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S17.E26: Episode 26

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I still want to know where a "twist every week" went...and why Julie doesn't mention it.  Well what do you know Steve does have a personality.  I love James scaring Julia.  It made me laugh.  I love James.


Why on early would John and Steve want to team up with the Austwins?  That makes them 4 and 5.  What idiots.  At least with James and Meg they'd be even.  If they did that and maybe pulled in Vanessa for one week they could get rid of Austin maybe. 

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I still want to know where a "twist every week" went...and why Julie doesn't mention it.


This story from a couple of weeks ago, explains why it went away; including a quote from Julie Chen regarding the end of the twist:



We had so much going on, it was better to focus on the pure game–because the game is genius–and the twin twist. You don’t want to give the viewers too much to balance out between, ‘Oh, the power of veto. Oh the double HOHs.’ There was enough going on. You have to clean up a little bit. Pure game.

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Thanks pennben I must have missed that.  So now we end up with just the twin twist.  I was looking forward to something different every week to keep them on their toes but I guess that gives AG carte blanche to keep her favorites in the house.  So blah.

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This was a rather lackluster live show. I mean, yay Zingbot is coming and I can't wait to see what he's going to say about Liz, Austin, and Vanessa. But other than that? The piece on Steve was way too long. The Becky boot was predictable the second we saw the HGs, just because she was dressed up and Johnny Mac was in athletic clothes. We've already seen most of those clips of James scaring Julia. 


The HoH comp seems a little ho-hum too. Just as I was saying that Meg probably wasn't going to make it far in this one, she goes out first. I usually get bored at this point of the season with the broadcast show. Hopefully it picks up soon.

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I'd have liked maybe 30 seconds on Steve:  look his town is alllll over his being on, they've got signs and get togethers! It's even Steve Day! Now back to the vote...


Would rather have seen more of the shoddily painted 'track' comp. Though I did enjoy Meg as Julie was reading the roles shaking her head and and saying to herself "Well ain't that a mother***?" another one she had no shot at. I hate when we see little to no eliminations for a longer comp when they've been wasting time with fillers all night prior.

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Can't they at least have the nomonees dress the same when they do the vote? Completely obvious who was going home. At least John's speach was pretty original and funny.

Edited by yanksno1
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You'd be hard pressed to find a Thursday episode with more filler:

James & Meg package

James the joker package

Steve's hometown package (I hope the principal and librarian are married because he was very hands on with a staff member)

Meg falling package

Jury House package

Zingbot package (did not need to see Cody AGAIN but I'd forgotten about the Christine storyline)


all this filler and so we couldn't even get the HOH Second heat on the air? I'd much rather see that..in fact as people said a couple weeks ago there have been way TOO MANY continued HOH comps this summer...and the problem with those is that when they air the whole thing on Sunday...thanks to the demeanor of the people in the diary room you can almost always guess who the winner will be.


Every year there is someone like Shelli at jury house who says they hope to see so and so come through that door next because they did yada, yada, yada but come jury  night they ALWAYS vote for that person to win the game if they are in the finals. Hypocrites...can't anyone ever hold a good old fashion grudge against someone for ending THEIR game? Props to Shelli though for her first appearance where she didn't harp on her relationship with Clay (whose probably out squiring young co-eds about the town by now).


This past week was the first time I actually liked Johnny Mac because he wasn't playinig a character anymore but playing the game. But he lost me again tonight when he threw in with the Austwins. Steve and JM are so stupid to align with a trio and wind up wheel four and wheel five respectively putting them far from the money.

Since it can't be said enough....Austin put a shirt on.

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That was pretty much the entire town of Governeur on the lawn. It looked like Steve was wearing a Fredonia hoodie, it surprises me he would have gone to college so far from home (relatively far, I mean they're in the same state but there is a lot of real estate between Northern and Southern New York).

Shelli and Jackie need to shriek and cackle anywhere but an empty, echoey room. Shelli irritated me, I don't miss her. I'll be fine if none of those three bootees end up back in the game.

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I love how everyone complains about Vanessa but in the 11th hour they all keep finding reasons not to put her up. While I didn't agree with the arrogant way she went about it at least Becky had the courage of her convictions. If production is protecting anybody, I'm wondering if it's Vanessa (and maybe Steve). If she goes most of the house's agita goes with her. We're already seeing that production is struggling to find stuff to show on the televised episodes. Austin and the twins seem to me like something that looked good on paper but in execution isn't enough to build most of the game drama around.

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What's the point of Thursdays being the "live" show when they fill up the whole hour with canned pieces? 


The two segments that supposedly make Thursday all Must-See TV were four or five minutes for the eviction process and four minutes for the merest scrap of the HoH competition.


"Join us at 1:00a.m. for Big Brother After Dark to see more of the HoH competition!!"




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So my burning question is - how did the twins get their hands on the hair dye?  Gone are the black roots, they are more honey-colored now, unless that was just the lighting playing tricks on my eyes.


Steve looks great rocking a faux-hawk!  Who is doing everyone's hair in the BB house?

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Okay, so what is up with Johnny Mac obviously being safe, because he was wearing athletic/comp clothes and Becky was dressed up? Someone else mentioned this a few weeks back, but I never noticed it until now. Does the house just decide to tell everyone what's up before the vote?


I did love John's speech, nice way of acknowledging all Becky had done before she left. 


James really wins all the episodes for me, with his pranks and dorky flirting with Meg - "Yea, girl, you put those Spanx on". 


How I wish the twins really DID form a John/Steve alliance without Austin. Don't toy with me like that, Julia!

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No, the twins definitely fixed their roots. I noticed it too in the live segments. Either production gave them dye or else Liz got some in her HoH package and shared with her sister.


I feel like that Steve segment showed us more about him than we'd ever seen on the show this whole time. It actually gave him a personality, and we saw him talking to other people in the house about himself. Things the editors never deigned to show us before. I guess they didn't think it was important. Also, I guess it was kind of weird to see him having a lovely little chat with Becky, since they're supposed to be sworn enemies or something… (I will NEVER understand that subplot)


I didn't mind the James scaring people package because honestly, that's some of the most entertaining footage this whole season. I think even after James is evicted, BB should sneak him back in through the DR periodically just to scare the bejeezus out of the remaining houseguests. THAT would be a show I'd watch! :D


I'm going to try and avoid looking online to spoil the HoH results and wait until Sunday. I know they're going to draw out the remaining heats of the comp for like the first 20 minutes of the show, and if I know how it's going to end, that's going to be even more boring than it already would be. :P

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Agreed that James' scaring Julia was fun to watch.  Of course he's doing it because he's friggin bored to tears.  At this point, its pretty obvious who's aligned with who and it doesn't take much talking time to try and switch a few things up.  Gotta fill up those hours doing something.


I haven't watched a lot of BB previously and never noticed before that when the person gets to the jury house, its in different clothes (or at least Jackie was).  I presume they must spend the first night after eviction in a hotel or something.  I was thinking though how obvious the 'set up' was with Shelli sitting on a barstool reading when Jackie came in.  Really?  No one does that.  Had it been 'natural' she would have been on the sofa.


I thought the twins' hair/roots looked better during the live portion of the show too.  Looks like everyone, who wanted to, got some hair work done, since Steve had a cut and JMac's hair doesn't look too long for two months either. 


Steve must come from a really small/isolated town.

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Too much Steve for my liking.


To be fair, more than 20 seconds of Steve is too much for my liking. An entire segment about him and his boring ass family and town was my cue to go walk the dog.


Still don't see the appeal of JMac. His speeches get more cringe inducing by the week. 

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Agreed that James' scaring Julia was fun to watch.  Of course he's doing it because he's friggin bored to tears.  At this point, its pretty obvious who's aligned with who and it doesn't take much talking time to try and switch a few things up.  Gotta fill up those hours doing something.



Yeah, I appreciate anyone who is trying to entertain (1) himself, (2) other houseguests, (3) me.

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From the recap:

Shelli and Jackie reunite in the jury house and blow out my TV's speakers.

My husband was in another room and that was the only part of the show he heard. And then wondered if I switched to a procedural where someone was getting murdered.

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You'd be hard pressed to find a Thursday episode with more filler:


Indeed. If they're going to show clips of James pranking people can they at least use footage we haven't already seen? Or are those the only times he's actually pranked someone? (I guess maybe there was one in there we hadn't seen already.)


Call me cynical but this HoH looks like something that deliberately favors Austin, and I get the impression the show has a vested interest in keeping Liz and Austin around now that the Clelli showmance has walked out the door.


Speaking of which, why do they put on a pretense of Shelli being in the jury house wondering who's coming in next when she and Jackie were evicted on the same night? What do they do, put Shelli in the jury house by herself for a day or two and put Jackie up in a motel somewhere, just so they can film this crap?

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Speaking of which, why do they put on a pretense of Shelli being in the jury house wondering who's coming in next when she and Jackie were evicted on the same night? What do they do, put Shelli in the jury house by herself for a day or two and put Jackie up in a motel somewhere, just so they can film this crap?


Yes. At the very least Jackie entered the jury house hours after Shelli.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Damn, if James did that to me, he would have painted the BIGGEST target on his back possible.


I also really didn't like him picking on Steve. He doesn't have a real friendly relationship with Steve, so that just seemed mean.

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I'm like the opposite of Gollum in that I HATESSSSS pranks. Hate them. So much. I would be torn if James did that to me, because on the one hand, I wouldn't want to go all Hulk on his ass because it might damage my game, and on the other hand, I would have to talk myself out of wrapping his tot-sized ass in Saran Wrap and dropping him in the pool.

In the long run cling-wrapping your belongings isn't THAT big of a deal. But still. Pranks suck.

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I also really didn't like him picking on Steve. He doesn't have a real friendly relationship with Steve, so that just seemed mean.


They're baes now! They shower together and play chess together. I do think they've become pretty good buddies. However, Steve still seems a bit high strung, I probably would have played the prank one someone else. 

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Maybe the scaring pranks would have been better than the saran wrap then; because it is just James and him.


But it was really uncomfortable to watch the whole house stand there and laugh at him.


As someone who is an introvert, it can be very difficult to decide if people are laughing at or with me, and I suspect he has the same issues (and really, watching, I wasn't sure- maybe it depended on the person). Even if he appeared to brush it off, it could just bring up some really awful memories of being bullied.


Quite honestly, the really long town segment made me uncomfortable for him too. He's being embraced by all!  How many of those people gave a damn about him before he was on TV?


Maybe I'm just projecting personal issues...

Edited by Skittl1321
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From the recap:

My husband was in another room and that was the only part of the show he heard. And then wondered if I switched to a procedural where someone was getting murdered.

Just be glad it was Jackie and not one of the twins. If that greeting had been between two sorority sisters, a sizable part of the viewing audience would've ended up in the floor trying to stop the bleeding from their ears.

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Call me cynical but this HoH looks like something that deliberately favors Austin, and I get the impression the show has a vested interest in keeping Liz and Austin around now that the Clelli showmance has walked out the door.



Exactly what Mr. ToStandOn & I said last night.  The one run we saw before the show ended, Austin made it to the other end in just about 2 long strides.  Unless he takes his foot or hand off of one of the buttons or takes off before the word 'Run' comes up, I see him winning this one too.

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Quite honestly, the really long town segment made me uncomfortable for him too. He's being embraced by all!  How many of those people gave a damn about him before he was on TV?


That was my thought, too.  Based on the things his mother was saying, and what he was saying about talking to his mom daily and stuff, I don't get the feeling he was the "town's favorite son" or anything.  Seems more like the whole town jumped on his bandwagon when he made it on TV and suddenly everyone loves ole' Steve.  I was embarrassed for him and, if he doesn't win, I am sure he will go home and go back to quietly being ignored again.


If I was on the receiving end of James' pranks, I am sure I wouldn't be finding them funny and would probably have kicked him in the face when he popped out from under the table at me.  I get being bored out of his mind, though, so I kind of understand why he is doing it.  These are people who normally work jobs and have lives...and now they are stuck sitting in a house all day with nothing very interesting to do.


As for Shelli and Jackie....that was so incredibly fake (and ear shatteringly shrill).  I was happy to hear Jackie wasn't really blaming Steve, though.  Vanessa is evil and has had a hand in most of these "shocking" evictions.  I want to see Johnny Mac put her up, I really really do! 

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I do enjoy watching James scare Julia, but if he tried that on me, one of us would be dead. I have a ridiculous startle reflex and I absolutely hate being scared like that. In fact, as embarrassing as it is to admit, until recently I've been afraid of the dark my whole life, because I could envision something lurking in the darkness. Most people know not to deliberately scare me, but I've had co-workers who seem to love watching me jump and gasp when they startle me. They're all sadists.

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I don't know if this would work in your situation, RHZ, but being jumpy myself, I hung a small bell on my cubicle with a note to ring the bell before entering.  It sounds weird, but with my back to the door (and my desk is attached to the cubicle, so I can't move it), I often had co-workers suddenly coming up behind me sort of like Homer Simpson going "HOW DO YOU LIKE MY NEW HOCKEY MASK AND CHAINSAW?"  Most of the time it does the trick.  

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That was pretty much the entire town of Governeur on the lawn. It looked like Steve was wearing a Fredonia hoodie, it surprises me he would have gone to college so far from home (relatively far, I mean they're in the same state but there is a lot of real estate between Northern and Southern New York).

I read somewhere (of course I can't find it now) that he switched to Fredonia for the time being because it gave him more flexibility for this semester. He's been an engineering student at Cornell, according to his CBS bio, but it made no sense for him to register for fall semester there, given that being in the BB house doesn't work with the schedule there. Fredonia allowed him to take fall classes online on an independent basis, so that he could be on the show and get some credits in. That's the best of my recollection, at any rate.

As an aside, I know that the town of Fredonia has had that name for close to two hundred years, but in my mind, the citizens are required to break into a hearty chorus of "Hail, hail Freedonia!" every time the town's name is said. And if they aren't required to do that, then, by God, they ought to be!

I'm like the opposite of Gollum in that I HATESSSSS pranks. Hate them. So much. I would be torn if James did that to me, because on the one hand, I wouldn't want to go all Hulk on his ass because it might damage my game, and on the other hand, I would have to talk myself out of wrapping his tot-sized ass in Saran Wrap and dropping him in the pool.

In the long run cling-wrapping your belongings isn't THAT big of a deal. But still. Pranks suck

I would find them funny myself, especially in the BB house, since no property is being damaged, and Julia is only momentarily being startled by them. I thought that Steve also found it funny but frustrating. An actual knife would have made quick work of it had there been any in the house.

Exactly what Mr. ToStandOn & I said last night. The one run we saw before the show ended, Austin made it to the other end in just about 2 long strides. Unless he takes his foot or hand off of one of the buttons or takes off before the word 'Run' comes up, I see him winning this one too.

His long stride is a plus, but those long limbs looked like a hindrance at the starting block. If he doesn't win, I'd bet it is because he fell off the block.

Vanessa not having her foot on the foot block button seemed kind of hinky to me. Production does go over all this with them at great length before the live broadcast, don't they? I suppose they decided to give her the benefit of the doubt since it was the beginning of the competition, or because she never got her foot on the button to begin with rather than because it fell off, but it made me wonder if she was up to something.

I actually like the competition, given that it is endurance and balance and concentration plus a race, but I do agree that they have had too many competitions that go on beyond the live broadcast. On the other hand, if I had to choose, I'd take more drawn-out competitions over brininging BotB back. Having a competition to air on Sunday's broadcast improves their ratings and helps bring people to the feeds, and I'd much rather watch a recap of the HoH that more BotB.

This competition seemed tailor-made for Becky, though.

I thought what Becky had to say about her game and Vanessa's game in her conversation with Julie was spot on. Becky is not one of my favorites, but I was impressed by her lack of bitterness or need for vengeance.

While Shelli and Jackie would target Vanessa if they got back in the house, I also got the impression they might vote for her to win if they had to do it right now. An interesting dynamic.

Edited by Kris117
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It looked to me like Vanessa's initial stance had her foot BEHIND the block, which seemed odd.  Maybe she did think she'd found some loophole and that if she never pushed the button it would never register as having been released?  


Is the BB jury house The Bachelor house, or do all reality show houses look the same?

I haven't watched any Bach shows in forever but if they're still using the same house, it's not the same as this one.   It's just really common for SoCal mansions and mcmansions to have that Mediterranean/Spanish style.


That was waaaayyy too much about Steve's home town.  And I'm surprised Becky and Julie said he might really be playing the game hard.  I haven't seen any of it, if he is.  


Is there not even a scissors in that house?  That would have made quick work of his saran situation.  I didn't feel bad for him.  It's not like he had to rush to get his clothes free to get to work or something.  He looked like he was laughing about it and dragging it out to me.  

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