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S06.E05: Can't Trust Them

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I'm on board with MypeopleareNordic's theory. It puts Javi's jealousy in context this episode.

The woman with Leah in this eisode, have we seen her before? She is never alone! I actually thought she was a nanny at first.

With Adam, I had a brief, very fleeting moment of him being good for Aubree, when he was making her laugh in the car. It was a good balance to the super girly side she gets with Chelsea. Actually, scratch that, it was his friend driving that parked that way, so even that .2 seconds was cancelled out.

If I was the teacher that Jenelle called at the end of the conference, then insisted on a recap, I would have refused. If she just got home then called in, why not call in from the parking lot at school before you drove home? Such a waste of everyone's time. Think I'm going to waltz in at the end of my next work meeting, interrupt then insist they stop talking to give me a recap.

Alright, it's almost midnight, so obviously I need to go wake up my kids and heat up some ravioli for them.

  • Love 23

I missed some of this season & got caught up Thursday night. WOW.


What the hell happened to her? She used to be one of my favorite Teen Moms. Javi is insecure- because he's being neglected! He's a great guy & he deserves better! When she & Javi were at that restaurant talking, Kail said that she's going to work on her marriage. I didn't believe her at all. Did you see the look in her eyes? It was like she wasn't even there. Also, If I was on the verge of getting a divorce (especially with kids involved), I wouldn't be running clear across the country with my friend! Did she think that when she left Delaware, her issues with Javi would just go away? When they followed her to Cali- she actually seemed surprised! WTF?

I think Jo moving to Delaware is a great idea- for BOTH Jo & Isaac. And a season ago, I think Kailyn would've felt the same way. Jo is a great Father- why wouldn't she want him closer? Also, they wouldn't have to travel back & forth. She's a control freak, it's HER WAY, or it's no way. Jo could threaten that- so she wouldn't want him there. What happened to her? SMH.


When Jeremy & Leah would argue about his work, I'd usually take his side. Obviously, he HAS to work or they'll lose what they have. But I realized something while I was watching the other night. A few seasons ago, Leah was vibrant & smiley, and strong and ready to take on whatever came her way. Including a special needs child. Now look at her. I'm not criticizing her- she's just beat down & overwhelmed. I mean, anyone would have a hard time raising 3 young children alone. At her age, it's got to be that much more difficult & those kids are out of control. Seeing those kids being up till 11 eating & getting to bed late is another example of her having a hard time by herself. I think it's kind of sad. Her head is in the right place, I just think she has a hard time getting it out in a non-confrontational way. It's her presentation that's the problem. It reminds me of when Leah & Corey were together & Corey wanted to use money to get a new vehicle. Leah wanted to use the money to get a new place to live. Again, she was right. She just needs to communicate better.

CHELSEA:: She's doing good & I'm glad. I understand Chelsea being nervous about letting Adam alone with Aubree. I would be too. He has grown up though, you can tell that he does love Aubree. He shouldn't have had her call Taylor, but he has gotten better.


I cannot stand her- I don't get why we have to see her face. Every episode gives me another reason to not like her. If I treated my Mom like that, I'd get slapped in my face. And she's not raising my kid. You'd think she'd appreciate what all she's done for her. She wants to get custody of Jace and keep him from Barb because Barb has kept him away from her. That shows just how much she SHOULDN'T GET CUSTODY!!! Yea there are times Barb kept Jace from Jenelle. For his own GOOD! I was as shocked as some of yinz were when Nathan was standing in that kitchen telling Jenelle that she can't do that to Jace. That was probably the smartest thing he's EVER said in his life. Then he walked away instead of fighting with her. I pray that Jenelle doesn't get custody of that poor kid. It's bad enough Kaiser will grow up with her...... well who knows what will happen there. I just hope that Barb keeps Jace & if Nathan & Jenelle would break up, I hope Nathan keeps Kaiser. (I can't believe I just thought & typed that!!)

  • Love 6

Alright, it's almost midnight, so obviously I need to go wake up my kids and heat up some ravioli for them.


Don't forget to throw a piece of bread at them as well!!

Seriously, I wish I knew y'all (and many other posters here) in "real" life. You all have me laughing out loud while my husband gives me the side-eye like "please don't wake up the baby because you're laughing at what you're reading on a 'Teen Mom' forum."

  • Love 9
- Oh please. You'll skip school for anything, but Jace's school conference is a no-go because you have school? Right.


I guarantee if it were a Ke$ha concert she would have missed school. Feathers in her hair and all. 


Regarding the restaurant scene, Leah threatening the time-out was ridiculous. Do you really want to battle your two year-old over shoes when she's behaving perfectly fine otherwise? If Leah would smarten up and use some common sense she could probably eliminate 99% of the stress in her life.


I agree. As long as she's sitting in her chair, who cares if she takes her shoes off? Maybe she's taking them off because they're hurting her and she can't yet verbalize that? Either way, as a mother of 3, I've learned to pick my battles. I think Leah does a lot of this stuff to prove to the cameras that she's on top of this motherhood thing. 


I'm just going to throw this out there re: Sterling & Kail making her family uncomfortable:

Kail is bisexual. She's dated girls in the past and talks about it in her book. http://starcasm.net/archives/139596
In fact, she and Javi almost broke up in the past because he thought she was cheating on him with a girl (the story is in her book). This probably makes the whole idea of a "girls weekend/trip" seem less innocent to Javi.


Wow, I had no idea. This really puts things in a different light. If that's the case, it makes even more sense why Javi gets so insecure about her girl nights/girl trips. 

The woman with Leah in this eisode, have we seen her before? She is never alone! I actually thought she was a nanny at first.


I think she was hanging around in the last episode as well. But she is fairly new, as far as I can tell. Like Farrah, I often wonder if MTV pays people to be Leah's "friends". 


Alright, it's almost midnight, so obviously I need to go wake up my kids and heat up some ravioli for them.


Now would also be a good time to paint their nails!

  • Love 11

They should call this show Delusional: The Series! Someone is completely deluded in each girl's segments: Adam? Delusional. Kail and Javi? Delusional. Jenelle? COMPLETELY delusional. Leah? Delusional about everything including her delusion. These people all live in fantasy lands created in their own heads.

Edited by Rebecca
  • Love 5

They should call this show Delusional: The Series! Someone is completely deluded in each girl's segments: Adam? Delusional. Kail and Javi? Delusional. Jenelle? COMPLETELY delusional. Leah? Delusional about everything including her delusion. These people all live in fantasy lands created in their own heads.

It doesn't help that they all have legions of mouth breathing fans who think they walk on water. If you ever need proof of the Dumbing Down of America, read the comments on Jenelle's Instagram. People actually praise her and call her a devoted mother.

  • Love 7

This show should just be called Three Bitches and a Chelsea. I can't even describe how much I hate Jenelle. I think Barb would be willing to give Jace to Jenelle but she's terrified that she'll never see him again. Keeping a child away from the only parent he has ever known out of spite is pure evil. She doesn't give a shit about Jace, she only cares about sticking it to Barb.

I'm so over Leah and her mommy martyr act. Corey is right, she is a fake ass mom. She wants everyone to believe that she's some selfless loving mother but the jig is up. She's a piece of shit mother and everyone knows it.

The only bright spot in this entire episode was Chelsea and Cole's dirty dancing routine. Aubree was also adorable in her puppy hat.

  • Love 10

Yes, also the shoes in the restaurant. Leah immediately goes to "do you want a time out?" instead of "are your shoes bothering you? do they hurt?"

IDK, I'm not "country" but I am 1 generation removed from dustbowl migrants and that might me a little sympathetic to "country" ways.


Addie might have been bugging the shit out of her, or she might always want to take off her shoes, we don't know, but I do know with kids you have to have the same conversation 30+ times.  

"Are your shoes bothering you?"


"why do you want to take them off?"

"take them off"

"we leave our shoes on in restaurants."


"people eat here. we are going to eat. your shoes are dirty. don't touch them."


They'll still try to take them off and eventually you might have to just take them off, put them in your purse (perhaps in a bag you carry around expressly for this purpose), and confine your child to a chair.  Then you get to have the follow-up conversation.


"Get down."

"No, you don't have your shoes on."

"Get down."

"No, you took off your shoes so you have to stay in your chair."
"Done. Get down."

"Nope. Next time leave your shoes on and you can get down. You can't get down when you don't have shoes on. Only at home."


And there may or may not be a tantrum depending on if you can distract them. 


It definitely requires more interaction than "do you want to go into time out?" but I'm a big fan of consequences. And if the consequences are natural instead of mommy imposed, even better.

ETA: This is why it's totally not worth going out to eat with toddlers and really more trouble than it's worth. You have to be ready to bolt at a moments notice or give into a tantrum, neither of which is particularly fun or beneficial. 

Edited by guilfoyleatpp
  • Love 10

It doesn't help that they all have legions of mouth breathing fans who think they walk on water. If you ever need proof of the Dumbing Down of America, read the comments on Jenelle's Instagram. People actually praise her and call her a devoted mother.

So true... and not only that, but even when they get in front of alleged professional Dr. Drew, he won't call them out or make them answer for anything! He used to be so good on LoveLine. I don't know what happened.

  • Love 5

The scene where Aubree was playing tug of war with the dog on the couch was too cute! And then she hugged him and he just licked her. You could just tell that dog loves her and they play all the time. It's so different then the other houses that have dogs. You never see the other dogs interacting with the kids, esp. Jenelle who keeps her dogs locked up.

  • Love 16

Right on Great Kazuo about her being an addict and no matter how or what you say there is no getting through. I worked with this guy who was an addict and started to relapse and I would try to talk to him about things and he would blow up. Even thought I was trying to help, there was nothing I could say or do. BTW this man overdosed on pills and passed away a year ago because he couldn't stay clean. Leah needs to go to extensive therapy and rehab and meetings. She will always be an addict no matter what and everyday, every month and every hour will be a struggle. For the girls I hope she will beat her addiction for good.

  • Love 1

When my son was a toddler, he got burned pretty badly. We had to go to checkups and garment fittings at his burns hospital fairly often. To get there, we had to fly. Drive to the airport, catch a plane, go to the hospital, drive back to the airport and catch a flight back home. All in one day. It was weird. Every single flight I would watch all the other passengers fear they were sitting next to us (the baby-gasp!)

One flight, an older gentleman won the lottery and was seated next to us. It's only an hour and a half flight. He took it like a champ. My kid was beyond terrible the whole time. I tied and untied shoes, took off and put on clothes, etc for the entire flight. I finally politely asked the man what time it was so I would know how much longer I had to do this. He laughed, showed me his gorgeous Rolex, and said "only about 15 more minutes until we land". I said " thank god. I'm sorry. I'm really trying to keep him from annoying you". He said "he's not annoying me. You are doing a good job too. I remember those days. One day, you'll be able to look back and laugh just like I'm laughing now."

I don't think any of these girls will ever have that other than Chelsea. That's sad.

Edited by MissMel
  • Love 10

Ok, not a married lady or a mom, but in my experience the travel thing varies from person to person and couple to couple. My sister's kids are both young (still pre-k, but only for a few more weeks!) and she has done a few trips by herself. My BIL doesn't like to travel and the majority of my sister's close friends live in different cities. She's probably done at least a long weekend out of town every year. And she works. And she's a great mom. My SIL's kid is a teenager (young teen, not in High School yet). She's not that social and doesn't like doing things on her own. She's never taken a trip that wasn't a family trip (and I do mean never, not even before she became a mom. I don't think she has ever traveled alone in her life) and she's never been away from her daughter for longer than overnight for sleepovers and stuff. And she hasn't worked since becoming a mom. And she's a great mom. They're both good moms, just very different women raising their kids in very different circumstances.

So all that to say I don't really care one way or the other about Kali taking a trip with friends, but lord did she ruin it! Kali is kind of fascinating in how much she is the cause of her own misery. She's not always wrong(don't start shouting. I don't mean she right all the time either, just that at times she does have legitimate points. I'd say maybe 25% of the time), but she always manages to take the wrong approach! Javi was being a brat about the whole thing, but she could have easily just started texting things like "going to dinner. Text you when we get back to the hotel." and then ignored him. She always has to take the bait and escalate the situation. I thought the same thing when she was with Joe and right after they broke up. A lot of the time he was being an asshole, but she always managed to make every fight worse.

Oh poor, dumb Leah. She has spent weeks trying to get someone to tell her it's ok to give Corey more custody and no one will take the hint! Everyone in her life keeps telling her that she's a good mom and she needs to keep her kids. Will someone in her life please take all her passive aggressive hints and say "Hey that doesn't sound so bad. Maybe you could try it out over the next school break and see how the girls adjust."?

Who is that guy and why is he always with Adam? What 20somthing guy wants to spend that much time with a friend and the friend's kid? Adam's life makes me want to take a shower. I get itchy just looking at him.

Shut up Janelle.

  • Love 9

I think the tide turned for Nathan when he saw Jenelle's true colors in St. Thomas. Some things, once you know, you can't un-know. Finally he saw what everybody else has seen all along. He now knows what Barb has had to deal with, and can see what Jace would be subjected to if she had custody. The guy may not be a genius, but he's not completely stupid.


Kail treats Javi the way her mother treated her: don't make any demands on me! Don't need me! As if it's somehow shameful to need someone.


What I see over and over here is people who have absolutely no idea how to communicate and resolve conflict in any kind of productive way. Every interaction is a contest to see who can win. Nobody ever for even an instant tries to see the other person's point of view. I don't know if they play it up for the cameras cuz they know TV likes drama -- maybe it started out that way and then became habitual. Or maybe that's just how they are. Either way, it would be nice to see any of these people make an effort to solve a problem calmly and rationally. Such role models for their kids!

  • Love 15

I especially loved how the dog wasn't even struggling to hold on, and after a bit he let go for Aubree. So cute that he let her win.

That Great Dane is awesome, he seems like such a gentle giant.

Regarding Leah and parenting she has a hard time distinguishing between normal kid behavior, cranky/hungry/tired kid behavior and bad kid behavior. Her immediate response to everything is a spanking or "do you want to go in timeout?" If Gracie smacks the shit out of Ali, that calls for discipline. If Adderall takes her shoes off in a restaurant, that's being a typical toddler. If your girlses are fussy and fighting because they've been out til midnight and haven't eaten dinner, then that's your fault as a mother and you really need to get it together.

Edited by BitterApple
  • Love 17

Leah, Janelle and Kail will do and say anything to not be held accountable for their assholery. Kail's manipulations stuck out the most when she was talking to her friend after the trip. Her whole, "you don't understand how hard my life is" bs and then fake crying when her friend insinuated that Kail had ruined the trip with her constant texting and ranting about Jave, followed by her "I'm not going to talk to you for awhile" punishing routine and then hanging up on the friend! And then, she called Jave and blamed him for making her lose friends! It was like watching the monster thrashing around at the end of a horror movie.


I am enjoying how the episode titles are getting more and more direct. Maybe the next one will be called "No effing way will you hold me accountable for my actions".

  • Love 16

I think the tide turned for Nathan when he saw Jenelle's true colors in St. Thomas. Some things, once you know, you can't un-know. Finally he saw what everybody else has seen all along. He now knows what Barb has had to deal with, and can see what Jace would be subjected to if she had custody. The guy may not be a genius, but he's not completely stupid.


Kail treats Javi the way her mother treated her: don't make any demands on me! Don't need me! As if it's somehow shameful to need someone.



With regard to Nathan, I would feel worse for him if he didn't seem like such a sociopath himself. Luckily Jennelle seems to pick main mirror images to herself. At least no one with a conscience is getting hurt.


With regards to Kail, I think you completely hit it out of the park. I had trouble recognizing the pattern, but that is absolutely what is going on there.  At least she seems to be able to reign it in with her kids but Kail will never have a happy relationship because she's incapable of empathy.

  • Love 3

I think Kaiser will be fine.  There's no way Nathan and Jenelle are raising him to adulthood.  He'll likely be raised by Nathan's parents, like his daughter.  I just hope it happens before he starts developing memories.


As for Adam's friend, I'm pretty sure he's his sponsor.  That or his dealer.  He's got to be one or the other. 


It's also kind of always amazed me that Kail seems to hold on to friends longer than any of the other girls (except Chelsea.) She seems like SUCH a drag to be around, I can't imagine how soul sucking it must be to hang out with her consistently.  Also, I thought Sterling had a boyfriend?  Isn't that who was visiting her during the last episode where her and Javi were making everyone super uncomfortable by fighting in front of their houseguests?

  • Love 3

I think another reason Leah is insisting that she keeps the girlses during most weekdays is that she wants her weekends free. The twins are in school during most of the day on weekdays so she really only sees them for a few hours. Then on weekends, she probably pawns Adderall off on Jermy's mom so she can have two whole days to do whatever.


You totally took words out of my mouth, I was just gonna write this after I finished reading all posts. Her weekends are free and during week she has mornings off while they are at school. Unless she has problems to hear alarm. But then I bet she calls her family for help because she is too stressed out with them not making it to school...

Sad thing about her enabling family and friends is that they will say whatever she needs them to say about her being such a great mom because they actually don't want her to loose custody. They will rather cover for her then allow Corey to "win". Inadvertently the only ones that loose here are the children.

  • Love 1

It's also kind of always amazed me that Kail seems to hold on to friends longer than any of the other girls (except Chelsea.) She seems like SUCH a drag to be around, I can't imagine how soul sucking it must be to hang out with her consistently. Also, I thought Sterling had a boyfriend? Isn't that who was visiting her during the last episode where her and Javi were making everyone super uncomfortable by fighting in front of their houseguests?

I think with Kali being a self-centered Eyore is pretty much her worst quality so she falls in the rock and a hard place area of someone you don't really like, but you don't actually have an easy to articulate reason to stop hanging out with them. With Janelle and Leah you can always point out how they got drunk and started a fight, or stole money out of your purse, or slept with your boyfriend. With Kali it's just that she's annoying. Lots of people (myself included) have trouble with those kinds of situations.

With Chelsea you're just sad she lives in South Dakota and you don't actually know her and can't hang out. Love you, love your kid, love your dog, loving all of it.

  • Love 3

crying when her friend insinuated that Kail had ruined the trip with her constant texting and ranting about Jave, followed by her "I'm not going to talk to you for awhile" punishing routine and then hanging up on the friend!.

That really annoyed me; I cannot stand when someone lets someone know that they have been hurt/effected by that person's actions and the person that is confronted turns it all around on the original hurt party instead of apologizing for hurting them. I have been somewhat of a Kailyn sympathizer, especially due to her having a horrid role model in her "mother," (yes, I know she can't blame her mom and shit childhood forever but she is only 23 and seems to just have friends around at her same level that agree with her poor behavior so how would she grow as a person in that environment?) but she's been losing my understanding and that move really didn't help. Sometimes friends have to tell you things you don't want to hear, Kail.

As for Kail planning in dating Sterling next, wasn't that Sterling's boyfriend that was there too during all the concert drama? Kail might be bi but who says Sterling even likes women? That just seems like a bit of a leap to me. I don't know if Sterling has been in Kails life for a long time but she does seem to have and keep friends much longer term than any of the other TMs and she did seen to care about keeping those friendships, at least as far as we were shown, until this incident. In her wedding episode I think she said that a bunch if her girlfriends she's been friends with a long time (like Peach) were her family in her mind. She's even been shown to close male friends (like Mark) so she is capable of sustaining long term relationships with other people, apparently.

  • Love 2

Watching Nipples be the voice of reason was bizarre, to say the least. Maybe Jenelle wishing his brother dead was the end for him? Sounds like he's been planning his escape for a while. Wonder if he's going to try to take the Roll with him so his parents can raise another of his spawn? When Jenelle was whining about having to care for the Roll for two whole nights, I was really hoping he'd come back with the fact that it's the only time she's ever taken care of him by herself since he was born and that Barb has been taking care of Jace during the night for nearly six years. And, sorry Jenelle. I watch Judge Judy and engagement rings are given in anticipation of entering into the legally binding contract of marriage. If the marriage never happens, he gets the ring back.

I loved Corey saying he was going to add the latest missed therapy and tardies to his list for his lawyer. He's tried for years to be nice to Leah and it's good to finally hear him call her out. I wish we knew what the situation is in real time. I hope the girlses are with Corey and Miranda as much as possible and that their lives are on a more even keel.

When Chelsea and Taylor were at the painting place, it sounded like Taylor was wavering on following through with Adam. I sure hope not. I hope she had a chance to play her voicemail in court to prove Adam was lying to the judge.

What painting place? I don't remember any of this.

The set-up was odd from the get-go. I've never heard of a family paying for a grown, married woman to go on vacation with them. I can see them hooking her up with the Grammy ticket while Kail paid for airfare and chipped in for the hotel, but a free ride? Who does that?

I also agree it was bizarre when Kail kept stressing how Javi ruined her relationship with Sterling's family. Obviously they're SOMEBODIES, because Kail was panicking over the loss of that connection. It sure was a far cry from the way she treats the Riveras and Morroquins as if they're the hired help.

Especially since Kail is not exatly poor, she makes enough money from MTV and other stuff to pay for "friends family" vacation herself. (I personally think its weird to call mom and daughter trip "family vacation" if there is no other family there)

She is oh so upset about her ruined relationship with Sterling family but doesn't give a fuck about ruined relationship with her husband.

  • Love 6

Adam loves to set-up situations like this. He knows damn well Taylor isn't going to have anything to do with him until their custody mess is straightened out, so he makes her be the bad guy who has to say no to Aubree. Then he does the aw, shucks, kid, I tried, but SHE'S the one who won't let you see your sister. It's such a dick move.

I was so hoping that when Adam was asking Aubree if she wanted to see Paislee that Aubree would have said: "I see her all the time with Taylor and mommy" or I wish Taylor would have told Aubree "of course you can see your sister, I'll call your mommy and set something up".

The look on Adam's face would have been awesome.

  • Love 3

I tried looking for Sterling's last name to check her family out but couldn't find anything. I've watched enough reality T.V. to wonder if she's a new enough "friend" to be using Kail to get some television time and possibly her own show, that's how Brook Hogan and even Kim Kardashian started. She's always dressed to perfection with accessories and someone mentioned the Kail might swing the other way so.... Maybe Sterling and her mother have no shame in their game and
Sterling might be making some false promises to Miss Kail? Just a thought.

  • Love 2

The scene where Aubree was playing tug of war with the dog on the couch was too cute! And then she hugged him and he just licked her. You could just tell that dog loves her and they play all the time. It's so different then the other houses that have dogs. You never see the other dogs interacting with the kids, esp. Jenelle who keeps her dogs locked up.

In an episode where so much was a downer, this was very cute. I loved Aubree saying "can I get a little help here?" She's adorable.

Kail is such a killjoy. She and Javi seem to bring out the worst in each other. He texts, then she gets annoyed and doesn't respond which just exacerbates the situation. There's part of me that thinks she does it on purpose. The "Javi is possessive" narrative has already been established, so she ignores him knowing it will only make him worse so she can turn and say "do you see what I have to deal with?" She has zero interest in being married. I completely agree with the sentiment that they have very different expectations in their relationship. Maybe Javi is a total stage five clinger, but would it kill Kail to text "on a tour right now, I will call you at X time." She seems like she wants a vacation from her life.

I didn't think it was possible to dislike Jenelle any more than I already do, but each week she finds way to plumb new depths. Saying she would purposely keep Jace from Barb to get even was just disgusting. She's so selfish and immature and that statement shows why she shouldn't get custody. She does not have that kid's best interest at heart. When Nips makes a valid point, I have to shake my head (and wonder what he was on, or if he was cycling off the roids that week).

Finally, poor Corey. That guy is trying his damnedest to best by his kids. I feel for him. Leah is crazy paranoid about Corey "breathing down her neck" and all he is doing is being the one person not turning a blind eye and enabling her. Those girlses need to be in a stable home and Casa Pillhead is not it.

  • Love 8

I grew up not too far from where Chelsea lives and I can tell you, everything you need to know about Adam, we see in this episode:


1. That shithole of a house he lives in. Like it's a big accomplishment to pay rent and not be sleeping on someone's couch cuz you can't hold down a job and your parents are sick of your freeloading. That house probably has faulty wiring and rats. Seriously.


2. This friend of his driving him around like a chauffeur. What a cheery fellow. I bet Aubree loves having him around. I bet he just loves spending time with Aubree. Responsible adults don't lose their license due to excessive traffic violations.


3. That RIDICULOUS truck. I can't even.


4. Taking Aubree roller-skating. Of course she didn't want to go out there! I have never forgotten my first time roller-skating. It was traumatizing. I was overwhelmed by the noise and people, and every time I managed to stay upright, one of the bigger kids would knock me down. I went home and cried. I'm glad she threw a fit and refused.


5. The awkwardness brushing her hair was totally due to the fact that he'd never done it before. Some father.


Pretending to give a shit about his kids is just part of the pose, along with the hair, sunglasses, tattoos, tough guy clothes. If MTV wasn't around dangling money in front of him, he'd have forgotten about Chelsea and Aubree years ago. He'll drift from shit job to shit job his whole life, randomly impregnating emotionally vulnerable girls temporarily attracted to his bad-boy image, and making up excuses for all his failures, til he's an old geezer occupying a tattered stool in a rundown bar. He'll establish a pattern of making periodic appearances in Aubree's life long enough to play with her heart and diss her mother, then disappear and let her down, until she starts wondering what's wrong with her that her own father doesn't bother with her. It's pathetic.


  • Love 10

I think with Kali being a self-centered Eyore is pretty much her worst quality so she falls in the rock and a hard place area of someone you don't really like, but you don't actually have an easy to articulate reason to stop hanging out with them. With Janelle and Leah you can always point out how they got drunk and started a fight, or stole money out of your purse, or slept with your boyfriend. With Kali it's just that she's annoying. Lots of people (myself included) have trouble with those kinds of situations.

With Chelsea you're just sad she lives in South Dakota and you don't actually know her and can't hang out. Love you, love your kid, love your dog, loving all of it.


Very true.  One of my friends is friends with a woman the rest of us don't like.  It drives us crazy because we can't articulate WHY none of us like her, we just DON'T.  So then we feel like assholes because there's no good reason not to like her and continue to go to lunch with her anyway.  


And the only negative thing I have to say about Chelsea is GIRL, figure out your foundation shade.  Half the time she looks like a damn oompa loompa.  Orange is not flattering.  It really surprises me that someone so into beauty could make such a glaring error in her foundation choice. I kept getting distracted during that scene with her and Taylor in the attorneys office because she just looked so orange next to Taylor. 

Edited by lezlers
  • Love 4
Another awesome recap as usual!

lidarose9, you absolutely nailed it! That is 100% Adam's future.

Edited by BitterApple
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Retweeted by Kail, Sterling is married with a toddler.

I tried looking for Sterling's last name to check her family out but couldn't find anything. I've watched enough reality T.V. to wonder if she's a new enough "friend" to be using Kail to get some television time and possibly her own show, that's how Brook Hogan and even Kim Kardashian started. She's always dressed to perfection with accessories and someone mentioned the Kail might swing the other way so.... Maybe Sterling and her mother have no shame in their game and

Sterling might be making some false promises to Miss Kail? Just a thought.

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Retweeted by Kail, Sterling is married with a toddler.

The info I was looking for, thanks. Shoots that theory down, but there's something there.


I was a little older than Kale when something similar happened to me. I had two little ones and my ex and his friend from up the road drove in the driveway drunk once again in the middle of the day. I went off on them both and his friend knocked me down, instead of standing up for his wife, my very drunk ex looked at me and said, "Why did you have to make him mad? Now he won't like me anymore." People really do feel this way and say those things, even sober.

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Jenelle- Anyone who cared at all for their child and wanted to be on that call would have remembered that cell phones do not need to be used in a home like a land line.  Too bad she couldn't have left class a few minutes early or sat in her car for the duration of the call like his real mom Barb would have.   Did they finally get Nathan on some psychiatric medication and could Jenelle possibly go see whomever is prescribing?  Just kidding.  I think he knows he doesn't want Jace there and now that after 5 years of taking time for herself she is getting off her lazy behind and doing anything about her kid he is starting to freak out that he will have a child you can't shove a bottle at and ignore.


Kail-I don't know why you are all so mean to her.  Every newly married mom with 2 kids goes out partying with friends and ignores their husband's texts.  Javi annoys me, but he is a saint to put up with this.  She is checked out.  I think she is over the benefits.  He is a free baby sitter and that is it at this point.


Leah-Terrible move admitting you don't hear the alarm.  That means you also don't hear your children in the night or any emergency.  Every single person I can name who can't wake up for an alarm is either on drugs or sleeping them off.  That is not normal.

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My one complaint for Chelsea is how she handles Aubree's discipline. The preschool is telling her that Aubree is disruptive and needs to be corrected and she seems to barely acknowledge it. She hears the Aubree knows all she needs for kindergarten and that's it. Kids also need to act right for kindergarten, she needs to have that dealt with too.

I don't blame Chelsea a bit for handling that sort of thing off camera. No matter how she dealt with it she would be criticized by somebody.

Chelsea is the smartest one of them all because she keeps some things private and off camera.

The other girls could learn from that.

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Chelsea - Aubree is the cutest thing on show, I especially loved when she was playing with the dog and managed to "win" the tug of war.  The dog seems totally chill with Aubree, he just held the toy in his mouth.  Adam seems to have totally given up on the supervised visitation thing. I wouldn't want any kid of mine being driven around in that monster truck by such a creep, it must be hard for Chelsea to watch parts like that.  It was terrible to see Adumb manipulate Aubree like that, it puts Taylor on the spot and makes her look like the bad one.  And he really lives up to his nickname by lying under oath about the visitation and the call to Taylor.  It was filmed, dipshit and Chelsea is also taking you to court about visitation.  It's a good idea for Chelsea and Taylor to have one lawyer, he can call Adumb out for crap like that.  I'm also sure that there was more to the conference at the pre-school than what we saw.  Listening to the teacher talk about Aubree's colouring in or shape identification doesn't make for good TV.  

Leah - what on earth would the girls be telling you about Corey?  "Corey and Miranda talk to each other really nicely and feed us before midnight"? "Corey and Miranda play with us rather than leaving us to fend for ourselves"?  It would kill me if Ali told Leah that her hair is brushed at Corey's after what happened last episode.  All things considered, Baby Cheetos is pretty good for a toddler.  She has to deal with wandering around in her nappy, having pencils thrown at her by the twinses, being buried under piles of crap in the car, being ignored by her mother and having a different person take care of her each week.  Threatening her with a time out when she tried to take off her shoes was silly.  Leah could have managed it a lot better by asking her if she wanted her shoes off or to walk around, the world wouldn't end if she sat down quietly with her shoes off.  It seems that the girls are a lot more comfortable with Corey if they are telling him all those details about Leah.  I don't imagine that Corey would be like Adam and pump his girls for details which leads me to believe that the girls aren't as happy with Leah as she thinks they are.  Which wouldn't exactly be the shock of the season.  

Jenelle - where to even start?  Sit on a bench at school and call in for the conference, it wasn't like she used the landline.  And maybe, just maybe, the teacher has stuff to do and doesn't have time to wait for your butt to drive over.  I love how Nathan, our resident psychologist, got completely shut down on the ADD thing.  I'm completely unqualified but from what we have seen, he doesn't seem to have ADD or ADHD.  He can focus fine when he wants to, he is suffering from having a part-time mum, lack of routine with said part-time mum and the normal difficulties of being raised by a grandparent and not a parent.  While he doesn't seem to want to see Jenelle, it doesn't make it any easier to know that she clearly wants Kaiser more than she wants him.  Plus he has to go through the crap of Jenelle wanting him back and then changing her mind.  

Last but not least, Kail.  She has clearly checked out of her marriage, she doesn't give a damn.  I don't blame Sterling and her mother for being pissed, I would be too if Kail left her phone on and complained about Javi the whole time.  It was supposed to be a fun weekend away, not a Kail whinge fest.  It annoys me how they didn't give Jo the chance to take Isaac for the weekend.  Isaac and Jo would have both loved it and there is no reason why he couldn't have taken him, apart from Kail being a bitch.  Watch and learn, Javi because it will be you in that position next.  And Javi won't be happy when Lincoln is being care for by another man when he was free. 

Edited by ChocolateAddict
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What painting place? I don't remember any of this.

Chelsea and Taylor took the girls to a place where you can paint your own canvas when they met to talk. Aubree was painting a canvas on an easel when she asked Chelsea what they were talking about. They showed the front of the building when they were walking in. It was called something like 'Wine and Canvas'.

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Now would also be a good time to paint their nails!

And there's a hairdryer right next to the filled bathtub that would be great for drying those nails faster. No parental supervision needed there!

I think the tide turned for Nathan when he saw Jenelle's true colors in St. Thomas. Some things, once you know, you can't un-know.

Every time Jenelle says that things are ------ since her "big fight with Nathan" I want to ask, which big fight with Nathan? How can one even keep track of them all? A special phone app?

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Chelsea and Taylor took the girls to a place where you can paint your own canvas when they met to talk. Aubree was painting a canvas on an easel when she asked Chelsea what they were talking about. They showed the front of the building when they were walking in. It was called something like 'Wine and Canvas'.

Did I miss an episode? When was this on TV?

These girls keep bringing it. This is just the fifth episode and only this episode alone was more drama and movement then the whole season of the OG teen moms. 

Don't know if that is a good thing for them. 


Kail: Cant blame her for not shutting her phone off. She has two small children. No way on earth would I not check if my husband texted me just cause I don't want to NOT know if something is up. Downside is she goes in on everything he's saying. Act cool and collected. But I did have a boyfriend who would get even MORE pissed off and clingy if I acted that way so maybe Javi is like that too? Still though. She really needs to stop setting herself up for failure and go crazy when it all falls down. Be pro active. I do think she has a good side to her. She has a stable friend life. That gigi girl and peach have been around for years. Also this other girl I forgot her name off and she seems to get along with Javi's family which if there was someone who she would not be getting along with it would be his sisters since they will probably be very protective of him. We only see the problems so when she is studying and being pleasant it will not be shown.


Jenelle: Was very surprised to not see her yell through the phone when talking to his teacher. It seemed like they didn't want to let the teacher be heard (she didnt want to be on tv?) so it was edited like she was talking to herself or her mom. But I felt like she is more eloquent then I would think. More eloquent then Chelsea and Leah for example. She really needs to stop with this cold/warm shit she got going with Jace. Doesn't she get that it is NOT FAIR!!!! to him to be all in his face about moving in..scaring him with losing Barbera and then all of a sudden she just gives up and acts like maybe later or better for him blahblahblah. Think things through before you leave the consquences of your behavior all on your sons shoulder. I would kind of respect her is she would just come out and say : I screwed up. I will do my best for him, seeing him as much as I can and let him have a good relationship with his brother but I think I will not be able to give him what Barbara is giving him so I will not be seeking custody. WHYYY keep this charade going. I feel like Nathan is done with her already. I hope she will just be a mother to Kaiser and stop bringing new guys who are SOOO much better then the one before. Just stop!


Chelsea: blah. Just not that interested in her. Still think she is getting a good edit and still think she doesn't want to be the disciplinarian towards her daughter. As soon as Taylor goes back to Adam she will act like a bitch to her again.


Leah: no words. How she acted towards Cory who has been extremely lenient towards her and still very caring for a very long time. Just no words. If people really can't see something good in their life and count their blessings, she really had to learn the hard way.

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Kail: Cant blame her for not shutting her phone off. She has two small children. No way on earth would I not check if my husband texted me just cause I don't want to NOT know if something is up.

Normally I would too. But since she was complaining about Javi texing her all night when they were out, and they were three time zones apart, she should have turned if off rather than engaging in a fight. Once the kids are alseep in bed and it's after midnight LA time, the chances of an emergency are slim. There are no flights home until the morning, so she couldn't do anything anyway.

Either way, they are both incredibly immature. Javi should not be up all night fighting when he has to take care of two kids the next day, and Kail should not have let it get to her. She must feed into it because she loves the drama.

The info I was looking for, thanks. Shoots that theory down, but there's something there.

I was a little older than Kale when something similar happened to me. I had two little ones and my ex and his friend from up the road drove in the driveway drunk once again in the middle of the day. I went off on them both and his friend knocked me down, instead of standing up for his wife, my very drunk ex looked at me and said, "Why did you have to make him mad? Now he won't like me anymore." People really do feel this way and say those things, even sober.

Nah, your theory has legs. I bet every girl on the show hasto be on the lookout for people using then to get famous. Sterling and her Mom who apparently paid for a trip probably expected some air time from the footage.

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