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Jeopardy! Season 32 (2015-2016)


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Could very well be!  Funny that my memory defaulted "Christian" to "Catholic" when I'm Protestant. ;-)


Matt said something nice in the interview portion of Thursday's show about an ideology he learned from Judaism. It made me like that he wanted to stress something sweet and profound. I do like him in the interviews, not so much in the games, but I don't have a red-hot hatred for him, either.

I couldn't quite catch how the phrase might be spelled, but it meant "repairing the world". Matt does come off well in interviews, and I still say that the behavior that some find offputting is just his focus, and it seems to work for him. The middle player's Joker grin creeped me out far more, and I was thankful it was not an upset.

  I knew all the sit-com moms, including the TS's, as my knowledge base is trivial in that way.

  Didn't know FJ, so I guessed "Norway".

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When I saw that Mr. Peabody and Sherman was going to be a Jeopardy category on FB, I had my qualms.  When I heard their voices, I thought WTF?  Then I remembered this wasn't the Mr. Peabody and Sherman that I grew up with.  Sometimes it's a curse being a baby boomer. 


The voices for that new Netflix version of it sound really off.  They couldn't find anyone to replicate the original voices ?  That's kind of sad.

  • Love 7

Since the camera holds on each contestant long enough to give their name, occupation and city, and in the case of the returning champ also their X-day total winnings, Matt will have plenty of time to flash ten fingers and then one, so I'm assuming that's what he'll do if he wins eleven games.  But I admit I'm curious, and will make sure to tune in early to find out (I often don't turn it on until about a minute in, skipping the contestant intros and Alex's opening remark).


(At eight, I thought of the Seinfeld episode where Kramer accidentally flashes the gang sign for The Van Buren Boys by holding up eight fingers.)

Oh thank you! I kept reading here about the fingers and had never seen it and I wondered how I managed to zone it out but my dvr starts after the intros!

The phrase is Tikkun Olam. Olam means world and tikkun means to heal or repair. The concept is that we have an obligation to do what we can to leave things better then they were before we got here. There is a real emphasis on this life in Judaism. Charity,Tzedakah, acts of loving kindness, and compassion for others are highly valued. My favorite prayer is called Sim Shalom. It asks G-d to favor us with peace, goodness and blessings, mercy and kindness. Wish we could ask agree on that and live together in peace and with respect.

That said, Matt baffles me. He can be pretty obnoxious, then he talks about Tikkun Olam & messes with my head.

  • Love 10

When I saw that Mr. Peabody and Sherman was going to be a Jeopardy category on FB, I had my qualms.  When I heard their voices, I thought WTF?  Then I remembered this wasn't the Mr. Peabody and Sherman that I grew up with.  Sometimes it's a curse being a baby boomer. 

Yup. Those voices were all wrong. The animation wasn't bad per se, but it's not the original. 


Nina vs. Niña, maybe?

I always just say "Nina," but it seems like Matt's pronunciation is the correct way. It was weird that Alex said, "Yes, we'll accept that."


I wanted to like Erik, but his buzzer technique was getting on my nerves.


I think in the clue for Tammany Hall, it said that Boss Tweed made a quite a hall. I think they should have spelled it "haul." The pun would still work.

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I must not have any big problems.


Instead of a "like" button, we need a "smile" button, a "laugh" button, a "laughing really loud" button, and a "guffaw" button from which to choose. Because. I select LRL here!


And a "this is clever/cute" button would be especially helpful on this board, as some of you really deserve it. See above in quote box.


Edited by just prin
  • Love 2

It's tikkun olam, fwiw.

I wondered if Alex legit thought "Nina" was actually correct??

Sounded to me like Matt was trying to be extra precise in his correct pronunciation and drew it out so much that it seemed like he added an extra syllable, like "Nin-ee-a" which might be considered a no no and therefore had to be checked with the judges. Edited by Rickster
  • Love 4

Does Matt look like anyone? He seems familiar, but I can't put my finger it on.



I think I mentioned this before, but to me he looks like the guy who plays Barry, the older son on The Goldbergs. I even tried to post a picture of both of them to compare but apparently I'm technologically challenged and can't do it :)


When I saw that Mr. Peabody and Sherman was going to be a Jeopardy category on FB, I had my qualms.  When I heard their voices, I thought WTF?  Then I remembered this wasn't the Mr. Peabody and Sherman that I grew up with.  Sometimes it's a curse being a baby boomer.



I'm right there with you on all of this! I said the same thing to my husband...that's NOT Mr. Peabody & Sherman! :/

  • Love 4


When I saw that Mr. Peabody and Sherman was going to be a Jeopardy category on FB, I had my qualms.  When I heard their voices, I thought WTF?  Then I remembered this wasn't the Mr. Peabody and Sherman that I grew up with.  Sometimes it's a curse being a baby boomer.

Exactly!  Why do they keep trying to redo things that were done right the first time and don't need doing again?  Besides, all the questions in that category were ridiculously easy.


I really liked the guy from Toronto and he started out well but then he just sort of faded away.  I thought Erik was just a little weird.


Re FJ, I got Cyrillic right away but took a bit longer to get the Greek alphabet. 

  • Love 1

Yup, even I was rooting for Matt today because Erik In The Middle...ummmm - no.



Well, I got a big laugh out of Erik In The Middle flashing the Big Zero sign during his intro. He was okay in my book after that.


I'm with you guys on the Sherman and Peabody fail. Voices not EVEN close, and the animation second-rate at best. And while I've never seen it spelled, I always thought of it as the Wayback Machine, not Wabak (or Waback).

Did he say "I fear not much"? That's too funny. I'm sure he didn't mean that.



I took it as Matt's score was such a runaway, Trebek was pretty sure he wasn't going to do a Cliff Clavin and bet it all.


I did wonder about Trebek's trademark "HELL-loooow" when Matt did a "true daily double." Geesh, Trebek, get over it.


ETA: Thanks, Roaster, for those stats. Maybe we're seeing some Jeopardy history-making?

Edited by saber5055
  • Love 2

Well, I got a big laugh out of Erik In The Middle flashing the Big Zero sign during his intro. He was okay in my book after that.

Ohhhh. I didn't pick up on that. Pretty good one, Erik.


I just rewatched the end.  After Matt's answer is revealed, Alex says, "He got half of it only. So he's going to lose some money, I fear not much." So what Alex is saying here is that he fears that Matt is not going to lose very much, i.e., Alex wanted him to lose more. Again, I'm sure he didn't mean that.

  • Love 2

Well, Matt finally did it.  He made me quit Jeopardy for the time being.  After being lured into watching after the almost of Wednesday, I actually changed the channel in the middle of Double Jeopardy.  I just couldn't take it anymore.

{Of course, by doing so, I missed the abomination of a new Sherman and Mr. Peabody, so I guess there's a silver lining.}


Well, they are both "C" words.

Yes. I caught that, and I wondered if anyone here would have any flashes of guilt.

I don't watch the interviews, but Matt would have to single-handedly save an entire hospital of orphans, kittens and puppies before I'd dislike him any less.

Edited by proserpina65
  • Love 7

The internet says it's always been spelled WABAC,



Thanks a LOT, Jesse, you killer of my childhood memories!

I don't watch the interviews, but Matt would have to single-handedly save an entire hospital of orphans, kittens and puppies before I'd dislike him any less.



That could be revealed in today's interview. Stay tuned.

  • Love 5

Yay Matt, show 'em how it's done! I was thrilled that the female attorney in the middle was ineligible for FJ. She annoyed me to no end with the huffiness, the hand on hip, the frowns, the sighing and the faces. I'm sure it's very frustrating to finally be on Jeopardy only to be slotted against one of these great players that come along occasionally. However, 1) those are the chances you take when you apply, and 2) even when she got to buzz in, she was mostly incorrect.

Bye, Felicia

  • Love 8

I'm rooting for Matt to pass Julia Collins for regular game wins (20) and Dave Madden for regular game winnings ($430,400).

Jeopardy is so much more interesting to watch when someone combines knowledge and board management and uses game theory in betting. He does show a sense of self-effacing humor on his Matt Jackson Jeopardy fb page - he posts a picture that represents each fj that he has missed.


The Wednesday game was frustrating to watch. Alison got a DD late in DJ, and bet like a wuss. She essentially played for 2nd. When there was an opening to overtake a great player, she didn't have the guts to go for the win. When Matt eventually loses, I hope it is to another great player who takes him down in an exciting match.



  • Love 7

No, Alex, it's not the Celebrated Arthur Chu, it's Despised. And Matt is now in that category as well. His Halloween costumes are even so obscure that no one "gets" them.

What's with his odd pronunciation of some words? El "Paaa-so" instead of El "Pass-o"?

I liked Elicia and her "pink large eared baby" story. I was so hoping she'd win. Can't say I was sorry to see bitch face Emily do so poorly.

They didn't even find the DD in the regular Jeopardy round?

Lintel, Das Boot and dolly grip were TS I got.

FJ was so easy that even I, who knows next to nothing about video games, got it.

  • Love 2

No, Alex, it's not the Celebrated Arthur Chu, it's Despised. And Matt is now in that category as well. His Halloween costumes are even so obscure that no one "gets" them.

What's with his odd pronunciation of some words? El "Paaa-so" instead of El "Pass-o"?


I thought the Halloween costume was hilarious, even though it required explanation. I love quirky costumes like that, it shows creativity.


As for the pronunciation of El Paso, I think it's a regional thing. I pronounce it the way Matt does as well, because that is what I've always heard others say.

There was a TS that really surprised me, but I can't remember now what it was.

  • Love 3

Matt's enunciation is pretty much spot on, which I think is helpful in that that is one way that contestants get dinged by the judges. I felt for Emily, but she was a bit over the top in her reactions. Did she storm off before FJ? (I can imagine Ben Affleck's assessment of her performance was much the same as hers of his.) Tetris was an easy clue. I'm looking forward to seeing what Matt can do next week! (I don't have a problem with someone doing well at something. In fact, it's entertaining to watch.)

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These contestants don’t watch much college football, obviously.  Not even knowing who won the most recent national championship?


I’ve never heard El Paso pronounced Pah-so.  I thought he’d seen it written but never said, but perhaps there are areas of the country that pronounce it that way.


Ottowa surprised me as a TS.  Same with Thursday, a bit.  Das Boot was quite surprising, but the attorney pouting when she got it wrong was memorable.  It was all downhill from there for her.  I wonder if she’s a transactional attorney.  Because I want to throw a fit like that in court sometimes, and certainly would want to if I went on the show and got frustrated.  But you learn right quick to “never let ‘em see you sweat.”  Her reactions went beyond self-deprecating to embarrassing.


I’ve never played Tetris, but I know the concept, so based on the year and the slogan FJ was pretty easy for me.  Thank heavens it was a video game from back in the day; I know nothing about modern ones.

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I was thrilled that the female attorney in the middle was ineligible for FJ. She annoyed me to no end with the huffiness, the hand on hip, the frowns, the sighing and the faces. I'm sure it's very frustrating to finally be on Jeopardy only to be slotted against one of these great players that come along occasionally. However, 1) those are the chances you take when you apply, and 2) even when she got to buzz in, she was mostly incorrect.

Bye, Felicia

PREACH. I wish Sandman from the Apollo could have danced her off the stage.




At the end of Double Jeopardy, Alex said "I hope you enjoyed yourself" to the departing contestant Emily who ended up in the negative.

Ummm, no Alex, she didn't.


We were talking about Matt’s F-U the other day but today Alex made the F-U Dean’s list. And I loved it.

  • Love 2

Thank you! It was definitely the Thursday TS that really surprised me. I wasn't as surprised about Ottawa, since it's not in the US and there are tons of bilingual cities, including many that are much more "bilingual" than Ottawa. If you're not good with visualizing words with letters missing, then simply telling someone it's a bilingual city is pretty useless.

  • Love 1

I’ve never heard El Paso pronounced Pah-so.  I thought he’d seen it written but never said, but perhaps there are areas of the country that pronounce it that way.

I always say it the gringo way, El Pass-oh, but the Spanish way must be El Pah-so. I think the reason Matt's pronunication sounded strange was that it was kind of a combo of the two.


I like clever or pun-ny costumes, but his gangster [w]rapper was pretty bad. I'm curious what his other ones were.


The TS's I got were lintel, Ottawa, and Das Boot. BTW, Alex said "Das Boat." Is that how you pronounce it? I've always said Boot, just like it looks.


The jazz hands were pretty funny, whether intentional or not. Now I'm curious what he'll do for number 11. Jazz hands plus his tongue sticking out?

  • Love 4


No, Alex, it's not the Celebrated Arthur Chu, it's Despised. And Matt is now in that category as well. His Halloween costumes are even so obscure that no one "gets" them.

I know it is very unpopular, but I loved Arthur and I love Matt as well. I thoughts Matt's Halloween costumes were hilarious. I like creative costumes, because I see a lot of the same old stuff on Halloween so I appreciate anything a bit different. 

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I just rewatched the end.  After Matt's answer is revealed, Alex says, "He got half of it only. So he's going to lose some money, I fear not much." So what Alex is saying here is that he fears that Matt is not going to lose very much, i.e., Alex wanted him to lose more. Again, I'm sure he didn't mean that.

Was it possibly punctuated: "So he's going to lose some money, I fear. <wager revealed> Not much." ?

  • Love 3

Yay Matt, show 'em how it's done! I was thrilled that the female attorney in the middle was ineligible for FJ. She annoyed me to no end with the huffiness, the hand on hip, the frowns, the sighing and the faces. I'm sure it's very frustrating to finally be on Jeopardy only to be slotted against one of these great players that come along occasionally. However, 1) those are the chances you take when you apply, and 2) even when she got to buzz in, she was mostly incorrect.

Bye, Felicia

Agreed. You make a good point that it must be frustrating to have your turn to complete come up against one of the greats, however, that kind of frustration must be held in check and not exhibited the way she did. She succeeded only in making herself appear childish and petulant. This is not standard jeopardy contestant behavior; normally they act quite placid and polite. This is the kind of thing you complain about privately to your sister on the phone, but you don't actively sigh and moan and make disgusted faces right there on stage while they are filming. Can't imagine what type of reactions she would have had when she undoubtedly would have lost FJ but I was pleased there was no chance to find out. Bye, Felicia indeed.

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