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S17.E28: Episode 28

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I checked it twice and it really sounded like Austin said "This Domination Ceremony is adjourned." Which would put quite the spin on things now wouldn't it??


I would have been like "Wait a minute f-you, get back here!" to Vanessa were I Austin and i'd just asked her to 'help with Steve' and then she bails out and says over her shoulder "Oh, and Steve, do whatever Austin says." Nice way to get back in and fall out of grace with someone in two easy moments...


Speaking of Austin, those ties look like he has peppermint gum stuck in his hair. Yet another unattractive look for him. Another unattractive one? Those cheatin' eyes.


I still don't know how people do the piece together a mutant creature vetos, I'd have drawn first and gone like 35 minutes.


As for this week's vote I hope Steve goes to the Jury runoff and Jackie comes back. Mainly since Johnny Mac is one of the few interesting people in the game and I fear for what we'll be "treated" to in the end game here.

Edited by Wandering Snark
  • Love 4

Zingbot! In my mind, the patron saint of Previously.TV.


Spilling tea (...oil?) about Austin's girlfriend was hilarious. That and the "friend zone" zing were my favorites. Otherwise, Zingbot was phoning it in (zinging it in? phoning it zing?) Though I thought it was hilarious he was single again, because I remember the "build a mate" and "build a baby" and "build a baby a dreamhouse" (or whatever) and my prediction was "build a divorce attorney," so this was close.


I enjoyed how sincere Vanessa was when she won the Veto. I can't remember the last time I've heard her insult another contestant in the DR, yet she gets insulted on a regular basis.

  • Love 6

 I thought Zingbot was a little harsh this year....not that I'm complaining.  Julia's was a little unwarranted but she's so bland I don't think they could come up with anything else.  Austin being genuinely befuddled by the constant BO digs amuses me, as did Liz's half-panicked "it's not me! I swear!".   JMac's was probably the most cringe worthy because it attacked a physical attribute rather than his game play, personality or actions.   I liked Vanessa getting called out for all her crying (she probably thinks Zingbot was magnifying 1 or 2 incidents for comedic effect),  I felt second-hand embarrassment for Steve's.  Really dude?  Crying for mommy?  But they saved the best for last.  Liz was legitimately pissed at the comment....and doesn't give a shit about the ex-Ms. Judas.   

  • Love 4

And here Vanessa is suppose to be this really smart player and yet she thinks Steve is some sort of Dr. Evil type mastermind. Steve of all people!


BB did a great job on the Zingbot set in the backyard. It didn't even seem like the backyard. I would so blow at that competition. It's really  hard. That was weird having the others watch the competition and the abuse they were heaping on the flat screen TV hasn't been seen by CBS Audio/Visual equipment hasn't been seen since Chima threw her microphone pac in the pool (Can't say as I blame her....it was sickening watching the smug Jeff Schroeder and his Grodner spoon fed COUP DE TATE wreck Chima and her allies plans that time.)


Speaking of Zingbot he seemed a little extra malicious this year. I don't even like Austin but that seemed like a cheap shot and probably not true or else Liz wouldn't spend the summer canoodling with him. As for James in the "Friend Zone" even after all these weeks I still hope Meg will give him some of that "Clay treatment" he got that time before he was evicted. Hey Rachael eventually woke up about Ross...maybe James will be that lucky.


Loved Johnny Mac complete disenterest in Steve hyping up what a great game player Vanessa was just after they went on the block. I'm sure that's the last thing he wanted to hear.


Hopefully Vanessa will blow the Trio apart as poetic justice for everyone keeping her in as long as they have.


Nice MISSION IMPOSSIBLE riff on the James the Joker segment.


I wish Audrey had stuck around to spice things up with her habitual lying.

Edited by North of Eden
  • Love 1

My favorite part of the whole episode was Meg's reaction in the background as zingbot was doing Liz. She knew what the punchline was going to be, and she could barely stop laughing. Everyone in the house knows about Austin's girlfriend, who he conveniently "broke up" with right before the show.

My second favorite part was Johnny Mac just not giving a fuck about anything, and willing to blow everyone up to Vanessa. And I know, I do realize, his veto speech was just stupid, but I laughed anyway. I do like that dork, I can't help it.

  • Love 5

 I thought Zingbot was a little harsh this year....not that I'm complaining.  Julia's was a little unwarranted but she's so bland I don't think they could come up with anything else.  Austin being genuinely befuddled by the constant BO digs amuses me, as did Liz's half-panicked "it's not me! I swear!".   JMac's was probably the most cringe worthy because it attacked a physical attribute rather than his game play, personality or actions.   I liked Vanessa getting called out for all her crying (she probably thinks Zingbot was magnifying 1 or 2 incidents for comedic effect),  I felt second-hand embarrassment for Steve's.  Really dude?  Crying for mommy?  But they saved the best for last.  Liz was legitimately pissed at the comment....and doesn't give a shit about the ex-Ms. Judas.   


Yeah, I do agree with this.  I want to see the houseguests humiliated, but going after Julia's looks or John's back hair is a bit below the belt.  I have severe back hair issues (I would kill for JMac's level of back hair), and I have to spend a lot of time keeping it under control.  And it's painful to do that (I sympathize with women, because they have to deal with hair control in places far more sensitive).  Which is why I'd never go on this show, because there's no way I'd be able to keep it under control locked in that house.  

Edited by MrHufflepuff
  • Love 1

I feel like Zingbot tried to do a variation on the classic Boogie zing for Julia, but it didn't really work :("How does it feel to be the old man...oops, didn't see you there, Boogie.") Oh -- and I liked Meg's "Sucks in the City" zing. Zingbot tells no lies there. Though between that and The Crying Game, Zingbot needs to update his mid-late 90s audio/visual collection.


Johnny Mac's zing felt so out of left field because it hadn't been a joke on the show before. And Johnny Mac was such a gimme, with all the dentist jokes they could've made. Whiffed badly on that one, Zingbot.


But I am all for zings that call out terrible behavior (like the "Christine's husband" Cody zing from last year). Zingbot as Irreverent Show Conscience always works for me.

  • Love 3

Vanessa getting fixed up -  she uses a curling iron, setting her hair, then sprays it with hairspray.  ALL WITHOUT TAKKING OFF THAT STUPID KNIT HAT!!!!!!         who does that??

Thank you!  Is she that super-sensitive about her roots growing back in that she can't bear to part with the beanie?  And not to be super-snarky, but she didn't even curl it that attractively...it reminded me of those big 70's curls, made crunchy by layers of Aqua-Net.  But then, her green eyeshadow and black eyeliner does absolutely nothing for her coloring, so whatev.

Edited by laurakaye
  • Love 3

Was it just me, or was Zingbot kind of lame this time? Did they hire a new writer for his zings? They all seemed kind of lame or a bit too mean, with the exception of Liz's. When ZB mentioned Austin's girlfriend, it totally made up for all the other ones! Zing, Liz! 


Blah, Vanessa won Veto. Not that it matters, no one is really going to ever backdoor her. Just hope Johnny Mac isn't going home. Sorry, Steve. 

  • Love 3

Yeah, Zingbot wasn't up to par this season. Although I did like him mentioning Austin's girlfriend, which it seemed like Liz was not aware of? Can that be?


Vanessa continues to dominate that house, and I don't know why. She's clearly making it to final two now. I can just see it. Her and her stupid beanie. (At least now we know why she's always wearing it -- since she curls and sprays her hair while it's on her head, it's clearly been fused to her head permanently by the AquaNet.)


When she won the Veto, I wondered how the editors were going to fill the rest of the show since they couldn't do the usual "Will this person use the Veto and will Austin put up Vanessa?" kind of thing they usually do. Because he was never going to backdoor Vanessa. (As I said in the thread on Sunday's show, it actually kind of makes sense not to get her out this week because she'd be given a chance to come back in, and that would just be bad for everyone involved. Target her next week when she just goes straight to jury, doesn't pass go and doesn't collect $200.) Instead, we got filler footage of Vanessa wondering whether she should use it. She was never going to use it. I give her props, though, for appearing to mend fences with Johnny Mac so she could maybe get his vote in the final 2. At least that's what I felt like she was going for when she "attempted" to see if Austin would want her to use the Veto on JMac. On the other hand, that blow-up with Steve was clearly just her creating an artificial reason why she wouldn't use the Veto on him. Not sure why she felt that was necessary. Maybe she's just a drama queen?


Oh, and I also would've sucked at the mixed-up faces comp. Although I say that about a lot of the competitions, and then remember that these people have literally nothing else to distract them from the house and the game for months on end. And since the competitions are always the same with slight variations, anyone who has seen the show before would know that there's going to be a mixed-up faces comp at some point, and so you simply study the memory wall while you're sitting in the kitchen eating. Because those are the photos that were used to make those monstrosities. Clearly those times prove that all of them knew this was coming and had studied those photos.

  • Love 2

Let me start off by saying I don't like "roasts." They make me uncomfortable and anxious because they can get cruel and it's clear that the jokes can go below the belt and hurt, even if in the name of good fun. Like I can't watch the celebrity roasts. Zingbot is usually more funny than cruel though, and isn't afraid to call people out.

That being said, I'll echo disliking the zings that went after looks/physical attributes. Julia is a good sport and got back into the spirit of things, but you could tell that she was hurt. She can't help how she looks and if she's been dealing with Liz getting more male attention and stuff, and already feels like the "ugly" twin, that zing could've dug deep. And Jmac can't help the fact that he has back hair... making fun of something he's probably sensitive about isn't funny, it's mean.

I didn't really like Liz basically saying she didn't care about what she was doing re Austin's gf. She's right that she's single and she doesn't have any loyalty to the gf, but dating someone's boyfriend isn't cool. I'm sure Austin is telling her they broke up, but that zing would make me reevaluate, not make a shitty DR comment.

I hope Steve can get it together enough to set the record straight to Vanessa. We know she gets what she wants, so she could very well change him to the target. I'm not on the Jmac love train like many others. I don't dislike him, I just don't particularly like him. He can be funny sometimes, but he's done some things in the house I don't like and I don't feel drawn to him as a player or personality. I'm sure he's a nice guy, but meh.

  • Love 3

I really felt for Steve when Vanessa cornered him in the dentist's bedroom and started going at him.  I know Steve has issues with confrontation, but if Vanessa were all up in my face saying "Was it your plan? I heard it was your plan? Was it?  Yes or No? Yes? No? Your? Plan? YESORNO?"  I'd cave, too!  She is a verbal tornado.


And Liz...I don't even know.  You say you "93%" like this deep, poetic, apparently smelly wrestler wannabe who has a girlfriend outside the house.  I have watched this show from the beginning and I have never experienced the level of discomfort that I have every single time Liztin (which sounds like a brand of mouthwash) are on screen together.  He is too aggressive, and she is not doing enough to get him to back off.  It's really icky.

  • Love 3

So yeah, I too thought zingbot mostly flizzled, except with Austin's gf zing.


It became pretty obvious that the face comp used the memory board faces.  So the only one that the HGs didn't have as much time to study was Jace's. 


Maybe its because I've watched a lot more of Survivor, but what I don't understand is why a HG, when confronted with the accusation, "you agreed with X" or "you told X 'this'" that the HG doesn't just say, "of course, I said that, so that X wouldn't know about 'this other thing' or wouldn't know about our alliance."  For example, Steve should have said to Vanessa, "yes, I was in the room when Johnny Mac brought up this idea of a five person alliance to get you out and i just sat there agreeing at the time so that he wouldn't think I was a mole. no one else told you because it wasn't necessary, the agreement was already planned to vote him out."


By the way, I've still not seen this "counting competition" that DaVonne was so concerned about in week 3 that she was going around counting everything and that led to the blow up with Clay and her subsequent eviction.

  • Love 2

The only Zingbot one I really liked was James and The Friendzone because it was good natured, very funny and also TRUE. Steve's was funny, but not much of a Zing since he actually likes all those things about himself. I was most disappointed in Austin's, there are so many things to Zing him about and you focus on the BO? And since he's the cheater I wish the girlfriend one had been directed at him instead of Liz, but typical BB misogyny. The Twins Zing definitely should have been EWWWWWUUUUH, about they wayah they talkah.


I love Vanessa and I really loved her fucking awesome kicks in the Domination ceremony.

  • Love 3
Yeah, Zingbot wasn't up to par this season. Although I did like him mentioning Austin's girlfriend, which it seemed like Liz was not aware of? Can that be?


In her DRs, she seemed like she already knew. She was all, "Yea, I knew about it. Not my problem". But her reaction in the kitchen, making stank faces while washing the dishes, tells a different story. My guess is that Austin told her a different version of the truth. Because isn't it the case that they were still together, at least as far as the gf understood, when he came into the house? I'm betting he told Liz they broke up beforehand and the zing made her start to wonder. 


I really felt for Steve when Vanessa cornered him in the dentist's bedroom and started going at him.  I know Steve has issues with confrontation, but if Vanessa were all up in my face saying "Was it your plan? I heard it was your plan? Was it?  Yes or No? Yes? No? Your? Plan? YESORNO?"  I'd cave, too!  She is a verbal tornado.


It sounded like Steve was actually starting to hyperventilate. I felt bad for him as well. 

  • Love 2

Eh boring episode. The Zings were not all that great although the fall out from the Austin and Liz zing was fun. I have no problem with the two of them being uncomfortable. I don't think that Liz should take the brunt of it, she is not the one cheating on her boyfriend and can only go on Austin's word that he broke up with his girlfriend. I kind of hope that Liz distances herself from Austin now that she knows what is being said.


I am not sure I'll watch too many more episodes. The results are boring and I don't find these folks all that interesting to watch.


Everyone in the house knows about Austin's girlfriend, who he conveniently "broke up" with right before the show.

I could easily see Austin's gf getting upset with him after pinning him down about whether he might fool around with other women while on the show; he may have even been open about possibly doing so as "strategy", rather than just be unconvincing in pledging his loyalty. Whether that'll amount to a temporary rift or something more serious, Austin could truthfully say they "broke up".


Who did Zingbot's "upgrade", Microsoft? Very disappointing.


I was beginning to think somebody forgot to add Julia's name to the veto bag when she came into the house full-time.

  • Love 1
I really felt for Steve when Vanessa cornered him in the dentist's bedroom and started going at him.  I know Steve has issues with confrontation, but if Vanessa were all up in my face saying "Was it your plan? I heard it was your plan? Was it?  Yes or No? Yes? No? Your? Plan? YESORNO?"  I'd cave, too!  She is a verbal tornado.

Vanessa is a bully who knows she can only pull that stuff with certain people who don't have the verbal skills she has. If someone were to try to come at her like that she'd dissolve into a flood of hysterical tears. But that behavior has been working for her so far on this show. It's like everyone's scared to confront her but knows she's trouble. That said, I'm still pulling for her.

  • Love 2

Several players' plans for the week get zzzzzZINGED!http://previously.tv/big-brother/short-circuits/"> Read the story

My favorite part:

After the Veto drawing, Liz leans on Austin to break up Steve and Johnny Mac rather than continuing with his vague plan to target Vanessa. Because Liz is the brains of the operation now. And Austin's brains are in his pants. Wait, was that redundant?


  • Love 1

When James sneaked  into the closet to set up a "prank" -  I was hoping the shelf he perched on was going to FALL and he would get all tangled up, break the closet door, and make a spectacular fool of himself.  


I like pranks, when they're clever.  I despise the "hiding then jumping out and saying BOO "  type of prank.  Unless the person doing it is under age 6.

  • Love 3

My husband watched with me last night. He asked me why James would hide in a closet. I asked him what he would do if he was in a house with 16 or fewer people for three months, no tv, no internet, no games, and nothing to read.


I get why you end up with pot ball and sling ball and hiding in closets. Heck, I might be coordinating hide and seek tournaments, some tag in the back yard, kick the can. It has got to be boring as all hell and gone in that place.

  • Love 6

Thank you!  Is she that super-sensitive about her roots growing back in that she can't bear to part with the beanie?  And not to be super-snarky, but she didn't even curl it that attractively...it reminded me of those big 70's curls, made crunchy by layers of Aqua-Net.  But then, her green eyeshadow and black eyeliner does absolutely nothing for her coloring, so whatev.

I want to see What Not to Wear's Stacey and Clinton come back to TV for a Very Special Takeover Week on BB. First candidate, Austin (duh), second candidate, Vanessa. They can't go to F4 unless they comply. The rest of them can get in line.

I feel like Zingbot tried to do a variation on the classic Boogie zing for Julia, but it didn't really work :("How does it feel to be the old man...oops, didn't see you there, Boogie.") Oh -- and I liked Meg's "Sucks in the City" zing. Zingbot tells no lies there. Though between that and The Crying Game, Zingbot needs to update his mid-late 90s audio/visual collection.


Johnny Mac's zing felt so out of left field because it hadn't been a joke on the show before. And Johnny Mac was such a gimme, with all the dentist jokes they could've made. Whiffed badly on that one, Zingbot.


But I am all for zings that call out terrible behavior (like the "Christine's husband" Cody zing from last year). Zingbot as Irreverent Show Conscience always works for me.


He didn't even get his 90s shows right.  It's not "Sex in the City", it's "Sex and the City", so "Sucks and the City" is kind of senseless.   

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