom, has her own home, a career and a good relationship. If she wants another baby, she's well equipped to do it.

Edited by Maharincess
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When Aubree ran into that corner (ouch, poor kid) Cole's Aww hell, did I break it? reaction was priceless. Nice to see that he geniuinely enjoys being around Aubree and she likes him just as much back... 

Edited by sparklemotion
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Unless, you are living on a farm, I find raising a pig incredibly dumb. I also don't like animals, so watching people stock pile animals on these shows will never do anything for me. Furthermore, I will never understand the desire to be young and trying to raise child and adding more responsibility onto yourself. Like, I can't imagine a real teen mom struggling to raise her daughter with a deadbeat dad like Adam just up and buying pig one day...because. It's just things like this that makes the whole ordeal funny to me. Obviously, at this point, I don't take these people too seriously. But, every once a while, I see things that makes it even sillier. Chelsea is great but it wasn't too long ago where it took her ages to finish school or just concentrate on one thing. So, who knows what will happen. I'm sure the pig will be fine. I'm not worried about that. I just think it's silly. That's my thing. My opinion.

Chelsea is in no way "struggling" to raise her daughter, she's doing a damn good job and seems to enjoy it, I see no struggle.

I also don't think 2 dogs and a pig equals "stockpiling" animals. Just because you don't like animals, many, many other people love them and enjoy seeing them on TV, myself included.

A lot of people have pet pigs and don't live on farms, pigs are very intelligent and make great pets. There's nothing wrong with it. I've collected pigs since I was a kid and would have one in a minute if I could.

I have also never understood the mindset of "i work 50 hours a week and can't buy that shit". That isn't Chelsea's fault. Should people who have money not buy what they want just because other people can't afford it?

Edited by Maharincess
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Getting a little annoyed at being commented on how we lack any empathy. Just putting that out there.


I have had more than my fair share of dealing with addicts. I have ranted and mentioned my own personal experiences on a specific tv show thread here about those people in my life who were addicts. I know others here have opened up and shared their own experiences. 


Sympathy and empathy are two different feelings. In case it is not known, empathy is, to an extent, placing one's self in that person’s place. One has a sense of what they feel and understand to a degree. One who has empathy can wrap themselves into the other person's emotional problems and feelings.


With that, I can't feel empathy for Leah because I cannot comprehend what exactly she is dealing with. Addiction is a problem in of itself. However, addiction is just the surface problem. Why did she turn into an addict to begin with? What is she numbing? What is so painful? Those things we have no answer to. As for the rest, she REFUSES to mention or discuss what is really going on. She refuses to say she is an addict. She refuses to say she has made bad choices. She refuses to say because of her addiction, she is not a good mother to her children and therefore, needs help from her ex and others so she can make that first step to a healthy mind. She goes to a "therapeutic treatment center" to better herself. What the fuck does that even mean? How could anyone feel empathy for someone when the details are being kept hush-hush? I know she is an addict, and this is what addicts do, they lie. I can sympathize with an addict, beyond that, I have no clue what it is that has led Leah to this point in her life. It doesn't add up, it doesn't make sense. All the things she complains about are not her real problems.  Something, somewhere in Leah's past, there is something that is hurting her.


Leah should have no shame, and no one should be making her feel that there is shame in having an addiction.


I have no idea what I am supposed to feel empathy for. As for sympathy, from my own personal experiences and going to Al-Anon, I have learned to view addicts differently. That doesn't mean I still can't feel angry, disappointed, or any of the other emotions that come with dealing with an addict or watching someone with an addiction, lie about their disease.


As always, my empathy and sympathy are with the three children. I can have empathy for them because I KNOW HOW THEY FEEL. I can have empathy for Cory because I KNOW HOW HE FEELS. Been there.  I don't have empathy for coddlers, enablers, and liars.

Edited by GreatKazu
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I use a baby voice....when I'm talking to my babies.  That's pretty much it tho.  I'm guessing Chelsea will eventually grow out of it.  A previous poster is right, if that's the only thing people can criticize her for, she's doing pretty damn good.

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Kazu, I'm not sure who you are addressing in your previous post.  I've read this whole thread and no one seems to be upset because people aren't showing empathy towards Leah.  I don't think?  Maybe I missed it.  I totally agree with you on her, however.  There's no way she can get the help she needs if she continues to deny she has a problem or that she's done anything wrong.  It's a shame she can't see the constant danger she's putting her children in. Of anyone, though, I'm most upset at her worthless mother.  I think Leah would do a lot better without mama in the picture.

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I feel sympathy for Leah, however that doesn't mean I think three innocent children should be entrusted to her care so she can avoid being labeled a Bad Mom. Do I think Leah loves her kids? Yes. Do I think she's an irresponsible, shitty parent due to her addiction? Yes. Leah needs to get real with herself and where she is in life and do what's best for her girls. It's at the point now where one of those kids could be injured or worse.

As far Miranda, yes, she came off as harsh, but she was also a cop. I'm sure she's seen the aftermath of accidents where some woman in an Oxy haze drove off the side of a mountain or fell asleep at the wheel. Leah is not only endangering herself and her children, but other innocent people as well.

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Addiction and other mental health concerns are serious.  I've been extremely angry every time I see or hear Corey, Miranda or Jeremy belittle Leah as though she's a worthless human for having issues.  That's not to say that they have no right to express concern about her current ability to parent or be an adequate spouse.  But ffs, there's a line one crosses where it becomes bullying.

I would agree with you in normal situations. However, this is a reality TV show that has no problems editing out information that could tell the whole story. Now, yes, it is very true that Leah has emotional/mental problems and she needs the support of everyone around her. On the other hand, perhaps they've tried to support her and handle her with kid gloves, all the while urging her to seek help. We don't know if Cory, Jeremy and Miranda have tried to be more understanding of her issues and tried to work with her. However, Leah is in denial big time and if I were in her life, I would tire of that so quick. And yes, I would probably get to the point when I would belittle her as well, all in the effort to get her to tell the truth for once. You can't help people who don't admit that they need help or that they have a problem.


I watched that girl stoned out of her mind last night and I didn't feel sorry for her at all. I felt sorry for her children who have been left alone with her many times. There is no telling what she's like when the camera aren't around when we can see her high as a kite with the cameras there. She was almost like Janelle that time she shot up heroin with Keifer that time. Scary shit if you ask me and I don't blame Cory, Miranda or Jeremy for getting on her ass. That mother of hers should be ashamed of herself.


I hate Janelle more and more each week. I wish I could meet her face to face to tell her what a piece of shit mother she is and that I hope she never gets custody of Jace. She clearly loves that sorry ass man more than her own child. I have a cousin like that. In fact that cousin is a hybrid of Leah and Janelle, so its doubly frightening. She has 7 kids, several different fathers, a pill problem but nothing like Leah. She is forever moving her different baby daddies in, and when they get tired of her and leave, they often seem to pop up when she gets her food stamps or income tax (she sells her kids SS# to people, and they give her some of the money). Her oldest lives with me now, but she is always threatening to go to court to get her back (mind you, we don't even have legal custody of the child), she's called the police and made up lies, she's called the school threatening to come and pick her up. All that and she got nowhere, the police and the school blew her off.


Jace, living with his aging grandmother, is not in an ideal situation, but when I think of him possibly being with that birth-mom of his, I really get nervous. Conversely, anytime Janelle even says anything about Jace living with her, I crack up like she's on Def Comedy Jam because it is that funny that she thinks she could convince anyone, INCLUDING HERSELF, that she wants Jace with her and that she can give him a better life.

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I used to want a little pig like that when I was closer to Chelsea's age - not enough to do anything about it, but a little bit. Now that I know how loud they are, I'm over it! It is cute, though, and I wouldn't mind visiting somebody else's pet pig. So, that's one piece of marginally useful information gleaned from this show . . . 

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