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S02.E04: Episode 4

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I'm not going to debate current child attachment research, but as a Navy brat, we grew up with both of our parents being gone for stretches of time.  We also drank out of the garden hose and rode bikes without helmets.  Most kids thrive and survive anyway. 


JJ and Jonathan both left their kid, and they've had back-to-back seasons. 

Edited by leighdear
  • Love 13

Well, I thought it was entirely strange that when Clare felt disappointed and left out of couplings (again), she decided to rip the others for not being like participants last year, who were looking for real relationships, while this year's people were not.  I mean, what?


 Others are coupled up but they're not really looking for 'love' as she is ?   

 This seemed actually a little crazy to me, making Ashley S. seem entirely normal.  Why not just be unhappy (for good reasons -- Jared was unkind and sort of shocked me) without putting down the entire group for not being genuine the way last year's group was (which she had left in a huff when things weren't going well for her romantically ).




Good point about Clare walking out last season when things weren't going the way she wanted.   Now fast forward a year later and she's going to put everyone down and create a scene again and threaten to leave?!  That's just being a level one drama queen.   

Edited by CindyBee
  • Love 11

JJ and Jonathan both left their kid, and they've had back-to-back seasons. 


Their kids are older though and they have their moms around as far as I know. Juelia's child was a year old when she went on the Bachelor and it really doesn't matter when she was eliminated, since it wasn't her choice. If she'd had her way then she would've been there until the end. That's just wrong IMO.


And say what you want about JJ, I think he's a good dad. He left his job, because it required 20-hour days and he wanted to be with his daughter. I listened to some podcast with him as a guest and he mentioned something about her starting preschool soon, so he's planning to go back to work.

  • Love 7

Quite Frankly, I find Joe to be one of the most reprehensible guys we've seen on this series. He is just awful! Not only is he totally playing Juelia in hopes of some other girl showing up next week, but he is manipulating the guys too! I don't even LIKE Jonathan, but the way he had him apologizing and in tears - I was just disgusted. And Joe didn't even mildly flirt to keep Juelia's interest, he acted like he was SUPER into her, asking her about her kid and all that. I mean, it was like he was really trying to bond with her. Hell, even *I* believed it until I saw the footage of him later. 


And he's just scary. That whole "give me the rose" with the devil eyes thing? Shudder. And forget what I said about Mikey Sunday night with his violent threats. That looked like silly posturing compared to Joe's tirade about brains coming out of ears and brass knuckles. Evil. 



I was also quite shocked when Jared let Claire down. I thought he seemed REALLY into her on their date. But apparently she's just too old. Why even ask her out then? Why kiss her? I swear, Ashley I must be doing some Disney Voodoo because I don't know why he'd go running back to her clingy ass. Their kiss, in contrast, had zero passion from where I was sitting. It looked awkward and clunky and like they were mauling each other. But whatever....


More than anything, I'm mad he went back to Ashley because it gives her the chance to gloat about beating the "old lady". For a girl who was just bawling her eyes out, she is taking way too much pleasure in the pain of another woman. What a despicable person. 


I guess I shouldn't be surprised that Tenley picked Josh. But I felt badly for Michael. He seemed really into her and Josh seems like he just came on down to hang out and see what happens. 


If Claire goes home, are they going to send 4 guys home, or let some of them stay and see what happens next week?

  • Love 8
Yeah come on Clare, perk up.  Michael isn't that bad.   Or even Jonathan.   But Jared dumping her cause she is "old" really did a number on her.


I was hoping after the thing with Jared she'd look at Mikey with new eyes. He is a dolt and can be kind of crass at times, but he does seem to have a good heart and he was very sweet with her. You can't always tell about a person after one date. She should give him another chance. 


I see I'm not the only one who thought "shut up, Jade" at her being "offended" by Clare's comments. Jade has a secure relationship with Tanner, why stomp on Clare wanting the same with someone. Maybe Jade and Tanner were just tired of Clare's drama and weeping (understandable). idk


I didn't really see anything to be offended by. I didn't think Claire thought everyone there was "playing a game". But I do think SHE felt played with, and sees that some people are angling for a rose and only angling for a rose, despite not being into anyone. I think she is feeling conflicted, because at this point SHE does not have a genuine connection with anyone - so should she offer someone an empty rose and go on, or should she just leave? I feel like she was just vocalizing that. Yes, Claire can be overdramatic and annoying, but I really didn't see the need for Jade to call her out like that. 

  • Love 11

My two cents: mothers AND fathers of young children shouldn't be coming onto shows like these under the guise of "finding love" (it makes you look a bit silly); I find it hard to believe that's a motivating factor considering the low success rate of relationships on the shows and the high drama/humiliation/embarrassment edits. Surely there are kinder acting gigs you could audition for. ;)

I didn't get the impression Clare was saying that no one was there this year to find love, some are into playing the game more than developing solid relationships, or whatever she thinks the show should be.

Edited by KR Vermont
  • Love 9


JJ and Jonathan both left their kid, and they've had back-to-back seasons. 

JJ has a kid?? How did I miss that. He acts like a 5 year old. His kid is probably more mature than he is. 

I didn't get the impression Clare was saying that no one was there this year to find love, some are into playing the game more than developing solid relationships, or whatever she thinks the show should be.

I thought maybe she was getting at the fact that people are onto the game of BiP now, versus last season it was kind of new and the cast didn't know entirely what to expect. I can see how Jade could interpret it the way she did though. But I still want Jade to be quiet. And I want Clare to have more random outbursts, ha!

  • Love 4

As far as I can remember, people were playing the game last season as well. Clare just can't help having a dramatic meltdown every time things aren't going her way. I don't think she means harm and she's probably a really sweet person in real life, but she is so ridiculously dramatic with her emotions. I think her OTT'ness is what turned Jared off, not her age.

  • Love 5
As far as I can remember, people were playing the game last season as well. Clare just can't help having a dramatic meltdown every time things aren't going her way. I don't think she means harm and she's probably a really sweet person in real life, but she is so ridiculously dramatic with her emotions. I think her OTT'ness is what turned Jared off, not her age.




Yeah, I totally think she was making excuses for her own sadness about not being in a [2-day long?] loooooove relationship. But I don't think she meant it like "None of you individual people want to find love right now." I can believe plenty of them are delusional enough to be actually looking for love in "Paradise" right now, and we know Clare is!


She's just so extreme - like it's the best thing ever when Jared wants her, then he randomly tells her she's old (rude!) and now everything is wretched and horrible. She was like that Zach last season if I remember correctly. "Omg [this boring lump] Zach is so amazing." *3 seconds later* "GAAAH life is barely worth living anymore!!!" (I'm exaggerating, I know). I like Clare a lot and she makes entertaining television, but for her own sake she has to get a grip, somewhere that isn't this show. 

  • Love 6
And forget what I said about Mikey Sunday night with his violent threats. That looked like silly posturing compared to Joe's tirade about brains coming out of ears and brass knuckles. Evil.


ITA, he should have been eliminated for those comments right then and there.  I would love to see Joe eliminated soon but I know my luck and the evil minds behind this show and right now Joe is reality tv gold so he's here til the end. =(


I don't understand where Jared is coming from with the well your such-n-such years older than me so I don't think we have a connection.....didn't he know her age BEFORE he asked her out?  Why is it a problem now?  Or did I miss something in the conversation?


And Mickey, Mickey, Mickey I still love ya but come on dude, hitting on Juelia was just desperate.  And trying to kiss her??  Come on dude!


I feel bad for Claire a bit.  To see everyone around her coupling up and her left in the cold (because of her age I guess) wow that's gotta hurt.  Don't even get me started on stupid Ashley I's egg comment!  Grrrrr.....


  • Love 8
As far as I can remember, people were playing the game last season as well. Clare just can't help having a dramatic meltdown every time things aren't going her way. I don't think she means harm and she's probably a really sweet person in real life, but she is so ridiculously dramatic with her emotions. I think her OTT'ness is what turned Jared off, not her age.


If that's the issue, he would have been better off choosing Claire over Ashley I. Ashley has had way more meltdowns this season. If I were a dude and a chick had a complete breakdown over her sister going home and having to stay there alone, I'd run for the hills. 


I don't understand where Jared is coming from with the well your such-n-such years older than me so I don't think we have a connection.....didn't he know her age BEFORE he asked her out?  Why is it a problem now?  Or did I miss something in the conversation?


Exactly! He knew damn well how old she was, so if that was a real sticking point, why even ask her out? Why act so tender towards her and kiss her on the actual date? It's just a bunch of BS if you ask me. I have always been horrible at guessing ages, but if I didn't know better, I wouldn't think Claire was all that much older than the rest of them. 

  • Love 9

As far as I can remember, people were playing the game last season as well. Clare just can't help having a dramatic meltdown every time things aren't going her way. I don't think she means harm and she's probably a really sweet person in real life, but she is so ridiculously dramatic with her emotions. I think her OTT'ness is what turned Jared off, not her age.

"Dramatic meltdown every time things aren't going her way" applies to Ashley I too. I wouldn't be surprised if Clare's OTT emoting was more of a turn-off than the age difference, but pinballing back to the other OTT drama queen disappointed me and looked to be game-playing, though he likely would've received someone's rose without that play anyway. It seemed a weird move to me, maybe it'll make more sense next ep. Or not. ha Edited by KR Vermont
  • Love 5

If that's the issue, he would have been better off choosing Claire over Ashley I. Ashley has had way more meltdowns this season. If I were a dude and a chick had a complete breakdown over her sister going home and having to stay there alone, I'd run for the hills. 


Has Jared witnessed those meltdowns though? I think we've mostly seen them in PI's and in front of the other women. Not sure if Jared is even aware of her total craziness, since she usually tries to play it cool around him to the point of awkwardness. And even though Ashley I. has her meltdowns, she comes across genuine to me. Self-absorbed and immature yes, but not fake. Clare always seems to be putting on an act around guys, like she thinks she's a heroine in some romantic novel. She sounded like she was faking an orgasm during that bungee jump. That's really what I mean by OTT. We also don't know what they discussed during the latter part of the date, since it wasn't shown. Maybe she brought up marriage and babies already and that's what made Jared think she's too old. Doesn't make his comment about the 8-year difference any less clumsy, but perhaps it was about more than just numbers.


I didn't feel bad for Clare at all during her meltdown at the end. She keeps coming back on this show knowing perfectly well that the chances of finding love are slim to none. If she can't find a guy to date outside of the show then what makes her think she'll find someone in a tiny pool of younger guys lusting after girls their own age or younger? That's just masochism. I wouldn't mind her being there just for the free holiday, since I think that's most people's motivation, but when she starts crying about how she's truly there to find love (unlike others) I just roll my eyes. 

  • Love 9
Has Jared witnessed those meltdowns though? I think we've mostly seen them in PI's and in front of the other women. Not sure if Jared is even aware of her total craziness, since she usually tries to play it cool around him to the point of awkwardness. And even though Ashley I. has her meltdowns, she comes across genuine to me. Self-absorbed and immature yes, but not fake. Clare always seems to be putting on an act around guys, like she thinks she's a heroine in some romantic novel. She sounded like she was faking an orgasm during that bungee jump. That's really what I mean by OTT. We also don't know what they discussed during the latter part of the date, since it wasn't shown. Maybe she brought up marriage and babies already and that's what made Jared think she's too old. Doesn't make his comment about the 8-year difference any less clumsy, but perhaps it was about more than just numbers.


I don't know if he's actually witnessed any of those meltdowns, but plenty of people have. And, it seems to me, that this is a small island and most people know what's going on with each other. 


I didn't think Claire behaved OTT on the date. I may be wrong, but I kind of thought the sounds during the bunjee were added in later. But if anything, it just came across as silly to me. Jared was the one making moves on her and I thought she was very "normal", quite unlike Ashley who compares herself to Princess Jasmine and tells him he kisses her just as good as he kissed Kaitlyn. Akward! 

  • Love 5

I think Ashley I.'s meltdowns are more like random crying and blubbering, but are still relatively harmless. Clare's meltdowns tend to involve more yelling at other people. Also, Ashley I.'s are more directed at herself - like she starts talking about how no one likes her or she can't be happy. Versus Clare's that tend to lash out at other people - where she's accusing other people of random things, blaming the people next to her for why she's alone, etc. (I guess Ashley I. does that some too, but she says it in her confessional or to her sister or whatever, not actually to the other person, that I've seen). Both types of meltdowns are obnoxious, but I can totally see how Ashley's would somewhat easier to deal with. 

  • Love 6

Joe is a douchebag but I don't feel sorry for Juelia at all. She has a two year old who has no daddy and she's left her to do TWO reality shows. She talks about how much she loves her daughter blah blah blah but she has no problem leaving her for weeks at a time. I can NOT imagine leaving my two year old for even a week. I struggle with the occasional weekend without him. You don't find a husband on BIP or a dad for your kid.  So Joe wants a rose so he will "play" Juelia so he can stick around. Um how is that any different from what JJ or Jon are doing? Everyone who isn't already paired up is using eachother to get a rose. Mikey went after Lauren, then Claire. Hell he would probably go after Ashley I is it meant he would get a rose. Tenley wasn't into JJ. She bailed on him as soon as Jonathan showed up. Juelia is unfortunate looking and Joe is right, she's not too bright. I'm tired of her talking about how she misses her daughter. Go be a parent!!  JJ criticizes other guys for their career choices, doesn't he live in his parents basement and is unemployed? And Tenley saying she trusts JJ. Um did you not watch Kaitlynn's season where he confessed to cheating on his pregnant wife?


Jared is an idiot. He makes no sense. He has NO interest in Ashley, except that she's a guaranteed rose. I would think of the two, Ashley and Claire would be the better choice. Jade annoys me.

  • Love 5

The Superman reference reminds me of Jared getting one of those few hometown introductions at the start of TB season, where he was walking around his city in Rhode Island revealing his Love Man outfit under his button-down shirt. Am I remembering that right? hee


Youre correct.


And Joe introduced himself as a "Southern gentleman" in his package.


Question for people who know more than I do (which is nearly everyone): if Joe is only interested in Samantha, why couldn't they have met in a less  public arena (outside of the show)?  Is it really necessary to manipulate Juelia for those two to have a relationship?  That just seems cruel (and I'm taking this from the preview so it's not a spoiler).   The man seems mean to me (granted, I'm only seeing what the powers that be want me to see).


Channeling Joe here...the odds were slim that he would have been able to 'do a Nick' and make a connection with someone 2,500 miles away via a few text messages.  It's also unlikely that attractive Samantha in CA would have interrupted her life for somewhat-average Joe in KY even if he visited her but she's obviously willing to interrupt it for some TV time and both of them are happy to enjoy a beach vacation on someone else's nickel.  Joe is counting on limited numbers and severely limited competition, thanks in large part to at least three males removing themselves as threats by pairing up already.  In sum, Joe was counting on the fish-in-a-barrel factor.


Joe is also keenly aware of the game aspect and aware of the male/female give/take rotation at the RC.  Of course, that rotation could be changed on a whim...

Edited by Rainsong
  • Love 8

Joe openly talked about hoping Samantha was coming soon in front of Mikey. So why didn't Mikey mention that. Not sure Joe could have talked himself out of that because others were at the table too. 

I wondered that too. I think maybe they were trying to spare her feelings by being vague about him being a "wrong reasons" guy in general, instead of outright saying "He's just biding his time until Samantha - who he's actually into - comes along." 

  • Love 3

The Superman reference reminds me of Jared getting one of those few hometown introductions at the start of TB season, where he was walking around his city in Rhode Island revealing his Love Man outfit under his button-down shirt. Am I remembering that right? hee


Yeah, Jared seems like bit of a comic book geek, even his dog is named Clark, probably after Clark Kent. Maybe things would have turned out differently had Clare called him Superman to his face. I'm sure he would have been very flattered.


But I actually think he might have things in common with Ashley I., since she's a bit of a geek too. Though Disney princesses are a far cry from comic book heroes. I just think they both have geeky interests so they might get each other. But like someone said, Ashley and Clare don't really seem that interested in getting to know the guy they're into. They're so self-absorbed that they only care about what the guy can do for them AKA stop them from dying a virgin/spinster. The poor guy is just playing a role in their romance. Both women would benefit from learning to have some actual interest in another human being. The world doesn't revolve around them after all.

Edited by MsPH
  • Love 3
I think her OTT'ness is what turned Jared off, not her age.



I think it was her asking him to pick something out of her teeth that did it. Too much, too soon. He was downright rude to her, however, so I'll give her a pass on the hysterical, dramatic outburst at the rose ceremony.  And Jade must have realized that her only chance for camera time now was to halt the rose ceremony to give a self-righteous speech so I've got to give her credit for seeing an opening and going for it.    


Joe is absolutely awful. I get him playing Juelia to stick around longer until his twu luv Samantha shows up, but the lying to Jonathon part was unforgiveable. Oh but Jonathon also went way overboard with that apology, no one cares that much dude and there is no Emmy for "Most heartfelt apology by a reality television cast memeber".  Anyway, I do not even remember who this Samantha is, but poor girl to have Evil Joe lying in wait for her. 


I remember liking Mike the lawyer from Desiree's season but man did he come on strong to Tenley.  I hope Claire gives him her rose, as he is "old" too, you know. 


As for Jared and Ashley, when that blows up it will be epic teevee. 

  • Love 5

I was also quite shocked when Jared let Claire down. I thought he seemed REALLY into her on their date. But apparently she's just too old. Why even ask her out then? Why kiss her?



Maybe he got scared after listening to that high-pitched noise she was making when they were bungee jumping.  I was half-ass paying attention to the show because I was on my laptop but that freaky screaming perked me up.  My dog actually howled.  

  • Love 1
Question for people who know more than I do (which is nearly everyone): if Joe is only interested in Samantha, why couldn't they have met in a less  public arena (outside of the show)?  Is it really necessary to manipulate Juelia for those two to have a relationship?  That just seems cruel (and I'm taking this from the preview so it's not a spoiler).   The man seems mean to me (granted, I'm only seeing what the powers that be want me to see).


What I'm missing is how anyone could have watched Chris's season and come away wanting to meet samantha -  She was a non-entity, said three words, was barely on camera, and everyone forgot she was there.   I suspect some shenanigans on the producer's part -  Like they told Joe if he could get a rose from one of the women, he could meet Samantha - and they showed photos of her, or told him she was the perfect match for him.  


I'm not saying Joe isn't an asshole - I'm saying he was encouraged to be the asshole he is. 

  • Love 2

I need to watch the episode again. I missed the first 15 minutes entirely, my family was talking through the next half hour, and I really only clearly saw the last 15 minutes.

Who knew Joe was such a Svengali! That was insane the way he was threatening Jonathan and Mikey--to I assume a producer? (And why wouldn't a producer take physical threats seriously?!) I can understand Juelia being all "in love" and believing what she wants to about Joe, but how the hell did Joe manage to get both Mikey and Jonathan groveling with apologies and to go and tell Juelia that they were wrong about Joe?! I can't believe that he even got Jonathan sobbing over how he wasn't a good friend to Joe and how he doesn't want to be that kind of a person who would lie, etc. Poor Jonathan.

I don't understand Jared. He should have just laid low and taken whichever rose he got first to leave his options open for whomever shows up next week. Now he's "solidified" forevermore with Ashley by kissing her. I'm thinking a producer told him he should let Clare down--knowing that even her raccoon wouldn't be able to talk her down.

And I can sort of see Clare's predicament. She knows none of these guys are into her and even MORE women will show up next week. So if she gives her rose to someone, chances are he'll give it to one of the new girls and she'd be out. If she wasn't so opposed to "playing the game," she could have said to Mikey, let's keep each other in this until one of us finds love. Because what Clare seems to have missed is the longer you're there, the more people you WILL meet, and you still have your chance of finding someone.

  • Love 3

What I'm missing is how anyone could have watched Chris's season and come away wanting to meet samantha -  She was a non-entity, said three words, was barely on camera, and everyone forgot she was there.   I suspect some shenanigans on the producer's part -  Like they told Joe if he could get a rose from one of the women, he could meet Samantha - and they showed photos of her, or told him she was the perfect match for him.  


I'm not saying Joe isn't an asshole - I'm saying he was encouraged to be the asshole he is. 


Of course there are shenanigans and if you read the RS spoilers, you would know most of them.

Jared and Kaitlyn had a similar vibe with their humor and laid-back comfort with each other--conversely, I'm not seeing much connection between Jared and Ashley I and Clare, I'm guessing they're too needy and dramatic for his taste. Not sure which Bach reject could show up who might be a better fit for him.


He really shouldn't have even come on this soon after things ended with Kaitlyn. IMO, he's still pining over her and no one will live up to her in his mind. 


Is doing Molly really that big of a deal? I mean, he's not shooting heroin...as far as we know.


I'm not even really sure what Molly is, but if he's waking up with no memory and missing his wallet (or whatever he said), that doesn't sound very benign to me. 


Joe is absolutely awful. I get him playing Juelia to stick around longer until his twu luv Samantha shows up, but the lying to Jonathon part was unforgiveable.


That was what really put me over the edge. It showed just how manipulative Joe can be. He had Jonathan in tears, thinking he committed some egregious sin and apologizing over and over! It was repulsive to watch. 

  • Love 4

What I'm missing is how anyone could have watched Chris's season and come away wanting to meet samantha -  She was a non-entity, said three words, was barely on camera, and everyone forgot she was there.   I suspect some shenanigans on the producer's part -  Like they told Joe if he could get a rose from one of the women, he could meet Samantha - and they showed photos of her, or told him she was the perfect match for him.


She's very attractive--that's how.


But seriously, how is her non-presence on the show a strike against her? To me it says she stayed away from drama and started none on her own. Both she and Nikki were objectively more attractive than people who went much farther (e.g., Carly) but didn't cast themselves in clichéd roles (e.g., Carly, the "Right Reasons" detector) just to get airtime.


ETA: Dan Cox was a non-presence on Desiree's season and he's the best catch of all the guys there.

Edited by Bugs Meany
  • Love 4

Mikey seemed legitimately SCARED talking to Joe. And he's a big guy. The Kentucky Cosa Nostra comment someone made might be right on--how creepy he was saying he wanted to punch someone until there were brains coming out?? Yiiiikes. Obviously he dials up his Southern Gentleman persona for Samantha Who next week.


It's weird that Jared has no talking head interviews. The "you're old" dumping was jammed in there oddly. I felt for Clare b/c as a fellow old singleton that is a stinging comment to make to a woman. Then her crazy outburst happened and my sympathies dissipated.


Michael is definitely a goober (that shirt he was wearing on the date!!) but of her choices, he was the best match for Tenley in that he's not a moron. "But he only went to Notre Dame," says Ian.

  • Love 8

I find it really funny that Jade interrupts a rose ceremony, then complains about Clare taking attention.  Umm, hello.... pot... kettle?  At least Clare has a personality.  I still start snoring every time Jade is on my screen.


Joe = evil


Jueueuuelia = stupid


Tenley = stupid


Jonathan = bizarre


Mikey = delusional


Ashley I = just nasty


Jared = dumbass


You know you have a show full of morons when Ashley Onion is the most sensible one there.


ETA: I find it funny when people mention that Clare looks good for her age.  The woman is 34, not 64.  And Jared thinks she is too old, but 30 year old Kaitlyn was perfect.  Yep, that 4 years make such a huge difference.  I think Jared just likes unintelligent women. 

Edited by Canada
  • Love 6


She was a non-entity, said three words, was barely on camera, and everyone forgot she was there.   I suspect some shenanigans on the producer's part


Yeah, it seems like everyone knows who is going to come in eventually, so I guessed he just thought she was the hottest of the options. The way Lauren talked about Joshua coming in, new guy talked about Tenley, and Joe talked about Sam waivered between "I can't wait for So and So to get here" and "Oh, I mean, I hope So and So is going to be on this show, perchance..." made it seem they all know who's coming. So then it's not quiiiiite as weird that he would be so specfically pining after someone who would otherwise never be on the radar.

  • Love 1


Is doing Molly really that big of a deal? I mean, he's not shooting heroin...as far as we know.

As it's supposed to be an offshoot of MDMA (Ecstasy), it's entirely a man-made illegal chemical drug.  But so many versions have no MDMA, that taking a capsule is basically chemical Russian Roulette.  Plenty of deaths out there and loads of labs pumping out their versions to the club kids.  Idiots. 

  • Love 9

I remember wondering why Chris Soules was ignoring such a beautiful girl as Samantha and then she finally had a few words on camera and I thought, "Oh."  I can't remember what she said but it sounded stupid.  So either it was just that one thing or she's going to fit right in on Paradise.  My dream is that she'll have that one date with Jeff and then drop him when she meets her soul mate, Mikey.


While having lunch with my husband, today, I wondered how I would feel if he asked me to pick something out of his teeth and it almost put me off my tuna salad and we've been married for 280 dog years. I've always believed that brand new relationships are very delicate and even though he was laughing, I think Jared might have sort of meant it when he said he would never look at her lips the same way.  Why couldn't she sense that he really was turned off by that and pick her own teeth? I think Clare has a very pretty face and an amazing, hour glass figure so why isn't she with anyone?  There's the drama we've been talking about, but I think it's other things, too.    She pressured Zach for a commitment last year, after just a few days, and I wonder if the scene with Jared was the end of a much longer conversation where she was doing the same thing with Jared. He may have been giving her lots of kind, vague reasons for "keeping our options open" and she may have been refusing to hear it until he gave her something concrete. 


As much as I like Jared, I think he is probably "wrong reasons" and has been on both shows to further his modeling career.  I often notice a certain camera awareness.  It reminds me of how Deseree's  Brooks used to always be standing on a precipice gazing windward as his hair flowed out behind him.

  • Love 9

And Jared! Nooooooo! I knew he'd be a disappointment the second time around. His icy demeanor and cruel dismissal of Claire - telling her she looked "good for her age" - totally turned me off. Anyone who would choose Ashley I. over Claire is a dumbass. Anyone who would go for Kardashley is a dumbass, period, IMO.



Yeah, just when I was warming up to Jared being one of the good ones.  If he wasn't feeling Claire, he could have just told her he was keeping his options open.  And then he proved to be so much like all the others...making sure he got a rose by suddenly being interested in Ashley until someone he likes better comes along. Of course maybe he has gone to the dark side and really likes Ashley.  I can't see it if he is paying attention though.

Edited by Palomar
  • Love 2

Jade vaulted up several levels in my book for her clear-eyed description of Clare's antics and for fearlessly upbraiding Clare at the RC.



Jade was the pot calling the kettle black. Jade was dissing Clare for "calling attention to herself" and wanting more screen time. So what does Jade do? A bunch of THs to "call attention to herself" and get more screen time. Like I said, Pot, meet Kettle. Have we even heard Jade speak before then? (Plus, to be shallow about it, she looked majorly ugly in those THs.)


Do these people know who all the contestants will be? Because how does Joe know Samantha will be there, or should be there? I watched every minute of Chris Soules's season and I was all, "Samantha WHO?" Oh yeah, the one who never said one word the entire time she was on. So how does Joe even KNOW about Samantha?


By the same token, I watched every minute of Des's season and I'm still in the dark about who Michael and Dan are. Don't remember them from Adam.


Still, everyone seemed to know Michael is an educated lawyer or law clerk. That, to me, is worth a couple of roses.  


Ha ha to Ashley I's quick comment during one of her BHs (Bawling Heads): "My make up is running!"

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Maybe they should make them compete for the date cards.  It would give us some competitions to watch.  Plus those that really wanted to ask someone for a date could fight it out with others to get it.

I love this idea. They need to tweak the format so that it's not ALL vapid nonsense, and this would be a good way to do it. I mean, does every new person automatically get a date card? For example what about a guy like Jonathan, I don't like the guy but he's been there since the beginning and just has to sit around and watch while a new person arrives to ask out the girl he's been "starting a relationship" with? It would make the show a lot more entertaining to watch if there was a rhyme or reason to things like that.

  • Love 3

Is doing Molly really that big of a deal? I mean, he's not shooting heroin...as far as we know.



I've never heard of Molly before this show, and I keep up with pop culture pretty well. But yeah, to me it's a big deal if someone is wanting to get wasted on anything, Molly or Jack or weed or heroin. Smoke a cigarette and you are out of my dating realm. Bragging about getting "wasted" and wanting to do it more indicates a lack of maturity IMO. And color me fussy, but I do ask for my partner to at least be mature if nothing else.

  • Love 4

Molly is referenced in popular Rihanna and Miley Cyrus songs.  I feel like it's referenced all the time in pop culture.  I Google'd it and it seems like the height of the references was 2013.


Juelia is ripped so much for leaving her child at home but so many of the people in this cast are also parents yet seem to get off scot-free.


Obviously he dials up his Southern Gentleman persona for Samantha Who next week.



Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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Do these people know who all the contestants will be? Because how does Joe know Samantha will be there, or should be there? I watched every minute of Chris Soules's season and I was all, "Samantha WHO?" Oh yeah, the one who never said one word the entire time she was on. So how does Joe even KNOW about Samantha?

In the first episode, Juelia was sitting with her daughter and showing her photos of the guys.  All of them were on the list ABC released as the first group.  I assumed that there were additional photos we just didn't see, and that the guys also got photos of the girls beforehand.  Maybe with a "All the women you'll meet are in this group" kind of thing. 


I'm not certain, but they all had to be give a list of probables before they hit the beach.  There are hundreds of ex contestants out there, and for anybody to accurately predict who would show up, it would defy the odds. 

Edited by leighdear
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